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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
mz - czcc:j daily joun::.L, poutland. Friday zvz::u:d, jly C7. i: :i XIZV TODAY. n.:t lf O 5:taity VQ Guaranteed First Mortgage tliena giving .the investor every' possible safeguard. - - r.'r-- - Interest and principal 'on all se ' ,. .. - i. . -? curities offered by this Company are payable at the purchaser's option in Portland, Chicago or New York City. , Yoo can open' an accounf with ua with 5 or more. '.''". ' . Northwestern Guarantee ; and Trust Company Lumber Exchange Building, ' ,, Second Floor.:. ' Working People Wage' Earners Begin at aace. Tour airings will ba aafa. Nothing; la gslaed by delay. V Interest will be allowed you at ( par (cat - par annas, oa eavlnga acroonta and tti . ta - par eaax par annual n awcia caniDcait ejt dapoalt fcy.tha ; . .. 4lde$tTrust.Comp3ny in dreon" .' Our Resurcet, $1,600,009 and ncarlf . TWEXTT TEARS' aotlnaaa to ' Partlaad anaak for thcmarrras. ' ' . Fftrj banking adraoUf a at frd roar ae- coant tutlud. , .. - Pcriland Trast Company ofOregon a. E. cor. M a ad OtK ata. TV Pkon . Tl" 1IENV. I. rnHF.X....'. H. U MTTfM-K. ...... B. LER PAET.....". J. O. tiOl.TUA .......... ..Pmldvnt ' Vlra-Praaldant aiaa ffTPtUTJ ...AMtatfttat Hecfftsiry For Platting- 10 ACRES NEAR PIEPMONT. HIGHLY IMPROVED. ; Loiiis Salomon . Room t Lumber Exohante Building;, - 8. E. Cor. Second and Stark Sta. HILL C EWALD : Contractors and Builders JJNNTON. OR. . v, Mala !. .Bt Johns phona Scott Oil. i INVESTMENT Oianre for Invrattnant in an BUb llnhed local buslneaa concern, nbaolutely rauiDi, ana oiTinenaa suaranteed; an opportunity Mldorn presented. This will - pa paw or -a limt lad tiro amy,-v-rrJRBW TAVaT TOSSM, nU raolflo assi. alH Xoniaoa St. ASacrifice Non-realdent, lirnorant of rise In Jrlcea.-Tin'era block of ten lot.n fn. ohna car line at half their present value. .Only cash needed.',. ' WJaatTXAaT Si nOKPSOV,' ; . Ohaaabra of Ooaanaroa. , , Mill i - vi ..t-imn,., .vr i mi or nuuae and lot, all ready tor hualneaa I4..0A. Poaltlvely tha beat opentns on the mar kat. If you want a money-maker, ae this at once. ... aX. W. AJalWUrB CO WH 4th -JAildneyaWnlllflte , ' If you have about $11,900 to Jnveat in . a fine proposition of this kind and can pay on a half caah, I hare It. Fine lo- cation and always full: will etand cloae inveatigatlon. If you mean bualneaa ae ma at onoe, aa this la offered for a few daya only. Clearing- $400 a month. Good reason for selling. H. O. BROWN ca, 47 Washington street. ; t $42 PER- LOT,, . SokIOO fret for (41. " Tkera are only 40 lota ! kmold oat of a trart of Tou lota, and tba lllbn-nla Marlnsa Bank baa ordarrd tlma Ma aold without delay : tberrfora the prlra will aa S43 per. tat nntll mrrrr lot M aold. Tneee Iota ara loeatrd oa earllne and arartlcallr aa tha rlaar, blak. alshtly and li-Tal. All caah la raqnlrrd. No teraia (Irra. Tltla Dertact. Call aa M. i. Clonnay, raoa iT. McKay bids.. Third aad Stark ata. 5 MORTGAGE h ... SLOANS W wmiAK szarxoxx, rauiiur Bid-. 1.,,' ; WEATHER REPORT. i .Jf B'rt area tmt weatara Wnk- i5f. " S:mn northward to Rrltlah "b, ". fair, weather .oontlanaa . lb! ... , norlo Parlfte -at ana. ,t la eaoln' In Wwth. raatara VVaahlnstoa, Idaho and northern . end warmar la tha WilUmetta aalley. Tba low preeaure area erar Arlaona baa ma luad aaarly atatlonary and r.nd trnJnl abowera and thandaratoraia la aoatb-ra SrTana, euthera Utah. Artoona. Krw U.ita iad thi Tetaa panhaadla. The law praaanra areTem aorUiawat l.LrlV,wm eaatwardl It- baa eaaaeS BMdnatalr ".7,, reins In tba r.a.dl.a aorthweat and ll-bt4 amouata a North Dakota. Tha UaThnTlaf iH"?"??, ta '"'.'"L ad baa adnnced tba take rln. Tha barometer rontlmiea relatively bisk la the Atlaatle states, but ial ralna, howeTar, bare woinod at aratterMl places la tba aoatb AtUatlr and east Vulf SUtea and alaa la Kanaa. and aHaaoarl TIM, ladleatlooe are for fair weather Is thla Slatrlrt tonlht and Satwday. It will ha warmer .this afternoon la tha Wlllaawtts a. ley and mud eaantry sad warmer tonlrht and Saturrta, is i aaatara Orroa, eaatara Waah Instaa and Idaho. - -. Ouaarvatloaa ukaa at a. a.. Parlflt tuna: i . . -Tama. .. . atatlona Mai. Mia. Freds. SO " an 1 irtna. M..4rtiuaetU.... .. rat tblreiM, Illlanla. S4 T-a,er, Colorailo. ad Kaaaaa Cltr. Mlaaoarl.... SO . .M "M 62 T4 64 T ' 61 64 a . as U Ancelea, California.... S .0 . . J Portlaad, Orea, SO Knavbars, Or-e-oa M t-i. Lou la. Mlaxwl. ........ S4 tValt Uka. I tak... at ftaa rraoHaro, Ol II fnrale . . . S4 fa"diaaa, Waahlns tea, a, St " Tarnaaa, Weehlnrtoa T Vi'alla Walla. Waahtaaitoa.. M si'aahlnrtno, f). C SO At DEATHS. t EMANrsiy . vi.rsta CBlsssaa, bt. liaaeat a aauJtarluas .. ' rear,' . ,. T m ' .a BIRTHS. B088 July it, te Mr. and Hn. a. o. bio Mil reartleth, a girl. MOSK8HOHN July U. t Mr. N. Mi.imiI.. at. Mnei a alrl Kn. DAY Jaly 85. U Mr. and Mrs. Mlehsel Day, Woodstock. Boy Wedding Car. W. a. Smltk A Co.. Wuh' tagtoa bldg., ear. Fourth and Wsshlsgtea ata. Wadding and celling tarda . eunTSved a Bash toa, 822 ft Waahingtoa at. vrina atarna. room -aia mummy eiu. ptaylar-aa4- g-nodlwert I limim h. UNDERTAKERS. - Dunning. MeBntee- ft -Ullbsagh. anderteher u tnuiam modern la itrrr duaiL Bsvvni ana. no, nam 430. Lady ssslstsat. A. R. HBibMk undervakaai and .mhalnur Bsst ThtrtMBU a ad lautllls at, nana, SeU- Erlrkeoa Undertaking Co., embalming. Alder at. Phone Mala 8133. ue J. P. llllM A In. Third mmm Uaillaiia ar. AMm . . - ... . j i r - . , v. rorvn-fr, rmmmm aiaia e. Edward Holmio, endertakcr, 2H) Third at. : BtTEBTIXW . CEMITtET. - .-.. Single graves 110. Family lots ST5 ti 81.000. Tha only nalr In Portland which per eelually maintain and ceres for lota. Far fall information apply to W. B. Msckentie. Wor cester uwi, dty. W. M. Ladd. president. " REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Arlrta Land raKnaay to Lanra A. rierey. ! SI. block J, Arh-ta Park No. ... Innjts K. Fred L. KewalL lot I.'. blOTk II Ulhl Th Villa . Alfred and Ella C. Baker to Kllllaai Hut- ' '. tar. land la arcthia S. townabln I aoalk, ranra I east, containing ,0O0 . aqnare feet .......................... 0. U. aad K. J. . Ka.ksnrf.ll J u too Adama. lot 1 and 2. bkMk S, Alblna ' Hclghta ,........... 1,500 Arleta Land eownaay to A. I. Euyer, lots 8 aad a block a Arleta I'erk he. S.. SOS Bcawell B -and Jaae M. - Lamaon aad - 4 nicaara w. Moatrrue to H. E. CleaMsa, lot JS, block 1, Villa llelshte Lilly M. and Raymond Saaebeer to Boaa M. Booth, lot S, block 38, Central Al Mna SM William Ptererhke re Walter A. Kins Ltt a 1.1.. n ii . ste Oearea r. Bogfr and BUncii' T.' ' b'hj wit. to k. w-bitaey. nsdlTlded U ; .Interest In lot 8 aad weat 14 feet D-ae- '"' . rUi block 8S, ; ' Raleigh a addition T. Mr Word, aberlff. to Oregon, rma pany. lou IT to 21. block 14; fcVta S and . ' ' 4. bkvk 1; lot I. block Sfl; lota S and " 4 block A4; , lots t- aad 8. block S4, " . LlanUia ... . ts Ben aad Era Palla, to Nicola CoUagele . and (i act a no Raf lloao. part of block 11. uwi-a Aouiiwa ta. (.araisare . sa- ' dltie ........ I Martha I atd J. H, Ebvle to John . Hcwett. all Bf-btork l. and lots SI aad . ft. and all that portion f lota S. a. ZX anil Si. block A2. Penlnaular addl. " Hon No. d ' V ' SO Title Oaarantee Trust eonineny ta T. ... a. anq rr. ri. rterQmaB. ant it. Nock SI. Klrst addition to HolUday rr. iiianwa ... . - - - 1.100 Pvrtland Truat Somnaar of Oreeoa in r. m. mount, tot zi. biock IS. wmisma Arenua addltina ...... die Edward . Mendenhail coninany to Frank ltdeaber. north M ef lot 8. block 8. cltT . . . a AAA The Hawthorne estate to Alma Themes, , . - lot S. block 4. York S00 0. O. Lots to Aleiandee ChrlatU. lot St. j . block Alblna . 1,80V B. A. Wllaon. exerntor. to W. H. Markfll. lot a. block S. Harts addltloa to East tVrtUnd ........... 1.000 0. W. and Nellie Taylw to E. L. Tkoma. . , son. lot 14. block 4: lot 4. block S. . .: Soatb Sanayslde addltloa t Eaat Port- land :. 1,100 The board ef school truateea to Frederick A. Retaatber and Adolph . W. Harr. lot' 14 and ncrth is I X feet let IS. aubdlalaWa block STT i.SU C. H. and Addle M. Jsnea to Elisabeth R, Tate, eaat of lot 10, block 9, Tabor Heisbta 1,100 William and Lena McBeatb to Vtrslnla . ' and Eathrr I'enwell. part ef lot L In hlock'B. St. Johns tldshta I, S00 rlttlnls and Either Prnwell to Bamnel Swrnsck Dart, of block B. Bt. Johns Helshts 100 rortisna Treat romnaay or nregoa to Lew Walker. Iota S and S and eaat IS feet lot T. block S, WaTerlr.,.-? Title Oaarantee ft Treat company ta Fred -Wslkrr- tots-T t"nbtoc-. Seant t. Johns C. F. snd Kettle Bnnker to William and lnt McBeatk. lots S and V block SI,. . town of Llnnten T. M. Word, aberlff. to P. H Marls, lot 14. block 18: lota IS and In. Mock 14;. - H kits ff f r T. i ' ; lot a. block SO. Linn ton; lot 1. IWI 1: M 6. block S: let 14. block S; lota 4 and S. Mock 4; lota IS .and 14, Laarelwaod ' Park ........ 50 8SS too Get roar Insurance and abetracta ta real eetate from the -Title Guersntee Trust company, S40 Washington arret t, corner Second. NOTICE. PORTLAND, OREGON. Jaly IS, 10. Sealed bids will ba reeelTed at the ofSce ef the school clerk, city kali, np ta 18 m, Tuesday, July 81, 1BOS, for planning and dralnase, etc., for tha East Portland high school build ing. Plana aud Bpeetflestlons for ssm can be seen at tha orSca of tne architect, 834 Eaat Third at., dty. All propoaala moat be . accompanied by a certified check (or 10 per cent of the amount of proposaL The school beard riwm the right . ts. reject Bay and all bids. 1 hum as r. jo.t EB. ' araiitect. NOTICE at Stockholders' Meeting The annaal tcckholdrrs of the Snlllran Extension Mlnlns company, fo Tneelecttmr f a hoard cf directors fisr the ensuing yeer, . aad for the Ire Meet ton of auch other bailees -as may--regularly real before them, will be held at the ofOc ef the campaar. name out V 004 Chamber ef Commerce building.. Port land, uregoa. oa Aaguii a. imio, at a o'cioea P. m. GEORGE F. flOLMAN, Secretary Bullleaa Extension allnlnc Company. - Portland. Oregon, July ST, 19U0. . NOTICH OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET! NO The annual meetmg ar the etorkbeldere ar the Coeur aTAIene Deeelopment eompeny. for the election ei a Boa ro or an errors ror tne seen. hit yesr. asd for the trsnaaetioa ef auch etlier baalneea as mar recalsrlr some before there, will be held et the office ef the anas- panr. rooms not to on4 Cbsmber ef CmBmerce bldg., Portland Orrgoo. en Aagust . 1808, at 10 o'clock a. m. GEORGR t! ROLMAsT. Secretary Coeur d'Alene Daealopmeat Osm. ?aay. ertlsnd. Oregoa. July II 1808. - ' NOTICE OF SPECIAL cTroCK HOLDERS' MEET- IVK Notice 4 hereby gleea that a epeclal meettng of the storkholilers of ths North Ps clf le Aamber company for tbe election of s hoard ef directors bss been ordered by the board ef directors, to be held at tne office of tlie com pane In the Worcester bulldlnr. In the city, of Portland. Oreaen. aa Satnrdar, the 4tb day ef Angnst. 1808, at S o'clock p. m., and will be ae held. - D. MACK AT, Prestdent. W; B. MACK AT. Secretary.-- - The anderatrned will recelee sealed MAS ; for a stock of aterehaadlee of the Inrolce eahte ef 814.000 or thereabout!, toeetber with : fixtures amounting to about 11,200. located st lose. Morrow county, Oregoa, BP to 11 'clock Bona of August 1. 1S0S. ' A caah depoalt ef 10 per cent of roe , amottnt bid mast accompany each offer aad the right la reserved to reject 'any snd all - bids. The Ineentory may be aeea at my office aad the property may be Imported at lone. " Bf Ojj ' SrV"' 0tt9mk ttlw , .'. ' . 8ABIN. Freat and Ankeay a tracts, Portland. Oregoa. "?TiII"P.nrm h,T,B Seadi ar merehandlae -.-.-w wnw m any warenooe, Bl N aC'S Front et.. era hereby notified that I base leased the premlees to ethers, and that th'lr property must be renwred within - B0 days. All goods remaining an tbe prsmlaai Sept. I will bo. removed and wtored eleswhere at ewner a expense. I thank yea all for year patrahagB and tha confidence reposed in me. , n B j - FEED BICE EL. MEBT1N0 NOTICES. . MlTLTNOMAfl CAMP. Be. n. W, 0. W.. meete tonight In th4r ban. Eaat Slsth, near East Adder. All slatting Balsa bars esrdlally welcomed. f . H. B. INGRAM. 0. C J. M. WOODWORTH. C ' M. W. A., Oregoa Grape Camp, No. S.STS, Mon days 17th aad Maraball; rtaltors welcome. U. W. A. BVRROREBN CAMP. Seen, moots Wedaeaday arealag. AlUky bldg.. Third and Morrteoe sta. LOST AND FOUND' LOST rA. focterrler puppy.. Retur 4 grocery I niare, 14th aad ailaaa, sad recslr reward. LOST AND FOUND. WILL party arte took package from Waeerly- Woodateca car. cootalnlna S dreaa aklrta. oa Tneaday. S4tk, return to Joarnal efOce and sere furthee trotiUe, ar phone Mala 1M0 and nmn rvwara r LOST A silver watch sad gold ring, sained to owner aa keepsake! left la bouse at U4 Sherman at. latlala ea guard. Ketara ta Joarnal efSce.. Reward. LOST V. 0. T. charm, Mlnneapolia, No. SS. atetora ro a. a. Lxlgatoa. its saai km sl., dty, foe reward. . HELP WANTED If ALE. P7AKTED 100 bora . snnrenttces to oa A marten a ateaasers.. They will oeeopy the , poaltlon ef petty offlcara oa board. Must be American bora and orer 18 yeere ef sge. The term ef encasement shall be three reara. Wares IXO nee month first eesr. SW per month second year. $40 per meath third year and a anftaa at 4he ead ef the third rear at S23A. For teema and eondltloae "apply taj - . j. Homes FT ilea secretary ateamanip aao- natwn ex aaa rraBCiaeo, iiv sin afreet, Baa rranciace. . cat. 00 TOKNO mea for Sremea aad brakamea ea leadlne railroads! exnerlenee anneeoaaarri Sremea set 9100. brakamen ISO: rapid pro saotlcai to eoslneee or ' eondactoe at doable the aalrrri poaltlnna now oven, Addrrea near. eat efflce. National Railway Training Asa'n.t Tft Paxtoa blk., Omaha, Nebraska. or asi aiage Diag-t e a nee a city miaeoara. MEN AND WOMEN ta leera Barber trade. In .eight weeka; aradoatea earn from 10 to szs week ly : exnert tnatractorai catalosua free. Molrr Sratem ef.Collegea, SS North Foarth at., reriiana. SALESMEN to tntradnee tba srorld'a wonder In rmlta Bnrbank'a aew stoneleas pin Addreaa Waahlnf ton Karaary 'company. Top peuien. waanmgioa. . WANTEn Vonna mea to learn telegraphy aad railroad accMtntinei aa lanes to so.w. For free estaloaue addreaa Morae Celleaa at Teiegrapny. aua izth as., oaciasa. vai. VTrn Two or three flrat-elaas. all-sroond lea crime men: pat Bieaonf position, good wares. Oregon Fornltare Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WR set work for ear members: special stem. era. SS. T M. C. A Foarth and XamhlU. COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Take work home. SI Rslelgk bldg.. Slsth aad waealngtaa sta. WANTED Boy - sbont IT. steady norta ,Toot si., .coraer uaria. WANTED Mattreasmakeaa, OS , North- Froo, ar. paeia. - W NTFn man to work In brick snd newer- pipe factory. Apply to fries vumona unci Co- foot of Aakeny at. WANTED Men aad teems Bt Jensen A Sana' brickyard. Thirty-eighth and Bandy road: good wases to right psrtles. Pboae Eaat S30S. WANTED-e-Men for hrlehrerd. Verateeg-Onr . Brick Co.. 81st and Tillamook its. Tsks Irslngtoa ear, .,... WANTED All-eroond blacksmith ; wasee SS; mere If astlsfsctory. Addreaa W. P. Scrtraer, Heppaee. Oregon.. . . ... . . t . . tr-ryrs - wanted to 'ell aopertor. high-grade a ornery etcek; emnplere eajtfrt fnrnlebed tree: caah weekly : write today for choice ef tor rlrory. Caidtal City Nursery Company, Salem, 'Oregon; WANTED Foaadrymsn who baa a little money a Sne chance for the right mas. - Addreaa bos D S. cars Josraal. ' - WANTED For efdee work, yoemg man. goad renmaa, on Irk and accurate at agores. . A I. ear Journal. SEWER dtyger wanted. $1.50; t boors. work. Eaat Morrison aad Sth sta. - PU MBERS snd helpers, soa.t. , . Call at 4S4 Morrl- an'ICTTnRS wanted for Oale Window Shade Co..- SST Sahnoa at.; steady position for right party. TWO rirat-claea earrlsg painters wanted at tns Ollssa st. WANTED A good macblDemaa la I log North lltk at. furnltor . factory. Call WANTED Modng-ptrtare Bucbtaa-eparetors; will teach yea the Bualneaa: rerme eery roe. aoaable: peel three secured; good salary. New. .aaa, 148t Sixth st. . . .. WANTED Tosmg man to do stamping for ' art aeediework: eteeny poaitioa. good salary. Address F 8, ear Journal. WANTED Teong people to proper thameelvee ea bookkeeper end etenegrapberai have bad Jrf8LjsilaglncxuBptniher 1 Bliced gg a positions. We will piece you when com petent. Dee or night. - Catalogs, .- Bebake- . Walker Bualneaa enllage- WANTED Veang man to drive -milk wage thottle dellveryyj good wages to good sua. V. D. Smith's Para Milk Dairy. Phone Mala 0868. WANTED Good weaver! ; steady work sad pay. Apply Pendletoa Woolen Mine. WANTED Mea for brickyard. 81.60 pee day. Seventh aad Russell ata. . James Anderson. WANTED One good eement-Snteher. Call -room 4ST Lumher Exchange, Second sad Stark. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'! LADIES AOaTNCT. 84IU Washing ton at., cor. Seventh, apatatra. Phona Mala SOBS. Female help wanted. GIRLS WANTED Opera tore, te week aa shirt and overall. Leaeon gives 10 inexperienced. Apply at Standard faasary Men 8, Olssd aim TrTkS Taylor at.. WANTED Olrls to mil . '.'Boaa af All" alia at TB First St. . , THB HOME LADIES AGENCT. Female htlp furnished free smployar. Reglat ratios Free. 1SH Foarth t., upstairs, room SS. Mala M26. SEND 10 centl for Besaty Secret formula; alae . circular ef 100 ether valaabla recelpta. . Las Asgeles Receipt Co., Los Aug lee, CaL GIRLS a boot is years ef age to work la fae ' tery. Apply at once, A mee-Barrte-Neville 43a, Fifth and Dada eta, WANTED Help. ..CtvloB Iawuidry Caw and commoia. . - COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Take work home. 81 UlelgS bldg.. Blxta aaa Waahingtoa ata, WOMAN, Beer SS. fair adaeatma. knowledge, most drees aeatly. ta tak paaltloa m annro. ao awie Ding. GIRL for geaeral homework. Mount Tabor, near earllne. Call at SwstUad s, STS Morri soa at. ..'(.... , WANTED Hotteekeeper for widows, .email rnmuy. 1 Addreea E s, car Journal. MIDDLE-AGED woman for ' small, housework as waaaing w Everett st. - - SOMEONE for . house ms k ta adult family ot two. Phone Mala 01UO. WANTED Lade with 830 ta manege Oregon branch ef eetebllebed medicine builneas: large pronta: -rererence remnreo. . Agent Medicine Co., I40H Sixth St. a MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wasted asd eunplled. mil ae femsls. R. U. Drake. XtH WaablBgtoa aa. PaclSr 1.170. MAN 'AND WIFR for work ea snbnrbaa borne no cd 1 Hire. o iu, care eearaai. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. t WTLL pat ap tSO eaih eseadty for a clerk'l poeitioB, anippiag cierg in grocery store pre ferred; am old soldier, col leg bred. Address for S days, . B 11, care Journal. EN0IKEER. S years' expcdeBr with dredger. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE MIDDLB-AOED several Beers' exnerl. aa autrna of large elty hospital ta eeat dty, daalrea ansltloa of trust and re. iniiiir: eaeootUM,! refersacakv B S, car Journal. W.?TIDrB1UoB. .. kooeekeeper It imsll I akciaseisa, CU US IbbTI SI. i "WANTED AGENTS. INSLBANCB A OK NTS AND BROKERS. . ATTENTION 1 m , : Why net place your health Bad accident rlaka with the Continental Caauslty Company of Chlraso, the larst company In thi world doing a errtctly health and accident bualneaa ? Tbay alae haee eolleetloa nrlTlleges on EIUHTT per erst of tbe railroad mlleagB ef U. S.jhey write the beat eon tr acta aud pay the blsheet commlmloas. t all ea or write- Mallory Co., managers aorthweetera department. 508-4 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Portland, Oregoa. BIG PAT to ens agent la each county working , t the Inreotora' Guide. 811 Msrqaaa bldg., Portlaad, Oregoa. WANTED Agentet-anaMtnlng aewi S9Pd aal big wages. Bud McKay bldg, , w Uart MAN of rood addreaa. eery etry-4a Oreeoa. tl f.k. 1ul.o, Co.. 84.000. OfO espltsli Isrse eommlsslens. General Ae ddeat Co.. Muhawk bldg.. Portland. Oregen. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. TOS Port lend EmnlormeBt Co., SO0V Morrlsos at. I'ho.V Paclne 238. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0IT1CB SB North Second at. - r Phona Mala 1BSS. BIG FOUR EM P. AGENCY Help eupptltd free. - 1 Ms-tb Beeoad at. - Phone Mala isio. "WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Houses, eottafea, flata. . sroras, offlcea, roomlng-honaaa, ate. . Land- lords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST OOMPANT OP OIlxXJON. ;. Phone Bx. 11 tl. Car. Sd aad Oak. WANTED Hoaaea. Seta aad stores to raat personal attention glreo this deeartmeat. ' . . BERT ft VAN FOBS EN, f Sm Morrisoa st. Pacific SSBs S - UNFURNISHED rooms, strictly new and modern, In Sat or home, within 10 Block of 10th and Washington sts. Addreaa F T, ears Jonraai. - . WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Bualneaa or residence property ta the city la exchange for good farm lands; esa haadle anthing from il.ooO to $80,000; we also base aome excellent buya ta timber and graxlng land. Call and see Si; WS wsat to get aenualnted with yon. . TURNER ft WALKER, . Room 4. S0SH Washington at. WANTED Lot la exchange for equity la or T-room home. Phone Eaat 8041. , WE WILL SELL your property, no matter what it la or wnere loestea. nana description now n wre will do the rest. Investors' Gold Ca, 811 Msrquam bldg., Portland, Oregoa. WANTED 10 to 40 acre for ranch; must he within Z8 miles ef Portland aad Bear trans. pertattoB. F IT, care Journal. BAROAIN wanted for -caah. eon or lot. Call 8 B. .cor. 4Sd and E. Salmon ata. WANTED Small tract near city: hare caah buyer. Tbe Continental Co., 848 Stark at. WANTED Small a crease, near dty, st sac; run particular, s jo, care eoarnai. ISO OR more land In north era Klamath county: atate lands preferred. B IS, care Journal. f 10.000 IN eeenrtttea paying 8 per cent to ax ensnge ror Portland residence nr Buatneen property. Lafayette Realty Co., 818 Wash ington at, room 18. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED $000 to open up new copper mine; win give an extra-gooa opportunity and in dncemeat. Call la forenoon Jones' Book Store, 1 Alder St. WANTED Loan ef 81,000 oa good farm S5 mi lea rrom roruana; pig eecurity tor , tae morey. Addreaa D 8, care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BUT. SELL OR TRADE ANT OLD mnvA wvlTrBM fl,T V ina ro sot. S2 -WASHINGTON- PACIFIC TSS. ..'". WR WILtV BUT year furnltnre any old time. Waatera BaiTaga v., ozi waahingtoa ax. PAINTING, snriylng and whltewaablng tree. baa, ment a. barns, dorks, etc; largest gasoline spraying outfit oa the coast. M. o. Morgan dr Co., STS tlnton ave. f hone Snt BIT. Msla SOBS Mala oSM FtJRNITTF. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS til first st. I Mala 8688 WHO 18 M. O. MORGAN ft CO.t WANTED Te bay medlnm-daed track ar la dowa wagoa. Crane bottle Co. Phona Mala HIGHEST 1 arte paid goods. Phone Eaat OOTt. 136 Union are. WANTED To tak a pert ea Tamping trie; a good outfit. B. H. Sharnlghouesa, B. P. D. No. 1. Gresbsm, Or. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU. Sfttt NORTH SIXTH ST. Kisgsatiy rnrniueo, stesm seat aaa oains. THB GBANDt 46H North Third Bt. Boom for geatiemea gi.zs per weex and ap. THE BENNETT. 661 H Morrlaea St.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, under new management Remodeled and refurnished; ale porcelala hatha and bet water all tbe time; rooma by the day. wsek or month, single or en suits, at paaaleo eel aaa. Phial Mela like. 81 AND UP Nicely forntehed rooms. "108 17th . lU bet. Waah, At Stark.-Phooe PssuVs SMO. FI'RXISHED mom at the Helgiite. Pbon Best 624. tea at Portland FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, Flanders end Seventh Kooma, kouaekeeping ana transient; con venient; prices reaeonable. LA RIB elegantly fnrnlabed honaakeepiag. rooma; gii range, running water; ill Mne dale. 508)4 Alder at. 1.H1 PER - WEEK Large, eleaa furnished BouarBeeping-Tooma; launory aa. dbib. 1B Sherman, South Portland. 11.00 WEEK UP, clean furnished bouae keep ing-room, wiin yarn, parior, munary, Deis, fumsc beat. 208 Vt Stanton at. U car. . S FURNISHED heuaekeeplng rooma ta. . 632 Seventh Bt. THE JEFFERSOKIAN. 814 Jefferson at. Nicely furnished euitee or two or tare rooms with all convenience! cheap. - FOR BENT 8 furnished housekeeping rooms. ground floor. 148 Bellwood at. ( L car. SUITE, completely furalahed, gaa rang, 818; central, beet locality. 146 North 16tb. Phona Mala S17S. Pt'RN'ISHED botiaeaeeplrig rooms or tents; ale location. 1 Mw sua tiers camping uroaads. Mount Tabor. Phone Rest 4I2S. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. UPPER floor. 18 rooms, aew. 1D0 Market at. Main o64. ROOMS AND BOARD. MOTHERLY" can of small child not S years. M. Conway, Lenta, Oregoa. WELL-FURNISHED roomi with board; raaaoa able ratae; medera. 44S Jeffersoa st. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Modern S-room house, southesst eorner 26th and Eaat Plae: reat 61; -thla ta cheap reat: the heme la la good order. MaU ft Borstel, M East Barns loe it, Phooe Eait 168. FOB RENT Good T eer Stark. sa Park at.. M. B. LIB. tl Sixth st. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO., prompt and re liable piano and furniture-mover) alw itor age. Phoa Mala 1695. OfOc 110 N. Third. FOR RENT A new modem 4-room out tag; rent 14. Phase Tabor S2S. FOR RENT room heuee, modem, tot nth st. Pboee Mala S006. FOR RENT 8-room cottage, Ne. 14B 16th at., between Hoyt aad Irving. 1 Apply aaxt door. VROOM cottars, centrally located. close In. . newly papered,' MaU Uou'. . newly papered, goed aiaaiuea, i'tum FOR KTNT IIOUSZ3. 1S MODERN ret tats. S Urge auuiuiua ,ii rrom oowntowa. ; HAGkMANN ft BLANCBABD. l Fifth st. FOR BENT T-room noaae. t loU; bar, ehotr aruDVory; all BlttOB ITUIt , treee. U. Le ennmaa, B7B cbapmaa BL Phooe Unlea lloS, atODERIT T-room cottage for rent, ' No, 4A8 spur in at. inquire George. W. Carr, ST -AUiru ax. FOR BENT S and room choice atrlctly mod ern nats oa Eaat Ninth and Coach sta. M. E. LEU. - Phone Pacts 60. 88 Birth at. FURNISHED HOUSES. FURNISHED bouae. T . - S blocks frel Portland hotel rent 8M Sixth and Salmon ata. Call Hathaway'! HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. . . TURK FOR SALE. FOR SALE rural tore of lS-room house. Hgbt oa nrta-et eariiuai spmadia locattaa. M UWI1 1 FOR BALbV FBralturs st 818. SOS Mill at. (-rooa. bouse, rent PUBNITITRB reoma-a t4 CofcMaet. price bi; anap; rent "--- 9 FOR "RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, aafnrnlehed rooma Bad sample. rooma for reat. Good no ugk, bldg. Apply sla- sator. i PART of shop to rent, soluble for painter ar pmniner, zua our is bi. . DESK aad room for rant, 0 a month : ' fine location. o4T Waahingtoa. Pacific vm. DKSIRARLB atore an t'nloo are.'! rent SIT.nO. Hartmaa ft Thompaoa. No. S Chamber ef Commerce. SUMMER RESORTS. L0CK8I.ET HALL, SEASIDE,- OBEGON tinner new managsmenr; concerra. annine. elambakea, picnics, tenom; free boa meets all tralna; 100 elegant oatalda rooma; pri vet baths; electrt llghtai annex overlooking the sea; cottage. For rates, new ration, addreaa Harry T. Bntterworth, menarer, or Mrs. Carlttle. portiaBd. raeioe bbo. KECANICUM IX M, Seaside. Oregon Bene d. rectly fsclng ocean: Bowers aad ape ct mil groonde, electric llghta. aaady beach, home cooking. Mlaa B. Damaaa. prep. Get eff t Nec antrum atatloa. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITB aa oulck Shout recent Important de velop men la or ma aiurax automauc iwitra Signal Co.: buy atock before big advanc. J. P. Bunt ft Co., SOS McKay bldg. THB homeseekere' xcwrdoa to eaatera Ongra. overuuid, will Mare iBoet nrat or amy. uu JOSH roorth at., room SS, Sot Inter ma tlos. tlO.000 WILL bay 00x188, eenrrslly lore tad. Income fx. loo . per yeer; pays a par ceai ea SSO.O0O; thla property abeuld treble Is- value In tbe nest 10 years, being better eecurity than any bank, and this times better thea loaning money oa real aetata. Mr. Bjooada, ZOK 14 Stanton, corner Commercial. Alblna. WHO IS M. G. MORGAN ft CO.t MRAT market for sale cheep; 838 Untoa Bve., north: doing good Bualneaa. FOR SALB Ftaa lot at shehrlBg. al) B part. cneap. r-oowe a-arciiiv uoi. BURST SWITCH stork for asle cheap: I bay. aell and loan money ea ateeke or ment; gold duit end prertoue atoaes bought; avmthl dividend-paying etocka a apeetalt. W. J. Curtli. SIS Commerdal but. - Mala BSS4. WANTED A - good mining proposition to In- corporate aad Snanee. I. 0. Bailey ft Oo 481 Lumber Exchange. rOR SALB OR TRADE A first -c hue paying reomug-aouaa. inquire lozui nortn aixta at. DRUG STORE Excellent location, food bual- naaa. - rnralahed room aad atoreroom; good reaaoa for Belling: will a tend Investigation; fine opening for young man: will eeertflee fog 84.400. H. O. Browa toa st. Padfte 800:. . ft Co, 647 WBahlnf. I CtN place yea In bualneaa anywhere la United State: big profit, aad a aeeeealty; emell capital required. - Call Bt wagon, northead corner Flret snd Washmgtoa. weak days. BARBERS I would boy- a a hop If rassoaabla. a 4, cars journal. ., BARGAIN Cigar ' atore, bllllard-room, le cresm parlor aad reetaoreat; double bdldtag, eheaa rent, teed location; fcin l eoi . 120 to 150 per day: will sell for less jthsa cost of fix tare. For particular cell eh or , addrees W. H. Morehooee. 1670 Bast 11th St., or prone Bellwood 14. . FOR SALB Halrdreealag. manlcming and beeaty parlor ; a eplendld prepodtloa for a ' person understanding ths Builnces. D SO, esr journal. WANTED Caabter for a reetaurant, aa partner; pay yoa Is) a week and room and board; aroat bsve 1250. Cell 244 Stsrk at. CONFECTIONEBT STORE The beet bergs In today ror a paying atore. ..vau xwv start at. BEAL ESTATE bualneaa; owner wanta active partner to attend of Or aad show lsnd; 8600 reouirea; proot very , targ. tau , hih Btart at. FOR SALE Confectionery and cheep. 451H Wsshlagtea st. cigar tore. 000 WILL buy a reetaurant and ranch counter tnat la making money even ia tnie anil aea fonilBtBlur.tI12 atopls. good Sxturea; good leaaa; fine location. , . HA0EMANN ft BLANtJHABD, st ritta at. CONFECTIONEBT sad cigar star, good loca tion, fsoo; inveetigate. B. u. rining, st. John. - - - RESTAURANT and rooming houee. 24 xi -room potei in gooa railway town. Geaeral merchSBdla store oa Willamette dver. ' OREGON FARM ft BOMB LAND COMPANY. SOT . McKay bldg.. Third Bad Stark sta. PARTY witk fl.ono, to grasp opportunity; sa Industry no corapentios; isrge immedlats returns. Addrees C 1, car Journal. BARBER-SHOP FOR SALB. cheap If taken at Apply to owner, b t irit at. 12 H SHARES la an old establiahed wholeaale tmaiBene et par vaise or siuo per snsre; wttn thla atock a good position can he had for a buetaeaa man. CaU at 10T1 Third at. It noeted In tba manuf actor of wood alcohol. with equipment ready te tat Bp..CtU .lOT'A intra st. SAWMILL FOR SALB S. 000 capadty, 4.000,000 feet trees umDer; gooa ucsi traa. call 1U1 Morrlaoa et. . .. - FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE Grocery atore In lire valley towa or z,vuo population. Address P 8, care JournsL FOR SALB Hotel and feed hsra la thriving town la central Oregon; railroad now building to ths town. Address B 6. cars Joarasl. GROCERY with -Sxtnrsa, excellent delivery bone, wagon, etc., ror ssie cneap er ex cbsngs for small farm. J, E. Hosaier, TST Union Bve., north. ' WHO will farntib monee to patent ' valaable Inventloa and take hair Interest in same? Addreaa R 105, ear Journal. .. . . . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. (2.250 WILL BUY tt nice a borne aa can be hat ror tne money in ue city ana it m oa tba weat aide; walking distance, toe, . HAGEMANN ft BLANCHARD, , . , - 81 Fifth St. ' riPTH-ST. PROPERTY - ' n. two win any aa laeai noma aa aa lot, ekiae In; no better bay oa the market, .HAGEMANN ft BLANCBABD, ; . St Fifth at. FOB SALS) 1 SMdera S-reom. houses In good Iocs t km: buv of owner Bad tars oommlwlon. Phone Wood laws SOS. , CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY - - Bargain e-rnora house, block, water aad gss; prlc 12.600. H block In buslsees district, lltk aad Kearney. 128,000. Fine fsrm, 44H a eras, Wsahlngtoa eonaty, IS miles from Portlaad. 83.500; Improvements 11.000. Inquire SOS Foarth ei BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOMB. 4 scree, fine house, hsra. eblrksn-bons and yards, levant fruit, berries snd garden, ea -cent earllne; a greet bargain; 13.650.. ... SAMIfEL WELDON, . . .. 145V4 Third Bt. i I' BOUSES bulU on InstaUmanta, IntB.U dastrV Sis tsmmsfgiBI Bldg, MBUt Ureu, FOR SALE REAL TSTATS. wr uisirre irii. IVT1TS CO.. iCorasl'las. Or.. Waahingtoa Cuauty, Miles - Eaat of rereet Grove. ThedJecca of the W illamette Valley. Improved Farms snd Timber I -and. - 1 u acres, highly Improved. IS Sua B AO screa. anrultlvated land, oA. 8 70 acres, pertly cultivated. 11,600. . 1 1 - . . l a,e - 7 e . w. iMiue aow w, 6 70 acre, flue fans, aew balldtngs. 0 oOiSOO. fin boo aad hsra, fruit. For- r Grove, gl.uuo. . T M crea, A Nov X tana (tiled), frail, TS Ikabr gPt. . B-0T acre, ea WUUmitls Bear New berg, fine place, gs.000. ' . .,0370 a en, with crop aad atock. tools, ST.T50. n 10 SS acrea, sloaa la, t paying farm. CO.WJW. -,. 11 Tl icree nna usd, with crop aad stock, - ST. 100;- - .,.,.... lz 00 scree, with crop and stock, A No, 1. - 80.000. - . . ........ 18190 acrea timber, 5,006,000 feet, aa stream, gl.uuo. , 14 .1,-aere farm, a good stsrtsr, Sl.SOp. ' le law acres limner, uiacaamaa- evwaiy, iu per acre. 102 acres, t bonus, barna, fruit, 8600 17 SO mormm ttmher. No. 1. tAOO. ' - - 1840 acre timber. No. 1. Cone bay. Bono, 101 fine residence, Fttreet Grove. 81000, , - SO to acrea, well improved place. 81.0U0, 81 SO scree. In city , ef Cornelias, bouse nd tuarau SJt oal. a aaan. acred, with house' and bam. la Cor nelius. 11.600. 84 dO-scrs farm, sa rsUrosd, A Ha. Boll. 84.100. . . .26 85-aere farm. IS scree la prunss, ' monev-makae. ga.COO. . So 40 acrea, )U mile la railroad, good farm, 61.800. ' , . ST New boasa and I lots, Comeltue. SSOO. , SS 100 scree, stock raach. 81KS6 per acre. . au au acrea. beaver asm, au smanu. . gsn per acre. ' . . SI lOO aero a Man et tl BOA. 8240 sere. wlU, atock aad BoelaV partly im proved. i,iaj. - 83 164 acrea. a fine located plae aad ba nco rem en ts, 820 per sen. 84 146 acrea, t boassa, orchard, aprlpg, ' 880 per acre. 85 TS acrea, SH mile south of Corn Una. SO SO acree, rich bottom lead, all clearej. 866 per acre. ST TH acrea, la Corneltua, tm per acre. na ZBK acrea, g mnea aorta ot vorniiiue. aw per sere; a Bargaia. SO o-liloA font lot. asodera T-room boasa, : BM, onllew. tnreat Gmvo. XI 000. ' 4C 80 acres, 1H miles south of Cornsllul, ' SIR nor eoro. 41 50 seres, bop yard, modem hnpreve ; xaentB. 61 2. 000. wlfh tools. ' 42 100 acrea. oa T1!laaeek - sarrey - at Galen City, a bargain. 61.200. 48 6 acre, boaaa and barn, H kxlla from jornaiiua, saw. 4 4Tero farm, a aellee. 82.800. - 46 46-acre farm, alt cleared sad Improved. B4.UOU. , 46 0 acrea. In Curnslrns. 11,000, .),.( ' e7 S acree eLnaw In. tA2S. 48158 acrea, alia from tows, ISt L 4O50aera hop farm, a money-maker, 838 per acre. 50 10 -acre, flrst-elaas home, IS. 600. ma SALB Am at K acre traete at Laots terma to ami. apply at bob naaaaas r artar uiy mi. . WHO WANTS A SNAPT - - ' Only gnso for corner ea Grand ae. car Una; any water, gaa en aewrr. .. . FRED C. KINO. BOS Oemmerclal blk.. Second asd Wssbingtsa. BUTS sn stlrsftlve new home ot seven rooms, an moqern improvement, xociuain new velvet carpet aad shades; owner leaving city is compelled to asu at anes; alt. 60 Broadway. - A SNAP. - Only 830 per acre for 00 acres af ftne land that can bs divided Into (mail tracts, ass good atore and school: for a few days ealy; aa ItoaM t anew property. - FRED C. RING. "" " 80S Commercial blk.. Secaod sad Waaktagtoa. FOR SALB. CHEAP 6 and T-room bonaea: mod era; part eaea. . bio uarneia sv. tsss WoodUwa car. Pheas Eaat 854L BELLWOOD LOTS. SS dowa and 86 a meets rrom STS ta ssuo. ' aeiiwoeg Towaatt ce, B. P. Palmer, manager. Phone Raat 4704. Tnn 4-ROOM boaaa en Mount Scott line; I I aowa. naianc mouiniy. E a. car soaraai. A Snap For $1,100 ' Heoaa 14x2S, lot xnnxina reel. 01 street la Lents. Ira Kllhpra, Lents, oregoa, S ACP 89008150 eaab. balance en time for ' tbt land; He near Moouvtllacsynnsr-tJils isnd Is vrorth double the price today. Call ot jmmmeier, no jnita et near mart. FOR SALB Flaa quarter block, doss ta sa Hawthorne ar., cheap. F 1, esrs Joarasl. WB offer O.' W. P. of the choicest acreage ea la small ust in. s -est the before yea hoy, StS Stsrk St. Ths Continental Co., FAXON PARK I Ia now ea tha market: lot tt acreage frlces, according to Improvement. . . Lot 50i2no115, 8110, StSO ' . " Lots lOOxSOO 822S, 62SA, 1278 ' 'Lets SOOXaSO 4450. 9500. 8o5 ' Theee lots ara meetly ta cultivation, level aad etghtly, aa a good graded street, close to good 10-room achoM, at Leets; ge fare . te say part of Portland; water free; terms. O. B- ADDITON. OWNER. Tak Mount Seott car. Se.. Lents, Oregon. HOUSES FOB BALE I make a specialty of selling ; yoa wiia to nay a Boom. will call snd skew ro over ' grsphs of wall-located hemic at pries and ,. terms to aait. C. C. SHAY. Phone Mala S8S4. 6-ROOM lot 100x100. aeer Union ave. lory a re. by the owner.- Inquire BSS Mal- Priea 12.000, ' BARGAIN -52x100, ea SSth and Br-oklyB Ml.- " . LOUIS SALOMON, - a Boom SSO Lnmber F.xchang bldg., " B. B. cur. Second sad Stark ate. M ONLY S lota left ea Eaat Taylor near SStb; 60x100, Sne location; 64.10; worth 000; coma quick. Psttsrsoa ft Stewed, 1000ft Belmont. BEAL ESTATE For ssie by ewner. that sew irrletly modern S-room hoaee. No. 040 Kaat Tayhir at., near ' Eiat 8 2d. CsU er phoa Eaat SOBS. - r - Location Is EYcrythlnf In regard to relative vilue la real estate. IS.T00 42x100, good S-room bouae, near earllne. Ith-it. realdenc dlatrlct. west side, 8 blocks from Msrket St.: fruit. Sowers, etc.; a vsesnt lot In this locsllly wlU cost 13,500 and up; ll.ono essb. 12.50050x100, new S-room modern 'honse, Weet Irdngtoa between Tbompsoa snd Tills moofc sts. full basement, porcelala bath, woodllft, etc.; term. H0TCIIK18S ft WOOD. SIS Alleky bldg.. Third and Morrisnt. - 8-ROOM house, full hssement. kit 60x100,. lots er rrnit; oniy i.uu;, eaay terms: 1 block from csrlins, ., J. E. liosmer, T2T L'bmb eve., north. 1TRLAKD home,- rmnplete, S lots, electric light; ewner going to Baa Franeleco. CaU SIT Commnnweelth bldg.; most be aold. 15,200 Bt'TS t good gats, 1 new eottsgs on r. oris isin at.; fi.znu csib, Dsisnc ttrms te gulf, , . ' M. S. LEE, 98 Sixth st. : 2 20O NEW modern S-room bonne, cement beeemear, nest or plumping, run lot, fruit v. Miner, 114 UMmoer of commerce. 84S5 EACH, for five diys only, two fine reel. nenco mt. noxiuv eecu, eeet. rront, on unt-m are.. N-l 1223 csib, balsnc sily psrmsnta. Owner, A 18, car Joarnal. BT. JOHNS PROPERTY , ii lota mm renin, close m. only fg,ooo. . 10 lot, cloae in, only 11,660. Thla la a rare chasce tm gst close-la pros ody cheap. HAGEMANN ft BLANCBABD.. . .81 Fifth at. THERN IS A FINB LOT FOR SALB Very chsap. too, ea Fargo at., between Union and Rodney uvea., by owaer. 837 Monro at, Pbone Eaat 8161. f 11.200 8-RO0M bouae oa lot 50x00, Baker Bt., HAOEMANN BLANCHABD, r vi ruin aiJ v 12,800 BUYS a Rice modern cot tare, easy Walk ing Batiancr, main i., roi iie. , . HAGEMANN ft BLANCHAHD, ' " 01 rutb ah ... WB hive a five-room cottage a . Rave ni view drtve, rertiane rieignta tarnne. witk a charm ing view. Including Mt. Hoed, but not Ore -goo lea tewat; modern Improvement!; Ball Ruq water; -will be eold for 12.800 If takee at once; t chance to eecnr a cheap and charm ing home In the coming fashionable district! 90 mlnutee from Pint d. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO, , - 561 Sherlock bldg. t-ACRB tract, near electric line, loe for. Inquire Benedict, St slttsa. ' Ksttctdt tar, r Fd2 tXLZZ ZXL C2TATS. IS. 900 MODERN t-roo-n ' boma; gaa. bath, basement, etu., Sne n jhuoiiemid, east wslkv lag diatance. weat siue. . UAQEMA.NN ft BLANCHABD. . 111 Fifth at. . FOB SALE Good T-room house lota, late Ess Mils. with j,a.Js - FOR SAI.E.e BacMcI micros " 82 Emit Morrlaoa st. - '" . BUSINESS lot oa Union ave.,- eery eeatraL only 15.700. Inqulr at 180 Baat Waahlng. toa at. ACREAGE oa the peninsula near th St. John carllnei several fine trscta for Bala by Samuel - Weraon. 146ft Third at. SNAP FOR HOMK8EEKERS 11,460 S lovely lota with Hie fruit tree ' and air 5-room cottags, Ead Bunnyslds; a0 . cssh, bslsnes like rent; do not mlaa this If yoa want nice heme at bargaia prlc. P. PUCHSS21ft Morrlaoa at. WEST SIDB CORK. 88.600 Corner lot 56x100 with V Benders homei, which, will bring ia aa Income at , SMO per month t c1obo la; thU sarsly wlU sot Ult long. vHAOBMANle BiiKCBABl);-' " --'--81 Fifth st, . FOR SALB SO seres near EsUcsds, ale level land, all la cultivation: all crops to ge with th plae; prlc 13,000, , . 428 acree. finest dairy fsrm ' hi " Clark ! ' eonaty, Waahingtoa: 156 scree la eulttvattoa. 80-sere . orchard, 60 acree . timber, talanca . pastor. , ; .-y ,, , , , .. j: . . 160 aeret suitable fur a stock' range, with house aad hern, several acres, cleared, for " ' H. L. BBOWNINO REALTY CO., ' . I 101 Morrisoa St. FOR BALE Big bsrgsla for quick ali ema saburbsa cottage, ground 100x100 feet, frail and shrubbery; by owaer. O. W. P. Tewa slde Cc. 216 Alder at. Is 0. W. P. 4 By. - SMALL OILT-EDGB INVESTMENT j,-o Hie corner, a block from era si oa hrldgs, bringing good Income; easy terms. , F. FUCH8, 221ft Morrisoa St. i ' PpB SALB BY , vBnchtcl Kerns " : SdSEdst Morrisoa si: Tw hsadsoma lots In Flrland; easy terms, 18.500 S-BO0M hoaee, modem, aa a aaap; rented by s rsmllles. , .. HAGEMANN ft BLANCHABD, 81 Fifth St. -, B utnin Btoct rsncne st ST.60 per aer. OREGON FARM ft HOMB LAND COMPANY, 007 McKay bldg., Third aad Stark ata. FOR BALE 8500 Lot 60x100, BSd aad Clin too. roono Mat sees. .... FOR SALE FARMS. CAJVoRNIA BARGAINS. Beer Ben Lomond, sne popular summer reeort. . sao scree wood, hnd, with Bsver-fslllng creek through It; Bus sulphur spring. 6,000 oorde weed, good t road. Sft ml lea out, 7.S0 per acre If aold within 80 days; worth mark more. SS acre Sn land ft mile out; S-room farmhouse, small Bern, 200 bearing apple tins, Sne wood land, spring water, piped; on sprinkled osanty road: excellent Boll for trees or dam; 15,000; -terme. Address J. A. Walksr, Bea Loeaoad, Callfornlsr FARM snd stock rsBch, T40 swee, S mile rrom Bugene; well Improve, talapBoaa, goad kouee, 8 large bama. 400 acrea plow land, every acre producing grass er crop. aew. feBces, 400 acrea Inclosed la coyote sad dog. proof fence; price per errs, 425; ft down. , bilance lew Interest, loag Urns, or will ax. change for Portlaad property. John Ingham, Eugene. Oregoa. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOB SALB. W Bar listed seaa of the beet turns t ths county, if you ar looking for a farm, call aa or wdte , ..... WARREN ft STATBB, r . - MeMlnu-dlle. Oregoa. ' let well Improved, bouae. bra aad amall areberd oa the place, with S bead of eatUe, 1 bore and all farm hnleustt. , H. L. Brewalag Realty Cm.. 101 Morrleoe !t.. - - GREAT bargaia la bea rev dim aad cranberry" Uod, J. a. Hosmer, Tiff vaiea eve., aorta. FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED terll alss pieces ; -hie lit US Chamber ef Ooaa- pries. W. LAND SCRIP BOUGHT AND SOLD. An kinds of Isnd scrip wasted aad far sal. including spp roved forest until sne reimoau land ecrlp, tor surveyed, ataareeyed, tim bered and prstris liad: . spproesd united Ststea mllitiry bounty bad wi its sts; re certified soldiers' additional bemeetssd ecrlp. H. M. BatUlBsarthe Partlaad betel, PerUssd. Oregcs. 160 ACRES aesr HtUsbera; 4. 000,000 feet Sr ssd cedar, 1.000 telophase Mas, 1.000 piling; easily logged; goed land after clearing; aay terms. B. B. Vlalag, 108 ' 84.600, Jai y at., Bt. Johaa, 8,860 ACRES yellow Sr la Oregon, oaveeteat ts goon logging near saa aarnor; avaragss S.OOO.OflO: low prlc. S 6. care Joarsal. . . TIMBER rlilma la Wallowa Bounty are opea to torattoa at 1100 aaca. Beg 144, Joseph, Oregoa. HAVE timber Hilars for hwstMa that win cm lie 8.000,000 to 6. 000,000 Taet of red aad yellow Sr. besides bobs piling timber. D 1, ease Joarnal, HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOB SALE Tram, S.00B poaae 1 tssm. 8.66 pounds, aua I aaeap aeree, i.auv Phead'Eaat SSIS. 880 Raeeell et. WANTED To hoe medlui tssd track r tew dowa aragsa. , craaa nettle vs. rneae Maia S288. TO EXCHANGE, FOR EXCHANGE 800-aer fully equipped tret- claaa placer mine. lor roriiieo. properiy; mines are dividend-producers and WlU stand Investlgstton: wster rlghu of th besL Ad dress P. a Box 881.. Greats Pies. ORCHARD sear Bossborg ta sell or srehsng - for PortisBd real eeii re. a. v, bhuub, its Chamber of Commerce. - . WANT TO BXOHAN0B stock la good com. nany lor vsrsat wt Baoorns. , ou acsay bldg. v. . . HAVE 40 sctes fins hop lsnd, IS mils from Bllvertonj or will eicnsng tor wnst ssvs root F. S, car JonrasL FOR 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS," WB print your name oa 50 calling card, proper else Bad style, trie; ?0 business card, tl. A. W . Bcbmaie CO., xw.rirst, rwiam, w.. WESTERN OREGON MINING ft MILLING CO. besdimsders; stock for sslo sad Informatloa at 2nd Flret St.. Phoa Msla 1628. , BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rest or for - sale on eeev pigments. . " THB BRUNSWIf K-BALKB COLLERDEB CO. , . 48 Third at., PerUead. . . ARTISTS' mstsrlsls, pictures tnd framing. ' H. lloorheus ft Co., 818 Alder St. , .- HOLDEN'S BHEUMATIC CURE Sur tort tor rbenmstlim. Sold by sll druggists. BOOKS bought, sold and eicbinged tt th Old Book' Store. 22S Ysmhtll st. WE aeed furniture and will nay full value. , Phone PiclOc T33. , Waatera Salvage Co.. S2T 1 Waihlngtoa it. i t , SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES msde to order! aecand-hand good for sale. Carleon ft KsU Strom, 280 Couch It. Pbon Cliy ST1. SHOWCASES, counters, Sxtore bought, sold or exchange! Weatarn Salvsg Co,fc 82TWsb Ington st. Pictflc 701. White Sewing Machine Co.. II D. Jones, SSO Yaaf bill at, Pbon Mala 6103. . TYPBW RITEB. good aa new, at lees thM halt east fries. . Inqilre. 21 Waahingtoa at,, C R. BLACK. Contractor and Builder I have aomB fair ground lumber teftr will contract ' ch-in bouse end dve time ea part af aw terlal. Phone Woodlewg 80S, . , rOR SALE tlssollne launch with engine. Fib 'bsaks. Mores ft Co.. First and Stsrk sta. FOB SALE Boston terrier pennies from prise - winning pedigreed Mwh- 7t WlUlama ar. -