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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
L ay -n. v - - e, OJ ' J w w -ape. TODAY'S MARKETS SEHSATIOn TODAY 10 COFFEES Arbucklr Makta Anothar ; Ad ; vanea of Fifty Centa Lion ". Ramaina Unchanged. HENS A HALF CENT UP 'j WITH A BETTER DEMAND Much Easier Ton In Lemon With Larger SuppUe Heavy ArriyaU of Peaches Cause Slightly Lower Plgur on Cheap Oradea. " ; ' frost tin. f. Tee prlnelpnl ttvrm ' . St the Portland wkoleeele BitktH today ar Coffee prleea are excites. '' Ear koldlM Jul steady. , - r ; - ,; Han ar uoted H hlaher. , ' t law arrivals la' er4 aneate. . . - Meek aaetee ton la lease, i - Local anaaar o,oaah la earning. " " Several eare weteraMleee and casta. ' Peach anppllee ara wi liberal. ' Excellent aappU.a ( tomato. -- " Hop contract! aetag made ajala.- Fata to oaaund stopped 7 ear shortage. " ... aseanae . '7: .,..-. Caff Mote Are Xxeite. : ;' ' " " A araaatloa waa apnuc m tba paekata of . V.faet oarkat thU sjnralag waee tba annonne. stent tn aaaa that Arbaekle waa eootfng a adraaea af SOa.- This kf see la a aarlaa adraana suae by tbat eoaeera, aoaa of arklcS 7" feaee baaa followed by ta rlTal. tba Wootoey Bute, eoawaar. awaara af tha Lion brand. In- 1 MtmmA a cniinwta am advance Bada by Ar backl abort tlma o nrteee were actmall cat- tor a abarp Afar by tba Uoa people. .. At tba aeaaant tlma thara la dlff . - M a aaaa between tba prleaa at tha twa ao , panto. . B'aeon far tba abarp rlaa la Arsons 1 todar la aim br tba nooataat lata adeaneae . 4. ..w rmttmm ta tha New York an fnet why tba Uoa eorrn doaa aat follow ' tba ara and dowaa af tba raw eoffee starkef ta aoaawkat of a mratarr ta tsa wcai iraaa. w.. -i..a t Kwiat tmat thai aetloa I -aalf a fermanar af a aarra war ta ba-rapad katwaaa tba two aotaraa. Tba .Woolaa Rplja ; aaaipavr, aaraar tba Uaa. ta aopnaaad fc ba , aaa of tha porta of tba Aaarteaa oa aaaov ' lac aoajpany. popalarlr kaowa aa tba bup ar ' ' truat. BoBa tlma aao Arbacbla Braa. baaa tha '. radalac of aufar and alora that ubm wn h aaaatant warrla batwaaa tha twa earaa. la tbla tarrttory Jobbare aa that It . Bakaa UttU dlfftraaca la tha aalaa af Arbaekja : t coffaa am If . tha Uoa la krwar. Na . araatar a. mind la aotloMbla for tha Httat U apt la of tha wwor prleaa aamad. " Xaaa Asa Salf Owl Xlfhar. Tba anrkM for eblchana la alta atlff today aad baaa ara Mills wall at 14a par pooad, '. , with aa ooeaaloaal aala a fraction blfhar. Ba. jtMpf ara aaala aalu fair bat tha trada bn Wan aaptr for aoaa tlSM aad it wlU Ukalr ' taka aararal daya of aary arrlTala for tha ' trada to ba affkrtad;' imosa aad aaaaa ara N, aala coaUaa la hoary anpply with daauad aaly i fair with' forBar prteaa barfly Balatataad. arla-hlkaaa aaa awlag aUta-walL at tha prt ra llatad. . f . Bffa aro haldlnc fat ataady wtfh raoalpta , aot aa baary. Boaa of tha trada aay that : - aaallty la laprarlnt, wbllo otbara ara af tba oolaloa tbat too aaay rota" ara atlU cobid;. mm aj aMtara Mn bara arrlTod dur tat tba paat raw aya aad It M aaaariaaay . ,aaa -af tha kkkar Jaa-ttoaaf.-baahaa BUM wtta oral aaa aao aow aa iraaa raoca ; ' atack ' Saa OaatraatB Bataa Kaao Aaala. ' 1 ' Tbtrtaaa rata ta aaala baina- taatty of- - farad for ehotea bona oa oaatracta. Ona or two - aaall- traaaaetloaa . hara baaa ' to blabar thaa that aamat. hot tha aala aaaaot ba coaaraM. Whlla atraral . apilona aa tba eaalafarap aro raportad at lbe all tba old aaaa ha to azpwaa aaa inara -r aaaaa ao lataatloa- ra. ta.a ap. ' onrdlna ta a aramlnaat da alar tbara la T waathar raaortad tbrah Knroao aad tha a aoaa off art apoa tba aurkat. Ita aalaa af aloa aro raportad. Tboaa aaklaf Viatracta ara atlll worklaa for aborta. ; ' Man Daaaat Stappod by Oar BVartaaa. 'i : Whlla tbara bJ aaly a aaall rail tor aaw - Orataa poUtooa from tha aaalda tba traat tlaop . at oara la Aaa rraarlaoa baa raaaltad la a aborta ra of ralllaf atock kara and daal "ara bava baaa anabla ta aeeapt baalaaaa. appUoa of poarbaa ara Tory Ubaral aaaf tta atraot today aad prleaa ara ra naiad1 from Te to 11.10, tba lattar for aatra faacy Ora- ?al aomata aamllaa ara haartly lacraaaad. Ilkawlao tbaaa from Callforala. Daaaad aaly - fair at tha orlra. ' Saaaral rara af wataraaloaa arrlrod la dartnf tba Baralaf. Tbay vara la tha baat abapa of In nana niiaa mnar rania ii lUa aa aaoad. I Two aara oara of aaaUloapaa raao ra tnta aorBlaa. Banpllaa aarh aara Ubaral with arlraa lawar. Daaaad food. A aaeh aaalar aaaa a Bntad ra tt 'aarkat with tha Bora Ubaral aoppUca. ' .Brlaf Bataa af tha Btraat. , Oroaaad awata arrtrtnr vary a lowly aa , aooni af aoatlnaed aafaTorabla waathar. . Wbaat and loar vary alow. Mo lata traaa. artloaa raaartod la tbla city for aow crop, Baimaay ran la aoaa what bat tar aad the fearkat kara la aaalar. Tha trada para tha Mlowliw prleaa to tYeat ttraat, Prlraa paid ablppara ara baa rarnlar oaatauna: wrata, Taar and faad. .i nii nana Caleatra. '.alOe ' utiT-Ola rnh. TOe: rad Roaatan. afrt bloaatoa, Tlei vallay. Tic; aaw alab, 7o tad : Bnaalaa. aoet Oloaatam, wei raiwy. aw. ' BAELXT Facd, 134.00) rollad. l28.0OOM.00l arawtna. axa.uu. COBS an nnoi la. M.0 araekad. 2S SO par ' SaTS Old Prorlocara1 prW Wa. 1 wklta. 01 rtOUB Kw aaatarn Orraoa patanta. 13 k0l I. Bo; atrairata, w.wa.wi ax rallay. M o6; fraham. Ua. W.JWi i arport AS.ig; Kfti wboia wbaat, 8.T: rra, na. n.oo oaiaa, roaatry (30.00 alt, -Timothy. WlTlamatfa oramarr. iio.oooio ao: Matara Oroa, H.onran.BOi mix.a. io.oo JO.bO; rlorar, J , drain, T40,60! ohaat, T.OOei.00. ' . attar. Kara and toaltry. BTJTTtB FAT T. a. b. Portland wtt araaajlJei aoor, lae. BUTTKB flty eraaaary, MHn ' out alda teary. UOSOci ordlaary, ITHcj atoraiaVt dklt. BOOB Ho. 1 fraab Orafoa, eaadlad, BlaO fjue; raatara, tla. CHIE8B Naw Fall eraam, fUta, ISHt; ' toiin Amarlra, 14Vt. " . ' ' FOUI.TRX Mlaao cnirara., , loao par io; hnry bona. 14 Pr lb; moatara, old, 10H nar lb: atari. llallUa Pr lh; frynra, ITe: .'. . brollara. 17 par- Ibt old dnaka, 13UADM '. ;' lbt aprlnr daeka, UHOliH lb: iraaaa. JfllOf SI taraaya, loe pr waniu, mm par I aquaba. HX.00 par oa( plaoaaa. Ilea Kopa, Waal aad Rldaa. ' ' N HOP Oontraata, 1(0 oroa, to for Rl. 10 "Otafon. Ule. WOOL ilk ella Tillay, aaaraa to aadlaa. tSr; Una, tci aaaiara Oraroa, toaila. MOHAIB Naw, noailnaL -FRIDAY PRICES IN V-" , THE WHEAT MARKET fee ah Joir ' 4-ChlcaBO ,.r.,,l .TH -4 Mlnnaapella 4b Llrarpool aTt.4 4 Duluth ....... Mllwaukaa .... .Tift 4 Naw Tprk..... ..... 4 , Baa Tfanolao. . apt I .TIVtB -.7 aHd .T7B .76 H .114 Ddd. .!, brty. JOUn.'a'AL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS 'E' ahlppora would aava 4 thamaalvaa and tha trada much 4 4 tixiplaaaantaaaa and eonaldarabla 4 : worry ir they eandlad their aaaa in a careful manner. Thla 4 would, let tharn know juat how 4 many of their . aaaa ara cood 4 and how many "rota' ara thrown 4 out Tha receipt of too many of 4 . tha lattar will not do any. aood 4 at thla tlma to tha aaa market. 4 for tha trade la getting careful 4 whoaa atock It buye. . -. . BHBBPflKINB Ahaarfaif. 18t0e eachl abort aaol, as40ef aadlaa- wool. Mdiee aachi au wool, TAretl.M aarh. . TALLOW PrTaa, par lb, (ft Oar; . a and CHITTlV BARK UOS atock, 0ia per lb; upuo, lasnt par w. - HIDES INry, No. 1. 16 a aad ap. IdHO tTHa pat lb; dry kip. Ho. 1. to 1ft lha. 14o; dry ealt. No. 1, andar Iba. Uv; aaltad hid, ataara, aoand, 40 lba aad erar, lotjllc; row a, tHOaHc; and bulla, aooad, QT) kip, 1 to So lba. As; ealf. aoand, aodar. 16 lha, 11a; iraaa, anaaltad, lo aaa; culla, la par lb taaai wnuiuw. Niim, mi,, ai.aoRi s.iv; ar, racv, llXJOai.40; call ' hldaa, ⩔ . coat aalaa, eomaoo. each. . lOCJlAat Anura. . each. hX-aj rralta and aeatablaa. rOTATOBa Naw, tl.00ai.28 par aaefcl pra darara' price for ear lota. 0&0c par cwt. ONIONaWobblnf price Naw Walla Walla, fl Jlotll.M) par aacb; aaw California, rad. 1.S0 r aaca i; aarlli "r. aj ou; aarue, iqw par 10. B171T8 Maw applaa, . aOcfltl.50! erancaa, ' Va laacla, 4.M)t(6.0O; (a par :bt laatoo. rhalea, IS.ftO par boi; fancyi tAOoaatO par boa; llmea, hl.xlcan. fl.t5 par 100; tantarlaoa, ; plnaapplaa, 3.7kja.0O t ainnauaiTiaa, inn. IB, wwf. nao, (1.X9 box; plama. tOcefl.C0 par rralav acaaoarrira. ai.aoi rantahmoaa. aa.noaz.TS: napbarraa.; bUek flaa, 1.60: crapaa, al KO1A0; blarkbarriaa, II. W par rrate; watarm.looa, lQlHa. eratad. te ear lb; priooTa,; peacoee, iatal.. VtGKTABLKn TurnlpaT aaw, tl.60 par aark carroM, 11.7 par each : baaa. 1160 par aack; paraalpa, 1.50 nor aarkl Oraaoa redlahae, oa par doa; cabbaia, Orrfoa, 10il.ia; ball pappara, toe par lb; tomatoaa. 11.00 61.00 par ' boil. paranlpa, 0rO11.00; atrlnc 7 baana, Oram. , Ta par lb; eault fwwar, ll.oo par doa; paaa. tOko; boraa radlah. ea7a ear lb: arrlrhokaa. 13m nar dual aquaab. like; (raaa oalona. Ornt-on, 1& pat doa boarbaai raenmbere. tar par boa; calay, 70476a par doa; arena earn, 15o par dna; anm aor eqoaea, HceilO.por boat eccplaat, AS p9T lb. obieo raUTTB Applae. eraporatad, llfl 4a. oar ; - aprleota. 14e par lb; poarbaa, liaUUa DOT lb: aarka. Ui m lh baa anm. SO to oft, act h drop aa aarh 1-ld aaallar laa; Ban, California black, dtHa par lb; laiirorala Wblta. dUH par lb; dataa. aoldaa, TMa par Ibj tarda. l.e0fl. pat It-lb boa. . ' " eraoaraa, STata. Zte. anaABjuir hi. rnh. ax an.; fralt craanlatad, S6.1S; dry graaalatnd. K.OS; maf. A, $6-0; waatera P. O., S4.M Rawallaa C. C. S4.S5: aatra 0. S4.SB; (oldaB C. S4A6; D- yallew. 4.Bs bba. 10c; H bbla, SSet boxaa, toe adTaara aa aack baala. laa Ke gar. awl for aaaa, IS da; aapla, UOlte (Above price apply to aalaa of leaa tbaa a tota. Car tota at BDaelal orleaa aalilaat to Baftiiattoae.1 BONKT SS.00 per crate. -COyrEB Packajre braada. tlATSeid.TS. SALT Coarae Half aronnd. lOOt. B9.0S pat a: Mn. Sa.SO: tabla. datrr. SOa. tltooi MOa. SU.78; Imnortad Ltrerpoel, SOa, $17.00; 10, ilASO: KMa, Sid 00: antra Abo. bbla. to. ta. 10a, 4.tOfi6.M:.rbalk. Sto lb. S4 00)a.OO; aaeka. SBeaai Urarpaal leap raca, 41S.S0 par ion; no-iD rora, aa.oo twa, aa.uu. BICB laparUl Japan, No. 1. Set No. S. tSHe; New Ortoaae bead. Tel AJax. Bat Crania. BHr. - ' UK AN B mat! wblta. 14 K- lam arhlta. S ao; plan. s.tb; bayoe, SA.IB; uaiaa, so.ou axlcan reda. 4Ac. NCT8 Paanata, laabo. 8c par lb; Virginia, sesHr jirr Ibr reeatad, qiHe-'par lb;-apa. aaaa,. 3Hc; roaatad,' TtjJHe per lb: rocoa aata, BSftSOe par doa; walnnta, ISAlSHa par lb; ptneaata, 10)lSVkt par lbt hickory aara, 10a par lb; ebrataata. aaatarn. Itfjldr par lb; Br anil ant. 1401V pat lb; albert. 144)16e par 11 jaaey pacaae, iac aiaoao. ,iaajtia Tnlntn. Goal on. Eta. BOPB Pare ItoaUa. 144et ataadtrd. Uftet i. lie. COAL OIL Pearl or Airral Caara 1VS pet all watat WBiie. - area- earrea . par a ITe pet sail haadlltht. 170-dag. oaaea OASOUNB 8Adc eaaa Mlii Bar aaL Iroa bbla lae par aL BSMINA Ald, can BBS par sal. boa bbla 1H par 81. TTJRPBNTUiB la aaaaa SSe Bar aaL woodea bbta 8c par aL WHITB LEAD Tea lata, Te per Ib tOO-Ib ate, to per id: ao wta, a4 par id WtRB NAILS Praaant baahl at St. LINSBID OIL Paa tew, to M loa, BSet - Mat, rieh aad Prerialona. rBBSrl MB ATS front Street rloea. fanrr. SHCart ordlaary, TtttJSe; poor, 77H par lb; ball. IttaUa nor lb: Taal. aatra. TVtrlge lb: ordlaary. To par lb; poor, Ba per lb;, mutton. lanry, naote per id: umoa, vr. - HAMS. BAOON. XTC. Portland park norU Baaa, 1 to la ion. ti nrr in; la to in ina. par lo: araanraat oaoon, inaj plcalra. 1 to par lb; eottac. 10 u, ilar abort eleare. anaaokad. lie aaokad. lie Bar !b:!rlear bark, anamnkad. lie par lb; aaoaaa ie per id; union oatt 10 to IB lba; ana rooked, 8 par lb; amok ad. a Br lb: clear balllee, anamnkea, lee par lb; amekad. lot par lb; ehouldera, lto pet lb: paatcil WOBW.. f. w bw.. - lb; Ba, UH per lb; to-lb tine, HVie per lb; a team Bdered.. loe, lie pet ; Ba, rr ID! eoapouna, iua, nr. CANNED SALMON Columbia rirer. 14b tall. 8l.H0: S-lb till, 8AT8; faary, 1-lb Oita. fl.ftu; U-lh faary tota. (1.16; fancy 1-lb arala, 8A7ai Alaeke tafia, pink. StaJMci red, 11.80; no ml am to, tall, 12.00. nSH Rack end, Te per lb; Sonndare, Be per lb; kaUbat. tc per in; erana, pat ooa; trlned baaa. UVie per lb: cetBah. Be per Ibi aniinoa, tjoitimmn navr cninoD. w par id; rri. bead. Be per lb; bluebacka. Be per lb; kerrlns, Be par lb; noire. Be per Ibi abrlmpa, 10 par id; perca, ae per w; oiacn wq, fa par id; tomcod. Ta net Ibi allrar emelt, Te tier lb: lohater per lb; fraab mackerel, Be par lb; era-aaa, aoe pet ana; anao, ae pet a; tur(OB, 10 ear IK .... - OY8TBR8 Sboalwatat bay, par tU U-SS; per lio-iD aara, aa.tJU. CLAMS Hardahall. . Bet boa. (2.00: tlaaa, $2.00 per bos. - - AM vbaboxsoo mna IZCKAXaX. Sad Franeiace, " July IT. OfBclal cloarnrr Bid. BIA Belmont ..... Kim Rtelnway , .vt Coa. CaL-Ta..,. .84 Ophlr S.40 Maxlcaa .88 Caledonia ...... .24 ' Kxrbequar ...... .48 Norcroee .i..... . .B0 Gold Crown ... .15 Great Bend...,. .88 Rcecoe ........ .18 , Black Butte Ki. .08 Tramp ......... 1.00A Oolden Belmont. .4fiA Montaoaery Ml. .88 Runaat ......... .14 ' Sceptre ........ .82 Manhattan .... ,.07 Barlor-HaaiDrer. .18 Caah Boy .IB AO Oolden Anchor, la Butler.... 1.13 MaeNamara .. Midway ...... Montana ..... .71 1 SO ABO .48 .IT North Star.... Ohio Tna. Bataa.... Narada ...... Weat Bad...... ln.taj ABO .OB .IT .18 .4T .21 :J1 .or Adaaa ........ tlaata Bluebell ...... Booth , Columbia Mt.s Coa. QuarVy ... Diamond field . . S'S...'v Deitar .42 .12 Oraany Oold Wadte. .. .84 .08 ' .08 .00 .08 .10 . .07 .11 .OS .02 " JDBiha ...... . I nTVi Iee Star Jumbe Bataa. Oreet Bead Bt. Ot. Bend A one I. Creacent ...... Cowboy Denver Annex., Bulla A Bear.. Black Rat.... eodall ..... ,)Vl Lefuno . ... ... .T ... 1B ... 1 TI4 ... 1.15 ... .4S-, y craeea . onawa Bad Top. Baadatorm Sllrer Pick. 41 N. T. Coaaol atlonal Baak.. Man. Con. ...... .0 Little Joe...... .04 MayBower . .80 Jumplnf Jick., .28 Red Ton Aanaa. .OKA bearer ........ L40. cllpae , ., Gold Bar.. 1.00 0. BuU rroa "X; IS Maatanf .12 , WOW STATU 0TlBaHT BOB. New Terk, July ST Oerernmeat bond: Data. BM. Aab. Twoa, raraterea ,...k.. inns do eaupoa Ina Tbraea. raelatarad. . IBna do eonpoa IHOS Twoa, email bond....,.....".... roare, recletored. InOT do coupon lPOT ronre, relaterd. ID2X do reupna 125 M etriet of Columbu..... Pblllpplae to.., , 1H 104V 104 -uh 108 - oai lonai , 1041? IojC ..... ln.t - 10 ins ioJ m iso $IW 121 114 - II ..... fhictio.1 iiise IA0 July and May Only Optlone to Show a Change From Pre- yloiie Session Today. WlDE.SPREAiy OF THE ' ' MAY BEING MAINTAINED Today 'a Rita Amounts to an Eighth While tha July t Up a Quarter September and December Un- t chained Liverpool Higher. . , BELATIVB WBBAT VALUES. Cloee rioae Cloae OabJ July IT. .00 ii July 17, Jul as. 1006. lull. I .76 H .78i .setl nher..., .TflB .74 bar..... .78 l, A .7i , -.S7T4 aaptamner feeemoer ,62B .81 .O0M Chic am. Jnly -ST. Tba wheat aarkat had a aery tkwe call today from bams forced to a knrer point. Early tradina waa fairly bnlllab on tba improved Liverpool adTicee. bat area tbe biirbtr elualnt there failed to hare moeh effect opoa ma nuymt Bare, wane export noainaaa la a trina batter tban a few day ace. the ball rem to be rlrlnr oat flrare far la exreea actual condition a. Damaaa reporta from - tha harreat field are atlll a factor bare and abort are (nine rather alow la their aalllnf operation. Official a notation br - Orerbeek. Starr A Cooke com pan: WHEAT. . Oprn. ' Hlth, Lew. '; Owae. ly $ .75H .tBtA ; .7BU .764 pt 761 .77Z .T"J .TUB a - .T2 , .TZ ; .T , .79 "A A i .8ii' .eH ' : m, , is Onan. ' ffl.h- Taw. Jtiiy a ,T6 I .Tt napt. 1M May CORN Sapt. .... Tiae..... .B1 ' SI .81 ' .Bf) , .47 .4 - .48 .48H .488 May ...4 OATH. A3 3 . M i 414 A : .14 May. .. ; Jda A ifEaa pobk. July.... 18.80 Baot..... IT. 10 ISM 1AB0 1T.01 ' 14.4S 14 .44 LARD. . in ..' AST S.l . ; , 8 1 A IB -' S.80 8H0RT BIBS. S.tO SOS s oo : T.TS . . T.M . 18.WA 17.0S 14.46A . .s5 . a 3N , 8.0 IS. S.ST r Jan..... 14.4S Bept.... s. 8 a . SO vac.... , A 00 Jan. 7.73 -WHEAT HABTEaT f gooxttBTjra (Special Dlapateh to The Journal.) Gerrala, July XT. Wheat - barrtlnf ' la proaraalns andar farorable ureathar aoadltlona aad aood reaolu will ohuln. There la aarh kar balna Ina baled aad while prleaa bow are low frowem nope for better- price later la the mere a no oueation or aa eaoraoue crop probably the Uraeet In the atat.'a hlatory, Wbeet and oata .will be Binaural and praaant oatlooh for price la Bon tha heat. iwaiere are aaains bo treat errorr aa ae The praaant dry aeaaoa la aot dolna much for the potato crop, yet there a abandnnt tlae remaining to bring the crop oat by later ralna, which axe beaad to. follow. ; OHIOASO BALV CAB 10TS. ,. , ....... . , . . WM M ' ChleaaA- Inly 2T. Oraln ear total -.-, Car. Oraita. Bet. 1805. Wheat 48 448 ' B2S Corn 18 . 88 : 118 30 Oeta 8B 82 84 828 Wheat care today: , MlnBoapolla HI Duluta 4T. Sear aor Mlnneepoia 1ST. Duluth A ZJTZBPOOL OBAJOr MABXZT. Urerpoot, July ST. Official prleaa; -l?l Cloee Clnaa fialn -July 2T.- Jolr 2T. July S8. July 27, . na e .d a 8Ad to SHd V,d Dec., - a 7d , a .d a sd 4 r cobn. Sept..... 4e Td 4 Td Pee...... to Td da 1 Td TM4 HO HEAVYARRIVALS-IN ANY USE TODAY Even - Sheep Are . In Moderate Supply Hogs Are Tirm but Cattle Remain Dull. Portland fnloa Stockyard. Jnly ST. Lire- atock recelpta: Rora. Cattle. Bhaen. Today .1 TO . ... 29 .... S0 week ago. ....... ......... , ... si Month aro 0 873 BoO Year ago 48 BOB No beery arrlrala ara ah own re any line may, area tn receipta oc eneep nems aoaer ete. Pew bora or cattle came. Sheep ratal tha for mar full etreatth. aa oo tba hog. Cattle eaay. , ornctal rreateek anotntlona! Ho Beet eaatera Oreron. " ST.2naT.SB: b looker and China fata. S8.M); atockera aad f cert era, 88.00: bulla. 82.80. Cattle Beat eaatera Oreron eteera, $2.80; beet cowe and helfera. 82.Mifg2.7B; atockera aad feertrra. 82 50: bulla, 82.50. , , Bneep csneariuga.; umn, oc. " EASTERrTHOCS EASIER.; OUeaeTO Market STo AV IMrm Cwttla toady aad ntaap Warn. rnloa Btnckyard. Cbleaao. July 27. Lire- awca receipt; ; Hon. Catl. 5 8heeB. Chicago ...,,,...20.000 1BO0 . 8.000 Kan City.,.,.,.... B.ono AOOO 1.000 Omaha lO.doo 1.000 .... Hog tdy to a ehad lowar. with 4.800 left orer. Recelnta a year age ware S4.00O. MUed. Sd.4fl4iA.87H: good and heary. S8.HOt 8 M: rough and baary, S8.10-A8B; light. B8.4t t atta 1 wraany.. beep Week., : ' , IBDXXTO STOCB SKXPXXaTTS. (gpeci! Dlapatrk to The Joaraal.) Peadleton. Ar.. July ST. Fouf carload of Brim beef eteera, S. S and 4-rar-old. were (hipped eat from bare yeetarday over the w. A C. to Frye-Bruhn A Co. of Beattla. Tbay were ' pnrchased from J. A. Horma end Harry Whit taker of Onrdana. Of tb aklpaant 84 bead were pnrchaaed from H or a. man and 11 head fma Whiuker. They ware choice cattle and It wa on of tha Sneet ahhnaanta erer ernt eat from thla place. Two earloede of . aheap- were-eleo eeot oot by Wllltim re Seattle. . Tbay were tmrrbae rroa. A. O, Header ana A Boa ot riiot Kors. , XOf OOBPmOST HOT BIST. - -- (Snadal tHi Batch te Tb Journal-1 flerrlaa. Or.. Jnly- ST. The rondlttoa of the hop crop I not the beet la the world. Claim tbat Bare neon mo or n lenre yteia rnr tna coming crop will not be borne out by the facta. A ennaerratlr eetlmate of tha land crap make It total not to exceed IflO.Ono bale. nd tna weiint win no ngnt in. td bop a now in tne botooi ena no power oa aarta can raaa It to Inrreaee. Pot year each a poor ahowlng of anlaad bone ba not been noted. It Bay ba poaalhl fa the botrom yard to bring up tb total, hot It I doubted. Con. erratlr dealer remark tbat orer one half af the coming bop crop had already been con tracted for at price ranging from B cent to 18 rente, add few at the latter price. AU Indleattone pointed a few weeka ago to a IS-eent rear, bnt that will hardly ba noaalhla aader. tuck baary contracting. Tn tjnlak reamlta aaa tfc Waal 0o af Ta JoaraAl. . . , nsm&rktbttlht Is Now F.ct:d In tS Pack t; Cou Market Arbuckl I Now Two Dollars a Case Hihar Than the Lion Brand. in DEALINGS 10 0. S, STEEL Bullish Report Cause Heavy " Buying During Today's Ses slon In New York; BIO UST SHOWS MOST CAINS OVER YESTERDAY American Smelter Advance Three . and a Quarter, the Largeat Gain ' for .the Day National Lead . Very Active With . Gain of Two. KIT, GAIN. da Mlaaouri PaclAe-... 1 Amalgamated id ma tad .... lu blaoa titer t A Penndry,.., 1 I nor com ,....... a N. T. Central I Pennaylranla ..... Paclnr Mall Praued 8 Mai Car. l2 Raadlnc BapabUe Bteel.'... 1 BepabUa Bteel, pfd. 2 Bouthara iUllway.. U fit. Loula, pfd.... Tenaeaee Ooal ... 1 Ta A PaclAe... Union, Padne 1 V. S? Bubber S V. i. Steel V. S. BtaaU pfd.. 1 Atcoiaoa Bmelter Car Brooklyn !8 fMiupwnj ....... Colorado Pael..... 1 CheaapeaAe , ...... Denrer Locomotire 1' Netloaal Lead..., 2 Bri : Great Weatara.... 1 Illlnol Central... Loulartllo i Northern Pedne. ., ' tuxicaa Ceaual.. ' KBT LOB8B8. Bugar U!Bt. Paal'V U Canadian ........ j Ontario Weat... Bouthara PadAa... . 4JI Wall Btraat. Maw Turk, lair H -AMm'i atock aarkat kad aa action that fcoka like a regular bull eampalga. Btael. atock ware la the ad. Gate being a buyer of a big bach early In the day. At the opening 80.000 ehareo ot United flutoe Stel. eomawn. were Bold at Clcae rutlnc from 88H to 88. The wl t a bowed etrength right from the a tart practically the eatlra flat eloaed with a wool and a. I. arer tfe polnta. A aaabrblp oa the ex. connge waa aoia ooy at, aa agalaal b.uuv ootainea in the tale a week ago. Official aaoUUoBB by Orarbaca. Starr A Cook eeanpajiyj , .., a Oloalng Onan. . Htdl Anaeoada Mtning Company. ......"..2484 261 nniiaanuta uoaar LAmniii . bh Atchlaoa. eomawa..... SI 1V T Amaricaa war at f oundry, common, aa America Car A Foundry, preferred. . . American Bugar. common 1ST America Smelter, common. ......14T American Smelter, preferred 117 Baltimore unio, eommoo. ...... .118 Baltimore ua. preferred....... Brooklya. Banid Tranalt. ........... T8 Canadian PaclAe, oommoa. ... .....164 Chicago A Greet Waa tarn, coa 18 Chicago, Milwaukee A St, Paul. ...18051 i ea pwiDwwwn, era. eommoa..iw) "com;".:;."'.; m2 amoa 84 H 1 preferred.... BO vaoaapanna a una. . Colorado Fuel A Iron. Colorado Soot barn, common Colorado Southern. Sd Bret Colorado Southern, lat Bref erred.. iiuwut at auaoon .bih Denrer A Bio Grand v comaoa...,. 4A Deurer A Bio Grand, preferred..,. .. nria, toaxMa.:...,!.. ............ alls Brie. 2d preferred.. .. ..... .... rte. lat areferrad..... lUlnole Central 180 LoulaTlUe A KaahTlIle 112 Metropolitan Street Railway......,, .... Manbnttna Railway, i ., ........... . . Maxlcaa Central Railway 204 MlnnaanoUe. at. Paul A Bta. kUrla.l88Vt Vflaoonrl- faalda... B2i Mlaourl. Klaaaa A Texaa, eommon, 881. 88 aiaaxmri. iiqhi a '4x. nra.... oon on New York, Ontario A Weatara 44 44T4 m.m. ilo leiM vil. .......... Aaeerlcaa Locomotire... i reoarai omritara. .. .... Norfolk A Waters, enamoeT SSi Norfolk A Watara, preferred North Aaarlcea B4 New York, Ontario A Weetora.u,. 44 Penaaylranla Railway. ...... ......12Z PenpU'a Oa. Light A Ooka Co. 81, Prd Steel Car, common 40 Preened Bteel Car. referred .... 84VI 4dZ risov? 484 Pacific Mail BtaemahlB CoauaBr... SB SS Beading, common. , .....127V 127V. Reading, Sd preferred. ...... 8 Kaing. iai nrererrea SB SB Repablfe Iroa A Steel, comaoa.... 27V Republic, Iroa A Steal, preferred... BNV Bock Iland. common 24 Rock Ieland. preferred ,, ., , 82V Boathara Railway, common. ....... 85 Boatbern Railwar. araferrad....... Be 84 JP Bouthara Pacific. 71 Boathara Pacific, peeferred 117 St. Leal A Baa rraactaeo, Sd pfd. .... Ht. Leu la A Baa Prancaoa, lat pfd .... Bt. Loula A Bonthwaetara, eomaoa. .... St. Loula A Soethareatera, preferred B8 Taxaa A PaclAe , 88 Tenneacc Coal A Iroa ..lMVk Toledo, BL Loala A Watera, com. , .... Tolado, Bt. Loula A Water, pfd.. 47 L'nloa Paelfic eommoo. ....... ....ISO Dnlon Paelfie. nref erred 84 oa 2S B8 - All 154' S8 Central Leather, common. ......... ST Central Leather, preferred .... L'nlted Bta tea Bubber, common..., 44 .ol'4 I'nlted State Bubber. nrererrea. .. .... 100 8B rnlted Ktatee Steel Oompeay. eaa. 8SW rnltad States Bteel Company. ptd,.10fiVi Wheeling A Lake Bra, roamon..., Wheeling A Lake Brie, Sd preferred .... Wheelltar A Lake Brie, lat pfd ... 108 18 S B WlMonala CentraL comaoa. ....... .... Wleronala Central, preferred .... t4V 68 82 Vi SO J2 88 SVi Weetera Ualoa Talerrapa eiegrapa. ......... .... 1 wnhaah. eommon . Wabaah. preferred. Northern Pacific 204 aw nmrcisco looaz. btocii. Raa rraacbwa, Jnly 27 -Official prleaa t Contra Coat Water 874 Bnrtna Valler Watat S8 - Giant Powder 80 Makawell 8nr. ............ ...... BSVk ' Onomaa Sugar. .................... 82 Paanhaa Buger. ............ ....... .. rtnlnM Snear ................. M 4R ex Sd 88 18V. Be Alaeka Packer- iwh Pacific SUtee Telephone S2Vi aa REV. EBERLE TO GO TO OHIO PASTORATE iSpecfel Dlapateh to Tba Joarral) Salam, Or, July 27. Rev. Adolph Ebarla, tha popular pan tor of tha Luth eran church of thla city, has accepted a call from tha church, in Dowllna, Ohio. Ha will preach his farwwell sermon Sun day morning and will laave for tha oaat Monday. Tha local church has extended a call to the Rev. Jacoba of Raton. Naw Mexico, but ha has not as yet been heard from. The Lutheran consre ra tion hare la anions; the moat proaparoua church bodlee in the city and . will make All due efforts to secure an able paator. ., N . . . - . COWS HAVE. NARROW --1 ESCAPE IN FIRE Fir waa discovered In a cowshed and chlcken-houee on Twenty-eecond atrret, between PettygroTe and Qulmby Streeta, at I 0010011 this morning by Patrolman Burrl. - The dapartmant reepondad III raaponse to a atlll Alarm And soon had tha flames under control. Three eowe In the shede at the time of the tire ware slightly burned before they could be liberated. .... . ' . REDUCE APPROPRIATION FOR BRITAIN'S NAVY London. July IT. The majority of tha house of commons held out through a bitter fight today for a reduction in tha naval appropriation, etneuntlnr to 41J.IOO.000. . , : ORDERED IDE Czar Plans Granting Demands of the Peasants, Giving Land on ; Easy Payments. SIX HUNDRED ARRESTS MADE ABOUT MOSCOW Agrarian Diaturbancas Extn4t6rr Wid Area Emparor to Appeal to Good Sense of Psopl to Quash Resolution. ' :.'., ' ' ' (Joaraal Boarta! Barrio.) St. Peterabura, July 17. Ordere have eent to the commanders of Rus sian warahlpa in foreign porta to re turn to Kronetadt Immediately. The alanlfloance of the order - la . not ret known. The principal Ham of the reform plan of the csar la tha arrantlng of land to the peaaanta to be paid for upon tha In- Btaiment plan, tha payments balna' easy and thue making; each aelf-dependenL It la araued that under such oondltlona love of country will thrive and -the na tion be once -more united. The govern ment has appealed to the people to uaa their good eanaa to pat down the revo lution, and from praaant appearanoee the plea will be heeded, for the time being At least. - i ', Report cornea from Moscow that the agrarian disturbances in that district and Tovr are ao extenaive that while the authorities have the situation pretty wall to hand. It baa been neoesaary to make (OS arrests In the effort to quell the social la is' and' revolutloData' up rising. ;--,'"-. . Premier Btolypln declares that he la confident of the ultimate auoeeaa of the policy of "atrong-handed reform adopted to cope with the preaant dla turbanoea. In conjunction with the in nate patriotism of the people and the Army, which still remains loyal, he says. despite reporta to the contrary. He be lieves that under present eonditlona the country will be tided safely over Bntll the next parliament la convened, - That neither waa the deposed parlia ment representative of the people nor the constitutional Democrats alneere in their prefeaaiona of belief la a general expropriation of land nor in complete amnesty, la the statement of Premier Btolypln. who has only the ntmoat con tempt for both. - WIRES SHOULD BE UliDER GROUiiD, SAYS SAVARIAH Reports to Mayor Lens That Present Condition Is Menace to Life and Property, That electrto- wires - muat be placed underground te eliminate a aouroa ef constant danger to paaaarS-by, aa well aa linesmen, is the report of Charlea A. Bavarian,, auperlntendent of -the -fire alarm system, to Mayor Im-nu. Mr. Bavarian also declares that It la his belief that the managers ef every company owning wire on the thoueands of poles about the eity are well aware of this fact, and that the ainglo considera tion ' or expense deters them from xol lowing a safe system. -rt - Mayor Lane requeeted A report to be nMfieMifAM' 4Kla an K4u.t Ik. Jlew .Am Jarnea A. Bannister, the last victim of tangled wlrea, waa killed leas than 10 fset from the mayors office. Attention la aleo ' called to tho guy wlrea whloh support the polea. One such wire Is attached to the Iron fence at the northeast corner of the poetoff loe block. There Is danger, Mr. Bavarian thinks, of thla guy wlrei becoming charged with electricity and filling the whole fenee with deadly "Juice." Wlrea are left hanging from pole to pole and from housetop to housetop long after thsy ere valueless. Thaae not only endanger the unfortunate linemen who are forced to elimb among thara when they may be charged by aa Inad vertent current, but also are a menace to every building they touch. . There ta now before the council a meaaure compelling wlrea to be placed underground. Action on It waa delayed for IS days at the request of the Port land General Electrto company, but that limit has now aoout expired. MAYOR VALENTINE GETS COMMISSION The eommlaalon of Mayor Fred Val entine of Bt. Johns, who waa some time sgo appointed postmaeter of that city, Arrived today, and Mr. Valentine quali fied and took charge of the office. He appointed Willie Moxson aa hie dep uty.. .Valentine will receive A salary of $1,100 a year and Moxson will get ItOO. Much local bltternoas waa occasioned by the ouating of the former poatmls- trees, whose friends petitioned Presi dent Roosevelt In vain for a reconsid eration of the matter. . There waa considerable delay In the arrival of Valentine'a commlsalon, but it Is supposed to have been caused by the usual formality of examining close ly Into the responsibility of the bonds men. The mayor and tha eity recorder to day signed the 110,000 bonds voted for the erection of a new cKy halL The purchaser Is the firm of Morris Broth ers. .. . .. .. ,: .. . ' BOY HAS HIS FOOT ; . CRUSHED BY WAGON Robert Barrow, an 1-year-old boy. re siding at The Howland. 81 1H Waahlng ton street. hAd his right foot seriously crushed thla morning, aeoeaaltatlng hie removal to Bt. Vincent's hospitaj. Tha child waa sitting on ths eurb at Wash ington and Twentieth streets, when a scavenger wagon rounded the corner, ao close to the elds walk tbat ona of the rear wheels passed over the lad's foot, OIL KING CARTOONED " BY PAPER ON SHIP (Joaraal f peeUt Bern re.) New York. July IT. Tha steamer America la gradually Bearing New York. John D. Rockefeller, according to the wlraleaa, grows plainly peevish, having given up BhulTleboard and abandoned the companionship of hie fellow pas- sengera. The atswards say his appetite le poor. The voyage eonttnuea storm v. He is greatly annoyed by a - cartoon whloh appeared la the ahie'e paper. - , fo? -AUD WC TFXAT MiN Cure I iWi can ACCOMPLISH IT. J . - If you have violated tha laws of health and are conscious of a con stant drain which is undermining your system, come to us before yon become a nervous and physical wreck. If you .are weak, gloomy aad deapondent. have bad dreams, depressed, lack ambition and energy, un able to concentrate your thoughts, lack vim, vigor and vitality, coma to ua at once; our treatment will atop all drains, arid overcome all weak- , nesses and positively restore you to strength and health. ,Wt have cured thousands of' weak men. ...- t . ;. Those who have been disappointed by unskilled spedaliata' art) earneatly requeeted to investigate our methods and terms without delay, which had they dona in tha beginning would hAve saved them tjma and money. . . t-. A LIFE LONG CURX FOR i . BTlood rcaawa. Skte Blaea eolo, BTerrotia Sealiae, W . SBSTnmie ..'.'' W want every man in the country who Is afflicted to write us about his ailment. We cure you at home. One visit only required to our off ice, when necessary Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Evenings, S!. Louis UECIQL AND SURGICAL OO: dOn AlB TAJOftU Of . what value Is mere tempo rary relief to ths man who is A physical and mental wreck, through exceeses sad dissipation that hare robbed him of all man hood, hla strong th, hla vigor and hla uaefulneeeT Ths weak, ' broken-down man who eomee to ua ia cured per. manently, not simply stimulated for a few daya, to relapse into a worse condition than before. We cure him to stay cured. CUM -w. beoause wf employ A method that reduces proalatlo. enlargement, expala the germs of contracted disorders, and builds up the waated tissues to A healthy con dition. . . . . ,in 0Tma ooittvaotb jzs- - And - speedily . and 1 permanently. eradicate tha oolaon from the en tire aystem. and assist nature to Tile icetors wtoo C work her own certain sure. . . Twonty-taxoo Years a a?polaJlat wm vamm mulrnu obsisvotzost - - by A method distinctly our own; a safe, certain and permanent euro 1 every eaee. . wi otrma moino bivood pozbot by a harmleas vegetable remedy-that-gooa direct to the seat of the die eaee. " No mineral, poisons, but A perfect euro, gathered from nature's own laboratory. . - ' ',-,.. ( vi ovBa TAjaoocBxa irt bT our own painless, safe and effective method, after all othera fkU. ' . . Wc Guarantee a Cure In Every Case We Undertake or Charge No Fee Consultation free. Lattera eon fldeatlalv Instructive book for men mailed free ra plain wrapper. - It you cannot call at once, write for symptom blank. Home treat ment auooeaaful. ' 7 ," ' - ' ' - ...J . All Medicines Free Until Cured -. Offlcs Hours: a. m. to I p. m.; T to S p. nv; Sundays And holiday :Dr. W. Norton Davis Sc Co. OBtoea toTaaTlfoyKotal. My, Third wt., Ooiaar Tlaa, rprnasry Qsv Soap, Water and Paint For spring houeeoleanlng, eapeclally paint, are moat eaaentlal to a tidy houae. You wlU And BAY STATE paints the beat and brlghteat. more per manent and moat economical. It la ao eaally applied that every good house kaonar will And it particularly adapt able to put on the finishing touches after housocleanlng. . : m xxo TAixr nou. - Fisher, Thorsen &Co. non Airs MommuosT btb. Pore, Sale, Sure Dr. Sanderson's Compound Bavin and Cotton Root PIllB. The beat and only reliable remedy for Belayed Pe riods. Curea the moat ob stinate eases In I to 10 days. Pries tl Ser box. mailed In plain wrapper. Ad reea T. J. PIERCE, M. IX, life Third Streett Portland, Oregon. T. : GERMAN PAPER IS ROASTING INSURANCE (Jeernal Special Bmre f- r Berlin, July ST. The frank Yurter arung calla the attitude ef the German Inaurance company in refusing to pay 1U Ban rranclaoo liabilities "regrettable" And namee two companies aa guilty of only partially paying, and the namee of othare BS not lifting 'A- finger to . dis charge their losses. It declarea ths American agents of several Qermaa eompaaies have quit tn disgust. J, ONLY c- v , Established 25 Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE WE WILL TREAT AN'SINOLB, UNCOM PLICATED AILMENT FOR 12J0 for the fee. ABSOLUTE GUARAMTEC NO PAYUNLESd CURHO . Coma Toda fo the SUCCESSFUL Spedallsta who -number their PERFECT Curea by the THOUSAND! You want a PERMANENT aaa. Sores,- TJloers, Btrlctnre, Warleoeela, atdiw reaknaea, rilaa ea OlurotUo piaaaaas of the Xldaays 7 to 8; Sundays, 9, a. m. to 12 noon. . BTBSSTB. rornxxjun. oa. W. sTOBTOai D AYliTaB. XV 0. 9. ft a Have You Heard Of the various specialtiea lh, toola, hammocks, lawn mowers aad sprinklers and other aummer specialties wa arey ottering ao liberally 1 , Lots to listen to hare,' - .--, Avery Co. AS TXXXO BT, BBT. nam ABB AB3. For Iced Tea -. use '- .DeversV "Golden West Ceylon :;. 'Tea PeculuirlT Kfr; . Scaled Packets C. . . ClOSSSt O. D-"., Dispensory i1 , s y m