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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
Tins onEcciJ daily jovzi ;au oi:tland. fkiday evl::;:.j, JSLT 17.' .t..v- C1E PICKED a r.rzssAGZ cr gccd ciieeo tzzii ci l ; :n c-7 1: FOR 0UTIO6 I The PJlarhet Basket 8 esiaane SsSBSTSsasJBS: -TT Thirty)nYoung8ter Dravvh by tot in the Juvenile Court to Go to Seaside. :' WILL CO WEDNESDAY - T " ; AND STAY TEN DAYS When They Return Thirty More Will B4 Sent Down to Enjoy Outing at Expense' of JuvenQe Improvement r Association. .'i. :V- ;-r y Thirty-ens poor boys J ,. This .city from to 14 years of ags were selected In tho Juvenile court this morning to be -the first-lot to go to theyeamp near Oesrhsrt Park st tho beach tor s fro outing siren by tho Juvenilis I mprore mont association under the direction of tho "jurentle' "court These- boys will ' sUy 1 days, when another lot Pt shout boys. wUl .b sent down to replace them. About 10S children, win (o aito- (ether. ' . Tho boys who were chosen this mora las will meet Wednesday morning st ' t:4S o'clock st tho Juvenile courtroom and will inarch from tho courthouse to the union depot, where they will board an A. At C. R. . train. Bach .boy will . carry a miniature knapsack containing a bathing suit snd clothing. -' Chief Probation O nicer : Marlon ft. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson,' who will have charge of tho boys while tn camp, will leave Monday morning to get evsry . thing In readiness for tho boys. An - experienced woman cook has been hired . and the boys will probably hsve more good wholesome food during- their IS days at the camp than they have had In years. , Tho generosity with ' which" the busi ness men of Portland have responded to - requests for sld In making tbe boys' out. ing a success Is shown by the action of ; a merchant who was -. called on this -morning. One of the Juvenile court of ficers asked him for oornmeal for the ' boys. . "I hsven'J any eornmsaf was the answer. '"Is there anything I have that you need?" -. .- '. : "No, we are pretty well supplied with Other things." -.. . "Well, here Is an order on the mill for to pounds of meat If you need It you . Shall have If . v. - Ths boys who will start for the eamp Wednesday, morning are: Vance Knapp, Johnnie Pox, Elmer Stone. Harry Evans, Raymond Thomas,. John Swarts. Damon " Penny, John Campbell, Robert Fisher, Deaa Hanson. Herman ' and Marcus Gumbert, Wilson and Ernest McLaugh . lln. Herman and Ous Smith. Earl Scott, Frank and .' Lee Wong, Stanley Cobb, Ralph Elses, Tommy Lee, Tom sad Paul Matthlson, Charles Chase. Lawrence - Harvey Albert Nelson. Roy Busslyred l ; !. Morns snd Daniel trconneU. They, will be transported free of cost i by .tWMtoriy.. . Columbia River rail-1 JACK ROGERS TAKES : ;: CONDON WATER BONDS (Special Msostek te The JoeraaL) Condon. Or., July J 7. The city wstsr bonds of 1 17.64 voted some time ago nave been taken by.. J. F, Rogers of Salem. Mr. Rogers psld a -premium of fl.2J2.fS for the bonds, which Indicates that the credit of this city Is gilt-edge. B. A. Keen of Chicago was also a bidder. Ths money will be available In a few days and work will commence at once on the new addition to ths present sys tem. There Is an sbundancs of water for present uses, as ths new city reser voir la continually full and holda sot.OOO gallons. This amount of water Is i cured from the new city, well that was finished some time ago. This well Is a genuine surprise to all. as It seems to bs a big spring 71 feet tn ths ground, snd the big pump running night snd day does not lower ths wstsr at all. PLAYMATES FAIL TO SEE CLARKSTON BOY-DROWN (.pacta! Dlspetea ts The Joans!) v Clsrkaoo, Wash.. July 17. Prank Cope, ths 10-year-old son of W. P. Cope, a well-known ctttsen,- was drowned tn the Snake river last evening. While wading on a eand beach with several companions, ths boy suddenly stepped from shallow water Into a hols 14 feet deep. A peculiar fact wss that his play mates with him had their backs turned at the 'moment and. did not notice the drowning, nor did the bey. utter any sound when bs stepped off. The river Is being dragged today in search of ths body. i ' . GETS THREE YEARS FOR v THEFT OFTHREE DOLLARS (gpsetol Ptsaslah-fo The Jeeeael)- - Tbs Dalles, Or.. July 17 Charles Brown pleaded guilty" to larceny this morning and was sentenced by ths cir cuit Judge to one year in the peniten tiary. Brown was arrested July it for stealing three dollars from a drunken man In a saloon and held on S5SS ball .to answer to ths charge in ths circuit v.'-, i '' V'.- ;., . ; FENCED FIVE THOUSAND ACRES OF PUBLIC LAND . . ( . ... . .. . . . .... .t-., - (Jesraal treHal Se-viee.i . Fargo, N. D.. July 17-Huldekeper Brothers, owners of ths Little Mlssoart Horse company, and W. A. Clark, the ' company's manager, pleaded guilty this morning to Illegally fencing f,00 acres of government lend. Ths cass has been fought in the courts for flvs years. .CASH AND BONDS TO PAY PHILIPPINE DEBJ dearest Speels! Ssrvles.) : , Wsshlngton, D. C. July 17. It ts an. ounoed 4hat- tl.00,0004a Philippine certificates of Indebtedness, maturing September 1. will bs retired by ths is 'auaaee of tl.S9f.00S In four per cents 'and the payment of ths remainder in cssh. : CLARK IN CONFERENCE ; WITH THE PRESIDENT (Jmraei SMeiaf SerrVa.) , Oyslsr Bay. July 17. Tbs president 1 held conferences this afternoon with & . H. Clark, lately appointed - interstate commerce com rains loner, and Assistant Secretary of Stats Bacon and QeneraJ I -rrts. All war uesU at luncheoa. .. . J Cows srs going dry snd ths price of butter Is getting somewhat, .excited. During ths week there was sn advance ot cents a roll In the price of city creamery butter and ths market Is now fully as firm ss It wss dull snd weak a short time oca.. Alaska la getting to be one of pur best butter buyeVs snd during ths past woek some heavy sales were mads by ity- creameries Here. While ths quality of eggs Is getting poorer ths pries is higher. Today so cents Is ths price for. strictly fresh ranch stock. You csa buy for less, but no ' grocer will guarantee , them under that price. It's on account of a higher pries at wholesale. r It seems but i natural that ths pries of cheese should advance slong with ths upper movement of pries of butter and eggs. This week there wsa an up ward tendency all through ths cheese market, due entirely to greater -demand and Inability of manufacturers to sup ply It. .. i '':.: It's getting to be all the rage in ths east and whenever there Is thorough in spection of the "Products of the mar kets, .for butter to be pscked In better shape than merely by putting It Into a wrapper. The latest thing noted to keen out all foreign matter from but ter is a paraffins-covered box. Ths butt ter Is firmly wrapped In ths ordinary wax paper and then immediately placed in the box snd closed. This prevents sny possibility of dirt or smell from enter ing ths butter. One local manufac turer has already adopted the Idea and others ars ssld to bs ready to follow. Not only does the butter remain free of dirt and smells while In this paraffins package; but' there Is better keeping quslity. - Crawford peaches ars now ' coming quits freely from California points snd there Is a slight lowering of prices noted.' Early peaches from local points are' In great variety and It will not be long before the Crawfords will bs ready for canning. -', ,'.- It s too lata to- buy loganberries now, for ths supplies are scant and ths pries is getting ready to fly. Raspberries srs sleo in short supply and dsmand Is so much heavier that supplies are not great enough. - Cultivated : blackberries srs In heavy 'supply and ths price at this tlms 4s as ebssp ss It Is likely to go ths present season. Wild ones ars very , slow In arriving. Apricots con tinue very high-priced on account of ths great . demand. . Looks as if they will go no lower this season." HI COURT Mrs. A H. Breyman Appears Be fort Judge Cameron to EVIDENCE TAKEN IN case of mrs. Lloyd Mrs. Breyman Declare Paper Used . by Woman la Not On She Signed Ink Used In. Writing Document Will Be Examined. . It was Portland Woman's' dub day la ths municipal court this morning, Mrs. A. H. Breyman, former president of that organisation and prominent so- oletr woman, appeared to give her testl mony In ths cass of Mrs. Almes Lloyd, ths ststoesqus brunette charged with having - victimised a numher-of . mer chants by securing sdvertlsements for a booklet of information purporting to bars been Issued by ths woman's club. Mrs. Breyman waa accompanied by her husband. A. h. Brsyman, and quits number of well-known members of ths ClUD. i V ..;' Upon taking ths stsnd Mrs. Brsyman testified that ths letter of suthortsstlon in possession of Mrs. Lloyd and her husband was entirely different from the document signed by her snd shs would not swear as to ths authenticity of tbs signature, although admitting that it resembled her writing. She told of Lloyd's visit to her house snd his request tor permission to in sort a roster of ths club and ths names of ths officers in ths book he was to Is sue. Mrs. Breyman emphatically de clared that she did not giro him au thority to use the name of ths organ! nation in securing advertisements. Ac cording to her statement shs read ths latter submitted by -him for ber signa ture several times before signing and It mads . no reference to any advsrtls- Ing feature. The erasures and subet! tullons noted In the letter In question. ths clubwoman maintained, were not on ths paper shs signed. Upon the direction of judge Cameron, Deputy , lty Attorney: FlUgerald snd Attorney Frank Freeman, for ths de fense, will visit -the Breyman residence this sfternoon - to secure a sampls of ths ink used, for tbe purpose of com' pari son. Mrs. Lloyd objected strenu ously to her attorney against this pro cedure. - ; . Decision - In ths ' vagrancy chargs against Lloyd and ths felony accusation preferred against his wife will bs ren dered tomorrow . morning. It has been learned that Mrs. Lloyd snd her bus. band, engaged In a wordy war at ths corner of West Park and Morrison streets last night - Both of ths parties were talking tn loud and szclted tones STATE TROOPS ARE " - . GIVEN IMPURE FOOD -' ' 1 (Journal Specie 1 gervke.) Gettysburg. July . 17. Dr. Warren, a member of the stats food commission, examined ths food and milk used by the stats troops encamped hers and reports Mi found it IS oer cent bad. Prosecu- Ttlons will follow ths disclosure. , RANCH EGGS Two Dozen 45c Best creamery butter.... A.. flS Gtood creamery butter. ......... . .404 Dairy butter 30 and 86 Best sugar-oured hams, pound 15 Cheese, J pounds. ..85 Swiss cheese ...25 Cream brick cheese... ........... .20 Limburger cheese ............... .B6 Saturday is chicken day. .16 and IT La Grande Ci-eaitiery . - mn aasssiinie .. IMII'SUDAY ' Most of us have a taste for oocosnuts, but few realise where they corns from or how they grow. '..Most of thsm corns rrom Colon, where they srs gathered by- Indians of ths Ssn Blss tribe. These Indiana occupy a atrip of coast terrl tory extending on ths Caribbean sea from Point San Blss to Caps Tlburon. a distanoo of Hi miles. ' Most of tbsss cocoanuts from. San Bias ars traded by ths Indians to masters of small schoon ers lO'exohange for manufactured sr- tlcles, ouch as prints, knives, shotguns. hats, shoes and clothing. Most of these cocoanuts ars shipped i to ths United States direct. Some oocosnuts are also raised on plantations. Ths only large plantation is near Colon and is owned by sn 'American. He has about 10,000 trees. It costs but M to ship L000 this country. ' Ths markst valus In Colon fluctuates, from tli to 2t per thousand nuta, ; . A few retail prices for youi ':' BERRIES Raspberries, - 100 . a ' box; currants, two boxes for Sfo; logsnbsr- rlss, 1.7I crate, ' FRUITS Bananas, tOo d oxen : ' lem ons,, too dossn; limes, 10s) dosen; cher ries,' It O10 pound; apples. 40 0600 dosen; apricots, its dosen; plums, too basket; pineapples, Ii0)40o each; goose berries, two pounds for S6o; grapes, J0O pound; figs, 2(0 dossn; peaches. It a. VEGETABLES Egg plant, tOo pounds peppers, bell, S6o pound; small sixes, 16o pound; peas, telephone, to pound; string beans, three pounds for ISc; cucumbers, 10100 each; summer squash, lOo pound; now California onions, 4o pound; rhu barb, to pound: 'now potatoes. 10 pounds for tto; green onions, 20c dosen bunches; nsw car rota, three bunches for to; head lettuce, three for 10c; watercress, tcj hothouss lettuce, to head; radishes, two bunches for to; cauliflower, lOOIte head; tomatoes, tOQlfc; hothouse, tto pound; green corn, X5o dossn; mush rooms, too pound; celery, two heads If a F7.ESH FISH Halibut, lOo pound; salmon, lto; sturgeon, lto; striped bass, tOo; soles.-loo; black cod, lto; perch, lOo; flounders, 10a; shad, to; sea trout. tOo; crabs, lto each; salmon cheeks, tto dosen; shad roe, HO20o pound.-: BUTTER AND BOOS Best creamery. too per two-pound roll; cooking, tto roll; fresh ranch sggs, too dosen. . POULTRY Chickens. lOo pound; ducks, TtoOll-tl each; geese, fl.OOO tl.tO each; turkeys, tOo pound: spring chickens, 7fs pair; friars, ftcOtl-tO pair; squabs, Tto pair, . .. GASH HUSHES SCAKDAL OF STEEL TRUST OFFICIAL ' & - ' ' - 1 1 11 i . ,.1 . . Mrs. Vetter Said to Have Re ceived Twenty-Fivs Thbii- --: gand From Packer. " L- (JosrsalJIpeelal hlflKj. Pittsburg. Pa July 17 Not wishing to have brought out in ths courts and thereby made publlo details of what promised to bs an extremely Interesting oase, a satisfactory settlement has been made In the suit brought by Mrs. Mary . X. Vetter. " a handsome young widow of ths east- snd, against Olbaon D Packer, furmsily counsel of ths Car negie Steel company, , on of Andrew Carnegie's "younger partners" and a mil lionaire, for breach of promise. r Attorney J. Rogers MoCreery, - who represents Mrs. Vetter, would not stats ths terms noon which ths settlement wsa reached, but it Is learned from an other source that Mrs. Vetter received somewhat mors thsn tli.OOA. In ths suit, which waa filed last winter, Mrs. Vetter alleged shs became acquainted with Packer sight years ago, . Packer, who la a bachelor, called fre quently upon Mrs. Vsttsr, she alleged. and shs frequently accompanied him on business tripe east It was on on a of these trips to Philadelphia, shs alleged, that ths proposal of marriage waa mads. Appetiedrig, Delicate, Ddlnty "ISONB - OF - OUR Beef, Pork, Lamb, Mutton ' " V, OR OUR CHOPS , Mutton, Lamb, Pork or Veal ... y FROM The uucac Which Enjoys the Distinction of Selling Fine Goods at 'All Times. OUR STEAKS can't be best ' . ; l . '.i. OUR CELEBRATED KNOCKWURST SAUSAGE made fresh every .Tuesday.1'- v ' h. ''' :',', "OURELiaOUSVEAL- SAUSAGE -made-tfeih-everySst urdsy.. , . . y i,; .f " ." .' ' ' --:'V.,y , Everything fresh and clean from a Hygienic Cooling Counter. 187 Third St, Near Yamhill : Phone Main 413 MB!) JZ3U CEYLON , -DtftBCT FXOMTHB GARDEtS The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest ... Tea to Buy No. 1 Ceylon and India 1-lb- can. 75. No, t C. and !... 1 lb... 65 No. f Ceylon and India -tb. ean 40r- Mo. 1 C and L, H4b..2ft SOLD Br ALL GOCRS G.HAL O E SA IU B New Yom Market amidl Girceirv 477-47P Williams Ave. Phone East 460 A feature of the New York Market and Grocery that ft widely Rate Prices of high class Meats and Groceries. The following fair-minded citizens: ' ' ; ,l , . 1 Sack Hard Wheat Floor 95e 10-lb. Sack Pastry Flour... 35 10-lb. Sack Yellow 'or : White Corn Meal 25 1 pkf. Shredded Wheat .10s) 2 phfe. ' Riverside Gloss or : Corn, Starch ...IBs 3 pk(a. Acorn Matches.,. '.S5s 1 Bottle Bluetng. 5f t Bottle Ammonia. f Bare It. B. Soap.. ......SB 12 Bars Elk Saon Soap.26 1 Bar Monkey Soap ...... i.&4 18 lbs.' New Potatoes. .... S6e A Full Stock of Fresh Vef; . tables and Fruits Daily. ' Wpodlawn and Piedmont Deliveries Tuesdays and Fridays Mb People's Market. & Grocery Co. Phone Main 1412 - First i UBuy from lis and you will save money on every purchase of Meats.'"-) v, r . Groceries or Vegetables without sacrificing quality, y v " S. NOTICE-Just the Things for Hot Weather 6 pkes. Uneeda Biscuits.. 3 cans Red Salmon 3 cans Van Camp's Beans - Special bottle - Olives. .-: .3 cans Oysters .......... 2 glass Jars Chipped Beef 2l-lb. cans Corned Becf 1 bottle Tomato Catsup. . 6 cans Rex Deviled Ham. Olympic Pancake Flour., 2 pkgs. urspe-ixuts 1 pkg. Shredded Wheat iiscuits .10- 1 pkg. Puffed Rice....... 1-gaL Pancake Drip Horseradish Mustard .... .10 H .ao 1-lb. Monarch Blend ,25 s)' Coffee ....... SPECIAL DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OP CITY ST. JOHNS, .;..y... , AND ARLETA FRIDAY. She accepted, but a definite date waa not set for ths event. He put off set ting ths date for the wedding from time to time until a year ago, when bo told her he would not marry her. "Thehotheaded often get eoineet - PINBHROAST o Market rn TEAS. One Pound Equals Three ' SPECIAL Saturday, and Next Week.'" 21 lbs, Surar, cane.. ... l.JO 100-lb. Sack Sugar, cane.f4.TS In Order to Induce the Public to Drink Sits Teas end Coffees X Here Submit Special Prices, 1 lb. Old Dutch Blended Coffee, value 25c SO 1 lb. New York Blended Coffee, SOc value ....25 1 " lb. Oold Band Mocha and . Java, 35c value ,....30 1 lb. Spider Leg Japan Tea, 60c value ....V...,..V.45 1 lb. No. 2 Spider Leg Japan Tea, 40c value...'.. .... SB 1- iMEAfiE 5J . Good, fresh, Qovsrnmerit-hv- ( 2b2 spected Meats; clean, sweet :fii- -and lender; .. ; .. ., " . n ivy ii ii m-11-1 -h u. I T U U U U-VsV- Special S(e Tomorrow Prlcee -on Pot ' Roasts and Boiling Beef Cut In Two. CASCADES TIMBER IS DEVOURED BY FLAMES ' (Special Dttpatek e Tke Tesraal.) "Albany, Or.. July IT. At mldntght Eelloys Grocery Co. S49 and 351 Oak St. , 348 snd 350 Ankeny St. -:7---::-;: PHOINB M AI1N 2596 ;r- The Largest Store With the Smallest Price ' It is not necessary to .tell pur regular patrons that the big new atore on Oak street is the. best snd cheapest placs to buy your 'meats and groceries. ' .. ; y. ' ' y." It is to the few who have not visited our store and Investigated our prices that this advertisement la directed. : - Remember We ars the people who save you money, and a visit to our store will convince you that thjs Is the placs you' ars look ing for. A PEW. OF OUR REGULAR PRICES: Ccst Creamery Dnlter 4Cc Per Roll Star Cream,, regular sixe, per dozen 60f Corn or Gloss Starch, lb... 5 Best Eastern Rolled Oats, y 7 poundi ..........,,..25 3-lb. Package Crackers ....20e . S-lb. ' Box Crackers ..... . v. 60 2 Cans ,' Extra ' Standard Corn ........15s 1 'Package Scotch Oatt.rt.lO) 10-lb. Sack Graham Flour. 85 , 10-lb. Seek Yellow or ' White Corn Mcar.......25 Square new Honey.. .,..'..15 s Rose City Hour, test A. H. Willett &tCo. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS ' PROMPTNESS AND QUALITY Is One Reason Why Youll Like Us to Trade With. We Deal in - , ' 'Nothing But High Grade Goods, y . 128 ORAND AVENUE NEAR-EAST IIORRISOH PHONE EAST CSS - " - .. . V V and favorably known Ii the Cut prices will convince Portland's , . r- v .- '.' , .. 3 Cane Tomatoee......SB 2 Cans Sugar Corn ...lB'f 2 Cans Wadco Salmon., ..SB 3 Cans Red Salmon.. .....SB 1 pkg. Postum Cereal..... SO 7 Cans Star Sardines.. ...SB V 3-lb. pkg. Soda Crackera...SO 6 lbs, Japan Rke........SSe) 3 lbs. Maccaroni or - Spaghetti ............. .SBs) 2 lbs. Strip Codfish.......lB Freah Ranch Eggs, dos...SB Fancy Creamery , Butter. 2-Ib. rollu ......... ...Of Phone or drop us a post card, our salesman will call and aub mit prices. Mail orders prompt- ly attended 'to,' ' , " , 3M and Taylor Lunches-See Delow , ; p Saturday Only 22 lbs. D. O. SUGAR.... fl.OO 3 lba. 8oda Crackera......20 1 lbs. Cream Cheese.. 3)5 -3 JargajiMWSJBhrimpa. . . . ..85 7 cans QO Sardines. .MM..95e. 1 quart purs salad OU....BB 1 lb. Town. Talk Coffee. 1 low- Army maa Navy "s Coffee ..i Fresh Creamery Butter.... 4S 5 lbs, .Monarch Lerd.... .58 10 lbs Monarch Lard... .$1.10 WEDNESDAY J 8ELLWOOD laai sugnr aaotner earioae ,or men started (or Detroit te combat the forest flrea, which have now spread over lot sores or the finest timber land la that section. The fires started Wednesday on ins Hsntiam river, ana are rapidly eeang.mio xns nearx or ue snoantalne: , DOITT FORGET OUR Meat Department ; 1 y ' Prime : Rib Roast, per" lb .12 Round Steak, per lb lO -Roll Rosst Beef, per lb.. '.10 Pot ROstt Beef, per lb...... 8 .Fine Corned Beef per lb ...,'.6 Fine Boiltog Beef, per lb.... 5 Soup Meat, per lb......... .5 Lard, per lb. ... . . .. . . .10 ' Hamburger . Steak 2 lbs. . ,15 on market, $1.15 Sztk I SSS Aides St Be. Plrst aa seeasV til SSfth riisi Si, bsh tk Biltff. ; "FUhUd tee Ceef Trust" t Beef, delicious ' te boil and! siloed . oold, the ideal hot weather dish. per lb ......0 Beef for stewing and Fot pie, . v per lb....i...; 8 Prims Rib Roast Beef, par lb.,.iaH Prims Rib Steak, per lb .'...1SH Loin Steak, per lb .....12MS Cholos Lean Roast Spring; Lamb, , per lb..........., M lo Round Steak, per Ib..,,...........lo Chuck Steak, pes lb... .......8 Rolled Roast Beef, per lb.v...M...10 Pot Roast Beef, per lb...,. ........ 8 Lean Roaat Veal, per lb. .10 1 t lbs. Lard .60 Breakfast Baoon. per !..... ....1TH Bologna, par lb .... . J. .8 ;.V..V,' . (PsrsMtty garsml.l . ... irSSLEMLE AX3 CTA.X SU. 88, sW mrd st. see. Jirfssa. Big Storw of Little Price roixownts yuan wrxx bats tov m. o xvnT BOixam. scautt avAXsjmxs aoKnxwe's mux Baxna towmn M suu. see w.. ...................... ...ste par oasJnrxjtTZB sitsab. m saox.ii.Tf ti US TOY SEaXITLATZD gTTAa.; t skge Ifsgaella eleeaeg earraals MM...,.Ba t page sew S-erowa setSsS ralssss M(.....afe ' t lbs sew Seieea Isese Meacefels- ....... .SSs I -Is esa Beyal kaklag ewar ...eSs Ctesee JtiaehweU's enve eS, t BotaM..Se MS tkg Ant BsaaSM seoa ...M.So 1-U eaa laser table srm......., H-eal eaa faaer Saste arrepx,UJW,MMM...see SanSaeS Waeat MseeJt, r akg ........10e raaar sny fane ress, par ass.. U ban Ber el Saves sees T ease sesi rai wm w....y.M Cere ere tan 1-I eaas, sstts. See Ssa.. H-O eeta, S-tt pkaaper kg..........10e ShieSdeS eeesaaat. sr tk Mot BareVwkee Sear, per BS ,...l.Of Seetek eats, per pkg . ...... m.. h.h , ,-lss, astaai eereal, per pkg Jot ' Pen's Maptke eoem, par bar- ....m.w....,.ss Beet setf-wheat fleer, per saaS. ... lava tfeeha eeffee (ragalar geet M.jg U bes seSa atecheta (asoel M w) Kasllsb Bnaknet Sea, see Ik ----ti-sjsi. iM Paaey OeasaSs tea (ncalar SBa) Caeesa S await, per sks PeHveres Tsiifays ssslv Prelaw. HATB TRBM COOKED OK Chickens BEST OKDOOst UAXM , 4C Cnta a Roll y, ' TXtESH RANCH Doact 2C Cents Columbia FihCo. Third and Ankeny - Pbone Main 5 THE HIGHEST ' GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE NORTH- WEST AT YOUR GROCERS; On maata la a more Important question In summer . than . anjr other season, owing1 to. ths dancer of spoiling. Our . special faoUitlea for delivering in reply to phone orders pleases 'our customers. Our moats ars. the most carefully pre 1 s erred In town.' We hare. rant ajtd rotnuraT jiiojbi CENTRAL MARKET nnou most, 10 OreaS Are. 1 Vnome Bsat 41a. Rainier ; Market rresh meats always on hand asd prices within tbe reach of all. . Finest Creamery Butter;. 0 and 68 Fresh lot Dairy Batter ..t.40e J"rsh Ranch Egga, dos... .as Best Apples, box ....fl.OO lYssfc risk aTrery .Wstneeslsy-rrtday. pi 17th and Savicr Sts. MaU ISM. If yon feaee net ajuwered Tke te aal Wane Ads tetoly yon aara amis HWMSj . SBe Cravvfish? ' mxsH at ArrrTnim Biitter tggs Saving Money tn evaea wna i