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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
..DAY L .C. JULY . H :: Cm";: FOd PfllllLLiO Giants Get Duty With the Visit oft -and Annex ( An- 1 ' other Contest. ' PITCHER OUM DOES - THE TRICK VERY WELL ' McCredU'i Men Land on the Great ,' .Rubs Vlckera Ul First Two Innings "-and Found OutFpur Punt Story v"; of tha Victory. . :"' Pnrfl.M t sjaettle I. Batteries Gum and McLean; Vlckera, Oervln and Biaakeneblp. There U no 4m talking about -It. 7 tntUi cin't tmt tM OUnl-It-a Bubo Vlckere nret appearance during the preeent serlea and hla preaenee wm ' the occasion for considerable lntereet . among the fene, aa It Waa whispered in . tha elrclea that ha Intended shutting out the locale. But thara wii a ruae awakening for tha only Rube, baoaaaa tha "IirvlnclbleS" had on their batting garmente and la tha eouraa of nve Innings tha greet fcube .waa eompellad : to seek cover la tha ' shades of tha grandstand bench, alongalda of Ruaa . Hall, hia warned-leeeed roanagar. Portland wouldn't wott a mlnuta In 7 order to glvs Vlckera a chance, but want ':' at tha poor t wirier hammer and ahoval and pounded out two stately tauieo, '". McHala'a alngle, Bweenay'a triple and Mitchell's high fir did thla trick. In tha aeeond chapter McLean took a liking for a atralght one and aent It In are territory, water got on tnrougn Mott'a delay. Jamaa MoHale aent both men home .with .a triple.. Portland 1 cored, one more In the fourth and an other In tha eighth, thue cinching the !' game. . Gum waa twirling fine ball until tha eixth. whan throe hita and boot netted the aeeond tally for Seattle. - Crrora and a aafe drive added two more In the eeventh and two hita made the fifth run In the ninth and that waa all tha Slwaehea could mueter. Oum struck out nine men. - McHals, Mcleen ana Sweeney were the aluggere for Portland, while Householder and Mott did the beat tick work for the vlaltora. The story aa the official eeorer recorded It: ;, PORTLAND. vv. .-...j ab. R. H. PO. A. I. McHsls, er. e i I I a Sweeney,' set ........ I a 1 -Mitchell. If. ......... 4'S McCredle, rf. ........ 4i Smith, Ib. S i Moore. 2b. ',......... I 0 Li McLean; e. !, 1 1 Lister. lfcl,M'i J l i t Oum, p. ............. 1 t r e I V,rt -Ma.' --v '" J'L? Totala .l AB.R, H. Pp. A, B. Kane. 2b. t i Van Buren, ef. ef. I ?i rf::::! iV Biankenanip, e. Householder. Croll, lf.-lb. Btrelb, lb, a Jrt Ot t, lb. v.. ......... a Vlckera, p. .. . f Garvin, p, J , 0 ; 0 ; 1 , S Packing-ham If. .... v ' 0 " 0 Totala ....... ..o a ia a a . ,:, SCORB BT INNINGS. ! i.BCORH X 1MBIKU J" l.,.:.:! l l Portland una Seattle Hita SUMMART. Struck out Br . Gum. by vlckera. t;-b Garvin. I. Baaee on ball rvin. a. - uaaaa on iiuia un Gum, ' t. Two-baae hita Van Buren, Sweeney, Croll. Houaeholder. Three baae hita McHale, Sweeney. Double play Mott to Kane, to Btrelb. Stolen Laeea Llater, CrolL Hit by pitched ball Iabell. Tlrat baae on arrore e- Seattle. It. Inning pitched By Vlck era. ; by Garvin, I. Hita Off V are, f; olt Garvin. . Time of gan One hour and St mtnutea. Umpl Uodaon. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. At n h e. Butte.......! SSSSSSSS 1 1 Spokane . . .. 11 t 1 S Batteriea .Bandelln and SwlnaeUa; namueia, uan ana suese. At XOf.miejav 11 Taaotna, . .v .SSSS4SIS4 S Graya Harbor ..SSSStSSl a t Batteriea Hlgtinbotham and Sheai v... . t r i . wood Work. , : Uearaal gaeeUl aerriea.l Oakland. CaJ., July ITaimona pltoh tng waa a puaala to tha Angels yeatar- dar. Beore: ...,;,.,,''-' San rranciaco'llio 4 J J ts'SZZg Batteriea Nagle and Mangerla; 81ra ana and WUeon. . Umpire Parrlne. - . WtagawJI IVoat Out. Jonul saeUI BrTlea.t ' Vreano, Cel., July 17 The. CommuU era fall an Fltagerald in the ninth In. nlnAT yeaterday and aoored four run and a vtctory. - The aoore: . .-. R. H. B. Oakland SISSSOSS 44 t Freano . . , . . . . . 1 1 1 0 4 Batteriea Graham and Biles; rtta gerald and Hogan. Umpire Dunleary. AUen A Lewis' Beat Brand.. RmFRicEmmsMmoEs On all our --rr L - IF IT SWTS They've all got a size tag and - regular price tag take . one home at any price you can spare. Top Qadlly Dal SQCtnHStvti" Daitlloxr! Dcn't V7c:t Until It'o Tco Lctcl ZZP your pody e'"! " Most popls are vary nest and clean In their outward tppesrsnos, but how about ' .' , ftslnajife? Ar jrou clean Inside? ' An4 If not, how can you fact the world with plain thoughts, clear Intelligence, S (sir, juat, bright mind and f et your full share of capacity for work and enoy went? , ' , , ; .-. . " ' Neeleoi of sierclss, rich PTer-feedlng and careleaaneas shout stools, often lesvs ths delicate Internal mechanism In a nasty meat. , '', i ' ' The small Intestins Is compelled to ab sorb the poison of decaying matter in stead of wholesome nourishment. ; ' Ths Bver gets lnaotive; ths bile doesn't ' Vork off "( the eyes pi yellow; ths Skin (els dead Uka putty and pals like dough, disfigured with bolls, pimples, black "beads and Urer-epola. - j - - '; - ; There's only one solution to the prob , lam: Keep clean Inside aD the time. ' That's ths answer. . .- -- If you can not diet, or keep your mechanism going by proper exercise, take Casoarsta. the gwoet, fragrant, harm less little vegetable tablets, that "act like exercise" on your bowels. !' A Csscaref every night before going to bed will "work while you sleep" and maks you "feel fine In tfjj morning." Take a Caaoaret jslght and morning and break up the "constipated habit" without acquiring A "cathsrtlo habit " Csaearsts ars sold by all druggists, . : lOo, 2So,and fiOo. Ths tOo sire trial box la a neat fit for ths vest pocket or lady's purse. ., ' , ) ' . r; 13s sure to get ths genuine with (he i "long-tailed C" on ths box and ths let , tors "CCC" on each tablet, They ars never sold to bulk. , ' ajs SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ; . IN TENNIS TOURNEY Mra. 'William MacMaater wiU act aa hoateee today at the tennle tourney. Mra. MaeMaeter will be aaalated by Mlae Carolyn Burnt, Misa Wood, Mtaa Rhod railing and "Mlae Morrlaon. . The daya schedule follows: . . 19 a. ro. Misa sootn vs. miss rod erteon. court 1; Mlaa Joaephl vs. Mlaa Leadbetter, conaolatlon, court S; Ander son va. Dole, conaolatlon. court 4; L. Wlekeraham v a.- Webb, - eon eolation, eourt a. ,r. - . 10:10 a. m. ooea va. Agar, eourt U 11 a. m. Bellinger va. Kenton, court 1; MeAlptn va. Sawyer, 'conaolatlon, eourt S. : - . - S p. m. Mra. Judge and Mlaa Booth va, Miaa L. Weldler and Mlae Morrlaon, eourt 1; Goaa and Lewla ve. MoAlpln and Agar, 'eourt t. -. 4 p: m: Mlae weldler and Ooas va. Mies Reitslw and Wilder, court lr Miss Robertaon and Wlekeraham va. Mlaa Booth and Agar, eourt a. . . S p. m. Winner of Anderaon.Dole matoh va. winner of I Wlekeraham Webb, oonaolatlon. eourt 4i winner of MoAlpln-Sawyer va. Shivers, consolation. eourt 1. - -. .'' ... ... , NATIONAL LEAGUE. " " .'-.' Won. Lost. Chicago . . ..,,.,....( 18 ' Plttaburg . . ,,.(( V; It New york . . ......14y-S Philadelphia, . . .......41 45 Cincinnati ........ .tl it Brooklyn . ........ ,.S4 ' 1 St. Louis . ..II ' M Boaton . ' .,.,,......t0' ST . " ' At Brooklyn. :( ' ' Tt h m St Loula . T t t Brooaivn . 4 T uatteriea-KnoaaaanaaraaTTpaafo- nui ana ttiner. , . . ' i At PhHadaIphU. R. H. E. Plttsbura . ....7 7 0 Philadelphia.. .......... i ..... SI Batteriea WlUla and Glbaon; Sparks, vonovan ana uooin. .... . R. H. E. Chicago i. ......... S .1 Boaton.. .........t S 7 . Batterlee Taylor and Kllng; Pfelffer ana umu, At Blew Tern. R.H. B. Cincinnati . , ................. .1 5 S iNew iora . .1 if 4 Batterlee Praaer and Llvlnaraton: Taylor and Umpires Enie Ua and Johnstone. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won. LoaL 21 It " IS li 67 PC. .461 j.n .401 .tS .810 Portland . ..85 ' San Franctaco 54 Loe Anarelea ......... .44 Seattle . . ............ .It Oakland . . 15 ' Fresno . . ...15 Flahlng la good down the river. Two men fished there for eta hours yester day. ' .'.'.' TTveO P.C. .S7I .417 .411 .,. .47T .441 .400 .lit .Stt Straw Hats, to make room ; tOT fall goods " : .. . & H w Sfiaop 717 WASHINGTON STREET JUST WEST OF FIFTH , f . Iti...ii)-.l0!lii.tlf.l8 mM CLOSE Today's Matchss Will Crinz Schsduls Up to ths Cham- ' plonship Finals. , - COSS PROVES TO BE 'w -.. . CONSISTENT PLAYER From Form Displayed ; In Matches Playsd Hs WU1 Surely Carry Off thb Final HonoraMiss Booth and Miss Robertson Doing Finely. 1 . , ,. The matches acheduled for .today will nearly finish the tournament for the Oregon etate championahlpa, Play waa oompleted yesterday to the finale In the men's doubles,' the ladlea- alnglee and In the upper half of the ladles' icahli alao to the aeml-ftnala in the remaining events. The star of the tournament has proved to be Walter- Au Goaa, who has for years been recognised ee the local champion. Goaa la contesting In three of tha five avanta and remains yet un' beaten. He haa reached the aenjl-flnala In tha men'e alngle end the . mixed doublea and the- finale In the men's doubles. There Is little doubt that he will win la ell. three of these e rente: Goes and Lewis faced-McAlpin -and Agar at S o'clock this ' afternoon for tha five-aet final matoh. Unleaa there la a surprlalng reversal of form the former team will win. In order to cap ture the coveted cup, however, Goaa and Lewla muat overcome the present doublee champions, Bellinger end Wlokeraham. The match will be pulled off' tomorrow and will be oae of the events of the tournament - Those Who Qualified. " The reeult of yeeterdey-e play In the men's elpgles waa that Agar, Goaa, Bellinger and Kenton qualified for the seml-flnala. AgaV meeta Goaa ' and Bellinger pleye Fenton. according to to day's achedule. - The flrat named in each match la picked to win. A gar" a conatant play of the paat few days has taken the anap out of him and he will probably be too Blow for -the local crack. 'Bellinger may have a hard time dlepoalng of Fenton. In fact the match ahould be very eloee. renton put out R. Wilder on Tuesday and beat I. Rohr eaaily yeatarday.. Bellinger will have to be at hie bee to defeat htafc--The flnala la thla event, wilt be. played to morrow. ' !' ' By yeaterdars play Mlae Booth and Miaa Robertaon qualified for the finals In the ladles' singles. Both are clever players. The " winner . will meet the present champion, Mlae Heltahu. on the Multnomah elub eourte tomorrow. Two of the closest matches of yeiter dsy were played In the men's doublee. The eemi-f lnal match between 8 hi vera and Veneaa agalnat Agar and McAlpin waa a peculiar one ee well aa close. AH four men ere distinctly- bsck-oourt players and the .rallies ware long as well aa often of a ding-dong sort, Tha former team looked a winner for awhtle but were finally bested In a flva-aet battle, 'v. - - . A COevea Oomtee. Tha round between Goaa and Lewla fegalnat Rohr and Benham waa, en tna other hand, a contest of net cleverness. Lobe and smashes constituted the chief strokes of the gams. The prettiest aet wae the aeeond. which waa won by Rohr and Benham by olever play, and good team work. Goaa brllllanoy waa too much for them In the ether two seta He was wall backed by hla partner, too, and tha match went to the older players. Interest la the slnglee round between Goaa and Wlekeraham, which waa played during the morning, waa eonalderanie. Wlekeraham la known as -a vary ohtfty clever and It waa thought that he might glve-the ehampton-a-cteae-game-.- The latter took the match, however, m raiser easy etyle. Summary of eventa Men's gdaflee.' Agar beet Andrewe, t I, S 1; Goaa beat Wlekeraham. S, S 4: Bellinger beat Letter, 40, I tl Fenton beat Rohr. S I. S S; Sawyer beat Wilder. conaolatlon. S I. 4 I: Shivers beat beat Leadbetter,- consolation. t 4 1 Dole beat Glummer, ennsnlstlon, i , a. lVadlee Slntrlee. Misa Booth beat Mlaa Smith I ; Mlaa Robertaon beat Miaa Weldler, 4 4, S 4; Miss Leadbetter beat Miaa Frohman, consolation, 4 4, S ; Miss Koehler beat Mrs. Judge, consolation. 4 1, --., s I. 'Men's Bonblee. Goae and Lewla beet Rohr and Ben ham, 4 I, 4 S, 6 1 ; Goss and Lewie beat Glfford and Webb, 10. 41, t 1: Agar and McAlpin beat Shivers and Veness, 4 1. I S. 44, t , 4 0, - - : r Mixed Senblea. Mlae Robertaon and Wlekeraham beat Mra Raley and MoAlpln. ' 4 0, 44; Miss Booth and Agar beat Mlaa Weldler and F.' Wilder, 6 1, 41: Miss Weldler snd Goss beat Mlse Morrison and Bell!nger,8 t.' Tt. " SPORTING GOSSIP. Laat ' night's promenade at the Mult nomah club was a brilliant affair. Those responsible for tha plana are to be congratulated upon. tha novelty of the echeme, and the auoceeeful carrying out of tha same. - The clubhouse waa decorated In the colore of. Multnomah J " r': IF IT FITS Mission Shoe "And They Wear ed the ecene v m one of axtralne pret llneaa. The athletlo field wae lighted by countless Chinee - lanterns, : and when the huge bonfire waa at Its height, the ' effect wae . dassling. Parsons' full or eheatre waa etatloned on the veranda and discoursed appropriate muete. Dur Ins tha evening nearly. s thousand gueets enjoyed the entertainment, . a e . V; . The Seattle ball team bad better seek admittance to the, local amateur league. The Slwashee era too slow for the faat and festive Giants. ' ' -- .' ' - e e "r ( .. t- Victor M. place haa been ehoeen as coach of the University of Waahlngton football eleven. Place la a Dartmouth college man. - . .. , " . a a. .- The Riverside, Driving. elub members will meet thla ayening la the office of the Rural Spirit - ' : ' . ' -.'' ' It will be ef Interest to football en thustasts to know that such well-known play a aa the "right wing ah! ft" tha "aero . slggler" and the "dingbats do" will be barred by the revised rules this season. . .-. - , ; - e ; e , ' ; - . , ' Mike Ward, 4he famoua Samta fighter, haa announced bis retirement from the ring. Mike le probably getting ready to challenge eomebody. - - . e e :'. ' - John D. Rockefeller le eald ,t0 be making a collection of foaalla John ought to get In 'Communication with Ruaa Hall, manager of the Seattle baae bai team, .. ,- .,-,..- . e e , S , A discovery baa Just been made at La Bsle, Illinois. Through an .unfor tunate aceldent it baa been learned that boxing la an Illegal eport In lUlnota. '. . ' a e . i " Major MoKlnley and Edge wood Quean, owned In Seattle, and two or the moat valuable bull terrlere on the coast, both hfLV-ln w wntt a. nnmh,, nhh... kiu on tha bench, were poisoned In the yard oi meir maaier, j. r nirnenwain, during hla brief abaenoe from home at West Beattla on Hundav. M mnA uM - enweln returned from a trip to Seattle eany in me evening lo and Kndgewood Queen In the throee of the poisoning, and they wltneeeed her death hair an hour later. Major McKinley wae taken 111 ehortly afterward and died before morning. . . . .. .. ;.t - iava ' .'-' . . When we read of John L. Sullivan's prime condition, after what he'e been though, we're Inclined to give bin the enduranoe prise. - , e e Jimmy Britt announce that he haa returned to . San Francisco to aettle down. There aeeme to be no end of mis fortune to that atrleken city. - ' r A Seattle Wail "Umpire Hod son la going to have his troublea In Portland, The Portland team la Inclined toward rowdyism, anyway, and MoCredle makes absolutely m effort to keep a check on hie men. At home they tide rough ehod ever the umplrea and the crowd encour agea them. Portland le getting to be as bad aa a coal mining town In tte treatment of umplrea. If that official does not hand the home team .ha hot ter of everything the gang on the bleacher cornea pouring out onto the field and arguea things. Slnoe the Fort land team aneourama thla A l .nl w about the only chance -an umpire hee uown on me wiuameiie is io give the noms- xesim veryxning Close and then run tv the eluhhrniaa . ITnuin up here that he did . not have nerve noon u siana wut agminar any aem enetratlen.1 . ;.t - - r -r - AMERICAN LEAGUE. " ' . Won. LoatT P.C. Philadelphia 61 II . .lis New York . ,i Cleveland ....41 , 14 .III Detroit.,... 4S 49 .$! Wmcago . uumuMMlt 41 .421 Bt. Louie . .40 -4S -.411 waaningion . . ........II . so .190 Boston IS ' ,7 AS-aeSrotS, ' :- ': . .; R.H. B. Detroit , , , t i Boston . . ...4 S ""Batterlee villain and Warner: Toung ana jretereon. .j..u..... it ffleeelaid ' ' ' Cleveland . . II II Waahina-ton 4 II Batteriea Heaa and Ruelowt Hughes, Kltaon and Heyoon. Cafe and Music Hall WEEK BEQINNINO MONDAY, JULY 30 ALL STAR E3IL.L Prof. Hunt's - Dog. and Monkey Circus Wonderful Trained Anlmala, . In troduclng New Tricks and ) - Novelties. t The Great MEMS 1 THE HUMAN FURNACE. .,' Is He Man or DevUT CHIRLIHCIONE ACROBATIC EQTjILtBfUBT. Gcnevive DeFowett -VOCALIST. . .V; Trixetta Serpentine Dancer and Contor- , , I tioniaC i ' Belle Lawrence -TUB tB0HE5TIAV- NlOHTIN . QALB, "JSIOTXTO nCTOTSBS. The Henpecked HuebanoTs Re - venge." Dally MaUneee front I to I o'olock. (. . ;.. llatinee Sonday 2 to' 5 P. U. . . program Ch eased DaOjr..,. Sntraaeee al tl Worth Third Street, Si, S8 and SS STorth Beo ad street, and S4S, SS and SOT aumalda street, - , - ;:iiSii Sale" FOR" Single and double-breasted coats, 1 . .Ml . HOLLAND MAY BE Queen's Latest Sorrow Reveals .That Dutch Are Not Attached ; ( ; to Monarchy. FEAR BEING SWALLOWED . . IN GERMANY'S EMPIRE It Is Proposed to Chang ths Con stltutioo by Inssrtinf Provision That' tha People . Shall ; Chooes Their Own Rulsr. - - (Jearaal Soeclal Bervlee.l The Hague, July 27. Dlacusalon of Quean Wllhalmlnas latest sorrow veala the faot that tha Dutch are more attached to the House of Orange than tney are to the general Idea, of mon arotay. If the queen dlee without leav ing an heir it le uncertain whether the people ..will atick to the old form of government. A- strange German prince, unacouatomed to the waya of tha Dutch, would be unacouatomed to the lowland ere, and even IX tha peace-loving Hol landere permitted him to become king hla position would be moat dlaagreeable. The Dutch will avoid the possibility of being , awellowed by Germany, an event not unlikely If- a German prince le made king. It la proposed to change the constitution by Inserting a pro vision that the people ehall choose their own ruler, In which event Emma, mother of Queen WUhelmlna, ; might again become Queen. - - M Ohaaee for Xemry. Whatever hapDene. Prince Henry. Queen Wllhelmlna's consort, will never become king.- - . The flret-elalmant for the Holland auccesslon Is Grand Duke William Ern est ef Baxe-Welmar, but the king of Holland can wear. In addition to "hla own crown, only that of Luxembourg, It would be neceaaary for the young duke, who le a widower and without an heir, to abdicate the throne of his nstlvs land, which he le altogether unlikely to do. ' ' , . The next In line IS' Prince Albert of Prussia, grand uncle of the kaleer. The third claimant la the hereditary Prince of Wled, who la considered aa having the beat prospect of success. - . '. While the succession of a German prince to the throne will' not necessarily reduce- Holland to tha atatua of a Ger man dependency. It would .Inevitably ce ment the political bonda with the fath erland, which It is well known that thla country la anxious to bring about. Ef forts to draw Holland Into a postal and customs union are constantly afoot, and reoently have . been more active than ever, notwithstanding ample Indications that the Dutch have little enthuelaam for the "iron embrace" ef their power ful mltltaryend naval neighbor. It le underatood In well-Informed elr clea In Berlin that. In eaae the Orange dynasty vanlahee with . the death of Queen WUhelmlna, "the Dutch - would follow the example of Norway and de cide the future form and head of their government by means ef the referen dum, with strong chances in favor of a c. p. Msro 1 .: i - ..." . .' ... . . .: REPUDLIC republlo... , THESE HANDSOME TWO SERGE SUITS your cnoice wnue tney HOoOO 8es them In our open windows 7: v ; 87.THIRD STREET W'b v5 it'll Kiiiii '- WiiAm lilt W have customers who hsvs been with as lor orer IS Tears, and tha rule holds f ood,' "Once a enstomer, al ways a customer." ' The right goods at tha right pricss, combined with liberal treatment in every respect, make ,' our customers our friends for all time. Tha list is con stantly Increasing. . - " r ' - ' LET US ADD YOU To our liit of "wise buyers" who sre taking advantage . of our low prices and liberal terms. .' You only need to eomparo-our prices with those of other jewelers, snd you will be convinced it psys to desl with us. . - , ' . CONSTANTINE DECLARES HE IS THE, WRONG MAN (Jearnal Spedel Servlre.) Poughkeepsle, N. T.. July IT. The man who. waa Identified aa Frank J. Conatantlne and accused, of Jhe murder of Mra Loutne H. Gentry In Chicago, on BASSS Ul PIATT! . ASTS POOT (arrre- foot -racer ot Germany and Hot. 17, ISOli Inlna ot eight weeks Lake City In April il'a Snow Liniment to "Uurlna my tralnl fu aaa at Rait ist,,'I used Baiiaru a Know liniment to ly greatest saurraciion. Tlterefore, hlehly reeommend Snow I.lnlment to SU who era - troubled with spralna, rulaea or rheumatism." 15o, t4o and .09. - nolo ry woomrd, crrarxe co.- - PIECE ; ; . . sizes up to 42. last ! 1 I 'XX' 1J i'J January S, declaree that he le rrlts. a brother of the man wanted In Chicago, and that he waa at work as a streetoar conductor on the day of the munlar, Conatantlne aald that- he worked eon. tlnuoualy aa a atreetoar eondurtor K New Tork from December II to January 21. when, he waa dismissed, having ha ( accidenta while on duty. hanging prevented ' . ,; by insanity do:: : I lllrmlnaham. Ala.r July IT. Juf Samuel Weaver, of the Jefferaco cow criminal court, at a lata hoar last n granted a writ of hebeae e-ua it half of John Wllllema. H in! been hanged in Cui.mea In . Tha writ, made returnable ing, seta forth, that John V Insane) that ha became Ins hie convlctloa. and orders that t order a proper trial lo pass t mentsl condition, and direct '' sent te the Insane wr. lua si L o - , , , : , . A . TV V. 7 ,