The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 26, 1906, Image 5

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    A' . V-'.'
7112 " c::lcc:i daily jouhijal, rcriTLAiror t::u;
f - .
Lvsimxa- july 3, u:i
Bessie and Essie kWbite Bessie With Round ; Locket, .. Essie With Heart-Shaped One. -
Hew would you Ilka to be so much
like your lister that when ' you looked
In the flui you couldn't, tell whether
It wee ehe or yourself? That le the
. rase of Mlee Bessie end Miss Essie
White of this ctty, who are 'eo sbsolute-
. ly sunusr inai ineir nearest associates
cannot tell them apart. .They bare or
erythlnf in common tractloe the so
cialistic principles. In fact. to such- an
extent that they apeak of "our chum,"
and -"our position," and "our money."
An -attempt to Identify their property
separately would certainly end dlsas
' troualy. ..- ,-..
. , About a year - ago . the twine arrived
her from Albany and. bay In a; learned
the trad of wrapper at a department
tore, one or them received a position
aa wrapper at the If eler at Frank store.
It would probably be Impossible even
for them to say which one received it.
for both accepted It Bessie would
work one day ' and on oomlns; home
would faithfully relate to Essie all the
happening of the day. warning her par
- tlcularly to remember that aha .- had
been "called down" for euch and euoh
a mistake.- y f
The next morning Essie-' would take
up the duties, and eo careful had been
her instructions that she corrected laud
ably the mistake of the day before. And
that evening ehe might have a lata
caiier, ua. so ins next morning neswe
rmiM M . v. ( n . ThA inltm law Im tha
fact that no one knew the difference.
But In an - unguarded moment the se-
,.eret was Imparted to a fellow-wrapper.
who remembered It the next time ehe
arrow euiarry ana rnw n a m. man
ager of their department. Bessie and
Essie aay thai nis jsngnanneae -was ruf
fled at - being the euooesaful victim of
euch a Joke, and eo be discharged them
en the spot, saying if a package were
lost he would not know which one - to
blame, . forgetting' that that waa the
beauty- of
umaa noia praise ana Diane.
Now the two maidens are with the
Golden Eagle store, one as cashier and
"the other as wrapper. bt which - is
' which none knows, for there, too, they
nave takes preventive measure against
monotony and court variety by an in-
A Written Guarantee
muu vomxmm at ft beat mwsh
yea see) eave of rb isssilsiin ef tea
tfcle S rsatss yew deaf siiil yos
Aa Ideal ' Summer Amtraemeert I
Ss auar percbi Is) tc sisssitahisf eo the
water at tha seashore swjunacial The
eeieef a e)APtlOPMowc y, the shea la
Free Trial eiod Easy Payment Offer
TMa la rear efcaeo fe seeare the BTftT
Wa Accept Oid Madilnea of Aay
Moke la Part Payment.
" arwedrl)(,rarU,ieew
ara4 BTteat.Leaia, ia4 '
ItewMf A e4Tws ePtrtswMe lwl ,
Cotunbia Phoaogfapli Co.t ca1,
m wAamrjrftvroaT rt. . ...
a a-4-.ft.n "
Um at y r assy V--, I f
'J ii mmm awassge naa,
terchaage of poeltlonav However, they
took the precaution thla time of telling
their employer, and be decided that if
the work was satisfactory It didn't
make much difference which did it.
. Bessie and Essie , are dark-haired,
gray-eyed twins, of exactly the same
height, with precisely the same feat
ures and the same way of wearing their
hair. . To distract the public more they
dress exactly alike, and every check or
polka dot in their gowns hlta In exactly
the sams place.. Their chain bracelets
are alike and worn on (he same arms.
Their 'rings are alike everything; is
alike, in fact, but their chain lockets
but this only makes the similarity more
oonf using, for ' one can never - be ex
pected t remember which had . the
round one and which the heart. .
These twins . have solved, -the
problem - of conservation of ' energy.
Each etudled half the lesson when they
were Is school, and. though the teacher
tied a. blue ribbon on the arm of one
that she might not havs to recite the
whole lesson, it wae easy to slip it off
and pass It on If the teacher's Judgment
was lacking and either got the wrong
part. 'At dances, too, the likeness was
ased to advantage, for dances with un
popular partners could be so easily
shifted, or each could disclaim -the
dance and' calmly walk off, '
But Essie thinks that their remark
able resemblance may prove a nuiaanoe
sometimes. Bessie chucklee audibly
amid Essia'r protests as she tells of
the Albany man who came to see her
sister a few Sundays ago. Unfortunate
ly he had not apprised Easts of his
arrival and Bessie saw hira first , Im
agine the consequences! The one who
went' walking aays ho told her lote of
Interesting things, and looks meaningly
At the other, but Essie says there was
stthlnc to tell.
The Pied Tlper of Hamlin U be were
in Portland, -mtght-eecur a lucrative
contract ; from County -Clerk Frank 9.
Fields, There are not as many rata e
be lured away from the courthouse . as
there were tn Hamlin, and but" for one
blaV-gray rat the nounty clerk would
not wish for the piper. - '. : .
Three days ago thla big rat scurried
across the floor of the outer office and
all the rats that followed the piper Into
the mountains could not vie in sharps
and flats with the ahrleks of the horri
fied women deputies. " The mala deputies
bravely came to the rescue and the rat,
to escape being killed, rushed Into the
big vault where the county records r are
kept, and has since - refused to come
out, ' .. .' -
The vault ' has been thoroughly
searched repeatedly. 'but no' rat could be
found. . Tet, ' each morning too
where he had been trying to gnaw his
way out were seen. Traps baited with
tempting bits of cheese are treated with
scorn by the rodent.'. y
' Yesterday evening the- vault was left
open when all the deputies went borne
and a large pleoe of cheese was placed
outside in the hope that the rat-would
be tempted to come out The night-
watchman was peeping, and saw Mr.
Rat steal cautiously out, snatch the
eheeee and scurry back to the darkness
of the vault, where he had the first good
meal he has had for three days.
When Deputy County Clerk Christen
sea closed the vault at it o'clock the
rat had retreated to hie bidden nest and
Is. there- pel It-ts-feared that it WtU
become eo hungry that It will gnaw up
the eounty records, and If It can't be
ooaxed out pretty soon. County Clerk
Fields may have to detail one of his
deputies In order to protect the papers.
Wanted to" 8ea What It Would
Do - to Him and Ha
Soon Found Out.
, J.-J Ho-
curiosity erased barber tried to slip
his lingers between the wings of - a
swiftly revolving eleetrlo fan.
And now the Darner isn i snaving any
morel . .
Don't lauah! Didn't you ever lay your
hand on a 'building placarded - "Fresh
Paint" Just to see whether the paint
waa really fresh or not?. " -r
Well, the barber Just wanted to know
what the fan would do to him. .
And he found out I ,
Th accident occurred - yesterday
afternoon at the shop of Frank Rogers,
at m Alder street The name of the
curious tonsorlal artist wae Joseph
Smith. Smith Jammed his whole hand
into tha fan. No bones were broken,
but three fingers and a thumb were so
badly lacerated that Smith will not be
In condition to pipe "you're next" for a
whole fortnight or more,
And now all the other barbers In the
hop are glad that Smith was th first
to try It ; :. '' . '
J. F. Kelly has been given a 'permit
for the construction of a 11,000 resi
dence on Fifth street-at-the corner of
Caruthera, - It haa been many a Jong
year since a dwelling coating that sum
has been erected anywhere -lit- this -vicinity.
- ; . .. - - v '
Other permits have bean Issued as' fol
lows: Nicola Casclato, repairs, Sheridan
corner Fourth, cost,' 11,400; W. O. Mc
pherson, ' foundation for shop, Wilson'
b tureen Nineteenth and Twentieth, cost,
12,600; Fred F. Jorg, repairs, Cleveland
avenue corner Preecott, coat, tlfO; Title
Guarantee aV Trust company, repairs,
Washington between Second end Third,
oost tt.OOv; I C. Jameson; two-story
dwelling. College corner Sixteenth, coat
IS.600; E. it. Laaarus, stairway. Four
teenth between Washington'-and Burn
side, "cost. 1100; J. Frledenthal. two
story dwelling, Everett between Twenty
first and Twenty-second,; cost, 11.000;
Andrew - Hansen, twe-etory dwelling.
East Washington corner East Thirty
seventh, cost, 11,100; P." B Langdon,
two-story -dwelling. Park avenue be
tween Eaet Eleventh and East Twelfth,
cost l,JO;frs.-Elna Downing, two
story dwelling. Downing, between Dur
ham and Bellevue, coat, M00; Oregon
Water Power dt Railway company, re
pairs. Alder between Front and First,
coat. 12.000; J. A-'Oraef, one-etory
dwelling. Etat Fifteenth between Going
6hould Ba Given Great Con
alderatlon When Positions Are
i That experience may properly be con
sidered one of tha most necessary
qualifications la a competitive examine
tion la the opinion of C 8. Snyder, sec
retary of tha twelfth United States civil
service district, which is composed of
the Paclflo coast and Rocky mountain
Dr. Snyder was In the city yesterday
and at the request of Secretary McPher
son of the Portland civil service com
mission, ' examined the office method
and the manner of conducting examina
tions for city Jobs. Hs holds that the
method in which the examination for
captain of polios -and detectives last
October was held was ths best that can
be given, coneldering tha peculiar qual
ifications demanded of the man In that
position. This waa the teet by whioh
Patrick Bruin went Into office.
Mr. Snyder was for several years as
sistant chief examiner at Washington,
and had to paae upon the examinations
for (00 positions under the' federal civil
servloe. He elates that the same meth
ods are pursued by the government, and
cited inatanoea where experience was
principally taken into consideration. He
also said, .after having , examined all
the applicants' papers, that Bruin stood
the highest In his examination, and
that be would have so marked Bruin
had he been on, the examining board.
The government expert also gave as
his opinion that the civil service regu
lations in- the- charter are too stringent,
and that .too many restrictions are
placed on executive officers regarding
the discharging of employes. He haa
found that tha tendency of executive
officers is to retain inefficient employes
rather than to discharge them for polit
ical or -religious res sons.
Fteferreai stock Oaaaed aeeaa, .
' Allen A Lewis' Beet Brand.
He tribe
Beet foe AM Digestive) tr7y
Kldaay trowblas, KneumafUm,
narvowe weaaaaaa. no Alcohol,
QvStina, Metmry m enr fnmonmm atiwes Si a
A Tm4 M.aicfcin mot a SW4. Ue md U
sbvnlslMWkl tikZt w
aASsrrrs HATtvg rui co.
,r : ' '- : :' -i -"
1 - "
Ti tr mr MJ'cnrtsrrTf-vTirmV
. :Ll .
1 1
Friday as usual, Barnia Day with a list of offerines rebresentine the Best Values of the Seasbnu'We sell onlv the" most
t trustworthy merchandisenot only the cheaper grades, but the very highest' aa wtll-Ul at prices that meaii for our cus
tomers savings well worth considering, and not to be matched elsewhere. - Some fortunate purchases enable us to quote
you cut prices that are away below anything that has been offered. We, have a longer list of bargains to offer this week
thanjhaa been offered in months. We quote here just a few of the special, items.. Call to see ui and let us tell you of the
rest of then).
100 doz. Painted Cushion
Slips in floral and con
ventional designs, regu
lar values 33c each. Spe
cial for Friday, ea. . .l&f
. ' . " .-.4. :;..,-'''; , "
n Impoptant
m iaxaarag3i icni a err
J00 dozen ; Duck Wash
Belts, with heavy raised
embroidery, fancy buckle,
regular i value . ' 75c .each.
Spatial for Friday.. ..GOf
Here you will find the latest and most desirable styles, largest and prettiest assortment of merchandise AT
'THE VERY LOWEST PRICES, i Bargain Friday we have a sale in this department that will out-do anything that
has been done in a Bargain Sale. Prices quoted below are special for BARGAIN FRIDAY ONLY., , 'V- :-. '.
One day more of this extraordinary Sample Waist Sale, ( A' few new ones.' came in yesterday and were'added'to
- At 1 . 1 I ii-.' t t .p t e i . - .' Ti i . . - ' 'ti - L 1 - . - i f 1 . ,
ine ioi, maicing a grarKi collection oi ocauinui iresn waists, ine 101 comprises waists oi inc piauicsi as wen as, tne
- most elegant; -every one on sale Bargain Friday at "Actual Cost to manufacture.' Frices range-
irom ouf up to . . ; . .
e a.e.asa a i
h e
Silliv Ftito S
A new lot of Silk'Petticoats on sale . BaTgain Friday al.'
$4.60. i These are the best skirts we have, ever sold at this
price. ".They are made of an excellent quality heavy taf-'
. feta in black, and colors; deep' ruffles, and flounces ;
actual $5.90 and $7.50-valuevSpecial Bargain ( yl-CfV
f . I
-rwhiteand colors; they are made in gored style ; RQf
m ; our DC8cx. vaiue. ; special ai,... ....... ..v.a.vrw ,
Women s Percale 7rappcro 0100
Women's Wrappers, made of good quality percale, in
neat styles -'with.' y6ket trimmed-with-ruffles and braid,'
full sleeves, deep flounce; regular, $1.?5 , . , ? j A
value Bargain Friday. V; : . , ..... . . . . . . .V. $ 1 eli il
Wash Sliirts 80o
Women's Wash Skirts of good" quality" washtmateriat ui4 styles ;--double-breasted frontsr" large -cireular-Tcollars;
. Cliildroii's Jtxoliota '. 80o
We place on sale Bargain Friday : a large line ,of little
girls Coats at greatly reduced prices; all this seasons
patch pockets, full sleeves, trimmed ; with braid ; OH-
our regular $1.35 values. Special Bargain Fridays O.C
- We want every man in Portland to know about the
abundance of things-we have provided especially' and
- solely for them. In our sections devoted to men's wear
you'll find just as wide assortments and just as high-class
merchandise as in the establishment of .the most exclusive
hatter, haberdasher or clothier.. . . - . , .
0150 Fancy Oolf Sliirts on Sale
i Bargain Friday at 80o;
Full line fancy Golf Shirts in all sizes, made of fine ma
terials in plain colors and attractive stripes; dozens. of
patterns and large .variety of ' colorings. "Choose fronv
the entire lot of $1.50 values, Bargain Friday, ,OQ
at, each. , . : .'.vV..'. . . .", . . . . .'. .'. . . . . . . . . ; OxC
45c Boys': Blouse Waists -24a We
have splendid .line, of Boys' Blouse;
Waists of besti workmanship? ; thev
!come-inalLthe best colors and-hrtft
sizes from 4 to 10 years; 'good values
at 85c anT45cTOuf special ' AW
. . price. Bargain Friday; . I . . ; . . eWC .
f I '
50c' Fancy Neckwear 19-i-Genune.s
. Enrlish Fourm-HajadTke all tHi
Trbcsrniidsummer ideas of coloring. and,
patterns; regulartprice 50c Our spe- .1
ciarpttce for Bargain Kriciaj p-
Onr Aiiciist Shoe Sole Starts Toxnozrow, Bar(din
Friday in the Basement Shoe Department .
One rear af o thla week we started what proved to be the moat sensational shoe sale
ever known in Portland. Tomorrow, Friday, we start a sale of shoes and oxfords that'
should be equally aa sensational as the one a year ago. Tha values are every whit aa
food, if not better. Our New York buyer has been of great assistance to ns in gathering
together these vast quantities of shoes by purchasing lor us In tha eastern markets at great
reductiona thousands of naira of thorougnly dependable footwear for all. DurDosee. . Wa
have over three carloads of these shoes and every pair is guaranteed ; Read carefully the
list of offerings
l.OO for women t
$3 and $3.50 Patent ,
' Leather-Pumps and Slippers, basement hoe
department .f l.OO
S) 1.85 for women's $2.50 and $3 hand-made .
Lace and Blucher Oxfords, basement shoe
department .... . . . . . .'-. .". . . . t. i . . . . .f t5
l.OO for boys' Solid Casco Calf Lace ;
Shoes, made for wear, warranted; basement '
shoe department. . ....... .'. '. . f l.OO .
09e for girls' hand-made Barefoot Sandals,
basement shoe department. ,....99f
nt . I fl.
8T for women's $3.50 handmade-Dx
orda1n over 40 different stylef and six
: leathers; button, blucher and lace; basement ,
hoe department. . . . . . ... . . 1.87 -
fl.05 for' women's $175 Kid Juliets with .
patent leather tips, basement shoe' depart
ment 9 1.05
1 f.4S for men's $3.50 and $4 Blucher -Ox
f fords in patent leather, vici kid and -gun''
metal ' call, basement shoe. , depart ,
mcnt ... i ......... . v. . .
argaiisfi in Silh Section-
-Tomorrow, Bargain Friday, we will
show the greatest array of pretty, sea
sonable silks we have ever had, and,
despite the constant upward tendency
of prices on all silk goods, we will
quote prices during this sale 'that are"
absolutely . without precedent. ' r
$1.00 Foulards 59e-23-inch "Cheney
Bros." genuine Satin Finished Foulard
Silks in , white and blue with, dots in, .
; all sizes, coin and pin ; . beautiful for
summer and fall wear; regular $1.00
-values.- Special Bargain Ffi- y; PQ
day only. .'. "J 07
50c Foulard 20j 20-inch Faiicy.Fou-;
;lard Silks, plain grounds .with neat
.small figures, splendid eradev goods,"
larsre assortment of colors; always
Tsold at 50c SjiarBargain'1! A -
Friday only, at .............. . y Is
JOc Jap Silks , 32f 21-inch- Jap Silk,
.very good quality, .washes wdl," Comes
- in all shades of blue, red, brown, green, ,
pink, also evening shades; a genuine
bargain ; regular 40c value:' . ? "Je
Special, Bargain Friday only. . OawC
S5c Jap. Silk 22a 21-inch Tap Silk,
- washes like linen, pretty and, durable
-for summer waists landH dresses,: alll
colors.-' Special price, Bar--5
gain Friday. . . . LL&t
50c, Wash Silks 35 Large showing'
of washable China Silk in splendid as- :
sortment. of stripes and checks, eood
i.heayyi quality also a. line ot 22-uich,
( printed Jap Wash bilks, cream grounds
with neat dots and figures, warranted
fast colors ; regular price 5.0c :5Cv
Special, Bargain Friday. . ;. t . .OD W
60c Jap Silks 42 An unusual offer
ing of 27-inch, heavy washable Jap :
Silk in -any ' wanted color, also,-black
..and cream; our regular 60c . -A n
, goods. Bargain Friday only at. 4aVv
Our Great Annual Sample Sale of Women's High Grade Knit Undervests. Pants and .Union Suite v ; . ; C
starts here tomorrow morning. Each season about this. time we purchase the entire sample line, of .. y
vnej v uw witni wjwiwi, m m. uwvvuui wi vw pv nwi)v www uuifiiaiuwuta,
'comprising almost every grade of cooL summer Underwear for women, to be closed out at exactly half
price. We expect the usual great rush for these samples, and in spite of the liberal supply would advise
- early purchasing.- ' : ' ,. i . m.:...--. i... .j.,., -i i ...- j.
r Sleeveleco VeotDTTZv7 V- ;.i
25c Sleeveless Vests Sample Sale price. 12V!
J6c Sleevejess Vests--Sample Sale price. 17tft
40c Sleeveless Vests Sample Sale price.. .20 r."
$1.25 Spun Silk Vests--Sample Sale price 68 -
Women's Unit Pants
60c quality Ankle Length Pants Sample Sale. ...25
s50c quality Lace .Trimmed Pants-rSample Sale .25
40c quality Lace Trimmed Pants Sample Sale i, .10$
;':- ay
J -
50c Silk Liste Sleeveless Vests Sample sale.23ri
"TSc Silk Lisle Sleeveless Vests Sample. . 3754
Children's Underwear All sires in Misses' Vests
and Pants ; 25c and 35c grades, each . . . 7, ; . 18 .
i "Women's Dlcorclcra TJzdzn CzLl3
BOc.quality Bleached Lisle ;Union' Suits Sample SaleV.r
75c quality Bleached Lisle Union Suits--Sample Sale..
$1 quality. Bleaclied Lisle Union Suits Sample Sale.V.'.'
and wygant cost. HQO. , ,
in . i ,i. i
will be rather early.