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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1906)
Wat v.Se ' f - ( TV.. . y v-- ' j , ; ' ' i ! ' " ' ' i : ' GOOD EVE ifl KG .-.v . - ; ' "" t " -- - THE WEATHER. ; r - Fair tonight and Friday, continued warm; northwest wind. -. .', ) J Journd Circu!z;:cn I t I .. i " 1' T" .VbL. V. NO.-122. Engaged in Brokerage Business in Shanghai ; Where No Extradition , Law Can Reach Him v Has ' No Intention of Returning ' to Oregon to Give Testimony - or Serve Sentence for Com v plicity . in Conspiracy , to Pe fraud the United States. -.A..'.v. '. The government of tha United Btate know Just wber It emu 4y lta band ' on Horace O. M cKlnlsyl tufttlv land fraud conaplratrrv but' atlll it cannot ' I each Mm. ' Thl I becauea MeKlnlejr i-.lm In 8hncha4, China, beyond the reach of extradition. v There he dabble In tha ' brokerage bualneee. Uvea a life of ease, and, according to tha latest advice r ; ..clved ;by 'the covernmenr that aeaks aim. ha no Intention af roluntariljr re- -wnlr.f to Orewfc- 7- - - '- " McKlnley i wanted Xy the federal au ' ; thorlUee for two purpoaea, f lrat . to tea- . tiry In land fraud. cases yet untried and second to pay the penalty for which, he , was convicted..: Tbis penalty ' would , probably be similar to that Imposed on bis accomplice, S. A., D. Futer, who waa sentenced to serve two years In : atland to per a fine of n.tOO. frf ' lUto Pspnrtssaat XaB. : 1 The matter f brlnalna' back. McKlii- ' - ley haa befa undr oonslderatloa by tha ,-taaa- deporlsient at WaahtnsTtoa for some lime. . Secretary Root haa stood r 7-ready t tnveke the- whole power of that - I branch of tha government to aocomplUh ' the object souaht.. but thaa far ne way ; has.biwn found te seise llcKlhley In his Shaorhat ntugt. It eannot be done by f extradition,, as there Is so traaty cover; - r Ing hi case. Therefor tha uthorttfes r i are of tha opinion 'that' so. Urns as the - I fugitive remains In Shanghai he cannot , ba reached, t Still the government ta"nof 4-hopeless of getting Its man, aa was evi dencedJthJther day in court by -the i statement of Special Assistant Attor-'ney-Uuneral Henry that tha prosecution j expects to h ve-McKlnley In court whea ; It take up th4 caa In which hp was a conspirator. . . - , , McKlnley, It will be remembered, married Marl Ware, another land fraud conspirator, and shortly, thereafter fled to the orient with a woman of the ataav known as "Uttle Egypt." - He. took with . him about IS.000 obtained in . the deal by which Puter and himself swindled t eastern land investors who Were look lng for good thing, and It la believed that he atlll haa some of that money ; left. 'Little Egypt- Is not now In his company. , s i . OoBUBanloatea Wltk Zts.WlXe. T: ' Marl War McKlnley,. who la now In , Portland waiting to be called a a gov ernment wttneMS, . Is In communication - with her fugitive, husbaad, but tha let , tera are few and far between. Recently ' she got the Idea that possibly Secret Service Agent 'William J.- Burns - had gone to me orient, arrested McKlnley, and waa bringing him back to thl coun try. . Bh asked Prosecutor Ueney If this ' were true, and Id answer be produced a ". telegram from Bums dftted DubUn. New . Hampshire, July- 44K -Burns Is at pres ant In the town mentioned, which la the , lunmif home. of. Secretary of tb In i terior Hitchcock, and I engaged Jn ; making out a report on an Oklahoma f matter Which is soon to be aubmltted to-the president, v ; , , avhen asked this morning about the ...' atory that McKlnley Is returning to Oregon, Prosecutor Heney said: "I have 110 Idea that ha la coming back and do '.' not believe Uiat ha will com until ha . Is brought back." - v - i ' . i .'f Mrs. McKlnley has Informed friends " that Horace la engaged In the brokerag business with an , Englishman, -She adds that she and her husband are atlll fond of each, other and declare her dl belief In all. stories linking hla name with .that of "Uttle Egypt" The only ' fault she flnda with Horace' la that he 1 doesn't always tell the truth, and she j. freely forgives him for -that. vSha Ik (Continued on Page Three.. T 1 eeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee THEN ; WHY DID -THE But 'why waa it that the Oregotiian opposed' fh; blanket 'fran chises on October 3, 1902, and favored thehv four . Vlayi later? . ; ' : : . Mr. 9tott haa entered a Very hime denial of the charge that the . "f1op".wai Ithe feultgfa bargatnitjiJJ urucr .insr ine cauur inigui orcsK ini? in unitea, states , senaie. But he doea not yet give any explanation of hit paper' extraof rdinary change of front 0n the franchise queition. w , . , " ; .: " ' Speak up, Mr. Scott Give tha public some ort of -excuse,-no Z matter how", feeble, . Jlave you no and abuse? ;- . ,' r . - .-- :.: ' ,.-'-".-,-'V( ' "S v" ;'' I . ' . What happened in those four day ' to cause ' the ' Oregonian'e change, of front? ' Sine Mr. Scott 'denies 'the- -bargain.-with Mac-' thews (and that bargain was made with Scott's .-political ."man Ugers," if not with himself, in spite of his denials), , is the public to - infer that the price of the OreiiKn'r fl6p" was VoITcah Ti J-" i '!' The editor explains the Oreajonian's t advocacy of the blanket franchise by a plea of ignorance that .'abogt Jhc flopi .. i . TfrMtMej't4eeeeeeee i Of Fourteenf tiuhdred Pair of JNum - ber lshthoesorWomirv 7 Sufferers,' but No Wearers-. YJfff ousafS Su Fancy ? -colored oeit' costumea-1, 'H (Jaarsal Bpceiat Servle.) "" i ' " BanPVanclaeor July-4. Any woman In Pan rraficieoo .who; eonfe to wearing Ntfcrl shoe can have as many pair a aa she nee5sty. -applying at the relief warehouse. , 'ourten ' hundred pairs of ahoes. all. 'Wo. t, are lying In that ' warehouse' waiting ' to be carried away ojr refugees. . Jhey were eont to Ban Franeifco rosa,Caioago, where, go eordlpa. to . anplenj , JradlUpn, , at No.j I shoe la reckoned dainty. it In themma depository for relief sup plies aret hundred of doaen -of suit of dolls' underwear ent bj kind-hearted people to relieve the distress of Ban Francisco. it- a nmeunaerwaTap parently. The shirts ars about els Inches 16ng and yot' can stretch them until ' they at a foot ' wide,. Thy are mostly' all low.neck ehlrts. . r In the relief warehouse are alao 4.000 golf -suits. dontVibiited by some tender hearted devotee of. the. crooked etirk and checked ball, who eould not think of even a solum fe disturbance and Whole sale conflagration, depriving tha popabv tlon of the pleasures of the. game, and bis (or her) eathetlo sod? rebelled-at the thouglwt of the glorious game of Scot land being played in other than, fitting attire.' Such a profusion of warm eel ora bad. never .been. eeen .here . since the days of the dona and. their bull nghts,. But the suits are here -4,000 of 'em complete f ronv feathered Aeadplece- to abbreviated trousers, and those fussy stockings (what's, the Scotch for 'emT) which make a banktclerlr'a.calfrtook like ar football player's. J t r v j t The distribution of them was. planned. but the refugees didn't take kindly, to kllta. Ay)i , A-, ff V'.f..- '" i : , , , , ,- . -i f RESCUED: FROM XjEATH t UPON MOVING BELT ;' ! (RDerlal.DUDStck.ta Xi Joerssl ooraal.) 1 1 1a Orande. nr Jnlw 14. N., Han- ion, employed ' bV 'ths ;A.' B.' C" steam laundry, escaped death today only I by' the prompt action of hi fellow worknra In pulling him from . a ' moving belt. where he had fallen -while) oil Ing the machinery.. He was cut and brulsedian the bead, gnd One ankle wits bmkenj In tne wneei. . He win probably recover, 0REG0N1AN FLOP? Si better defense than billingsgate approaches, idiocy. But ht . ...:.'..,. . ....--1 - will bs 'kkb ii m 1 1 mniaiM l , m -w i a ar - - v si . . bb . . mm . 'L. w - m x b., L'liii illbjii i J. v-- ? - Penned.W r X.1 -- AMi"-J.v V5' . 'Ji ir J Haiti. PORTLAND,- OREGON, - .THURSDAY " EVENING, JULY PttiricipAw f . .-. Jliv.Vss . .r At iris , :t:Ss! II I t.w .,-. r-; Y' .f."i--f. f .'. Qa. tbt'left Ia Mrs. Mary Scott Hart je, who ta beinr gued'byhei" hatband for-g divorce,., nzt to her- U thalr 4 ' son, John Scott Hartje, In the -center Thomas Madlne, on 'the Tibt Maiy IiaeKartj,daufhter-of the T r-aTjeg,-nd on the extreme rjgnt GiiiiNGiiFoiiiiiii DuririgQuietEperor Plan ; ? Without TjBrtorist Provisions Agrarian i j jewsApprenensiYe; ;ot ' v - i - (Jenrsal ipeHal-aertUe.) . ' St' Petereburg. July zL--Duriiig - the quiet the csar la endeavoring to form- a n.ew cabinet, which la ltVtny to plan an ultimate ; constitutional ' ' goremm'ent without iterrorlst provisions.., .The agra riart disorders -contlnuen a The Jews are apprehenafve,- - . At Odessa, General Kadlbara ta In full control and tha soldiers, obey him' lm-, plldtly.- The commanders have begun army reform upon the .theory that much discontent In due to I1U treatment by. offloera. " ' " -' ' ' r'- ' Four members -of the- council of the empire have resigned to ahow tbelr dis satisfaction at , the dissolution -of" vine douma.' - . -.. v. i Dlspatchea from Odeeea, atate that the Jews -are' being 'disarmed and left to the merer of .the mob,' while many of the moat promtnent member -of the Jewish' bund movement are. being cast HEARST;;OUTr OF POLITICS ' IS4 KE17 iYORKvSTO RY : I "S' 7- .t 1 1 ii Closp NFrleiif of t Journalirt Statit ,That, Utter JrVante Cay-,-- . i t .. -. norlomlnated. Vjesrsal Sescls! seWkeV ? New rTork, iuly it The VJtatemsnt made by a eloa frlehd of W, R. Hearst to the effect that Judge Oaynor' would be proposed as Democratlo. candidate for y governor has' been ' given - pecullsr significance.' It Is to- t lie effect that Hearst had . fully, decided not. to be a Candidate for governor until he received the' regular "Democratic nomination. 'According to thla statement Hearst ha been looking for aomebody to1tak the. gubsrnatoiiar nomination of ths Independence league, assuming that the Democrats in the ahtl-Haarst combination-will select a -candidate not - In accord with Ma view of what a eandl data, should be. .-&e . . Hearst'a great losses tn the fire In sn Frandaco and prospectively urgent cal1upon hla time and energies' there during Char next twe-yeare I given the principal Mason -for his temporarily abandoning political activities. , . , - ' , . Klsg Beoelvea Pelearmte. ' ' . tJearBI gMeial genlre.l v , .' London,, July 2f.-n-Klng Edward re ceived tha delegate 'to the Interparlia mentary uaIob today. -.1 mw in. tiArvjjc divorce; ccandal Augugtus naxtje. . , v w . ; Into .prison! after , being j unmercifully bee I en , , r s r , -, '. ' Prom, bouse te, house the authorities are going; and taking every weapon to be found. Most of the Jewish : house holds ,are . found to haver revolvers- of American, make- and. these are rimmedl. atsly 11 seised. '. The! .Jews i are t panlo-trtcken-at tthe thought of the -Impending massacre. .v y 1 ... . i -,, Torture-of the. worst form- haa been Inflicted, It la reported, - upent. Jewa in an effort -to" make, them 'confess where bombs' and flrearma are concealed, which ret known to have been brought Into the -city of. Odeeea... - ' . Moscow's entire revolutionary organ isation .ls wrecked.- The arrest of III men. yesterday, who 'are claimed to be the heads of the -vertoua departments of 'the great revolutionary ' machine, .Is claflfied by the authorltlea to have ended whatever danger ' there was of an upfc rising there.' -. j .V''-"fv? '"....' 1 r:iua'.:..:i is killed by d:etz FAf.!ILY 4 1 1 v; ' j.' ; '." Pitched Battle Fought in Wit- v : yr 1 ei.i'.'i.jj K. ."J , consin ana oiatai vjuaiu urn- XL vfeated,b)r:r;(;-: .. . f Uaarnal ' anarlal get iW e.t Nsw Richmond, Wis.. July !. Dur- klng a battle at Cameron Dam, on Thorn- apple river, between ne sheriff ami aix militiamen and the family of John Diets, who for three years . hss defied the courts and the Mississippi Boom com pany, a soldier was kilted. -The officers approached Intending totoust-the Diet family epon order of the courts. Diets wteuwssd-n stussp .ead-eld the sheriff he would only be taken after hi rifle waa. empty, and he himself waa dead. The, women of the family stood behind with roleye of loaded guns. 'The offi cers opened fire. tsnd Diets returned. Diets' s son Clsrk Is probably fatally shot. Diets retains possession. BROKERS ENJOINED ' FROM USING QUOTATIONS j .i- Bt Paul.- July !. The district court todsy Issued a permanent Injueetton re atrahilng - SMwarda. Wood a Co. from using quotations from-the ehambes of commerce. The firm waa expelled from membership, and resisted tn expulsion. The' derision declared .that-'' the quota tions are the exclusive' property pt the enamberot emanrC. ;' ' ( 23, 1806.-EIGHTEEN ; -PAGES. Disbitlers? wTh authorltlsa here-lnabth wey-ob- talned a' clue to the location of - the hea'dquarters'of the .and, telegraphing to ,'Mosoow,'; informed " the authorltlea there.. Wednesday f morning .a raid waa made upon a secluded' house on, the-outeklrts of 'the eltyiand nine fmenfairasted.'i; A search' of i tBe house revealed t Important documents) in ' the shape of lists of th'ladefa'of;tn'e,revo luyon,; : The nine men were placed in 'prison ,and secret service officers7, soon had' the remainder of the leader .in cus tody.! -. : ." i - ' J ..'"' . : The government's, energies ere, being devoted to -the -creation of -the! impress slomat home and abroad: that; there Is .no danger -of a revolution end that the call 1 for f a general atrlke 1 a. ratlure. LtImo government neede - money and - Is preparing the, markets to favorably, re- oelve he. request for a huge-loan. Ki.EE BREECHES - C0STU7.TE ; LATESP FULL DRESS - ;, ' iin -.'.. . -Jl,.. -- . Society Swell: to ; Hereafter v Wear Garb of. Footmen . In-" , ' Waiter,.. ' ' I t l v , " ! "V f ir-. . , - , , - ... v ' ' ' ' 'J .-' r -. Uosmel gearlel gervtea. - t - .Xondnrt, July t.-It! seems that the long-talked-of change In, men's evening dress , Ja abouf to , be reallaed. ,' High class tailors in ths weet ena are already making newt samples and during, the coming eesson the-coat will be of blue cloth, with velvet collar and silk fsclngs brought to the edge' of the lapel. , - .' Trousera- or knee braechs -wilt be" op tional. They will be of blsck cloth The trousers will sometimes have two rows ef braid on the side seam. . , The entire outfit will be similar t the evening . dres recently prescribed for gentlemen of the king e household. This specification Include .gilt buttone. .On the, whole, . It looks as. If the. momen. toils reu(t will be (hat the garb of men will be that, el footmen Instead of wattera. . . , . , ,'., . . EIGHT HUNDRED JEWISH ORPHANSLEAVE RUSSIA . (Jeersal Ipeelal garrlee.t . -Vienna. July .It. Klsht .hundred chil dren of Jewa, whose parent were mur dered at Blalyatok, passed through Low berg .today, an rouva t America. . PRICE TWO Hi IPPODIHTED Ceitnaji r Fhoenfx"- 'Insurance 'Company; Is First to Declare It Will Not Pay Losses Because ? Fire Was, Directly - Caused by tEarthquakew The first foreign . Insurance .company to, positively -repudiate losses In San Franclsoo has -oocneout wtth a formal announcement. A cablegram today from Berlin to The Journal says: 'The Ger man Phoenix will not' pay; liabilities at 8a iv Francisco, on tae grounda that the earthquake caused the Are.", The com pany carried $l,0t0,000 Insurance In the stricken city.. . , , The Austrian Phoenix Insurance com pany,- often caJlM the "German Phoe nix.",, ia the only company, of similar nam entered In the. Royal exchange In California., It la not, entered In Ore gon, ana haa .no agent In' Portland. .The company . began , business In, 11(0 In VI- (Continued on Page Three.) rf N;ArjForbe .si Brjdge, Spraining Ankle, But Hobbles I rand Saves Boy j From Drowning ; ' By-awlf t work - and - utter, disregard for his own-safety,. A.-Forbes yeeter day .rescued -a. drowning boy. after the latter-had. disappeared beneath the sur face of the water for .what . otherwise would have' been' the last time. 1 '. - The -boy,- Oeorge Laurens, sthe. 7-year-old son of C.-F. Laurens, who reside In thei flat; beneath tthe east - side Justice Court, -had 1 been fishing from-a log -rsft ,on the; aloughist . the. east-end of , the i I .. J T , N. . A.jForbea, the Hjro. Burnelde bridge. Ill mother believe that he became dlssy and toppled over Into the water, which Is said to be 9 feet dep-at that place. No- one ,.was wlth1 thO' boy except a neighbor's child of .hlewu age, end had It not been for the apeedy work of yorbek he would surely have been drowned,. , . rorbe"s, . who ,1s' a , member 'of f' the Forbes Engraving company, was crows- .' v M?s'',s''', ' ' A r , ' L.X. , I -r:: y.,y I ..'a'" -' 1 ' - 1 " ' ICon tin utd on Fag fiuee CENTS. MA, ma c .4 Attorney- Declares Fake Insur ance ConceVn Can Operate Here Freely Explains , How Company, Shut , Out of . Other States, Enters Into Business in Oregon ahd Deliberately Swindles Citizens Without Fear; of State Laws ' "Oregon la the "garden (pot for 00 r poratlon frauds. There la more graft Ing dona by corporations here than ' In any other three atates that I know of." " Thla startling - statement waa made today by Walter O. Hayes, Attorney and insurance expert, during an Interview concerning alleged crooked work on the part of the' Mutual Reserve' Insurance company ot-Haw-.tork, who ehlef of flclsls hay recently-: been . Indicted . In New Torat for, grand larceny and f org- , ery. ; i, t.' f -i t , - . "Oregon la the only ' atate, to my knowledge, that haa not an antl-lnsur- ance-rebatelawon herstatute hooka, declared Mr. Hayes. . "Nevcrtheleea , it is' my opinion that' the ' governor, sre tary of -state, and attorney-general have the lght. In view of the action of Mark T. Kady, special agent for the Mutual Reserve .company In Oregon, to revoke the license of that corporation and drive TtBntTOTVbayWiarTBe- boundaries of tha; atate.". ' -. , , -. Mr. Hayea la attorney for a number ef local- oitlseas who claim to have been handed , gold- brick by Kady. Among those men are A.,J. Brault. the well--known- tallort 'V." L. Buckner, whose eaae la now pending in the local juatlce's court; Andrew J. Hicks, a rancher and editor of Hoppner, and M. 1 Hamilton of Salem. The cases are much alike, and the: Buckner caae will be the test , for the others. The Victimised cltlseos ip-. pear as- defendants In-suits in which Kady la plaintiff. . ' Ttottxe Oave Votes, ' - -Instead of making cash payments on the premium, these men gave their note. Afterwards deciding that they had been bilked they refused to pay and - the suite followed. As attorney for the defense,-it is Hayes business to Show " that the contraots were Invalid because fraudulent. - ' The chief allegation of fraud rests on the Issuance of a special contract called the "Special Renewal Contract." When the Insurance solid tor falls to land si (Continued on Page Two.) 1 George Laura ns, V.'l 3