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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
D, TUZCDAV Z'Z".ll"0, JULY 1, Ce-A T s ") S) at f ' , ..ftUJ -LBMfcV.; u : opiiiiiiio h;b Blue River District Has Dean De itopetf-Afmotlrent!rety"by ; :. Local Investors ;'' FREE MILLING ORES ARfe SHOWING GREAT VALUES Ledges Opened Up Prorniss to As- tonlsh tha World With the Enor mous Output of Gold When Prop- i. titles Are Worked. ' ' "... , . ' (Special Placates to The Journal.)' ' Blue River, Qr., July ti.--The Blue River district, which haa been Justly named "the free milling district of the -- west," la also the home of the western : Inveator, for with but two or' three ex ceptions tha development thus far has bean done with western end that prin cipally Oregon capital. . .The coopera tlon of capital and labor In the .Blue . River district will, in the near future, surprise the outside world with .- an enormous output of sold. .There era several mines in operation, working full , crews day and night, which yield large S profits for. their owners, and many ' others Under course of development, while It le a matter of only a ahort - 'time until they, too, ' will be classed among tbe producers. - " The Prodacare. ; ' The Lucky Boy, which le the pioneer . mine of tbe dlstrlot, needs - no comment. elnce Its past record has proven it to be a very rich ml ire. The Great North' -ern, also a producer, located on the Calapooia aide of Gold hill, about three miles distant from ths Lucky Boy, last month, with but four stamps In com -mission, took out It pounds of bullion. These are some of the facte which' go ' to prove the vast mineral wealth of our state. The Treasure mine, - which ' Is now employing 10 men, will soon put on full crew. ' On this property has been : done eome of the most systsmatio' and substantial development work of the . state. This property has ; sz tensive ' buildings and an up-to-date mill with 'monster machinery, which la owned and - operated by English capital. - Dr. Candlanl 1 working full crews, . . and 4s now opsning up ths Almighty Dollar claim by -s eroseeut te reach -the main ledge on the Doctor, which elelm Joins the Lucky Boy on the west. - - aawaUll at SUsa. A 25-horsepower sawmill Is In opera' tlon on property, - The Blue River- Consolidated, lncor porated, owned by Colonel Dodge, C. Runyard and Others, which -Joins the 'Candlanl group, will soon be a scene of activity, as they expect to begin ex - - tensive work In a ahort time. A small fortune was taken from this property prior to its present ownership. ' The Union mine Is another producer of the district whlcn Is taking out good values, as is also the Wood ft' Diamond mine - on Quarts creek. The Princess group. . which Is located on the southwest side of Gold mil. n the heed of Btmmons creek. Is owned by W. U Beckner and Martin stetson, 'About 400 feet "Of work which has been done on this property has opened up ledgee which carry values from till to lll per ton. The Crown Boy, lneor- Borated. another property on the south wt aide of Sold HI1L on Simmons fc h.. had suffinlent davalopment I . 7 .. . . . M I " worn done o prove u ion irvrvj. The ledges on this property are very large and average aaaaya give them It per ton. Coaster ledges. The Western Oregon Mining A Mill' ing company's mine le located on top of Gold hill and Joins the Treasure mine. The work done on thle property haa onened UD some good ledges, whlcn carry vslues from the surface and prom la a. s-reat future for the owners. 1. -R MeCauley-wlU soon begin operations on his property on which 00 feet of development work has been done, which opened UP ledgee 40 reel in wiam wmcn average IT per ton. William Robe has very recently onened un a ledge on his property on tha north side of Gold hill which, le proving to be very rich. -Ths flrtst Wfstnrn M' "'"I at Milling company a property is located on Eaet Quarts creek, through which run the ' enormous ledges of the Lucky Boy mine. This property hag a great future prem ised through its good values, fine water - power and enormous growth or timber, Ore from tbie property assays from SS.6 up into ths hundreds per ton. Opening Bioa District. The Cinderella. Tats Broa, the Chris man 4k Flaher group, the Rowen and Ruby, owned by John Xdenss of Seattle; tha Dexter Sparks group, owned by --Roberts 4k Sons; the Cuba,-the Alpha, the Chubb creek group, the Wright Bros.' mine on Jaybird creek, Kylo 4k Hsnklnson propsrty, and others, the de velopment of which has shown the vast mineral wealth of the Blue river mining dlstrlot, proves this without doubt one of the most desirable districts being opened tipHoday from tbe faot of Its economlo opportunities for development- The coat -of handling the ore In this district Is . 71 cents per ton, which on tunnel prop erties cannot be beaten the world over. , With . free milling Ore carrying good values, plsnty of water and timber; with capital and labor united, wbat greater Opportunities could Anyone wish for? - Ths storehouse of mother earth only awaits the efforte of the energy of man . when shs will yield bountiful rewards for their labor. . Representatives of eastern eapltal - have been looking over the dlstrlot re "" centry with the view of building a rail road to Blue river, which event will .only be a matter of very short delay. elnce capital has eome to realise the time is now ripe for such Investments,-! The day la not far distant when the state of Oregon will be one of. If not the greatest, mineral producing state in '. America. HEINZE GETS RICH -' - COEUR D'ALENE MINE - (Special Dlepatca to Tbe Journal.) Spokane, Wash., July St. The Stew art mine in the Couar d'Alenee has been - parchaaed by- F. Augustus Helnte Tcf Butte, the deal being closed Saturday night- It Is said that the new owner intends going Into that district en a much larger scale. It Is understood that Mr. Helnse secured more than 100,000 of the 1,00,000 eharee for aometbing i like I400.00O. -r- C r. O. Merrlam, a mining engineer at Wallace, has been installed ae mana ger of the property, with Instructions to push operations on a large scale. The miners employed In the Stewart out . through eight feet of elean ere on the second tunnel, 000 feet In length. There Is said to be 10 feet of shipping ere. - and te date the mine has shipped enough . to pay zor Its development. . SffltQmS'.Bi E ESTATE SAG Relative Planning to '-' Contest . Will and Secure Slice of Financier's Wealth. FUNERAL HELD TODAY H INTERMENT AT TROY Clever Provision in Testament May Defeat Efforts of Will-Breakers--Charities Are Remembered Only Through Widow. V ; fJeweal gneeial Smtea.t : New Turk. July 14. The funeral of Russell Sage, who died Sunday, at Law rence, Long Island, will be held this aft ernoon In the First Presbyterian church. Rev. Robert O. Leltch, pastor. The burial will be in Oakland . eemetery, Troy. .' ; v;,.,;- , - The following have been selected as pallbearers: William P. Dixon of Ce dar hurst; "Elbert A. Brlnckerhoff of Far Rockaway; George C. Rand . of Law rence; Mswbold L. Lawrence of Law rence; Albro J. Newton of Far Rocka way; J. L. Lawrence of Lawrence; Franklin B. Lord of Lawrence, and Dr. J, Carl Schmuck. - ; . , -- Steads Off Uttgatloa, ' y ' The World say a: "Unless there has been a final codicil added to the will Of Russell Sage, executed five years ago. the 'surprise' which waa promt a ed In the disposition of his personal property will be the shrewd manner In which he has headed of all litigation .over the estate. "To one of his closest personal friends he confided his plan, which waa to exeeuts a testament,- which In its Intent and purpose would make him die Intestate in one half of the estate. In other words, he observed ths law by making three or four specific legaclea in which the widow was not mentioned at all, and left the reet of his property to be divided according to ths statute of distribution, i - - ':; Aa hs is childless, this would leave his widow one half Instead of ons third, her dower. right and cause ths partition of the remainder among hie next of kin, according to the degrees of con aangulnlt. thus cutting off any chance of contest'-" t; : : " " Ptepexe So Contest, The Herald eaya: "Preparations for contesting the will of Russell Sags In ths event of the provision Is not satis factory have already been made by rela tives of the financier. Nephews, grand- nephews and othare more remote are said to be considering stspe for legal proceedings. .. Sage bad several brothers and sis ters, none of whom are living, so fsr as a ascertained, but various kinsmen who bear tbe name and who are scattered about the country are looking to seer if the family tree might not bear apples of gold. There is a report current -that ' a nephew who "had realded In thta city will be among the first to take action In the caae if be Is not adequately re membered 'Most of ths relatives were not on especially-good "terms with Sage." Rumors that the bulk of the exeat fortune of Russell Sago, eetlmated at between $80,000,000 and 1100.000,000. will ge te charity were so persistently circulated In Wall street today that they fact they were fathered by men who were associated In business with Mr. Bags for many years. , - - For Sick Women ... ' , .. . t . To Consider FrasT, -That almost every operation In our hospitals performed unon woman becomes necessary through neglect of such symptoms as backache. Irregular and painful periods, displacement of the female organs, pain in tha side, burning sensation in tha atomanh. bearing-down pains, nervousness, dls uneas ana sleeplessness. v dboojtd. The medicine that holds ths record for tha largest number of aDsoiute cares of female ills la Lydia E. Pinkhem's Vegetable Comrjound. It regulates, strengthens and cures diseases of the female organism as Douimg visa can, - - . Tof thirty years it has been helping women to be strong, curing backache, nervousness, kidney troubles, inflam mation of tha female organs, weak neas and displace mente, regulating tha periods perfectly and overcoming their pains. It has also proved Itself invaluable In preparing women for childbirth and tha change of Ufa. - ' Thbsd. The great volume of unso licited and grateful testimonials on file at tha Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to time published by permission, give ab solute evidence of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham's advlos. Mra.Plnkham's Staadlaclavitstloa to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. From symptoms given, your trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Mrs. Pinkham la daughter. in-law of Lydia B. Pinkham and for twenty-nve years under nor direction and since her decease ahe haa been ad vising sick women free of charge. Out of the vast volume of experience in treat ing female ilia Mrs. Pinkham probably haa the very knowledge that will help your case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish If she does not take advantage of this generous offer of sailitanooi . ABSURD EMBROIDERY. Widow Xs Cnarltasla. - So far aa could be ascertained, how ever, the idea that charity would be ex tenaiveiy remembered In the dlatribu tlon of the Sage millions rests abso lutely upon the well-known charitable disposition of the widow. Mrs. Saga's charitlea, while unostentatious, have been wide and beneficial. It le believed that 'shsinterested" her" husband in many of the projects which she and Miss Helen uould have helped. The generally accented forecast of tha Sage will was that Mrs. Sage will have the handling of the great aum to be ex pended In charitable donation a. while other executors will be empowered to carry on the business and attend te JXabor Bay rageaaV Jearaal Special Serrlea.t Washing too, July 14. OS Oyster Bay on Labor day tha president will review the largeat American fleet-ever aseenv bled. It will be In commend of Ad' mlral Evana, with Admiral Brownaon second in command. Do You Want to Know What You Swallow? There is a growing sentiment in this country In favor of mkdicihbs or gxowg ooferrosmosT. It Is but natural that one should have some Interest In the compo sition of that which he or she Is expected to swallow, whether It be food, drink or medicine. Recognizing this growing disposition that the fullest publicity iau on the part of ths public, and satisfied iiciiy caa c tlon of of Buffalo, N. Y, the well-earned reput ilv his modi cines. Dr. K. V, fierce, o has "taken time by the were, and la nnbllshlna of ail the ingredients entering Into his . ea forelock." as li Ing broad oast a lltt leadlna medicines, the "Golden Medical Tl . . .1.. II !....... stomach tonic, blood purifier and heart regulator; also of his "Favorite Prescrip tion lor weak, over -worked, broken' down, nervous and invalid woman. This bold anal out-enoken movement on th part of Dr. Pierce, has, by showing exactly what his well-known medicines are eompoeed of, completely disarmed all harping erUies who have heretofore Un- ustly attacked them, - A little- pamphlet has been compiled, from - the standard medical author! t ee of all the several schools of practice, showing the strongest endorsements by leading medical writers of the several Ingredients which enter Into ur. rieree's medicines. - A copy or this nine dook is manea rres to any one ae- tiring to learn more concerning the valu able, native, medicinal plants which enter intotne composition oi trr. rieree's maa Icloee, Address Dr. Pierce as above. Dr. Pleroa'a Pleasant Pellets are ttnv. su- Sr-coated antt-bllious granules. They res ulata and Invigorate - Stomach, Live and Bowela. Do not beset the pill habit." but cure constipation. One or two each day for a laxative ana regulator, three or tour for an so tire cathartic. Once tried always la fevoa Cm 0m pa) arVBN AWAY, In copies ""I1""' The People's Common sens Medical Advtser,e book that sold to the ex tent of 100,000 copies a few LM pel years eco, as SLl copy. away a-o.000 worth of these InvaJua Me books. This rear we shall St away worth of em. Will jroa bare In this benefltf It so, send only tl one-cent stamps to cover cost stamps . I of marling only for book In .hi Stiff paper covert, or In stamps nJerOTatS 1 Th woman who goes In for embroid ery should remember to bo moderate In all things. Nowadays we see the ab surdity of "aesthetic" painted chopping trays and fire shovels, or the cattails In the umbrella stand and sunflowers In the butter crock that raged a quarter bfnt cenfuryag. BUTw" aryef to see the absurdity of the costume wnion Is made up of hand-embroidered paraaoL hat, atock. Jacket, ahlrtwalst, mitt, card- ease, nag, Dei i, sxirt, . siocaiog ana slipper. " cured nail biting. A mother, whose little dsughter hsd the habit of biting her nails, had tried numerous unsuooessful devices for curing her before she hit upon one which proved eminently effective.. This wss nothing less than the gift of a manicure set, with permission to use It all shs wanted to. As tha child learned to polish and trim her nails her Joy In them grew apace -until pride had quite put to rout the ugly habit which no amount . of coaxing or scolding had been able to break up. : - LEADERS IN ENGLAND. Lady Henry Somerset eaya that In ths women'e trade unlena In England the leaders are no longer women who are philanthropists and lecturers, but mem bers of the clsss they support and con versant with actual eondltlone as they exist. Mrs. Msry Elvery Is such a one. She beaan to work as a walateoat-maker at the age of K, at S shillings a week. In 1104 - she formed a - branch of the tailors' union and atnee then haa been found on ail the women's labor plat forme In Hyde Park and In all demon strations of women's rights. CARE OF THE MATTRESS. The dally turning over Is not the only necessary attention for the proper treat ment - of - a - mattreea This - operation Itself Is liable to etraln the ticking and pull the stuffing out of shspe in course of time. To avoid this, handles may be eewn to the sides, so thst ths unyield ing surface of the mattreaa Itself need not be grasped. These can be made from webblna or a eroa apiece of ticking and sewn as firmly aa possible to the sides. CORN FRITTERS. Take -one dosen ears of young corn. eut the grains down ths center and scrape all the corn off the cob. Stir in gradually two tablespoonfuls ex flour. three eggs bee ton light, sslt and pepper to tasts. - Mix air weir together.' Allow one tablespoonf ul to each flitter. Try in boiling lard and send i to ths table hot Theae are alao a breakfaat dlah and may be prepared the night before. DAINTY W0MEN7 ; ccst ivc22y watcd isgsc;? THE ' 4 t CORNER THIRD AND YAMHILL STREETS A GREAT SECOND Mm Is now on at ths GOLDEN EAGLE. . v in OUR Cloak and Suit Dept. .WE HAVE ON HAND ABOUT 7 ; ; 50 White Lawn Suits ; In all fixes These Suiti' originally ranged in 4 price from U-29 to $4.00. You take QQr your entire choice of all of them for.."OV LAST MONTH WE GAVE YOU. A ' : GREAT BARGAIN IN 3IUK PETTICOATS We have just received a duplicate order from J the manufacturers, those placed on sale last month were all sold by 12 o'clock. These Silk Petticoats are worth up to $10.00 they sre in all colors snd well msde all you have- to do is to see them and you will ."" buy onthis great reduction . DreSS Skirts Extra Special -Every Summer Skirt In the house must go . . on Skirts originally marked $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 $5.50 $6.00. $6.50. $7.00. ; All PRICES will be SLASHED to such degree that it will move every Summer article) f:'. in the house. ' . ' . . .',"'''.''-':'.:-'(' $7.50,-$8.00 and - $8.50 : you - take (1 QO ; your choice ijtsj - These sre in grays, black, blue, plaid snd in most anything you may wish in Skirts. Take our advice and come early. ' NOW HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR YOU IN LAWN, WAISTS AH Waists originally marked up to $2.50t you take your entire choice of all of them, in all . sizes the grestest , Waist bsrgain ever offered by us your choice - K J Long Qloves, Just Arrived f v 200 pairs of Black Gloves,' extension ' tops. These will be sold in sets only, TBe) with the extension top snd pair of Gloves. 'Get here early, as they will not lsst long. , Henly Serges 28-inch Henly Serges, in. plaids snd Stripes, new summer goods, very popular shades; iZZvery: good lor skirts and suits. Extra;; " special See them and you will buy.. ..aSf 5,000 Yards of Torchon Lace i Up to 4 inches wide, 'regularly worth 1, .. ,up tp 10c a yard; extra special,, r;L, lf;jUlV V Side and Back Combs ; A beautiful lot of best? Shell snd Gilt Side snd Bsck Combs, most, beautiful designs; ' they sre regularly worth from 50c. to 3Qv $2.50 second reduction price........ uyy 5,000 Short Lengths of Ruchlng All styles snd colors, manufacturers' 1 fn short lengths; extra special, 3 pieces. ,lvt V ' Handkerchiefs : ' Hemstitched Hsndkerchiefs, fancy border and plain; regular 35c a dosen. Special, dozen ,..10e) Manufacturers' Sample Line of v v . Handkerchiefs 10,000 ' Handkerchiefs " just received, but we hsve placed them in this sale; every one of these Hsndkerchiefs are different J A- r You take your choice for .' . ,- .4. ,-.Vt Take our advice and come early some are worth ss high- aa$1.00, , ' , Corset Covers J 20 dozen Corset Covers slightly soiled, placed on our counter st 33eS These are worth ." as high, ss 75c. . '.:. v Domestics We - hsve greet many short ends of remnants.- These MUST GO. If the price is marked $100 you psss ns SOf every, srticle .,cut in half: in short, you get 50c worth of , goods for 25c . . ' -; Turkey Red Table Cloth 50c value at a very low price of 34, and 35c value at 18f. ; v c ' Bleached Table Damask. 62 inches wide,, we always sold them at 62c Special 35 Balance of Our Cotton Voile Large polka dot, this is a record-breaking price just the . goods' you want for this - time of. the yesr se jong-ss-they-lsst, . ysrd . 7, . X , , 3 500 Bolts of Bleached Toweling 19 inches wide this special sa1e..,....,..5 19-ini All-Linen End Bleach Crash.. T l-3f SIjkr:v- 33-in. Pongee in black, red; green, 'Alice : blue, brown and tan; 35c value.... ..X as v V ; Cottage Curtains y 2yi and 3 yards long just the thing for tha beach or your own home; extra spe-iCf cial, pair .,,.......,.....,. ..iv PILLOW TOPS-Regular 25c value; .axtra , special ................Te ' LADIES TAKE NOTICE HERE XS . YOUR CHOICE LADIES INECKWEAR Every . piece in tha house, they all must go here is your opportunity to buy Nsckwea worth up to $1.50 there will be no reserve) snd they will be plsced on sale in IQv .- Center Aisle. The clearing price. ...lyv ;rT: """.- ."-See Window. ; LACE HOSE White, black and gray; wen- lar 35c Special . i . . .. ............ . ..aVe- 20c CHILDREN'S HOSE Extra special. 5s MEN'S HOSE Men's travelers' samples Hosiery one pair of a kind 50c to $1.00 . value Special ...S34 i9 HERE IS A WOMAN'S , BELT SPECIAL, 500 Belts," silk and leather travelers samples. See snd you will buy. 10 Your choice CHILDREN'S BONNETS Worth up to 39c some are worth up to $2.00. t Your choice ......-.......14e . Figured Wash Goods About 10,000 yards of beautiful goods, worth up to 25c a yard. We will move ttn ,; move them at, yard.......... llv Boys Waists v Worth up to 75c all placed in one lot 57 'your choice ..... ... ............... . O I W' A Genuine Clear-Up in Our Crockery and Household Department EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Read for Yourseires, but. Better Yet, Come and Sea, and You Will Buy. L. gajjHrwsaa aeoe tssitatioa Cn ISe XH -quart Pitchers for the astonishing price of Jrrr. 10e 10n and lte Glass Pickle or Ollrs Dishes. ... .6 ' 10a Punch ei tiemewaae Glasses, eaeh.., B4 45o Berry Dishes, 11 Inches In diameter 24 r Hls-hly decorated regular $1.80 Water or tiemon- ade Sets. T pieces. 8peclal ..09e t8c Tall Celerr Dlshee. Special. ........ w . i4 lte Decorated, all colors. Opal. Syrup v Pitchers . .'...15 Me Vases, stand IS Inches hlh. . Special. ...154 lte Covered and Footed Fruit Dishes....... te Polished Water Tumbler, eaeh 2 tte Nut Dlshee, S in. In diameter. Special.. lOf " ". OBOOXnT. , L9-Pecorated Cups and Saucers for.. .10e .4fle Decorated Plates, S-ln. sise, each. ...... 10 Sinner aets, regular ft.00, 69 pieces Beat En- llsh Serai-Poroelaln S3.49 Dinner Bet, regular $7.0, High Grade Ollt-Ldned anil Traced Patterns, in pma ana green oeooira- .fl.55 - tlons. SS nieces White Toilet Bees, regular 11.00, shapes, set Tellaw Bowls, regular SOe. hold 4 H ata. Special . ., 10 Pottery Cuspidors, Glased Patterns. ........12f a Oe 1-qt. Fancy . Pitcher ................ . . . . 1 Of TZsTWa. 1 So 1-qt. Dipper ......Sa 11. JS No, I Full Slse Copper Bottont Boilers, r each . 89 Ho 1-qt Galvanised Palls. Special for 164 atTPU lUfl fust Paus. JauaimeJ, laj ae alse.Mn. ll - . piecea, rancy . . too lH-qt. Coffee Pots.. too S-qtHandled Stew Pans.... Regulsr Tto Tea Kettles, Copper Bottom Regular lte Sprinklers, hold I ata loo Dish Pans, 14-qt. also lOet 14e 224 .r.SO ..........ilB 4le Berlin Shape Covered Saucepans lte l-hole Muffin pans .... lie m-qt. Stew Pans .10 ivo i-qi, jruaaing ran, zor ................ xu lte T-qt. Tea KetUe for ..59e Tte Roasting Pans, large slse, for,. S9e 65o Agate-Covered Chambers for..... 404 Oe 1-qt. Coffee Pots for 19e too Preserving Kettles, 4-qt else, for......S3 too Agate Dippers for A, 10f .: Join in These Great Price Reductions ot -! T i THE GOLDEN EAGLE DRY G00D5 GO. TiiticoiragR-Hm Ton can rely upon mtUaa? aa good atteatioa skoals ye erdea ay saatl aa yea weald If the roods were picked ent la KaiUar Oluurgee Prepaid, yeraem, Pralfn, "t 7-1 The moet expreestve word that can be applied to a woman le dalntjr. A woman may be atyllan, well dressed. good looking and lots of ether things. Ithout sny eoneiaerable expense, but to live un to the reqntrementa of dalntr means something more. It means sbsoluts freshnese of neck ties, light gloves, etc.. and csn be SchlevMhythjawoniejB Only "I sm only It nect even when SS Teats Old. fears old and don't ex ret to be real old n el thst way ae lonr as I can get Eleo- - gays Mrs. b. m. Bruneon trie Bitters. of Dublin, Oa. Surely there's nothing else Beeps io. oia mm young ana snaKee tha weak aa strong ss this grand tonlo medicine. Dyspepsls, torpid liver. In. flamed kidneys or chronro constipation are unknown aftsr taking Electrlo Bit ters a reaaonable time. Guaranteed by a. O. flkldmere Cw druggists. Pries lie. When you open a pack age of Uneoda Biscuit it's like opening the oven door and taking them but crisp, fresh, and clean. Uneeda Biscuit are the only Soda Crackers. 1 Others cease to be " crackers 99 after a "fewhours exposiure to the air. Open a package of Unceda Biscuit to-day. NATIOHAlTBISCUrrrCOMPANY "-jes-i sge means if she will have a weekly wash of muslins, laces, glovss, eto., her self and not grudge the extra time epent In- getting up these dainty- articles; means Soap, eterch and watsr In abund ance. . Women who would be ahocked at the Idea that a etranger aheuld see them In dishabille, er with hair In crimping pins, infllot untidy hldeousness upon husbands and eons, fathers and brothers, Quite as .a matter of sours OPERATORS PROMOTED : BY SOUTHERN PACIFIC Junotlon City, Or, July 14. The Southern Paclflo company haa made-the following tranafere of their telegraph operatora at this plaoe: J. B. Taylor baa been transferred to Eugene, where he will succeed A. J.XJUlett in the pas- seater departmanti C. A. Psngra .will $3.50 Chair, Wednesday for $2.50 SPECIAL W 11 A GOLDEN OAK FINISH, WELL RODDED and SUBSTANTIALLY MADE CHAIR of the v , , BEST VALUE, DON'T TOKOCT THAT AT TI1I5 CCMOVAL &ALC EVERYTHING 15 CEDUCED 174 First Street be eent ss agent at' Teneolia: T. J. Riley will be sent te Itoeeburg aa Bight Sperator. These ehaagea are all la line of prembtloa. The paalttou mads va. oant by them at this plae will be i by extra men for IS days, wl i time will expire fat bi-a J.i i I -V