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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
THS OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. rCRTLAND, ; TUESDAY EVSIIIirO. JULY CI 1 Jm .ibfflBBODDEBIB GAPTAIU IV0ODI3 PUT OH STAUD rjofiiiaiio; mi terl;i;,ls DLOODYCOnFLICTS ir. GOLD GOKI m It UUli 1 114 CilDEfl WRECK AT ODESSA TO THE FIELD TESTIL10IIY IS TIED UP Great; Northern Feet -Train Revolution In Full Blast In Harriman Rushing Work on Line Fro nuNatron-JThrougrV Declares He Always Warned Lo Force of Men Working In. New1 ' Supreme Court . Decide That Bar Pilot Give Testimony Be- TPfungw-ver--SixtyJIQtr -Southern Cities, of Rusla eators-They Would Hi wners of Rich Properi Cannot Operate Mill. fofthewgonnd Washing ards of the . Portland aV , Embankment Into Water. People Fleeing. Central Oregon. . See the Land. ton Boundary Commission; SURVEYORS HURRY II nn t n en UL0 CPREADRAILS CAUSED ; : AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE Engine, Smoker and Express Cart of 111 J?ated Passenger Lie. Sub- i merged One. Hundred Feet at Bot- . torn of Diamond Xake, ; - .. (Journal Special Service.) jBpokana. Wash., July "24. Nine war drowned and H injured When the west- bound Great Northern fast train waa wrecked near- Camden - laat -night,- the engine, express car and smoker "plunging down a 69-foot embankment Into, Die - mond lake. Tb other cars remained on tha track. . The wreck caught ; lira through tha (as tank exploding, but toe flamea were extinguished. The disaster was caused' by the spreading of rails, at the mouth of tunnel.-. Tha engine and submersed ears lie iq 100 feet of water. Two men went down In the smoking car and ths engi neer and fireman perished la the cab . of tha locomotive. ( . Ed Muneon, engineer. . ' Frank Bell, fireman. - - Charles Dannsr, mall clerk. . George R. Strickland, express sneer. .... .,......' . ' George Curtis, lumberman, of Spo kane. ' ..' . T. L. ' Dolboy, J101 East Taelilo ave nue, Spokane. ' Ed Newcombc of the Surety Invest Bent company. - - - , One man" unidentified. ' ' T: Serloasly Injured. ', . - C. J. Mohtlls, Spokane; hands and face bruned. .- ,..-. . John Lord, Seattle, left bend cut, face braised and back hurt J. Durbln, Spokane; hands cut and otherwise badly injured. - Tom Wslnch. Spokane; fingers cut. Elmer K. HalL Colfax; right . hand burned and face scalded..- Henry E. Eyorum. Mlnot, N. D., badly burned and aore taternauy. BUghtly Xajoree, Luker MUlnkeovic. Spokane; left hand and head out. .. Nick Link Inovlch, Spokane; : badly burned.' '---.' , . M. E. Cash, Sand Point; right shoul der sprained. Walter H. Ross, news agent, Seattle; wrist, cut. ' . E. B. Newcombe, Ppokane; left hand burned. ; . -" ' Pete Nelson, Spokane; head cut ' F. D. Rowans, waiter; back sprained. ' WUHem Smith,' waiter; right eye -bruised, i W. O. .Patterson, -dining-car conduo- - tor: left shoulder sprained. ."..: O. L. Thomas, Newport; , head end bands cut . . . , . ... CAYS WILL PROBABLY 60 : Oil TRIAL IN AUGUST Judge Hunt Expresses Belief """That Indicted Senator Is Not Too III for Trial. : Judging by tha v' present outlook. r rank! in Pierce Maya will go to trial on August I. Federal Judge Runt ex pressed bis ballet yesterday that the la dieted state senator is well enough te withstand an ordeal in court and the only question yet to be decided Is what case will be taken up. The Indications , ere that Maya will be tried on the Blue mountain reserve ease. In which be was Jointly Indicted with Congressman Bin- ger Hermann, Congressman J. N. Wll llamaon. Wlllsrd N. Jones and Qeorsa 1 Sorenson. - There ere two ether eases against Mays. In these his- codefendsnts are 8. A. D. Puter, Horace G. McKlnley, Maria Lt Ware, Dan W. Tarpley and Emma- I Watson, all of whom have been convicted. 1-cKinley Is a fugitive . end the ethers are arrayed oa the aide Of the government - Special Asslstsnt Attorney-General . Francis f. . Heney yesterday offered to let the two Puter-Mays oases go ovsr till the next term of court, provided ex Judge W. TX Fenton, attorney for Maya, would agree to go to trial on the Blue mountain reserve, ease. The offer" waa taken under consideration and an an swer will be returned tomorrow morn ing. , ' . , v Prosecutor Heney said yesterday that the case sgalnst Williamson would prob ably never' be tried in Oregon, the gov- - eminent considering one conviction an - example sufficient to deter othere from committing like offenses. RAILROAD MAN IS : VISITING tU PORTLAND i A. B. Hammond, president of the Cor allla at Eastern and the Astoria A Columbia River railroad companies, is a Portland visitor. He la making one of hla periodical trips of Inspection of the buelness of the railroads that are conducted for him by a staff of ener getle young men located in Portland. . Corvallls and Astoria. - Baaardlng -tha-reme that tmd sold nia raiireaa rrom fcureka to Trinidad to the Haniman companies and taken onarge oi construction of the proposed Harrlman tine up the coast to Coos bay, Mr. Hammond aald there was nothing be could ssy en the subject He said ho extensions of the Trinidad line were contemplated, excepting a few logglns spurs. ,r " RETURN WITH BODY ; ; OF THEIR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mra. A. Welch are on their way home from the east. In charge of the body of their 14-year-old daughter, Essie, who died Iq Minneapolis lsst Fri osy. Father mother end daughter left about e month ago to visit friends In Indianapolis. At that time the child waa In good health, but she was taken ' suddenly . Ill and died after but e few days' sickness. Ths party will arrive home en next Wednesday evening. Funeral services will be held the fol- , lowing morning . at - the - family real Oeare, park street Mr. Welch le a swmwws uiisr m ronuBiL ( Journal Special Service.) .-' St Petersburg, July 14. (Bulletin) Members of the douma returned this arternoon and were met by e great crowd, but the people were overawed by therlarge assemblage of troops and there waa no demonstration. Odessa, July 14. (Bulletin) A bloody conn let is in progress in ' Btepovnl street. The black hundred Is distrib uting bloodthirsty proclamations. - ' St Petersburg. July J4V Bulletin. The csar has been marked by terrorists for death. At Moscow, the police at tempted to Capture the members of the worklngmen'a council and arot only 14. Citizens are fleeing from Sebastopol by the hundred. Warsaw troops are dls- affected and mutinies are expected. The douma members arrested are . Father Koysrhoff and a Cossack deputy named Kharlamoff. The arrest of a priest named Afanaaieff, a social democrat baa been ordered. .Chicago, July it The Dally News correspondent at Peterhof f says that the Imperial yacht rides at anchor, steam up, prepared for any emergency. Stolypit nas Drought encouraging reports to the affect that tha army Is still loyal, and that tha cities, owing to the arrest of radical leaders, are still calm, and that tha country has not yet learned of the coup and that tha organisation - of revolutionary .' government has ' been thwarted. . - The csar; according to a court offi cial nearest tha throne, did not Invite foreign interference. If left alone the csar would have a rented the conces slons and Russia would now be under a settled constitutions! government The kaiser - tearing . the. success, of democracy would strengthen a - like move In Germany Is doing all he can to maintain autocracy. NEGRESS SHOOTS HUSBAKO AFTER BEIS6 BEATEN Wounded JSpouee. Not, Expected to Survive and Woman Is Held i by Police Without Bail. After brutally beating his wife and attempting to kill her with ,a butcher knife. George Washington, a colored porter employed at the Marquam barber shop, was shot and perhaps fatally wounded ty the victim of hla assault In their home at 144 North Tenth street last-nlxht,-The bullet struck Wash Ington In tha abdomen and the fact that the Intestlnss were perforated makes his' recovery doubtful.- Upon the advice of Dr. Wheeler, a deputy district attor ney was sent to the Good .Samaritan hospital this morning to secure sn ante mortem statement from the wounded man. From - the statement made by- Mrs. Washington, who Is held In the city prison witneuf ball pending the result of her' husband's Injuries, the shooting waa done in self-defense. The statement of the woman under arrest Is corrobo rated by a E Smith, colored, an eye witness to the affair. Mra. Washington declarea that her husband had strenuously objected to the visits of Henderson and Mills, two col ored Itinerant preachers, who were en deavoring to convert her to the Church of God. of which they are members. Washington returned home lsst night In aa Intoxicated condition and proceeded to beat her on the score of. Infidelity.- After Sdmlnlaterlns the heatlne- ha finally became so enraged that he se cured a knife and drove her Into a cor ner of the room. Smith, who was present interfered and grabbed the Infuriated man. , Washington fought to free himself and declared hla ' Inten tion of getting a revolver and killing the woman. - Mrs. Washington, thor- oushlv alarmed, took the weapon from a ' drawer and. when her husband again rushed at her with the knife, pulled the trigger and shot him In the abdomen. The wounded negro ran down the streat to a nearby Saloon sad upon the arrival of the police waa found lying on the floor with hla head resting on his wife's lap. The woman was taken Into custody by Detectives Smith and Hill, and Washington wss removed to the Good Ssmarltan hospital . 8. E. Smith, the witness to the hsootlng, was also locked up.. . THIEVES TAKE GOLD ; FROM DENTIST'S OFFICE Dr. William Xoehler, e dentist of 411 H First street, reports to the -police that burglars entered his office at that address yesterday at noon and stols a quantity . of gold and dentist's tools Ths thieves effected ' an entrance by forcing tha iocs or the door. Detec tlves Vaughn and Hartman have been detailed on the case. R. Brooks, proprietor (it the Qulmby hotel, reports thst Paul Bauer passed a bogus cheek for $10 on him on July If. He alleges te have found several blank checks .on various banks In Bauer's room. - The detectives are en deavorlng to locate the alleged crook. YOUTH DROWNED WHILE - , SWIMMING IN WISHKAH tSpeetal Planatdi te The Jearaat.l Aberdeen, - Wash., July 34. While swimming In the Wlshlcah river with several companions, yesterday after noon. Eddy Theln, aged II years, was drowned. He waa not an expert swim mer, but wss ambitious, and while the others were preparing for the water took e high -dive and was Swept along so fast by the strong current that he cofcild not keep above the surface He came up four times, but male no sign of distress , or the others could have helped him. . They did not realise, that hr-was in danger until too late. Search was at once begun for tha body, but It has not yet been found. ' ' ROOT IS HONORARY HEAD OF-CONGRESS (Jeera'al Special Service.) Washington. July li. The Charleston, bearing Secretary Root, arrived at Bah la today. . The Pan-American congress to day, at Rio Janerlo, elected Root honor ary president. It Is announced today that Williams carried te London a warn ing to w: J. Bryan that ths south would not stand for municipal ownership. CONSTRUCTION WORK . IS TO BEGIN SOON Believed That Harriman Ha Learned Plana of Other Syndicates Having . Intentions on This Route and Has Issued Orders to Rush Work. ' An army of surveyors Is being rushed into tha Held on the proposed Harriman line from Natron through central Ore gon. It Is said Mr. Harriman has de termined to forestall plans of rival companies In this region at all costs. and that tha road from Natron over thf Cascades will be the first construc tion work- to be done. this fall by tha Southern Paclflo company in. Oregon. It la believed Harriman has learned the plans of 'two or three other syndicates having Intentiona on this route, and he has given orders to push the central Oregon line ahead of aU other work More than 40 Southern Paclflo sur veyors are now making headquartera at tha Herbert ranch, on the upper Willam ette river. 40 mlleaeaat of Eugene. A party of eight more engineers who ar rived at Eugene yesterday from . Ban Francisco departed at once to Join the earn p. They are but a small portion of the total force of engineers who are now trying out every route end pass and following up the preliminary work with the settlna of permanent grade stakes. The road wUi follow the Willamette river and cross ths Cascades at or nsar Crescent lake, where two routes have been surveyed over the summit Keacn Ins tha east slopes of the range a branch of the road will go to Klamath Falls while ths main Una will proceed eastward to meet the Oregon snort Line's projected, extension from the Snake river. It is believed that tha contracts will be let for this road ahead of contracts for the Drain -Coos bsy line, despite the fact that rails have been delivered and right of way la being cleared for the latter road. - The announcement that bids are wanted on the Oregon Central la expected any day. SAVARIAN UAKi:;G REPORT 0N ELECTRIC VIRES Will Explain to Mayor Lane How .Lives of Portland Linemen Are Endangered. A "report onthe dangerous condition of electric wires on poles about the city is being prepared by Charlee K. Bavarian, superintendent of the fire alarm system. at the request or Mayor uine. The matter has been called to the at tention of the mayor and if possible he will tsks ths first steps towsrd eliminat ing? soma of the perils to which linemen are subject. ... It Is known that Mr. Bavarian has de cided opinions on the subject snd he has the experience and - knowledge to lay before the mayor an accurate state ment on the conditions In Portland. It Is generally conceded that the death rate of linemen In thla city la tremendously high snd that many more linemen are killed In Portland every year than in eltlea twice Us else. St Louis is re-, garded es the model city of the coun try from the standpoint of a lineman. Here tha regulations cover every feature ' of the stringing of wires snd there Is comparatively little danger to the man up the pole. -, -.- - ' In Portland It Is alleged that .the wires have been arranged aooordlng to accident or the aweet will of the man who put up the flrst line. High power lines are mixed up with telephone and fire alarm lines In some Instances, and In nearly every case a lineman la com pelled to wiggle hla body through a tangle of , wires,- any of which whan crossed may contain the death-dealing current. . THAWS STRONGEST CARD MRS. HOLMAN'S LETTERS (Journal Special ftervlee.) ; New York. July 14. Mrs. Wm. Thaw, Evelyn Nesbltt Thaw and Mrs. George J Carnegie together visited Harry Thaw this morning. Toung Mrs. Thaw left after a long conference and. took a bunch Of papers te Hartridge. Thaw'a mother and sister went , to Olcott's office. Thaw declined a statement In regard to the things being printed. He says, "Let the pspers print whst they want; they are only fooling . them, selves." The fsct that the prosecution wanted Mrs. Holman to . teetlfy regarding at fairs back of her letters, while 'at first apparently disastrous to the defense, is now regsrded as Thaw's strongest card. Hartridge only admits that the letters aid the case. ,. , - , MOTHER AND CHILD . - BURNED TO DEATH " (Jonrnal Special Srrrlce.V . Clovls, Cel.. July 24. Two lives were lost 'by destruction by fire last nleht of the Hotel Clovls.Tha dead -are Mrs, Nestef Freitas snd her infant child. The Are started by tha overturning of a lamp. Mrs. Freitas rushed from the burning bulldirg enveloped In a biasing nightdress. Though fatally burnsd about the lower part of the body she fought with those who restrained her from re entering the biasing structure to ssve her babe. She finally- fell - unconscious and died at 1 o'clock this morning. Her husband, erased with grief. Is constantly attended, to prevent him from Injuring nimseii. ' ' The hotel of two stories and a residence were -destroyed.-The loss le probably $14,000. Tha child's body was recovered this morning. STR0MB0LI IS AGAIN SPITTING SOME FIRE (Joe real Special Serein.) . . Palermo. July 14 BtrombolL after comparative quletltude, :1s again active . , ' - 1' . . Dairy bag X Xpert to Talk. O. L. McKay, professor of dairying In Iowa State college, will address the business men at the Portland Commer cial club during the regular lunobeoa at Hits, - Thursday, July If, - - Martin O. Hoge, whe ' with Chkrlea Nlckell Is on trial for conspiracy to suborn perjury, gave further testimony this afternoon in hie own behalf. . In rogard to -advising others to let. Harry W. Miller take up a timber claim for them be declared that he merely told them that he would not advise others to do' something he would not do him self and Informed them that ha bad taken up a claim, paying tf for the location. . '. '. ,.....'.,'. He denied ' having even a suspicion that Miller was perpetrating a fraud. Miller told him that be preferred to do his buslnesp .before : Commissioner Nlckell. . Hoge swore that he told all Inquirers that It was necessary for them to see the land before filing on It.He de nied ever going out In search of loca tors or .or having any, agreement wnat ever In regard to obtaining persona to fUe on timber olalms. He said he paid a location fed on hla own claim In or der te have two witnesses. Miller and Frank Ev Klncart. who bad seen the land. . - Hoge did , not prove, up because Miller and Klncart were arrested, Luckenbach fled and that left him with only one witness. When he last saw Luckenbach that gentleman said he waa going te Portland on buatneea.oonneoted with a fire extinguisher. Next. Hoge volunteered the statement that when he came to Portland after his Indictment Klncart met him and said: - "I don't aee why they've got you down here. Tou had no more to do with It than a child." ' . , A letter from Congressman Hepburn of Iowa, recommending Hoge aa a law yer and a Republican, .was admitted In evidence.- An affidavit by B. B. Wescott of Clarlnda, Iowa, setting forth Hoge's official and party service, was also ad mltted without any objection from the proeecutlon. : r- .. Hoge Informed the jury that he did not patronise saloons and that he naver visited such places except on business. Of Henry F. Buckman. a witness, who had accused him of recommending Mil ler's scheme. Hoge said be knew him as an Inebriate and had never talked timber land to him at any time. The witness Insisted that It was al ways hie intention to make final proof on bis own timber claim, ana that ne ex pected to get the money by selling a piece of land In Kansas. This concluded Hoge's direct examination. PRIZEFIGHTERS ORDERED TO GET OUT OF SEATTLE Trainers, and Hangers-On Must ; :V Stay , Away . From zz Sound City. V fSoaelal Dlsnaieh te The Joaraal.t ' Seattle, Wash, July 14. Prlseflght- era, trainers, hangers-on and alL per sons connected with tha prlseflght ring must' quit Seattle at once or engage In some legitimate business. Chief Wap- pensteln made this declaration thla morning. He declares that be proposes to send every-violator of the law to Jail. " " "I will not allow prlseflghtera snd their boosters to live In Seattle," said Chief of Police Wappenstetn. . "Where the pugilists train they Invariably draw e big gang of crooks and undesirable men and women, who make a living by robbery .and - thievery The - laatf e w lights pulled off at . Pleasant Beach, In Kitsap county, with ths Sghtsrs train ing In Seattle, has brought here a gang of men and women who would steal anything they can carry off. If they are going to flght In Kttsap -county the whole gang must stay over there." If srrestlng them does not keep them out of Seattle. Wappenataln will . make a demand on the governor to force the eherlff to atop flghta under the state law. - i MARQUAF.VS LAST CHANCE TO SAVE PROPERTY BONE Petition to Supreme Court for Remand of Cause Is , . Denied. (Special Dispatch ta Toe Journal.) . Salem, Jury M In the case of P. A. Marquam against the United States Mortgage company et al.. the petition of the respondent (Marquam) for remand of the cause and nsw trial, or dismissal without prejudice, was denied..: The . motion waa filed after the refusal of the supreme court to grant a rehear ing and was Marquaa's laat bops of re establishing his title to the property In volved. The denial of the motion was confidently expected by the mortgage company. DIAMOND DRUMMER'S TRUNKS ARE ROBBED (Jearsal Special San Jose, Cal.c July 14. Bample trunks owned by the A. Elsenberg com pany of San Francisco, which were left In Harry Frultlg's Jewelry store st Gllroy last night, were broken open by robbers and diamonds and Jewelry valued st 1 11,000 sto'n. The trunks were in charge of Elsenberg. one of the firm, who arrived- at -Qllroy last-night. He sold Frultlg a bill of goods and left the trunks In the store. Two hours later ths front door wss forced, the trunks pried open end their contents taken. A well dressed stranger who was seen-near the front of the store by Elsenberg le suspected. TO SHOW MRS. HARTJE WROTE LOVE LETTERS (Joareal Soeelal Berrtee.) . Pittsburg, Ps.. July 14 It la ex pected that testimony given todsy will prove that Mra. Hartja wrote the let ters the authorship Of which la denied. A number of negroes are present at court, causing surmises as to their In tent -on- the 'Hartje side. Hartje's brother waa cross-examined as to why he had hot told of finding In Medina's room ths letters written by - Mrs. JLHartJe's sister, .,?:,i;.V;A,,- v::,-,,l-.J. , HUNDRED-STAMP MILL WILL BE DELAYED YEAR Clause Prohibiting Legislature From Exempting Householders. From . Taxation Held Repealed by Adop- ' tion ol Constitution. ; ' . ' . V (Special Dlsoateh to Tba JoarsaL) ' " Salem, On, July 14. In the supreme court todsy a number of Important Cases were decided. A. T. Brown, appellant, against 1 The Gold Coin Mining company, appeal rrom Baker county, -Samuel -White, Judge; reversed by Judge Moore This Is suit by Brown to en Join the company from polluting and Interfering with th flow of water of Shirt Tall creek. The court entere a decree perpetually- re straining the defendant from . further operation of the quarts mill until suit able provisions have been made to pre vent Injury to the plalntirrs irrigating ditches and to the water used by him, plaintiff to recover coats and disburse ments in both courts. . ' Ties Up flreld Oola. . This eotlon of the supreme court ties up the most valuable gold .mine in east' ern Oregon, the famous Gold Coin. This property was discovered . by Charlee Durkee, who later transferred It to Ayers eV White of Pendleton. The mine la located In the Durkee district in Baker county.' . ; The mill on the property had hardly been started when-A. r. Brown got an injunction restraining the mining men from operating It. alleging that the slum from the mill damaged his proj- erty. - . - v . : . The Gold Coin company won In the circuit court, the decree dissolving the injunction end assessing the ooats to the plaintiff. ' Immediately preparations were made by the Gold Coin company to Install a 100-stamp mill upon the property.- . pending the outcome of Brown's ap peal to tha supreme court the mill was not erected and the old lo-stamp mill which bad-beea rused previously - was burned mysteriously some few weeks ego. It wlU be Impossible for the Gold Coin company to erect a new stamp mill under the terms of the uupreme court decision and get It Into operation, hence he rich property will lie Idle, for an other year. - v E. C and E. Wallace eppellents against W. H. Pallln, assessor, and J. O. Booth. Judge, from Josephine county, H. K. Hanna, Judge Reversed In an opinion Py .Judge Moore, This is a suit to enjoin the "asseesorr-board of equalisation and sheriff from allowing certain exemptions from taxation. pursuant to the act which exempts cer tain personal property to the amount of $300 from taxation. A demurrer to the complaint on the ground , that it did not. state facta sufficient to entitle the plaintiffs to the relief sought hsv Ing been sustained, tha suit was dis missed and appeal taken. ' Says the court: . "We believe that the clause In the constitution to prohibit Its legislative assembly rrom granting to householders of the state exemption from taxation of property attempted by the statute, which though In force when the erganle law took effect, waa Incon sistent therewith and hence repealed by the adoption of tha constitution end Its ettemptsd re-enactment le void es repugnant thereto on the ground that the rate of assessment and taxation is not uniform between a householder of the stats and nonresidents. , ' Clissaip swislma , ; State of Oregon ex reL, Bascom Glass, against Hermsn Frost, appellant, appeal from Grant county, Robert Ea kin. Judge. Affirmed by Judge Bean. Thla le a contempt-procedure instituted by the state upon the relation of Glaae against Frost for violation of a decree of thle court rendered In December, Hirr wtitrh entitled the relstor to s ptlor right to to Inches of the waters of Bquaw creek, in wneeier county, end restraining the defendant from Interfer ing with the water. Xrrlgoa Oaee. . Sarah C Jennings and George A. Jen- nlngs against the Oregon Land A Water company, appellant) appeal from Morrow county; W. R. Ellis, Judge. Af firmed by Judge Bean. - This is an action to recover damages for breach of contract for the sale of real estate in the town of Irrigon. The contract called for the building of a hotel ao oordlng to certain specifications. The Jury. In the lower court returned dam ages to the plaintiff for 41,200, from which Judgment defendant appealed. Warner Valley Stock company against J. L. Morrow, defendant and appellant; appeal from Lake county; H. L. Ben son. Judge. Affirmed by Judge Halley. Thla Is an appeal - from - Judgment :.ln favor of plaintiff in an eotlon to re cover real property In Lake county. LLOYD IN COURT TO - " FACE VAGRANCY CHARGE F. A. Lloyd, husband of Mrs. Annie Lloyd, tha woman arrested several days ago on a. charge of having fraudulently obtained advertisements for a Woman's club booklet, was on trial in the munici pal court this morning for vagrancy. He was accompanied by hla pretty wife. who took a great Interest In the pro ceedings." Judge Cameron baa taken tbs matter under advisement. The accused man attempted to prove by competent testimony , that he wss engaged in the advertising business and earned his livelihood In that manner. Plttgerald referred to both tba man and woman as "a pair of vagabonds," and said that they, should be driven out of the community. Thla -declaration sjotloe ably aroused the Ire of Mrs. Lloyd. Decision In the case against Mrs. Lloyd and bar husband will be made tomor row. - - PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO SERIOUS CHARGE Senary Campbell, - charged with con tributing to .the delinquency of Flo Laugh, was arraigned before Judge Frsser this morning end pleaded not guilty. His ball was flxsd et 11,000. John F. Logan Is defending him. - Aa attempt wae made by the defense to show that the Laugh girl was ef bad reputation, but thla waa not proved, anil Campbell will have te enewer te the charge. ..",' Frcfervcd week Oaaaeg ejeess. kvuea as Lewie Best Brest li i -,. -e 4 : Seated around the long table In the east parlor of the Portland hotel, the commissioners ' snd counsel for - ths states of Oregon - - and Washington, listened today to the testimony In re gard Ao the dispute' between tha two states ' concerning, ths northern bound' ary of Oregon. ' , - ; : .' " ,' ' For two hours Csptaln George 1 W. Wood, a bar pilot and also a member of the hydrographlc survey of 1SI7-M, described - the channels existing at the time the survey was., made and the changee following up to the present time Captain Wood was testifying at the time -the commission adjourned at noon and resumed bis . testimony at I o'clock this afternoon. . , In explaining . the , position '. of : the north channel, upon the course of which' the controversy mainly - lies. Captain Wood stated that the channel was on the -north side of sand isiana In IMS, . -v . , ,. -C i The testimony proceeded With aa opinion of tha csptain to the affect that the north channel could be used end maintained as the best channel for navi gation from Portland te the sea with less dredging than eay other channel la the liver. . . , . The commission haa held meetings at Astoria and Tha Breakers, where II wit nesses wsre heard. Nearly 40 pages of testimony have been gathered by the members and it will be presented to the supreme court of the United States la October for a heering and settlement of tha claims. r . .. " Boas Zs spoiled. Previous to hearing ths testimony Of Captain Wood. Asslstsnt Attorney-General Maodonald ef Washington recalled E. W. Ross, state land commissioner' of Washington, to testify In regard to the filing of leases for certain portions of tho Deademona sands. He presented the application of B. F. Huston of T acorns, which was the first and only claim filed In the Weahlngton land office, with ths exception of W. H. Barker, which was later canceled. 1 Huston's application wee protected against by the Columbia River Packing association, but the pro- teat waa later withdrawn and the con tract which the state of Washington entered Into with Huston la still In f ores. .' . ' - ' -. The commissioners attending tha con ference are John H. Reynolds ef Salem, for Oregon, and Colonel C. C. Dalton for Washington. United States Senator Fulton, Attorney-General A. M. Craw. ford and District Attorney Harrison Al len of Astoria are appearing ae counsel foe Oregon, while Washington Is repre sented by Assistant Attorney-General B, C. Mjacdonald and Consulting Engineer O. B. HegardL Robert S. Taylor la at tending the meetings ae official reporter for the supreme court. M'DONALD CASE-IS ARGUED IH CIRCUIT COURT. Attorney Logan Score Mayor . Lane for Refusing to Sign ' Clerk's Pay Warrant; " - "Mayor Lane, In refusing to sign this warrant,- is attempting-to -re-veto an ordinance that baa already been paaaed over his veto," declared Attorney John F. Imogen In the circuit court thla morn ing while arguing before Judge Gantanv beln that the Judge ehould order the mayor to sign e warrant for 7( salary for Jamas MoDonald. who was appointed Janitor, bailiff and assistant dark of the municipal .court by the .city council May i, ' ; " The eounell paaaed an ordinance creat ing tbe position, and appointed McDon ald to fill It. Mayor Lane vetoed the measure. The council then passed It over ths veto, and McDonald assumed his duties. City Auditor Devlin Issued a warrant to MoDonald for hla salary forMybut the mayor refused to sign It, and mandamua prcceedlhgslo'compct him to sign the warrant were begun. : Tbe question was argued at length by Attorneys R. W. Montague and Thomas G. Greene for the mayor and John F. Ixsgan for-McDonald. Logsn con tndel j mat ine position neia MJ ' Client is In the Judicial department, and that the council has authority to appoint the In"- cumbent, while Montague and Greene argued -that It was a position In the administrative department, and that the council, being a legislative body, had no power to assume eny dutlee belonging to the executive department of the city government. ' It wae taken under advisement by Judge Gantenbetn. who will render a decision later in the week.. SHERIFF STEVENS IS - OPPOSED TO GAMBLING e j Sheriff Stevens this " morn- w ing declared himself positively against money-paying .slot ma- chinas by summoning before him e three men whose business It is to e place machines In saloons and other places and warning them If they attempted to plaoe cash contrivances in any resort In the . d county they would be prosecuted w to the full extent of the law. . . The sheriff does not Intend to d Bioinii ine macnines wnicn pay rewards In cigars or drinks.: ,.e Ths sheriff put himself on record today also as being abso lutely opposed to gambling and declared that he would prose cute vigorously any cases that came to his attention. He said that bs hsd not beard ef gam bling in tha Commercial build-" lng until he read accounts of al leged operations and that he would investigate and see what easts tnase reports had. - TTis sheriff said he had been told that there was a faro eama e-on North Fourth-street end tbate e tne report nad proved without e e foundation. .. . - - e " WlDiaxe Boakefellat Home. ' Tarrytown, N. T July 14. -William Rockefeller - returned today - from - bis long stay In Europe' Friends expected e longer stay. - He will retire from all Standard directorates atid be. succeeded by hie eon. , . . ,j ,; .'. .:;.-. . Adolph Weber te area. Auburn, Cel., July tt.Adolpb, Weber, murderer ef bis father, mother, brother aad sister wae today resentenced to bang eA roleont September it. naag Seattle Railway. ) COMPANY GETS TITLE v V " TO NORTH END LOTS HUI Lines Clearing Away Tech nicalities' snd Preparing for Work oa Large Scale During ths Coming " Autumn and Winter. , , v .; ' i 4 -" Work of filling ground for the Port land at Seattle Railroad company's new terminals la North Portland haa been, commenced. A force of men and teame are dumping earth Into the low places ;. and clearing away old buildings as faat as they are vacated. - Today the Secur ity Savings at 'Trust company trans ferred to the Portland A Seattle title to about St blocks, these being the prop erties that were purchased by agenta of the company three or four months ago. These proceedings Indicate that the Hill lines are clearing away all tech nicalities and getting ready to begin work on a large scale during the com ing autumn on the construction of the terminals. Decisions have been ob tained on rights of way at Maegly Junction, and all along the line Into the city everything la being put In readiness for actual construction work. - The streets nseded In North Portland have been vacated, with one exception. and In this Instance vacation will be se- . cured la e short time. It Is said more than $1,000,000 baa been spent by the Hill roads In getting terminals and rights of way between Maegly Junotion and tbe corner of Fourteenth and Hoyt streets, the southwesterly limits of the new yards, and that f 1,000.000 more wlir be spsnt in converting the ground to the . uses of ths railroads. . . . V - The deeds recorded today represent the transfer of about It city blocks. The consideration In each deed la -given aa 11. with tbe exception of : one deed, whloh calls for ths transfer of lota at ths corner of Eleventh and Lovejoy atreeta from the former ownera, John Neville end wife, who receive 14,000 for the property. , v - The first deed, which bears the date of July 11, la from the Security Savings A Trust company and , calls . for ths . Addition. Block 111. In whloh lota 1. I. I, 4, end 7 are tranaferred, Is bounded by Tenth, Eleventh, Hoyt and Irving streets. Block 117, in which lots 1. 4. t, 0, T and I are transferred, la bounded by Eleventh, Twelfth, Hoyt and Irving streets. Blocks lit. 117 aad 14 are transferred, whole,' the first two being bounded by Tenth aad Twelfth; Irving and Johnson stete, while No. 114 is bounded by "Sgflth, Eleventh, Johnson snd Kearney -slreeta. ' Two lota In block 115, et Eleventh and Johnson streets, j . era- transferred, as are also jeveq lota in block t44. bounded by Eleventh. Twelfth, Kearney and Lovejoy streets, the eighth lot In this block being the T one transferred by John - Neville for 16.000. Blocks 140, 116, 187, ltt, lt, 100,-r 116,-417111 125.226. !4l and ' 242 are transferred whole. , They are ' bounded by Ninth, Kearney, Twelfth and Qulmby streets.' Four lota In block 161 at Ninth and Lovejoy streets and ' ope lot In block II at Ninth aad Mar shall streets are also Included In tha deed from the Security Savings A Trust company. ' . ... ' - ... .. The deed conveying ' the balance of tbe proposed terminal property le from the Northwest Improvement Co.; snd -' r oalls for blocks 141, 244, 145, 246, III, snd 260 of . Couch'e addition whole. Thess blocks sre bounded by Ninth, ' Fourteenth, Pettygrove and Raleigh streets, and Include small blocks on the " north side of Raleigh street between Eleventh and Fourteenth. The deed ' from the Northwest Improvement Co. also 'tails -oiTiwctle4ly-aUo-,Wat, son's addition,1 the lins of which starts north of Raleigh street and runs to the present railroad tracks. being bounded onthe east by Eleventh street . and on the west by Fourteenth. HAD ANOTHER NARROW ESCAPE- FROM DEATH Thomas Brasel, the solicitor of the Paclflo Stales Teleohone A Telea-ranh company, who waa killed by falling off' a train near Eugene yesterday morning, had -a narrow escape from death In Portland last spring. In company with several others he - waa in a sailboat ' above the Madison street bridge when two wlshsd to go ashore in s skiff. In ths confusion nearly every member of -the party was thrown Into the water. ' Brasel and others managed to - drag themselves -out, but two of the party, a man and a woman, wsre drowned. YOUTHFUL BURGLARS ' ' . TAKEN IN CUSTODY -Oscar Newton, 15 rears of ace, end hla brother Charles, aged It, were ar-" rested today by Detectives Hartman and Vaughn upon advice from Sheriff Cul ver of Marlon county. It IS alleged that the two lads committed a burglary near Salem several nights ago and will be taken back for trial. WHILE ENJOYING YOUR VACATION r : you may be taken with a sudden and -severe attack of Cramps, . Diarrhoea, Vomiting ae atlllonsneM and 1t ts the that you'll appreciate a few doaes of Hosteller's Stomach t Bitters Therefore, be wise sl ana see that a A supply la taken along. . Tou can Jet It from 'any ru agist Besides relieving the above it also cures HOT atBABAOI orDtoBSTTOir, com? mi, B'lSFJIPSJJL, nxiu XXX.S or 2gt.dBTA, ' Acnra. OA r w- , The' genuine' has Private Stamp over seek ef bee - '.-