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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
TIZ'O, JULY V lCCv. ' ;. . I ' .. : 05 to fiEti SUMMER RESORTS. hmtl' sakaarisaie sea 4 Tbe , wunal m ult at BMiUto, ta sea aae Xrwforl. A raamlar "a. rlw salivary will ha BMlntalMS. Order ' tinot lira ear nl at thae irtiH saa Be will lttu4 IMftir IUOS-lMk Wi, ecnl ' kaadsuartsra st IIwsm, Wash. De. ... Unrr ta all sotata aa th kseah. S2ASIDS D OAABlLlmr JAili , W. m. Whitmaa, aat aaaeaaartar at Lswia Oa.'a era atars, I alda, Or. Salivary to ail saiats aa tka ' Wok. . Bxwroat avs YAo,urn-A Hetrr . DlTslfcUa, aawa Irul Camilla tuun railraaa, acaat. Haa uarU at Sswysrt, Or.. Dalirary to ' all points aa tha saaas. WIIHOIT IPaiHO I. V. aULaraa, -- Hut, WUhoit, Or. - ' rt- KOI LAX E Hot Lain Sasttsriaa Ce arrat, Sot Laka, Or. . CAlsON, WASH. Miaaral Sarins Be. WIjCo., unu. CASCADE, VAsB. Tkemea Beffett, oollihi butciai mnros. wash. , 0. X. BaUker . afaat, OeUias. Wuk.. Tonaars Ajnrmmrrt. tyrle .' ,,. "A Wife's Peril" r "Three Men la a Cnpbaaitf' R.kfle. . EArthauaka Plcturaa Oraaa Veooarllle Piotafa VaederUls It haa been' erroneously published In some newspapers that tba Niagara Flra Insurance, company ia ona of tha "si bit" ooncarna refusing to pay: its Ban Francisco losses In full. As a matter of fact tha company, is paying every penny of ita Ban Franclaco losses, not scaling ita policies a farthing;. Partic ulars are given In ita advertisement In another part of this papa. ... - . Don't miaa tha. clam bake at Rosa Island Friday, July 17. Tickets for aal at Tha Journal office. White - Corner cigar store. Sixth and Stark, and Plum' mar's drug' atore. Bound trip, lnolud Ing clam bake, 60 cents. Good muslo. Select crowd. Launches leave, stark treat every SO mlnutea after i:S0 p. ' Suit ' for $10,078 damage from August Erlckson has been Med in tha circuit court by Hans Wurm. Wurm alleges that on tha night of July U Erlckson assaulted and beat him with a bottle. innlotlng Injuries which caused perm a.' nent disability. ... Henry E. McGinn ap pears aa attorney for Wurm. , At ar examination in the county court yaswraay anernoon ur. Williamson pro. nounced Hana Wagner not Insana and found that tha man's only ailment was a violent temper. Ha waa mads to promise to control tha tamper better In tha future and allowed to return to hla home. Ha waa arrested last Friday. Charging drunkenness and desertion, Mary Ella Nauena haa begun suit in the circuit court for a divorce from Edward Neuena. Tbey war married in 8eDtem bar, IStS, and Mrs. Neuena alleges that her husband deserted her in July, l0i. She aaka the custody of her son, Ed' ward, aged 4 years. .... Knock tha Files. At a cost. -of one half cent a day per head you can protect "8urhoraen and cows from -files, gnats, to. Apply Child "So-Boa-So" with . cloth or sprayer. . Easily and quickly dona. .Gives the atoclt. great-comfort. , Sold at Portland Seed Co., Front and Tamhlll streets. ; ' Water ' through ' hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porehea r windows, must be paid for in advance and used only batweon toe hours of and I a. m. and I and p. m. It most not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waata- luu, it wiu am snui oil. .. . County Judge Lionet K. Webster re turned last night, after apending a ten days', vacation at Vale, in aaatern Ore gon. The Judge wilt resume tha hear ing of probata business In the county court tomorrow. , """Fifty llttl tots from th Children's home ar enjoying tha motion pictures or tna Ban Francisco earthquake and Hro this afternoon at the Baker theatre. through the , courtesy of tha" manage. ment. .... . . ... .Rr. -Dr. Charles EdwacaV Locke -of New York, ex-pastor of Taylor Street Methodist church, will conduct prayer - meeting at the church next Thursday vaning. . , ; ' Launches to tha Oaks from Favorite Boathouse, aouth aide bridge, foot Mor rison atreet, every few mlnutea all aft ' srnoon and evening. Tel. (401. Milton A. Nathan, attorney, I00 Steiner street. San Franc laoo. Commlaalons promptly exaouted. Bank referenoea. Dr. M orris, dentist, haa moved to Fleldner building, Tenth and Washing ton iirveia. ' Dry, short wood. $1.80 par load, deliv ered, ptiono Main . Tha Nloolal Brother Co. . ' Acme OH Co. sella tha beat safety oil and nne gasolines, rnone saat Til. , For Quality, Quantity and Quickness. ' Woman's exchange, 111 Tenth street. lunon, ii.av t a. . v " Cro to clam bake at Rosa Island Fri day evening. r Dr. B. C Brown, Eye-Ear. " Marqnam. " Panama hatter, til 4th. Phono Paa, J7. ' ' Mllwauki Country Club.' - i Eastern and Seattle - races. Take ellwood and Oregon City eara at Ftrat n4 Aider. .--.' ' To are m. properly loektauf out tot To. 1 nalaes yea watoh The Jooraal Want Ada. --... ---r-, . .. aob, Mtrnr ajtd XAFranisa. 'Bo Russell Sage haa passed along onto another world, J-t ! hoped where love displaces every Where the banner of pure equity Is ever f iouna unruriea, - -v And there is a higher, purer, nobler life. "But Captain-Braln'e-with --Juet-e live aa live can be. Though the court has laid hlra up upon the shelf, And Isekaon'a remarking, "What will the harveat ber Then chuckles, "Say, I did It all my - And the Union Laundry's busy Just as '. busy aa a bee A cleansing people's linen every day, And Ita heart la fiftl of gladness bathed In happiness and glee 'Causa it'a bafHahed women' slavery . away. trnr:":". ; union Laundrt, .. Tel. Main III. Second and Columbia. AU family washing and Ironing lo lb. IS I mm G WelUKnown Norwegian Steamer Thyra Engaged to Carry Lumber to Australia. WILL BE HERE MONDAY TO COMMENCE LOADING Steamer Richmond "Departs ' for iTaka ' With ; Immense ' Cargo lor Sise of Vessel and the Beckenham ' Goes on the Ways for Overhauling. ' Another large tramp steamer arlll be here to load cargo in a few days so that deapito- the - departure -of too Brltiea steamer Richmond this morning tha big fleet will, not be reduced. The oriental liner' Aragonla will be started for the sea tomorrow morning, but her place will be taken by the big British steamer Manila, via San Franclsoo. The Suther land 4a expected in the river tomorrow morning. ' . " The latest addition td the fleet en gaged to earn lumber out of this part ia the Norwegian steamer Thyra. She waa chartered yeaterday afternoon .to J. J. Moore A Co. to carry lumber from Portland to Port Plrte, Australia, She ia due to arrive at Victoria, British Col umbia, from the orient tomorrow, and from Victoria she will proceed to Comox at onoe to fill her bunkera with fuel for the run across the ocean. Her charter ers expect to see her In the harbor next Monday, The Thyra is a large ateamer and will carry about 1,600,000 feet. She haa been here before, . . - The steamer Richmond, which Bailed at daylight thla morning, carried one of the biggest cargoes ever placed on board a vessel of her slse, the exact measure ment being 1,171.000 feet while the vessel's net register la only 1,051 tons. The Richmond goes to Taku. She will probably cross out thla afternoon. The British steamer Beckenham, which arrived at . Aatorta yeaterday morning from Victoria, British Colum bia, under charter to load lumber here for the orient, was hauled on tha sands thla morning for cleaning and painting. The Beckenham Is the largeat - tramp steamer to come here thla season and aha will carry away fully 4.000.000 feet of lumber. She would have been lifted on the drydock at St. Johns for an over hauling had the dock been available at this time, but the beaching method is said to be perfectly satisfactory. IDLE NINE MONTHS. V British Ship Srebloch Sagafe to Carry BTaw Crop Wheat. ' After having lain idle In the bay off Astoria . for nine montha the British ship Brabloch waa finally chartered thla morning to load wheafat this .'port for the United ' Kingdom. ... . She j:wlll.not commence receiving until the new crop cornea in, which means that she wl(l have been exactly a year In the harbor. Thiahowcver, - Is by no meene - extra ordinarily long, for several vessels got away from Ban Francisco last, season after having tugged at their anchors in Oakland creek for two or three years. The Brabloch waa held here because of the obstinacy of her owners. They have the reputation of never accepting business except at their own terms and will rather let their - vessel lay- idle and rot away than take engagements not la accordance with their original terms. In thla case the Brabloch could have- had several lumber" cargoes, but her ownera held out for wheat and the combination rate. Balfour, Guthrie A Co. decided upon taking the vessel yes terday afternoon and a cable waa re ceived this morning clinching the trans action. The Brabloch will commence receiv ing cargo In September. She la a large and -will , carry -.approximately 116.000 bushels. - With the charter of the Brabloch -thnr.-' remains only one dieencaeed carrier In the river, the Brit. Ish ship Galgate, which arrived from Rotterdam, May 12. with a general cargo, - The Oalgate waa reported char tered several weeks ago to carry lum bar to CaUao, but it ia now understood that t"t. fla' faH throua Instructions given him when he took the watch. Chief Offlmtr Curtis oalled me, aaylng, in one breath, Wa are close to the lightship, but my God, it's the Jetty.' He sounded four balls and tha next minute the tender struck the Jetty." - , , . , . Chief Officer Curtis explained that be did pot know he waa inside the bar, al though tha lights from North Head, the lightship and Cape Disappointment were visible. Some way or ether he did not have the proper bearings. Luckily the tender waa not seriously damaged and ahe kPt on her course. The Heather came bare this morning for the purpose of getting some buoys and In order to save time the Inspectors decided to hold the hearing while the officers are here on business connected with their work., . RUSH ON THE ARAGONLA. Sffort Setaf Made to Bead Mlg Uaea to 1 Sea Tomorrow.' ".The longshoremen working on the oriental liner mcomedla were ordered to the Aragonla this morning to assist in shoving cargo Into the big hold which haa been yawning for several daya and sffort will be made to get the big liner ready for the sea this evening.. The in tention is to have the Aragonla' sail at daylight tomorrow. "' The unprecedented Targe ' number " of arrivals of big- steamers here during the past' few daya haa called every avail able longshoreman Into the harness and a good many more, eould be employed were Ihey to be found. About 10 new Sutherland which ta now en route fronrBand- wert put to work tnU morni. and - others will be added aa tbey are rounded up by the business agents of the .two branohee of the union. The men earn good wages, but green hands find It difficult to hold out beoaase the work requires a strong constitution. LOGS BLOCK CHANNELS. Sawmill Ken Move Bafts Carelessly and Boatman Suffer. Owners of launches, canoeists and yachtmen complain again of logs' ob structing navigation In the sloughs back of the islands which mark the hortlz and aouth boundaries of the harbor. The logs are owned by the near-by sawmills and have - been moored ao that they swing with the wind, tide and current and blockade the channela. r - Several launches lost a great deal of time Sunday trying to take the west side chsnnsl past Swan Island. When half way throush. they, were confronted, with a - boom of saw logs stretching aeroaa the channel, compelling them to go back around the Islands. The same experience waa encountered by a number of rowboata, canoes and launches at Ross Island last night, a boom of loga having drifted across the channel to the east of the island. - BUOYS BEING CHANGED. pSTRIrCERSARE-AT-WORItr allors raid to Kake Cfood Money BnUd- laur Vp Saa rraaolaoo. Members of the local sailors union are of the opinion that even should the shipowners' combine decide to grant tna requested raise of 16 per month and agree to employ only union men they would be unable to do so. work is said to be so plentiful In the Bay City that the men who worked for 146 a month and board are now making much better wages ashore. 'The men who were locked out on the steamera because of the strike on the steam schooners don't care whether they get their Jobs back or not," aald Bus! ness Agent Paul of the Portland branch of the sailors' union this morning. "The fact of the matter la. I doubt if the experienced men will return to the ships in should they ' be granted the ad' Vance of IS a month. Moat Of the sail' ors are strong men. able to perform hard work, and they are Just the kind wanted for the upbuilding of San Fran' Cisco, ' The sailors can turn their hand to anything requiring strength, endur ance and a sturdy constitution, and thoae are the kind of fellows that are In demand Juat now. T doubt very much If the sailors wouia rally around the vessels very promptly should the shipowners' com bine come forward with an offer." . It waa persistently rumored about the waterfront today that the Spreckela In teresta had 'withdrawn from' the com bine and called back Its former' em' ployes, but no word of confirmation waa received from the San Franclaco anion to that effect, and hence little credence is placed In the rumor. EXPLAIN COLLISION. e Ap Before Oovernmea Xaspeefore. Inspectors Edwards and Fuller are examining witnesses todsy to ascertain how It happened that the-enornlng f April IT the lighthouse tender Heather ran Into the Columbia river Jetty while bound from Coqullle river to WUlapa harbor. Those who were on board of the Heather are telling their etorles and the matter is being taken down In writ ing. U . -. Captain Gregory said that the vessel was in charge of Chief Officer Curtis. who was temporarily, on board because of Chief Officer Hammarstrora being Ilk and the captain himself had not alept for two -day when he had laid down to take a short nap Just as the tender crashed Into the breakwater. "I was aaleep on the sofa In . the pilot-house when, ta accordance with Uffctaooee Department Finds -CHappe - Bells Bettor Tnaa Old Style. Captain Werllch Is having the bell bouys In ths this 'lighthouse -'district transformed into clapper bells as rap Idly as possible,- experience having demonstrated this style of bell much more serviceable than the old etyle ball belL The tender Heather brought sev eral old ball bells to Portland this morning from the mouth of the Colum bia and a local machinist hss been awarded the. contract to. make tha nacas-. sary- changes. Tha ball bells require a strong swell but the clapper bells will sound upon the lesst commotion injthe water," aald Captain Werllch this morning, "and consequently j we are having the bells changed aa quickly aa our resources ALONG THE WATERFRONT. l 4 Terrible Calamity That Has Befallen a Large Clothing House. The gasoline launch Gloria Is at the foot of Stark Street receiving a thorough overhauling. The steamer Homer Is loading lumber and supplies at the foot of Conch atreet for Prlbllof Islands. She will sail on ths 17th of this month. The British steamer Com erica shifted from the mills of the Portland Lumber company to the North Paclflo Lumber company, where she will - finish her cargo. The steam schooner Aurella la loading at the mills of the Portland Lumber company." She arrived from San Fran cisco at 10 o'clock last night The steamer Kelvlnbank was taken out in the harbor thla morning to turn around- at her dock. Being a large steamer, it required a towboat to assist In moving her, The British ship Procyon will leave down tomorrow morning bound for the rgo of wheats Shs was to have called thla morning, Maps or the Columbia river bar are being mailed by the United States en gineers to steamboat companion and masters. They show the channela and the exact depth of the bar. The Shaver Tranapo nation company is beginning to move from the Wash lngton street dock to the foot of Couch street. The boats will continue landing at the old dock . for another month. however. The barkentlne Amaranth Is returning to Portland from Manila for another cargo of lumber. The steamer Telegraph Is again ope rating on the Astoria route. She started out this morning on regular time. i MARINE NOTES. - Astoria, July 14. Arrived last night. schooner sailor Boy, from Saa Fran cisco. ' San Franclaco, July ' 14. Sailed, schooner Virginia, , for Portland. Ar rived, steamer Fv A. Kllburn, from Port land. Arrived laat night, steamer Johan Poulsen, from Portland. Manila, July IB Sailed, barkentlne Amaranth, for Portland. Aatorta, July 14. Condition of the bar at s a. m., obscured; northwest wind; weather foggy. ; , PERMIT ISSUED FOR NEW MASONIC TEMPLE The Masonio Temple association has received a permit for thefoundatlon of the- new lodge building ' on1 Tamhlll street, at the corner of West Park. The coat will be 14,100. The Concrete Con struction company has the contract for the foundation. Permits have also .been Issued as follows: M. N. Nolan, two-story dwell ing, Weidler, near Williams avenue, cost 11,100; Paul Brlnkman, one-story dwell ing. East Seventh, near Bowman, cost 11,700; East Side Realty company, two-story- etore, Rweseell and -Williams ave nue, coat 14,000; E. Brewster, one-story dwelling, Umatilla avenue, between East Seventeenth and East Eighteenth, cost 1700: Mrs. Thomas Crane, repairs. Da kota, near Virginia, cost 1116; Olaf Johnson, office. Union avenue, between East Davis and Kaat Flanders, - coat 1160; .Blailer Brothers- repairs. Burn side, between Second, and Third, cost 1100; Weslsy Miller, two-story dwelling. Front, between Baker and Arthur, coat 1400; John Strssler, repairs. First, be twsvrr Morrison and Tamhlll, ooet 1400: Mrs. t W. Coe, foundation for dwell, ing, Twenty-fifth, corner Lovejoy, coat 11.100; Hattle Correll, rs pairs. East Tamhlll, between East Thirty-fifth and ' Charles A. White, ' Omaha's largeat clothier, with an established reputation of over 10 years for carrying only the higneat grades ox men a. boye' and children's Clothing, Shoes and Furnish ings, was forced from his building. which was leased over his head without previous notice. Just at the time- when nia indebtedness lor - this . season I goods waa due. -Not being able to find another loca tion In Omaha adequate to dispose of his large stock at this unfortunate time, he was compelled " to move' the stock where he could realise on it quick' If to save his good name, and chose Portland as the best place, frelkht rates being cheaper than to points in the In terior. . .' . .- - ... .. This immense stock of 1101,000 worth of men's, boys', and. children's Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, cc. has been moved into the large atoreroom, 14 North Third street, corner of Couch, Portland, Oregon, where this magnificent stock will be sold, out at retail for ool Per Cent Less Than Ot3 Manufacturers' Cost . FOR NINE DATS ONLT. ;' SAXB BEGINS THURSDAY, JULT 18, AT I A. M. AND CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 4. AT 11 O'CLOCK. 'This Is a tremendous sacrifice, aa we were considered very , close buyers' by the trade. ' You cannot appreciate what a great reduction this Is until yon see me gooas ana prices. ...... Bo Bot BOss) This Bare Opportunity Of getting the biggest bargains in Cloth- mg,. Furnishings, etc. ever offered to me peepie or roruana, as you may never oe able to get a chance like this again. JBelow we quote a few prices, to show what tremendous sacrifices we are making. - Just remember that all goods priced in this advertisement can be brought back any time during the sale: A fine Butt of men's clothes, all to .match .......................... l.f! This suit Is positively worth 111.60 or your money refunded at any time during the sale,. Men's fine Suits and Overcoats, in ' -'cheviots and Scotch plaids ......t4.ll (Worth 616.00 or your money re funded at any time during ths sale if you are not satisfied.) Men's splendid Suits and Overcoats, . in velour finish caaslmerea, all . slses .16.81 (Positively . worth 116.00 or your money back.) - Silk and aatln-llned Dress Suits and " striped colorings 17.11 (They are positively worth 111.00.) Men's extra fine Dress Suits and Overcoats in all the lateet styles ' and shades, heavy, silk and satin 'lined, equal to the flneat 140.00 . tallor-made-to-order .'- garments for 111.00 (Don't fail to ask to see these gar ments.) ' V: Men's -nstWatelfp rMfrOvercoato (maker's guarantee - ticket - on every coat), worth 120 to U-r.ft.M r"(Dont fall to see them.) . Men's fine Dress fanta... rr f to (Wort if 11.60 or your money re funded.) ' ' lien's fine Trousers for Sunday wear, in worsteds . and faaoy stripes, at (Positively worth $5. 4- and IT or money refunded.) Boys Suits end Overcoats. ....;r. (Worth 14.60.) Boys' finest Suits and Orei coats. worth 16, t and t7,,,,.,,,,.,.t!.4l ' (Thousanda of Children's Suits to choose from.) 1,000 pairs Boys' Knee Panta, worth 11.00 .......................... Ho Men's best quality Unjaundered -Shirts, worth 11.00 41o Fine Dress Shirts, worth tl-60. . . . . llo Men's fins Silk-Embroidered Bus- penders, worth J6o. .......... ., . . llo Good heavy Socks, worth 16c...... . lo Over 8,000 Necktlea, in all shades. worth from 60s to 11 , 14o Men's Handkerchief a, worth 16o.. to Men's and Boys' Caps, worth !6e. . 16o Men's ' Blus Flannel Shirts, worth 11-60 Tlo Men's Overalls, all arses. ........ . tlo Black and Tan Hose, worth S&o... lo Towels, Vorth 16e 4a Men's Hats, stiff snd soft, worth up to 15.00, your cnOleor.vrrm-r Men's Beautiful Silk Sox, worth np to ii.eo pair, your enoice Large also Quilts, worth 11.00, about 00; you take any one of them for Men's Black Satin Working Shirts, worth 11.00 each; forced out price 811k Handkerchiefs 1,000 Boys' Sweaters, they are worth up to 11.60; your choice......... Odd Coats and Odd Vests at your own prices, other articles too numer ous to mention. MEN'S FINE UNDERWEAR AT LESS THAN HALF THE COST OF .; -r : PRODUCTION. llo llo Tlo to To tlo Men's velour calf, worth 11.10. at. .ti lt Men's fine vlcl, kangaroo and boa- calf, worth 14.00, at 11.41 Men's cordovan and kangaroo welts, worth 14.60, at Msn's flneat welta in vlct and wll- low calf, regular i Shoes, Men's finest patent leather,, all slses, regular 11.60.. Boys and youths' kangaroo calf, worth 11.80. at... ...11.10 Little Gents' Nobby Shoe, worth tl.00. at llq These are all up-to-date goods. Do not confound this with so-called sales. This Is a rfcogltlmaao Bale. Wa must raise the money necessary' to satisfy our-creditor's claims. Posi tively no goods sold Until Thursday, 8 A. M. SALE POSITIVELY CLOSES SATUR DAY NIGHT, AUGUST 4. DONOT BE MISLED S4 Berth Third Street, Corner Oouoh. IT i Yellow ,::: Mali orders carefully filled.' Railroad fare paid on all purchases of 616.00 or over. bl a. ovmna nr 'uuri. or roanr Ths Serala Iftert, Will Sake, terd sad Beak, Astra, Jeaa WiUoa, Movlat-rietmie OesnlUa PwrfnrainoM saily at 1:10. T:M snd t a. bl Admtaaioa 10 sad aoe; brace l. Ladles asd ehlldree take say seat at week-day sMtlaees far 10 easts. . LI B-L L. J East Thtrty-stxth, coat tlOO; James aoodwln, one-story d willing, Dakota, be- 1 I Under our liberal credit system $1 a week will soon pay for the finest suit of clothes and youll hardly miss the money. " . ; , . You Credit ..BBBBBBBBBBBBSSSsassSSSSSSSSBBaSPBSSSS SBWSBBBBBBBBSM M BSJSBH tBM HawaMeasaBBBSeBBBaBBBBBBBMSSJSBnSMBBSBBaBBBB Come In and pick out" your suit this week, paying only a small deposit, then ?1 A WEEK."- ' ;' ;. ;Xlfe':w Many business men as well as laborers have already availed themselves' of this easy method of ."dressing up." We invite you to investigate. No trouble to show goods.. No red' tape. No embarrassing conditions. Silverware on Easy Payments Vfi carry the genuine ROGERS qa a d ruple plate. Standard goods sold on , terms to suit your conveni rence. Invest!- gate and youll . find that our ' prices as well as our - gooas are right, ; r r. 1 hi! " u $5.00 Free WITH Eclips Ranges In addition to our liberal terms of $1 down and $1 a week for our "Eclipse" Steel Range, we will, during July, allow with each range sold FIVE DOLLARS' worth of goods FREE from our Granite or Tinware Department. A 4-hole Eclipse on , - C J.H above terms vtll V I Qevurtz & Sons "QEVURTZ SELLS IT FOR LESS t S 173-173 First Street -219-227 Yamhill Street I slABTBBJf OUTriTTUrO OOlCPAB-g BASTBBJT QUTJITTUB QOMBABT BABTBBJT OUTBICTIMO CQMBAITt' Priori to our removal to our new store at the northwest corner of Washington and Tenth streets lweiwttLseU- 10 to 50 Per Cent Discount This is an Opportunity seldom offered to purchase seasonable merchahdise at such low figiirc this season's styfes are included. The stock con sists of wearing apparel for Women, Men and Children; Housefurnishings; Jewelry, Silverware, Art Goods, Ladies and Gentlemen's Furnishings, Laces, etc. CASH OR USUAL EASY TERMS. Eastern Outfittine: Go The Storey Where Your Credit Is Good Washington and Tenth Streets ABnrSSSTBaTS. THE STAR -twslfth wbsb stab btocb; aw- "THREE MEN IN A CUPBOARD' la. Oneaartioe Wlta. a ltraacTaaavflleOlls. rrlcM u4 Ila u UsoaL . THE BAKER. TODAT TOWIOHT. bUIIbm. I 11. STonlnc, S:1S. MOTOTO riOTTBES OT THS SAATXaTAXX amd raut. Mast eeaislste sarlas at rUw srse Mad. at tba tlak of Ufa as4 limb. Twe flrtaraa at ssbm Uaa, .bawtaff kafnra aaS attar. Matlaae, 10c; eraBlas, lie aae 18a, LYRIC THEATRE waak Sulsslai Massay-ArtisaMa, - TBS EMOTIONAL MKLOOBAMA "A Wife's Peril" in rot a acts. Aftaneaa aal ImIml AdailHloa. 10e.. BaaarraS Smis. IOo. tweea Wlseonsln 1 and Macadam, ' eoat 1600; D. F. Campbell, repairs. First, be tween Caruthere and Sheridan, ooet 1600; 11. W.- Jones, repairs. Sixth. be twsea Washlnftoa and Alder, ooet 19; The Grand Stellar Attra. Maa, ' Baltk DiaMr Oa.. "KXB LAST CKAJrCB." Week of July 23 OewsUfTs - Tbe ttfakaat ftaaitst, KiM Maad Baatty. TlTiaa A Sarast. . Jaiasa Swaa. Sniilniai, J. Bulltvant Jr., shed, Jefferson be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth, eoet 1100; T. Felblcer. one-story da-eUlsg. First, corner Porter, cost tl' PORTLAKD . ACADfilY '""Portland Oregon ltth TBAJB WTXB OTBB BBBB. IT. Fits boys an girls for Eastern and Western colleses. . : - Include - M prlmarr- and vraamar school. ' Boardlna; ball for girls s ff online tbe comforts and oara of a rafln.4 noma - Offloe hours during tbe Summer frem I a. av to II m. For e.talogue writs ta ths given above. aAdr i DASEDALL AT I. Oersar Yaaske esd Twrntr-t"" . " - rOBTLAVB VS. SEATTU. um OalM at s si. T ' Sjaans - CitW S e . I , Tr- -r, A Ia.A, .. SBAMDSTAMP, i : AUM SAT I