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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
:o. july ts. 1:: TIa3. fvlOHGff L'VaBU StoP&V Groat 65 From 8 From 9 From 10 From 11 Froml2 M. to 1 P.M. lOAM. w -et U- Wednesday tO r(os8I,,wJcjl 11A.M. III IWWMllU Ml 7 to . 9'A.M. i2a.fe Specials la the Fictcre Department Colored Ballet Girls, mounted on red add green mounts; size 10x18 inches; - great I I. special value at this low price," each.. 1 IW Large colored Fruir Pictures, framed in fancy oval frames; $4.00 values for, AQ ' this low price, each.... I "ar 500 25c Picture Frames at 9c Ea. 500. Picture Frames, in alt, green and- ebony t sizes 5x7 inches and AHx6yi inches; tegular '25c values on sale from 8 to 9 a. m. Q. ; only, at this low price,, each. ...evw ' Plan to spend all dayVycdnesday here. .. Bargains in the Notion Department The always ready. Dress' Shield;' all sizes; 7Sc values at, a pair ... V 'Remnants of Dress Linings, Half Price. Broken lines of Embroidery; Spool Silks, 3-yard. at spools; great value. at, a dozen spools. t.J Men's Handkerchiefs at 9c Each 100 dozen men's pure wbite Japonet Initialed Handkerchiefs, all initials just the grade you want for common, use; regular 15c values, on aide from 8 to 9 t raw at this very low Qr price, each.. .... . . . . . . ... i ....... Two Big Specials in Drug Sundries Buttermilk, transparent. Glycerine, Violet and Autumn Rose Soaps; wonderful value . f . from 8 to 9 a. m.. at 3 cakes for.:... ' I VIC MalvinaJ Cream or Lotion, special.. ...... 39 rrt i , a - r ! ine moorc ixcms irnm o w y m. omjr. Turkey - Red Napkins at 4c " Each 500 dozen Turkey Red Napkins; useful in many homes; regular 8c values, on sale from Ars 8 to 9 a. m. at this low price, each....;. Tit Buy all you want of them,' ' ' . Table Tumblers 34c Per Dozen 10,000 medium weight plain Table Tumblers; : best quality of glass; regular ,45c values; on ' sale from 8 to 9 a. m. . only at the phenomenal!y-4ow riee,-per-dozen;T?1'V" Rash Shopping Bags at 16c Each 1,000 Rash- Shopping Bags;' very hjmdy "and j useful; great specia) value from 8 trl , 9 a. m-nly at this JowJrice, each, .UC, Third Floor Toy Department : Froml 2P:M. 5000 Yards Curtain Madras 19c 6.000 yards of Curtain. Madras, eathedral ' glass patterns; exaet reproductions orthoniiest lm ported goods: IS Inches wlde;firet time Q ever shown In Portland; treat value at sfC- 50c Chiffon Hat Drapes at 21c Special lot of Chiffon Hat Drapes; black, white, brown and navyj.m yards in length; striped borders; best 600 values on sals from from 1 each I C 1 to I p. m. at this vary low pries. SOc Dress Trimmings for 2 9c Yard lZOO' yards of Oold Bolting, for belts, millinery and dress trimming:, regular 60s values, on sals from 1 to I o'clock only at this special low pries of, per yard rC Men's :Whlte : Shirts at ?9c Each Special lot of 40 dosen Men's whits pleated Shirts; very best style xor dress wear; an sises; ins ' mrmAm mMt atorea aak S1.1S or Sl.ES 4B for, .can bs bought from 1 to 1 p. n. at. Children's $1.50 Shoes for 52c 400 pairs of Children's fihoea. In black.- tan, red' and blue; hand-turned soles, lace and button. styles; slaes J to 8; values up to 11.60 a pair; on sals from 1 to p. m. at, pair.', 52c 1000 Good Sash Rods' for 5c Each 1,000 good Bash-Rods, 44 inches long; easily ad Justed; greatest value aver offered at this -low ' price. Bur all you, want of them from . 1 ts I p. m. at this special low pries, each. 10.000 Yards "Cotton Crash 4c . bleached; greatest valus ever offered at this phenomenally low prlos. Buy all you want Jk or It xrom l it I pmaijne yra. ff JAP COOX HAKES TROUBLE FOR EMPLOYMENT (.UN a survey of the conditions on the ves sel, that he did not want the Job and asked for the return of his money. His demand was not granted and as a result the Jap took advantage of ,the eode which the United States has adopted for the protection of her sailors and which stipulates that any person de manding or. receiving money dlreotly of indirectly as remuneration for securing a sailor -in ths American merchant ma line employment on any vessel operat ing in that service Is guilty of a mis demeanor and consequently filed a com After securing a position as -cook on the steamer Homer through the off lose If the Columbia employment agency bx paying the manager, D. B. Hammond, a tee of 1110, C T. Klmura found, afur $34.00 Velvet Suits for 49.85 25 women's r high-grade - Velvet Suits-Eton Jacket or Blouse styles.-handsomely trimmed with fancy ' gimp ' and Persian trimming, full plaited skirts wirfe, purple, green and navy; regular $34.00 values on sale from 9 , to 10 a. m. at this-ridiculously low 85 Wash Goods Remnants Half-Price Thousands ' of remnants of. ginghams, prints, lawns, cotton suitings, etc. All the leading styles all lengths, all grades. Choose from 9 to 10 a. m. only at one half regular price. Wonderful values await you. Boys' $3.50 Handcars at $2.69 Special lot 'of 20 boys' Handcars, very best model, every one guaranteed; regular $3.50 values on sale from 9 to 10 a. m. CO AQ : at this special low price, each..., v awe Third Floor Toy Department. Great Specials in Pearl Battons Good quality white Pearl Buttons; regu- O . lar 10c dozen values on sale at, 2 doi..Uw 2,000 cards white Pearl Buttons, 2 dozen on a' card, sizes 10 to 24 line; best value ever Lf offered at this low price, card.......... Vw Specials in the Grocery Department 35c Dress Shields for 2 1c a Pair 500 pairs' of women's.' fast black Dress Shields, sizes 2, 3, 4-best makes; values up to 35c pair to be sold from. 9 to. 10 a. m. only itI. this low' price great valuepair.. ..eVI v Gas Hot Plates - at $2.47 Each Special lot of 50 Gas Hot Plates, best model, 2 burner, nicely ! finished cast-drilled burners; best value ever offered at this O Aff ' low price,9 to 10 ar m. on ly . . ; . y aW e T - 25cr4,Rnbdry" Towels" 15c Each 100 dozen of the celebrated "Rubdry" Bath Towels best bath towel on the market; regu lar 2Sc sizes on sale from 9 to-10 m. only at this special low price, ea..- S From 2 3-P.M. Women's Knit Underwear at 18c Woman's fine ribbed whits eotton Pants, lace- - trimmed: French ; bands; regular 5fl 18c values on speelal sale now al Women's whits, blue- and pink - Vests; low neck. no sleeves; so values, a 10 p. m .pvi. .of Women's $3.30 Waists for $1.18 Woman's albatross, alpaoe. and - nun's veiling Waists: also a few dark colored 811k Waists; red, green, navy, purple, blue and brownt- f f O -values up to 16.60; from ltoSp.m.gajtfaj Three ' Specials in Drag Sundries pond's Extract, the people's remedy.......... 10fV Pelton's Taloum Powder, 1-lb. cans ...... J. . . 19 Colgate's Perfumes and Triple Shttraets; all odors; glass stoppered bottles; each In neat box....l9f Great Values in the-Basement 1000 thin China Cups and Bsuoers; plain white only; buy all you want of .them at list (00 blue enamel Teapots; medium sise. gr I-t. slse; 70e values; i. to only Children's Serge Dresses at 48c special 101 ox .niiuiii. . --- red, blue and brown; button trimmed; ages to 11 years; regular I1.S6 valus on sals fromyf O i to I p. m. at this unusually low price. .affJC 300 Untrimmed Hats at 39cXach 600 fsney Jet. lace and braid Untrimmed Hate, In all the new shapes; Just the thing for mid-season ' wear; phenomenal values from I to S CQm p. m. at this remarkably low price, each,. Jrl, Damask Table Cloths for 98c Each 200 handsome fringed . damask Tablecloths; 1 ysrds long, best .style and pattern; greatest tablecloth valus ever offered at the pries; QO I to I p. m. only at this low price, eeon7(J(; i i -- i - w i T I plaint for the arrest of Hammond. - Klmura's story Is to the effeot that he went to the employment agency at 15 North Second street last Saturday after seeing on a sign standing In front of ths office an advsrtlsement stating that a cook wae wanted on a vessel. Klmura says .that lie went In and asked where ths poslttpa could bs found. Ths Jap maintains that Hammond told him to turn In 11.10 to ths agency and that Be would be told, further stating that If be did not get the position he would receive his money back. Kimura paid Eig Bargains JaJToilet Articles Wood-Back Hair Brushes," all 'bristles; 1 Q best value ever offered at. ............. 1 Celluloid Combs in shell, only, etch.,... v.12f 3 Iti 1 Machine .Oil, special at, bottle.. ;.;... ',' All the" above on saTe'from 10 to 11 a. mf $120 White Skirts at 3.95 Each Special lot of 35 women's and misses cream 'col ored Wool Skirts in batiste and Henriettas; majie accordion plaited; values up to $12.50 each on tale from 10 to 11 .sn, at this ex- Cl QK ceplionally low price, each.......;. yJ7 $3.50 and $5.00 Shoes at 2.55 Pair Women's $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Russia Calf, Patent tip, chocolate, vici kid and tan1 Oxfords J. & T. Cousins' best make, hand-turn and welt " soles, new up-to-date styles, all . sizes; C),tt $3.50 to $5 val. from 10 to 11 a. m....y 25c Wash Goods for 15c Per Yard 100 pieces tof. fine. Ginghams, all the very best styles for, suits, house dresses, children's dresses, etc., 32 inches wide; best 25c values on 1 sale from 10 to 11 a. m. only at, yard... lv Two Specials in Leather Goods Women's shaped Patent Leather Belts with seam in center, gilt buckle, all sizes; gftat, O value at this Jow price., "Jw Special assortment of women's Hand- 1 Qf bags, values up to $1.00, to be sold at.. Work BaskeU Go for Half-Price From 10 to 11 a. m. choose from our entire stock of Stand Workbaskets at one half regular prices. An immense assortment in '1 Df grades, at this low price...J....3 llw Ribbon Remnants at Half-Price 1,000 remnants of all grades and styles of Ribbons all lengths your choice from 10 to 11 a. m. only at one half the regular sell- 1 DiA ing prices take advantage - Sww - 35c and 40c Corset, Covers, at 1 0c Special lot of women's cambric and nainsook Cor aot Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed.- good X assortment f Jtyles; regulat35cand 40c f tValues on sale, 10 to 11 a. m. at, pair,.., i S From 3 Trimming Remnants at Bargains Remnants of Dress Trimmings, braids, gimps, pas--sementrlea, etc., at w ....... . .tt. W aT.TJH,TO. PersUn Band and Edgings on sale also ' Values to $100 yard for, yard.... 494 Values to fl.OO yard for, yard.... ....254 Shams and Scarfs Go at Half-Price Hardanger Shams and Scarfs, Centerpieces, Laundry Bags and Dollies, both white and colored designs; regular $1.00 to $7.00 values on sale from t to 4 p. m. at this wonderfully low fJJ special sals price,' each fa frlGO Women's $4.00 Shoes $1.25 Pair Women's patent leather, viol kid and box calf Shoes In good stylesvsinall slaes, turn soles, welt soles and heavy extension soles; values up to $4.00 a patr-on sale from t to 4 p. m. . 51.25 100 Shirtwaist Suits at $1.48 Each Special lot ' of ' 100 Women's ehambray Shirtwaist Suits In blue, gray, green and tan, plaited waist and circular SKlrts; $S.?s and $1.00 ) A values on sale from I to 4 , m. tt...Q HtO 25c to 40c Ribbons 5c Per Yard Broken lines of Silk Ribbons. 10.000 yards, in widths from a to $ Inches,. all colors and styles; I6o to 40e values on sals from S to 4 p. m. at tms F - wonderfully low special price, per yard 10c Embroideries for 2c Per Yard 1.600 yaAls of Swiss snd Cambric Embrolderes, 1 to t Inches wide, values up to lOe yard on sale from 1 to 4 p. ro. at this very low price, rard.C New Waist Material 1 9c Per Yard $.000 yards of handsome new Crepe Waist and Cos- turns material, light and dara colorings in complete assortment; wonderful valoe from I to I Q 4 p. m, at this tremendously low prtcsysrd. g jfC the money and secured the Job. Hs be came dissatisfied later and quit, also demsndlng the return of his money from the employment sgency. Hammond refused t ' t've up the money and Klmura swors to the com plaint and a warrant was Issued for the arrest of Hammond. Ths penalty for violation f the federal provision Is a fine of not more than 1800 and a Jail sentence not exceeding sis months. f . -.. X' Tot qnlok result ass tks Vast del. KaukS sf TM JoaraaL ,-, -.- 1 , THISr mm : j i 1 11 i 1 1 Carpet Samples go. at $1.10 Each 500 manufacturers' samples of Royat Wilton Carpets, 27x54 inches 1n size and suitable for rugs; beautiful auality ; ' handsomest . patterns ' and colorings; all bound ready for use; re markable value from 11 to 12 a. Ql 1A m. only at the low price........ . V ll v $3.50 Allovers at Only B9c Yard 400 yards of beautiful Allover Swiss and Nain sook Embroideries; exquisite styles for waists,' . etc.; values up to $3.50 yard, on sale from 11 to 12 a. m. only at this special low DQ. price, yard. . ....... .ww Photo Frames atv One-Third Off Entire stock of gilt metal Photo Vrames; large assortment of siies and shapes, all grades; your choice from 11 to 12 a. m. only i ffC at one third off, regular prices.. '.. 3 XSS Secohd Floor. - Two Good SLaLionery Specials Stafford's Fountain Pen Ink. ...T Eaton Hurlburt's fine linen Papers; very best styles and quality; wonderful values from 11 to 12 a. m. only at this low price, 1 Q per box take advantage of this.i..., 1 7fa. $1.50 Pearl Buttons at 21c a Card Large white and smoked Pearl Coat Buttons; values ranging from 75c to $1.50 a dozen; your choice from 11 to 12 a. m. at this un- O 1 ' usually low price, per card.. ......... ew 1 C Women's Mannish Shirts at 95c . No mail or phone orders . filled. Women's mannish Shirts; pongee silk and mer cerized materials; cool and comfortable for outing and beach wear; values up to Q $3.00; on sale from 11 to 12 a. ni...i7JC Boy's Wash Sailor Snits each 39c Special lot of boys' Wash Suits, in sailor style,' orettilv made ud in blue. tan. pink and gray striped galatea cloth; all . sizes "matchless vaUiesino IZ at, suit.. ,J7W - 2000 Yds. SOc Wash SUlcs 29c 2,000 yards of handsome Wash Silks for waists -and suitsr best patterns and "color 'combina--tions; large v astortment;- 50rr values OQ on sale from 11 to 12 a, rn. at yard..v7U From4 to f n tvi r4toPM. Women's 30c Neckwear for 9c Broken lines of Battenberc lice and Beaded gtocks and puter Browa Collara andluxnovers; -"valuesup to sooeaeli' on sale from Q I p. m. at the extremely low price, each. 71J $3 Ainninster Rngs for- $1.77 Special lot of tOO high-grade Axmlnster Rugs In Oriental and riorai eesigns, sis kxo inciwi; the best ft.OO values on sals at ffff this low" price. from 4 to t p. m. p Sea a , Women's Corsets for 10c Pair Broken lots of Women's Corsets In many stylss and slaes. annual Mid-Summer stock cleanlsg; values extraordinary from 4 to I p. m. only at this special low price, pair. . . f JC Women's - $3 Oxfords for - $ 1 . 1 9 150 pairs Women's Oxfords la all slses tan, kid patent colt and black kid; heavy and light soles, Cuban heels: regular SS.00 shoes on ( 1 A sale from 4 to. I p. m. only, at, palr.J 1,17 10c and 12jc Flannelettes for 6c S.000 yards of new Flannelettes, doubls fold, great variety of patterns In Persian effects, dots and figures; values extraordinary from 4 to I, p. m. at, extremely low price, yard jC 200 Bonne Femmes $ 1 .48 Each 200 magnificent Bonn Femmes of corded ' Ara bian S-lnch lace ruffles on bottom, two patterns lo seieiri xrom, m iciuu, ,um ... 4 to i p. m. at this low price, each. $1.48 Women's Biarritx Gloves for 94 c Women's 4-button Blsrrlts Olovss, fine quality lambskin. In black,, white, tan. gray, green and navy, slses IH to 7: valus extraordinary fA - from 4 te t-pr mi at the low price. palr.".fJiC MORNING S RESULTS two o'clock . - . i follows: . c Zl Ladles' SlnsWJelJss Smith defeated Miss Ftohmsn. S-l. -0; . Miss Weldier defeated Miss Leadbetter. S-l, S-l. . Men's Singles Andrews defeated Sawyer. S-l. S-0; Fenton defeated lld. S-0; Letter beat Plummer, S-l, S-l; Agar defeated Leadbettar, S-l. 1-1; R WIckeraham defeated U B.' Wicker sham. S-l, S-l. Ladles' Dutlsw-Mlaa. Hellene, -and IN TENNIS TOURNEY Although the heat was rather oppres sive this morning a fair alsedcrowd of .tennis devotees turned out on ths Multnomah field te witness-the open. Ing matches In the Oregon state ten nis tournament. ' The results up until Miss Joseph! defeated and Miss Robertson, S - . ' . S-y . i '. Art Dept. Specials Second Floor. Burnt Leather Pillow Tops, Indian head de sign, with slashed border regu-. ffCk lar. $5.00 values at,! eac., . . .. . . . &0 V Made Tapestry Pillow Tops, Roman strfpes in the best colorings; great value, 12 to, O 1 ' 1 only at this low price, each.r..;.,,etIC Two Big Bargains in the Basement 200 Sleeve and Bosom Ironing Boards; 1 ' regular 40c values, 12 to 1, at.. ...... 9 1 C ,000 packages Refined Paraf fine Wax; ff , great vaiue n to i p. in. si, cacu ..... Screen Doors. Refrigerators, etc. in Basement. Regular 23c Malines at 15c Yard Extra fine quality Malines. waterproof quality in pink, light blue, Nile, gray, brown, purple, yellow, orange and other good shades; 1 Cf, reg. 25c quality, 12 to 1 p. m. only, yd., 1 Jw No mail or phone orders filled.' 100 Lawn Waist Patterns at 60c 100 fine Lawn Waist Patterns,' insertion fronts, handsome styles; regular $1.00 values on sale from 12 to 1 only at this special low CAf price, per pattern ... , . vttt1tm.O'w On-sale In Wash Goods Department. Boy'tt 50c to $ 1 .CO Hata for 26c 500 boys' Straw Hats, all this season's best styles; regular SOc to $1.00 values on sale from 12 to 1 p. m. at this exceptionally low (Lf : price for one hour-only each;.. ..syUW On sale in Men's Hat Department. Men's Underwear 33c a Garment Men's fine Balbriggan Underwear, pink, blue and brown shirts and drawers in all - sizes; unequaled value from 12 to 1 p. m. at this low price, per garment... ...... JJw Men's Khaki Pants $1.18 a Pair 200 pairs of men's long Khaki Pants, suitable for outing and workwear, all sizes; great spe cial value .12 4o---p4n--MeS7f f -l - Clothing Department, nent, 2d Floor.. .V M a Women's- $ 1 .CO Gowns- for-47c Women's Cambric and Muslin. Gowns, hem- Via1 ' mnA ' MnKrrttH,rv trimmed, ftnlendid styles and quality; regular Steals, on A9g -sale at this special low price each W- Mens $4.00 Shoes $1.93 a Pair f as nalra of Vfen'a Shoes, odds and ends. In I yryatgHLtOltjroiaurcaif hdjylckld. weltsolee; .U wv-ia awivrsj t $i:95 regulnr SS.SO ana is.ev vaiue on sals from 4 to S p. m. at low price.. Men's 50c Fonr-in-Hand Ties 25c Men's fine slhc Four-ln-Hand Ties, all widths, la plain and fancy colorings, all desirable styles; selling regulsrly at SOo each, your " f choice I to I p. m-atthls low price.. JC Dennlson's Paper Napkins 3c a Dog. Dennlson's Crepe Paper Napkins. 1 dosen In a package, ell patterns; marvelous value at thls low price buy all you want of them par dosQ 300 Bottles Danderine 19c : Each 100 bottles of Danderine. the great hair grower, on sale for Wednesday hourly sales, to Q t only, at this wonderfully low prlos. lfC- Women's $1.25 Nackwear at 1 9c Clrctilar Tokes lnj' allover embroidery without stock, assorted patterns; regular tl.zs values on sals from to p. m. at this wonder ' fully i low special sale price, each 19c $1.23 Dotted Net J it -49c Ytrd 1,000 yards of white and cream dotted Nets in a good variety, of styles; values up to II. 2 a yard on sale from S to S p. m. at this un- A Q usually low special price, per yard....ajiS7f Men's Linen Dusters $1.29 Each Men's 11-Inch Linen Dusters, pearl button, slses 1 to 02; lust the thing for driving, trsveung and automohtllng; great value, to t Pjn. st.thls special low price.. g ,4fV 6-P.M,- . th'a sfternoon were as ferry Ce Id well Ma Better. k There Is little chance la ths oondltlos of "Jerry" Cold well, the veteran news paper reporter -of the city, who lies si his home on drant street, sur " ( ttr i the effects ofa stroke of par- , i r -eeivsd a -week ago Sunday. At t he Is conscious, but he genersKy I a stupor, tsklng little nourishrr - Tf yea have aasweted Tie T aai Watt Ads tat-'r yea Jsavr i sat ef tewek with ' Mrs. l, S-l. - ... Baldwts