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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
TK2 cnzccn daily jounirAi; fostlahp. tuecday lv; J, JULY i 1 illFFEREOTl :There People Can Eat Without Discomfort, ; arj JVI l-N ight v - i Seattle restsnrants ;an ariiiar do -a iIg midnight buslwss. In . the sound . fclty yon easy 10 to the theatre and stay ' till the curtain goes down on th last act and. then feel aeeura k beginning I a . Iiule. lunch.- And you don't sedl to maka a wild scamper lor me last i par., either. - . , ' 5 Portland 'people ara lust now making - comparlaona between tho streetcar sya- tarn -of Portland and that ot Seattle, V with the reeult (Unfavorable t tha for . war. Bmt are Baying that a town la v Just as hp-to-dats at Ita streetcar eys- iem and tf this la ao. that Portland muil 4 look to liar laurel In her competition With ttie city to the north. , ... '. Seattle does 1UBlnesa at tha - hour ' when It la moat convenient to do the particular business tn muid. Most -bust- nets Is dons In tba daytime, but there !To tho Editor of Ths Journal:":- " V i I am in favor of an all night atraetcar aarvica-lor Port land and vicinity. Nam i Address ,'' SHAKE ROAD Last Party of Surveyors Embarks 'at Huntington for Perilous Yrip on River. -1 . i ONE BOAT IS LOST IN' RAPIDS AT BOX CANYON Mining Men Developing; Properties ) I in Seven Devils in Anticipation oi Opening: of District - by Oregon Short Line. : ,. .. ' i . ' (tpetUI Inepetck to The JearaaL . j Huntington. Or.July Undaunted by the hasardous trip before them and he faetjhat thelMt party attampUng r O-almilar feat was preclplUted into the relentless waters of tha raplda at Box Canyon, iha' laat boatload of , Oregon 4 Short Una surveyors left this plaoa thla nnmln. ilnm'thi Snaka river for the ; morning down "tho Snake river for the imps-tt lcheywtnoriaurrng tho laying out of tha branch road dews (ihe stream from lwiston to Hunting ton. :. ever - v t When the braced Ing . boat with a 2 party of surveyors aboard attempted tol -ahnot the rapids at Donyonr8 mlleg brlow" thla place, several days ago. It 1 inat n.i It wa with areat dlffl fculty tnat the railroad men eacaped with - their Uvea. The low stage of the water and tha large bouldera encountered in the rapids make tha trip extremely dan- gerous. - ' t ' " ' Work on lsyfng out the grades of the Snake river road la being pushed with . ell possible speed and It Is known that . : the contract with the Iron Dyke Mlnea I (rompany, which la to construct tha road . t from the Seven Devils copper district to "T Huntington, calls . for ita completion I within a very ahort time, reported au I khorttatlvely. to bo within a year. r.. Opsm Btek SKtoaa. . ' . . ,( Wbn tha road Is completed thus far i It will open eastern 'Oregon's richest ropper district sod the great mints with ' their -vast beds of high grads copper, which have beenjylng WlaJorveMal '-bit aecount of the tack, or tranaportation i r facilities, will be numbered among tha I world's greatest producers. - i Already have the men owning copper . i toronertiea In thla district put crews at ( work and are blocking out tho ore for tho runs which will bo made aa soon : as tha road Is In operation. . Other mln ( Ing men who held claims In the Seven . Devils years ago but abandoned them In despair In tba belief that tha road y.i" These prices are very small -i.-. ... Better pick 'em up. . v ' v What was made for this summer we intend to sell ' this summer. 4rWe : doriT t dara'back" numbers" here. ' So' here' they go at a quarter less than they are ', worth. .'. V ,'' i 8.65 for the $12.50 SuiU .$11. for the $15.00 Suits '$14 for the $20.00 Suits. .18.75 for the J25 Suits : LION 166 AND 161 THIRD ST, J Mobswk BuUding. . : iRUSfliriG WORK ON 9 . mirmS LION ClolhinqCo Men's and Boys' Outfitters. SEATTLE After-Theatre Lunches because v I here Car ' Service : are enterprises as wetl as personal aetlv itixa which nod to be done late at night and durlna- the early hours -of tha A streetcar, aervice Is necessary,. If lacking, tha Interests of the etty as well M the convenience of Ita.citisene euf fer. Many dtlaa of Portlana s siae. use Seattle, have an all night streetcar service. Many dtlaa much smaller than Portland run care an hour later than Portland does, v ' ' - Such' facta as these Portland people are pointing out to enforce their demand for an owl aervlee. To give the great rasas of tha people a opportunity -to expreta their dealre lor on owi service The Journal is publishing dally tha ac companying coupon, nil out tna oiana Unea with your name and addreaa and send tho coupon to The Journal, either by mail or otherwise,- ' ' would not be built tn their day, are rushing Into tha district to. again locate their old claims- end miners who have no holdings ara staking out all available property. In anticipation of the oora ing prosperity of tha dlatrlct ' DAUGHTER DISINHERITED FOR DENVER ACTRESS LeDue Millions Left Miss Isabel . Gilbert but Law of Entail . Prevents Contest. . (Joara Spedal Sarvlce.r ' Los Angeles, July 14. Tha contest of tho will .of Denis LeDue, the member of a noble French family, noted through out Canada as an -engineer, Who be queathed his fortune to Mies Issbet Gilbert Seels, an actress, and disinher ited his dsughtsr, Mrs.' Georgette EN llott of Denver, wlU never be tried. When It Is called In court It will be dismissed, the - reason -being that, al though ths will mentions certain rich property here and In Denver, only a amall jKrtlon of It was Jn tho name -of LeDue when ho died. - He disposed of nearly all of It and failed to change his will. His property in Canada was worth psrhapn 11,000.000, but la so entailed that tha daughter and other heirs-at-law will, receive their -full, share and the aotreas will get practically none of It. LeDuc - was angered because bis daughter married against his will and sought to deprive her of any share in the estate, but failed to take the steps required by Canadian -law. - . t WALLOWA ACCEPTED -.--- NEW STEEL BRIDGE ' (Spertel pupates to (be JeoraaL) r Enterprise, Or., July It. The county court has accepted the new steel bridge over the Mlnam -river on the boundary Una between Union and Wallowa coun tlea. The bridge coat, and tha ap proaches tl.s21 additional. Tha coat of tho bridge proper wlU be borne oqaslly by Union and Wallowa counties. Tho O. R. N. Co.' paya for tha approaches la consideration of being allowed to uaa tho old crossing perpetually where stood the wagon bridge, near' the new struc ture, which was Uken out by tho Hoods. GOVERNOR ACCEPTS -rAKrBTHllKlIT ATlflM . . vnnnvn w niiiiniwii aeeetal Dbpatea ta The JeareaLt ' - Salem, Or, July 14. Governor Cham. berlaln has accepted the Invitation of tho governor-general vf Canada to at tend the annual meeting of the Canadian Forestry association to be held at Van couver, B. C, early In September. ' BOX FACTORY EMPLOYE r KILLED AT HIS WORK . swaaseisaasBseaaBBsse t ' - ' ' Edwsrd H. 'Conroy, an employs of the Multnomah Box factory, was struck in ths abdomen by flying laths yssterday afternoon and died 20 minutes latsr as ths result of his Injuries. Inasmuch as thsre were no braises on the body to Indicate ths exact cause of death. Cor oner Flnlay has directed. an.. autopsy to bo Torrormed. , ... Ths aoeldent occurred shortly bsfors I o clock aa conroy was laying a supply of sticks on a lath machine. In eow manner the machine started suddenly and scattered tho lumber In eVery dlreo tion. The man was struck about ths abdomen by the flying lumber. . D. C. Corbln of 151 Macadam street, another employe, had his thumb lacerated. Conroy was knocked to the floor, but his Injuries were not regarded as seri ous. . Hlscondition be"csme alarming soon nrterwara, ana Before the arrival of a physician death occurred. Conroy was 2 rears of age and leaves a widow and young child, residing In Arista. SPENDS LARGE SUM TO r COLLECT SMALL ONE e To recover l( from r. S. Lind-, w ley. W. E. Hartel has filed an . a) w application In the , circuit court ' w for a writ of review of the pro- . 4 eeedtngs of ths Mount Tsbor w S Justice court, where Judgment f or w -the t-was -denied "him. . Already-4 e- ths eorti of ths suit In tha jus- e tire eeurt have been lt.10, and e before the" matter will come to a 4 w final hearing tha feea In tha sir. w .cult will be- fir, besides st- torney's fees, which will be about 50. Thus If Hartel loses ha will have been tn 70.4. expenss In trying to coUoct , In addition to losing ths tl hs la suing for, :and having to pay Llndley's costs of defending tha action. Should' tha circuit court decide in favor of Hartel all of hie coals wlU bo taxed to Llndley. -- - - , ... , -. - EMI STREET IS OUSY SCENE last Sid From Washington to Morrison Undergoing Exten I slyo Improvsments. ; , SKYSCRAPERS BUILDING ON ALMOST EVERY CORNER Small Establishments Complain That Their Business Is Injured by the Building Operations More Build Ings Contemplated. Along Street; Jractleally all' of tho east side of Fifth atroet from Washington to Morri son street Is under Improvement; snd ac tive operations have now started on the southeast corner of Fifth and Morri son. All thla building has a atrtklng In fluence on tho few remaining bualness places on tha eaat side of Fifth street, which are either restaurants, cigar stands or aaloona and other small bust' nesses, and their proprletora claim that the building on adjacent lota has great ly Injured their trade.-. ' They declare that although temporary sidewalks have been laid In front of some of tho new buildings, pedestrlane forsake tho oast slds of Fifth street and patronlss only the weat aide. It Is likely that before long all but 10 feet of Fifth street between Washington and Morrison will bo under Improvement, as ! It is reported that the leasees of ths J property at Fifth and Alder streets havs I opened negotiations with John B. Yeon, the owner, ror a ' cancellation : or ma lea ee. If theae negotiations ara success ful, Mr. Yeon will at once start ths erection' of a -okysorsper. on the north- oast corner of Fifth and Alder streets. W. C Knighton, tho architect, has been commissioned by B. F. Stevens to draw plans for a fine home, whlcn Mr. Stevens will build at Twenty-fourth and Northrop streets. ' Ths contract zor building tna. rtoyai Bakery at Eleventh and Everett streets haa been let by Architect Bchacht to Wil liam Volts. Tha Iron work for tha build ing will bo done by Heaoock ; . Law renco. : 1 Mrs.- Leda Curtis has purchased from Ernest Krpner a house and lot In Holla day Park addition. Tho price paid was li.soo. .. .... C E. Curry is having plans drawn ror a house which bo will build at Twenty fifth and Kearney streets. An attractive bungalow will bo erected by Paul Brinkman on Eaat Seventh street near Bowman. It will cost 11.700. It Is reported In rea' estate circles that an offer had been', made to tha First Unitarian church for their prop erty on the southwest corner of Seventh snd Yamhill streeta. The first price of fered is said to have been $78,008 but when it was declined the offer was In creased to 1100.000. Beno at Ball la. ths spies manufact ure, will build a two-story building 10 by 100 fast at Twanty-thlrd and Mar shall streets. Plana- fos tha structure t- are now being draws by Architect Emit Schacht. v A twd-atorv building will bo erected by the East Side Realty Co., tA Russell street and Albina avenue, it win cost M.ooe. The first floor will -be-uaed ta stores and the second as apartments. HAWTHORNE PARK : CONCERT TONIGHT Another of tho series of popular band concerts will : be given at Hawthorns psrk tonight under the leadership, of Charles I Brown. . Tha openins; seieo tlon will be played at o'clock. "Roe- alters Bunny Songs," a-new medley, will bo on ths list. Ths program Is as fol lows:- March, "Caesar's Triumphal". ..Mitchell Walts. "Murmuring Waters"... HaU Overture. "Light Cavalry". .........Buppe Novelette, "In a Cosy Corner".. ..Bratton Medley,. "Roasltsr s Sunny fevonga tiw" . Alford - - Intermission. Characteristic, , "Ruaslsn Carriage Bong" Thornton Scenes from "Robin Hood". . . .DeKoven Intertnesso, "Anona". Grey Idyll. "Tha Mill la tha Foreat".BUenberg Two-atep, "Love of Liberty". . .Bcouton fhfi.r,jjwrwn. Cnnrtrt"ri A BLOODLESS GIRL OTUS OT AVAXMXa. BT nua Klu Xa tha way Bays These anUe Bared alar Ufa aad Bhe Bteoommea&s . t Thsns to Others. Doctors havs given the Greek name Anaemia, meaning "bloodleaaness," to a dlseass which Is much mora prevalent among young women than la generally believed. An unusual feeling of fstlgue after alight exercise, breathleasnsss and pallor are ths first noticsablo signs. Tba dlsesse -literally causea tha blood to tarn to water and, unless a proper rem edy Is used. Is Inevitably fatal. Miss Frankle Hathaway of 114 West Main Street, Kslamasoo, Mich.," says: "When I waa sixteen years old I 'was tsken quite ill, so ill that the family doctor was called to attend me I was pale and weak and did not gain under his ears. Othsr treatment brought no better reault and by tha time I waa nineteen years old I waa so weak that t. -eould not 'walk across the floor. I was terrlbinomaclated and my skin had lost all color. .-. Tho doctor said I had anaemia. , "One of my friends sdvised me to try Dr. .Williams' Pink Pills as she had been cured of a somewhat similar trou ble bv their use. I bousht a oackaae and aoon found that1 they were doing mo good. My appetite Increased .and ths healthy color began to show in my cheeks and Hps. I continued to nse the pills until I was permanently eured. "Since then r nave never naa any return of my old trouble and cannot re member a time when. I waa so strong and healthy aa now. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ssvsd my Ufa and I belleveMhat no other medicine could have done so." .Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. euro anae mia just as food cur!S hunger. They do not act oa, the bowele,- but they actually make new blood. Moat com mon diseaeea ara caused by bsd blood and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills by sup plying the elements rscesssry to give new life snd richness to. the blood have cured even such dlssssss as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis. St.-Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous hesdsches, the after-effects of tho grip, palpitation of the heart, pals and sallow complexions and many forms of wesknsss in msle and female. Dr. Wllllama' Pink Pills sre sold by all druggists or will bo sent,' postpaid, on receipt of price. B cents a box, six boxes 11.10. by tha Dr. Wllllama Med Icln Co., Schenectady, N, X. 1 Embracing Opportune Bargains ;your-.HV.o::;;:;. Credit Ifl V f ' . Gooi .;. $ ' $ v $ Hammoclcs; $1.75 Hammocks reduced to.. ...91.25. v $2.00 Hammocks reduced to.... .91.35 ; $2.50 Hammocks reduced to. . ....ajl.75 $1.00 Plate Rack In Golden Oak Sale Price 60c BIG WATER POWER PROJECT- ' ' - .:''.'" Capitan$UJPanningFurther Work in Completion of Plant ' r ' at Spirit Laical S ELECTRIC ROAD MAY BE ,ByiLTT0C0WUTZJ,ASS People Back of Stf Helena Mill & Power Company Are Financially I Srron. eudjyill Employ Large . Fore Next Spring. ' '." " . '.' (tsettd tnepatea la The Yaaraal.) Castle Rock, Waatu July It. The an nual meeting of tho stockholders of ths Bt Helens Mill Power Co, was bsld here laat week. The stockholders ara principally capttallst from Illinois, and while hero they mads a trip to Spirit Lake to inspect their property and make plana for tha futuro development. The company was ' organised about a year ago under tba lawa of tho atate of Wash ington for ths purpose of developing the great water power on tho Toutle river at thi outlet of Bplrlt lake. The location of this . plant-haa natural ad vantages possessed by few If any other water powers In the-weat. Bplrlt lake furnishes a magnificent forebey con taining over 1,(00 acre of clear water of great depth and draining a- large watershed, making an ample 'storage reservoir., securing continuity and uni formity -of service. - Its purpose does away with tha necessity of settling boxes snd tha uniformity of the flow necessitates no provision for flood over flow. . The water will bo carried In a flume along the side of ths Mountain, or Spirit range, and conservative engineers esti mate that over 100,000 horse-power csn be generated by the water appropriated. Nature having provided for ths most te dious and costly features, this Is con sidered one ot tho most deelraWe water powers In the west and Is destined to become one of tho moot Important The preliminary survey is all done and all r.ecesaary maps and papers .have. been filed with the land office at Vancouver and also with ths secretary of the Inter lor at Washington. District of Columbia, The survey calls for a flume 17,000 feet in length. In thla distance a fall of nearly 1,000 "feet is secured. It Is the intsntlon of tha company to extend this flume some five or six miles farther and by doing so thsy will gain almost anothsr 1.000 feet of fail. It will be readily seen that with a good head of water to begin with an enormous power can Be developed. There is a probability' that an electric line win be built by the company to con nect ' with the Milwaukee, when they build through Cowllta pass, which Is only a short distance from the power plant. This will furnish transportation to one of the richest mining districts In tho northwest. Work Is already be ing pushed on the power plant and nest spring a large force will bo put to work. Mr. A. H. Trego, who le president of ths company, Is at the head of tha larg est canning compasr In the world lo oted at Hoopeston, Illinois. Hs le also president of the Horseehoe Nail com pany, ths Cubsn Land company, and vtce-preaident of ths Iflteretete Traction company. All of the parties back of enterprise are mea of splendid - HTowcur B It 6000 ' In this sals we Lave included our entire stock, of summer rsquisttxsi and comforts. . . with ths tntenttoa of dumosuf of same before removal to our new 'store on Morrison 1 sad Seventh Streets. 7 TV fact tnat tli stock u i comprised entirely of this ssssons . styles and patterns ha not deterred us from making liberal reductions in all lines. Some Stylish Models of tlie 1906 : Line of Gb-Carts at Sale Prices 4.75' Folding Go-Carts. Sate price".. y.ViV..; ; ;.:i.;..V.' 7.00 Foldine Go-Carts. " Sale price. U ,-.;'. . . , .';.". .,.'.';. , I 8.75 Folding Go-Carts. ' Sale price ' iv.w roiaing ui-v-ins. caic puic. $11.00 Folding Go-Cvts. Sale price. ; .. ... V...V.V.. ..i... .1 $11.00""Alwin Folding Carts. Sale price .". .. . . ."..! $14.50 Folding Go-Carts. Sale price. . . , .V.. . . . . . . ..;.! ci$15)0 "Alwtn?' Folding Carts. Sale price i.. . . . .. .. . .'.". . .! ' $36.00 Folding Go-Carts. Sale price. . $39.00 Folding Go-Carts. Sale price, $42.50, Folding Go-Carts. , Sale v price, . An Opportune Time for the Seleetion of Porck and -Lawii Furniture A'V:; vf '- -ri 'jf'V Sale Price. $1.50 Chairs in moss green finish. ... . .91.00 $2.25 Rockers in moss green finish...... 81.50 $3.00 Hickory Chairs................. ..82.50 $4.00 Rockers in moss green finish. .... .93.00 $6.00 Rockers in moss green finish ......94.00 , $5.50 Hickory Settee:...;.., VVi .i..V.:94.75;',. J$7.75 Settee in the moss green finish.... 95.00 $6.00 Hickory Lounging Chairs. ....... .,95.00 - $6.00 Rockers in the moss green finish... 84.00 ; $9.50 Chairs In the moss green finish... .96.50 $9.00 Hickory Morris Chair...... 97 J50 $2.50 Hickory Tabourette. ... ..91.75 $4.00 Hiclcory Palm Stands. ...... .......?2.50 C0MPLETE-H005EFUmiI5IIER5 111 IS I a ... ill...., . I I mm mm -mm .mm AVfetable Preparalinnfbr As similating beFoodandRefula ling teStoiaeiriB anlBowels of Promotes Digtiohla!erfur ness And RestXontalns neither 1 OpiuBMorphirte rorMnentf. lNOTXAlLCOTia. A-eXaiW" A perfect Remedy forConsBpa Tlort, Sour S tomachiD iarrtoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish nrsa and Loss OF SHIP. ' Facsimile Signature of r STW VOHK. fXABt business ability and are backed by un limited meane.- Prominent among those who made the trip to Spirit lake laat week were Mr.- and Mrs. A. H. Trego, Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Earel. Mr. and Mra A. M. Honeywell, Mrs. Croner, Miss Lida Lemann, Rev. T. A. Beau and Mr. C. H. Carroll, all of Illlnole, and also Rev. T. M. Clark, C. C Brown and Clyde Bell .of .Castle Bock. , - ROAD IS REPAIRED - AND TOLL CHARGED 8peetat Olapatrh te The Joorsat.) . Forest Orove, Or, July 14. .The Wil son river road from Forest Orove to . Twenty Teat Battle. ' .. ' - with chronic piles and malignant sores, ntil I tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve; which turned tba tide, 'by curing both. till not a trace remains," writes A. M. Bruce of Farmville, Va. Beet for old IrtMM Okmi. Anil R7mii h4. II. at B. Q. Bkld'more Co.. dmegists. c in All Grades , . .". ,1 .'. V A " ! . , ..... ; v. . . .' . .. . ; . .. .. . .. . . msmQ mm j For Infanta and Children. Tho Kind You llavo illvays Bought Use For Over Thirty Years 9 Tillamooli Jae. just been put Into fin Condition. A force of men hae been employed ever sines July 1 leveling and grading the highway from Oales creek to the- termlnua, and John McNamer, an old stags driver, saye that tho Wilson river road la the beat mountain highway hs hae ever seen. Big streams of coast goers from Portlsnd and other points are continually going to the sesstds by this way. . The toll gates have recently been dosed and a fee le charged now, . OLD INDIAN FIGHTER DIES AT ENTERPRISE (Special Diasateh to The leorsal.) Entsrprlse, Or., 'July J 4. James i Wright, aa old settler of Wallowa coun ty, was-buried at the Alder cemetery today. The daatn of Mr." Wright vividly recalls to the minds of the old Battlers In the Wallowa valley the uprising of ths Nea Farces Indiana about It yesrs ago In this vallay. Thla tribe of In dians, , lsd by Chlsf Joseph, undertook to drive, the settlers out f the vallay, and soms 19 of the. Inhabitants In the vicinity of Alder took refuge In a hastily eonstructed fort and maneuvered to keep the Indiana In check until tha United Btatea troops, stationed at Baker City, Bm '' l 1 i in uu wT rr of Furniture Make -Your o wn Terms 3.15 4.70- .5.85 6.65 75 7.35y 9.65; 7.50 r- Of $24.00 26.00 528.25 , - - ) V I 1.1 $2.25 Ptoturea, Sale .: Ptie $1.15 $IM Paeroree . SalePrio. 3) ?: 1 ? NAME IT 1 rrnnnmn m rtrr RATES t,:') For M Days Only- 11.00 Oold Crowns,,..'... t.0 Oold Crowns........ 110.00 Plates 111.00 Plates rulings, up rrom Work Oaaraateed. .- Boston Dental Parlors Kotitaoa Bt, ' Opp. ' 9. Ketes gt rra&k-s. O. could arrive on tha scene, The ' fort -referred to was eonstructed on tho claim . of a brother of Mr. Wright, and these two brothers- and a Mr. Vaasey were tha principal ones engaged tn perleylng with the Indiana .until word was -sent-to the regulars. - Mr. Wright crossed the plains about years ago and was It years of age." Jeffersea Seward Dead. (Speed 1 ptepetca ta The Journal.) Junction City, July 14.Jefferson 3. . Howard died at his home bear here yes terday. He waa a pioneer of ISM, hav ing crossed the plalne with anox team. He 4g eurvlved by hie wife and four eons. . , jr -J HAKCYouin OwHTCIPCt) -!) Mo-, IX W Mini m I !8.oo 3.60 S.OO T.SO .8fte 1 .