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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
Tin: onzccu daily jour-::: . foiitlaiid. mm Because of Technicality More :!Than Half of r:-Them-MusWakeiCiYil5 Service-txami-r OF THE nation Agairu and 'RisjkVDefeat i...1 , f ' v. .j ' : ; -;:.) r . . '....r:,.., .,.,.-1' .'-- , - - ---- : , . . ',; ........ t;.. i. I I Swum of technicality, Ahalf of th city employes' Kult. ta .'', ' th ' clvtt HmlN examination over again, and If newcomer obtain ! better nark thaa they their. Job wlta tne ,' t- municipality -mill be things of the put ' V Practically every old .man member of '' --the fit department I hit -by the de '.",elaioa of Judge Fraser la. the .Bruin ouster proceedings, ; A- tremendoua hole . will also be torn In -the polloe depart- tnent The engineer' department will " also auffer. r .''- And H e all because It cave did aot .'; elapse betwaan the tlma whan the e . amlnatlone were announced by notice In tha official papar and tlx time, they were held. In soma tsaae a few hoar ' over It days did transpire, but by tha letter of tha law aa contained la tha ' . charter this la not enough.. . .. Judge Fraaer aaya ha did not Intend tha decialo to appiy a ta . employee v against whom no demurrer bad been ' made, but tha elty official bar taken tha declaion literally, and believe that no amployaa In any dapartmant can be s lone retained whom tba atrlot latter of the law aaya got their plaeea unfairly, i .: ; Tha court declaion , ousting Patrick Bruin from hla position aa captain of police doea not directly affect any other city employe who might bo declared il- , legally appointed. 'Bo, long aa no Objeo ' tton la made, all theae other men may continue to hold their poeltone, and to t. net them peooeedlnga aimilar to tha v laakaon-Qruln suit must be Instituted. In view, of -tha declaion, tha only evl ' denoa ta be-' offered 'would to the -want r of proper notice, and tha only Judicial ' notice that would be-taken by tha court " of tha declaim rendered In tha Bruin cane would be to follow tha ruling In re gard to tha insufficiency of notice. -- Tha ault - involved tha postllon of Bruin alone, and no other baada will . . fall unloaa tha proper steps are taken. -the fact remain that Judge Fraaer hae '.declared tha Hat cf eligible from which Bruin war appointed void, but aa only Bruln'a poaltlon waa In question, ' be aJona la bound by tha declaion. ' v . - Wan Oaaaed Tremble. The whole trouble haa been cauaad by , tha manner in whloh tha civil aervloe offloa waa conducted during tha first ' three yaara of lta Ufa When O. I. McPberson. the present ' Incumbent ; took charge of tha office, ha Inquired aa '. - to tha langth of time betwaan notice of examlnatlone and tha tlma whan- the ,, testa could bo bald. - Ha waa ahown that the oommlaalonera had deal a red auffU . cient notloa had-been given If tha notice - ,waa officially published on two anoeea- alva waaka. ; v.; . - : Bo na attention waa paid to tha 14 , daya Thla, however, waa Just tha point . on which Judge Fraaer rendered hla daw clsion. the Judge aaylng nothing about the eltlaenahlp of Bruin or the other polnta ralaed. ;.'..-' ' s I do not believe temporary appoint manta. Will be seceaaary immediately,'' '-aid Mayor Lane this morning. "If all APPEAL TO IlllIIOII FROM oouniA " '"'.'' r"-' 1 .' aa-aa-gaa' . i Popl Askd to Pfty No Ti r v and Recruit No Soldiers ; ' " "C'.rTT-::' for Cxar. . ', ' r NO GOVERNMENT FOR - i ; : COMINQ SEVEN MONTHS , - i'itlgiU ' rf" KuteitrUrged " to8Und - t ' - for Thalr Rights, for Popular Rep. reaentation and for an Impartial .11 Parliament r . -. 1 Unarsil gjwrlil an itiis ) . .- St. Petereburg, July It. The foUow , - tng la the test of the douma'g appeal to ' the Russian people: ; . f "J: To tha People From Their Popular '.Repreeentatlree Cltlaeos of all Rua y '; ala: Parliament haa bean dissolved by ,.ukaae of July SL Ton elected na as . ... , your representatives and instructed na . to fight for our country and freedom, v ia execution of your laatruetlona and ,'. our duty, we drew up lawa In order to , Insure freedom to the people. We de manded the removal of irresponsible ,i minis le re, who ware Infringing the lawa with Impunity and oppressing freedom. V Tirat of all, however, we wanted to ,, bring out a law .respecting the dletrl t bution of land to working peaaanta and . ' : f Involving tba assignment, to thla end, of . crown appanages, monasteries and landa , , ' , , belonging to the clergy and compulsory expropriation of private estatea. The .. t aovarnmant held euoa, ev law to be inad , . tnleslble, and upon parliament once -' more urgently putting forward lta raeo i lutloa regarding compulsory xproprla . t tlotv, parliament waa dlaeol ved.--f- ', .-abaolntiam BpMm '. . "The government promlaaa to convene a new parliament aevan months hence. Russia mutt . remain without popular 'representation for seven whole montha. at a time when the people are standing 'on tht brink' of ruin and industry and eommeroe are nndermlned, when the whole country la-seething with unrest suid when the ministry haa definitely f- -' " ' ' , , . Are of life-long duration, always look like new. and by their rich and substantial finish present great beauty. They are the moat ' . .s ; . : .t " .- . . ' . ' ''' '. Appropriate for Weddings and Anniversaries And our large and varied stock of ft ra wide range of selection at the . moat moderate of price. , ; Marmalade Jarr ; " com. nzBS ajtd WAsszsrcrroaf sts. " ; ; ; .- . ( SUaaraerarUg Jeweler Oytlsiaag , oiamend Tjaparsaaa. . theae men nave been holding their pi thla lonar I ameaa a day or two. won' make very much difference. But the decision ta vary far reaching and seams to apply to about half the amployaa of the city," Apparently there la nothing elae for the civil service commission to do but call examination for poaltlon in every department.. - Theae examinations should, according to law. Include physical teats. Here the decision will have a tremendoua effect upon the fire department- When civil service, waa instituted the physical teata were eliminated from the first examina tion, aa It waa realised that aoma of the moat valuable men In the department were above the age limit - of If -year. Since then -many of those physically sound three yearn ago have become weakened by the life a fireman lead. They have been hurt repeatedly and aoma have Pot fully recovered. At the name time theae old atager - are de pended upon to break In the youngsters, of whom a stream la always entering the department and leaving a few montha later. ?- - Chefilrlng tTp Departments). . I .: . Every dapartmant la being checked up but the long Hat la far from oom plete thla afternoon. laakaon, who con tested Bruln'a appointment la hlmeelf on the Illegal teat Hat - Following are the membera of the police dapartmant named: i O. F. laakaon,'' R. W. Barter, CL B. Hill. P. C Anderson, Joaeph Burke, C B. , Baty, WlUlam Carr, B. W. Cole, aargeant K. A, Circle, C. B. Croxford, D, Endloott John A. Oolta, Frank Hart j. Hoaay, Loula Hlrsch, C H. King, Thomaa Kay; J. C lialonay, O. Nelson, B. S. Nelson, : Jef f araon Ogg, John Qulnton. We SL Robson, M. F. Sloan, R. M. Stewart, J. S. Soott H. A. Smart B. F. Smith, J. 1C - Thompson. W. F. Tevln, A, C. Welch, W. B. Weat, J. I Wendorf, Stephen H ore boom, J. F. Realng. A. S. Vaughn, 1 O. Carpenter, detectives; H. I Carlson, Orlf Roberta, Q. Ik Richard, Oeorge Adams, W. - P. Courtney. B. Adams, J. W, Inakeep, J. J. Bdgvrton, W. T. T. Patton, M. M. Rudolph, J. C. Fortwood, Enoch Blover, captain. : ...-..,...-. The following membera of the fire de partment took an examination' la May, i0i, wolon, according to the decision. ia Illegal; David Campbell, chief; M. lAndenkloa, aaeletant chief; J. E. Toung, battalion ohlef: I O. Holden. battalion chief.. The following eaptalna: F. Dowell, J. B. Simpson, F. W. Rob erta, W. Hanson, R. Canute, B. S. Elliott C. F. Neal. IX M. lioyd, Carl Evana, WlUlam Smith, H. M. Burt I J. RUey, Jamea Dlllane, Fred B. Maya, A. Turn bull, George W. Stokes, Everett N. Bor den, and the following hosemen: Charles Raanor, B. B, Slebela, J. McLiaod, E. Tooley, O. H. QuUd. T. W. Bubb. W. D. Heath, O. A. Tennant L. P. Brown, T. J. Patterson, C Pleroa, J. Freeman, E. J. WolootV Ok - Relfenrath, Joseph M. McMahon, w. y, Taggart, J.. P. Bird, as. m. uewaron, , ahown lta Incapacity io do Juatlce to popular needa For aeven montha the government will act arbitrarily and will fight against-the popular-movement in order-to obtain -a - pliable, aubeervlent parliament . Should it auccaed, however, la completely suppressing the popular movement the government will convoke no parliament at all. , ? j " Bamaad Tow Bignba. T ! '"Cltlsrna. atand up for" your trampled on right. , for popular ; rsprcaanUtlnn and for an Imperial parliament - Russia muat not remain a day without popular representation. Tou poasese the mean f acquiring 4t The government haa, without the asaent of tha popular rpre aentatlves, no right to collect taxes from tha people nor to summon the peo ple to military aervloe. - Therefore, yea are now the government' The dissolved parliament was Justified in 'giving neither money nor aoldiere. . Should the government however, contract loan In order to procure funds, such funds will be Invalid without tha consent of tha popular reprtaentativea. The Russian paopla will never acknowldege them and will not be called upon to pay them. -Accordingly, until a popular repre sentatlve parliament Is summoned, do not give a koptck to the throne or a aol dler to the army. Be steadfast In your refusal. No power can resist the united. ThfUxTMo Will bfTBg -people.- v "Cltlsens, In thla obligatory and una voidable struggle your representatives will be with ybu." CRUSHED TO DEATH - .BETWEEN TWO CARS ' fRprrisl tMspatch to The fesrssl.r ' Aahland, Or4 July 14.J-U L. Walker, a ear repairer,- while at work in the Ashland yard laat night waa caught be tween two ears and fatally Injured, dy ing a few hours afterward. The engineer of a freight hitched to a train while, Walker was between the eoupllnga, bumping the car together and crushing him. He was an old em ploye of the yard hare. He leave a wife and several children. - : ; LOSES THREE DEAF AND . DUMB SONS BY DROWNING Ueeraal pedal serrtee Martmea, July 14. Henry iaalat eon . of John , Iaslet a wealthy rancher of Martina, waa drowned while bathing In tha river at Kntghtaan. Tht la the third eon of John Iaalat- who has drowned In the water of the bay bare. All of the aons were deaf mute and when fat danger-while bathing bad no mean of attracting the attention of those who might have saved them. From $4.50 Up r This is in accordance "with oiif usual custom of making a Grand Clearance Sale : at the -end of each season, tti giving o ; the customer extraordinary? value on finest wearing apparel, and enabling us tb -start next sean with entire id be the Finest Clothes Produced In America go on Blues. There All $15.00 values st sale. ..........911.50 All $18.00 vslues st sale. . 13.50 All $20.00 vslues at al ............ ?15 .00 , AU $25.00 vslues st sal..V.........919.00 AU $30.00 values at sale.;......... .$23.50 All $35.00 vslues at sale............926.50 AH $40.00 values at sale $28.50 This Is the store that This Is Your Opportun ity, MeAdvoitege of it had o;:e wife but sought TO SECURE ANOTHER f California Preacher Expelled . . From Pulpit for MakingLovsj "'T ; to Young Wpman. T - .'.j. tlamil gDMlal aerHaa.1 Los Angeles, CaL. July 14. Rer. Joha Rundell, for the laat two year paator of the Method la t church at Toulca, during which time he ha been pursuing a poat-graauate eourse -at theUnfrrerslty of Southara California, baa . been re moved from : the pulpit aad warned to leare the city br Dr. S. A. Thomson, nrealdlng elder of the dlatrlot Rundell ia now In San Bernardino and haa -cent word to his frtenda that be will not re turn to Loe Angeles.. Exposure and ex. pulsion of Rev. Mr. Rundell followed immediately the dlaeevsry by Dr. Tlioui' son of the fact that Rundell was about to marry Mlaa Agnes Weatarfleld, a member of hla congregation and tha daughter of parent of eonalderable wealth. Arrangement for the marriage had been completed and the bride-to-be bad completed bar trousseau and - received numerous presenta from her friends, when by accident the presiding alder learned or tne npproecntng marriage. Dr. Thomson knew that Bundell baa a wife and family in England. When In vestigation convinced him that Rundell really Intended to marry the girl. Dr. Thomson called upon her and supplied her with proof that her Intended hus band was a married man. PHENIX OF BROOKLYN7- .Pack, la Saa. Franclacor- Am O. Olds, Coast aupcse taOv. Say j- etns book 0o. (gpertal Dsipelch ta The Joflrnal.) ' Oakland, Cel., July It. The Paolfle coast head office of the Fhenlx Insur ance company or orooKiyn, wnicn naa been temporarily located in Oakland Ince the Are, I to remove August 1 to lta old Quarter in tha Kohl building. Saa Franeleoo. , Tha -work of paying thslr San TTanclsco losses Is -bearing completion. ,; .. B. C - Olda, . coaat representative of the- Phenlx, la enthusiastic over the way In which the cltlsens of the stricken city have taken hold of the rebuilding work, Mr. Old says eight out of tea busineea men to whom the Phenlx baa paid loases nave announced that they will at onoe rolnveat their Insurance money In some Saa Franelso business Ventura ". ".. ' .';' COGHLAN'S DAUGHTER WEDS AUGUSTUS PITOU V " ' 1 ' y , " Ooarnal Rpertal kervioe.) "Chicago, July 14. A .big surprise waa sprang on the member of the theatrical profession when It, became knowa that Gertrude Coghlan, daughter of the lata Charles Coghlan, and niece of Mlaa Rose Ooghlaa, had been married eomt week ago to Augustua Pltou Jr. Mr. Louise Cogblaa, mother of tha bride, waa the only person In Chicago aware' of the marriage, and aha aooom paaled her daughter to Michigan and waa on of the witnesses. Mis. Cogh lan and Pltou became engaged in San FraacUca Just bator Uta eatthfluaka.' is NO RESERVE An An An AU AU All All W4 PER CETfT DISCOMT ON ALL SlItAW sells the BEST, and the BEST GIVES TO POOR (Continued From Pag On a) ' "Not a vision, my boy. Not a vision, at alL A reality, It was, Just aa real aa you ,ar-ij, aw Id X., tellyou, "Well, when I found nobody el bad een It, . I .wasn't ult aura of myself, and ao I wrote a Jetter. , 1 wrote a letter, ta tha Baa Francleoe ESxamlner, aaklng them to see If It waa -ao." . . Tha Mold ,maa da, around, .'in hi pocket and produced a letter bearing the San Francisco paper latter-head. "Thla say that th Examiner ha ex amined Into the oase and-found tba fam ily destitute., So, they gave them the 1100 X eanf 'Z "Hundred dollarar' ' ' ' - 1 "Why, yea, you e that was In what I aw. I bad to give them 1100 after seeing It, only I waa n't quite sure, aad ao X wrote the paper, and tt'a all right . "Afterwarda I Inquired from other sources and I found that it certainly waa a case where the money did good. The people didn't have any money, you know, or any. clothes, hardly, or any furniture, or anything. Just aa I aw it Juet aa t aaw it" . "Tou aaw ia thla vision than these starving people, and then sent them the moneyf" ' "Not a vision, my soy. - -Not a vision. T aay that oa thla morning It eame over me like a flash. I'd never heard of the people before I aaw thla thing. I didn't know where tney uvea, or any thing about them. But it all came over me Ilka a flash. Juat Ilka that" and tha old man popped hi hand together decisively. .- .. 1 Parker I th owner or muen prop. erty and he haa arranged peculiarly for dlaoosal of it after hla death.' He ha Arranged that oae third of the Income from a 1.000-aere farm shall go to the spread of the temperance oreed ia the state of Washington, a second third to educate worthy boya and girl in biud- educate wormy Doys ana in in ous callage, ana th tilti third,-, ; 7 except winter goods. Sale of Fine Trousers Sale of Fide Undertvear $4.00 Trousers, at .! J $5.00 Trousers at sals $6.00 Trousers at sale. ...r $7jOO Trousers' at sale. ..i. $8.00 Trousers at sale. , $9.00 Trousers at sale...M.,...?6.T5 t $10.00 Trousers at sale J7J50 ONLY, in Men's Readyfor-Wear itMl .... - . . But bare ' oorae th vision again, only, of course. l wasn't a vision. It cam over me Ilk a flaah, one day" and the old man popped hi baada together again "and It was so simple that any - ohlld could have thought of It and ao I put It la th will. What waa ItT - Oh. no, th world han't - know- till - after- I'm- gone.- The world wouldn't believe It now, but If so, and If wonderful. It came over ma Ilk a flaah'' aad to old man' baada popped together again. RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL galT S aad S, Aognse T, , , Savtambe .: -.- . aad 10. - i ., , Sammer ezcursloa rates. Male dates June St. Ia. July I, I, August T, , September I, 10. Rate from Portland to Chloago. Tl.0i to St Louis, IIT.IOi Kansas City, Omaha aad St Paul, t0: Denver. I.e. . For Information In reference to .rate and particular ask C. W. Stinger, olty tloket agent. Third, and , Washington treeta. Portland. ; .. . s ., SINGER WORKS BLOWN UP BY RUSSIAN TERRORISTS .. . ,- i - .' fMraal IneHat Benrtae.t - - ' St Pataraburg, July 14-Twa fao torie of th. Singer Sewing Machine company were blows up with bombs in the province today. Tan people were hurt. Outrages ar reported In all part of the empire. ) " "' ' Ia a violent inflammation ef the mncoua membrane of the wind pipe, which sometimes extend to th larynx and bronchial tubea; and la one of the most dsngerous diseases of Children. It al most always come on la tn' night Olv frequent small doses of pallard s Horehound Syrup and apply Ballard's Know Liniment externally to tha throat I jo, Qe and I A . Ito, 10 and IL00. , SM by Woodard, I. $1.00 Garments : $1.25 Garments 94.00 .94-50 ,v If 5.00 v ma $1JW Garments - $2.00 Garments " $2.50 Garments . (3.00 Garments at. ... $3J5 Linen' Mesh at. . .... .. . . . . . . . . , $4.00 AU Silk at. . .'. . ...y, . ( . . . , $&25 Import Silk at.. . AND PANATJA DATS APPAREL; and that " ' V?r . . - i - We I PerpelUlted Palms for New shipment just ar- : rived ; unfading, erer fresh and. beautiful, 35, 45, 754 and ;fl.l5.:.-v; -i f,, We " " ' .' " ' " i' " " '""' . "Voodlark" California Olive OH , ' Eiroressed from selected olives from the great orchards ; of Calitornia delicious,' healthful a thousand-dollar guar : ; antee insures our oil to be 100 per cent pure. PirrtS!.......50eT Qttart'. . .85LGdkis'U.?34H)f VJhitine For cleaning and ' coatinar canras and duck shoes and all articles made, from can ras and duck Price... 25 f Saving I Department - - Wash Rag Bag,' with soap and gloves ; reg. 25c Special. 15 v Rubber Sponges; regular 85c" Special...... 19 Face Chamois.; regular 15c Special.. ..8 , Bath Caps; regular 50c Special, ..Vr"v V. ......S8. 4 Toilet Sponges ; regular 25c Special, . , . .... .. .19. Box Paper, end of lines; regular. 0c Special .'..,..r.?20frs . - Box Paper, assorted colors regular 35c , Special. . . '.' : .11 ; ; Suit Cases, canvas lined ; regular $6.75.' Special .... . S5.50 Suit Cases, brass trimmed; regular $7.50. Special... 86.25 Suit Cases, leather lined ; regular $9.00. Special . . . .87.50 .Suit Cases, heavy sole leather; reg. $14,00.! Spedal.8il.25 rCaatile Soap;3-lo.lar; regular 60c , Special;rr.T;;....S5 . , Castile Soap, floating, 2-lb. bar; regular 25c Special,. 20 ' ' Castile Soap, 4-lb. bar; regular 80c Special...... 65 Preferred Stock Whiskey, full quarts ; reg. $1. Special. 75 Old Crow Whiskey, quarts ; reg. $1.25. Special. ..... .98 ' Green River Rye Whiskey. Quarts ; reg. $1.25. Special. 81.05-1 Fisher's Rye Whiskey.-quarts Muscatel, inerry, fon. uaret, Angelica ana xoicay f. Wines, gallons; regular $1.50. . Special........ 81.15 v at...,., at. .1.. it,M..w,uM.. at. M....... ...... at.. ..e.. DOES what ft advertise . 75f .. . . ess . : 1.15 '-..V 815 1'.". 81.75 .P MeTS'.V. - . r. ' : Term of Saile. Strictly , Garden Hose :; Special Reductions In High Gnde Hose : - , -, . : 60-FOOT LENQTH. -SpedaLr Shorthorn,' H-in.: rear. $12.. $10 Sunproof," K-in.; res;. $10.885 , Oregon" ft-in.; reg. $8.... $6.50 . modUrk- U-iri. ; rcg.- $87W?5- Our prices include couplings and nozzle, complete to attach to faucet. hare all implements necessarr repairtag hose. ; ,t u 5 ?r. Water Wings: have. them....... ;....2S ; Sfrairfnc The wonderful , Mexican straw cleaner will clean and bleach anr straw hat ' and make it appear as new.25J ; reg. $1.25. Special. . .05 3 K ti J-