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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
TllZ CZiZZZ'J DAILY JOUrUAi; PORTLAND. TUrlDAY, L' ViMY EAGEIt'FOR SUllER-SCHOO EDUCATION; THT TT T HI I r . : I C O. Heath el fit. John appeared 1 Positions Open 'for Competent . Young Men and Women ' at Good Salary.' , -' OPINIONS OF TEACHERS ? u WHO STUDY SITUATION Tha Journal Contest Of fera Oppor ' tunirjr for Ambitious Young Peo : pla to Earn Next Year's Tuition In - Soma School of Their Choice. Nellie Mar Shannon. It Tenlno, Portland, Or. ly. ...1341 Lillian McVtcker, pt. John. Or. .............. ..v. ........ J .... .10111 Horace A. .Wlson.. ISS Hslsejr St.. Portland. Or. .....v, ...,I17J a Guy Graham. Troutdala, Or.. .isoss ...,..;..,.ni7o ..1IIS0. ....,fe.,.....1109i . The activity ' which la notleesble in - tha business -t colleges, .summer normal , school and preparatory, schools of Porti land during Uia aumraer months leads -to-titer belter that there 1a" a rush; on among the achoola , aa well as n busl- , o circles. . All the achoola report , that . there sever has been so area t a demand aa at present for competent young people. r The teohalcal schoola are taxed to their , utmost to meet that demand. , And the rewards offering- are commensurate ., with the work to be performed., Tha young people , In Tha Journal's ' , Educational contest hare caught the . spirit of the day and they are hustling , for an education which will qualify them to take useful places in tbs world. " In soliciting for subscription rotas they are teaming tha first lessons in prao - ties! business as well as making ob secrations - in human nature. In col looting money and ia writing receipts titer are gaining more experience in business transactions than could be had la any other . work, which might be .found for their vacation time. They will come out of thla oontest with that knowledge and sel f-oon fid ence which are necessary for tha boy or girl who may hare to make a living. - And. backed up by this experience, tha study hours will be wait Improved during next . winter. . Henrietta. Holmes-Flanders. - of tbs Holmes-Flanders' Private - school. - 7 . East Bnrnslds, already has received In quiries and prospects ss to next yeer'a students from the publicity which has ooms to her school aa a result of The Journal's Educational eon tart. When interviewed regarding the contest she aald: . .. ' . "We hear of alarge number of public school graduates who are anxious to carry their studies farther. Some of them hare to atop and 'Work for a year or two In order to save up money enough to go to college. Unfortunate ly by that tlmesome-of them are 'out of the habit and out of the notion of Studying. . .. ' " ... . "This educational' contest promises - quick and definite -results for thoss who wish to go to one ' of - tha private ' schools. '-;.- "It-would-seem to .ma that tha .eel leges will profit considerably from the publicity which such a contest gives them among the patrons of the publlo - schools and with' the general public -'Fathers' snd mothers-who havs ehil- dren growing up may ... wall . consider Chsse Gross, T. M. C A.k Portl"VOr.. Roy"Johnaon, H 'Division St, Portland, Or. aV .mar. Jones 40 E. lzth St. Portland. Or. .... a Carl Bnfliton. Forty-eighth, street. Mount Tabor, Or. . X .., ...lOtlt a Mae - Psndsrgrsssy til North Seventeenth St. Portland, 6rj..x,. lOfS 4 John Benson, Cheraawa. Or. ! .....;,.....-... TIT 4 Edith M.. Harris. 41 Oxford SU Portland. Or. i ... 7154 Mildred . ! demons, University Park, Portland, Or. .......... am Rhode L.talnaoker.' Albany, Or..,, ,'.. ,MUt Bertie a Chan. HI Clay St. PorUand. Or. .... w..'... i. ........ 1170 Paui tfygrtn, IS East Third Storth, Portland. Or'. .V.; . 1U Mary E. Powell, 417 Salmon St. Portland. Or: 76 Clay Csry, Salem. Or. -i.... ....... t.. ...... Harry Brant, T Willamette boulevard," Portland, Or,....'.;,..'.. 177 Dorcas Vaa Sohoonhovon. Cove, Or . . . I74S a Louise Scott, Central addltton,Portlsnd 4 ' R. W. Cyrus, Sclo, Or..;... .1141 1 Ivy Owens. Cedar Mills. Or.,.. ............N10 e Edward I Kinsman. Llnnton. Or. v. .;.....-......,). . .......... ., 1(11" 4 Aileen Hackman. Myrtle Park. Portland. Or. ........;...,'...... 14a a Guy Johnson, 101 Grant St, Portland, Or.. .........;...... '.".VwoUM Ruth Turner, 0J Kerby St., Portland. Or. 100 MabelMagneas. Amity, Or. ............... ...s.. ...... ...... 700 a W. B. Owynn. 144 East Tblrty-ssvsnth St., .Portland, Or......... . (00 . a George IX King, Xingstoiv-Or.-. . .. ...i. T. 100 4 ESTRANGED COUPLE REUfJlf ED v THROUGH THE JUVENILE COURT before Judge Fraser in the Juvenile court yesterday afternoon to answsr to ths charge of taking his two little daughters, aged a and T years. Into sa loons with hire when-ha went in to get a drink. Heath and his wife had sepa. rated, and Mrs. Heath thought,, aha ought ta have the children. When Judge Fraaer called the ease Heath denied aver having taken - tha children into a saloon, and Mrs. Heath Informed the Judge that aha ' and her husband ware going to make another effort to live together and both would care for the children. On thla showing the charge against' Heath', was dis missed. . ; A boy who admitted stealing slot ma chine slugs from a store at tha corner ef ' Fourth and - Morrison streets was brought before .the Judge. He . had given them to two other boys,, who had nut them Into ths machines and ob- uiinea a gooa supply or canay ana chewing gum from the .proceeds. ' Hs was put on probation In charge of Pro bation Officer W. O. Ntsley, to whom be will have to report every week. .Truant Officer S. D. White and 'De tective H. H. Hawley of .the Juvenile court have bean inveatlgatlng condt tlons .In South Portlsnd scowtownand have round a number of places where children have not proper homes. - Al ready one girl' haa been asnt'to tha Home' of the Good Shepherd, one to the Boys'' and Girls' Aid society, and one family -has promised to move to get their children awsy from improper influences. : Ths ofllcers will Investigate tha scow village on the esst slds of tha river, and if any . Instances of neglect of children are found they will be prompt ly dealt with., ;v . : COUNTY JAILER MITCHELL TELLS - WHV DUNGEONS ARE NECESSARY e Agnes Evens, Latourell, Or......... v.. 100 4) what schools are best suited . to the peculiar needs ef their children Instesd of following a custom of sending them to the-schools which are most conven ient. The chlhT time is valuable and should be measured out with economy. Tha boy or girl should be prepared Tor higher schools snd for lire work in tne schools which can do that work quick est aa well as the best Ths free dis cussion which The Joumst promises to give ths schools during the course or this educational contest will give- the thousands of patrons of the nswspaper a better idea of the advantages offered by tha achoola of Oregon. ,r . WU Watch Ctoaasataatav N. w! Ostsrhaut principal of ' the Pacific Telegraph and Shorthand insti tute, the Grand theatre building, is making a great success of his school enterprise. : The Pacific Telegraph In stitute wss opened last February and already - It has grown, to such propor tions that tha owners are arranging for larger quartsra. All the telegraph In struments - but one were occupied by studenta when. Tha Journal man called at tha school. A night class occupies the tsbles every evening. . When the educational contest waa mentioned, Mr. Ostsrhout said: , "Study la hard work. Anything worth achieving may , be . hard work. Winning a scholarship in The Journal's contest may be hard work. The young men ana women who succeed in affairs today are not af ra 14 t hard work. The first good point which a buslnsss man or a teacher notea In a young person Is thst be or she is not afraid of hard work. There lajleantyof room ,f or ambitious young people who demon strate the qualities - of - honesty. bit Ion and self-reliance.. The. boy or girl who succeeds In The Journal's con test gives proof of these qualities and more too: . courage, Initiative and an. tsrprlss. - "I heartily, commend -any enterprise which promotes and fosters ths desire for. higher education and Tha Journal's eontest la begun on lines which will do that I am glad to sea an opening made for ambitious boy" and girls to make Independent provision, during the sum mer vacation, for next year's school ing. The Journal's contest seems to meet, that need. I am sure that the patrons ot the schools and ths friends of young people., which , Includes all -well-disposed mn and women, will watch with Interest tha operation of The. Journal's contest and tha fata of tha contestants."" . , . . ; , - All Star alw- ' l -y"-Patrons msy advance their subscrip tion in fsvor of contestants by direct remittance to the newspaper, at tha time namlng'the contestant to be bene fited, by banding the money to' the car rier . who serves them or by sending check or money order to tha contestant, whose ; name and address - is - printed every day in the score list --,, In a display advertisement tha col leges offering scholarships and tha dlar trlbutlon of cash prises are exhibited. Tha rules of tha contest are hers aires I or will be sent to sny one who applies. i t Where to Dine. - . Observatory cafe, 1.000 feet above ths city. Most beautiful place to' give lunch eons and suppers. Privacy of entire cafe for large parties; TeL Main .444. Countv Jailer' Mitchell ssrs ha has heard lota of criticism of dungeefie and bread-and-water diet in the .fount jr bastlle. but that - It' people only, ltnew how effective these things are at times his crttlca .would be silenced. ---- When Dsnlel Bach, a le-year-old boy who waa charged with stealing fit was taken before Justice of the Peses Fred Olson yesterday ' for ' arraignment .he pleaded not gullfy. Deputy Sheriff Frank Batty took Belch back to ths Jail and reported to Jailer Mitchell. "We have arranged - for new quarters for Belch," said Mitchell, leading the way to the end of tha corridor, where he opened tha' door of a dungeon so dark that It seemed to Batch that tha black ness waa leaping out at him. "Ughr he shivered, shrinking away; "1 stols ths money. I in guilty. .Don't put me in thers. I confess." . This was all tha Jailer wanted, and he led Bajch back to the pen where tha other prisoners ware confined. Owing to the youth ef the prisoner ha waa turned over to the Juvenile court and placed In the detention home until hla relatives In Seattle can be communi cated with Balch was working la a hayfleld near Luther, on the -Estacada carlme, for Wil liam Burger. He was accused of steal' Ing $15 from Mrs. J. Levitt, who was visiting at tha Burger home. Ha atoutly maintained-, hla innocence until he w shown the dungeon, when tha darkness and visions of bread-and-watar - diet proved too much for him. OBJECTION TO EAST SIDE CITY BARN VITHDRAVN : ' - ' .. . .' After Arguing Matter A, With Mayor and Executive Board -:. Property Owners Act f After arguing with Mayor Lne and C A. Cogswell of tha executive board over the location of the new east side city barn for three hours yestsrday afternoon, tha protesting property own ers decided to withdraw their remon strance and make no further objection to tha erection of the barn at Eaat Sev enth and Hancock streets. A committee of tha remonetratora waited -upon .the mayor and the matter was threshed out from every point of view. - This committee wsa composed of praotlcally .every surrounding property owner, to-wlt: Frank v. jones,- j.-jr. Slnnott. J. A. Peterson. C G. Pawling, W. J. Hughes, D. G. Tomaalnl. J. L. Morgan. E.JrMeKttHckT and Damt Murphy, their attorney. The eaat . alders saw they were' up against paying 13,000 or letting tha con struction -of 'tha bam-'go ; ahead. ' It would require that 'sum ta buy another location, supposing a suitable one coujd be found. - Thomas Mutr. - tha contrac tor, would have demanded at J east $100 to relinquish his contract, and the work already don would have taken the bal ance. The mayor told the committee 'tha gulch would be gradually filled by sweepings brought In by the wagons and that tha alta was an economical on for that reason. Mr. Cogswell satisfac torily explained his share In the pur chase of the three lota upon which tha barn ia to be erected. - . -'. . After half a hour's private - debats among themselves after tha long argu ment with tha ofliclala was ovsr, tha committee announced It would recom mend no 'further protest be made. , Cheap Rates East. : - On August 7. t. . September 1 and 10, the Canadian Pacific will sell special round trip tickets to eastern terminals at very low rates. ; . Tickets -good going via Canadian Pa cific, returning sama llnav--or via any di rect route, with stopovers and long time limit For descriptive matter and full particulars regarding rates, etc,, call on or address, J". R. Johnson, F. and P. A Portland, Oregon. - Oeoolar Price : Starting Wednesday morning we will place, on etale the balance'' of stock of Alfred Benja min's light-weight two 'and three-piece C ; ' ' ::mm suns AT 25 PE3 CENT LESS TSAN CEGUIA3 FKCES y; There's plenty, of time left yet in which to enjoy the comfort of being properly dressed - : :; ;vVt:r;'.;;:t.';'7;''-f ta late vuv Dall 1 ; t AH Men's Straw Hats on t sale J Wednesday at one-half of regular "iwice nows the time to buy. ; AH Ladies' Trimmed Hats are placed on ; sale 'at one-half, price. -trrr..!:! , (Ladies' Knox SaQors not Included.) l nil, . " 4 S V SU KCrJLECn STea' TtzHzTHzx : ' -as orAxva, mnMMimtni rl Ti OF-NEW YORK 113th Seml-Annual Statement June ; New York City B 4 ; Railroad and other Bonds,.........;.... 320,500.00 " RaHroa4 Bank; and other Stoc ; Ians on Bond and M : Premiums inourse of Cllec R"Cash"in Banks andrust Companies!..:........ -..1,136,033.46 : Other Cash Items....:. .:.....:....;- .. .........:.l......;:;......Jt. v 61,000.00 Interest Due and Accrued !.!:. . - . "Cash Assets v ... $2,048,985.30 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unpaid Losses J..:!;.J. Reinsurance Reserve .....!.....:r!:. .:;....iw 2,300.148.79( Cash Capital ' 750,000.00 Net Surplus f -,-ii- v - .. ... $6,061,760.17 I? .V over andabove Reserve for UnpaidXossesfincluding San; FYancisco losses WM. J. LANDERS, Manager. SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE ; 2321 Buchanan Street,-Corner Washington" OAKLAND OFFICE J '- -'y:;:- Corner 13 th and Harrison Streets $4,012,774.08 - ...... -.-..m: F. W. TALL ANT. :l Department Secretary TOLL THOMPSON, Special Agent Portland jigentSzrll : THOS. A. JORDAN ca CO., 3 7orcestei1 Buflding LAMBERT, WHITMER CO. CO., Citizens' Bank n