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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUZ2DAY EVLinilO, JULY IX . 11.2. V.ZVf TODAY. 4 as ater Front 460 feet frontage' by 1,200 feet d:ep, near Peninsula Lumber. Co. J r.Zoxon-Valcntiric Co. - ST. JOHNS Northwestern Guarantee end Trust Company Xivacua axoKuraa bzjOs m rioor. My new six-room "modern home, on fine corner lot. East Twenty-eiirhth street, for $3,300 worth 4.000 1,000 cash. Leased one ear for $30 " per month. If you are dissatisfied at end of one year will repay your in vestment with 7 per cent interest. Owner, U 9, care Journal. . . : , T2LL OSWALD Ccntrcctcrs and Builders UNNTON. OR. ,'" Mala tf. " St. Johns Phone Scott MM.' Hast Morrison ITvr Ci-tad Itmu, 100x100, T 09,000 v -, TJ stood Zaoome. E. J. DAUY aaa rAixuro una. r WEATHER REPORT. The dlstnrbxBce over Alberts baa advanced to Saskatchewan, -it baa caaard moderately heavy ralna la the Canadian aortbiraat. Tha disturbance ever Arlaooa haa remained aearly etatleoary. It baa caused ebewere and tkondar a torn In Arlaona. northers New Mexico) weal aro Colorado, Utah and Nevada. The dis turbance over tba New England alataa baa dla. appeared at aaa. Ralna have occurred generally la tna Atlantic states from Maine to Florida. A blgb preeeore ares la central ever tba lake region and fair weather prevails generally la tha middle west. Tba barometer la also blab rar tba aortb Pacific atata, and fair weather rMitlnaea la thla district and la California. Denee fog prevalta along tba coast from Cape Flattery to Raa Vranrlao. Tna Indication are for fair weather la tbl dUtrlrt tonight and Wednesday, wlU rtoluf trniperaturee. ' - - - ubaervatloe takes at 8 a. m . 'cite time: Temp.- Stations Max. Mia. Precip. ' Baker City. Oreros. ...... , Ha 64 .0 rtoetoa. . Alaesaooueeite.,... 2 T2 .. ..flg (hire to, Illinois........... II Bd .0 Denver. Co lor a do 88 -. '. i!3. . . ..0 harass City. Mleannrl. M r M .0 Loe Anirelea, California,... K '. . a, , . .0 New Orleana, Loalalaaa. . . . M o 7 . Portland. Oreaua. .......... M . M . .0 Roeenurc. Orrcoa. ......... M 11 T .0 Rt. Louhi, Mlaaoorl. ....... M . v . 8alt Lake. UUb ., SO M ; T aan Praaclare. Calrfornla. . . v M Kpokana, Waahlnton...,..10d S4 .0 I 0 I -Taromarrbtntinr.-T7T Walla Walla, Waahlaftoa., PO .. , 64 - . .o Waablngtoa. D. C M M "' MARRIAGE LICENSES. : A. U Mattlnalr. Cbrballa, Waahlagtoa. ; Ane R. MrDonald. . Alfred R. rrllllnfer. U: Era Gnlraoa. SO. . Rlrhard Aarap, a; MarU S. blckaoa. M. ' Weddlnf Caraa. W. O. Smltb A Oa.. Waak. tastoa at da- oar. roartk and Waablaataa ata. Weddtac and calllaa; rarda eaaraaed ee rtotaav; B. X. aaabaaa. 118 -Waaalanteaj 4M. Mm Berth Mwtla. room 812 A 1 laky bldg. Stamping end Sae needlework limine glrea. BIRTHS. H rNTER o Jly V, to Mr. and Mra. CharUa Hunter. B2S Eaat Ninth, north, a boy. FENTON Jnly 21. to Mr. and Mra. L. J. XIAIJ IDEM July 20. te . Mr. and Mra. Loooold naner, j. t;arntnera, a ooy. MEDVEDOFsKY, July 21. to Mr., aad Mra. larael Medredofaky, 081 Second. boy. DEATHS. DAVIS July 22. Mary H. Darla, SB year, 428 Burnalrle, cerebral apoplexy. BTREIBIU July 21, William J. Strefhlg. 41 year, goad Samaritan koaplul, kenaarrhage from atnmach. BANNISTER Jnly 21. Jama I. Baanleter. 48 reera. Fifth and Jefferaoa, electric abork. DONKEL . July 21. Oeorge D. Doakel. Sear. Woodatork arena and Marl, lndammatloa of bowehx. . . CHAPMAN July 22, Jimmy Chapman. 8 year. rrerTyaaau arenne. miliary tuoercueoere. FUNERAL NOTICES. CONROY Frtead and acquaintance ar re aped fully lurlted to attend the funeral ere-h-ee of Edward B.-Conrey, which will be held at rtniey- Chapel at a a, m Wedaaaday, ' m. laierawH aone air atexy. UNDERTAKERS. , Duunteg. MEntee A Otlnaugh. undertaker and ambalaera; aa.w!cra la erery detail. Se Tenth aad 11 ae. Mala 430. Lady aaataxaat. A. B. Heantoek, undertaker aad eaxbalmer, Kaat TMrteeath aad Umatilla ate. Phone Bell, weed 11. Krlrkeee t'adertaklng Os embalmlag. MS Alder at. Pboee Mara S1S8. . , J. 9. Flaley A Boa. Third aad Madlaea ta. OfBce of county eeroaer. Phea Mala 8. Edward Holman. undertaker, 220 Third atreex. Clerk hVa far Sower. Ba Macrlaoa atrea. , innniv CIMXTK.T. aiagle graree 810. Family lot $11 to tlJMH. The ealy ceiaetary la Port lend aklck per. Betually aulntalna and cure for Iota, for full laforantlan apply to W. R. Marheaate. War aeatec block, city. W. M. La 44. preetdeut '.' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. - (dward Peck e and katl L., bM wife, t C. L, Hayaaa, let 8, block , 8. Browa'I Tract $ William I,, and Ltiate Cunningham te I. Henry Slmneon. loU 18 and IS, - lek 7, atewert Park rr-n .rrrn J-.T. . . and Mead Rttedy to Lee A. Bet. Mm-k, lot 8, block 1, Uncola lark Annex Irww and H. C. 8waa to Title Insurance ' A Inreetment C'nnrteny of Waahln. tna. lota 12 tn-22, larlnalee, block T, Iralneular addition to Kaat Portland.. V Tine liwMirnnce A Inreatmeat Compeny . of Wnetirngto tn Oolumbla Real Rat ate cerani, lota 12 to 22. lnrlnrtre, ' . t- - I. . Pealntular addltlea. ta -Kaat ... Portland 1 ,.., A- . and llattle Hank ro E. Henry ISO too 1 , I 880 100, " em ma, mt is, bkw y 4, yarlk Irrlng- rnu SWtiead Trnat Company or Orerea to ' K.' her Ine Italetoa, ht 8. black U, Trf auoat I'lac Johns "V' T .''.V'.; V'".. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Hent'A. and Lydla P flam a to Barbara J. Pnama. eaat ft feet ef tut 8, block 84, Baat Portland; alao atrip 10 feat wMs and TB feat kmg oa north side of lot T, block 84. Kaat Portland , Barbara J. Iflaui It llnrr A. Piam. weat 28 fart lot 8. block 84. Eaat Port land: aim rail to lirt 161.1. block alac araat UB feet lot T. block , and all of eaat IS feat lot I. bln-k S4; . aha aoath auiTd feet lot f. block M. ICaat Part laud Blrlla Smith ta Marie Eaetbam. lota , 1 and X,. thick 2U, Pertamoutk Villa Anaea No. 6 , v Kmma 8. aad lloraca W. Thlrle-a ta ,.900 jraale u. Jonea. Int 4, aiora . aloailina , , A Mrahee'a ...Krfl.taLwi uf hhjrk U. 1 ' Tlbbrtra' aiMlilna to Kaat Portland ... tU Brnat and Julia M. Kroner to Mra. Ila . Curlli eaat 4)1 feat of lot 4.. blark 14. Ilotladar park adilltkw ........... l.00 . II. and Jeeae Bnraard and I. I. au4 Aanea Kraorily to Erana A. Smltb. lata 23 and SCO. blork 4, Wndlawn Hrlfbta. T50 faiaj b. ana r. K. Matmetia ro aooa- K. t'ik a tm J. flak Jahueun aWl Batioa land claim ....... 1,000 Eroretary aarlnta Traat coanpaay to . Portland brattle Hallway company, lota 1. t, S. 4, . T, block 114; lota 1. -., T. S. block JIT; blocaa 1W. 127, 134: lota 1, A. ft, S aud aat H Iota t, , block S3A; lota 1 to T, m rlualr. blork 114: blork 144, IN. INT, : im, 100. , . aiaV.4U,U-Jl. Sin, SM. Sal, 242: lota a . . T, bkrk Ua), end lot S, block ID. Coock addltloa... Northwratera .Improvement company to . Portland A S.attle Railway rompany, Morka 34'. 44. iV. 248. 2o. JH0. roucb addltloa: alao blorka 1. X. 14, IB. IS; lota t. 1. S. 4. B. H, Kkn-k . and . Iota 1 to to. laclnalra. rlrr block. Wataoa'a- addition Bridget and John KeTllle to Portland ' Rrattle Jtallwar Mttuunr. lot S. block , JU4...Conrfc fdilltwa ... 4,000 T. W. aud Johanna Vreeland to loba r Dnhmiit. Int IT hlock '4. Keaaa addltloa ta Alblna ...2.J00 "iortbera Uoantlra InTretmant - Trnat. . aectloa 37, towsablp . 1 aortb, range I eaat Anthony S. aad Klla C. If 111 to Colam bla Valley. Trtntt company, weat H - lot 1, blork 220. UolUday a addltloa to Kaat Portland . Breile and l. O. Irltch, lot 4, aectloa S. townahlp 1 aoath. rang I eaat, con taining IS. 40 acrea C. M. and Mra. K. . Holllnraworth ta A. W. Ledbary. Iota 11 and 12. block 8. " Clorerdale Entenalon. .' Ferdinand and Mabel tiroaer and William 'SM TSO 290 H . aad Bather MrKernaa ta i. at. ITh Int. 1 a hkwk 10. Norlk t Alblna 450 Beatnald W. and Loulaa H. Thnmpeoa la WlllUm Henrr'Kbodra, BOiliO feet at corner Eaat Ponrtarnth and Eaat Alder. B. P. and Addle M. freeman to Herman Calltbn. lot S. block-10. Uncota Park. 100 SOS Oenrga . and Ladle E. Watt to Oeorga w. aiua, j.ja acren vriitianiB pwhwb tt to eoutbeaat of (netoa aauy ooca tloa land claim 67S Mary and T. J. Keenan to J. C. aad Leoaa WlnOeld. t 21 at.d zz, block a, curar. aide addition to Alblna 2T0 Donald and Uale IWiwnla to Mary Taylor, eaat H Jot a, block biwimth Park 777.......... . 1 George W. and Elliabetk Adam to Joarph - U Caroa. loU T and 9, block 4. 811-., 'J wood 1.22S Oregoa 4 California Railroad company to .. . A. W rarannmt, aouineaaa vi , ontbaaat hi aectloa 15. townahlp S north, eance S weat- 00 Oregon California Railroad company ta A. I., raranarat. Borineaei w oi oatheaet 4 aectloa 15, townahlp north, rnnce 2 weat , Oregoa A California Railroad company to A. L. raraouroi. anini Ta v. aoutheaat aectloa IS, townahlp 2 north, ranra 2 want 00 Orrgoa A California Railroad company ta A. I remnant, aonnwm t oi aoutheaat M aectloa 16, townahlp I aortb,- raag 2 araat . 00 8t year' laeoranr aad abatracta to real aetata from tba Title Guarantee A Trnat company, S40, Waahlngtoa atraat. earner Sieaat. NOTICE. Tad anderalgaed- will recalre are led bid for atork of merehandlaa of the laaole. ralue of (14.000 or tberaabonta, togetber with fixture amounting to about 11.200. located at lone. Morrow county. Oregon, as to 12 o'clock anoa of Angnat 1. 1S0S. - . . - A caah depoatt of 10 par cant at - tha moant bid moat accompany each after and the right I reeereed to reject any -and all hMa The tneentorv mar be area at mt office and tba property ajay b Impact ad at Dated at PnrtUsd. Oregon, tkl 12th Uf at July, 1S00. i B. t. A BIN, ' ;. - Front aaa Ankeay atreeta. Portland, Oregoa. NOTICa OF STOCKHOLDBRS MEBTINO Tba annual meeting or tue aiorxnoioera ox ine Cceur d'Alen Derelopment company, for tbe lr tin at a hoard or director for tba aaau r tha tranuactloa of each othi er bualneaa aa ana a eagnlarly come nerore I liens. 111 be held at tba office ac the com. i. pane.-fonrne 801 to 504 Chamber ef Commerce bldg.. Portland Oreaee. e Aaguat a, 1808, - at 10 o'clock a. m. . , . OEOItOB r. HOLMABT. aecretary ceaar a Awn DerelepBieat pany. ' Portli land, oregoa, jaiy ii. laoa. NOTirB OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS MEaTT- INO Notice la hereby gleaa that a apeclal meetlag ef tba atork boldera of ta North Pa. clfle Lamber company for tha election of a board af director haa been ordered by tba board of direr tore, to be held at the office of the company la tbe Worceater building, k f4ha. dlr- ad- trectleadi Oieaea, cm Saturdar, the 4U day of Aaguat, 1UUS, at S o'clock p, ai and will be ao held. D. MACKAT, rrealdeat,' W. B. MACKAT. Secretary. . NOTlrS OF DlrWOLTTTIOlf. ' Tba copartnerahlp heretofore exlatlag be tween II. W. Miller and George W. Turner, doing bualnee under tbe name of North Weat Land company, hi tbl day dlaeolred by mu- tnai mnaent. roffUnd. OV, July . IM. H. W. MILLER. . ' - OEOROK W. TURNER. THE partaeruhlp af Lamb A Lewie, eperattng the bnameea known aa Leon' Studio at I86' Morrlaoa t.t ha bee dlaeorred by araraal coneent. Joe Lamb, urrdlng to tbe bual--area. will collect all bill aad say all debts to data. ' . ; . PATL M. LOUIS. ' - ' ."i ' JOB LAMB. NOTICE IVraona kaTtaut fooda ar auerckandlee Mored wltk me at my warehouse, $1 Nork ' Front at., are hereby notified that I bare . leaeed tba prrmlaa to other, and that their property muat be rerxarred with la 80 day. All good remaining ea the pre ml era Sept. I will be removed and atoreil elsewhere at ewner'e expense. I thank you all for your patronage and tb confidence reposed In as. - . FRED BICKKL. NOTICE All persona are warned not tor .bay . that eertala not for 8200, with Intereet at rate of 8 per rent per annum after' maturity, which ta dated Jnly 23, lane), made by ma and payable to W. W. Graham or order tea dare after data thereof, ae I bare g good "defense thereto. " - 0K0. GALBRtATH. Jnly '24. IS. MEETING NOTICES. - , BOMETBINa doing tonight at , Oeorge Waahlngtoa camp. Bet- tar coma. Visiting neighbor jfaoeea j fl 281 IT . and Weahlncrnu ata t H. S. AARON. O. tt ' H. A. FREDRICH. Clark. WASHIN0T0N Lodge. Ne. 48, A. F. A A. M. Special communica ttcta thia (Toeadar) evening, S o'clock, Burkhard bldg. Work M. .-M. degree. . All M. M. eordiallr lav . rlted. By order W. M. J. B. RICHMOND. Secretary. M. W. A.. Oregon Grape. Camp. Ne. .STB, Mea dare. ITtb aad Marahall; etaitor srelceme. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 840. Beet Wedneaday rraatns. All sky bids-, Third aad Morrlaoa ata. THE Stnsieea of the World will Initiate their first atone la Portland about July 24. Thnee Interested In earning should call at 402 On gonlaa nldg., er telephone Mela 114. LOST. AND FOUND LOST July 22. - larg red Irish Better I had collar and chain oa. Reward If rcturaed te load I nloa areC aortb. LOST Ldy' gnld-fllled watch, Elgin aswr. ateata, with robboa guard, Knlghta Templar charm attached) $8 reward. Retara to 848 riret t. VREWARD Lost.. amaU wedding rtsg, aaerked j "O. A. E. te C. D. , December 24. 1M" ireon. mine pain ie BBuer. apply roans at, ' Armlnlue hotel, city. LOST Bay driving horse, welgbt about I.Sno, white aaddl mark aa left aide. . W. Martla, T Wlbers ' kxaa MoaAt Taber. ., . ,. K28l HELP WANTED MALE. ariXTKD 100 boy for annrenrlcea ta aerea am ABMrlcaa teaaera. Thay will ocropy tna aoaltloa of patty offlcera oa board. Muat n American bora and orec'l yapra of age. Tba term or eiifageroent anaii no tnroc yearn. WairS20 iter aaonTb" rraTP monlh aecood year. 440 per month third year and a bono at tba and f the third year of J2M. For term and aoadltlona apply to . Hocaer Fiitch. acretary Stcamahlp Aaa. . etattoa of. Baa Fraaclaoo, 110 Kaat (trawt. Sen rranclaco, . CaL . ' , , . , WANTED Vouag people ta prepare theeaeelvea aa bookkaepeca and etenograpoeraj bare had . 042 calla alec Hcpteinrwr 1; placed 2&0 la 3 poaltloua. Wa will place you when con netent. !? or algbt. Catalogue. Bahnhe. Walker Buelneea college.- - -- t -- B0S TOI'NQ man. for Bremen aad brakamea oa leading rallroade: experience anaeceaaary; Sremea (at fioo. brakemea t: rapid pro. aaotaua to engineer or condactor at doable . tbe aalaryi-poaltlona now open. Addreaa aeer. eat efnVe. National - Railway Training Aaa'a., 7x0 Paxtoa blk., Omaha, Kebraaka, or SSI Rids bldg.. Kaaaaa City Mlaaonrl. , MEN AND WOMEN to learn berrer trad to elrht weehai gradnatea rare from IIS to $28 . weekly; expert laatructorai catalogue free. Mulrr Bretem et College, tt hrU r earth at., Portland. - . SALESMEN to Introduce tba world' wonder In frult-Burbnnk a new atonele plum (Miracle). Choice of territory. Caah weekly. Addreaa Waahlnittoa Nuraar aompaay. Top pealah. Waahlngtoa. WANTED Toung men ta lrara telegraph r and . railroad accounting; aalarlea STB.00 to gaO.OO. ror tree catalogue aaoreaa Morae vonege ax Telegraphy. 208 12th at., Oakland. CaL WANTED 10 wideawake aa lea men far city aad road! good ealary and eommlaaloa and per. aianeat poaltloa to right pertlae. Call or write at once. W. R. Taylor A Co., 8 Labb bldg., rortlead. Or. W NTKD Tw or three flrat-rUea. all-around . machine maa: permanent poaltloa. good wagea. uregaa rurnitnre attg. aiaeaaam roaa. WE aet work for oar member! cneclal mi acre. Z- z M. o. A roorth and xamhiil. COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Take work borne. 81 Haieign bldg.. Biita aad waaningtoa ata. WANTED Boy about IT. ateady work. 88 iorta rraot at., aoraer Deem. WANTED Mattreeemekere. . 88 , North Front, cor. uaria. , WANTED Plambera and gaafltter. , Call at 2 juorrwsa at. . WANTED 4 men to work la brick and aewer- nln factory. Apply to office Diamond Brick .xk. toot oi anaeny ax. WANTED Man aad team at Jeneca A Sone brickyard. Thirty-eighth and Saady road: good wage to right partiea. ruone saat zaaa. WANTED Men for brickyard. Vereteeg-Onr Brlck O.,- Uat aa4 TlUameek ata. Take Irrtngtoa car. FARMHAND that caa milk or any ll-roand work on farm; glee a good home. Board, $30 month and board; alao a woman cook la logging camp. Addreaa M, C Donahue, Orient, Oregoa. .... WANTED All-around blarkamlttt; wareo $2; mora If eatlefeetory. Addree W, . r. Bcrr Timer, rJeppnar, uregoa THE beat I none toa good for a good agent. Bell tbe best aeaita aaa accident lamuaac. 70S Merqaam bldg. A0ENTS wanted to aell mpertor. klgb-grad auraery etoek; complete ontrit rnrnlaoed free; caah weekly; write today tor choice of ter ritory. Capita City Nareery Company, Saleai, Oregoa. 0 TWO boya, aaa young maa. Car factory. . 8S1 Kaat &iet at. WANTED Foaadryaiaa who ha a little money; a one caaaea ror ine rigot man. Aoaraea box U B. care Journal. - WANTED Two man to aho-rel dirt, pay I2.2S per day; worn oa x.aat rim aaa wiiium are. B- Pottage. 1480 Commercial at,; take TJ ear to Page at. WANTED Strong boy. erer Id, - to work ta bakery i eteady Joo. good wagea, - Apply Ia( Cabin Baking Co, 114 Raeaall at. r , - - WANTED For efnee work, yoaag Baa, good leamaa. auicx ana accurate a aguraa.. . 7, care Journal.--- - - 1 r A GOOD atickerman ea detail work ; ateady employment and good wag for good man. Addreaa M. 9. Calahan, boa 8S, PendlatoB, oregoa. , , UaRNESSaMAKERa waatad. alee maa that anderatanda barocaa bualneaa. to put harass mgetner. 'in r. 4. (jroaia-ao. -ar ANTEDFEMAI " HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, SUU Waabtng toa ex.. eer. Seventh, apataba. Pistes Mala -2002. Feawle heir treated. 01RLB WANTED Opera tore ta work oa ehtrta aad overalls. Leeaone givea te Inexperienced. Apply at Staadard factory N. 2. Graad are, aaa B. Taylor at. WANTED GlrM to aaha "Bon ef AU" ever all at 78 Sir at at. ' GIRLS about 18 year of aga ta work ta fa. tory. Apply at once, A mee-Harr la-Neville Ce., Fifth aad Pavle atJk . THE H0MB LADIES' AOBNOT. Female htlp fomlahed free to employer, - Registration Free. 1H Fourth at., upstairs, room 22. Mala 638. WANTED Aa experienced aecortd girl la a private family: wagee 828. Inquire after 2 p. b. at 171 North Twentieth it, aaathwnt corner af Jobneoa. A GOOD waltreee ran aacare permanent pnaltloa la flrat-claaa family hotel by communicating with J. -B. M.. ear Journal. . 7 W A NTED Help, ad Celambla. Unloa Laundry Co., 8wkd! COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Take work heme. .81 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth aad Washington ata. - NEAT waltreee. a waatad it tb Hooart-Curtla, 14tk aad Jefferaoa, 208 14th. SEND 10 cent for Beaaty Secret formula alee . circular of 100 other valuable recelpte. Loa '. Aagelea Receipt Co., Lea A age lea, CaL HOTEL HELP Good poattlona- awaiting keerter. chamratrmalda. wattreaaea. cooka and ImtUr hotel help. 247 N. Uth at, room 81. 1 WOMAN, aver an, rah edaeatloa. aom ausiaeea kaewlcdge, muat dress aeetly, ta take poaltloa at once. 28 Lewis bids. - - GIRLS wanted to work la candy depertmertt. Apply Pad Ha Coast Blacuit Co., 12tb aad .' Da via ta. WANTED Girl te aaalat In general koaaawork. Call at once 800 Park at. WANTED Chambermaid. 28 14tk at. Bear Jef fereno. . Honert-Curtla. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and (applied, Bala er female. R. G. Drake. fS Waahlngtoa at. PaclB 117 a. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. COMPETENT womaa Book wleke ettualtoe la kwgiag camp, country boardlng-hauaa er hotal. Write D 11, care Journal, for particular. BORER yoaag man wants sltaatloa a Janitor er porter, etc. Addreaa B 17, car JoanutL ENGINEER. 8 year experience with dredger, wlabee work any kind. D IS, car Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED.FEMALE MIDDLB-AOED womaa.- aeveral year experi ence a ma i rim of larva city hospital M eaat- em city, deatrea poaltloa ef trust and re ' epooelbllltr: exceptional reference. , I 0, care Journal. . COMPETENT aeametreaa and draaamaker woq'd like work la famlllaa by tba day. TL Kaat 8178; refers area. WOMAN waata day wwrkt washing, trotrlng, bonaealeenlng, eta. - 286 yi Seoond. . Phon Pac18 1808. . i - WANTED AGENTS. BIG PAT to aa agent la each enoaty- working for tbe lavea tors' Ualde. ail Marauaa bldg. rortiaad, teregoa. WANTED AGENTS. - WANTED Agentk: aoBMtblng aewl good aaUar Ml wages, sua Hcaay aiog. MAN ef good iddreaa, erery eity la Oreaoa. to take agency Accident Ineuraaca Co.. 84.000,. .Ota) capital; larga commlaalon. General Ae ciaent l-o.. Mohawk bldg.. rortuna, uragoa. WANTED Lady acenta for a reliable article. : aettlng' from 2U te 830 per week. Of Sea aoura l to s. Kooaa 17, VJk Alder at. EMPLOYMENT AOENCIES. THE Portland Employment Caw. 808 Vft Miartai ex. raoae racioe saa. . , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN., M N. Saeeavd at. Phone Mala IBM. BIO rO0R EMP. AO R NCY Help aapplled fra. roria riecoaa at. i raoae aiaia laia. at " ii ii i ii a ua ii ,k il ! , mini WANTED TO RENT. WANTED- TO aBNT Hoaaaa. aottaraa, futto. . atorae, office. , rooming hnnaaa. ate, LeadV Jorda will do wen to call oa PORTLAND TBi rr COMPANY OF OREGON. raoae Ex. TX a. R. cor. M aad Oak. WANTED Roaar. ' flat and (tore to rent; jrcvsvnai aiienriou giren tnia aenennBcnt.. BE8T A VAN FOrWHN, ' 291 Morrlaoa at. . PaclBe 2531. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Bualneaa or real de nee property : la ine cur in exchange tor good farm lanoaj caa handle anything from $1,000 to $S0.00t we alao bar aom excellent buy 1a timber T and - graxlng - land. 11 - and ae ax; wa . went to get arnuainted with you. . . TURNER A WALKER, . -r . . - Boon 4, Sum Waahlngtoa at. WANTED Lot la exjhange for canity tav-4) or T-room Bona, raoae Eaat eoal. WB WILL SELL your property, aa matter what It la or where located. Send description, bow and we will do the real. Investors' Oalde Co., ill Marc, nam bldg., Portland. Oregoa, WANTED 18 to 40 acre for ranch; most be within za suiee ot -4'ertland and near tra ' porta t Ion. F 17, care JournaL WANTED FINANCIAL, WANTED $IO0 to apea up new eooaer wilaei will give aa extra good opportunity aad la dacoment. Call la forenoon Jonea' Book Stare. 2S1 Alder at.--' WANTELaMISCELLANEOUS. ' WB WILI. BOY. BttLt. OR TRAD) ANT Of.t) THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO, 827 2 WASHINGTON. - PACIFIC 798.- WB WILL BUY your furnltur. a ay old time. Weatera Salvage Co.. 82T Waahlngtoa at. PAINTING, epraylng and whlteweablag tree. baaemeBt. bam, docks, etc.; largest gaaolla . spraying oatflt en tbe coaat. M. O. Morgaa A Co., 222 Galea are. Phoaa Baat 811. - FTJRNITCRB WANTED . ... -.. ... FOB - , ... . BP0T CASH. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, til First at. Mala WHO 18 M. O. MORGAN A CO. t WANTED Te buy medrnm-etsed track er hnr eowa wagon, crane jwiua iuw raoua main 2288. : - . HIGHEST caah price paid for Beeaad-baad goods, roars East exrrc. ua unkoa are. WANTED Good delivery horse for bla keep. with privilege of buying, w so, care Journal. WANTED A good one-horse eeoBd-had de- li very wagon. Aaoreaa rvuaoa ai axaBaung, Nawbarg, Oregon. WANTED To buy good team, bara aad wagon, oa time -wua easy paymenia; win pay good price. 0. L. Grant, route 8, box 78, Gresham. Or. - . . r .4 WANTED Fox terrier pappy (mala). Addraa ltj.w near irocoin ex., city, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THN RICHELIEU - 884 NORTH SIXTH BT. Elegantly furnished, ateam baat and hatha. THE OBAND. 4Ra Ntrtb Third at.--SeaUeaiea $1.28 per week and an. THB BENNETT. 851 H Morrlaou at., 1 block - from Pott lend Hotel, under new management Heaaodeled and refurnished; alee porcelain baths aad hot water all tbe time; rooms by , tbe day. week er month, single er aa an Its. IJUiar. priere. rnooe. xana. $1 AND UP Nicely furnished rooms. 108 11th ar... aet. waaa. at yarn, rsnne raciue geav. NEWLY . furnished roneee irr private family; gents prvf erred. 400 Columbia at. FOR ' RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, Flanders aad Seveatb Bocxna, hoceekeeplng and trsjurlentl aaa eeuleuti pneea LA RGB aleeantlr fatulabad hot rooms; gas range, running water. The Lowae dale. 8A8H Aldec-wt --'- ' - $1.28 PER WEEK targe, elsaa. fnrmlabed houeekecping-reonai! Isnndry aad hath. 184 Sherman. - South Portland. WEEK UP, clean, furaaibed bonsekeep reo ma. with yard, parlor, laundry, bath, far. usee keet. OX Staatoa at. TJ ear. THB JEFFERSONIAN. 814 Jefferaon at. Nicely furnlabed aultea oi two ar xnree room wua all wiuulm'i cliaap. $ FURNISHED koosekeeplog room $. . 852 Beveatk t. 1 FOR RENT S furnlabed housekeeping room a, .gvouad floor. 148 Sellwood at.; L car. FOR RENT Half of farnlehed houee ta small . family; cloaa la. Phone Bast 8088. 2 rfBONT complete horiaekeeplng-roorn. 8 minutes- watx aa bobioibcs; private camiiy. $48 cur St. S FURNISHED bonaekaepUg-rooxaa ; gas, bath - and phone. 428 Stark at. THREE nnfurnhthed housekeeping rooms eight .' Dtoraa estsi ot atvei eviuee, awivaaiieait, very .reaaonable. phoaa after T o'clock Bast ' S814. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO., prompt sad re liable plane and furniture-movers; alee stor age. fsMtaa Mala 1888. Ot8os 118 M. Third. HOUSES for rent, close In, weat aid. M. B. La. 82 .Sixth at Pbooa Pacific B0. ONE 8 and one 8-room axtdere houee gas. Is qalre 868 18th St.. ' FOR RENT A new modern 4-room cottage; , rent $14. Phone Tabor 228. FOR BENT 8mo hoeae, ajtodern, 80$ 11th at. Pbona Mala 2558. - 4-ROOM cottage, ceatrally located, ales ra, $12.50. Phone Mala 1107. FOR RENT Modem 8-roem eottage, 8T0 Baat Irving st. Phone Baat 887. . WILL build to suit parchsser on 48th and 48th ate. and Hawthorne eve. I terms. $208 caah, balance to salt. M. B. Lee, 88 Sixth st. FOR BENT Hoeae 11 rooma, bath, gas, ta best part weat aide, dir. Inqnlre Dr. Koehler, dentist, S41Va Fir at. ar 438 Mont gomery et. 1 FURNISHED HOUSES. FOB SENT Nicely fumlebed boos. 8 rooms, conveniently located, good teelghnorbood. 1 eerltnee. 728 Nerthrap St. Phone Parts 221. FOR RENT FLATS. NEW 8-roea flata, $1L 180 Market at? Malik HOUSES "FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. FOB SALE Faralture of 12-reea bouse, right on rifth-et earllne; a eplendld .locaUoa. Call up Mala 888. -ROOM houee, ell fnrnlseied, the faraltar . for sam, cnaap. i neue cssx mis. FOR BAI.B Fnrniture of s-roba houss, rant BIB. 208 Mill St. QOOD fnrniture of B-roora cottars, rent $18; cioee is, larga yarc,; vary saeap.. s North Nlath at. . . rr-- - ... UNFURNISHED ROOIIS. UPPER floor, ii room, sew. IM Market at. wain Bwoa. a - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICB rooms,' uateralatjed rooeaa aad aamnle PART ef ebon to rent, callable fag painter cr ri.Mia.i. sue youriB at. DESK and roon for rent. $8 a month; fin eecaiioai. ea t waaningtoa. raeuie aw. ' SUMMER RESORTS. LOCRSLEX HALL. BBASIDB, OREGON Under new! ennearta. Benin. clambakes, picnics, tenuis; free boa Beat ail trains; loo elegant outside ivioroa-. pel tate hatha; electrle llghta; annex overlooking tbe ace; cottage, tat rate, reaervettone, addreaa Harry T. Butterwoeth, manager, or pooue mra. carnal, rortiano. racioe ax. NECANICT7M INN. laulai. Oreexm Hduae dl rectly facing ocean: Bower and apaelnoe grounds, , electric lights, sasdy heaeh. home cooking, kllea B. Daaaaaa, atop. (Jet off - St tftecsnlcum atatlon. . WANTBD To take a aartr on eamntna trln: a good outfit. R. H. Sharalgsoaaen, R.; P. D. " 4. V. . .. U . II., v. . . ,i FOR RENT t-room cottage near Ccutarvtlle, Long Beech. Phone Eaat 869. V BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITS aa aulcfc ahoot recent Important , velopmaat ef the Hurst Automatic Switch A . Signal Co. buy stock Before bl advance. . J. F. nnrat A Caw S08 MeRay -bldg.-- - - THE bameeeekere' escaraloa to eastera Oregra. . overland, will leave about Brat ef July. Call . 1SC4 Foarth at., roaa 22, for toforraatto-a. $10,000 WILL buy aOxlSe. centrally located. . Income $2,100 per year; pays 8 per seat oa :t.J0; thla property should treble In ralna tn tbe aext 10 years, being better security thaa any bank, aad three time better than loaning money oa real aetata. Mra. Bounds, ' 20SH Stanton, corner Commercial. Alblna. . WHO IS M. O. MO BO AH A CO. f MEAT market for sal cheap; 838 Unloa at.. araria, swing goon) asunueee. FOR SALP Fine lot of ehervmg. all ar part, cheap. Pbona Pacific 2287. HURST SWITCH tock for Bale cheap; I buy. : aen ana man anoney oa (toes of ment; gokf duat and ncecloua atouaa boucht: monthl dividend-paying atork a a apeclal ty. - W. J. jarua, xia commercial aia. ataia B3B. WANTED A good mining propoattloa to la. " K" l" aau u u .ut.. a . at. awiesy ea vat, 481 Lumber Exchange. FOR BALE Laundry hnatneas ta an at tha neat town la the Willamette valley.. A dreaa Sllvertou Steam laundry. Silver ton. Or. FOB RALB OB TRADE A flrat-claaa paying rewui-mgaa, inquire loi isorto aixta sr. DRI'O STORE Excellent location, good bual- . MU . hnlakl .- ... . reaaoa for aelllag; will atand in vee titration; fine opening for young maa: will sacrifice for 84.400. H. O. Brow a A Co, 647 Waahlng ton at. Pacific 808. , FOR SALTS A Brat -class barber-shop, la the oeei eoiei in eaerera uregon: a Bargain If sold ' at once. For particulars addreaa "Barber, " P. O. Bos 841. La Graada. Oregon. LIGHT MANUFACTURING aad Bull order wetness for sale at ones. B 101. Jouraal. I CtN place yea In bualrieee aaywhere la United Btaree: oig pronta, sad a aeeeeaity: email capital required. Call at uragoa. anrtbaast corner nret aaa wasaingtoa. week days. HERB Is your chance; asw grocery atock, about ov; mcauon gooo; to a aeifl at eaee. Can 80S Abtngtoa bids. Frank Wllliama. Mala ooat, - $50 TAKES a borne bakery dotaa seed bust neau; nne oneaing tor eorree-aouee or luack counter. si4j taat Boraaioa, Bear anoge. $400 WILL get yea a nice busliieea; a tDooey analrae Sjral kU. . . . $809 ON- Ps-rk at.i good Iocs t leu. K" oa Aioer at-; good location. $500 Oa Market at.: good loeattos. 208 ALI8KT BLDG. N BARBERS I would bay a shop tf reasonable. ax e. care eouraaj. 4 ' -' BARGAIN Cigar stars, btlllsrd-room. Ice creeB par tor a no restaurant; double building, cheap rent, good location; taking In from $20 ta $54 per day; will aell for res thaa cost of ntttures.-- For particulars call ea or soarsss w. n. moreooaee, 1070 Eaat 18tk ei., er prone aeuwooe 1. beaaty parlors; a apleadUl propoellton for a Person underataBdlng the bualneaa. D 20. cars jouraaa. WANT responsible party of good address, lady preferred, with $1,000. to take half Intereet ta hlgh-claaa legitimate buaiaess; sslsry $T8 . n usooTu a no nan set prome; n Bargain. Ad dreaa Immediately for Interview, A 8. Journal N0TICB. Having severed mr connocttoe - with the North Weat Land romps ay. room 208 1 uooanougn niag, i am sow locates at BOSH Wsshlngton St., coraer Fifth, rooms 4 snd 8, where I will ba n leased to Bxeet alt "old and new frieada. , Reapectfully, George W. . Tttrnas. - - - . . GROCERY BTORB Pot trad for honae sad lot, or mvotra, (nap en any way xo unit; locareo b upper Alblna; -1f you want ta bar r trade aaa thla. Call at once. . - H. W. OAKLAND A CO., 18$iA- 4th St. WANTED Good-pa ylnc coaaliy atora for ah sa.'""Jjxvrnrna, Tvi't mini FOR SALE REAL ESTATE,- $l.axio-aj,ROOM new boose with 1 full lota, ta . Flrland, en the Mt. Scott earllne: 2.100 caah, - remainder $28 per mouth. Call at 1074 Third. $4MI BACH, for five day only, twa fine resi dence lota. 50x100 each, east front, oa Ualoa i --7... u.1, vat vara N.i 9'na caah, balance easy payaenta. , A 18. cars Jonmsl. a .a .. n Owner, BT. JOHNS PROPERTY IS lota aa earllne, eloes In. only $2,000. 10 lota, sloe in. ealy $1,880. Thia la a rare cbaace to get eloee-la prop. arty cheap. A0EMANN A BLANCHARD. PI Fifth St. WILL build to suit purchaser ea 48th and 48th ata. and Hswthome ava.; terma. f200 cash, balaaea to suit. M. B. Lee, 88 81 xu at. THEBB IB A FINB LOT FOB 8 A LB Very cheap, too, sa Fargo at., between rnioa aaa rioaney eves. , ny Manna et. Phone Kaat 8182. 887 18 ACRES. mllee from Vancouver, all ta orchard and berries, fair house, barn aad dry - nousB. $2,750; all cash. Call at 187H Thrr.1. BOR SALE Big bargala for quick sals; 8-eooa so bur haa sottags. ground 100x100 feet, fruit and ahrabbery; by owner. O. W. P. Towa aide Co.. 818 Alder St,, la O. W. P. A By, . waning- ACREAOB close tn. west aids, soluble to plst; ebsncs ta double your money. M. B. Lea, 08 Sixth St. e WB bsvs a free-room eottage ee Bavsnsetew drtvs. Portlaad Heighta aarllne. with a rham ' tag view. Including Mt. Hood, hat ant Ore goolsa tower; aaodern Improvemeate; Ball Boa water: will he aeld for 82.ano If tahea at once; a chance to secure k cheep aad charm ing heme hi tha coming faahlensbl dtotrlcti , 30 -minutes fraaa Frrat at. . AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO, 88$ Sherlock bldg. IP YOU WANT 8 bargala la a ale 8-roem noose, wi 1th gas. electrle llehta. ata. tloaary tuba, ate, aa eorntt let $6x100, with terrace: 8na locatloa. Call ata owner, 862 Baat Eslmoa St. FOB SA LB Tear beat chance to get aeat borne, eutmrba, 4 ream, full lot, $478; stop paying rant. D 8. care Journal. HBRB IB THB SNAP YOU HAVB BKBN LOOKING FOR. I acree, all under cultivation, a fine variety , af frutt, fair 8-room houaa. good kern, ftn -wall of water: 8 Binaries' wslk to car atstloa ' at Lenta, 8c fare to any point la Portlaad. i , WILRY ALLEN A CO, . - ' Lents, Oregoa. ,' $400 CASH,' $20 monthly paymeate. boys saw 8-room house near Union ava. earllne; Queen Anns styis, aotiur sot. Bios iswn, good loca tion, cement haeemenl, bath, toilet and Urge closets: asw ateel range, good heating a rove, linoleum en kitchen, matting on aedreeni Boors, wtadew-ehsdes. etc. : alt for 82.700: houss slon Worth $8,000; owner leaving -city August t. Phoaa Mala 8834 ketwsea sad 10 a. a. GOOD BARGAIN House sad lot for ssls; rood , plastered house, 8 rooma downstairs sad 4 apstslra, with ar without furniture; price $1,800. Inquire $ I Baa till sxa Sellwaod. FOR SALE R2AL ESTATE. B. W. M'NUTT REAL ESTATB CO., Cornelius, Or., Wsahlugtoa County, 8 Mllee , Baat of rot eat Grove. ' ' The Mecca of tbe Willamette Valley.' i Iinprvved Farma and Timber Land. : 1 44 ! acres, highly Improved. 13 RoO. i . 2 AO acres, uncultivated land. two. 8 78 acrea, partly cultivated. $l.eUO. . "A sit. Inniaa sad karu. taXWi . 8 15 acrea. (loe farm, new buildings. d.BflO. a noiioo. fins bosae aad bam. fruit, ror-ast-Grove, 81.OU0. 7488 acres. A Ns. 1 farm (tiled), frail, $78 per acre. -r 8V-8T acres, ea Willamette Bear Newberg, fine place. $(i.O00. ' a i70 acrea, with crop and stock, tool. , $7.7BO. - 10 88 aoasv alas - In, - a Paaaj torni, $8,000. , ' 11 71 acre f loa toad, with crop and stock, $7,100. 12 80 acres, with crop sod stock. A No. 1. $S.uuO. 18120" 'icrea timber, 8.000,000 feet, oa ' stream. $1,000. i 14 SVecre farm, a good starter, $1,200. ' 18120 acrea timber, Clackamaa couaty, $10 per acre. '. J8 8 acres. 2 bouaee. bara, fruit, $000, ' 1780 acrea timber. No. 1. SoOO. '. . 18 40 acrea timber. No. 1. Cooa bar. Sflrl. ,191 fine residence goreat drove. $'2 000. 20 40 acres, well Improved place. $1,800. 21 28 acres. In city ef CoraeUus,. asw house and bara, $8,000: a snap, 22 70 acrea, a good bargala at $70 per ' dcre. . 28 $ acree. with house and barn, n Cor. 24 80-ecre farm, as railroad, A No. poll. $4,100. . t' 28 SO-acre farm. It acrea la prune, a money-maker, $4,200, .-..-' 2d 40 acrea. Hi mile to railroad, good : iarm. ei.auo. 27 New houee and 2 lota, Cnrneltns, 9900. ' 2 lrlO scree, stock reach. $1$.2 per acre, "' 8080 , scree, ." H beaver dam, all cleared, $8)1 per acre. 81100 acres, a snnn at S1.8O0. " 8240 acree. with atock and tools.' paytl Improved. 81.200. 28184 acree, a floe located place and ha pmvements, sxa per sore , - ' 84144 acrea. 2 houses, orchard, spring, ' $50 per sere. 3878 acres. 8A mllee saatb of Cornelius, $1,800. . SO BO acres, rich bottom land, all clear", 865 ner acre. - 87 7 lei acres, la Cornsllns. $88 per ace. snBvifk acrea. s miiee aorta oi cornciina, $50 per acre; a bargain. 88 Dtxl88-fnnt lot. naodern T-room bona. ' Bear college, Foreet Grove, $1,000, 40 80 acre. 2Vt mile aoath ef Cornell as, . $18 per acre. 41 80 acres, hop yard. aodra Improve ' Bents. $12,000. With tools. 42 180 acre, oa Tillamook surrey i at Galen City, s hares In. $1,800. - AM Rti Imm. . haeai li. mile from ' Cornellua. 800. ' 44 4T-scre farm, a Belter, sz.sxaj. . - 48 eS-aere farm, all cleared sad Improved. $4.00. . 488 acrea. In Ceraallna. $1,000. , 47 S acre, does In. $.128. ." il ' -48158 set, alia from towa, A No. 1, ,185 per acre. v " 48 150-acre hop farm, a Baooey-maker, $98 acre, first -clsea home. $8,000. 5 10 LOTS, 80x100 each, ta Taboralds, $88. pet let. Call at 10Tij Third at. FIFTH -ST. PROPERTY - $8,800 will buy aa ideal nop en ana lot, close la: no better buy on the market. , BAGIMANN A BLANCHARD, 'i 1 Fifth at. . . FOR SALE 2 modern 8-room bouse In good location; hue or owner ana save commies ion. Phoaa Weodlawa 208.. . - BARGAIN 2-atnry 7 -room houee. South Port- land; owner leaving city. . cau ataia atoa. Call B00 First St. GOOD 8-room eottage. 1 block west of Ports mouth station; a Bargain ix. sua ax Inquire at 883 Bowdola at. . CHANCES TO MAKE MONEY Bargain 8-roon bouse. block, water aad .gas; pries $2,800. tt block . In bualneaa district 18th . and 'Kearney. $25,000. Fine farm. 44 V scree. Waahlngtoa eoaaty. - 18 miles from Portland. 11.500; Improve Bianta $1,800. Inquire 208 Fourth st , i ACREAOB on tbe peninsula Bear the St. Jokne car. Una; aeveral fine tracta for sale by JSara ual Weldon.. 118 "ej Third st.------ ------ - $7,900 Will bay 1 cottages. Income $77 per . moata- van ax juiy aniru ex. . - WXLKINO DISTANCE New atyllah Bedera 8-room houee. cement walk aad basement, beet of plumbing. Urge rooms, good surround 4ee, blocks from stssl brldgs. $2,750: 1-2 . cssh, ba lanes S equal snnasl payments, 8 per cant, ruone sxsib aso. v. b. nosy. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOMB. - d seres, fins bouse, bara. clilrkeu-bonee and garde, elegant fruit, berries snd gsrdea. oa B-cant car line; a stcsi nsrgsin; SJ.oou. atMVri. tarsasl; - 1484 Third St, FOB RALE Acre or V, acre tracta at Lents; terma to suit. Apply at 288, after July 88.- . " WHO WANTS A SNAPt ' Only $650 for coraer oa Graad ave. aarBaai elty water, gaa and sewer. FRED C. KING, ' 808 Commercial blk.. Second snd Waahlngtoa. $8,000 BUYS aa attractive new heme af eaves rooms, sll modem - improvements, Including , new velvet carpets snd eh a dee; owner leaving city Is compelled to sell st ones; terms to suit. 80S Broadway, HOUSES built on InstaUmenta, lots- If deatred. 812 CemacrcUl bldg.. Mala 1840. NEW MODEBN 8-reom beuae. $3,800: $R, balaaea $28 monthly. Owner. Phone Eaat 878. -CRN tracts, near electrle line, 10s fare. Inquire Benedict at Gates; Estscsds car. $2,500 CASH. $4,080 S years. per rent, (my atirg fmlininga sa urarr l l n n in; least 175 month: para 12 tier sent net: will double la value. Addreaa .DIB, ear Jouraal. - . ' A SNAP. J"-Oi4r-$S0 per acre tor 80 acrea ef fine land that caa be divided Into small tracts, near good atora and erhool: for a few days only; no trouble te show property' FRED C. KINO, v -' BO$ Commercial blk. Second and Wesbtngtoa. FOR SALE A choirs piece ef Columbia river front property, close In. good Bill , alts. Eldredg A Merrlfleld, 104 reurth st, Van- auorer. Weak, '.--. FOR SALE CHEAP s aad 1-moa heneea; BssdV era; part caah. 870 OarSeld ate., Take Weodlawa ssr. Phone East 8B4L SELLWOOD LOT1. $8 down aad 88 a aaeutut from $TS to $200. Sellweod Tewaelte Ce, H. P. Palmer, manaesv. Pbene Best 4704. LOT 80x100, eaat aide, close In; Btoo cash and $10 month; nice locality: sea If before buying. Ill W. GARLAND A CO, IBS Fourtk at 8-ROOM HOI ; SB ea tb Mt etcott Una. B 8, care JournaL . - $400 8-ROOM bouee and full tot on the Mt. Scott earllne; half eaak. . Call at 107 H Third. FOB SALE. -flood lot aear Hawthorn ava. aad aad at., $400 810 down. . $18 pay month. -'- Bacbtcl . & KcrasV- ' 882 Bart 'Morrlaoa st. 1 ' ' 200 FARMS, email tracts snd lots! bargains as 0. W. P. electric line. O. R. Additoa, Lean, Oregoa. Take Mouat Beott car,' 5a. FOB BALI BT aot nrnea at. . . . Two haadsama lota la Flrlsad; easy terma. BUSINESS lot oa Unloa ave, eery only $5,700. 1 squire at $80 Baat W ton st. ' central, aahlng- FOR SALE FARMS. CALIFORNIA BAROAINB, aeer Ben Lomond, tbe popular summer raeorx. sau acrea wood land, with aever falling creek through It: One sulphaa anrlng. B.oon cords wood, good road. 2 it miles out. $740 per acre If aold withla 80 days; worth Buck mors. 88 acres Sne land Bile out; a room fsrmhosss, small barn. Six) bearing apple trees, Sne wood land, aprlng water, piped: en apsinhled county road; txrellent soil for trees er vtnedr $8,000; term. Addreaa J. A. Walker, Bea Lomond, OsUlorBlB. IS ACRES, 8 seres orchard, ta Nehalem valley, all fenced, some ouiinings; owner must nave money end will sacrifice for only $"00. H. O. Brow a A Co, 847 Waahlngtoa at. Paclfla 808. FOB S ALB. CHEAP e fruit aad dairy farm ef 42 acrea t nret rises rrult and tegetahls .lasd; 28 aeree- under plow, balanc pasture; , eaaily ' cleared, sll fenced. 10-scre prune errbarfl, 8-rooa houee, frultdryer, bara, alio, rltry-heuae. eta.; near erhool and church, F. D. and telephone; price $3,000. Call 181 MnrrtaOB St. . TIMBER shxlms for ssle. a led three rellnd'ttah- meata; two small mllla lof sals, foatofflce BoiT.tUnd. , ; . -rAr.irs. FOR BALE A seod a -k or dairy farm la Keutoo oonoty. conak. m of 1,1. t) acrea, at a per acre; inu atri a on Ala.-a bay, anap . at $2 per Jtm, Address W. U. Parksr. Saleia., Oregon. . . ' YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. We have Hated eoaae of the beat farma ta the aeuulyi If you aia hSJStbg -tom 'tafhi. Call ua er write. WARREN A STATE B, McMlnurllle, Oregon. ' HOOD RIVER .- , ' .- FRI'IT ' ' . FA R Mb. , ( ' ' ' i. H. HRILBHONNER A CO.. 818-18 Lumber Exchange, SecoBd sad Stark. $28 PER ACRB will bay -one of the' beat . farma la the valley, bordering oa tba Wll. lamette river; all level and nearly all la . cultivation. Including 1-$ of crop and 78 ' acre of summer fallow, small houss, fan 'barn, good warehouse . st landing, good orchard. Sue water, lot ot wood; this Is very cheap; aoagent, T.J. JackacmlStarU..': ' FOR SALE TIMBER. CERTIFIED scrip, are star piercer lowest price. B7, a, lioweU, 888 Chsmber af Csa IJ1ND SCRIP BOUOHT AND SOLD. All klnda of land scrip wanted and for aale. Including approved forest reserve and railroad land crlp, for surveyed, .ausurveyed, tlta , bered snd prairie - lasd: approved United States nillttair bounty land warrants; re--certified eoldler' additional homestead Bcrls. .' II. M. Hsmlltoa. toe Portland hotal, Portland. Oregrs. - - '. - GOOD yellow pine timber clalma for location. U. F. Curtis. 812 Plus St.. Portlaad. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOB SALE Team. one puaadsi I teas. 8 SO pounds, atri 1 cheap horse, 1.208 aasjada. Phone Eaat tUX KM Raeaell st? .... WANTED To' bay BSdium-ulaed track er lew- . down wugoa. Craaa BoKle-Ca. . phoaa Mala 2288. TO EXCHANGE. FOR ssle eg axebaag for Portland property, 107 acres ifear Vancouver, la good atata at cultivation. Call at. 107H ' Third st. FOR EXCHANGE SOO-acre fully equipped first daaa placer mine, for Portia no property: . mines are dividend-producers and will stand , Investlgstlon: water rights of the bast. Ad dreaa P. O. Bex 881, Grants Psss. WILL exchange $100 typewriter, ta perfect order, for bona aad saddle. 808 McKay bldg. 18" ACRfS la Columbia county: baa 8,000.000 feet yellow fir timber; will aell for $2,800. or wilt exchange for Portlaad property. Call at 107H Third at.- j. . - ORCHARD near Rose burg to ell r escbauga - for Porttand real eatata, H. C. Xasthaa, txt Cbambsr ef Commerce. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB print reuf name ea 80 calling cards, proper eurs sad style. 85r 250 hoeloees cards. BL A. W. Seamala Co.. 228 First, Portlaad. Or. WESTERN OREGON MINING A MILLING CO. . beadquarteraj atock for ssls snd loficmatlea at 2U8 rirst at. Phone Mela 1828. B1LLARD AND POOL tables Bar rent ar Bo ale ea a say payments. THE BBUNSwICK-BALKB COI.LKKDKB CO. - -- -. 48 Thlr4 at.. Pert la ad. ARTISTS' materials, picture aad framing. . B. ax. Moor noose m uo, aia asaar ax. HOLDEN'8 BHEUMATIO CVT rhaumatlam. Sold by all drug state. QOOK8 bought, sold aad exchanged at OM Book store. 238 Yamhill at. WB aeed furniture aad win pay fall value. mow racioe tvs. w saisrs natvaga vak 827 Waahlngtoa at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made to srdsrt ssexad-hand goods for sale, Carlson A Ksll strom, 2fa Couch st. Paeas- Clay 871. " SHOWCASES, countera, Sxturea bought, aold or exenangca. western salvage ua, an waaa. Ington at. PadSe 788. White Sewing Machine Oe M. D. JoxtaaT 20 Yass- ; hill et. Pboae Mala 8102. . - TYPEWRITER, good aa asw, st was thaa half . ooat price. Inquire 23$ Waahlngtoa at. 0. R. BLACK, Contractor aad Builder I hard soma fatf-gronnd lumber left; will contract cneap Borises and give 11ms sa part et- tartar: nonsTtVoodlswa 208. - - - ,-. THB Unrnh flexible - aelf-abarpestng blade; lilted to any lawn mower: gssrantsed; solici tors wanted. Crook -Unruh - Mfg. Co, TJnloa are. Pkooa Baat 880. 181' KLECTBIO PIANOS. $280; electric batitoa. $185; Raglna music boxea with 1$ records, ' $30;. all with nickel a lot attachments; good . moaey-makera In any public placet all ta . flrat-claaa condition. Continental Novelty Co, - Omaha. Nebraaka. ."'- FOR SALE 8-II. P. gaahllna -engine aad all Strings! guaranteed; price $78. Phoaa Kaat 1013. - , ... .. FOR RAX E Gasoline Munch with eaghxs. Fb banks. Mora A Co., rirat aad Stark ata. FOR BALE, CHE A P Inertha tor sad breeder, Humphrey's bonemlll and single caltlvator. Mrs. Rlrkett $12 Uslssy st V ear. Pbona araat ana. . - FOR 8 A LE Boston terrier punples from prise-wltinlng-pedlgrecd atock. 878 Wllliama ava SALE -A rood ae cot id-hand safe, naarl ' new. cheap.. t 2, care jonrnal. PERSONAL. PURS ' '..""' To tbe Ladles af Portland and Vicinity - A. Reiner, practical furrier sad dealrner of - flne furs, kss opened parlors In Lewla bldg. : and Is bow Drees red to remodel, repair and . . rrdye Bne furs of sll description. In tba moat artistic msnner aad latest fashloe: sealakla garmenta a apeclaltyi' . expert t ' fitter, 80 yeers' experience; ladlea are In. vlted to Inapect tbe lateat dealgna: will call 1 st residence snd give estimate. If deelred. Phone Pacific 2487. Lewie bldg.. Morrlaoa and Park. Take e leva ror one algbt. . Prices ths lowest cooa latest with Bret-claee work- , axanthlp. ANT aaa er woman caa Be strong and be toy f ' by aslng Begin Pills, ths Brest tonic; price . . $1 a box. 8 boxea $8. with fall jus res tee. Address "or sail J, A. CMrasasoa. druggiet ear. Second sad Yamkll! ata.. PertUnd. Or. - DETECTTVB AOENCY Confidential Invest Irs- tlone reports 4nvilaed oa Indlvidnals, their cnaracxer, iveponainilirx. etc.; oau ucdib ch lected: mteeing relative located: charge . reaeoBihle; eorreapondene solicited. Oregon Detective Servtcs. offices 203-204 Flledner ' bids, 10th aad Waahlngtoa ata. Pima Mala 8818. . . t- LADIES Turk 1th baths, message, bydriatn parlors; strictly Brst-cltss place ror ladlea only. Flat A. 881 Waahlagtoa at., betweea IStk and ilth ata. , - MANLY rigor restored be Dr. ttotetrta Nerve Globe lea. Ob month a treatment, $2l B Bentb,, $8; cent securely sealed by .atoll. Ageata, Woedard. CUrka A Co.. PsrtUad. Or. nil u or rinn rne all female d! Bsst Bshnoat. Ptaeae Baat 408a. SUITS pi aeed while you wait, 80. Ladles satrta pressed, soc. Gilbert, loan nut ate , awst te Quelle, rbooe laeiaa JbaB. FORBIDDEN FRUIT, Store mt a Slave." " "A Oiy Lotbarto, Faaay Hill,- ''Agsee," ' "Womaa ef Fire. B0e each; lists free. W. Bebmal Oa, 228 Ptrat st SEXINB PILLS cure all forme ef awrvwas ea muscular wee knees. For aea or woman. , Price II a box. 8 boxes $8, with fan g ears a tea. - Address or rail I. O. Ctomeueoe, drug, gist Sacosd aad Yamhill Ste, Portlaad. Or. MOLES, wrinkles, ropecfloone hair removed. 1 Let me tell you bow. No charge. Mto. M. D. HUL Suit 1. Salllng-Hlrech bldg. Pacific 128, BOLPRN'S RHEUMATIO CUF . rbeeasataVaa, - Sold by all drugglata. YES. Palme Tablets asks yea Bleep awrfeetlrf they cure nerveeenee aaa make yea etreeai pnee aire e box. a aeaea sx .no; aaaraaxsse. All drupalats, ac addreaa Brook Drag Ce, 87 North Third st, rati la ad. Oregoa. HUMAN HAIB SWITCHES Pay after yea ro es I re them; send a eemple af your hair aad wa will aend roa ana ef ear Bl.M awltchee. Fca t: r 24 ea., 22 incbee; aia mine It: If a big bar. i -- sain remit: If sot retura. Addree ladlexr , u.i. g - - . i. - an. - . . r.a ' , " Mieeiii.aBt en acserevare etf .aneaeiat DR O. V. KBTCHUM cwrea promptly private . . dli i teas, kidney, nervoua. ekln and apeelal female troubles. .Call er write. Office 1T0y . Third at., cor. TamhllL Pbona Pacifla 22W. - TUREISH BATHS, 8n Ortgonlaa bidg. aays, gsaiiemea aigata. Mai 1 y A' ,1