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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
;cu-.::au- icila-.d, Tuesday r..v::i:;o. july 21. itzx ft rODAY'S'lVA:t;iKEtS Latsst Threchlnj Returns From Grain Fields Are Mors Disappointing Yield Will Not - Come Up to Expectations of the Estimate. niruinr m vmrM journal's daily iJilUIM-tlMillDri IS SEVERE- TIPS ON MARKETS More Loss In Yield Is Shown In " Latest' Returns From the ".. ' Harvest Fields." ; Whlls ft seems but repetition to say It. the first stocks srs again In from The Dalles. . . To day the first cantaloupes, from this a tat cam from that pises. Shipment oonalated of but on crate and was In good condition.' According to Pago Bon It sold ovar tha IS mark. , John Kltndt wa tha shipper. , ,. . ...DISAPPOINTMENT DUE loganberries, tl JAt cantslnones. TO CONTINUED HEAT 5Sj.ii.t,bCr tSTi'Sl , . I grapes, 81.88djl.60s plsrkherrleo, 81 8ft !.. per TV ' iWe, rrateti. , u; nips, mw, 11.00 per Bscs; kt hAta SI ftn mm mmfki psrsalos. II. BO nee each- one per o; cabhags. Oreroa, ll.00ftl.26; bell BeDMra. .. 1 Am . 1L. . . 1 Ttt Much , Better Feeling Among the u o Mr .boat " naTenipa. ,ic.csloo: ' .. latrine- kui nnm v 11.. -...u. Trade.'-- . : 7 VT'. tlSSS SLS jKlT?"7" aft" ', ... . I --- vwtv vj. inicWHMj, fj per OVBi , Jl.. I squash, lteo: sreen onion.. Oreeon. liue Mt doe bunchee; nnimbw, TSe Mr bos:-celery. viue pot. ana; green eorn.. loc par one; euiu TT., Pf..l.ArA Reins- Taken at ..lT""i?5iJT"r"ll,.- e.wfr - . . - B i fl I J par BSCI Fifteen Cents-This' Indicate! a front Street, July M.Tbe prlnclpel restores "fcM wY: eigptait. tk cwiiui kn)uU markets todav are: I '" pea eosj .(( i. soc DRIED MITTTA l.k. ...iJ .aaa l4 B.r Ik: anrlem. 14a Me It,. .u.-H.. "eiiH per tt; sseks. He pr lb Ires; prunes. 80 to 40. Sc: He drop oa seek 1-lfl null In: fiks. California hUob Uiau aue IK- Cellforuls whit. oiIHo ner lb; atM. colees, THc pot ,1b; tarda, 1.40dl-50 par 1Mb boi. at tba Portland wholesale awrkata today are: More damaf rapartad to wbeat. Hop raraaala at loa a pound. t ' . 1 goute mora nrmaaaa la batter. ' E(( a oaly1 ajoTtaf fair. 1 ' Bcraral cars wawrmalaas , Orafoa caotaloupse make appaaraoce. Two cars cantaloupee la frooi auulk. '. Car Urawforo paarbaa from Sacramento. .' Lamoa aiarkat raacbtof lower. . I Callforala potato erop ahortar. ' Cheap apples-fhittlnf the market, v .' Cbarrtae bar about dlaappaarad. ' ALL EYES TURNED 10 RUSS Whit Supplies the Land of the Czar Will Have Is Very v; Much of Mystery. ' A SURPLUS OR FAMINE - IS NOW THE QUESTION Chicago Wheat ' Market . Stronger With Beet Display of Strength by the DecemberSeptember Is Sold by Cash" Houses. ', - - - . JBELATITS WHEAT TALCH. ",' CXoaa Cbae Co . u " Jul. 14 ' Jnlv IS ' ' ItMMl JUJT .. .7BT4A f .T5V4 .US oepiemorr. ... .70'b .ion bar Maj..,..... .8214 ; .S3 Gain Jnlr S4. .874 . JU0 .87 . -OOjJ taoalaa. lata. Eta, .00 Chlcaro. Jnlr 94. Tha wheat market waa ha Utah today despite the report of the elalble Sfn 1 R Mmt at. I'.k. aR an.'- I anbolf; ahowln kuv Ihmam I inawh.. I8.K; frnlt aaaalated,; sirr ',' j waa the stronfeet feature while September waa ..).uo; oont. a. saA; weatera r. V., S.M ' - Mere Baaaace aUpartod ta Wbeat ' tpeeUl adTleae from the wheat fields it eeatera Oraao raeelTSd br The Journal this atom in f ladicete taet tne aamaia w in crop 1 ear lore, car tofs at special prices sab J act ta - waa area BBnre larraatnipa wu i wuiti u. ima. araek aao. Ttaraehuia retnrne from tlalda bar. I HONCT M an dot crate. eeated reaterdar were Terr poor, (real dls-1 -. COrrKB Packase brands. tl Wai4 T. appolotment belns eipreaasd by fhs trads bs- rfALT Ooan--Half smand. 100a. WOO per 1 Teues this-sectloa bad been expected to put eat J: . IB M; table, dairy. 60s, tUMj loos, quits aa-arerace crop- tfale ssasoa. Prom the ! 1 15 lS?,'?n?,r?o0i Iki L i. ?U sections knowTte baTe beea "touched" by the WJftifft MiSl. L r2i'.;.i.2S' . . hsst ths lateel returns are eres tnore dlaap-l L J;1!!. ull polatlns tha. erer. Early report, af damage r,iJT,,M,Sk- P Inaiead of betas badly exaccerated, to """f MCE Imperial Japan. Ko. 1. Se: No. t. Inataacee they srs 00 peeouat of tb4 excite- nio4e; K,w j),!,,-, koad, - Tc, Ajaz, Set meat, are found te be quite belllah aa the Creole. te. altoatloa eompaaad 1 what tha actual wbeat BCAKS SmsTI - white:' 4 .tBf- lsrfwBlre. , is tarnlat tmt ts be. Many rtslds that looked 13.60; pink, 3.T5; bayou, 4.78; Umax, $6.60; vary fine haee beea fraud Is contain vary little Mexl-sa reds. 4 Me. ' wbeat, the grata drylrui ap oa eeeoont of tas ,'- prest beat. Fly damage m also reported la - some sectmns, nut this la not se ssesre as aome ' r. porta had aiitlrlnatcd At., all ssnsejats the crop will sot be aa large as expected a week , ago. ' - v . . W Vkl la Tknll. - sold br cash bouses. Commlaalon flrma Hawallaa O. C. aa.On' him n aa kk nAm I beat burera of tha former. All Antlona eacnirf 0. $4 jio; D yellow. S4.0BI bbla. ioc: U Lb la. I the December closed aa, the Utter Sarins arc, aoxee, cue advance oa aarft baa la, leea I aa esTsce or s, noai reporta are sow com b. la da rat maula. 14 aloe I ins rrora Manitoba. The larte farmers' aellv per lb. I eries are still the most bearlah feature: re tabors prt'iss apply to aalee ef lees tbsa I eelpta eonthialng as besry aa daring the past India Is shipping wheat freely, but the Aus tralian surplus baa been practically dlaposed of. me l anaaiaa aarreat aaa not mea secursa a no ths Danublaa la mafferlng fram beary rakia. It le ta Russia that the eyas of all traders are turning. Official a notations mr Omrhack. Star cooks -eompsny : WHEAT. Hlrh. " tw. S .7HV4 f .7A Ooen.' Xuly .78U Sept..... .TfliJ ueerri-rrr-.TaTi (Hnss. Nt'TS J-eanuU. Jambs, He per tbt "Vtrglrla. ivie per la; SflgUc oFr lb: maatad. tin Base, eezoucr maatea. ifttTUn ner lb: soma. auta-Slfte ae dual walnuts. 13lBV.o per io, pin.nuta. ivsyisss per 10; nicxory auca, 10c per lb; cbeetnuts. taatern. iseioc per lb; ..u, leuaioc Bar in: nioarra. l.aaiae lb; fsjtey pscsns, lac) slmoads, M0170,. falata. Coal 00. Its. ROPE Pare Kanlla, I4e; fUadard, UHt While erop daeaga reporta continue to bare seevs effect apoa price maklag ta tha wheat market, the greet surplna crop expected la the country essr of tbs Rockies Is baring a dulling effect opoa this market. Tbs tons ef- the mar- set here la not weak Just dull, aeeme the feasrsl verdict.. Prices unchanged as fat. . Hep asfuaals at Ttfteea Oeats. The eosntng erop ef hope ta this country will sot sell at the low ngtrree or iaue if pi Indications are to be eounted at all. 11 cents has. beea pa' for refusals . "y r:i ..whits le-ad-to.. tatv.p-oo- 1 mis. ee per id; aces mis, ats per re. ket. Inlted States gOTeroment reports glra a I WIRE NAIlA Present heats at S1.SI. rather dlaeouragmg aetlook of toe erop la I - LINSEED OIL Pnr. raw, la b-bnl torn. Sac; Europe sad especially ta Rngland. Tbs report 1 1-bbl lot, 68c; caaee, 6Se per gal; gamine kettle. ladlcatea that the crop will eoc ne mora loan Doura. belt the aeaal one, -which would mean about I lot SSe gJW.OOO .bales. Mo sales of spot goods era ' soma Mere nrmaasa ta a, , While . showlmf L lie. COAL OIL Pearl er Astral Case ltUs bot gai; water wnits, iron Barreai 1 c per gat. woooaa lie per gaj; .aeaougnc, 1 lU Qvg, SIMc per xL. OAROLlSt SoWJef, cases MHe par gal. trea bis lHc per cat . BENZINE SS-deg, eases Sfte per gal, troa 1 gal. E la eaaaa SSe per gal, woodea Ifteea I u ,8e JE" ,b2? , 000i bbl. B8e per as May-.., July..... Sept.., . Dec. , July...,. Sept lee..... Inly.... Sept...., Jan...,. July...'.. Sept... . t Oct...... July-... Sept.. Oct... .8H :a,i .81 .SAU . .88 It HI IT M 14.75 . t oa , a ar ' , ' a.06 CORN .SIM AlVa ' . - .43 . 0AT8, " iSiH MEM PORK. . i ltoo 1T.8T .. 1T.8J ; 14.78 14.70 LARD. s so . a -S.00 v S 5 06 - B.OS SHORT RIBS- ST IT 80 . S.JT . S.OT S.0S 2 TStt tJTT.ToJ .61 B .48: 1T.83N 14.70N S.ooil ' .07 -tJK a tr " a. 27 S.06B i.'oilii viLrin raw, in evvi lou., nor; I lot, 68c; caaee, SSe per gal; genolna kettle cd. caaea. 80s pee gal; 6-bbl lots. 64s; 1-bbl SSe per gal; ground cake, car lots. S20.00 toa; leea rasa ear lata. 880-00 per toa, Vests. Plea and PiwrialaekL - PRESH MSATE Prant Street Hoga, fancy. irrzapooL oraiy karxxt. Lrrerpool, July 14 Official prices: WHRAT. July". 8ept. July July 84. , Sa TH as Vit aritlnarv. Tr- Be. th- mm. Sm IK I fancy. SaHc-psr lh; tsmhs, Sc. I ' OHIOAOO ABX WHXATi- bo chaaca la ralae the I 8aae; ordlaary.,me8c; peer. TATUe per lb; J.i I. ai?A creamery butter market ta slightly etronger. I "ilia, 8SHs pet lb; resl, extra. TMCJSe lb; ' : ..." . Grsas Is cettlng rsry scarce, and milk ta ao plentiful iaavS. few days agaw. OaTy rsry fancy branda are vaoted eeeo Sup oa tha..ttreet. today, rod eeen of, tbte grade- aoaie are eellkst at the.lnwee figure Is order to eeors. - . Kgg receipts are not quire aa neary, aaa Cloee Jnly-24. 0e 7Ud - ." M CORN. . 4s 4d 4s 4d Catn ' ' Lees July 84. July 84. - ... . ' Uo ; W A6) ' ' ... i10ssih0-tr000i Hurts trade New York Stock" Market Is Bear- Ish on' Account of Late N V News From Abroad1. ' m IIFIFCTIUFS I pi - aOTsm-w-am-osT- hW h ' v assW LONDON HOLDS WELL ' FOR AMERICAN ISSUES Bull Tips . Out for Anaconda and . Colorado Fuel Are Followed by a Decline in the Entire List Toledo Preferred Has a Gain. 1 i Anaconda Amaleemsted Sugar .......... I! inciter ....... Brooklyn Baltimore Colo, fuel ..... St. Paul Uralsrllls KET LOSSES. ' .... S14 1 Northers Part fie .... Missouri I'actflc .... N. V. Central. Peanaymala , I Reading tt Republic Steel S4I do preferred. 1 union racipe IV. S a Steel. Canadian Colo. South. lienrer . , . Toledo, pfd NET LOSSES. Ontario A West.. Sou there Pad Be.. Tanneeeee Goal .. avsi w. e, e(.vi, pia.. 4 Wall Street. New- York. Jnlr 4 Th. Run. staa altoatlon waa the basis for sa attack of tbS besr forces oa the holla thl. mnrnlnar. There wee but a momentary advance right st ths Itart snd then the Sons becenw-eerr' tr. regulsr. The wheat chop eltuatloo' is SMI1 baring eoasldersbls InSuence oa the trading. Bull tlna Ware out for Aneonnda and CViLiratlo Kuel. bot both of these Isauee lost la value. Money rates ruled around 2 "4 per cent. A eooalderable Increaae la srtlrlty waa ahewa la Toledo preferred. Aa advance of lb points was retained at the close of the day. -Of&clal anotstlons by Oeerheck. Steer A Cooke eompsny: .uioeing T- T1 HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland' reck deceit hems, 10 to 14 lbs. IS He ner lb; 14 to is. ins. lee per in; ereoaraat Mean, I830e per Ibi DlcBlea lSs eer lb: enttsee. I0U. nee Ihi .While the market Is he firmer. It la aot jraolly smoked. 18s per lb;; riser barks, unamoked, aMak liwl Aill. trino the BBa ' I It. lh mnvMl 1Sj mm, IK- tt.l k..,.. Chaeea demand la oomswhst better and tbs I 10 to IS lbs: anamoked. Se per lb: ssaoked. Be market la koldlnc 1U own. Supplies good. I per lb; -clear bellies, anamoked. I4e ar lh: Demaad Rew for Sana. .3'7f'lA ' -"."."TS " L' I aprtag.. A soddea twist of demand ta shews Is the I LOCAL LARD Rett le leaf. Ina. - ttc poaltry aiarkat today. While a few daya agelfb; 6a, 11VU per lb; 60-lb tine, UHc per lb; ina liaQS loua pens in annw ni qaa atirinea, oraem rBBnarafl job, Lie Bee est aa," lIULg Chicago, July 84. Cash wbeat:. juiyas. No. t red.. No. I red. . No. S hard. No. S bard No. 1 northers. .. No. I Borthera... .TT ..TH .76 $ .70S TO ,7i .71 It July tt -IT T .70 ,7H .is 7 .71 , today the demand la aU the other wey ead ' epringa are taken bp bnyera In order te get the ' bens. Prtcee the same. Dncke . ead geeee Sooted with nominal call. ' Receipts to all lines aonetwhst. better. ' ' California rotate Crop Shorter. . .. While the erop boa aot beea tally kareate4 J - la California, eperatlnaa are aa aueh a ecala that It can bow bo reaaiiy sees that . duct loa of potatoes there, eapeclally rtrer districts, wiu be considerably -normal. Tula la doe to. both floods fararabla weather earlier la the season. Local WORLD S em" aTWT, IK a ... S 1 kaa II. rs era-'BSJi-iyajiiaj, iws, 0 -bb m. CANNED SALMON CotumhU rtrer, f.n talla. ; a-id una,; ranrr, 1-10 n.ta, fancy Beta. II. IB; fancy l ib ovale. 88.76: Alaska Ulls, pink. SStjtKlc; red. 61 60; nemlaal .WJ, 81. SO; 8-lb Ulls, la. talL 62 0. PISH Reek end. Te Dor lb: Arm nd ere Se uae lb; halibut, 6c par lb; crane, 81.60 per doe; striped beee, HHe per lb; cetSab. Sc per lb; Chicago, July S4. Orals risible: .' . Todsy Xssr ago . Increaae - , Rush. Bnah. n,iK Wheat ...... is run nno Cora ......... 6.831,000 6.481.000 4M.O11O van ......... S.tWO.UUO lM.OOO Decreses. '.' 1 the pre-1 uwunun mrr cmnooB. vc per in; steel- In tha I nesos. ec per id; Diuenarsa, sc per id; herring, I Am u. h, mIm. S nmm 1k. in. 'r-rch; 6c per K,rbl.c. cxi, Te Jot K Bd a-l ti -m. a. .nwM. .-..1. v- r iw! potatoes coming mors freely. .rhiageil. lohetera per lb Cheap Apples Slat lUrket, ' Supplies ef cheaper-grade early apples are rory beery ea the street today and ths market le somewhat glutted. Some salee are reported bat price la aa-1 erawSeb, 80s per dos; abed. 8c per ib; stnrgeoa. CHicAoo SRAnr oa lore. arblcago, July 84. -G rata car Iota: Care. Oraif. 1QOM fresh mackerel, Se per lb; I wheat '. 747 SS JBt-A7 10c rr lh. OTSTXRS Sboslwstsf bar. dot ail., ner 110-lb ssrk. 84.00. CLAMS HsrdshelL eer box. 88.001 mbbs- e-w per BOX. 804 144 as hnr aa 60c a box. Cherry supplies are about sxhssstsd and prices . are aommai. : . A ear of Crawford peaebee k reported Is from California this morning. Two cars of water- oe lorta arid a car er two of cantalonpca alae Lemona are aflfhtly lower owing to mack . iscreaeed supplies. Ths trade pay the following prices to front .. street. Prices paid skippers era Mas regular eemmlesiona: Srsna, Hear a4 Foe.'. , ''-( flRAllf BAOS 4?aleatta. VSIlAc. ' WHKAT Old club. 70rl red Russian. 67c: ' blueotem, T2c; valley. Tic: sew club, 7) red sjoesian, noc; onieeim. ovc; vnuey, w. BAKuE 1 reeu, sm.uu. xoiieo, ts.uuuai.oo; LIVESTOCK -TONE IS SAME AS YESTERDAY Cora-,... r.T 852 ' 83 Oats ,. 141 - si Wheat cars today: Minneapolis IB, Daluth e- a ear aso; mioneapeiie iwe, uulatb S. IAR TR AkTOISCO ORAM ItARXZT. Bao rrssclsco, July 84 Official prices: nuiiT. . open. .High. . Low. Close, si.Hi December.... .gl.21 H 81 "December. - - -BARLRfT M UHt' ia tX. ila -80 4' 1.00 H Hogs and Sheep Firm With Cat tle Dull at Recent Decline- Government Animals, i W.wlne. 124.00. COBa--Whole, f7.oo; toa. tracked, 828.60 per OATS Oli f3H.nnro,oo grsy, 828.0ne2B.00. roducsra' price No. 1 I'd S8.T5; rye. flOa, 8S.00; bales, f8.T6. anna., e--wi 818 00; chop. 18.00(321.60. tiAX rrouun-rv i'i " siz.ufi; San iTSncieco, July Rid. Belmont .......85.1214 vaau noy .10 Ooldcn Anchor.. .64 Jim Butler 1.10 MacNemara ... .74 Midway , S.17U Montana , t.Mi norm star .... .as Ohio .87 Ton. Extra..... 6.86 Nevada 18.00 Weat End 2.42 aaams .. ,ua Atlants ' .17 Veer aeo in, I Bluebell 11 uvsetock conditions sre Identical with ths ?T;MV'u;"' 'Ti veeterdev. Hon and akm m eir M. I Columbls Mt.. .18 cpMUy. S20.00( city, labor n arrived In during ths psst 34 hours. "f "iTJ - - - - 1 tattle remain anil st veaternav'a rtecllM rnH. 1 . iiamr. wiiiamerra 1 01a norees ena nniM are hatti. ..Ln. Amjt . o-w. ordinary, IJO.Oog 10.6O; I sre from California and are for nee of the xnv- uxm nAvoiBoo stninio zxchajtsx. 24 0 facial closing: white, rtitlR New eeatern Orrron Detents. 88 oiwfl I Week aeo. 8.801 strslfhts, 8.40Q4.65; export, 63.15; I Month ago. valley, 6s.o: granam, i; waew Wbeat, Portland 'tlnioa Stockrarda. Jul. . Oa Mm. I - ... vj Ram . IhM. -r er liii RTE 1 85 per ewi id I ro 0,0 rsT 1.61 MILIATUrKS Broa, 8 17. SO per- tool mid-1 ef yesterday. Hogs snd sheep ere firm 47 v 180 valley, faucy 1 uregoB, . ev-w, i.w, wi.j, tiu-wiu fnnmni iroope in ine Amerrci 10.60: clover.. i .grain. 8T.00Oa.60ieheat. I .Official llvMtnck oaoimtloua; 67.00a8.00. I. Hogo Beet eaatera Oreeon. 67.25iaT.Sn: . . V... M ow.1m I nlnctt.p. Md re.ln. . aa . . BUTTER PAT P. o., b. Ptlsno-awa-t ,el"l'i bo,, s50- ' areim. !; aeur, isc. 'I eieers, s.i.on; pear BUTTER 1.117 1 crvamwrT, bitsc; eoreiae 1 . . . v'"'-'M eiocneru ane ...u, puna, ..-Ov. Dixie .07 Ooldueld. 84 Jumbo 1.07H Jumbo' Ellen, n .80 Kendall ....... , .4S Laguns .! May Quaes .... .18 Mobawk 1.071s y. fancy, l20c; ordinary. ItMcy store, 180 , KCicin No. 1 freeh Oregoa. candled. tlftxIHs CHKEKC New roll cream, flats, 18HQ14C; 12HC18C per lb; Touns Anierlcs, MVtOlSc. Po'jLTRT Mixed chickens. fane bans. Me per lb; roosters, old, 10W4 Bar lb: stsgs, 111110 per lb I fryers, 17c; beollers, 17o per lb; old tlucks. WWOllic lbl spring ducks, 12ai8He lh; geese. SlOc Ib; turkeys, ioc per in; oreaaea, sue per lb: souths. 81.1023 00 per due; plgooas. 82.00 " " Meae. Wool sad Hides. ' .' B0P Contracts, 1808 crop, 10 per Ibi, 1808 ureirnn, li-aiM. WOOL ions clip Tslter; omi-s tn medlonl, ' 22c: flns. 24c: eaatera Oregoa, SOflSle. MOHAIR New. nomlnaL BHEKPHK1NB Shearing. 18.20e escb short . weal, ZBQenc; msoiam wool, eusjioe sseai I... M no .a TALLQW PrTmei per lb, 8H4c; No. I Ssd Sreaee. 2(t214e. . - " -' - CHITTIM BARS 106 stock. It4t per lb; lime, laitt per 10, HIDES Dry. No. 1, 18 lbs Snd ap' 10HO IT He per lb; dry kip, No. 1, S to 16 iha. 14c: . dry calf. No. 1. under lbs, 18c: seltsd kldaa. ' ateera, sound. SO lbs ssd over, lOOllc; sows, 6 Vi stsgs snd bulls, sound, 67c; kip, .16 te So lbs. Pc; calf, sound, aader '16 lbs, lies 1, unsaiteo, is lees; cuna, is per to mob; hldeer-eelteeV earn, Sl.a4t.T6t dvyresr, - l 0a 1.601- ealt kldeot -SASlftOei pnat ;sklna, common, sack, lOQloo; Augora, each, SjcfJ $1.80. traits ssd Tegetsblss. POTATOES New, Sucre price for c ONIONS Jobbmi 81 2S1.M per sac silvers. 61.60; garlls, Sbsep Sbesrllnga,- 4434HC! lambs, Be. - e r-. .a 1 ,.,m CATTLE AND SHEEP WEAK. OTlMUAfO Mafke4 sTot So Tirmi'n Chicago, July 24. Livestock receipfa: -. t noes, t attle. Sheep. ....... 12.0OO 4.000 ' IS 000 ........ lumai 14.000 ..... sono S AnA nose are areen teft ever. Reeci lodsy'aar ranged between 84. 10 and 0 Sheep Wesk. Red Top . Sandatorm ... SllverPk-k . .. St. Ives National Rank O. Bnll Proa. Stetnwsy .... Con. Cal-Vs.. Opblf 1.10 ,4H .22 MS .40 .18 ,8S .641 646 Mexlcaa ., Caledonia Exchequer ...... Bid. .72 .82 .48 .01 Oold Crown .... .is Oreat Bead .... .85 Hescus 17 Blsck Butte Ex. .08 Trsmp 1.00 rrniMB m.i . Moatgomery Mt. .88 Suaeet 88 Sceptre ......... .20 uannattaa .OA Sarlor-Humrjrer. .16 utitw .... Granny ... Oold Wedge Lone Star ..... Ot. Bend Ex.... Ot. Bend Annex, crescent Cowbor Ienver Annex... Bulls A Beers, , , Blsck Rock N. X. Cooeol .. Man. On....... Utile Joa Mayflower ,,...L Jumping Jack.. a, Hea Top Annex.. nearang. Bnll Pros Mia... Daley .18 .08 .08 .00 .OS JO- .OT .12 jM .08 .86 .72 .4 ,2 .21 MJ- .12 .84 .41 ia riAjrcisco local stocks. Chicago Kanaaa City. vtnana Saa mnclseov July S4. Official doss; OfiO I Contra Cnete Water..... M4 68 anno Sortiui Vallev Water vitI si itesdv to a shade higher with S.wiojoiant Powder.,-,r.n,v.'!. ...... to . 81 "! b 7r aim ware 14.000, 1 nswaiisa lomatsrcisj. ST . Hoankea sugar...... is Huichlnsoa Sugar .. Makawoll Sngar.. $tk Onomee Sneer.. 81 Union Sngar , 46 A leaks Packare' , ,r. , set -Pacific States Teleriuofie. ssvi - ORXwOR- HOP COsTTSACTS. 14? 88, f Soerlsl Dlaaetch ta The Si,..i . " Salem. Julv 14 Thw. an w. . aoubt la the minds ef some ofthe bonfTewera whether the crop of lOte) will be ss large as ' HiH-iiairi ana larger rasa that ef 1. tt year. Among the horwrrowera who shore tbet eplnlna Is J. B. Cooper ef ladepesdence. He . VRTTID STATES wOTXRmXaTT lOBTa. 1 itaieg yssternay that buyers bsve offered ISH p"un tor inie year crop, put that I Ua growers who have aot ret seM would aot New, 81 .0001.28 per ssrkl pro- I Mittle R. El. ar car lot aOQ00sper twt. I gt 10 seats. bmg price New Walls Wslls, I TJ. S. Sim meat sack; bew Cellfornla, red. $1.60; 1 1,008 pounds st 10 eente SABS DOT lh. I Andrew W.tah... A Efnow,.A B AflA - PRKSH PRC1TS Mew snnles. 80cfl8l.8rt: I tt .10 rents. . -rsageer-- Vsrenets. Mntiasonr hens ass. I Asdrew OaalT of Maries. 6.000 nooad. . Sc per lh: temona, choice. Id 00 par box; I 10 cents. . . . . , tnA'T,.r 0iPr Vm, fMl. bi 28 r-rl Ols A. Lee of Sltvertoa, ,000 peasds at 10 " t P'Uvb p.-iw-s 1 spa. I uvjjifa.tpiij a sr-gBj tsP. Hawaiian. 44 00; swaeMrrlee, 6e lb; ehec I 0. L. Mew York, July 84. Oevarnmoot hoada: Data. BIS a.h Twos, reentered 1K8 104 1041. do cbupoa loos 04 1044 iBtwi, OTWwnq. ,.. ivxia . 4US - mon.r... ...... lOtot liM - 10a SI wiw, uwwi, . - 1 in, BDl.Il 0nnie. ......... .... !"3Ui a ittmiM. .1 oow contracts were Sled with I fonrs, regieisrsa..,,,,n.,. iwt itis the county recorder reeterdev. Thev were m.rf. I do cosDoa lSOT lug by Benjsmla Bcbsrts A Boas witk the follow-1 Tours, regletersd........... lP2rI 120V4 log pareoosi on eeunon . 1826 1201A Mattla R. Eldrldge ef Aurora. 1.000 aoeads I Platrlct of Columbia .... IIS .,' Phllinnlaa 4a IOSM "TT "oips rotes 01 surartos. " Raw Tark-LenSea Sllvwr. New Twk,Julya4, Bgf aUvorr 4et Los- etofla aVraJe ' til Torb, Jnlr aM. r-Mnf Sattsbwg ef aUvortoa, 12,000 peuads 6t 1 46 80J4 40; JO says, a6.see4UA6 sahleo. l. atBia aaAaJii a 7 LA. rlea, JU3S box; pluma, socsJIt.OO set rsts; ' U eoata. . esaV26d4o6Ala. Anaconda Mining Company....: Amalgamated Copper Company,; aicniaon. com moo v Atrklsoa, pre fin-red ..loo 094 American car St Foundry, common. 86. 844 Amerlraa Car A loandrr. nfd...7. oaaT Amerlraa Sugar, oommoa. ....... ..1U " 188 ABtevicsa Smelter, common. ...... .146M 144Taj American Smeltee. nreferred lie) Baltimore ai Ohio, com roos.. ...... .1174 lid1 Baltimore A Ohio, preferred... 02 Brooklya Rapid Transit .... Tola .... Canadlaa Pacific, common lMta , ISO Chlcoeo A Oreat Weetern. common. 17 IT Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul... .178 177 Chicago A Northwesters, cent 104 Cbeeapeeke A Ohio 6614 Colorado fuel A Iron, com. Colorado South era. common Colorado Southern, 2d preferred, Delswars A Hudson .....i Delaware, Lack. wanna A . cetera Denver A Rio Grande, common. ... Dearer A Ble Oraads. nref erred. . . Erie, common.... ..... ...... 41)4, Erie. 2tl preferred. Erie, 1st preferred 71 1 IHlnole Central .... Loulavllle A Naebvllle 14H4 uannattaa siaiiway Mexlcaa Central Railway....... Missouri Pacific Missouri, Ranssa A Texas, com, Mleoourl, Roaeaa A Texas, pfd. New York Central...., Cotton Oil American Locomotive.... Federsl Smelters.,. Nor folh-A-Weetsea, common .. ST Norfolk A Weatera. preferred North American,. .... New York. Ontario A Weetera.... 48 Peansylvsnls Hallway ...1274 People's Gas, Ught A Coke Co. Parlflc Mall Steamship Company. . .... Beading, oommon. ...128 Reading, 2d preferred Reeding, lot preferred Republic Iras A Steel, common. .. 2ft ta Republic I roe Steel, preferred.. 8 , Rock I. land, common 24 ox 484 40 20 1 -S3' 80 a SOCIETY LEADERS Scotland Yard Plans to Use So cial Leaders to Catch Titled . Jewelry Thieves. ; AMERICAN IS WRITING T , HISTORY OF CROMWELL Samuel Harden Church of Pittaburg . Collecting Material for Work on Great Puritan Beaumont Accepts a Peerage... x " ... By Paul LAmbsth. ' (Journal Sneelal Bnv.1 ' London. Jul 24 Ev arvnna want, la now- woo in titierj thieves are. who hare been carrying; off Jewelry from wedding receptions and small ohtacta af an iron nouses wnere balls bars been Slven. ror tba paat six weeks hostesses nave Men complalnlns to Bcotland Tard, Tha detectives are prsctloallr .pertain that It Is a married couple movrns in ths hlshest circles, but they decline; to breaths their names at present. Commlsslonsr Henry, tha bead ef ths polios, is seriously considering obtaining' too services or cievar young aoolety men to aot ss "Sherlock Holmes." Ha ad mits that his own detectlvea who stand scout st wedding rsoeptlons srs so obvi ously detectives that any thief would know them. In no previous season has there boon such s number of barefaoed thefts st private functions. At ths Duchess ot Devonshire's ball there were theae uncomfortable looklna- detactlves in very light evening dreas suits. Ths sis of their hands snd feet wss quits enough to make them "marked men." ; X later- f OrouaweB. ' Samuel Harden Church of Pittsburg. who arrived at ths Carlton hotel this week after spending a week t Bklbo caatle with Andrew Carnegie, Is engaged In collecting material for a bow work on Oliver Cromwell; " Mr. Church's history of ths great pro factor, published 12 ' years ago, is re. garded as a standard work even among English historians. a04nysS arwasaoTe.' Hubert Beaumont, M. P., who married the eldest daughter of H P. Grace of Battle abbey, and formerly of Kew York, Is extremely annoyed about ths "last birthday honors list His father, Wont worth Beaumont, who Is over 10 years of age, has twins in his long and active business snd political career refused a peerage, and now.- has accepted one, al though bis radical feelings srs aa strong as ever. ' Hubert Beaumont, ens of ths most radical of radicals, was very proud of his father's stubborn resistance) to ths temptation of titles, and be is sorely disappointed. It la not. however, tbs fault of ths old gentlemsn. who has been worked upon by his eldest son, went. worth Beaumont Jr., whose) wife, Lsvdy Aline, a sister of ths Marquis of .Lon donderry, was very anxious for her hus band to become a peer. . The radical Hu bert now becomes, much against his will, the Honorable Hubert." Tha new peer la aaJd to bs the fourth wealthiest man in ths kingdom. c Merchants Investment C& Trust i' Company ;. 247 WASHINGTON STREET v . . Capital $150,000.00 ; V. Soutbera Railway, oommon Sou t h era Parlflc Boutnsra raeioe, prBierrwa. ........ .... Texas A Pacific. SI Tennessee Coal A Iron 161 . Toledo, St. Loots A Weatera, com. .... Toledo. St. Lou I. a Western, pfd.. 44 Union Pacific, common 14744, t'nlon PaciSc, preferred "... .... United States Rubber, common.... .... United States Rubber, preferred, t nlted Btstes Steel Co., com... t'nlted States Steel Co., pfd...... Wneellus m Lake Erie, common.. Wheeling A Lake Erie, 2d pfd Wheeling A Laka ErleOat. Bid., Wlsconela Central, eorn .... Wtsroaeln Ceotrel. preferred Weatera Union Telegraph.. Wabash, common IB Waba.n, preferred, .....,.,, ens Americas Woolens........ .... North era Peelnc 208 ; ORTLAVO BARS STATEMENT. rornssoccEEDii sr.msHiJ6 Tftosr , 881 .108 Small Cities of Germany Com bine to Resist Effort to Monop ' " olize Power Plants, y OCTOPUS ATTEMPTED TO CONTROL WESTPHALIA 02V Clearings CROP HAT RE ATERAOE. Small Concerna Refuse Offer of Cheaper Services Because of Their rear! at TlTeicrvcly - rcimmiinlrl.B Refuse Dealings With It f Sneelal Manatch to Toe JoaraaLl Pendleton. aJlr 24. The wheat harvest hf I rmatllla county will be a good svsrsgs, la aoantlty la spits er us aamags none ay i the esceestve heat ot ths psst few wosks. This I spiisreaitly contradictory ststemsnt bss Ats origin la tba fact that prior to the bot weather the prospect for wheet wss swsy shove the oversea. Had ao tbs beat curtailed ths yield h. h.reeet wmild nrnhohlv hsvs bcokea the I record, or st leaat reoraeo tns rsmooa numperj rme of 1807. The ratio ef lose runs all tbs"j way from S per cent te 80 per cent. being cat by combines in su us control ana district in Germany. there parts of the eonatr bow ana oy w i ., hl (Journal Bpsclsl Servlcs.) Berlin, July 14. A great German trust which sought to acquire control over ths electricity supply of an entire prov ince has been defeated In its objeot by A combination of towns which have fought ths powerful "octopus" under the banner of municipal ownership. - The acena of tha battle waa at Rheln- Wheot lo f h Weatphalla, tbs greatest Industrial A great colliery- ll J www VJ W- I , . .... morrow probably every machlae la ths eeenty owning concwm, i wiwhowm. will be in commlasloa. , - I llery union, began tbs campaign by ab sorbing the Aacnen uiftst r urnace union Raw Torb Cosh Coffee. I snd ths Bchalke Coal A Iron union. Ths Now Tork. July 24 ' coffee: Ro. T I combination then employed 84,000 men Rio, SVe; No. 4 Bsatos, & . ' and produced annually 7,000.000 tons of coal and 700,000 tons of pig iron. Then a wholesals - eoal-dlstiibutlng concern Joined the trust, which now resembles eomblns on ths American model, RCaauf aoSorers right ZV, Ths next ' step was to acquire ths Rhelnlsh Westphalia electric lighting company, which supplied twelve towns, snd to raise Its cspltsl to 826.000.0011. Ths Important manufacturing town of Dortmund was then attacked, with the object of acquiring ths electricity supply. Ths street csr companies were bought out and ths big deal looked like being auccessfully accomplished, when the Dortmund manufacturers cams to tbs conclusion that the trust, although It offered A cheaper supply of electricity. was sn snemy to their, intereatev as a WOMAN SMASHES BU6GYAND WHIPS OWNER . i i ' S. Jentry Alleges Mrs. Rose Stevens Took Neckyoke to , Him During Row. (Bpsrial Wa patch te The Journal.) Brownsville. Or July 14. That Mrs. r, . , .... n H mAAA 1 ,, 1 ,a InliiF. h. belsborlng hlra with a neckyoke after I monopoly muet always be with regard having chopped his buggy to pieces with 'n,a11 ecmoorns. ' A an ax. la the alleratlon of H. Jentrv. who I Dortmund therefors declined to trade has hsd his good neighbor arrested for M""! "a trust, snd Hs gen. a neighbor. sssault. Mra. Stevens is slao alleged mi town, ioresiaiiea tne truat oy start to have brandished a gun in ths fscs of ln a municipal power supply of Its own. Mr. Jentnr.- When srrestsd and taken before the Justice of ths peace Mrs. Stevens was released upon her. own recognisance un til next Saturday, af which time her preliminary hearing Is to bs held. Oltles Buy ths lropetle, - Ths trust then turned Its sttentlon to Bsth and Oerreaheitn, suburbs of Dus aeldorf. but that city acquired ths eleo trlclty works st thoee places. Ths Anal blow st ths trust has been given by Dortmund combining with all And doodles of - money, Hill A wsy esn be made, If n had tha wtlLJ the--nelghborlng-towne to greet a great uaw -ana -iByr power center ror the supply of elec tricity to ths entire district. Ths tri umph of municipal ownership is com plete snd ths Rhelnlsh Wsstphaltan towns will bs supplied with, municipal BASBBAU fLATTTRR BAcansi ASTO TOOT 3. RTruaer. s.-chamnlon lor. w-dl 'ctrtrtt.r . rl-. !u"- ths lance foot rarer of Germeny snd Hoi. ' w, " witnout 1M dlaadvan laeid wrltaa. Oct. IT. IStll- "Durlng my training of sight weeks fool rscse at Salt Lake City, In April la at, I uaed Ballard a Bnow Liniment to y (real..! . iwi.vhwii. , nvrviore, highly recommend Snow Liniment to wno are irouuim wnn aprame, tapes of being in ths power' of a bugs monopoly. - rowmsvtUe . Aocddeaes. (Special Dlspstrh to The Jours el) anralna I m"n.un vi suiy ii-iwo se kenla Ar rheuma t lam" 84o. Ino mwkA I CldentS hSVS OSCUred neAP her A dlirlnw ILOO. Sold by Woodard, Claras ox Co. I the past wssk. ' J. B. Cos, rwndexsd any. U SCARCELY more than one third of the money of the, United States Is deposited in banks.: Where is that enormous two thirds? Are you one of the many who are risking their accumula tions by hiding your savings in tin cans, old stockings on burying - them -in the ground, while the Merchants Investment & Trust Company will not only care for: them but pay you interest while doing so? ' ' , ; - . .; We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits, current rates on savings "ac - counts, take deposits sub ject to check and -do a general banking business. . . ; . Those living anywhere in the north'- , west can have the advantages of a strong -banking institution at their very doors by using the mails. . a,:. We act as trustee in the transfer, hold ing and care of estates'; in the issue of. municipal or corporate bonds; purchase and sell substantial bond issues ; lend money, etc. t :'; Call or write for our free pamphlet setting forth the scope of our operations. J. FRANK WATSON. . ... .President . R. L. DURHAM...;. ...Vice-President WrH. FEAR . t . v. . . ; . Secretary S. C. CATCHINGS. . . ...... .Asst. Sec (Stmt (jrxnnponu 247 Wasm. St. Portland Ore. ii LW Capital, stock a tso.oco.S 349 and 351 Oak St. Phone Main 2596. " 348 and 350 Snkeny The Largest Store, With the Smallest Prices Follow the crowd to FELLOWS', where you will find the best of everything in the line of Meats and Groceries at prices you can afford to pay. Don't forget the location of the big new store, on Oak, between Seventh and Park streets, 2 blocks north, of Wash ington street. Remember this is the only place in the city where you can save car fare to any part of the city by buying a roll of best Creamery Butter. ' N011 THE PRICES: Best fancy Creamery Butter per rotl hOc 1 can Eagle Milk.......... 15a 1 can Star Cream, 10c size.. ,5 Scotch Oats, per package... 10s Best Eastern Rolled Oats. 7 lbs..... . ................25s 8-lb. box Crackers ......... 50 3-lb. package Crackers ..... 20 1 3-lb. can assorted Soup . . '.10a 1 square new Honey..... ..15s IM mm BANK AND OFFICE RAILING ; . v WIRE AND IS01M FEN'CI.KG J , Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing. Poultry Netting, Etc , , . PORTLAND WIRE iURON WORKS Phone Main 2000 263 FLANDERS ST, Near Third I '..J J . .. .JJIL ....eBrwaBeswajaBS) ALLEIl'8 FOOT-EASE A tsrtala-Cura tar TWee, ot, achl frXmMfZt - DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTK. oonsoloue and hsd a thumb broken by blow from a board while st work In Mover's planing mill; snd X B. Louden had his collarbone broken- by a" fall from a load st hsjr. at TwlA SutUa, Tha csttls srs bawlirg with ever- ths Immeoaw bay crop. To ere era to-y,T I i'i h( I ewrsAl tkwt U I . ; J t I ' . ' ' A ;