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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1906)
v THE OHECOir DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVEIIIIt'O. JULY IS, " I,'. .ii SHOD JUOIfld :IT SATURDAY Cream of ths Season's Two- r-otdrwtirstnvi Big Honor. rj WATER PEARL SEEMS ' - v tdi' BE' FIRSTCHOICE Juvenile Stakes ' Will Bring Out Fleetest of the Youngsters and the Winner Will Surely Be a' Horse of Quality List of Winnings. . tJosrsal Special Service.) " i New York, July 14. -Tha l-year-eld championship la aUU an open affair, but oa next Saturday will b contested at Brighton-Beach tha old-time and ln. portent juvenile fixture known ae the Brighton Junior Biases, or aia.vwv. w the full all furlongs, an event, ahair Judea of racing form agree, that will be one ox ina neat tests uiwoia thla year. It will be remembered Sy aonby In hla 1-year-old form gavetth9 world an astonishing 'dlepla. of his apeed and capacity la tha Brighton Junior, and Ilka aa not the winner of tha renewal at .band will go on to fur ther fame and aaenred premiership -at Saratoga aa did the "king of the turf ' la hla time. - - Once again - Sydney Paget'a giant eheernut colt.. Water Pearl, and Oran. tha awlft-runntng eon of Oaaary. In tha string of tha Ormondale atable. meet up In the Brighton Junior under full atake weights. In the Great Trial of 1J0.000 Oran ran Water Pearl Into tha ground in a stretch duel, tha latter quitting absolutely, Thla manner of race run ning found a complete reveraal when the two eolte met In the aecond half of tha Double Event on tha final day at Sheepshead r Bay. . where . Water Pearl . put it on the Oaaary horae. It la now ona race apiece, and tha coming Brighton Junior should serve aa the rubber. At thla tuna tha majority of handlcappera and race players are preparad ,0 con cede theee two youngatera tha beat ao far developed thla year. For instance, ao authoritative a source aa la Trainer John W. Rodgers of tha Whitney ata bla declarea Watar Pearl to be a certain winner of the 14.0.009 Futurity- next Beptember, and that fixture la the cap .and climax "of every breedsfsl-year-old racing ambitions.- Also 1t la 'tha moat crucial tryetlng of tha young race horaea of all the-year. i . About th rararlty. T A" ba' AoraA never won. a . Fitturlty, while ha or aha generaly atanda out above the aeaaon'a crop. . On racing logical contendere for the champlonahlp ao far aa New Yorkera have "seen, but Juat at 'thla moment a pair of Rich monda appear In tha field. Many horse men coming In from tha northern circuit for tha apell at Saratoga aay "Barney" Schrether- of St. Louie, Missouri, haa tha kingpin colt of the year In- Jack Atklna. Men who have - obeerved hla form up through the Canadian circuit ay he will -surely beat - Water Pearl when' "the ".' dlatanca for Juvenllea lengthens to alx and a half and eeven furlonga. while he waa able to park substantial Imposts, auch aa 114 or 124 pound with greater facility than can Oran, who la Inclined to ba a bit whispy. . Then Schretber hlmaelf aaya Horace B., ' who did ao well In California for him laat winter, la Juat aa fast and game aa Jack Atklna Schreiber. it will be remembered, aold Horace K. to the Rain- fl-VTla , OH", fr 116,01)0 twn months ago. "Bud" May, developer of j High Ball, tha laat American Derby winner, la handling Horace and with the Futurity-In mind,' the California eolt Is getting an aaay aumnter up among tha sulphur aprlnga and criap mountain air at Saratoga. . '.. ; Wfcece Jbrnota. So, all In all, tha first honora among American 1-year-olda of thla year aerm to reat with Water Pearl. Oran. Horace E. and Jack Atkins. The Brighton Ju- . Trior wilt settle-4h-4tttetloa of euperlor- Ity : between Water 'Pearl and Oran. Than the winner muat hook up with tha better of tha other two. ; la addition to Llama, be Warned! PrfV - tect the Little Ones! ' AMAJ Don'l be frlgtitened but be warned I Every Mother knows, or should know that the ter- rftle MortaBty among children ia caused , by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colla, Soar Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer - Complaint, Measles. Rashes. Scarlet ; Fever even Mumps have their first muse In constipation. . The Delicate Tissues of a Baby's , Bowels will not stand rough treatment Salts are too violent, and Castor Oil will . only freaae the passages, but will not , make and keep them Clean, Healthy and szsnsi ,vm.v -- r- There ts no ether medicine u Safe for - child as Cascsrets,- the fragrant little ; C" Tablet, that has saved theuaands - 'i cf families front unhapplneaa. ; . The Nurslnf Mother should ahvays keep her MDk Mildly Purgative by taking Caacaret at night before going te bed. No other medicine has this remarkable mod valuable quality. . Mama takes the Caacaret, Baby gets the Benefit. Casoerets act like strengthening Exer cise en the -weak little bowels of the growing baby and make them able te ' (et ail the Nourishment out of Baby's ' Natural Food, s '.. . ' ' '.". - ; Larger children cannot always be watched, and will eat unreasonably. The Ready Remedy should ever be at hand Cescarets te take care of the trouble when It comes. - No need to Force or Bribe children to take Csacsrets. They are always rnr2 than reaajr to eat the sweet little - bit of Candy. . e - e ; ' Home Is not complete without the ever ready Box of Ceeoarets. Ten cents buys small one, si the Corner Drug Store. ... Be,' very careful to get the genuine, -made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never eeld la bulk. Every fcUet Stamped "CCC1 a7a tt n Wittr Peart and Oran. euoh clever youngetere as Peumenog, - Golf Ball. Peter Pan. Ballot, Superman. Yankaa Gun and Charlaa Edward are In tha lieta. Horace E. and Jack Atklna will not ahow with tha colore op unttl tba nerdey of tha Baratocm season. For my part, Water Pearl la tha wlnnar right now. A aoft track woulKbeat him. for, Ilka all tha aona of Watercress, ha muat haar hla hoofe pattering oa a dry, hard cushion before ha can extend hla atrlda. in matter of fact, about tha beat una on the calll found" la tha relative poaltlon ha or aha occupiee in tba earnings Hot. If this ba tha gauge, thaa Watar Pearl la tha absolute champion. Thla colt haa earned for hla atable Just 144,440 ao far, which make him the largest winning horae of any ace or aez on- the' A mar loan turf in. 1404. He will probably reach tha 1100,000 mark before tha anow flakea tali In tha lata autumn. New York la wild over Water Pearl. ' Unlike moat of the Watercrese family, he la not a bay aor a brown but a flashing cheat- nut Of magnificent body part and leon Ins' head and neck. He la ao big, one might paaa him for a l-yeer-old. 'He la a real -picture horae." for a pleaalns eight he makea on parade to tha poet with thousands and thouaanda or. ad' m Intra handelapplng and applauding tha tJlanf Hera la the table below la aeea at a fiance Juat what tha. moat promlaeat 1-year-olda of the season have been doing up to data: ' Taale of aUraing. Amount Name. -let. Id. ' ''" a a Id. , Won. w u part 144.440 17.BH 11.824 - IS.ttf . 1.711 k H.444 Court Drees....... Chss. Edward ...... 1 Superman ........ 1 . Red River. v....... I S.144 T.7K4 T.69S 1141 4.764 , 4.424 4.114 ; in: C,I2S ". 4.475 I.M0 Clara Russell...., 4 -Gretna Green.,.,, t Peter Paa. Kthon 4 Hyperbola ....... I 1 1 ! Frank Lord...... -4 Pe Mund. ......... I Misgivings , I ' Okenita .......... t Acrobat .......... I YESTERDAY'S SUMMARY . AT BRIGHTON BEACH .. - (Joaraal Special Sfrrfce.) New York, July tfr Brighton Beach aummary: ..." ' Selling, mile and ona alxteenth Earl Rogera won, .Delmora 'aecond, Sonoma Belle third: time, 1:47 t-tr' SteeplechaBe, about 1 hi mtlea Pure Pepper won, Oro aecond, Metamora third; time. 1:20' 1-4. . Six furlonga Handaarra ' won. " Far Weat aecond, Dolly Spanker third; time, 1:11. Tha Undergraduate, atakea. aelllng. five and one half furlonga Monfort won."-"Jf. '"C Core aecond," Judge Poat third 7 time, 1:07. Tours flnlnhed flrat, but waa d I equal I fled for fouling. Mile Flaxman won. Corn Bloaaom aecond, Bryan third; tlma, 1:40 1-6. : Five and ona half furlonga Belle-of Iroquoia won, Yorklat aecond, Lady Vin cent third; time. 1:0 1-4. RACING SUMMARY AT SEATTLE MEADOWS (RneHal IMmetch te Ttie Jraraal.t Seattle,. July 24. Racea . at tha Meadowa: . ... Four and one " half ' furlohga Pell groao won. Rouaa aecond, Mre. Mat thews third, i j , Four : furlongs tucy-Crwon,-Nancy W. aecond, Paeodella third; time, :41H Six furlonga Interlude won, Katie Crewa second. Waterspout third; time, 1:14. Six furlonga Seaalrk won. Golden Buck second, Linda Rosa third; time. 1:1IV. i Mile Luclan won. Jack full aecond. Joyner third; time, 1:40, Mile Colonel - .Jewell , won. Roaario aecond, Charlaa : Green third; time. 1140 H. 8lx . furlongs Royal ; Rogue won. Peggy O'Neal aecond, The Mighty third; nme, - AMERICAN LEAGUE. a Phlladelphia Cleveland . New York . Detroit , . Chicago . , BU-jjouia Washington uoston At PaUadelphia. First run Chicago.. ................. Batterlea Owen and Coombs and Powers. Second game R. H. E. Olilcagu irtr ... w.i-iii...,.e i a Pblladelphla I 11 0 Batteries Altrock and Sullivan; Dy I gert. Bender and Schreck, , - , . . . ' At WaahlaglM. . .. ft. H. K. Washington... ...,. ! I 0 St. Louie .......7.1 10 1 Batterlea Falkenbere and Heyden: roweu ana j Connor. , At Boston., ' , . R.H. Boston . .................... .1 T 0 ...I 7 Cleveland . . 1 1 I Batteries Dlneen and Armbruster: Townsend and Klttredge. . , At Wew Torn. ' '. . ;r.h. k. Detroit........ ......I I 0 New Tork . , 4 1 11 1 Batteries Klllaln and Warner: Hon and McOulre. . , NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. ..,.,, 66 . 64 ' Lost . IT i -24 10 ,44 t 41 60 II ' IT V PC. .484 :451 .616 .481 .441 .IS .161 .117 Chicago . . Plttaburg , New Tork . Philadelphia Cincinnati , Brooklyn , , 8L Loula . ....61 41 II ......... ,....14 Ml Boston . At St. Xjoalar R.H. E. .11 a St. Louie Boston .14 1 Batteries Eran and Orady: Bamea and O'NalL Umpire Johnstone. At Ohleage.-. R.H. E. I I 1 4 11 a Chicago . , Brooklyn Matteriea overall and Kilns;; Mela tyre end Hitter. Umpire Klein. At PltUbnrg. 'Z ' R. H. H Plttaburg . . , 1 a 0 New York .V. 1 t I Batterlea Llefle'd and Phelps: Wlltse and Breanahan-t Umpire a Kmalle and O'Day. ,-.. ; - PACIFIC COAST- LEAGUE. . . "'-'.'''. Won. Lost PC. Portland'. . ..........62 . 28 .660 Ban Francisco . It 10 .6.16 Los Angeles 41 - 17 .644 fteettle . . 16 46 .417 Oakland ...It 61 .181 Freano. 14 II .181 Bioeklyaa Wla Aaotber. " '-?'; ' The Brooklyne defeated Oregon City on Sunday by tha score of to I. Thla victory makea tea straight for tha Brooklyne. 1 . v ... . i - . Won,-' Lost.'- PC ....... .. . II .606 , ,.......;47 II .66 47 II .684 ..."....,...44 17 - .141 ...........46 ' .642 40 41 ' ll 1060 ;.I7S Zl . 41 .141 G . R.H. E. ...4 7 1 Sullivan: d Tc::::.'.:.:fiT in at caa field Oregon State Affair Began This Morning Under the Bright fiat-Ai : Play began thla morning la tha Ore gon state tennia tournament on the Multnomah club'g courts. lay began on three courts at 10 o'clock and on eourt No. four at 11 o'clock. There ia considerable tntereat being taken in the tournament and there ia no doubt that tha beat tannla playera ia tha etate will compete. The schedule for today ia ae followa: i r t , . - Court 1 10 a. ra., Andrewe va Saw yer; Jl a. m., Leadbetter vs. Agar; t p. ra., Miss Josephl vs. Mrs. Baldwin;,! p. m., Rohr and Benham vs. Turner and J Wirkeraham, Court 110 a, m., Mlaa Heltahu and Mlsa Joaephl va. Mre. Baldwin and Mlaa Robertaont 11 a. m Ia Wtckereham va. B. Wick era ham; 1 p. - Benham va. Shlves; 1:10 p. m.. Turner va. MeAlpIn; 6 p. m. Cook va Wilder. Court I 10 a. m.. Miss Leadbetter vs. Miss Weldler; 11 a. nu. Letter va Plum- mer; I p. m., Tyler va. Webb; p. m.. Mra. Judge va.' Mlaa Robertson; Ip, n. wilder vs. veneaa, . -Court 4 Mlaa Frohman va... Mlaa Smith; 11 a. in., Ladd va Fen ton; 4 p. m Dole .vs. Roaanfald; p. m... Bellinger va ABoeraon. . Court 61 p. m., Oose va. Knight . Mra. W. K. Scott , of Irvlngtoa la boateaa toaay. . . , . VILLAS ' ARE TOO STR0 FOR THE PQS BOYS In Their Last Came the Monta villa Lads Score Up Fif teen Runs. Tha VlUaa of Montavilla defeated tha faat Plnea of East Portland, Sunday, by tha score of II to I. 'The features of tha game - waa the - batting - and fielding ot the Villas and the pitching of Davis, who held the Plnea down te aavaa hits. Tha score: . . VILLAS. t ' ". - AB. R. H.-A.'l& Stevens, ir. ............ a lie Larson, ct ..w..-4'l 1 4 Bloan aa , ..itm r 4 t - Wlebuach. 2b. 6 14 I Anaball, rt 4110 Borde. b. 4,1 1"1 Freney, lb I I ;i 0 -larahall. e. ............. 4 1 1 . I lavis, p. Totals ". , ........... .11 11 U II . 4 PINES. .' v, j -' : AB. R. H. A. Hoffman. If. .4 0 1 Mundell. cU ' ........... 4 Jaggera, as. . . I Vandas. lb. i Gumra, rf. .. ............ I iroiey, io. .............. a McKlnley, lb. , .4 Burns, c. 4 Alexander. P. .......... 4 Croibya p. 1 Totala":..'.'.!."....;.!! I 1 11 .-y-fc.-r-i, SCOnE BT' INKINQ8.:. Vlllae rrniri 1 0 4 0 1 1 11 Plnee 0 0 4 f 1 . SUMMARY. Struck Out By Davie. I; by Alexan aer, e. . xaaee oa wuir vu I'm i, m. off Alexander. 1. ' Two-base hits Wle- busch, Anaball, toley. Three-bass hit Davis. Double plays McKlnley to Burns: Wlebusch to Slosn to Freney. Time of gams Two hours and 11 min utes, umpire A nan. , tYOUNGrB eaver sdown NORTH PORTiAND STARS The Young Beavere played the North Portland Btara on Sunday and beat them II te II. The lineup: Beavers. : - Position. . . Stare, T. Holmes....... ..e............ Bitter Peteraon .......... p. .....H. Concannoa C. Lodell lb Laird Wallgren ........ .lb. ...'.B. Concannoa AJLodelL .lb. BrakemenH Xfe ijynu. ................. ,.. .as. Kay A. Holmea... rf McOulre H.,.....H. Jorgeson r. Nelson.... If.....;...... Blake Umpire Billy ,8ltafer. GIANTS AND SMASHES - -WILLBATTtEJODAVi: The Seattle ball team arrived in Port land laat evening, feeling rather glum over the severe treatment accorded then) by the Olante during the peat two weeks, and whenever they thought - of thla week's serlss that would begin to day each Slwash hnd another fit. Ruaa Hail cannot understand why - hie team la not ao good aa Portland's. Today Vlckera la scheduled to open up for the visitors and Henderaon will be en deck for the locale. The Olanta are in good trim for the aeries and the same old story la expected.- JOE GANS WINS AWARD OVER DAVE HOLLY ' ' (Raevlal Dlepatet te The Joaraal.) Seattle. July 4 la a alow uninterest ing clinching contest ; laat evening at Pleasant Beach Joe oana waa awarded the declaton over Dave Holly at tha cloae of the twentieth round. Oana waa the aggreaaer throughout and Referee Morriaon- promptly awarded him the ver dict. Holly waa not match for the clever Baltimore lad, reaortlng to a clinch at very opportunity. The crowd was not very entbuslastle over the fight. - Sellwood Wine Doable Ylotoryb ' Sell wood . played North Portland l-l game en Sunday morning and tha West Ends a 6-1 game in the afternoon. The feeeuree of the gamea were Craig's pitching and. live double- play a by .Du. vail, Locke and Craig. The Sellwoode are still open to any team in the city or suburbs. Teams wishing gamea ahould notify Captain Locke after 7 p. m. Telephone East 1001. ' neMseYourDIbaeal!) The true way to cure all Blood Disease Baaeett'a Native Herbs drive out pois- t 1 tm glimialla. Siaaaaih, ftewat, aieWy an Liver f f J I kwtM P1MI7 VaanaMr hs I I 1 e. Maaaatl ilDnahra fl V f 11. m ti wi im raas r I ' Ml. """ JT I Ssaaina Wewve llerseCa. 4. V. le BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. - winmi :'" ' iwww- f 3 ! uadebto rauxMM btjsob or tmm vaoztzo stohtmwsst. KUvLrle Ucht. I tram. Hot sad Cold Bait Watr Is Every Tab. Bay iWota te Breekwi, Pacioe Covaty, Waaa. Paetofflce addraaa, Breekera, Waaa. . . - rrsTrzizirxiraczrrrrrr:' . :zzi "" IFo Portland 1 - PORTLAND, OREGON. ;;" ' KUROPl AN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL . . , TRAVELERS. ., ' ' Everything te eat and drink, and it coata no more in the Portland Hc4et Ratbakener ' than elsswhers In the city. Every weekday night from S:S0 te It . X. a BOWISS, Btaaage. Hotel Eaton COS. XOkXISOX AX79 WIS lABZ SIS. NEW RaadaosMly faraiabtd, alecaatly eeelspad, fir .proof, Bve sHrataa' walk traai kaari t akspplna aad bwlaaaa SUtrlet. all lars. airy, eetalde room. . eteam kaatrd, electric llchta, t.pbooc la each apertatent, ate. Larae efsne, loaDalng, aaMklns, wrltlua, ladlra' reception Prlor.1, Room laniii by safl o lb. rriwito esuilfeas auats traias sad steaeiare. Room $l.OO to $5.00 a Day Syirlal Bataa te Oeaimareial Mea. MXS. HAS IATOV, (Vorawrly ef Hotel Wdpata, Spafcaae.) FOR TEDDY Stand Pat Potjcy Decided Upon by Republicans for Com ing Campaign PRESIDENT APPROVES " COMMITTEE'S PROGRAM 'ait, Shaw, Cannon, Fairbanks, Bev eridge and Other Big Guns to Take to the Stump in Behalf of Pro tected Trusts. " 1 (Journal Special aerriea.) ' . Oyster Bay, July 14, A "stand-nat" policy on the tariff as the cam Da lan plan of the Republican daring the com ing fongreaaloaal -elections was-declded upon at yesterday'a conference between President Roosevelt and members of the congressional campaign committee. - Secretary Loeb makea the followlna statement: v "The plana ef the oonsreseional cam paign wera gone over generally, and the preaiaent expressed: himself as being in enure acoora wnn trs Iflfftl ifff the 9Bm mlttee." Bpeaxer cannon said: 7 waa a ruaet or tne president, and aa auch it would hardly be seemly for me te discuss what took place. I ahould like to aay that the conference waa eminently satisfactory and the eongreaslonal campaign, situa tion not bad." The headquarters of the eommlttee win be open m New Tork in the St. James building Wednesday. Speakera so far ' selected for, the - heavy work In clude Secretary Taft, Secretary Shaw. Speaker Cannon, Senator Bevertdg and aeveral ether senators, aa well as prac tically the entire Republican member- ahlp ef the house of repressntatlvss. ; The Republican text-book, which Is te be issued within, two or three weeks. will be-a "stand-pat" document from be ginning to end, and - this will bo the tenor of Republican speeches In Masaa ehusetts, Iowa. Wisconsin and other re form eeetlona ef the cwentry. Ooanpanlee Incorporate. . '(Special Dispatch te The JomaLl - Salem, Or., July 14. Articles of in corporation have been filed with the secretary of stats aa followa: Oregon College of Optometry: Incorporators, B. J. Mills. Stella, M. Mills and J. N. Fearer. The college is to be maintained in Portland and the capital stock is 1600. Umatilla Ditch company; incor porators, W. P. Oroesbeck, B. J. Wall and J. T. Hlnkle; main office Pendleton capital stock 1100,000. Evangelical Lutheran Zlon congregation of corvallls John Oertmsker, Adolph Leder and John Oooa, trustees. The organisation will provide a church building In Corvallls. trike Declared Off.. v. New Tork, July 14. The strike of the Housesmlths' and Structural Iron workers union, which was Inaugurated seven months age against ths American Bridge company and the firm ef Post V MoCord, waa declared off at a mass meeting of the union held last night The tnen returned to work today. nTDIOZITZOBT With Ita companions,. heartburn, flatu lence,-torpidity-r me liver, 'oonsttpa. tlon, palpitation of the heart, poor blood, headache and other nervous symptoms. sallow skin, foul tongus, offensive breath and a legion of other ailments, is at once the most wldeapread and de structive maiaoy among toe American people. The Herblne reatment will cure all theee troubles, soo bottle.., Bold Dy wooaira, Clarke A Co. c 3 flu TARIFF REFORM idaaa"-gwko ; ; Jteal 04 Cloud Cap hi n Oregon's famous , mountain reaort at . . ,.' anow Una : on Mount Hood Away from the beat of the city. The moat delightful ' resting place in the northwaat. - Full - Information at the TICKET OFFICE, Third & '- Washington Sts. - omiu Chlsop Besdi, Seaslic, Crc;oa curl sovn of ouooi.' Directly on the beach, overlooking the ocean. Hot aalt baths and aurf bath ing. Recreatlonrler for fishing; Sun parlors, electrlo llghte, fireplace ' and furnaoe beat Fine walks and drivea. Bea foods a apeclalty. Rates $150 and SJ.C8 Per Day FBOIAX BATM BT TMM WIIX. - DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. " SEASIDE HOUSE SEASIDE. OREGON 'T.'t. SAOOITT, Haaaser. Saaaide, Oa, Cador saw owaafcmaat, raMdnled aad sewly rarnlsbed. elMtrle llsbta. Vraah aj4 aalt watw batblDS. boatlns. riablss. rteok milk sad eraaa rroia oar owa oiiry. rreea veaetaDiee rrom ear ewa sardea. Batea: 4160 to SS-60 per day. Special ratea by tba weak or BMBtfe. nee sea. PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS lira. bABAK CKaKSXALAIa, laag Beaea, Wa, Good Meals Home Cooking Painless Dentistry At very low prices. We are making special prices for the nsxt II days for tba finest of dental work. Call at once and aave money. We do exactly aa we advertlsa. Oa pHee to au. 80LID GOLD CROWI4 . . .... . ,- GOLD BRIDGE! WORK.. . . A... S4.0O .B3.00 .1)5.00 FULL PLATB Over Ooffman'a, Slhls Wr', Ft 0. H. 8 1 PREPARES TO BUILD NEV SHOPS Largs Sum to Bo Expended at - La Grande Roadbed ' - Improved. perlal Dispatch te Tae loaraat) Pendleton, Or., July 14- This week the O. R. A N. beta a the eampalgn for large bettermenta in the roadbed. and of bridgea, and culverts along the entire mountain division front Hunting ton te Huron; also began te clear the ground for -the expenditure of 1100,000 In shops and roundhouses at La Grande, Nearly all the gravel lor tb roadbed will be taken from Ore Dell, near La Grande, where exists the fineet bed of ballast gravsl ever uncovered la -tb northwest. Two imtnenss steam shovels are on , the ground at that point and will be put te - work at enoe. All the gravel care on the system that are not at work at other points nave been taken te Ore Dell, comprising cars for five full trains. ' The greatest reliance of tha company for labor will be plaoed in Chinaman, of .whom th eompany-now haa over 100 oa the ground. - Two feet of sravel will be put upon the road bed for th entire dlstano from Huron to Huntington, and the Intention Is to complete the work aome time Is the coming fall. The larger part of It would have been completed already but ror the delay caused by the floods., aa all the available laoor wa employed ror weeks In repairing the damage wrought ' by them. .,.,-.,.-. , ... a ... - UMATILLA TEACHERS TO, GET MORE MONEY 1 ... f - (Seeeiai Ptepetek t The 7earaai.t "I ' Pendleton, Or., July 14. A majority of ttjeachool districts of .Umatilla eounty are contracting to pay higher wages the coming year than aver be fore. In nearly every instance where there baa been an advance tt fa or II per month. Outside of Pendleton there has been little noticeable growth In the school population exoept at Umatilla, where it Is probable an additional school room will be built and equipped for the eomtng term. POWER WIRES flANG DANGEROUSLY; LOW Bakef City, . Or., July - 14. Baker eounty ranohera along the line ef the Rock Creek electrlo power system are protesting vigorously about the - wires being hung so low es -to- interfere with hay derricks, p. Basohe, Nat Cooper and Rancher Myers are leading the move, ment, which haa reached th acute stag and haa already resulted la the eounty wr-rt -I aV 1- ztau S7s. (thoflrWf'' tr BlasT. Xfiouxt Issuing aa order. , te the ioeei wmn ATO VS-TIUtAT "KZtt ' If you have violated the law stsnt drain which is undermining your system, come, to us before, you . become a nervous and physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have bad deama, depressed, lack ambition and energy, un able to concentrate your thoughts, lack vim, vigor and vitality, come to us at once; our treatment will stop all drains, and overcome sll weak nesses and positively restore you to strength and health. ,We have cured thousands of weak men. V; . ; Those who have been disappointed by unskilled specialists axe earnestly requested to investigate our methods and terms without delay, which had they don in thebeginning would have aaved them time and money. - " : - .V. A LITE LONG CURE WOT. Blood Petaea, SkU niaaasse. Sorea, Tleare, Strlovare, Tartoooele, Kydse eele, Kervoaa Beollne, Weateeea, FUae ev Okjrosls Diseases et tha sUdnansj . aad TiMstasa. " Speolal Plaiasia Newly contracted and ehronlo easea eared. An burn ing, itching and inflammation atopped in 14 houra; eurea eff acted In 7 daya We oover the satire meld ef speolal aad ohrosUo, deep esaaaa, eoaa ' 'plicated dieasjBes, .-....' Writs if you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential aad . -alt replies aent In plain envelop. No names, , eaaesv lettere or. photo graphs of patients published er exposed. , We charge for cans ealy. , We do not expect pay for our eerrteee on- ' less we cur a patlant sound and well, so -that he will be entirely satis- . fled, and will never again have te be treated for the same trouble, tnveev turats aad lean that eeur word la aa rood aa our bead. One twalal ' standing ia aolla aad ems loag expert' asam lasuree yoa f aaedern, sotsntlfle 1 Hours 9 a. m. to S p. in.; Evenings, Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. t St. Louis CESaCAL ooBjm aootp in t. Ire Yon, Sceldng Hcalh ? IP SO, WE CAN HELP YOU FIND IT. - We knew - how to nring back . th lost color to the face; hew te make the flabby muscle Una - -again; how to restore tone to the ' stomach, so that one gate full nourishment out ef the food he eata; bow to put sound flesh on the emaciated bodies: how te Jiut - any man Into condition to boroughly enjoy life. . - It la very1 probable that we ear give you tble prloeless blessing of health for lees monsy than It haa coat you to let other dootere ex-r pertment upon your system with- out giving you the slightest bene - - t- . . - ' - .' - Wul yea Investigate our meth odsT It la to your interest to " do ee. -W make euree -vrr-"ar"r some' astonishing, almost . be yond belief. We treat men for all Chronic, Rood, SXIa, Nervous sndSpcclsI Diseases : Onr wide experience enablee na beet reaulta that can be obtained under the highest you nave any ann wusivver as to our aoiuiy Ot-il-A V WM HIS CURED Ten ean deposit the brie ef a euro In any bank in Portland, aald amount to bo paid ua when you are well. Or you may pay ua by week ly or monthly Installments U you prefer. Consul tat ion free. Write res. bok for men only. Mailed in plain wrapper. ITAII Medicines Free Until Cured Our home treatment la very euceeesfut curing even' complicated cases. AH business sacredly confidential. We use plain envelopes for- all our correspondence.- -. ; CONSULTATION PREB j. . The Leading Special lete ia the Northweet . t L ' Offlee hotrrs I to I and T to I. Sundays and holldaya, 10 te lx7, Dr.,W. Norton Davis & Co. Oftoee tm Test Voy atotsl, MH Third St-, Oesnev Vine, lrtlaad. Or, : Weak;Heiousv Men - - Theaaasoa e Teasg aad VUdle-Atet BTts are aanally swept te a pramatare grave tbroash early iseiacretioas aad later exesaaea, aad Oaaetttsuoaal Bloed IHaaaaea save raised- aad wrecked tbe lit ef siaay s proalahig yeang sua. Have yea aay ef tbe following ayBp tooai - Xerveae aad doapoDdaat; Tires Is Moraine; Ne ABbltkmi Moaairy Poor) Baally raUaneds Kirl tablet Syea Blur; Pimples ea the facet Beetlaae: Haggard Looklns) Blotetaea; Sore Tbroati Hair Laeaei Palaa is tae Body: Suakas Erea; UfolMa: Dtitraatful and Lack, at Xaarav aad Streaatht Our STew stotked ef TieetaMat will baud yoa af . saeetally, payaleally aad TlUlly. Oaraa Aaaraataee as ae Pay. ... OaU or Write SB. X. T. KXSOS, 61 H Tkk-d Street, Portiaad, Oragea, SHmltrmtnt) e J t i kl t-- evMMaiBiM Pore, Ssle. Sure Dr. - Sanderson's - Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills The bast - and only reliable remedy for Belayed , Pe riods. Curse ths most ob stinate easss in I to 10 daya Pries l per box, mailed In plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J. PIERCE, M. D.. llVa Third street, Portland, Oregon. ' T managers ef the Rook Creek Power com pany te appear before the court on August 1 and- ahow reasons why , th wires ahould not be ralssd. ' The eause for th precipitation ef the dlseuaaiea at thla Una la-lae deatA oc ONLY Established 25 Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE : WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE; TJNCOM-" . PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12J0 - ' FOR THE FEE. AD30LUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UN LXLS3 CURED v. Come Today to the 8UCCBSSFUL Specialists who number their PERFECT - Cures by the THOUSAND! You want a PERMANENT Cure I. We can ACCOMPLISH ZT. , - of health and are conscious of a coo- - ineaoa ia aiaaiiss spaeiaa aiaaaaaa ex lotreatmeat that wtUaeeeatpUahaeaow. 7 to 8; Sundays, 9 a. m, to 12 noon. AK3 te aasure to every sufferer th veil' meaioat ssnu. u Every I7cr.dn , abssssstad and aboold ksew I.. atwattbe wooderfU MARVEL wlkkiesg Serey Tbs sew VajtMl IjiBaa. toh. SMdarMMt. Het-S.f. est Meet Conrenlaot. s.llf liilnlli. (nwtu MABVI etlwr. Sat m lllaetraud book iiJit ft atvaf . foil parti an Ur aad dtrwtiotw ta mlaabta toUilKa. MASiVRt, ae a. sea rr,. saw VowkT A m, BAIDKOBt CO., 161 TKTsD ITaXZT, AMD WOOOAAB, OIAAAS OO. Sc:a's S::,bl-Pejs!i C.jse!:s A POSITIVE CURE Per Isflannatlea erOatorrh ef the Bleflriarend DtiaeMi 114 m. aa osaa aa tar. b aickly aa4 sormanentir the oral M ef eioeMevwawet ' ad die. Be snttor of bow Woeaard. Olarke A Oa. CUMtmtdf. Jewbrw. aavaa aiews e wtxu j Tm.ii Sskreet ef Ossebs awd Copaiba at ToAPIULIt.iJ TaaSMilM ,"' aad W.wutaftw Suaurrho... pUo. waitee, ate. Baey . ia toka, eoataeloat te earry. f tfte 0 paan in""" see. rnee si, a -Sow. a, surtls'a SSI Wt.hltutna Portlaoa. Orr""l or by taaD frota 111 .-t vK. ee Hinwa at wow Tors. Xsii Wlllett, who was electrocuted 1 week 'While trying te dlsentangl a har derrick from the power wire crossing ine roaa aiong wnicn ne 'waa driving. The aooidsnt happened on the Epplnger ' ranch. Young Wlllett lingered aeveral Vdas and died, alter great SuXXsrlngv, Dispensary sat. " .TiKrc a v dp i '' Par SaU'ky 4 1