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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
t . . , . ... , DAY CVV . ' JULY 3. lCCJ. ' y - . mmmmm" . - .?agBBE!?J?"?5ffBg1 . : wbr vs. nzus-m zmrvmm Pi-sports 4 GAflS AUD HOLLY EET T0H1GIIT drav;i::3S n.'.DE for tek:;is . loyoiiT 00E MORE GAME FOR GIANTS Commltes Works Overtime and Arranges Players for open ing Games Tomorrow. Puget Sound Sports Await This Evening's Battle With Keen , Impatlsncs. - ! ; Last. Came ot Series Taken by McCredle's . Men in Slow. i yf ' .Contest. The drewlnae-fo-the prellmtnery younde of the Oregon state tennia enam GARVIN AND VICKERS ' V ; v BATTED VERV HARD COLORED MAN IS: THE FIRST CHOICE n 11 '-N- Gana Will Make the Requisite Weight Without Any Trouble Jimmy Mor . riaori i Has Decided 'to- Referee the ' ContestHolly Hat Frienda. . (bmcmm a,i.iai. a - - , -, Seattle. July 21. Tha bait boxing oon--tM Tr pvlM-tS in-o-eas Seattle will taks place at Pleasant Beaoh this evenlng, when Joe Gana. the rear light weight champion of the world, and Pave Holly, ihape up to eetUe their little die- Tbla will be the nret time that a bona "lido champion ever performed 'In thla i section of the country, and the boye will be greeted by a packed houee.- The eporta must altp It to the managers of the Occidental club for spending- real money to brina talent here. They Im ported Dave Holly from Philadelphia to beat Rufe Turner, one of the most popu- - lar boxers that ever performed here, and .then promptly aent for. Joe Oana. the daddy of all the lightweights, to meet Holly. - Every eonteet held at Pleasant Beach - by thla club so -far has been well con ducted. Jim Morrleon has refereed all the bouts there and as the sports-tesve - unlimited confidence In Jim, the fact that he was the third man In the ring gave tone to the affairs. Joe Oana Is the olask of this match, but any one who figures that Dave Holly t,a.a. nt rhtnM ku another ruess eomlng. Dave Holly has a chance with any man In the wona or ms weignu n Is so good that be was nearly alwaye matched In the eaet against msn who had pounds the best of him tn weight, and he jumped eagerly a. the chance -of getting-eK Gene at 13 pounds. -He is one tough coon, aa hard as nails and as willing aa a bull terrier. ; . ; , 'Oana Xe CSotoe. Thoee who dope this match on the ground that If It took Holly rounds to stop Turner, he wltf not have" much chance with the champion, overlook the fact that Rufus Is one of the cleverest men In the business on defense, and that Holly did not finish him quicker than he did la no "reflection upon his till I. w ... Yesterday Oans weighed buts-,lSltt pounds, inai is nguier, io be three daya before a match tn which .a la .l.l.a - alaa I. t 13S BOUnd, He says the hot weather haa affected him and that M Baa lost weigoi inaieaa of picking It up. It goes to show, how- a- that lana nn make lat DOUndS easily, and It disposes once and for all IBS Statement ?r T mmimtin raa.uacr ' that Oana eaanot make lit pounds with- nut autlllll -aft alec ' KmiM Morrlaon will referee the match. Jimmy told the eportlng editor of the Times positively after the Holly Turner go that he was through, rand - would not referee any more matches.' Jimmy meant It, too, but clrcumatancee have arlaen since then that virtually force him Into the ring as. the third, men "for thla match. . The representatives of Holly and Oana agreed that the referee ahould be se lected from among Jimmy Morrison of Beattle, Jack Or ant of Portland and Harry Green of Spokane. Orant wired that he cannot get away from Portland; Green says it will be Impossible for him to serve, and Jimmy Morrlaon Is sick and says It B-otaiito-puHt-ttp to hire. The managers have got Jimmy to eay, however, that If another man cannot be seoured he will act. and that virtually means that It will be Jimmy , who will ralae his hand Monday night , and re a..aa "n.., l.mftii daaaa refrain .from smoking." Joe Oans-wants- Morrison: whs. Urtlltf at-kAnlds. aian( him aasl' a H-S, -lllK "management haa wanted him all along. ao It la nara to aee now urn cbh,bt them off. " m . What Sports TMak. , Thoee who figure 'that Holly haa no chance to get a decision over Oana are willing to bet that he etays a certain number of rounds. '' A number of bets have already been made that Dave will be still doing buslnesa ln the fifteenth round, and for some unexplained -rea- . son, the fifteenth round has been picked aa the dead line. Holly laughe at euch . bete ae these, for be says he eould stand Oane off all night. The champion Is one of those soft voiced, low-spoken men, who never speaks unless he Is spoken to, - and he absolutely refuses to say bow. long he thinks the contest will go.. He contents hlmaelf with the statement that he la out to win,-and wilt win as quickly aa be can. Thoee-who- stop-ttrthlnar Vtntnute can quickly realise' what this matoh means to Oans. . If bs Is defeated, his dream 7 of getting a crack at Bat Nelson la o'er. He must win In order to retain hie pres- ' tlga. On the other hand, ahould Holly -win It wilt send his stock soaring, for Oans - la ths recognised lightweight champion of the world among the beat eportlng writers of the country, the elalma of Bat Nelson to the contrary notwithstanding. Though the men will hot boa at the lightweight limit tonight,, ettlt, ehould Holly gain tha decision, hs would be reoognlsed as the conqueror of Dans, and that alone would put him In the first division of Inltt artists. SYLVANS WIN ANOTHER FROM THE BEAVERTONS Tha Sylvan nine defeated Beaverton . yesterday for' the second time by the score of 1 to II. .The lineup: ' Syl vans. BeSvtertoh. L. Hardy. ........ .p. , V, . ..... .C Wann Thomas .... . .c ' Ford Ryder ., .lb. ....... .B. Morton McConnell ....... 2b E. Morton VI. Hardyi.iirTes,jLi.t,,... Albers - Brewer i . .- a . . ;T. J". . .". Deaalnger ' Turner If... Frohoner Stockdale,.., Bolfe Smith rf ,.T. Wann Angela Shut Oat. ' r." ' (Joaraal Biwclal Brrlre. Loo .Angeleor-Vuly-The Angela " suffered a ehutout at the hands of ths Seals yesterdsy. Score: .-... .' . R. H. B. ls Angelea 0 1 Ban Francisco I 19 I . Batteries Bergman and Mangerlne; Hltt and Wilaon. Umpire Knell NEWBER6 BLUES TROUNCE GRAYS Locals Were No Match When It .... Came to Playing National -Came. r "'v -;-:" PITCHER SPRINGER HAD . . MANY FINE CURVES During Entagement Ha Had the Pleasure of Retiring Fifteen of the '. East Portland Grays on Strikea Bluea Put Up First-Class' Hatch. The Newoerg Bluee were a little bit better with the willow yesterday in their game with the Eaet . Portland Oraya and ran is men across the rubber before the game was finished. Then, too, they had Mr. Springer, he of the southpsw and big' benders. Thla Mr. Springer made a reoord for hlmaelf by Bonding. It of the Oraya to the bench and allowing elx hlta. He lost control for one Inning, however, and the Oraya Jumped onto him - for two singles, a double and a home run before they were headed off. The Bluee touched - up Brown for 11 hits, severel of them two baggers, and were assisted around the be (s by the ragged work of the Gray Infield. ' The Newberg team demon-strated-that It la a formidable an tagonist for any of the amateur teame In the state. Score by Innings: . GRAYS. , .. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Thing. lf.,'',Mr--S-l--l-e-S Smith, rf. ........... 0 ol0e Anderson,-tb.-...Tirr I" e t S t Qearln, lb 10 I 1 A Tauscher, (b. ....... elite. jojon, c . a t Morrow, ct j- I I S 1 1 S -1 S 4 0 A Brown, p .75 k-nt Gates, v.b. i 1 Totela .' ...SS t 11 11 1 '-rl- AB. R. H. PO. A. BL 0 t 0 S t 7 8 1 s i e s t a l t l o 1 S 1 1 0 0 15 1 Heater, rf. I C Parrott, lb 8 A. Parrott, lb. 4 J. Parrott, tb. ....... S F. Parrott, aa. ., I Bryan, o... ......... I Springer, p. I 1 . 0 4 t 0 Klncald.. cf. .....,.- 4 4 4 4 0 0 Hammett. If. I-I .l,l0-0 . Tetala ......41 IS 11 IT 7 i SCORE BT INNINGS. Gray 1 0 0 0 0 0 t 1-. Hlta 0 1000401 1 4 Newberg 4 0 1 S 1 I 1 .1 It Hits 01011111 11 ; ' . SUMMARY. Sfruck oulBy Brown, t; by Bprlng- .al . Li,. T VW ..' Oil DJinnH.r, a. ww-vaav mi. a ....i.b, C. Parrott I, Hammett. Home run Morrow. Baorince hit Tauscher. Stolen bases Gray a, 4: Newberg. . Hit by pitched bail Klncald. Paaaed ball Bryan. Firat baae on errore Oraya, I; Newberg. S. Wild pitches Springer, Brown. Left on basea Oraya, 12; Newberg, S. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. Umpire JUindberg of St, Paul. . SPORTING GOSSIP. Sporting Edltor-iWlll you kindly In form the local baseball publlo by what right the Hop Gold and Schiller ball tearaa'.have the nerve to call them eelvea amateuraT I notice that French, a former pitcher for the Portland Olanta, twirled for the Hop Oold'e yes terday. By giving your opinion of the matter you would. greatly-oblige a number .of amateurs. AN AMATEUR. AnswerYour . note Is one of many that has oome to this office within the last week regarding the same matter. In plain English every player - tnat participated . In yesterday's . game, at Recreation park' is a professional. There can be no getting away from It. The rulee of the American Amateur, Union are plain and atrlct In the mat ter of amateurism. The rules state that whenever .eama compete . for a aide bet or whenever' teams play on Sunday and charge an admission., br whenever amateur players play with or against sny profesalonal player, such aa . Win French, every player so in volved becomes a professional in every sense of the word. . By what light those teame call them selves amateurs is not known unless they are unacquainted with the rules that govern ' amateurs. Myers snd Houston, who belong to the Portland academy team, are aa rank profeeatonals ss Wsddell of Philadelphia or John Mo Graw of New York or Walter MeCredia ot Portland. In justice to the amateurs of thle city and etate, end in no way condemning such teams as Bchlllers, the Maroons, Hop Oolds and other so- called amateur teams, excepting when they call themselves " emstsurs when they are professionals, thle statement of facta is made. For further verifi cation It will only be neceaaary to con eult with the Portland repreaentatlve of the A. A. V. EDITOR OF SPORTS. 1 1 .' . ' V .i Ram's Horn, Winner of tha Brighton Handicap,' With Jockey Sew ell Up.' by . ten thousand - Chinese lanterns. Another feature of the promenade will be the Immense bonfire that will lend light to the scene. Its flames will Illuminate the heavens for miles and. reflect the towering unending and en during glories of old Multnomah. The musical program for the evening will be one of exceptional merit. . ,. ., . ... .v. - The Portland Olanta returned thle morning from Seattle where they spent a week during which time they beat the Slwaehes out or e games. To morrow the Giants and Slwaahes will begin a week'i engagement at Recrea tion park. . ,. 4 ' . e . e t . Among the horses now performing at Beattle are Wapnagootls and Metlakatla. The Engllah equivalents of those names are "Lissle, la My Hat on StralghtT" fuid "Don't Shoot; 111 Oome Down." ' , .. e ' ', Rube Ferns is now a baseball um pire In the Kenaas State League. He probably found prise fighting too tame. . . : ' A Brooklyn automobUlst, who ran down. and. Injured A y ouag woman some time ago haa Juat married her. She's sven now. TRUHKMAKERS DEFEAT THE FORT STEVENS NINE Soldiers Could Not Locate the " Curves of Taylor at the , " Proper Timer- In a faat game of ball yeaterdaythe Fort Stevena soldiers were defeated by the Trunkmakera by the eoore of 4 to 1. Taylor, the aouth-paw pitcher, was In fine form, allowing only .three bits, while Hoover wee replaced by Pfelffer in-the sixth '1nnlnr This makss the second defeat for the soldiers by the Trunkmaksrs. The featuree were catches by Van Nortwlck, Brown and Wright. The score: . . TRUNKMAKER8. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Brlgge. cf. ..iliJLi4a 1 0 McClellan. aa. ....... S 0 0 t S 0 Jamaaoiv lb. ........ 4 lS 0 0 Vsn Nortwlck, If. ... 4 I I 0 Day, lb. 4. 0 1 1 4 $ Antolne, o. .......... 0 1 4 0 0 Fleming, rf. 4 1 10 0 0 Brown, 2b. 4 1 0 S I I Taylor, p. 1 I 0 1 1 Totala . . . t. ...... Tl i "1 it 11 t . .. FORT STEVENS. AB,R.. PO. A.B. WrlghtTss. 4 0 1 I 0 0 Moore, ir ....4 1 a 0 0 0 The annual promenade at the Mult nomah club Is scheduled for Thursday evening of this week. The affair will be the greatest of Its kind ever held by the club. The field will be decor eed appropriately for the occaaton and jlgbt will be shed aver the feauve aeena Cooper, lb 4 0 0 I 0 0 Chilton, lb. 4 0 110 Belllng-r, cf. ....... 4 0 0. 0 0 0 Pfelffer,' Jb. 4 0ft I 0 Hulse, rf. S 0 0 1 0 0 Meary, c I e S I S 1 Hoover, p. I 11 "o Totals i .. . .' .11 "T "s II IS "l SCORE BY INNINGS. Trunkmskers . ...1 0 0 0 4 4 1 0 9 Fort Stevens .....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 SUMMARY. Struck but By Tsylor. I; by Hoover, 4: by Pfelffer, 4. Beees on balls Off Hoover, 1; off Pfelffer, - 2. ,Two-baae hit Day. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. - Umpire Bldwell. A. A; V. CHAMPI0NSHIPST0" BE HELD AT ST. LOUIS r' i i . -- (Joarn.l Special Servles.) St. Louis, July 23. The out-door swimming championships of the A. A. U. will be held here under the auspices of the Missouri Athletlo club on ths follow ing dates: September II. 14 and. IS. The arrangement of events. Is as fol lows: September II 440-yard cham pionship, 100-yard championship breast stroke, plunge for distance champion ship,. 60-yard Junior, 230-yard Inter mediate, water polo. September 14 110-yard championship, one-mile cham pionship, 100-yard back . atroke cham pionship, 100-yard Junior, 10-yard Inter- mediate relay. rae jArdsk Xoua.sae-4 enierea, eacn man to swim to yards), water polo. ' September . It 140-yard championship, 110-yard championship, 120-yard junior, 100-yard Intermediate, fancy diving championship at three heights. 10, It and 10 feet), relay race, weter polo. SPRINGFIELD TOO STRONG FOR" THE MAROONS Eugene. Or., July II. In a wall played game of baseball between , the Bralnard Maroone of Portland and the Springfield team at Springfield yeeter day afternoon the latter won ' by the score of It to I. In a previous game between the two teams ' the Maroone was by the acore of 10 ae a. plonshlp were made -yesterday at the .Multnomah stub, and " the matches will. begin tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. From the class of players entered for tha tournament It la certain that iomi aplandld playing will be teen' on the clubs courts during the present week. The drawlnge reaulted ee follower SCea'a Stag-lea. W. H. R. Flnck, bye. R- A. Sawer va. F, H. V. Andrewe; C. H. Laadbetter vs. F. A. Agar) R. R. Benham vs. Jamas S hives ; T, E. ' Vsnees vs. F Wilder U B. Wlckersham vs. B. H. Wlckersham; J. K. Turner vs. A. B. McAlpln; J. H. Knlghi vs. W. A. Ooss; Joseph Tyler vs. H. if. Webb; R. A. Lelter vs. H. E. Plum msr; Dan Bellinger vs. V. W. Anderson! W. 8. Dole va. W. Rosenfeld; J. W. Ledd vs. K. I Fenton; W, Cook vs. R. Wilder; I. Bohr vs. R. Nunn. . ' . XsUUea SUurlea. ' Miss Stella Frohman vs. Miss Made line Smith; Miss Helen B. Booth, bye, Mrs. E. A. Baldwin vs. Miss Rachel Jo- eephl; Miss Tessie Lesdbetter vs. Miss Leslie Weldler: Miss Use Koehler. bye. Mrs. H. E. Judge vs. Miss Nan Robert- 0B Hen's Sovklaa. XL B. Webb and P. B. Olfford va.' J. W. Knight and R. Nunn; J. K Turner and I Wlekereham va,. L Rohr and R. R. Benham: F. H. V. Andrewa and R. Wilder. vs., W. A. Ooss and Carl Lew U; W, S. Oole and V. W. Anderson vs. H. XL Plummar and R. A. Sawyer; A. B MeAlpla and W. A. Agar, bye, W. Cook and W. Rosenfeld ve. James Bhlves and F. B. Veness. ' XSMUee Doable. Miee T. Leadbetter and Miss X Orgy, bye, Miae A. Heltahu and Mlaa R. Jo aephi ve. Mlaa Nan Robertson and Mrs. Bald win ; - M re.- H.- B.- Jud ge and M lss Helen Booth ve. Miss la . Weldler snd Miss D. Morrison. lAzed DoaUes. Mrs." Frank Raley and A. B. MoAlpIn vs. Miss Nan Robertson and Brandt Wlckersham; Mlas Carstens and L. Wlckersham va. Miss H. Weldler and F. Wilder: lira. H. B. Judge and partner va. Mlas Booth end F. A. Agar; Miss D. Morrison and Dan Bellinger va. Mtss Josephl snd B. B. Webb; Miss Nan Wood and P. B. Olfford vs. Miss Leslie weld ler and W. A. Ooes; Miss Leadbetter end R. R. Benham vs. Mlse Hsltshn and R. WUder. ROEBURG BEATS OAKLAND IH SLUGGING GAME Every Man on Winning JTeam " Finds the Shoots of Pitcher Mahoney. (Spedsl Dispatch to Ths JootbsI.) ra Ik tail u , vr., .uij nuiaumi uw feated Oakland here yeaterday in a looaely played but - very Interesting game. The visitors did some heavy Slugging and were faater on the bases ana In the field, winning by the score of II to T. The lineup; ROSEBURG. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Staley, lb. .....i.... I McConnell, ss. ...... 5 Pankey, lb i A. Conn, c. .......... 6 Mathews, lb. ........ I H. Conn, p. f. ........ 6 T.- 1-1 4 2 0 all 4 1 Easton, c 14 2 1 I I 1.1 171 10 0 0 10 1 O. Conn, rt. I 1 J 0 0 0 Huntington,-If. I 2 1 0 0 .0 Totals . ....'.......48 II II IT 14 I - OAKLAND. - AB. R. H. PO. A: E Gray,- e 4 1 1 I I 0 Bhort, ss. t 11 1 I 1 Mahoney, p. ......... 401010 Allen, lb. 4 11112 Calhlon, lb. 4 1 0 I I 1 Brown, . lb, , Johnson, ir s v u . i o i Ieatherwood,,cf. '4 0 0 0 0 0 Miller, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Totels . .....i. T 7 17 11 I , ' SUMMARY. Throe-base hits Psnkey. Brown. Two-baae hlta McConnell, A. Conn, Brown, O. Conn. Huntington, Allen. Htolew bases McConnell i, Mwwr Brown, Short. A. Conn 1. -Struck out Bv H. Conn, I; by Mahoney. 7. Double lays Short to Alien io urown; mc nnnalt tn Mathrwi. Time of same- One hour and to mlnufea. Umpire Ness. , a. . ' Tig-era Win Two, . ("Jooro.l gplal Srlc ) -Oakland. July .11. The Tlgere cap tured both gamee -yeaterday. Soores: First same R. H. E. Fresno 00101001 0 I I 0 Oakland ........0001 0101 01 10 14 Batteries FItsgerald end Hogan; are- hem end BHae. Second same R. rf. E. Fresno . 1 000 0 400 4 00 1 1 7 I Oakland ... .00000O01 0000 1 7 I Batterlee McGregor and Daahwood: Catas and Hackstt. - Umpires Perrlne and Dunleavy. Eliick Was on Firing Line for Port land arid Had an Eaay Tirne With . . Ruaa Hall'i Protegee Story of the Victory.1" - ;. r'. '(BMClal IMapatrk Is The -arsl.) Seattle. July. 14. Portland took the lastr game of the series from ths locale yeaterday by batting Garvin and invincible Rube Vlckerg. .This victory makes. 11 out of II gamea won by ths Olanta front vthe 61 washes , In ,.the last two' weeks. Testerday Garvin didn't last very long, three hits in " ths first inning giving the visitors a lead of two runs. A base on halls, a double and Sweeney's srror gave the Blwashes two lq the third, ifisslck waa In fine form . and acattered out his hits in clever fashion. There was .not much to the -game; out side of Mcllals's and LJe tar's -batting. The score: .1 . . . ... PORTLAND. . -'''" . ' 1B.H.H. M. A.1. McHale, ,cf. 6 1, I. 1, 0-0 Sweeney, aa. ........ . 1 Mitchell, If........... 4'0 McCredie. rf. ........ 4 0 Smith.' lb. 4 0 Moore,-2b. I .. 0 MoUtn, c. .......... 4 0 IJster, lb. .. . 4 ' 1 Eaalck, p 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 10 0 1 1 I 1 , 0 0.0 Totals . .......... .81 4 10 17 14 1 SEATTLE. .. '' -' ' '' ', '' : AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Van Buren. cf. I..... 4 1 . I 0 0 Blankenshlp, c. ...... I . 0 ,. 1 I 1 0 Householder, rt ..... 4.01.10 0 CroU, If. 10 1 0 0 1 Btrelb, lb. ............. I 0-0-f-l 1 Mott. lb. 10 0 111 Isbell, aa.-. .......... 1 1 0 I 11 Garvin, p. ........... 0 0 0 0 1 0 Vlckers, p. 0 0 0 0 0 Totala . .......... .21 "l 7 It li 4 - ' SC6RE BT INNINGS. Portland :. 1 0000410 1 4 . Kite . i o o v z l l l .jo Seattle 0 010000001 Hlta 1 012010107 ' ! SUMMARY. . Stolen base Sweeney. Sacrifice hits Blankenshlp, Croll. -Mitchell. Two. base hlta Blankenshlp, Kane, leister. Hit by pitched ball Smith.- Struck out By vlckera. I: by. Eealck. 7. Baaea on balls Off VIcKtrs. Znll F.aalckr-lr-Wtia toltoh-Garvln. Left on bases Seattle. 4; Portland, 0. Time or game Two hours, umpire Moason. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. PC Chicago 6 14 .44 Pittsburg . . ...... ...61 New Tork . .11 Philadelphia . . 41 Cincinnati . . ti Brooklyn T . ...... ....11 St. Louis . 14 Boston II it 44 41 60 .14 7 .444 .441 .411 .442 .100 .141 .129 ;r. Merchants -77" Investment Ci5 TrusC. r Company 247 WASHINGTON STREET . - Capital $150,000.00 ; . ' . ' . - '..- '-' SCARCELY more than one third of" the money of the JJnited States is deposited in banks. Where is that . enormous two thirds? Are you one of the many who are risking their accumula tions by hiding your savings in tin cans, old stockings or burying them in the ground, whle the Merchants Investment & Trust Compsny will not only care for them but pay you interest while doing .10? ... V.. ..V;;. .'....: We pay 4 per Cent interest on time, deposits, current rates on savings ac counts, take deposits subject to check and do a general banking business. ; - " - " Those living Anywhere in the north west can have the advantages of a strong banking institution at their very doors by ; using the mails. ' - . . - . We set ss trustee in the transferjiold--!ng and care, of estates; in the issue of municipal or corporate bonds; purchase and sell substantial bond issues; lendj money, etc. Csll or write for our free . pamphlet setting forth the scope of our operations." At Chicag-o. , . 1 - R. H. HJ. Chicago ... ................i .4 I - Brooklyn . 114 Batteries preister ana Moran: Boaa- on and Bergen. Umpire Kiem. - At a, tools. R. H. B. St Louis . 4 II 1 Boston . . 1 10 Batteries Bsebs and Grady: Taung and Needham. Umpire Johnaione. At Otnelaaatl. First same R. H. E. Cincinnati . . ..............'...II II 1 Philadelphia I 17 1 Batteries weimer ana ttamsi; Miionte and Dooln. Second came Cincinnati ....10 11 0 Philadelphia, . ...... .rnivr; . I- 7 Batteries swing ana tfcruei ntun- ger and Donovan. Umpire Penter. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. . At pokaata. R. H. B. Oraya Harbor ...0 1111004 01 11 I Spokane 1 1400110 0 I 11' 0 Batteries Tonneson and Marx; Samuela and Suess. Umpire Turner. At Butte. First gams R. H. E. Butts I 4 I Tacoma 0 4 4 Batteries Hoon and Swindells; Hlg- glnbothara and Shea. Second gams K. ti. E. Tacoma .....i..714 1 Butte v 4 12 I Batteries Hlgglnbotham and Shea; Hoon and Swindells. Umpire Huston. J. FRANK WATSON ........ President W - R. 1 DURHAM .aVice-Presidentf "WTH7FEAR. ........ J. ... . . Secretery ; S. C CATCHINGS ......... .Asst. Sec , 247 WASii. Si Portland PRC. fCAPITALSTOCk ISO.OOiJ.. ft ''' 1. SCHILLER'S TEAM IYIHS FROM HOP GOLDS Win French Was Not Able to z. Hojd the Hard Hitting Cigar Men. Down. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Philadelphia Cleveland . . New York . Detroit . Chlcaa-o . St. Louis . ., Washington . . Boston . ... Won. Lost. . .431 Tn7.7r77.7. i 44 13 44 IS , 40 . 40 2 50 .........10 .41 The Schlllerltee defeated the Hop. Gold nine yesterday for a 1360 aide bet and 10 per cent of the gate receipts. The ehecks for ths side bets were held by The Journal and the winning team will-receive its money today. The game looked like the clgarmakers' In eaay fashion until the eighth, when the Hop Golds got busy and pounded out Ave runs, taking ths lead by two runs. The elgar men came back In the same Inning and tied the eoore and man aged to win out in the ninth inning. The acore: . . S CHILLERS. AB. R. H. PO. A..B. Myers. If. -ff a.y- .... ...... A. rarrott, id. r. parrott. p. Patteraon, lb. ....... PC. Patterson, lb. ....... 408 L Hnu.ton. Star, -i t . . . . . . .403 . (-hap In, cf. ! Slavln e. J-.IAO i smith, rf. ..643 .S00 .147 .247 KELSO TEAM TOO STRONG FOR FISHER-THORSENS The Kelso Thorsen 4b Co. The lineup: Kelso. -r. Daggy ss. Hurlburt .........3b. Thurston o. , nlns defeated Fisher, a team yesterday I to 7. Carduff He Phelps . , Johnson Kelson .. Hull .... e e e a e e 6-0 -01- 1 11 Totala Rlepl, lb. Frey, ss, . Schnell, rf. Klchard, If. Helser, If. rimth. 3b, French, p. Kelt. o. ..! Bredemeler, 17 10 I r; HOP GOLDS. Aa R. H. PO. A. B. 4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 o 1-0 1 0 i 1 0 1 lb. 1 0 1 -0 2 0 12 I risher-Thorsens. Fsrrell Howsrd Shea .of Bsbcockn Perorsorr .lh. ...,., Soharwa i. 2b..... Montog . .If Lenansoher . .p ........ .. Kottman Totals a eeeeeaeee .11.1 724 I t PORTLAND OARSMEN OFF FOR NELSON REGATTA The Portland Rowing- club oarsmen, head'd by Coach Murphy, left last even ing fos Nelson, femtlah Columbia, where they will compete on Friday and Satur day In the fifteenth annual regatta of the North Pacific Amateur Oaramen's aaaociatlon. It was ths Intention of the oaramen to lcavs this afternoon, but acceptable arsngements were made at the last moment for thn transportation ef the-boate, so the entire party left, 'None out when winning run ecored. - . SCORE BT INNINGS. K-hlll.r.--.,-r-rrie 4 t"0 X' 1 Hits . . o i o t i : o i t o Hon (loUl , .... ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 06 Ulte . . -.1 0 1 0 0 06 07 81MMART struck out By Parrott. 5; by French. 11. Haaes on balla Off Parrott. 4; off French, 1. Two-base hlta A. Parrott, Smith. tkulle playa Houston to Par rott; Frey (unasslnted). Stolen bases Patteraon, Smith., Frey, Hchnell, Helsnr. Kelt. Rrederoeler. Hit by pitched balte Orlfflth, French 1, Rich ard. Paaaed balls His vln, Kelt I. First base on errors S.'hlllers. 2. Hop Gold. I. Will pitch -KTench. Left on baaea Schlllera. 4; Hop Uolda. I. The slrenlatloa of The Journal la Portiaad aad la Oregon eaeeeda that ef any etfce Oregon newspaper. . Preferred Stoek Oannee AUen Lewie Best Bran. LIGHTNING STRIKES GSO STAND AT BALL GAf'E Five Are Killed," Twenty Injured and Fifty Others Stunned .. by Bolt. ,'' r (Jearaal Bpselal awvMe.1 ' " Marrttbwao, Wis., July 21 A bolteS lightning etruck the grendatand at the baseball grounds here yesterday during sn electrics atorm just before the game was called. Five persona were killed outright and 20 or more were injured. Fifty others were stunned. The dead; Albert Skuhra. II years. ; . Walter Handl. II years. - i Irvine 'Woellent, 10 years. : ( ' Antons Karke, 14 years. - William Knautsen, II years. Most seriously Injured Harvey Kona, 10 years old. llmbe paralysed; Frank Boehn, 17 years, splinter of wood forced into bresstrWalter Boehn, 11 years, shocked, unconscious; Theodore Ban melater. 14 ye are old, crippled partially, may die. . - ::' : SHEAHAN CANDIDATE ' . FOR EAKiN'S BENCH ' Joseph, Or., July It. Wallowa county has a eandldate to eueoeed Judge Cakln en the bench In the tenth Judicial dis trict, composed of Union and Wallowa counties, whose chances for 'the ap pointment . are- considered very bright under present conditions, There are five, candldatee for the ap pointmentfour tn Union en one In Wallowa. The latter la Panlel W. Shea han, who haa been a practicing attor- ney in thle county for over 20 years. He Is the recognised leader of tha Wal lowa bar. and has the active and loyal Laoppert ef e..ry attorney tir the emwrry,"" except one He has strong political cjauns rTor the sppolntment. having always been allied with the Democratic party; end. he la also reviving the Imtoreement of all the leading Republicans of the eounty." The business Interests of the county are all favorable to his appointment. Thus, with Wallowa county united ff Mr. 8heahan and Union divided be tween four. Mr. Sheahana prospects sppeer brilliant. ." PACIFIC COAST LEAGIC. Portland . . ..41 San Kmnclece .,...... Ixw Angeles . ........ 4 J Senftle . rtnkland . '!! Fresno . . 4 Ixst. 14 3t ! . ' . I I, 4 f ) j. - 1 - . . ' ' I