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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
zzz-z : C7.2z:i daily jour.::JU. rcr.Tuun hoiiday .cvgzawo. , july ..3 1SC3. -i SUMMER RESORTS. , fearse! eakeerieers M tat Te I HlHl e Bale tt leaiUa. lf 1 iMIIMt M Ji At laaiUa. 1 Baa aa aaA Hewaaat. - A rw mWf . rial aellaaaa wUl W alataUae, Oreae . diraat ftam tw eat at toaae palate , aac ee U1 attest inUy to LOaO) BIACH-(nil Oehea. egeatl, keedserteta at Uvea. Wash. Pa llaery I all MiiU aa taa keeea. . XAJlbr D QAAAKAaT FAAX-. W. B. Waltmaa. aceatl aeedaaerteas : . at la-la Ce.'e am etere, AeaeUe, , --. IJeUeary to aU aoiata am taa . MIWPOBX . AB- TaOTA Xanr Direlblaa, aawe ageat Oervallia ft . , Eaatara railroad, eaaet. Haee- . Zuartara at Mawaart, Or. Salivary to llsalnte aa the kaaak. .WUsTDII IPSIaOB t. W. MeUfea. pit, Wuhoit, Or. HOT L AXE Kt Lake SeaMarkus Oa., . afeat. Bat Lata. Or. CAJtSOW, WAarf Xiaarat .arias Ka. aj Ce., agaat. CASCADE. WASH. Tkacaaa Keffett. COLLI. VTVI1AL IPKIVOI. VIII. 0, Z. Balakar, acaat, OoUum. Week. , trrle , "A Wife's Peril" Star. .....r......i'Tarae aira fat a . Cupboard" Bikar j. . JEartaqaaka Ptrtara Grand Vaudarllla Faaiaiaa j. ...... Vaudeville ..Holding that it ta tha duty of a dabtor to aeak hla creditor and .tender money at tha place wher ha la found," Judge Oantenbeln - thla morning auatalned a demurrer In tha ault of A. W. Gelay, agatnat George H Zimmerman and others for 15,500 damages, thereby dls- mlaalngvthe ault. Oelay aued Zimmer man ror damagea for breach of contract In refusing to convey four lota In East Portland after a contract had been made for their purchase at 110,000, of which $00 waa paid, and It waa agreed that tha balance ihould ba paid by a certain time. Oelay notified Zimmerman that tha ft.too would ba paid at tha Cltl ena' National bank, but Judge Oanten beln . held that a debtor haa no right to dictate the place or terma of pay. stent, except by previous agreement. - City Auditor Devlin-Is today checking , up the accounta of tha finance commit- V tee of the Ban Franctaeo relief fund, aa " , turned over to hlra by Secretary K. C. --.Olllner. together with -7,160 aharea of atock of the Lewie Clark fair. By -' tonight the entire tranafer will have been completed, and tha committee will be relieved of all responsibility- In con " nectlon 1 with tha Ban Franctaeo relief - work.- The total footing of money given In Portland to Ban Franctaeo aufferera through the finance committee waa soma thing aver 110.000. In addition there ' la given oa-posltlon atock with face value ""of $71 0, on which will be paid prob- . ably to eeata on the dollar, bringing the : total caah handled through tha commit " taa up to about 1171,000. - . The main line between Orand Junction -and Montroee. In Colorado, a narrow gauge 'railroad, la being changed to , broad gauge by the Denver 4k Rio Grande company, owner of the road. '. Work . waa commenced Friday evening, and It la planned to complete , the change today, eo that regular train eerv Ice can be reaumed tomorrow morning on the uaual schedule, with atandara gauge equipment. Removal Notice. On or about Auguat J . -1 . tha . New.-Era Paint. Varnlah Co. will remove-from lta preaent location, ' .,'tor Front itreat, to 17! Flrat atreei, pif'firat'door'-nortli- t YamhUl,- with ita ' gull atock of "Acme Quality" Una of painta, varntahea, atatna, white lead and . Water through boee far aprlnkllng varde or. aldawalba.vor waahtng porch aa or wlndowa, muet be paid) for la advance and uaad only between tha hour or and I a. m. and t and t p. m. It muet "notb-ueed fur aprlnkllng alieela. tt uaed oontrary to theaa rulee, or wute- fuUy. It wiU ba ehut off. . . i . . A aermon by Blahop Berkley cloaed the Oregon Conference of the United Breth , ren church at the Cloverdala church yeaterday. The church waa crowded, and practically the whole day waa taken up with tha cioaing aeeaiona or tha confer ence. . . Concrete Conatructlon Co.. T01 Cham- bar .of Cemmeree. aaanufaeturare of concrete atone bloeka. Contractore for aU klnde of oementwork. Tel Main 110. Launcbea to tha Oak a from Favorite Boathouae, aouth aide bridge, foot Moe rlaon atraet, every taw mlnutea all aft ernoon and evening. Tel. 1401. , Get our "Antl-Truat" prlcea be?o; ordering your printing elaewhere. Kay IT atone Freae, tilH Second street. Phone Main 141. Dr. Morrla. ' dentlat. baa moved to Fletdner building. Tenth and Waahing ton atreeta. , t.eading dell lea from all the big cities. . Carl Jonea, Fourth and Waehlngton. C E. Watborn, furniture repairing, pol lablng. packing, ahlpplng. Tel. Eaa 0101. Acme Oil Co. aella the' beet eafety oil and fine gaeollnee. Phono Eaat Tt. Woman's exchange, ltt Tenth atreet, lunch. 11:10 to .- ; Panama batter, HI 4th. Phone Pao. 107. BailaUa Penalta. - The following permits have baaa la- . aued: tiaselwood creamery, repairs to factory. Fifth between Oak and Stark, oat 12(0; J, W, Goera, one-etory "dwell ing. Portland boulevard between Haven and Fleke. eoet ItlO; Thomaa Woodruff, one-story dwelling. East First -between Spokane and Nrhalem, cost SS0; Annie Anderson, repairs to dwelling. Broadway between Eaat Ninth and Eaat Tenth, cost tlOO; A. R. Zeller, barn, Stanton between Williams and Rodney avenuee, eeet 10 90. We aim to give you the very best Printing Service that can be had QUALITY HIGHEST A PRICES LOWEST i;.W-Baltes& Co.; 'Printers JIRST, t..0AK. STREETS Two Dtrwt tine, Bots Mais lit ;;oi mttiB, SAYS FULTO Dtelartt Thrttt of 8crtary -Hitchcock Do Not In th , . Uast Alarm Him. ; EVIDENTLY DOES NOT v - : REQARD IT SERIOUSLY Jg in Portland to Takt Taatimony in , Boundary Dioputo Between Oregon ' 4Uid .Wafhington Evidence sWiU Begin to Be Taken-Tomorrow., ' "Well, I am not frightened, neither am I .running away," aald .Senator L W, Fulton-thla morning when asked in re gard to the press reporta in which Sec retary of tha Interior Hitchcock la al leged to have stated that he would have tha Oregon senator. Indicted for Illegal practice In land eaeea. Furtbef than thla statement Senator Fulton, refused to discuss the secretary or hla Inter views, nevertheleaa, from hla tone and actions, he-1 does not regard tha charges serious. i- Senator Fulton' In Portland in re gard to the boundu.y question between Washington and Oregon and will com mence tomorrow to hear testimony In tha controversy together with Attorney General A. W. Crawford of. Oregon and Assistant Attorney-General E. C. Mae donald of Washington. Later this tsstl mony will go to the supreme court of the United Statea for final judgment. Tha bona of contention between tha two atatea la tha definition of the clause eat forth in the enabling act paaeed at the time of the admittance of Oregon Into the union. ' The act defines the northern boundsry of tha state to be a" Una beginning-one marina league at aea due west of and opposite tha middle of the north ahlp channel of tha Columbia river, and thence eaaterly to and up the middle ehannel of the river and where tha river la divided by islands, up the wideet channel, . This act waa passed in ltt and since that time the changea In tha river and the ehannela have given the- Washing tonlana an opportunity to put in their claim. , According to their reckonings the channels that once defined the boundary line, which Included In Ore gon. Sand Island. Deademona sands and Miller's sends, have shifted ao aa to make theae valuable ' tracta part tf Washington. Tha claim la worth much to either state when viewed In a finan cial way because of the valuable fishing grounds they afford. There are many more islands other than thoae men tioned and aome of them are almost aa valuable. The repreeentatlvee of the atatea en gaged in. the dispute have been taking teatlmony for nearly a week." Two daya were spent at Astoria In hearing wit neeaea and three daya at the Breakers. The' hearing tomorrow fwtll commence at 10 o'clock in the Portland hotel and two of the wltneeaaa wltl be Captain Wood, a bar pilot, and James W. Welch'. Both of theae men are familiar with the condltlona existing In the river and It la thouxht that their . testimony wUl ba aoma of the mout Important heard by the officials Senator Fulton said that he had made no' declelona In regard ta the successors of Collector Patterson and Robb, atat Ing that he had been ao- busy-that he had -not had time to consider the ap pointments. - - -.'"', ARTILLERY RETURNS AFTER LOSfi-PRACTICFHARGBr Members rof First Battery Have Had Good Time and All Are , In Best of Health. : Sunburned until their facea and arms have the spectof so much bronse, the members of the First battery, field ar tillery of the Oregon National guard, will arrive In Portland thla afternoon without a man sick and on tha contrary everyone of them in the best of health after a 200-mile tramp . over the hilla and valleys of Oregon. The men are due at 4 o'clock and will at onoa pro- ceed tothe Armorv. wnrethy wni IdcK am Ind return to their homes after one of the beet praotlca marches In tha history of tha battery. In aplte of the hard march and great heat tha boye have had a aplendid time. Wherever they . camped they were the gueata of tha community and were shown all tha hospitality tha conn try afforded. . j The aoldlera have been ; In camp wt Fort Flnser. ona half mile eaat of Hilla boro, for the past two daya and yea terday . waa . apent in , a general good time and ended with a aplendid chicken dinner. General Flnaer and Colonel Jackson were present. The dinner waa held on tha historic apot where the great peace councila of the Tualatin, Wapa tone and Yamhill were held years ago, , Preceding the dinner there waa drill tn tha Held, after which the boya were put through a rigid inspection. Slxty-nva men made the trip under the- command of -Captain H.-tT."We!eh. lieutenants te M. Clark, Fred H. Burns, F. -1, Randall, - Surgeon-General W. E.- Carll and Mascot - Jack Tucker; tha 10-year-old aon of Dr. E. F. Tucker. LOAD OF HAY BURNS : FROM HEATED AXLE '- :'"- . , . -, (pacta! Mipetc to Tie Soars.) Salem. Or.. July II. A peculiar expe rience waa that J. B. Underwood experi enced Saturday afternoon when hauling a load of hay to the city. While driving on Capital atreet one of the wagon's axlea became heated to such .an extent as to start a blase that spread rapidly to the load of hay. Mr. Underwood had barely time to aava the horses from being burned by quickly . unhitching them. - Meet of the vehicle and tha en tire load of hay went up in smoke; MRS. NETTIE PERRY DIES AT OCEAN PARK '-V aMMH, . . ' ' ' (paHal niapatra ta Tie Jearnal.) ' Ocean Park. July-11. Mre,-Netti Perry, aged 41 year a, ated Friday morn ing at l:ie, at ocean Park, of dlabetea mellltls. Her Portland residence ta at 140 Eaat Thirty-fifth atreet a . t - Mflwaukle Country, Club. Eaatern and Seattle race. Take ell wood and Oregon City, eara at Firal aat Alder. Harvest hands In great dOaiand--bat tbia la an old ator , G0381? m i'lJlE LfMlMD Latest Notes of Live Happenings . T , VVlth Union In Varioui. Countries. . PRINTERS' STRIKE NOW A THING OF THE PAST Wcatern Miners Act oil Application .of Coal Workers of Ohio and I1U-noia-Municipalitw pi Boiton ; to - Kacognue Union. By unanlmoua vote the executive board of the Western Federation of Minora haa turned down tna application of the coal miners of Ohio and Illinois., affiliated with the V nit ad Mine Work era of America, for admission to the federation pending the conaummatiOB of a plan for general amalgamation. The annual convention of the In dustrial Steel and Copper Printers' union at Waahlngtoq elected William Foley preeldent and T. L Mahan of Washington aecretary-treaeurer. The next convention will be held at Chicago.- Election returns from Tasmania show that labor In politics haa gained three more seats in thst Island. - The Uvea of 1.141 mine workera were lost in the coal mlnea of Pennsylvania during 105. - - - .. The eight-hour atrtka of tha Inter national Typographical union la now practically a thing of the ptat. With tha exception of a few cent ere aU are working under the eight-hour rule. Sixty thousend dollars a week was the revenue the International Typographical union had at lta command ta carry on the contest for the eight-hour day, and In several of the large cltlea tha uniona defrayed the entire coat of tha contest without drawing on tha International for a dollar.- ''. ' o WNI Vmion Clothe. ' ' .. The Muslclana' national -convention recently held in Boston adopted resolu tions Instructing Its members every where, whether buying civilian clothing or uniforms, to demand-and take only such aa bear the union label. :" Mayor Fltsgerald of Boaton, Maaaa chuaetta,,haa aaaured tha repreeentatlvee of the Central Labor union of tha city that In future all work done for tha city during hla administration would bo under union conditions.. Butchera at the Chicago atockyarda repdkt the dullest seaaon for yearav Cattle - butchera are working only It hours a week and moat of tha other de partments only work two or three daya a week. A call haa been sent out to all metal trade eounclla to send delegatea to a convention to be held in Chicago to form a National Metal Tradea Federa tion. The Chicago Metal Traded council Is the originator of tha plan. Tna graaea entitled to eend delegatea. are: Machinists, blacksmiths, iron moiaers, pattern makera. boiler makera, iron ahlpbullders, Inside electrical workera, carmen, stationary engineers and fire men. ; Tha International Brotherhood " of Teamsters will hold their annual con vention In Chicago -in Auguat. ' The international Boot and Shoe Workera union adopted a reeolutlon that tha union label ' wll be withdrawn -on August 1 from all shops which do not meet the requirements or tna organise tlon aa to wages and hours or labor. An all-around increaae of (0 cent a day haa been secured by the Wood Carvers' union In New Tork and la to remain In force until the middle of 10. The member worn tight houre a day and half a day on Saturday. The latest addition to labor's ranks Is the United Brotherhood of Rural, Horti cultural and Agricultural Wage Earnera of America; the headquarters Is In Dallaa, Texas. The Federation of Musicians of Chi cago ia considering a schema which la deecrlbed by ita aponaora aa a plan for ."carrying high-class musio to tha doors of the poor." it contempiatea among other featurea the "charity" band, which 1 la to-furnish fre atreet coneerte during the aummer In crowded residence dis tricts of tha city. - . THINKS GENERAL MILLS WILL Or.lHAND-AMCOUVER General Creely . Argues That Mills Is Only Man Avail t able for Place. '. .' . ' -. ". '" ' '' .: Ji i. Brigadier-General A. I. Mills will be the next commander of the department of the Columbia. If the aurmlses of Cen eral A. W. Oroely. commander of the Paclflo divialon, count for anything. . ."Of course." said . General Oreely. who waa etopping at the Portland hotel for breakfast preparatory to leaving for Spokane, "I have no official knowledge aa to wh will be the next commander, but I know that General Mills, who waa recently relieved from duty at Weet Point after a long sarvice there, le the tha only general officer ' who has not bien aaalgned to. duty and that the de partment of tha -Columbia. lth:.only one that haa no head. - - . - "It la natural.' therefore, to auppoae that ha wiU be the aucceaaor of Oeneral Williams. Jind this view la taken by moat of tha military mm who follow tha worklnga of the. department. "Tha head of the department of tha Columbia will probably not be named until the successor of Chlef-of -Staff Henry C. CorBIn haa been appointed, which wilt b dona about September 1. There are ajwaye a number of changea made In tha departmenta when a change takes place in tha commanding officer's staff and when . only a few montha elapse before auch a change occura. the custom le to allow tha eucctesor to make whatever appolntmenta are neceeaary." General Oreely waa accompanied by Mrs. Greeley and Captain Frank S. Winn. The party will visit Fort Wright for an Inspection and thn proceed to Fort lAwton at Seattle for a aimllar duty. They will return to Portland Fri day, when Fort Vancouver will be In spected. ' ABERDEEN MAN GETS" BANDON FRANCHISE (paclal Dteaatch te Ttie JaereaL) Bandon, -Or, July tf The town board of truateea haa granted a 10 yeara' aleetrlo light franchise to A. J. Burro wa of A.berdeen, Weehlntrton. - far. Burrow axpect to move to Bandon and take pereenal charge of tha plant He expect to aava the plant ta opera tion bz eYember 1. . 1C57 'ftarvar Kills'' Pnion' Biiit for women, silk and lisle made. with no aleevea and knea length - pants, or high nock and long aleevea, with - ankle-length. pente, all lsea beat II. 0 val- Women' Swls Ribbed Veata low neck and no aleevea; fancy ... yokea. handaoma underyests; regular 6o vsluee, . AJt on sale at. each .......... .-vg Women'a fine -ribbed white lisle Union Sulta. low neck, no aleevea, knea length? best 6o valuea,' in all alaea, ; ATe at, ault...s...i .. 65c HOSIEKY 39c FAIR JVomen'e fine Hale Hoae, in black -and tan. allover lace and lace boot effects; great eaaortment; " all elsee;. beet 05e valuea, on :'p.i;.:....:.i;.:.v.:.;..39c Women'a black and tan lace Hale Hose outslse, large variety of . patterna; best 150 . 9Ze valuea, on aala at. ; . . ;" Women'a : black " and tail drop tlteh Hoae, fin quality, ail alsea; regular to . fO valuea. on sale at. i ,1JV S2.00 WAISTS $1.18 Special lot of 25 dosen women'a Shlrtwalata, embroidered down the front or fancy yokea; very ' pretty atylea; all new, clean, freah merchandise; all alsea. Re- -. members -only -100 of . tbem; you'll hav to come early if you want ones 2.00 valuea at .... .. fl.18 SZk Cloves 97c Pair Women'a s-claap Silk Gloves, tho celebrated "Amaterdam". make; double-tipped flngera; white mode and navy, with atltchlng; , regular ll.J valuea, In all alses, at, pair i STe) Women'a fine mercerised Hal si Gloves, - S-claap,- faney-erabrold- ered topa; black, white, tan. brown - and - mode; aleo few gray a and navy; eaceptlonal r value, while they laat, at. per pair .... .... 9 RIBBON SALE Sale extraordinary of J0.0o4 yarde of 8-Inch all, pure ellk taffeta - Rlbbone, extra good quality, in ' block, white, cream, brown, tan, mode, mala, navy, gray, "green, light blue, pink and many other ..'.desirable colors; beet 160 qual ity; on aale at. yard. . . . . .18e Special assortment of fine Dres den and Print Warp Rlbbone. S to 1 incheo wide; beautiful floral and conventional designs, in all the dainty color comblna tlons. for sashes, drees trim ming, fancy work and millinery purposes; regular 7o to ll.l valuea; on aale at thla low nrlce. yard HOT AS GOOD AS UISJIMEE w That 1$ What Mathye Told His Second One and Divorce Case Followed. SAID HE WAS SORRY r-THAT HE MARRIED HER Wife Goes Upon Stand and Telia Her Story and Decree Ia Granted by . Judge Gantenbein Other Miamated IT?p.rreeparaea. 1 only loved one woman; that waa my first wife.- 1. what A. R. Mathya told Mre. Mathya No. 1, according to her testimony in the circuit court this morn Ing at tha trial her ault for a divorce, heard by Judge Oantenbeln. "He aald h wlhd X aa hi first -wife. wittnued - Mr. Mathya. "He told ma be waa aorry he married me and that he nev stjohU have done ao except for the ltaken impreaslon that I reaembled hla first wife In disposition." Mrs. Msthy ald ah wa only 17 yeara old when ahe married Mathys and tried to be a good tpmother to hi 10-year-old daughter. Mathys waa 4 yeara old when they were married. Mre. I? ... hu.hanrf had continu ally aoolded and abuaed her. refused to In4 eompUined Mcium h w not like d th. cody ot th. I-rW CMM given the motner. , - it Portland in July. 100$. B. M: Cole appeared aa attorney for Mre. Mathya Frederick W. Raybum waa poaseseed of an undying hatred -for hla wife a relatlvee, teatlfled Mre. Lottie C. Ray burn In her ault for avorce. She aald whenever any of her pSflpJe vlaUed them her husband would furs them until they left. Sh aald he aleo cursed her and the children and aald ha did not want them about the houe. Rayburn Is aald to ba a brakeman employed by the O: R. N. Co.. Mra. Rayburn -was granted a divorce, the custody of the children, aged . I and yeara re spectively, end $10 a month altmony. They were married In thla city In August, 1ST. xi.. 1. a niMur wss arranted a divorce from Frank A. Olldner on the ground of desertion, non-suppon nu cruelty. " She testified that she haa had to aupport hereelf and children alnee October. 1101. by aewing. that her hue band conetantly abused her, fsleely ao t... nf inritalltv and deaerted her about two yeara ago. ' There are three children, agea if. it ana n y-ar. euetody waa awarded to Mre. Olldner. The were married at Dayton, Oregon, In January, !$$ PEACE IS RESTORED - DIVORCE CASE ENDS "I would Ilk to have the suit for a divorce that waa filed laat Thursday by Laura Relmera agalnat John Relmer dismissed," eW Attorney. J. T. ,Watu Fine Waists We've made very unusual reductlona on our entire stock of Imported band made walata magnificent atylea. beauti fully designed embroidery and lace-trlm-med effects waists of the. highest grsde; dainty, rich novelties, In alses 14 to tl only. Great valuea at: $15.00 French Wwts$ 933 $16.00 French Waists $12.43 2 .00 French Waists $ 14.85 $33.00 French Waists $17.33 $28.00 French Waists $1933 $33.00 French Waists $26.53 $45.00 French Waists $32.23 $60.00 FrenchWaUts $4600 Another large ehtpment of "Peter Pan" .Waiata Just received whit percales - with colored cuffs and collar, or large : ahd amall polka-dot effects; the Ideal outing garment; .,, ' each, ........ .......... $1.75 Women's $3.50 Shoes $2.10 Women's standard Footwear priced below manufacturing cost. 1000 pairs Shoes and Oxfords in patent colt, vict kid, Russia Calf and tan .chocolate kid welt and turn soles this season's best lasts in all sizes and widths Shoes by two of the most reputable houses in the country and whose product you have been buying for 20 years with entire satisfaction; regular $3 and $3.50 values; supply d 1 f r your footwear needs at this remarkably low price, pair;. yet 1 VI Laces cni Embroideries Reduced mm PORTLAND ACADEMY Portland Oregon lath Y-uus wxu orx sap, it. Fits boy jnd girls for Eaatern and roatermeontges." ; twoatermeonegea" Includes a primary and .grammar School. " Boarding hall for girl affording the comfort and care of a refined home. Office houre during tha Summer from I a. m. to 12 m. -For catalogue writ to the addraaa given above. . MILITARY ACADEMY A Boarding and Day School for Boya Manual Training, Military Discipline. College Preparation. Boye-of-any age admitted at any time.- Write for Illua trated Catalogue. Dr. J. W. HU-L, Prop, and Principal Fall term will open sept. it. itos. -voBTivajro, omsooar. LYRICJHEATRE - -Vreak'Baglaahig Xaaeay Afteraeaa, . TH1 EMOTIONAL MKLODKAMA ' . "A Wife's Peril" i rota acts. Parfonaaaaaa ftaraeea aad Knalae. Adiulaaloa,. 10c. aaaarva Saata, tOo. The Grand Hallar Artraa- Week of July 23 Cera Beaek Taraer ead Cawpaay, Tae'tirabeet SurUL - Waa BUad Baatty. Tlrlaa a aayeaa. . . . jawee Barka. . - Maa, Xaltk Dastkey j Oa., . "Hia LAST CXAXCX." THE STAR TWELFTH WIIK BTAB STOCK CO. 'THREE MEN IN . A CUPBOARD" la Oeoseetlea With a Strait VaaOevllle Olle. Prlcee end Time aa lauaL THE BAKER ' TODAT TONIGHT. ' Matin. S 18. tranlnf. S IS. M0TIJIO PICT VgES Of TMI ZAgTHOUAXZ and rimg. lioet ceaiplete errlaa of view ever secured. Made et tha rlak ef life and limb. Twe pk-taraa at eaoM tlaie, abowtag eceaee Wfwa and aftar. - Malleee, HW- arantef. ISe and t3c. PANT AO Eft """.iS, m BIST rAMILT THCATRg. at B. Oartls WUl Piaeaat Kle FaaMas Hit. ' SAarx. of rosza." Ahera, WUl lake. Lard aad Kaak. The arclae, . Tka Biogrask, Jaaa WUsoa. Perfornaacer dally at l:M, T:S0 and 0 m. m. Admlailoa. ioe aad SOc; bozaa. tSe. to Judge Gaatenbeln in the. circuit court this morning- "They hsv mede tip and are living togethoragalri1an4d.4ot want a divorce."" , '. " Th ault wa brought by Mrs, Relm er. charging that her Juband bad aa aaulted her, choked her and. threatened to kill her. She alleged, that be aad HLL Low Priced Another special sale of fine em broideries 5000 yards of Edg ings and Insertions, in Swiss and nainsook a very 'desir- able lot; handsome patterns in great assortment; 2 to 9 in. wide; values. up to Q 65c yard; on sale at.. 1 7C 1500 yards of new Swiss Shirt waist Bands, 2 to 9 inches wide; values- up to OQ 75c yard, on sale it.,.i97v 1000 yards of Allover Swiss Embroidery for Shirtwaists' beautiful designs; values up to $2 yard; on sale at OQ. this low price. ....... .U7W Grand values in white and cream Venise and BaBy Irish Bands, edges,' and appliques Valnes tap to 45c for 19c Values up to 65c for 39c Values up to $2 for 69c Values up to $3 for 98c Small lot of Batlat and hand-em - broldered Linen Robe value . up to 120.00, $7.00 . on aale at. 1 111 iii --------------"- 07 e Best $3 Hat in the World Bears This Label BEN SELLING LEADING The Cap That Cheers EDWARDS' - . . f ' ,- 1 , . . tiON-INTOXlCATim . THAT OLD 8TYLB GINGER BEER FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED Phone EUst 3313 i.zsxxx3rsxxzrssr;: called her' vile name and abuaed her ever alnce their marriage. When tha ault waa begun an Injunc tion waa secured from Judge O an ten beln reetralnlng Relmera from moleet lng hi wife or their children. Mre. Relmer In her suit ssked th custody of the two children, a Ufal sep aration and 110 a month alimony. ' Judge Oantenbeln dismissed th ault and dissolved th injunction. - 4eat. on ,Mie New Tork stock exchange 1C3? D ,4 aw w va . ' Hlgh-clasa fancy - China In very large eaaortment baaemenU Teaapoona, set of 0, great special 1 value at, aet tea,aert Spoona, set of 0 . . . Coffee Spoona, aet of Bouillon Spoon, set of . Berry Spoon, at, each.... tt 40 Cracker Jara for $1.75 Nut Bowls for;.;... 12.50 Pickle Caetora for..... Table Bpoohs, aet of I, .... Salad Porks, set of I..,.,.. Gravy Ladles, each. . ColdTtearTorka. .7. ... . l.5 Cracker Jara for 91.49 ti lt Bread Traya for. 994 mo Nut Bpwls for S&.0T -inch Cut-Glaaa Vases. 1.TS val ues, on sale at, each...,. $3.19 -Inch Cut-Glaaa Nappies; regular 12.14 valuee. on aala at.. .91.73 5-Inch Cut-Glaaa Napptee; regular - 11.40 values, on aale at...S1.19 $! 75 cut-glas Spoon Traya 1 11.19 10.50 Cut-Glaaa Bowla for...) S.1T I4.7S Comporta at. ......... l ,6.2 T IS. 00 Cut-Glaaa Bowls, each 1 .2 f 1.00 Cut-Glaaa Bowla, each I SjI-T 13.00 Rose Bowls .....l".aT f.00 Rose Bowl. ....$T.18 All lines of sterling stiver and silver plated war aold her at tha vara loweet Drtcea. baaement. - Rogera Broa. "1S4?" plated wmraei at apeclal low prlcea. 1,000 piece of Pressed Olaaarerarat covered sugars, open saamra, cream pitcher, syrup pltcmaeav cake etands, fruit bowla, gpoec holders. Jelly atanda. ate. saar velous value at thla low prloe. each .......... ..ltM Footed Punch Bowla ta preaad , glass ; beat pattern ...... Slm le-lneh Crystal Vase; great ape clal value, at, each........ .184 Olaaa Water geta; water bottsa aad glasses; special....... ..-TT Sweet Pea Vasea; pretty style; - great value .... ...........lie) 5,000 Table Tumblers, medium weight; great valuea, doa.5Td Tnmlts and Dags THI2D FLOOR. 1 4-Inch oanvaa-covered Trunks, waterproof painted; leather bound, full llnen-llned; S traya; regular $11.15 value, on aala at thla apeclal price ......$11.80 tz-liich ' Trunks, rawhide bound, ateel edge, canvas covered; ; traya; regular llt.00 value, em .' sal at this low price... $15.80 St-lnch Tsunks, leather-bound., can-vaa-cqvered, t traya; regular lit value for $18.15 24-lnch leather Suitcase, leather lined, with shirt fold; regular . 11.00 value, for ........ $10B5 4-Inch leather Suitcase, leather lined and straps; regular $11.50 value for 4B.T5 HATTER but Dots Not Inebrktr APPETIZINO . . AND V RePRBSHIINQ Save dropped down le areuad " la.taa tlaag ta get ia. - . ii.f r it A l .Il.t S1.S .ts.on I1 194 1 1 ' s s craoSJ M -iV .. ......a i V I ...... :...l,-.J:-,:-,.:-