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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
: c . l:.::z. i.:o:jdav : , . july tx :;;x LL-Di..ii: LiiLUiiu, SAYS PilSTOO DISCUSSED Rv. W. F. Small Declare It Is Rtv. J. Elmo Robinson Declares Fanaticism Must Be Fought i i by Us&J Statutes. Extrsms Expression of the Fanatical Spirit. , This sale commencing today embraces every article in our establishment With the exception of a few, items of contract goods. Never before have such tremendous price-reductions been made. Our season's magnificent lines of high-grade Summer and Outing Suits are still complete. In. sizes. At the following prices COMPARES IT TO . RELIGIOUS LIBERTY NOT FOR WRECKERS OF HOMES DOWIE'S TEACHINGS Bays Willful Ignorance Ia In No Sound-Minded People NcTcTNo New ' Revelation, He Saya Tendency of ' - Special Revelation Not , Toward .-; Chrlatianitjr or itloralit. ; . Small Degree. Responsible for Such , , Outbreak aa Those Which Char acteriaed Cref field's Sect. 'twill be economy to buy. CAILY ; 1 : . : "Holy RoJleriara" waa ths subject of , R.v. W. F. Small of th First Unlver aallst church yesterday. The paator ' declared that Holy. Rollerlsm. wag the extreme expression of the fanatical pint, out declared that la moat - re- spects It la no woraa than Dowlelsm, ,1m KkliA ,4 as I a rmA thit a-tll.,,1 aca la In o small degree reaponalble lor- sucn outDreaaa. my. Mr. Bmau said In part: - ' "Mrs. Crafftald aaya Holy Rollariam ' la dead. Ulvha but itm riMRf nnru alona have brought Into great promln' en, two laauaa rallgloua liberty and lawlessness. George Mitchell ahot Creffleld. Many aay he did Hint; It man u-amer amcneii aid riant in ahootlng bar brother. For If it la riant seance above tha Integrity of tha atata It la 'Piaiff rn ann. Iii . . , . "HOiy Kolleriem la an extreme ex- praaalon of tha fanatical aplrlt. But in most respects n is no woraa man . tiona of Freemasonry and of medicine rana surgery aa born In hell, or of Sandfordlam, or aran of some exprea alona of revivalism. All of thaaa have In one way or another debauched their ' 4mtlM - IrttnA mm u aiaok m h,HmIm aa Holy Rollariam Am the result of toa much religious-freedom. Others . aay - It proceed from tha notion of apaclai HwUltAM Thl. I,I(M mmm.m - k. ... a w.aaaB.a, m aaav ...aaara wwibbv ,v a true partial explanation of the condi tion. Woeful ignorance la in no email degre responsible for such outbreaks. Strange remedlea for their euro - are "uggeeted.. To deatroy the notion of apaclai revelatlona it la urged that tha doctrine of tha Bible aa tha complete and final revelation . from Clod ba IIM1l1 'tka -arlll HA, ..A. . . - .-. a ..a. a a,.,. v . wv, wmmAmm la not true. . . "Some aay put law curtailing re- ugioua ,ireeaomT compiet rallgloua freedom Ha a fundamental guarantee of our oonatltutlon, ' and any attempt to abridge- that freedom would ba a very Aitmt m a a W a t rat nm , ImnnaalM, i all- abaurdltiea tha moat patent la that rellgloua liberty la a dangeroua doctrine. .- ,avai at 1 1 IIIU1 a, BU V.Iain ,allf VHT privilege. Aa wall term moral freedom dangeroua becauee of the bestiality of men who abuse that privilege. r.eiiKiouaiwerMaa a noon, n -a . right without the axerctae of which wa cannot hope to be wlae or aane people. Each min i rellgloua nature la mm ana ne must exercise nia own pow ers of epprehenalon of truth. In the long run each must approach God and nrraap' truth along' the tinea or hla own -Individuality. . Wa cannot accept any tatetnent aa true merely becaaae aome I.nn .af m r w a. ahitMh a. a a AmmtmmA 1. a. W . a . "Aa matter of fact tha atruggla for rengioua noerty la nut one pnaaa ot the movemeqt for Intellectual freedom. The atruggla la by no meana over, and the victory for aoul-llberty la by no meana won.-tonkin at the whole world. In our land the right to find God la every aoul'a. Tha exercise of that free dom aometlmea. leada-to even vicloua exceea. But there la no ground for da apalr. The cure ultimately for fanatic lam. with It blighting effecta on aome Uvea, la a positive knowledge of the lawa and prlnclplea of' the government of God herein la the absolute assur ance or aanlty and "rational progress in religion. . , . Rev., F. Elmo. Robinson, paator of tha Rodney'. Avenus Christian church,, last night preached upon "The Eradication of Such Rellgloua Fanaticism aa That of the Holy Rollers. Mr. Robinson said In part: ;. Vlc seldom appear In Its real garb at first. It la a monster of so frightful a mien that to be hated need but to be aeen. .' Therefore It not -infrequently ap pears : In the guise of religion. What la atlll woraa la that In theae latter daya it oftn appeara under the name of Christianity. The great founder of the Christian religion has warned ua against theae false prophets. ,- 'Te shall know them by their frulta. ' Do men gather grapea of thoma or figs of thlstlesT Again our Lord aaya. 'Not every one that faith unto me Lord. Lord, ahall enter Into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which la In heaven.' a , . ' "We need atrlngent lawa to protect our hom-s, from the. ravagea of these wolves In sheep's clothing. But lawa can only regulate the outward manifes tations of immorality and crime. To eradicate theae degrading lama' we up root the' plant that produce the foul fruit" ' i Mr. Roblnaon spoke of the way In which Ood manlfesta himself to the seeker after Him. "He reveals him self." aaid tba apeaker, "first In His work . The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament aheweth Jils han diwork. Day unto day utters th speech, and night unto night aheweth knowl edge. As eloq.uenUx.and aa universally as the voice of nature speaks concerning the Creator yet observation and a knowl edge of the world a history teaches ua that that revelation la not complete. It does not fully meet the needs of man.' Ood aent forth . Hla son aa the revealer of our Father In heaven, say ing of him on the mount of tranaflgura- ion, Thia I my beloved son. ..ear him.' v.- - . - --.-i Our Savior himself aaid to one of hla disciples: He that hath aeen me hath aeen the Father.' Again we read: Ood who at aundry tlmea and In dlvera manners spake In time past unto the fathers by the prophets, bath In theae last daya spoken unto us by hla son.' JeueChris-uHy-revealea" Ood "to his" diactplea. Ha la gone but we have In tbk Now Testament an inspired account of that complete plan of salvation of which Ood la the author. 'All scripture given by inspiration of Ood la profitable for doctrine, for -reproof, for correction. BATTERY STARTS FOR unnc CIA7CCT UrtMC , iiwivil.- giikbl numb .. (Special Mipatek te Tke Joarnal.) Hilleboro, Or., July tt. Battel y AXt th Oregon National Ouard haa been viiavuifrc-a .ii mmni gnir nNar ante city alnce laat Friday. Saturday evening the Hlllsboro Cornet band gave a concert in the courthouse yard here In honor ef the guards and the cltlsens of this city have enjoyed their preaence and endeavored to make their atay a pleaaant one.. Th battery left today for Portland. the man of Ood may . be perfect, thor oughly furnished unto all good works.' TTseleseaeaa ef Wear ellglna. "I have spoken of the .manner In which Ood haa revealed himself to the world and pointed out the completeness of that r.veliton that we might aee the uner useieseness 01 any specuu aaai tlont manlf eetntton. - It la' oat of thia theory of . special - revelatlona - that -all of thia fanaticism growa. It I danger oua, this Idea held even by many good people that Ood apeaka to ua today In. drpendent of hla holy word. Thia theory exhlblta distrust of Ood. since the holy scripture are purported to thoroughly furnish the man oS, Ood unto all goortworks,..Inthacaaaof-the-rich man and Laaarus the master shows us that Ood refuaed to permit a apeclal tevelatlon to the brethren of the-rich man, aaylng .through Abraham:. They nave Moaea and the prophets, 1st them hear them, and If they hear not Mosee and the prophets neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.' ,$10.00 reduced to $12.50 reduced to $15.00 reduced to $16.50 reduced to $18.00 reduced to $20.00 reduced to. $8.85 $10.00 $11.85 $12.50 $13.85 $14.85 . -I '" v, ;, ' ''.i .; $22.50 reduced to . $17.00 $25.00 reduced to -- - $ 1 8.85 -$27.50 reduced to ; .$2 1 .00 $30.00 reduced to . $23.00 , $32.50 reduced to . $25.00 $35.00 reduced to , $27.50 At these sale prices the popular sizes will go fast Early buyers will have a Redded advantage in selecting from a wider range of patterns than it will be possible to offer later in the season. "Many will aay to me In that day. Lord, Lord, have we not prophealed in thy nameT and In thy name have-east out devlla? And In thy name done many wonderful works? 7 And then will I pro fess unto thsm I never knew you: de part from me, ye that, work iniquity.' Theae gross forms of fanatlclam being almoat Invariably the fruit of this the ory . of new and apeclal revelatlona I appeal to you to adhere closely to th. Bible. The-BTbie' end the Bible alone produce Christians, not Mormons nor Holy Rollers. It is the guardian of our homes, tb purifier of society, and the strength of any nation that Is guided by Its teachings. Queen Victoria, point ALL-NIGHT CAR IS TA in to a copy of the Bible once aaid for"lnatructIon In righteousness rthat7JT'r-he-ecret-ef-Bngland'B great ness.' "Its etandaxd la perfection. It leads ua Ood ward. . Let ua accept It as tha full and final revelation of God'a will. Tb fteneral lendencyor he peclal revelation theory I not Oodward. It la toward fanaticism. This Is proven by Vlormonlsm, Dowlslsm and Creffleld ism. 'The seemingly miraculous works sometimes done by these fanatlca can be easily explained by psychology. They are no proof In themselves of the truth of the syttams under which they are wrought. The savior aaya of theae ALL mwm 11 $7.50 Hats . $5.50 $5.00 Hats . $3.50 $4.00 Hats . $2.75 $3.00 Hats; $2.00 $2.50 Hats ..$1.75 All Pcnama Hats Gat in IlaU J2 lVW-"-r-A Iff ftiMMktf VH Stml CTV U V7UU L13L3 fl IV) MILLINER TO MEN kssertel YELLOWSTONE PARK. Sc. Bhort - Silver Zllnstreted Xeetaa th SeooBA Tim to targ Aadienoe. There waa a large audience at Tay lor Street Methodist church last night to hear tha illustrated lecture of Dr. F. Burgette Short on "Yellowstone Park. Long before the hour for aervice tha house wa packed and even -atandlng room waa at - a premium. Every one denied expecting the-preapeet of rep etition of last Sunday a. lokes. Dr. Short read a letter of apology from the young men who perpetrated the Joke. In commenting upon th oc currence he said: "Boys will be boys. They were slra ply mischievous and will not do as they did again. I forgive them alnoe they made thia apolpgy, .which I reqni for you, and 1 am sura you will for give them alao." On August i Dr. Short will lecture on the "Paaalon Play." He visited Ober- ammergsu In 1(00 and witnessed the fa mous performance. The lecture will be illustrated with vlewa which be selected with a great deal of care. TRUE MANLINESS. Dr. Boase Declares Xt Dos Mot Consist to Strength of th Jtamaa Body. . Dr. K. I House wa greeted yesterday by a large congregation atMhe First Congregational . church on hla return from the Ashland Chautauqua after an absence of two weeks. He spoke on the subject of True Manliness." He aaid, In part: Troe manliness does not consist In the strength, and alae of the huma'n body. Physical atrength and a large body- may add dignity to true, but they do not constitute the thing Itself. Man liness means truthfulness. Truth Is vl tnl,7 A man la already of consequence In the world when It la known that he can be relied upon to tell the truth. Another element" of manliness Is goodness. It shows Itself In constderateneea for others. Follow the Ideal life-given by Christ, and true manliness will manifest Itself to all who aee you In the dally walka of llf."., '. '. ; . . ; - . ' ELGIN PASTOR SPEAKS. Brr. g..S. .Urkley of Illinois Towm VU1 Wklt Tempi Pulpit, In th absence of Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher. the pulpit at the White Tem ple waa tilled yesterday by Rev. James S.Klrkley, D. D.. of Elgin. Illinois. The subject of -the morning address wa taken from Psalms xvll:3S: "Thy gen tleness hath made me great." Rev. Mr. Kintlr saldT-- "One can be great only aa Ood' gen thiness makea him so. There can bo no gentleness without strength.. Ood' a gen tleneaa makea ua great In four waya: IV makea room for. ua to growin; It es tablishes contact with blm; It brings ua Into cooperation with him; It make us In turn gentle like him." In the evening Dr. Klrkley pointed out many of the hidden vlrtuea, aaylng that we do not see theae vlrtuea and that moat people would not know them If they should aa them. " .", "ALCOHOL AND BRAINS." 7. Dr. oka Xaddea. Specki) oa Subject at T. U. O. A. Suadey Meettn. "Alcohol and Brains", was the Subject of a lecture delivered by Vtj John Mad dep yeaterday afternoon at th T. M. C. A. , DX. Maddaa prophealed that a Universal Demand forOwi SerYice by-People -Forces Manager of Company to Consider Their-Desiresas-He-Promised- An all-night atreetcar service for the city of Portland aeema now-almoat a certainty. Manager Fuller of the Port land Railway, Light A Power company haa stated that If the demand I auffl- clently widespread he will take up the matter-and furnish the people with travel aooommodat tone during all hours of the 14. The Journal took up the propoaltlon more with a view to learn ing the desire of the people than- for any othe reason. It found universality of the sentiment In favor of aa owl ervlo. When a publio request la mad for an expression of opinion only a small per centage of those who want a thing badly are willing to voloe that want. In view of thia fact, th number who have signed owl-car coupons la enormous. These coupons will be published only a few days longer- and- aa -th. better the ahowlng the better ImpreaaNm will be made upon the atreetcar company, th people who ear to have later ear for Portland's street are urged to aend In their coupon at onoe, -V- - eiim -.1 TUm, lnrwet - I am in favor of an all night streetcar service for Port- J a aee. f lana ana -vicinity. Name ............ i. ... .... ............ ..., Address A........ race not Caucasian who were not under the alcohol curse would eventually dom inate th earth. He aaid that alcohol destroys the protoplasm of the brsln cells by burning out the oxygen of the tissues. Dr. Madden quoted statistics showing that the Kngllsh people are the heaviest drinkers, Germans next ana Americana third. . He aaid that It la owing to the work of Mra. Hunt of Boa- tion-that-th teaching ot the .effects of alcohol ia compulsory In every atata In tha union, and that there la no dlaeass known to medical. men that cannot be more successful y treated without tha t of ' alcoholic beverage.-; NOIAN PRINCESS MARY AUQUQIA DEAD . (Special Pl.p.tch to The Journal.) 1 Aberdeen, Wash., July II.- Princess Mary, or Mary Auquqta, aa she I called by the Humptullpa Indiana, la' dead at the Quintault reservation of heart fail ure," aged Byer.'Sh'wa -the -wife of John Chepalts and the daughter of Chief Cape, who waa a great warrior in the early daya of tha northwest. Her grandfather waa known a a great friend of Captain Robert Gray, for whom the harbor waa named. Princess Mary was born In the Qulnlault coun try end her first husband wss Chief Chenolse, beside whom she will be bur led rn their ranch on the Humntullpa. . PEOPLE RAISE MQNEY FOR LUMBER COMPANY (Rpeeial Dlspafek te Tke JoaraaL) Bandon, Or., July SI. -The cltlsens ef the town of Bandon have ralaed SI.- 000 by popular aubacrlptlon for the pur pose of purchasing a aite ror tne cody Lumber, company. Till company will build a sawmill with a. oapaolty of 000 feet dally and .xpacte to have It ready for operation by March 1. The company may alao operate a aaah and door factory In connection with the mill. . Tom are not properly looklag eat fot lfo. 1 aalesa yea watch Th feonal Waal Ad . WATCH US GROW. A Qrowtk of Fifteen Yean Made V Fitting Vp Oa of th Finest tors . on th Ooaat,' .. . . . About II years ago w planted In thia city thia branch of th Eastern Outfit ling company and ever atnee we have eonetantly employed our beat faculties to cultivate that youog and delicate plant and. to develop It into a strong, glgantlo and fruit-bearing tree. Our perseverance-wtva-rewarded, our- cher ished hope was gratified. The magnifi cent new building, corner Washington and Tenth streets, our future home, si lently demonstrates our growth, our keeping pace with the tlmea and our modern methoda of merchandising. We wilt aoon bid farewell to our present premiaea and remove to our new apa- olou quarters, which afford ua a larger and broader field to exerclae our facilities to handle additional ltnea of goods, to materialise our sacred wishes to render to -our-patrone- better aocem modatlon and to popularise our store aa the pleaaant trading center. The mammoth removal aale now In progreas at our atores offers extra, special In ducement In all sections throughout the-house. We offer not only the cus tomary price reductions usually accom panying apeclal sales, but we aubmlt our part payment' plan to your dlaposal. Tou are privileged to select anything you may wish in man's and women'a wearing apparel, bate, shees. Jewelry. laces furniture, draperies, cut glass and china wartv niak. your first payment to suit your convenience and dictate your own terms for payment of the balance. Eaatern Outfitting company. Its Wash ington street. , Borealig In Vew Office, ' . (Special Dttpatck te The JaerasM Aurora. Or.. July . Th .Aurora Borealla printing plant has been moved to Its new location, the building formerly occupied br Leonard Will, on the corner of Main and Second streets. The build Ing hss been entirely remodeled to ao commodate the needs of the plsnt, and a book nd stationery department added to the office. ' The Borealla .now haa aa neat and complete an office aa can he found In an country town la th atata. BREAD IS SO GOOD R0innC0 PRIMARILY, it is baked with the intention of UCI1UjC ing it the best bread produced in Portland. mak- npi1TGO e r ,n uI POesion of the 'secret of baking; ' - llv.lUU3igood bread; ia thi secret ia embodied the principles of purity, cleanliness and wholesomeness. Butter- " , Nut bread is the result of much concentrated study 'and continual experimenting toward producing a ' superior quality product And ', ; . JlofnilCty Jt J B(,e ot finest qnality Ingredient Pills. : DCUllUC btiry's XXXX, Baker Patent, the best Eastern i w. flour and pur White, the best bluestem flour..' AltSionsb Scperior la QaalHy. "EcHer-Nct" Eresd Ccs!s No Uore Thta caers 5c Per Lei! v .- Sold by All Creer '.--..."A ii P f-1 tl AAlffi V'l Slip In th slices of bread and fry them until they are a lights brown. . Mix powdered " cinnamon pA pulverised sugar together and aift over each piece. Serve very hot m 1. 3ER FUMED COMB. ONE KING'S OPINION. Slsawath, the king of Cambodia, now In Parla, haa Judged ' women and alao our methoda of living, but hia main ex pression la regarding women, of whom h says: . That our women wear to many clothes and harneas themaelvea too tight. . . That they soueese their bodies In so that they run the risk of terrible ner- ous diseases. Thsn pnssli.gto '6lI.ftnttr-tM dusky potentate aays of the people he hss met In Europe: That everybody talks too much, men, women and' children. That servant without prostrating themaelvea talk to thetr masters. That we have no good manners. Es pecially In the matter of snatching pho tographs of people who do not want to be photographed. That we do .not. pray often enough. even If we do have "wonderful templea built of fin white stone." A NEW NECKBAND. A velvet neckband with ends erossed by a brooch Is worn with, many lin gerie walatsas a finish to the costume and aa a support to the collar. To women with white or gray hair nothing la so bf coming" ss the line ot black vel vet with a white waist. - When the at la In color, the waist In white and the suit of neutral tone.- a band of vel vet corresponding to the hat la an addi tion. r..:T - . . ; t -WALKING-PUMPS. In chooalng walking pumpa, make sure that the heel ha a chamois lining, to prevent slipping With a blue serge yachting suit nothing la nattier than navy blue pump and navy blua hose with tiny white polka dots. .. ; SPANISH FRITTERS. , Spanish fritter are excellent . for luncheon or aa a deeaert and can be made from a loaf of bread too atale to put on tha table, yet not hard. Take a baker's loaf, cut it Into slices. Sweeten Enough milk to saturate the breed. Into whioa two egg r beaten and aUrred, There are perfumed omb for th hair. A French jeweler had some comb that were surmounted by a row of little open work or filagree balls. Tnete balls opened up something like the "tea balls." which everybody knows about And in the middle ef each little ftlugre ball there wa a little lump of cotton saturated with attar of perfume of one kind or another. One wa rioti with rose., another with geranium, an other with Jasmine and ao on, until eeth. -little ball had its own scent The oomt restod on the top of the hair and when In place looked no different at all from any other comb. It acented th hair. THE CZAR'S NURSERIES. At the esar"e palace of Tsarskoe ..-. tne nurseries provided for the oare of children consist of 11 room. One feature la described by Mlsa Egar, the chUdren's governess, as -follows: In the bathroom la a stationary bath of solid silver, used for the bigger children. There Is a small silver bath for the nee of whatever baby reign. Xach child's name la engraved upon It ao It forms a historical record. It waa ap parently bought for Nicholas I, and bears hla name and thoae of hi family. We also find the names of Alexander II and of Marie, afterward Duchess of Ed inburgh. The last name added waa that of Alexis, the little baby who wa born In Auguat 1104. TWENTY: MEN KILLED IN AWFUL COLLISION .. ' U ' . t- (Joarnal Speelat SerH-e.) Charlotte. N. C July It Seaboard Air Line offlclala aay two white men and II negroes were killed in a collision laat night. IKS U. WMialerf xl Ltzrza 23 eeeee. tw "