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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
11 MOTS .? n - 1 V- . ' : 'AH $18XX) yaluet Sale 'AH $20.00 vluet Sale iinMIAAU. 6.1. AH $30.00 values Siwe.. ......................... Jp---ov : . J $8.00 TROUSERS AT........ All $35.00 value-Sale An $40.00 values Sale 1 : your share RUSSELL SAGE DIES SUDDENLY FROM OLD AGE AT SUMMER HOME : 1 Veteran Financier Would Have '; Celebrated Ninetieth Birth- y , day In August. !. 'WON WORLD FAME A3 V MOST RIGID ECONOMIST t Ipreated System of ScQing Prirfogfle rtror- Pnt and CH Went to Coo ctcm Half Cntury Ago as an Ap dent Whig and AbolitiooUt. ". '- (7md ptal Sirrlc.) ,' -Nr Tork. July BuuaU 8r . Una Clsaaelr of VTaU atrt, fathar li Vta and hOi," died uddanly at Ihla bom. Cadsroroft, at Lavranoa, Lng Island, raatarday at 4:10 p. m. Ha bad fraaa ajtoaptleoally ynll tar aoma aneatba. At coon ha waa aaliad' with ; a atnklas apall and eollapaad, fall In f 4 Into anaonaolouanaaa and paaaloa; away llatar. Ha4 Mr. Baa llrad until Auriat 4 .ba would hava 'oalabratad hla alaatiatb VajBaral Vast Wadnaaday. Thar vara praaant at tha and Mra. .B, bar brothar. OolonaX J. J. Blocum; : , Kar. Dr. Robart Ltoh. Dr. Theodora " ; a Janawar of Naw Tork. Dr. J. Carl ' ,' t SchuMiok, a local phralolaa, aod - Dr. ' , John P. Wnnn, for naar raara Mr. , IBaa-a'a family phyaldan, who waa auon ; monad from Naw Tork whan tha flrat . ' , alanslaa; ymptonTa war manlfeatad. Tha fanarai anrvicaa will ba bald ' ,' Wadaoaday at tha Wast Praabytarlan ' , church, la Waat Forty-aoeond atraat, itf wbloh Mr. Baaa bad baan -a inambar ' far many yaara. Tha lntaranmt will , taka plaea ftf'-Tray TbardK.y. Mrs. Baca and -har..brotbey.JJColoBal.UoeunV'ajr namaa as tna axsoutora of Mr. Saaa's win. ' - It la ran nra By bsllarad that Mr. BaaVa vast lntareata will not ba larl- oaaly atfaetad by hla death. ; . Bars as Vovr Soy. ' ' Uks many of tha malU-mnilonaJraa ef Amsrtoa, Ruaaall Bags, tha "father of puts and calls." becan Ufa a pool Z7"hor. Ha was born" la Onairta county, . Naw Tork, Aarnat 4, HI. His father, . Hanry Baga, was a laborer and unable to k1t Raaaal mora than a nearer du- -eatlon. At Df I he was thrown dob hla own reaourees and went to Troy la search of employment. After ' a sacceaelon of hardahlps common to . . tha boye of tha atreet ha aeenred a place , la a erocery store. After a few years of earnest work ha rose la the estimate ef hla employers, and at the are of SO " waa riven s 'poaltton of truaL In 1161 he entered buslneaa for hlmaelf. About ' tha eejne time ha married Mine ' Anna Carman, 'dauahtar of one of the rich man of Troy. v At that time, also, Mr. Pise tonk an . enUre interest la the volltlca of Troy. " In 1141 -he-waa aleeted aa sldotmnn, which offloe he held until 1141. He ' alee earrai seven years as county treas urer. In hie early life Mr. Sura mi an -ardent Whir politically, and waa an sr elepjed fn cflnrreas af Tepreeentwe! ' This sale isin accordance with our usual custom, making a Grand Clearance Sale at the end of each season, including all stock on hand. Our stock being all the finest grades; it enables those in need of wearing apparel an opportunity to get the best at a very moderate cost Chesterfield Suits Price. Price'. TW.. iVrrvrvv'vrtnvv Price Price. AU black and blue Suits of the great values of that party In 1(51 and serred antri 185T. He was tha first on tha floor of oonrress to advocate tha purchaae of Mount Ternon by tha government. Inventor of rata and Oalla. Mr.- Sara's -first -vantoraln-railroad and financial circles waa as a director associated with Thurlow Weed la tha Hudson A Mohawk railroad, running from Albany to Schenectady. Upon hla retirement from oonrress ha removed to Mew Tork and entered Wall street as-a speoulstor. - H was tha Inventor of tha aoherae of Belling prlvllegea, or "puts and calls." At tha same time ha became Interested In railroads and aecured stock In western llnea, notably tha Milwaukee eV fit. Paul, of which he was president and vice-president for 13 years. By disposing of theas Invest meats as tha ' araaller roads became absorbed try -trunk UneS tie rftpldly' be came wealthy. In later-yenra he waa oloeely. associated with .Gould In tha management of the 'Wabash, St. Louis Pacific, tha Missouri Pacific, the MIs-Bourt,- Kansas t Tm,J!i Delaware, Lackawanna A" Western, and the Bt Louie A Bant Francisco railroads, the American Cable company, the Western Union Telegraph company, and the Man hattan conanllriated syatetn of railroads in New Tork City. In all of which cor porations he served aa a director. He was also a dtreetorltv. several banks. Mr. Sara "had" lived In New Tork hnt a few yeers when his wife died. The blow almost prostrated him, and It was some time before he returned to the field of f Inanre; Tor Jr.eara he continued to devote his entire attention to Dual rwns. with ptther family nor children. fcventnally he married Mlas Marguerite Ollva Slortim, who (arvlvee him. . Mad Most steady Money. ' During the last decade of Ma career Mr.'are'g fll1nrs In "Wits and calla" v 1 v.. v . i i ; Ruasell Sage. " r Tins onzcoii daily joutjiai; roxrrLAND. i:q::dav Sale 13.50 ....915.00 , $5.00 TROUSERS AT. i lnnn ,)9.W mmimi. rii!,: $7.00 trousers at. $9.00 TROUSERS AT. 829.50 - $10.00 TROUSERS AT include Spring and offered. o were comparatively smaU. ' though there waa a tuna when bis transactions la these privileges amounted to millions of dollars annually. It was said that tie always had mora ready money than any other man' In wall street, and that he could meet a -demand at -any -time for from tXOOO.000 to 118.000.000. Hlf wealth haa been variously estimated from 111,000,000 to 1100,000.000. It la -certain that he haa long; baan entitled to a plaoa among America's richest men. Mr. Sara's great reputation was that of an economlser. Ha often deals red that IIS was enough for any man to pay for a suit of clothes and. that BO-cent straw hat should ba worn at least two seasons. And ha religiously practiced what ha preached. Ha never smoked, and his only stimulant In recent years was a thimbleful of whiskey Just before retiring. He had but one great hobby to own and drive fast roadsters. When his wlfa and physician persuaded him. after his serious Ulnees In 1105. to grad ually relinquish tha active management of his business, ha could oa aeen every afternoon.' aavs Bunday. driving behind a handsome pair of horses In CentraH park. The past few years ha resided n Fifth avenue opposite St Patrick's cathedral Previous to that ha had lived for many years in. ordinary brown stona front mansion on tha avenue Just abovs Forty second street. - Took Mo Taoattom. ' For years Mr. Base's office looked out Into Trinity churchyard, at tha corner of Broadway and Rector street. After the attempt to blow him to pleooa with dynamite la this offloa soma II years ago, Mr. Saga removed hla office to S4 Kaasau street. Up to tha time when ha waa fast ap proaching his ninetieth year Mr. Bags kept In tha harness. All tha stories told about his taking no vacation, having no "days oft" working on holidays aa on business days,' were true. - Mr. Sage was never heard to speak In later years' of hla family connections In fact, he la said to have declared mora than onoa that ha had no living rela tives. It often has been reported, how ever, that he' haa I nephewa and other relatives living In his old home county ind also scattered through the west. AMERICANS KILLED IN BATTLE WITH PULAJANES ' Constabulary Driven Back In a Clash With Natives Thir " 1 teen Killed. . ' fjmrtir gpeclit-'Servtes.t - Manitowoc, Wis., July a k bolt of constabulary. Lieutenant Williams com manding, encountered a band of 400 Pu la janes near Buraen, on the Island of Leyte, yesterday (Bunday) morning. Lieutenant Worawlck, 11 privates and Civilian Boout McBride were killed. The constabulary were driven back. Tha Pulajanes secured 14 rifles and two revolvers. Tha bodies of Worawlck, McBride and 10 privates were recovered. Reinforcements of constabulary have been sent from the nearest station. - Major Nevlll, commanding tha mili tary, has ordered' a company of the Twenty-fourth regular Infantry to be hurried to the scene. Major Nevlll re ports that there are from 400 to 1,000 Pulajanae In the .field. Lieutenant Worawlck was a graduate of the University - of- Kansas - and was appointed to the eonatabulary laat Feb ruary. He graduated from the Con stabulary scnopi June 4 and this waa his flrat battle. Buraen Is situated la an isolated portion of on Fine Trousers $4.00 TROUSERS AT. ..... . . ......... . . . .83.25 . $1.00 GARMENTS AT. . $8.00 TROUSERS AT. . Summer weights. , . , KNIGHTS TO CLIMB HIGHEST PEAK Eastern Oregon Pythlans Plan Trip to Top of Eagle Cap Mountain This Week. DISTRICT CONVENTION HELD IN ENTERPRISE Cornerstons of New Tstnrds, Being THErtctsd by K. of P. and Odd Pel- laws, to Bs Laid With Impresslvs CcTCinorry, '.',;"... CSyeelal Dbpateh te She lesreaa.) Enterprise, Or., July tt The east ern Oregon district eonvenUoa of tha Btalghtg of Pythias convened at this plaoa today, and a large number of Knights from aU aver tha state have ar rived, and aa elaborate program baa bean prepared. Tha Enterprise lodga Is ersottng a fine flf.000 hall In conjunc tion with tha L O. O. F. and tha officers ef both these orders will ba present dur ing tha convention and tha cornerstone Of tha new building will ba laid,., A large tent with a seating capacity of 100 has been raised In the public square, at one and of which there is an immense stags 40 by SO feet, on which tha degree work will ba carried On by tha various contesting teams of eastern Oregon. About 100 Knights and their ladles will make a trip to the top of IDagls Cap mountain. whloh la tha highest peak- in the state, being higher than Mount Hood according to recant surveys. Cam pa bars bsea established at different plaoea along tha route so that tha crowd will have good acoemmodattoas along tha trail.- . The officers ef the grand lodge, Oev emcr Chamberlain, W. M. Cake ef PorV Undf Judge Bradshaw ef The Dallee, and many other prominent men will be In the party. EASTERN EXCURSION RATE . -August 7i . September S and 10. - Oa the above datea tha Oreat North ern Railway will have on sale tlckete te Chicago and return at rate of ITl.iO, fit. Louis and return 17,10, Bt Paul. Minneapolis and Dulutn, Superior or Bloux City -and return.- MO. Tickets first-class, good going via the oreat Northern, returtng same or any dlreot route, stopovers allowed. For tickets, sleeptngoar reserve tlbna or any addi tional Information call on or address H. Dickson, C. P. 4s T. A lit Third street, Portland. , Banff Hot Springe. ; Less than 4t hours' ride from Port land, and In the very heart of the Rocky mountains. The greatest moun tain resort on the American epntlnent Round trip tickets good for M days are now on sale, at a rate of llf.o for the round irlp-For descriptive matter and full particulars call oa or sddresa F. R. Johnson, T. P. A. 141 ffhlrd street. Portland Oreros " . . l . ... : - cr::.i::3. jtjly c:, 9 ...... . . .84.00 - $U3 GARMENTS AT . ......... 84. M.OW l.B UARMtia $5.00 c $2.00 garments at..... ....... ..... ......... :.......$i5 ......86.00 . $2.50 GARMENTS AT,;.. ...W... SG.75 ..$7.50 Sale BEGINS . WEDNESDAY MORNING, Get f 1 Mrrei FU f J D AT1 EN TA L LA IV IS CZAR'S WILL Emperor States In Proclamation Dissolving DoUma That His Will Is Supreme. LEGISLATURE SCORED FOR ITS INTERFERENCE Relist Promised by Reform of Laws f or PeeasjitryWlU Afford Moans for Acquiring Land -Perfect Order Is Necessary. ; .V (Jim eel SpeHml Sernee.) Bt Petersburg, July It. The text of the esays manifesto dissolving the douma. Issued Sunday, la aa follows: We called the representatlvea of the nation by our will to the work of pro ductive legislation, confiding firmly In divine elemenoy and believing la the great and brilliant future of our people. We expected benefits for ths country from their labors. We proposed great reforms la all departments of tbe na tional life. - We have always devoted the greatsst care to the removal of the Ignorance- ef the people - by the : tlgbt of Instruction and to the removal of the burdens of the people by f so 111 taring conditions of agricultural work. ...... Oaa yMsavpolsaad.-.. A cruel disappointment has befallen ear expectations. The representatives of the nation, Instead of applying them selves to the work of produouve legls iatlon," Strayed Into . a ' sphere be yond their competence and have been making comments on the Imperfections of the fundamental laws, which can only be modified by our Imperial wiu. In short, the reprossntatlvee of the na tion bare undertaken really illegal acta, such as aa appeal te the nation by the Darllament- The peasants, disturbed by such an omalies, seeing no hope for the amelior ation of their lot, atarted, in . a num ber of districts, to open pillaging, da Btxsatlon of property and disobedience of the law. But our subjects ought te remember that Improvement In the lot of the people Is only possible under conditions ef - perfect- order -and -tran-- aulUlty. We shall not suiow aroitrary Illegal action, and shall Impose our im perial will on the disobedient by all the force of the power of the state. mefosm Is Promised... .We call oa well -disposed Russians : to unite for the maintenance of legal power and the restoration ef peaoe to our dear fatherland. May God help oa to realise the ehlefeet and the most important of our tasks, that of tbe re form of the peasants' laws. Our will on this point Is unshakable,' and Kus alan husbandmen, without other people's property being encroached upon, will be unniud. In nesss where peasants' lands are too email, with legal and honest mesne for the enlargement of their property. ' Representatives of other nlassas will, at eur request, devote all efforts ts the reaUaatloa of this, great task, which will be performed definitely In a legislative manner by a future parliament. ' '( ' -la clisenmng pamawni, w Y7V7 V N -Y 1- 1 , Men's Fine Underwear $3.00 GARMENTS AT. . . ; ... .. . . . . ,7.777.77. .. . .82.25 $4.00 ALL SILK AT. ................ ... ............ ... .82.75 the BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. v r.. tt 1.1 l' l ; rf uisnta tinarjai buobt orra paoxtio giectrle Light. Itxm, got and Cela Belt Witw U tery Tab.- Bay Tickets e Breakesa, Padne Oesaty, Wash, rostofflce ASdreaa, Breaaere, Wash. - . our immutable Intention of keeping this tnstttntlon, and In conformity with this Intention we appoint March t, 1107, the date . for the convocation of the naw parliament by ukaae addressed to the senate. ' "To Begsaeseae knsaria. ' - With an unshakable belief In divine olemenoy and the good sense of the Russian people, we shall expect from the new parliament a realisation of our efforta by the introduction of leglala tlon la accordance with tbe require ments of regenerated Russia, ' Faithful sons ef Russia, your emperor-calls on you to unite' with him for the regeneration of the holy father land. '-: ' : ' ' ' ;' p" ' We believe these grants, la thought ana action, and that,, thanka to their assiduous efforts,- ther glorious-Russia will eontloue to shine.. . .,. ' y ROAD IS IMPROVING . J MOUNTAIN DIVISION (Special Mapatefe to The Joorastl ' La Oranda, Or., July II. Work on the track Improvement on the mountain dl Vision will commence In good shape this weak, when five engines and three full. crews will be put In commission haul' Ing gravel from ths newly established pit below HUgard. t The 'wye has bees finished and two steam shovels will dig out ths material to load to ears dally for the balance of the season. Ballasting will be atarted from Huron and worked this way. It is stated that the O. R. St N. will employ 111 ann to this work, while 100 or 400 more will be engaged in the tunneling and trastle- fllllng Which began last week." Theae operations give plain evidence that the Blue Mown tain division of the O. R. 4s N. is to he put in; the best possibVe soa- dition. ' .- NUNAMAKER SELLS . - - MORROW HOLDINGS dpesud Dlepatcb ts Tke sernal.) Heccner. . Or, July I- J. H, Kuna- . l. w.a mnA Mm Ma aafa a mjnA llva took holdings la Morrow oounty and haa purcnaaea a -mor wmm aa nm River, paying tll.oOO therefor.- He sold Ithea ereek te Arotile Oo oonalderatloa I IT, 000. TnC upper yimom, consisting ax aaa -- ha anlil to William Bwlck of Orant county, for a consideration of US- pr acre, or ltO.00.- Ms.- Bwiaia . - .V s' . ; ... ... 75 . .. .i. ....... . OS ..81.75 .: i.TilKn NAME IT J 1 also purohased the sheep at It per bead. - Mr,' Nunamaker expects te reside ? f . i i rvk 1 a JtaaeV. River aermaaenty : , - . r