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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
tiis crjz-ju daily jouni.v.L, rcrTLAi:D. i.:c::dav l COHTEST .CfllEBSlE H.OOOlE, y - : v'.i 1 " LADORIUG FAITHFULLY FOR VOTES HOT OHLY 70 v - ; Unionists Declare Recsnt Dem Friends Coming to Their .Assistance and Many Changes in the Score Are Expected to Occur During the Pres-" E. P. McCroskey Blames O. R. onstration Is Responsible for '(T.:: Action of Company. " ft N. and Union Pacific " . Systems. Vv. ; 'T ; , ; entWeek. . . amsm ft : - ,Tl j ' ' "0) T) 11 ORGANIZATION BEING- T , 1 DESERTED BY MEMBERS Both pcfeat and Victory Come as . Result of Demands Mada .Upon Corporation by Employe Danger ,'. of Union Being Dissolved. -'. , Victory iM -defeat wr both locked up In the dacisloa not to strlk reached - at Its memorable miamgm mnuni ur . the Amalgamated Aeeociatloo of Street and Electric Railway Employee of .... Mm mrinM rtlvlalnn lit : Victory cornea In the shape of a rala 4 oX wages, forced, ao tn union men ey, ' " t tha dlnnlav n their ercanlaed power. Defeat comes la the abandonment of all - o damanda and th subsequent demoralise tlon of the union. ."' ' " ' I On July T.aftef a peUtioh-'4of the . " carmen had been pending for more than ;. two month, they were granted a ralae '.'- of wage averaging one half a cent per hour. ' At that time toe company atated In Ita slrcular letter to Ita m- ployes that It could not poealbly arrow to grant a further Increase. Twelve days -later on one. system, however, and II day later on tn otnera, tne cum canv Boated notices of ralae which l will probably average not leaa than one cent per hour, or twice aa mucn as - gran red only two weeka before. The . ' carmen point to this fact and declare ' that no employe, union or nonunion, will attempt to deny that the union secured .-. tha Increase by Ita display or. sirengiu. Sf eat Zs . - . But from the moment the union meet : tng broke up early last Friday morning very one realised that tha defeat was ' greater than the victory. Union men , took off their red buttona or bid -them --'"under their coats." Soma quit work be--'' cause they were disgusted' with the backdown of their fellows or felt sure of being discharged If they did not quit. Others, according to reports circulated by oarmen, were quleUy discharged for ; no other reason than that they had been actively In favor of a. strike and had refused to sign fidelity agreements pre ' aen ted by officials of the company. . Previous to the passing of. the war cloud General Manager Fuller of the Portland Railway, Light power com - pany declared that no employe had been i dtacharged for being active In union af-j fairs. . Immediately afterward - "when .' questioned he refused to say as to . ' ' whether or not the union men would bo ' discriminated against by the company. The general lmpreaalon of , the carmen la that Manager Fuller Is on a still hunt for - unionists and will discharge them r quietly, one at a time. ; Ualoa MM rrlghteue. . . . Bo widespread Is this sentiment that not a single working carman eould be . found though a week ago he wore hla " red button conspicuously and talked ' . strike volubly who today will admit that ha Is la favor xt the- perpetuation ' of hla union. For thla reason a early dissolution Is predicted. Even President Nels Sorenson. who Is a motormaa on a Washington street line, refused to say today that be would do anything to keep the union Intact ' , : Tomorrow night tha union will meet to decide whether or not to turn In Its 'charter to the International Tonight . the executive board will meet to decide what action It shall reoommend to the union. If the union la not dissolved, tt Is admitted by Us officers that It will cut but little figure for at least the - next several month. Whether or not , ' It is dissolved t Is expected that another union will be organised with the con sent and under the advice of the com . ' pany. Thla, It Is hoped by the company, ' will head off the building up of a strong , organisation affiliated with- a central body or an International. . . t slew Wage Sjcaedmlo. The new wage schedule will go Into ffeot on AusTust 1. It will be the aame on all linea aa previously pub lished for the a W. P. lines. The mini mum will be SI cents en hour. - This mount the employes will receive during " th first year of service. Dunns- th - second year they will get ii cents an hour, during the third SI cents, the fourth Jf cents and after that 17 cents ' aa hour. - Thus It will be seen that un der the new system sn employe receives 21 cents an hour, to begin with and reaches the ' maximum in four years. Under the schedule which went' Into affect on July T the .minimum waa SI . cents aa hour and the maximum 17 ' ; cents, but It required 10 years of service to reach the J 7 -cent wage. - Notice of the new schedule was posted in au tne car Darns yesieraey.--.T- , , i i iii , . V .V v ' i Cheap ' Rates East.' ' ' x On August 7. I, . September S and 10, th Canadian Pacific will sell special round trip tickets to eastern terminals . at very low rates. ; s . , Tickets good going via' Canadian Pa . clrio, returning same line, or via any dl- rect route, -with -stopovers and long time limit - For descriptive matte and full particulars regsrding rates, etc.. call oa or address, F. K. Johnson, F. and P. A., , Portland. Oregon. A Train Load . Of HEALTH 4 MILLIGAN'S Oest Prepared 'ssiieii'i ''eM 0- jr-zfu ' emewsua- ' Dry Colors and, Railway White Lead Just Received " Also a Complete Line of PRATT &...LAMPERTS .VARNISH L: Chi-Namel Wood Finish, Calcimo '. Wall Colors for Tinting, Brushes and Painters' Supplies. See our . . . V Windows. . .. , ' . 1., .. v ... - . - - CcIizMallardwareCo. Second, and Morrison Streets. '- Phone Main 1236 C : Cha. ' Gross. th T. M. C A. boy, made a. hit In new subscribers in the educational contest of The Journal on Saturday He reported four subscribers and sained .1.441 points In his score standing. , From the. start bis has toeen a record of new ' subscribers -' and he apparently has not tried to gala votes In collecting from- old subscribers, ii appears that new subscribers to The Journal are readily obtained In Y. M. C A. circles and that Uross Is a pop ular young man In'tlfaV'quarter: i - Ouy Graham, the Troutdale boy with the widowed mother, added TOO votes to his score on Baturday. "He Is bound to maintain a high place la the score ladder. . Nellie Mav Shannon, of IIS Tenlno street, Portland,' the . present leader of the 'content, did not turn In votes on Saturday and other amblUoue workers had a' chance-to draw nearer to her enviable position. . " ; . ' Klvenaea An Interested. Intereaterd la Miss Shannon's ' can didacy la Joha Chambers, : the veteran locktender. at Oregon City. - Mr. Cham bers Is the fond grandfather of Mlas Nellie. He Is known to every team boat man on the Willamette river and the boatmen arc anxious to shower their compliment upon him by giving him votes for his favorite grandchild. For 10 years John Chambers has been a e JCelUe May shannon, fit Tenlno, Portland, Or. ...... ............ .11411 , ) -LUllan MoTlcker. St Johns,,Or. ...... ...... t7ll e ' Horse' A. Wilson, 211 Halaey St, Portland, Or.. ...'..'........'....187SI v e 4 Guy Graham, Troutdale, Or. Chaa. Orosa, T. M. C. A Portlr-d. e CUy Jones, 401 B. 11th St, Portland, e. Roy Johnson, f Division St, Portland. Or. ...11011 - a) e Carl Shel ton. Forty-eighth street. Mount Tabor, Or. ............. ..10IJI e 4; Mae Pendergrasa, 111 North Seventeenth St, Portland. Or...... 1065 a 4 John Benson, Chemaws, Or, ...... ......... ............... TI7I e e Edith M. Harris. Ill Oxford St. Portland. Or. .................. Tll0a Mildred L. Clemons, University Park. Portland, Or. ............. mi e- 4 Rhoda U SUlnacker.'Aibarty, Or.......... 1411 4 d Bertie O. Chan, IIS Clay St. Portland, Or. 1171 e 4- Paul Nygren, IIS East Third Bt, north. Portland. Or. ....... w... 41.40 d d Mary E. Powell, 41T Salmon St. Portland. Or. I7&0 e X'Clay Cary. Salem, Or. Sill. e 4 Harry Brant, Til Willamette boulevard. PortUnd, Or,. ........... 1771 e 4 Dorcas Van Schoonhoven. Cove. Or. d Louise Soott Central addition. .Portland, Or. ...........k... 1000 d R- W. Cyrus. Scto. Or............. d Ivy, Owens, Cedar Mills. Or. mo 4 Edward L. Kinsman, Xlnntoa Or.: ........ ........... llli 4. d Alleen Hackman, MyrUe Park. PorUand, Or. .................... 14V0 4 4 : Guy Johnson, III Grant St, Portland, Or. ...1110 e 4 Ruth Turner. 101 Kerby Bt. Portland, Or. too 4 e Mabel Magness, Amity, Or. '. W. E. Owyan, 141 East Thirty-seventh St, Portland, Or , BOO George D. King, Kingston, Or.i a. .-. .t rcntinTmn SOd . Agnes Evans, La tourell. Or. L10IIEY LIAGIIKIES TURUED TO WALL Mayor Valentine of St. Johns ' ' Makes Move Against the Gambling Devices. CIGAR MACHINES ARE ALLOWED TO OPERATE Executive Declares Moral . Tons of Community' of Greater ' Value Than Revenue Prom Licenses if Machines L Wert Allowed to Run. Base Side Pepartmsnt ' Mayor Valentin of St Johns has or dered all money-paying -slot machines In that city put out of commission. The mayor mad the rounds of the business houses Saturday morning and notified the proprietors that' after Bat. urday night no more- machines of that character would be allowed to operate. It Is not my Intention at this time," said the mayor, "to prohibit the running of the card machines that pay in trade. I do not think they are very harmful. They are mainly confined to the cigar stores, and If smokers want to get their cigars by playing these machines, 1 can't see that It does much damage. But with ' th money-paying - machines the thing Is different; that Is gambling, wir and simple.. ' ' ' ' "Sine ordering thee machines closed, I have been approached by a number of our cltlsens and thanked Xor do ing so. ..'".'' "I Undrstand," eontlnued th mayor. "that th owners of theee machines are willing to pay a monthly fine, or licenae of I each for th privilege or running them. As -there are about on dosen of them running In St. Johns, the total would amount to quite a neat revenue, and the city needs th money. ' But there are other things that It needs more than money; one of them ts a heal thy moral nei Prohibiting -all forma of gambling will go a long way toward creating and sustaining this tone. "With reference to the publication of th strry that warrants war Issued for th arrest of business men operating lot machines, I wish to state." said th mayor, "that no warrants were Issued, ro arrests wr made, nor, ao fnr aa I am aware, none war contemplated. I had allowed these machines to be oper atci, without molestation, for several months, -end I certainly would not have begun a crusade agatnat them by prose. ,fulion,.l would havflrat ordered them closed'aa did do. If there was failure to comply with the order, then would have been the time for warrants." The mayor says that n oonridentijr expect his commission as postmaster to arrive today or tomorrow; that he has made all arrangements to take pos session of the office as soon as th commission arrives. . .-, : . "Church' tnlon or Church Federa tion" was ths subject of an sddress delivered last nlgWt in" Hawthorne park by .Rev. H. C. Shaffer, pastor, of th Slrst United .Brethren church, 'There was a Very large oongregatftm from all the east side-churches. . SLtv. Mr. Shaffer save many reasons faithful : sentinel t tha Oregon City locka. . ' ..'.-- - " The Carpenters' Union Is helping Miss Bhannon, aa her father. Mr. C. Jtf. Shannon, is a member of that organisa tion. ' . Horace ' A: Wilson gained over a thousand votes on Bafurday and keeps up the reputation he made in tne be ginning aa a earnest andenthualastlo worker. He Is up in the cash prises and intends to swajp himself tnere. " :r Volar WeU at aveaass.---J-r Mary E. Powell telephoned to - the contest manager from . Oreeham that aha la having fine success In gather ing subscriptions In tha vicinity of her old home. The Powells are one or tne pioneer families of the Greaham dis trict, Powell valley having been named from on or th - family. . Miaa rowtu graduated from the high school last June and she wants a scholarship from The Journal to complete her education. Her sister, , Miss Frances Powell, haa given up a lucrative position 'In order to- help Mlas Mary win one of .the scholarships. j , - Most , of the other contestants closed the week by adding something to their scores. They are beginning to learn that constant application la necessary In order to get along In the contest A good week is promised for all. of. them. Friends are arising to their assistance who com as surprises. .-11481 d ' Or., 11170 Or. ..................... ...not! 14. 1711: 4 list 4 TOO S00 ' for -advocating universal church union of . th - protestant . denominations. Among which were th following: ' "In th United States th general councils of the Congregational church, Methodist church and United Brethren church have agreed to federate, and a general plan has been agreed upon for organic union. Th two branches of the Kvangellcal church are now .con sidering union. 'A "in New Zealand th Methodists." Presbyterians and Congregatlonallats have united In th publication of a re ligious periodical. ' '.The Congregatlonallats, Methodists, Presbyterlana and United Brethren of Canada, will likely unit at an- early date; at least such 4 union Is now be ing considered. Not many years ago the great Preabyterian church and th Free Church of Scotland became on powerful organisation. . "Th 11 Presbyterian churches of India, havs organised a movement which aima at federation. Th seven Presby lerian onurcnea in au America ar planning ror a union. . Th . S.OOO.OOS Baptists of North America are forming a plan for amai gamatlon. . Th two branches of Methodism. In the VnlteLetates bav uuiieu in puouaning th aame hymn- oook. Th Evangelical . ..churches of rorto Rico, Cuba, and th PhlllDDlnea. have federated. In Japan th Mtho- uisis ar -trying to get together. And I might add that but on year ago th repreaentatlves of (0 denomina tions met in Slew lork city and dis cussed plans for universal church xsaeration." Judge Grant B. Dlmick of Clackamas county is 01 in opinion that an un usual effort will be required to eradl cat the Canada thistle. H says they hav gained a wld foothold In this immediate aectlon of the atat. Patchea of th thistle ar found In many ilace along th lln of th O. W. p. road. Th town of Haley on thla line is completely- overrun - with 1CA num ber of pstches have been discovered on th banks" of th -Columbia slough oa th Vancouver carllne. It will b an easy, matter for them to spread from tills point as th high waters of th uoiumDia river, win scatter both seeds ana roots. :-: rT The St Johns Commercial club will hold a smoker 'iVednesdsy vnlng. -' It Is desired to get as larg a number of memDera present at tnis meeting possiDie. -. several important proposi tions will com up for consideration by in ciud, ana ine entir mmbrshln la urged to- be present . Beginning today Vsnvouver sr"a-n. Ing west will eross tha Steel bridge, re turning to th city by war of th. Bumsld bridge. Repairs on tha Union avenue lln makes- this arrangement necessary, v- THE KIND JO INSURE WITH. . . Bsrauut Asaerleaa. Oermaa Alllaaoe. rkoaaia aad slew aTampshlre Look Oood Already ,-XaT, PaU About Three Mllltomi:- SpMal DIspstHi te Hie teerssl.) - ' -Oakland, Cal July SI. Among the semi-annual statements Just filed In the east by th fir Insurance companies the following shoW 'unimpaired strength: BLnrLUB TO PULICY HOLDERS. German American of New Tork - -.-jv.-j . .. .over 86.600.000 German Alliance Inaur- a nee asaoclatlon .over S.000.000 Phoenix of Hartford over 6,000,000 New Hampshire over t.000,000 Companies like these art strong enough to meet - other, conflagrations which may occur at any time., TheyJ have paid to data about la.000.000 lnl Sea rranclsca. ,., , , , ,, ... J MEN CAN'T AFFORD TO ; PAY RAILROAD FARE One Firm Could Use Five Thousand Men at One All Employment ! Agencies Have Orders for Big Gangs at High Wages. E. P. McCroskey, manager, of th Canadian , Employment bureau of Port' land, went east to secure 8,00) men to work on Oregon., railroad construction, in logging camps and reclamation proj ects. ' After spending weeks in clos touch with th labor markets of ; Chi cago, Kansas City, Omaha, Milwaukee, Detroit and other middle west cities, he returned to Portland with but TO men. He saya th reason for. his failure 'was th refusal of the O. R. at N. and Union Pacific systems to grant a far less than SlO.Zt .from Chicago to PorUand. Mr. MeCroakey says he found there were thousands of men In th cities of th middle west who want work and who would come, to th Paolfle coast If they could get her. He said: V '1 want east in company with Mr. Eflckson, of th firm of Erlckson at Peterson, who ar building th railroad from Riparia to Lewlston. On reachlns cnicago 1 got into communication with th labor egenclea of all th principal cities in that- country. Th Northern Paclflo railroad . offered to- carry men from Chicago to St Paul for 14. and bring them from that city to Oregon free ir they would go to work oa North- era Paclflo construction work. . To th- St would hav bean added a fee of 12 to tn employment agency. : ATI th K Dead Broke. "Th head Of 'th operating depart ment of th Harrlman ' linee. Julius Kruttschnltt was oonsatted. and he refused to grant a rat of less than 110.26 from Chicago to Dragon. , Th men who ar willing to com hav not got SlO.Si for th railroad' far and II for th employment agencyi and enough' In addition to keep them from hunger n th road. -. vw. V .? V. ..- ' "I got about 70 man to come, and eould hav got a great many more If I had been willing to. bring them over th Hill line and turn them loose in Oregon to work tor th Harrlman roads If they wished to." . Mr. MeCroakey showed books full of orders for men to work in all Unes of common and skilled labor. Th firm of Erlckson eV Peterson could us 1,000 men at one. - Th north bank Una eould give employment to nearly that many mora, Th agency haa aa order for 400 men to work on th Klamath Irrigation cnalt under, construction . by Mason, Davis at Co. Th agency haa mors than too orders on Its books for help, each order requiring from 10 to S.SOO men. ; la no Instance are the jeragea lower than 11.60 per day, and In many eases per. day Is offered. It Is a condi tion of the labor market unparalleled in th history of tha country. Every employment agency In Portland la In a similar position, and whUs some of th agenotes ar sanding out (0 to (0 man daily to f IU various places, they are getting but a small fraction of th men needed. -.'. . 80 great Is the demand for help on the Klamath canal that th contractors .From August 1,. 1803, -to July 20,' 1008, we enrolled 670 pupil s, Summer Normal not included. During the twelve months previous we enrolled 483 pupils. Mark the growth. : t ' ; " " , ! - From September 1, 1905, to July 20, 1906, we have received from business men 568 applications for help. lPuring this same period we have placed 267 pupils in lucrative positions. -Our records are open to examination. - OUR GRADUATES ARB ALL EMPLOYED. WE WILL PLACE YOU IN A POSITION WHEN COMPETENT ( : "Boys'" : ;i:sf W , V Wash Saits. - ft '.- r ' 1 K 4 r -ft .t ( : . -' - A -5Qc Wash Suits 75c Wash Suits $1.00 .50 :'! 1 ' .... - -H . offer to ad vane railroad and stag farea via Pokegama and Thrall to Kla math Falls. . ,,',; 'Alton Lewis' Best Brand, . Tom gnlek results us the Waat sana of Tha yoniaaL Better v Take MOYER OfY6lTrWillBeoriyfte ft;'-'ft' 'ft - & Cft-:'ft'' , lc ft'ftft; -rftft. ;-"-'ft'ft ;ftft ' ' ft .; ; .'ft': 1 7, "MOT-- ,j L f ''--- ' ' r DAY AND NIGHT,. SEND OR ELKS BUIUDINO Every Wash Suit in the house at ex actly ONE HALF Suits Wash Suits V; WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO THIRD AND OAK EXPOSITION STOCK GIVEN MRS. M'IRVIN An unique gift for Mrs. Mclrvin. th blind woman Injured In an east side fir several months ago, was received at Th Journal office In th afaape of en Course in the D1(2 CALL FOR CATALOGUE 25e .38c 50c share of stock la UmTLswIs and Clark centennial. Th donation waa mad by. H. E. Stemler, who wrot aa follows: r "Inclosed pleas And on share of stock. No. 171. la the Lewis and Clark centennial aa my oontritfutloa to Mrs. May Molflnj anal hop this wtH be of som aaslstaao to - this unfortunate Udy." -. pl " . mm