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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
i:; : ,c-:2:i. daily jcut.:: .i; :c:;".::d.; zz::r.:o, july 3, icca. n S DEUTSCHLMD IS SPLIT if; '--'....". , . . i ' . . . ' l OPEN M CGLLISIOW 42 if - The Hamburg-American Liner Deutachland and a Diagram Showing How ' Sh Split Open Her Bow by Punning. Against . a Pier- at Dover, England. '7 ":r' 'y.'f .' ' ' v; ,TA .rv:;V ; BAILEY GRILLED BY Magazine Reiterates Charges That Texan la Spokesman ' for Standard Oil. WEAKNESS OF DEFENSE K; SHOWN .BY-PERIODICAL -Pointed' Out That Senator Does Kot Deny Charges of Receiving Big Tees and ' Becoming a . Wealthy Man. v ' v,V Th Aug-ust lin of the Cosmopolitan -eonUliui th folio wlner reply W Senator Bailey attack In the nate: Senator Joseph Baile? waa quite riarht la hla apeeob of defense la the senate oa June 17 when he held that Mr. Darld Oraham Phillips exposure of htm In the Cosmopolitan was not as bllfhtfnf s oould be desired bjr those who would like to see Iha-IInUed States sensts pureed of surh men ss the Texsn. It is true that Mr.- Phillips did not present his tscts In a- form that would warrant the ranktnc of Mr. Bailer with Mitchell of Oreson and Burton of Kansas, both of .whom were Indicted by (rand Juries, tried br petit Juries and sentenced, by Judge for their crimes. MEBallav Is nnilanlaM a aktllful lawyirTanATTwottid IndeedTeTutpf Is-t Ins; were he lsnorant of the aot of kep tna on the safe side of the lew while pursuing, those activities which have within a few yesrs raised him from poverty to wealth. Confessedly the. ease aaalnst Mr. Bailey is not yet, snd never may be, in such form as to Justify his prosecution. ' And it msy incldentslly be remarked In part reply toMr. Bailer, that the Cosmopolitan Is not a district attorney. Its function is not to marshal Jiroofs with the object of puttrng men n Jail, - but, in dealing with publlo servants liks the Texas senator, to pre sent facts In such a manner that the be trayed people may draw Juat Inferences from them.' It Is to ths sane common sense, the adult Judgment of the whole American public that Mr. Phillips ap- f eals In his articles on "Ths Treason of lie Senate," and fear of the verdict of ' this vast Jury is nearly. If not quite, . as much dreaded br the Baileys ss the (SOKE Sick SaaaMhe and nliev all the troubles met ' a to ebllkrae stateof the aratam, aaeh as fMastsaaa, Mi nana. Drowalnaaa, Diatran afUe aatlBg. Fata la tbe Bida, ka. While their moat aoovn iBaxwa V V 1 BaHohe. yet Oerters Little tlv Mis see ' aqnallr nlnabla In Owwilpatlon. eurln and pre-' .venting thtaaanoyiDaoamplalntwblla thav alee - earraetaUiUsarerao7tliealonachUmallaUttae UrarendngttlateUiebovels. Stealf theyealr ' AabetherwoaMbealmoetprkMleeaeeaieeewhe snffai f Ilileillaaaaalineneil'lalntl ni--r- stair tbelranodnaaa does natend karaea Utoee aomee7 Umib will Aad these little ptua vale snleiaaamanr waretbaitbar will oo be wit lloftadowitbonttbeaa. But after ell etel bead Utbe bane of aomaef Uvea that bars Is wsere '. waiaaaamrgiaetbaeet. Oar puis eexe M walls Others Se sot. ' Cartar'a Little liver PTTa ere very email sad varr eear to ktka Osa or two pllla aiaka a doae. -' Tb7 are atrlotly veaatable and dao gripe es Kefhiin b' tma"aUm S'ssaU whe Cistn vxsBin 00 n tsu. COSf.10POLITll H-VER CI " it. "'', .. - .J.- . petit Juries were br Mitchell and Burton when ther faced them. : r 7 . . ,.sro 909 mtopdmw.,:..: 1 x v Toe Cosmopolitan has a strong la. ellnatlon to side with Senator . Bailey against himself. ; He is young, ha had against himself. He is young, he hss he may aoorn it la the spurious wisdom hs has aoqulred la hla quest of wealth and the sort of support that la given him la ths kind ef senate of which he has risen to a leadership, which dishonors his character. Hs la aot too old to re trieve himself,' aould hs ellmb' to tbe Jetforsonlaa heights whare, as a politi cian he pretends to dwell. If he would love riches less and honest poverty more. Tie would be ths man that nature Intended him to be. Environment and an ambition thmthas -not been illumined and guided by moral light have led him into ways of which his natural self would be asbssaed. With a thtme eon- genlal to him lis can rouse the senate with his eloquence snd stamp his indl vidualitympoa- the mind ef tbe country. Hs Is aot a Gorman or a Quay, however bard hs may try la a dls or editable and pitiable cynicism to be both. It la his powers of mtad and expression that have caused the "interests" to regard him as worth capture,' and the "inter- eats," like walpolo, sre tot the opinion that every aaaa has hla prioe. Mea of sanity, who are men with a Just estimate of the value or the prises of We. sorrow when a Bailey aells himself for a mess of pottage, corporation pottage, that takea ths form of political influence and farms and raee horses snd a ready pay lng teller whea checks for poker losses are presented. .It Is a misfortune to the oountry larger than any personal one, when a man of mind and energy In pub lic. ft Ice goes wrong. He may for a time deceive . the people When n abandona the standard of uprightness, but be does not fool his clossr neighbors. 9oee Mot Dear Tee. V Mr. Bailer does aot repel the charge that ho received a fee of , more than 1100,000 from John H. Klrby, a political and financial . "boss" of Texas, inter- a sndtlmhrr landf. for tta-o. tinting loans la New York. Would he have got aueh a fee for raising a mil lion and a half had hs not been a United States senator? Was that 1108,000 an honest lawyer's fee? - Senator Horace Chilton of Texas n old-fashioned Democrat, with the southerner's sense ef honor, as to fees and other things. Hs was Mr. Bailey's neighbor and In December, 18, he said from ths stump that Bailey wss un worthy of Demoeratlo leadership" and that he' "ought to be driven out of the Democratic party. Kx-Oovernor Hogg of Texas was a man who had ths psopls with him, if not ths corporations. Ths trusts hated him, and hs distrusted Mr, Bailey. "Bines ths - Standard Oil com pany, has entered Texas, says a eon temporary dispatch, "Mr. Hogg baa fiercely assailed all connected with the transaction, aad ths matter has forced Itself . Into Democratic politics as a state Issus" aa lssss between the peo ple and the "Intorssts,' with Mr. Ballsy aligned with the "interests." SpoTtesmaa fa naeereerts." No matter where you turn In Tsxaa history you will find Senator Bailey a spokesman for ths "other side." the side against which ths people are In revolt. Always . hs has been "safe, sane, and conservative" with tbe encroaching corporations and against their victims. the m Senator Bailor puts his hand on his sword and regrets ths passing of ths eusi whea hs Is told what be Is la pub lic Ufa but neither the pistol nor the sword eaa acquit hlnv He Is what hs Is. Let the alarm bell of the "Interests" ring and always hs will be found la the forsf rpat of ths "Interests" firs departmentvolunteer- or paid eoated aad helmet ed. ready for work. He has taken his place, and th pity ef it la that a man se able should have ehossn to enroll himself among the Oonnans and Quays snd Aldrlohes. Hs. baa spoken and left ae doubt anywhere. Senator Bailey has tagged himself. In ths seaats of the United - States hs spesks not for ths people of the United States but tor-the Interests"-which have mads the oenats What It Is. CAMPERS' TENTS DOT BEACH AT BANDON (pealal THspateB. ts The lesraaL) Ban don. Or., July 11 Ths oamplng season Is now on at Baadon aad many psopls from ths Interior are oemtng In to apead their vaoaUone at Bandon beach. At present the majority ef peo ple whe come to Bandon for an outing bring -eaaspina- outfltaaa .there la a beaatlful park a abort distanos from ths aeaoh, aad from now until Ootobsr 1 this park will be dotted by ths whits isms or campers. The hoteia are aiae erowded to their raraelr ''. ' ' v. WITH PIER j i y The Hamburg American Line steamer Devtsohland was split from her bow rails to her keel last week at Dover, England, br a collision with a pier. The liner Is unable .to proceed and mast 4e docked -for repairs. The pas sengers and malls ware landed and sent to Southampton, where they were takea oa board the American line steamship New York. . "-;-;r:fv ; ' The peutsohland waa leaving the har bor when she ran Into -the Frtne ef Wales pier, buckling up her stem and smaahlog her forepart.' Only her water tight compartments prevented her from going head down. , It la believed tbe accident was due to error la the eogine roem. ' The steamer worked her way alowly to the Admtraltr plsr. where the grave extent of her damage waa dis covered. . . As soon as ahe la patched . vp the Deutschlaad will return to Hamburg fer repairs. - " CALL ON LABOR TO USE THE BALLOT American Federation Issues Ex pected Proclamation to Ad vance the Cause. M0VEMENTTJ0T"TO BE - " : SCRAMBLE FOR OFFICE Big Interest!;PnhlifiiOti - fidalt Who ' Forget Promlges to Labor and to PubHo Unlona Are . Aaked to Act at Once. ' (eersal toeeial ServleaJ Washington, July SJTbe American rederatfon of Labor bas lasued a procla mation calling upon organised labor te sntsr politics and elect officials friendly te labor's eauss. The text ef the proc lamation ia ia part as follows: Within ths past few years elahna aad promises mads In platforms or en ths hustings by political parties and poll. dominant pajiy. nave been neither lust fled nor performed. The relief asked for hss not been granted. Congress has turned a deaf ear te ths voioes ef ths masaes of our people: and. true to our declaration, we now appeal te the work ing people, aye te au the American peo ple unitedly, to demonstrate their de termination that thia republic of ours shall continue to be of, for and tr ths people, rather than of. for and br ths aimigntr dollar. ; .. TO Iartotpeta la Bsforav Attention Is called not only to eon gressional and legislative Indifference and hostility to the. interests of labor, but alao to ths Interests of the large mass or aii our people. Ths press for months has bssn burdened with exposures of ths corruption and graft la high circles. Ths great Insurance companies, ths trusts, ths corporations, ths so-called captains of Industry, have Indeed become the owners of ths legislators of our country, fubtlo officials, many ef whom nave ths cry or "stop thlsf 1" nearest ths tip of the tongue, have been sleeted through tbees very agencies and the oon trlbutiona from them. If It haa some to a condition In this. ths greatest and wealthiest nation en earth, that the almighty dollar la to bs worshiped te an extent of forgetting principle, oonasleaoe. ucrte-htnean and justice, the time has arrived for labor aad Its friends to raise their velcea In condemnation ef such degeneracy, and to invite all reform force to Join with It In relegating . Indifference te the peo ple's Interests, corruption and graft to pounosi ODtmon; to raise the standard of leglalatloa by the election of sincere. prograssivs and honest men who, while worshiping money less, will honor son. science. Justice and humanity mere. Una Xs ronaalaeed. Ws recommend that central bodies aad local unloaa proceed without delay by L i rut wxr runmo. Contains Nothtng Iniurkxie. . , f I - Verf Eas y Apprf. Bxcellent for eattle and bones. Aenllait t mlch eows will ear tor 1 tat If a aeeea tfaaea over la lnereaae of ail Ik. rrtoat Quart oaaa, ,Bei Halloa Oaas, It, "OrIt OWN" mrarera to anrailaa Oe earfc. .. I . J.- aJ. BUTZER in riowf t.. pomrLAirs. ok. , Pamluy Suppllaa, rartillaer, Bsrar rampa, a nr ry fctoik, Kaaee, Bulb, s w aw MEW for AN! WB TR FAT M7N AND Wft .TKEAT MN If you have violated the laws of health and are conscioui of a con- ' stant drain which ia nnderminlnj your system, come to u before you become s nervous and physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have bad dreama, depressed, lack ambition and energy, un- able to concentrate your thoughts, lack vim, vigor Snd vitality, come to us at once: our treatment will atop all drains, and overcome all weak ncasea and positively restore you to strength and health. We have cured tbouaandi of weak men. . " Thoee who have been disappointed by nnakllled apedalleta are earnestly requested to Investigate our methods and terms without delay, which had they done in tbe beginning would have saved them , time and money: ; ' - A LIFE LONG CURE FOR Blood Vateoa, Ma Plsiases, aoveai, trloers, atrlotase, Varlooceie, Kydre oele, Wervone BeaUms, Wee Vs ess, VUss 01 Ohsoale Diseases) of ae Xldaeye and svostate. . t 1 Speolal Plsias is Kewly contracted and ehronle eases eared. All turn-' lng, itching and Inflammation stopped in 14 hours; euros effected in T days. We sevev the satlso field of speoaU and ohsoale, assp asrtaa, eosa aUoaeed diseases, Write U you oaanot ealL ' AH eofrsspondeaoa atrlotly soafldeatlal and ; ' all replies sent In plain envelope). Mo Dames, eases, letters or photo graphs pf patients published or exposed. We charge foe oues only. We do not earpexst pay for our sei iluss var ices we cure a patient sound and well, so that he will be entirely satis fied, and will never aeaia haw to Be treated for the amine trouble Tares . tags aad lean thae oa word ia as good ae oa bead. - Oa flnasolal standing la solid aad oa long experience an Sreattaa' special disss ses of mem iasujres yea of saodesa. srdaatlfle tseaeassaS that win aooomplish aeave. , Hours -9 a. m. to 5 p, m.; Eveninga, 7 to 4 Sunday, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. - St. Louis HEEICALAND SICGICU SBoenro Asm. . Nervous Debility A Certain n Night Follows Day , there' is a fixed ' penalty tor the violation of anr law of nature. The pnnlahrnerjt, wMoh surely comes sooner or later, may he ' either sjaknssa, pain, decay or death. If you aae sufferlna, It la certain that you have, knowingly or unknowingly, t ran greased. Tour ahlef concern, of oourse, is how to got well, not how you got BicfcWs-nre raatortng- mea to sound health every day, . MEN ONLY Ae we treat dlssasae of men only, the position we ooonry among epe- -dallsts la unioua Our methods of treatment are unlike those employed by other phyalolans. They are original wfth ourselves and are ths most effective methods known to medical sctenoe. They involve the solentlfle application of every curative Influence la the treatment of men's diseases. . Our offices are an exposition of delicate and sostly equipment, muoh of which is especially constructed to meet the requirements of our distinc tive methods of treatment We have hesitated at no exponas that could add to ths efficiency of our work cr tha comfort of our patlenta There Is no ether equally equipped medical Institute la the Faolfle northwest. Ws Ctisrsntee Cure la Every Csse We tndertake or Charge No Tee AY WHEN CURED ; Any person taking treatment with as may deposit the price or a sure fn any bank In' Portland, to bo paid to us when a euro Is 'effected. If the patient prefers, we will take weekly or monthly installments. consultation free. Letter confidential. ' Instructive book for ssea mailed free In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment successful. . . Office houre t a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m. to It. Dr. W. Norton Davis &Co.H Offloea la Tea Noy Hotel, tlH Third St, Corner Pine. Portland. Or. the eleotioa of delegates to meet la con ference, or . convention, to formulate plans to further the Interests of. this movement, and, la aooordacce with the plan herein outlined at the proper time and la ths proper manner nominate can didates who will unquestionably stand for ths enactment Into law of labor aad progrssslvs messnres. Ths first concern of all should be the positive defeat of thoss whe have been hostile or Indifferent to ths Just de mands of labor. A stinging rsbuks te them will benefit not only tbe tollers, but ths people of the entire country. Wherever both parties Ignore labor's legislative demands a straight labor can didate should be nominated, se that honest man may havs the opportunity in exercising their franchise to' vote ac cording to their conscience Instead ef being compelled cither to refrain from voting er to vote for the oanaiaate ana the party they must in thslr Innermost souls despise. Where a congressman or state legis lator baa proven htmself a true friend to the rights of labor hs should bs sup ported and no candidate . nominated agalnat him. , . Vrlaolplae Slot Offlce. This, movement mast not degenerate Into a scramble for office. It should be a determined effort, free, absolutely from partisanship ef evsrr nams and character, to secure the legislation ws deem necessary and . ssssntlal to ths welfare and happiness ef sll our people. Ae tbe present objeots of? this move meat arc purely In the line ef legisla tion, all efforts Should - bo- oonosntrated upon the slsctloa of members ef eonv gross and the various state .legislatures. To maks thl our movement the most effective ths utmost . cars should be taken to nominate only each onion men who known Intelligence," honesty snd faithfulness ars conspicuous. Thsy hould be nominated aa straight lsbor rsorese'ntatlves and stand snd bs sup ported aa such br union rasa and their friends and aympatnisers, irrespective of previous political affiliation. Wherever It, is apparsnt tnai an sn- tlrelr Independent labor candidate can not be elected, efforts should be made to ssoure such support by Indorsement of esndldats by ths minority party In the districts and by each other, prog resslvc elements ss will Insurs ths slsc tloa of labor representatives, t, 7. . sirltala'e S sample. All observers agree that ths campaign of our fellow-workmen of Or eat Britain had . bad a wnolesom effect ' upon the government, se well se the interests of n ONI V ONLY Established is Ysars in Portland CONSULTATION FREE JWE WILL TREAT ANY SINOLE, UNCOM. PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12.50 ' .. ' FOR THE FEE..... ' -r1 ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED - - Come Today, to tbe SUCCESSFUL Specialists who number their PERFECT Cures by -the . THOUSAND! You want a PERMANENT Cure! Ws can ACCOMPLISH IT - Dispensary . omrLAjn, om. - . fwvor mm y rvrrww 2' V ;?2zi Its wage-earaers, and the people gsa- eraOy of that country. - la the last Brit lsh slsotlona 14 trade unionists were elected to psrllamsnt . If the British workmsn with thlr limited . franchise, aooompUshed so much by their united action, what may we la the United States not do with aatveraal suffrage T In order to systematically carry eat the policy aad work accessary to this campaign, the executive council ef the American Federation of Labor has ae lected the ton owing members aa the 4abor represents Uoa committee": ' Samuel Oompera, , James O'Connell, Prank Morrison. Those earnestly engaged la our move ment most, we repeat, be guided by the faot that the principles for whloh we stand mast be of primary consideration, and efoae, esoonrtsry Waaak our fellow workers and friends to rsspond to this call and to make ef It a popular up riatng of b on eat men, and to see to It that the best, most consoisntloaa mea of labor or their supportsrs are chosen as their repreesntatlvae. - Stast Pigbt for BJgata. . Reports and returns should be made to the headquarters of ths labor rep resentation committee, whloh will be lo cated In the effloee ef the American Federation ef Labor, who will glvs the best possible Information and advice oa' uniform, procedure. Whatever vantage ground or Improved conditions have come to the workere of our country were not brought te them on silver platters; thsy are the result of their better organisation and thslr higher intelligence; of the aacrtfloee they havs made and the Industrial battle soar of many contests. . The progress of the toilers haa not bsca due to kind ness er consldsratloa at the handa of the powers that be, but achieved la spits Cf the combined bitter hostility of mendsctous greed, corporate corrup tion, legislative antagonlam and Judicial usurpation. ' ' 'Labor demands a dtsttnotivs and lsrger share in the governmental af fairs -of our country; It demands jus tice; it will be satisfied vita aothi lew. i TRANSPORTATION. Specie! Alaska Excursions Oertaee City, fair tt. Aerert 10 and St, . fate H seasd trip. .. - -AMovmtvtin-aovw sxcuxuoss stxsy nvs bats. . , . - SOtrTtaASTIasT - ALAISA S0VTB. 1 Tma Beattl it I I. a tar KeVkikea neeas.. kag-var, White Bora, Pawaea and Fairbanks ... , ' , - S. f. dry ef Seattle, asgsst l.'ll, SI. aXi . S. S. HmnaoMt. Anssst C IS. St. - . a. a oettas cit na aitka), fair sr. Asgsst te aad Jd. ' SOsTB BOtTTB. - .Thh-e saning g. g. geaaaor abest lab St, ros sur rssxoisoo tstbsos. Noj Beattl at S . xe-rrv ef Pmble, Islr aa. Qneesv J el x. Dxtatlila, Asgsst Vertlaad OMee. set Waaabsjtes BS. . S. K. UCX. Peee. IKIi a & DDMABX. Q. P. A.. . M Market St, See Regulator Line Steamers TTTB EXerrjMiOrr BTSAMSR "BAITJCT OATZ1lRT makes round trips to CAS CADE! LOCKS svery Sunday, leaving PORTLAKD at a a. av. returulng, ar rives ((km. Dairy service between Portland and Ths Dalles except Sunday, leaving Pert land at T a m,. arrlvtn about la a. carrying rreignt aad passengers, as en did aeoommodatlena lor outfits and livestock. ' Dock foot ef Alder street, Portland! foot of Court street. The Dalle a. Phone itala !. Portland. TELEGRAPH en Che SUvee- Ths only steamboat making a rewod trto Kaaept Suaday Between ' PORTL Afvl) tnd ASTORIA - - Asro - wat ponrrs Leave Portland. .....-....-.Te a, av Arrive Astoria ..........l:te P ns. Leave Astoria. P av Arrive Portland -.....rOO p. as, - MswlIS SEWViTD a la carts PcsttasS ZAaataar, AM Ski eel Book, B. B. SCOTT, Agent. Paeoe Mala MS. ALASKA VAST SUB rOPOIAB STBAatSSTM -' - leave SmcOs --jgrrrsson." me so, iy ts, s. ''' OALUXS at KeteMtaa. hffcas, ysases. Dmurlaa, Hatsaa Skeg CDaaert erith W. P. A T. sese fer ItUa. Sswsea, Tessa. Vesss, sts. : way. Can er easd foe Trip M VrXnderral Alaaka," "ladies Beeketrr." Total Poles.' THS AIAsXA B. S. OOv rrnak Weer-Ce- A testsa- - m Oak at. Portland. Or. ErieRailroaid TO BTSTW TOSUC ABT SOSTPOIF ASK ajtx nonz duaasrx. Portland's--- Widely Known and Successful Chines MedldnaLJ Root and Herb Doctor Bis taawos reaedles, tbe lstdlet et we Impart direct frost tbe Orieat ta ajaatiu aad preeare and pet p fa kla s-te-date labetorr. we SMrvarr, Whlek large. se la er sngs ec ssr Biss ssee. rereir aelabte. The Dorter treat oeeeeeesTlr esd raarantae ts ear all etewefk tueble. eataira. aathiaa. tai(. taraat. rtteaBattma, aerveesae, uver, kldeer ead leet siaabeod, ' nxALa rsouBirB An axx pbzvatb . . Bin sua, . It fa lee er aueleadins ststraraf tbe afflicted. A eefe sed laetlc mee ta Ike ealek eet soaatble tlae and at the kiseet eaet se. alMe ear haat treatment. If fnm easset call, write far aptmi siasB sad sirealar. laelae d eeet la (taaipe. oovsmTATioB rarx - Zbe 0. See We Oklaeee Medieu Oe., 1SH yint It., Car. Mmleis. Paruasd. 0. And wo ride tt to benefit of our paint patrons quits as much as to our owa. You can rely on the paints, varnishes, oils; brushss, putty, slo., you gst from us, because we re old hands at ths busi ness aad will aot be takea la by any one. ...... r'"'m padt rosub, Fisher, Thorsen &C6. - pmon AJT9 stommxsoaf STS. CUT RATES fuirtj For SO Days Only . Gold Crowns.... ..fS.AO ties rinlit Crowns. ........ ....a an 110.09 Plates .....fS.OO tit 00 Plat ...A t)7.ftO rulings, ap from............,...3as ..wca:.esatwateed. . :v.v Boston Dental Parlors SUM Morrison aa, Op, p. pi aad ColombiaRiverScenery PaintlsOurHobby areiev aj prank'a, , - BSM - -kSSBS ft tW -4 -. wdtdrSi. 3TraIas t the East Daily-4 s". rviusea sraasare se tnerm meesa "Cheers dafW a Oatahe. Ckeaese. BVekaaaS Sw SteeDinf-eat Sallr te Cassaa (.mf. 2TK5t Tc- rt""? ' , ' . I,., Asrlrs, J?cJ,,-rmand Bseetei rv ' BrSsll' tV Hn5wrtV:sJSeai eesa 2M?? . ia see -s SrtSeal taSseS i, j - a. ai.. mr ap e OfBe. Thted ss .WaktatS S, . Telephm. Wets Tlil. -. w. kZWZrl let ' EASfvu SOUTH TTMmm . - - veriaad BsleSL Baaafcaia. aaa. lisd. aaeraBMBte, 6(4, Saa rraarleee, Btorktoa te ' Aosaiea Bf Peas, Hew Orleaa aad the eaet Meretag trata mmiiiSj at weeenars dallr I i - i Basdar wrnjratTlEr ' '" ' Voamt Aagei, Bllvertoa, ' . - . J TwiievlUa, Sprlaxfleld. ' Wmditag aad NetnavTT? S:Sssa . TdSsS Bera . paaMrer eo. .. ., t Weedbars with . : Monet Asgel aad SUvee. . tee loeal.. .............. ea-tg aeS rfS es fWvelll Baeaeesar....4. T:Aea fltN) a eersn ia ' eeSses Wtrwmt Ore re see rston te-pas Dallv.- imnv TBmnteow-wi'Bgrr stattow. Per Dana and tntarste diet sorat i a. m. and 4:18 s. aa. Arrive Pertl S3hBasV QBfiaT Trow PwOassV 10:14 a. m, aae :eo a. i. Par time ead eard ef Oaeege sbuia WalaS anlr t City Ticket Ofllre. es etatloa. Ticket te Baetare aolat nd Reresei Baa - Japae, mine, H"nolols aad AnatraUa. Cttr Tirket Offle em-ner Third aad Weak tnrtfts lreet. Pseas state T1S. 0. w. rrntoBB, w. McXtrBBAT. OUy ticket Agest. Sea. i Pea. AgesS,. ' TIMECARD OF trains; tTalea Pii TellewaSM - Pi eate,;v-'AiSlVS.', CltT-St L9Bh) Bsealal fiw Cbebalta, Ceatretta. Wray ele. Orar Barbae, Boetk Bend. Taemaa. Beettle. Bne- taae. tewtotee. Butte, BtW Unas, Dearer, Oauks, Eaa- eaa Cltr. St. Kn cet uwnea, eiee- trie lighted, tmr Teeens Beertl, Bpekaaa, Batte, Mlaaeepeca. flt, Past aad tbs Bast, daily ..... .. . . . 0 S Paret Beead tmtted, ft dareswirt. fblTta, . tralla. Taeaaaa aad Batth ealr, dallr ...,..- ddB)asJ eieefs Twia vitr a ww i foaia. . Seattle.. Bpakea, H-l-aa. nstt. sr. real,-, Mmaiidli. Llnenla. Bt. lea. Keneee Ctty. .Otse. , " , k. St. Leeaa, emkeet eban ef eats. Pbeel eee- - , mr H iwnaia Baat ead aifbt. dallr.. Ttrdg ses tSHB)a; A. P. rHABT.Tnw. ue unt se l Pertlaad. Oresaa, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. trstoa Dei Marsei Balsser, Cists. kaale. W cartoe. Aetena. Wanaatna. PI. L HeasMea. rart ate- eee. Oearbert Perk. Beealde. IOC sB Its e eas saaesars, sa Pertle ed Bewdde 'wii'm galaidar Istve Piertlaad l:M B a. An Vta Senr. . a HAVO. a P. end f, Or. 0. A. 8TBWABT, Cam Bar Aides sUeet, PI i 2 0 rerlxad Trails DzSj y Tke Orieatel Lhnlted. the Past BUB VIA BBATTLB ABB BPOKAITa. dsk Dallr. Partlaed thn e Te ed treat Bpekaae, Bt Pssl MlaneeseUa. tart U Seattle tlMe pea ' eiee aa Te snd fewa St Pesl, anaaeeselte. Dslatk ' s aad art seises Bee l Spokne eilisesBiOS rest Bertteis Sart Oa, Paltteg from Seattle, toe ' see Chin pert ed KaaUa, earrrtog see. BSr end feltt, ' At. WaneeKea. Mf f. . f. Dakeea. epeeib A - BIPPOB TI7 BAiSltS - (Jarea " ateeSMMe f1-! ' A A Teas Mare will n fre a.ttle Vnt fair fee I.e. nd f bin porta, eaeetag seaeeaser ead ""rir tlekew. tes.. Wtk IVwe. et . e.11 ee ejflreea . H. DIOXSOB, 0. . t. A, l,rH S. S. F. A. KL::r: . " "ger' Cess Br. Berek ie r.-- " i Next Mlltsg e Perfeed. Tbew' . Kelt sailing frosi Sa Pre A, T.,e., I. j i -. - t p. t OBKUtOCOS. t-V fw bivbh MVieiow. eMleVVii- -" We s, S,ieaHrs frt bW.t Baterdsv, It a a AntveS mX S . . .nwft SMsder,- - " nartoa Cretan City aad ZawMfl vtveS Cr!SiMIMr" BaU aad Medaa, Aak-et. fee. . ewin srvfn Bonrm, - B2I. -J"" 1im ed war petnts fiesj f'fT. "-. Steewer gpokaBad tewta. ea amval Traia .Arrive d m, at Ueve, .. . Aarte . , , ;r-T.., , eesai SBaS . j ;