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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
THS Ct-ZCU DAILY JOUII.ALi. PORTLAND. MONDAY JlVZUTr, X 'JULY C:, 1.:?. TODAY'S MARKE I S 6IUIID- ELEVATORS TALKED OF Yearly Increasing Price of Grain 4 gags - Causes -Capitalists '-.H .to Investigate. LOWER PRICE NAMED" " , ; IN THE EGG MARKET Receipt While Not Heavy Art Not Moving Off So Well Poultry Tone 1';'. Is MinUined-Cenerl Advance ' In Provision New Potatoes Down J Treat Street. Julf IS. Tn .prtnrlnal tea tim the Pertland wholesale marsatx la ta are: Orals elevator see talked ot. -v.'., market le ellrhtlr off. Hon ' eontrarta Barorr to get. . Poultrr market In Sne shape. . '" fresh aalnwn sopplles still eraree, : : V- Twe cara eaateioiea hi; another 4ne, v Adrancee la proTlstoea. .-,.,' t, ' .". toral teaeate supplies aaaTf. ..... f Inn aurk.t nuea easier. Preeard meat nreoecte la demand,. i Nrw potatoes looking lower. Onto market remain arm'. ;v n , Plums ami prerhea sell wait . T ' ' ' Orala Sevaten Are Talked Of. There aeeine to be a general seoeement oa at tkla time far the establishment of rla elerarots In the PaclBo northwret. At tha ' prreent tune ,. there ara arraral InstltstlJns , railed elevators arhirk naadle tha . grain . la ears jnat Ilka aa ordinary warehense tint no 1 real restore where tka wheat la handled la balk. According to tha trade, tha establish lag of eleratare wBleh will handle tha grsln la bulk will bo tha only thing that wlli arttla tha annaal quest loa aa regards tha prl.-e of grata baas. Thta year the agitation b wi . . rlallr Strang la farar nf tba bnlldliw of rle- eatnre oa tha plan of those ased aaat nf tha Rockies. Several capltallata at note ara halt , to bo tnreerlgatlng tho inattar wltb tha view ' of patting In a chain of alaratara alone tba llaa of the O. R. X. rexnpnnr. It la ar gued br tha grslnbeg men that tka present . i high prteee only aim oaro In a lifetime, but ' It la atlll a actlcesble fact that nf lata year tha prien of bags baa bran etradlly rllmblng. Tho matter of gralaheg friee aaana to ba ab ; anlut. lr In tha hunita of aMaufartarara. 'who arhaa thar waat hlih prbai. I" toa;.th. awl oroar amalt aonoUra. Jaat at praant thara la annaldorabla aaalaaaa to taa aralnba alraatkm , on acenuat of tba indlnc of lariat aupnllaa , tbaa azpartnd. At thta tlma It roars (rain towata oa ll aarb for aaary araln baa thar naa. Tbla la fnr now onaa. Sacond-han aarka ara alnjoat on a parity with naw bags . t barauia aaaaa arafar tba.-, - - Er Iterkat la Slichtlr Off. . Wblla rrf annpllaa vannot ta ronldrra4 . ItaaTf tba market t sot abla to bold Ita own ( and aioat of tba aalaa alone tha atraat today la bnlk lota wara at llr. "rat II lota wart laold at prlwa Tanr'uf front imo-a-o doaan. - Quality of - pre aunt arrtrabt, - whll. aoaiawhat battar than tboaa of tha prarloo wk. ara not yat of tha brat. Tho oool try allaatbs coatlnnaa nnrbancad - from tha prariona wark. Aa aaual for a Mon day, racalnta wara llrht today. Brat drmand la tnr oprtna.: bana ara not noalactad at tha prlrra oaotad. Pnrka and aaaaa ahow tlta only rani waaknaaa In thla markat. ' ' Cklttla Bark In Daman. " ' A nna dVmand for rhlttlm bark "bat spranc aa and priora la moat laatanroa ara a trior kl(har. Doalora aay that thry now baas aoma fair -a iard ordara for oar lata and far bit ablp manta ara wlUInf to pay tba tna prlraa qnotod by Tba Journal. Tka knrrr prlcaa named ara , for amaU lota. ;.. . . Bap Ooatrnota Xardar to Oat. . . '. ,. - While a few sow bop roatrarta a made arannd laat week's naurea, tha markat. la ejolrt. Uralrrs aram rally aa enxloa aa a rar to asm, hot arowere ara, not wllUna ta trt so Jxtmt new. Tbla eondtttea. It la aald, will - reetilt la tba dealer withdrawing their effere f for tba time being foot ta ebow tba growers , they do not need the gaoda. Spat dtmaad la hot ahewa. Adraaoea In rrarUlan Market, ' ' " J " fiBWil flraBi,ea sis abown ra ' locit prs alalon prloaa today. Ragalar kania are np He, ' abort rhtara . rlaar barka He, rloar belllee H. axporta He a ad dried beef loeldas lc a -no"". Ka ehaBgea In. bacon or lard. . Far draaaed- meats tba demand resttaoes . good. On seeoaat of .nnfaaorabla woatber eon itltlnna receipts ara light aa prices oa both oral aad boco are maintained. Freeh Salman ramalna aery araree In tba wkoleaala markets. The eatek In the Coltim- bla akaws no ImproTement. 1 Brief Betas af Yarleas) tmaa. -Two cara of conteloopee hi thla - monlBg: ' santher ana thla afternoon. Offerings of new potatoes are hoarier and $ tho prlee. tbongh ear hanged, looks lower. On lone holding tbetr own. ' Loral tomatoaa In hoaetat bspply bat food " demand la keeping ap prices. lawoj remain In good reoneet bat asp piles ara better aad the tone la easy. Tallow peaebea ara rather araree today bat - other grades are In good enpplr. Flams la heary arrival with price generally lower. , Da- Band oolte good. Tba trade aaya tba following prlraa to Front street. Prices paid skippers ara less regular '.. commlmtens: . Orala, Floor . aad Faa.;''..' ' OllAt! BaOS Calcntta. 4inr. . WHKAT Old rnb, 7c: red Rnaalaa. Tr: Maeatem, T2e; valley. Tie: new dob. Te; red , Bnoslsa. 5c; bhwetrm. nwr; esller. ar. BAHLIT-Feed, 24.00; rolled, 1 2S.0CIOM.0O; 2. brewing, 134.110. CORK Wbola. $74.09; cracked. 123 6S per toa. RTT ti M "per rwr. ' r "' OATH Prodaccra' arleo No. I white, 9).0O kjsn ofir gray. $28 On (K 29 00. ; FLOCB New eastern Oregasj patents, $X tn9 -v. (; strslfhta. M40ir3.sO: export. Vl.iK; " valley, ta.U: graham. H. DM; wbola wheat, , M TU; roe. Us. jyoo; bales, 2.TS. ; MltXilTI'rto Bran, $17, SO per too:' mid. , dltaga.. 25XX: ahoria, eoostry. (20.00; city, r ; 100; rbr.p. 1 noUl.So. . HAT Pro4arera' price Timothy! Wtllametts i oallcr. 'fetey. ljOn; ordlnsry, $10. 0n 10.60: ' rasters Oregon, $18.0011.00; mixed. $10 O0Q ; clneir, ; grain, $T.8oaS-MI cheat, ' IT.OOCt.OO. - f Batter, Xgg and Tevltry, ! ' BfTTKR FAT T. a. b. Portland sweet 'Vreaia. Snc: aotsr, ISe. BITTER City rraamary, tlHe; cmtslda ' f.acy, UQSOei ordlaary, lTVsc; atora, 12j , loe. ' 50 Ko 1 fresh Oregos, candled. 2tfi21ic f'HEKKB New Full cream, flala, lilitUltc: Tnsag America. MHMISe. r POfLTRT kfUed rhlckana. USIV per !b; fancy bene. Ma prr lb; rooatrro, old. I0H per Ibi ataga, UQIlHo per lb: fryera. 17c: . broilers. lie par lb: eld docks. 12HtTi:ie la; err tna sacas. i.azisa in; aeeae. lb; tnrkeya, Ide per lb; dressed, 30c per lb; asjHaba, $2.buQS.0 per dos; ptgeona, $2.00 por doa. . v , Baan, Wool sad Bides. ' BOP CoDtrsctt, jbo$ crop, 10a par Ibi' ldbt Oree. WOOU-iaod clip Valley, roarer to media at. $2r; tine, tor; esslera Oreaon, toej21e, -r!- MoHain New. eocotosL - ,-r , H KKI"h I NS- Uncaring. 15C20T earbi abort ' wont, f,nr; medium wool, oOOTSC aacb: -long wool, TScsjli.OO eirh. ' MONDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET d ' - . ' July. $ . Chicago $ ,IH a Now York...., 4 Mverpocl t14 d Minneapolis ., a Muiutn ..,..aa. .,.,. a Mllwaulte ,, .. .71 H opt. a I .7 HA a .$2A d $H4 a 7 au b a. .7H A d . V..7a, , JOURNAL'S DAILY v TIPS ON MARKETS V : By W. B. Qlnfko Compnny. a Tha rgg market ahows ap- 4 a parently light receipts and of a ' rather rood quality. Extreme hot a d weather has affected Ihelr keep- 4 a Ins qualities very materially. a e Prices . rernaliipratlcatty-th- d same aa laat week at II to tlHc. a . Poultry receipts were, rather 'd d light and demand rainy gooa. e d Prlcaa are veil maintained. Let d the' shipments com In a little d heavier and tha market will bo a a broken lix no Alma at all. Ducks a " and " are very weak but s. rprina; chickens ara ta good da- 4 d . roand. ' . The dresaed meat demand was d d quMo fair during tba week. Re-' d celpta .as a rule wera rather a d light and all arrlvsls Id road eon- 4 d dltlon were easily moved at. tha 4 d prices quoted. . . ' , d - --..v TALLOW Prima, per lb, $v4eer Ka. sad grrsse. 1ntV.e. t'HITTIM BARK 19tV-stock. $4 oer U; 1P0. t3He prr Uk HlDfc.3 fry. No. 1.-1 Tba and np. 1(HH ITHe P'r lb; dry kip. No. 1, a, ta IS Iba. lc: dry calf. No. I. ander Iba. ISe; salted hldea. ateers. sound. 40 Ilia and ever. 10(11 le; eowa, 8Mit8H-: stags and bulla, eoaad. 7c; kip. It to 80 lha. be; calf, aouad. nnder lb Iba, llx trees, aosalted, le least rails. c par lb lass.; oreehides. aalted. each, $1.2nt l.TS; dry, earn, $i.tail.o0; colt bides, 2Aa30e; goat Skins, common, aacb, lOttlic; Augurs, each, SUcU $1.00. , . Fraits and VsgoUWoa. ' POTATOKS New. $I.Oo,1.23 per aack; pre doeera' prlce-for car lot noeiVOe per cwt. ON lON'k joabhig prlre New Walla Walls. $ por aack: saw California, red, $1.60; tilrers. $I.A); gsrHr, Bc per lb. FRESH FRUTflt New apuWw, $l.M2O0; eraagee. Medl terra aoan. $$.7004 00; baaanaa, Sc per lb; lemons, choice. $1.00 per box: fancy, $7.00 per box; limee. kfexlcaa. !. per 100; taagerlnea, - plaeapplra. $2.73$ 00: ilawallaa. f.V.IO; goaaebarrlee. balsa lb; rher rleo, 4HI12He: plums. OorfJ $1.00 per crate; b-nherrlee, $l.flO( I.7&; rsnlaleupro, $3C3.2.t; fssnlwrrles. ll.r.l.iJ: black firs. tl.SO; grapra, $1 2fiei.B0: blackberries. $1.X0J1.50 per v-rate: watermelonaj IHcfXe per . lb; aprlcote, $l.i1.40: neacbea. NOctjgl.OO. - ii AHLjfB Tarnlpa, new, per nam; rarrers. $1.7 per aack; beets. $1.M per aack; parsnipa. $1.W per aack; Oregnn radlshee. 20e per d-) rahbage, Oremn, 7l.onil.2A; bell peppers, 10e per . lb: tomatoes, $1.75 Ui.ue prr box: eejontoe. - nragi.oft: string . beans, Oreenn, Te per lb; csnll- flower, gl .00 per dos; peaa. daSe; korae. radish. jTr per lb: arrlcbokea. T5c par doa: saparagoa. Oregon. BOe par doa; Walla Walla. $1.00 ner box: aonasb. lut: solaach. boa per , box; green onioos. Oregon. 12HC per lia hnnrhea: eaenmhers. 7 So par box: eelerr, vaROr per doa: green corn, I5e per dna: anm. ner eoaaeb, T0ctl$l.Q0 per box: eggplant, 10c DR1F.D FRUITR Apples, eesporatrd. 18 14c per lb: sprlrota. 14c par lb! peaebea, l2TI$He per lb: sacks. Ut ner lb -Iran: nronae. 80 te 40. he; He drop oa each 1-lt s ma lie; alae: sa, black. CH per lb; rallforala white. dtftlHe per lb; dstea. golden, 7 He per lb; faros, $1.021.50 par 16-Ib bux. ' Groceries. Vats, tta. RrOAR Bark basis Cnba. $ft.80; powdered. $5,111; frolt grannlated, $5.18; dry graanlated, V05: eonf. A. $5.05: weatera P. , $4 bit; Hawaiian C. C, $4.05: extra C, $4 55: gold's r. 4,55; p yellow, $4 bbls, 10c; H Jbis, 25c; boxes, KOe eotance on aack basis, less 25c nee cwt for cask, 15 days; ma pis. 14Q1& per lb, v (Aboes prices apply to Kales of lees thaa ear lota. Car lota at special prices eauject te Stieeitattona. I HON FY $8.dft per crate. ' -fOFKKR Paekaae Vambv $M alt$.Ti. SALT Onsrse llslt aroand. 100s. 80.00 per tent 50a. tt.ftft; Mahler dairy.- BOe. 812.00 W, fii.nv; t m port co urerpeoi. sua. giT.oot ions, dld.50: 224a, 8IS.0O; extra loe. bbla, 2a. 5a. 10s, $4.6003.50: balk. 820 Iba. 84. 00 i 5.00: sacks. 50a. onfltWc: Lirerpool Inmp rock, $10.60 par bop: o-u race. ew.";. iisjo. ew.i". RirK Imperial Japan. No.. 1. 6c: Ko. 1 Kfi6Hc: New Or lea do bead. Tc; AJaz, 5; Creole. 8Ur. . BRANS omalt white. $4 25: large-white, $8.: pink. $8.78; bayoa, $4.75; Umas, $5.60; Mexican rcoe. ho M'TS Praaata. Jnmbo, e per lb: Virginia. eH" Per lb; roasted. ftMAHe per lb; aese. 6flHci roaated, JC7He per lb? eoroe aata. snfTOOe per dna; walnuts. IseiSHe per lb; placenta. I0I12H per lb; hickory, nuts, loe per lb; ebeetnnte, eastern. 16918c per lb; Rraall ants, I415 per lb; fllberta. 14415 par lb; fancy Parana. 16c; almonds, 16017s. . raiats. Oaal OU. Its. . r ROP1C rare Manila, atindsrd, l$e; k-ita. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caere 10H per gal; water white, Iron barrels 14c per gal. wooden 17c per gal; headlight, 170-deg, cases 21 He per gal. OASOLINR 84-deg. caars 24H per gal. tros bbla 18c per gsl. wr.yzi.NS- 88 deg. caaao T5 per gsl. boa bbls la-Hc per gal. Tl'RHEXTINB la cssea c prr gtl, wooden bbla P3e per gat WHITE LEA D Tna lots, Ta per lb; 600-lb -est WIRR NAIlJu-Preoent' basla at $1 28. - MX8EED OIL Pore raw, la 5-otil lota. 6ac: l-bbl let, 58e; cssea: 6o per aal; graalne kettle boiled, caaeo. aoc ner sal: S-hbl Iota. 64c: l-hbl lot 65c per gal: ground rake, ear Iota. $20.00 per toa; lees tbaa car lota, sso.oo per tea. teats, risk and FreTlsloaa. ' FRF8H 51 EATS Front atraat Hoga, fancy. 8i4xri ordinary. TUCdc: poor. Tl7Hc per lb: bulls, 83Ha per lb; veal, extra, TH68e lb; ordinary. v per lb: pour. 6a par lb; mutton. Isncy. asji,c prr in; lamoa. ie. IIAMR. BACOM. ETC. Portland pack floral) kit ma. 10 to 14 lha. lHc ner lb; 14 to 1 Rm, Ida per lb; breakfast baNm, l20c per lb; picnics 12e per lb; cottage. lOHe per lb; regular snort clears, nnamoaea. lze per lb; smoked. ISe par lb:: rlaar barka. nnsmoked. 12c per lb; amoked 13c per lb; la loe bolts 10 ta 16 lbs; ansmokrd, 6c per lb; smoked, be per in; riesr oeuico, ansmoaeo, ik per . Jo amoked, 15r ver lb; shoulders. 12 per 7b pickled tongues. $d.oo nosrter hbl. LOCAL LARI Kattlo leer. Jfle. lie per lb; ba, 12He per lb; 60-tb tins, HHe par lb; steam -vnoerea, , jic per ID, aa, 11 per lb; eitmponnd. loa, 8Hc. CANNED SALMON Columbia. rleer, 1-th talis, ll.SO; 2-U talis, $2.78: fancy, l ib flats.. $10; H-Ui fancy Asta. $1.15; fsncy 1-lb orala, $2.76; Alaaka tall, plak, 85t0e; red, $1.60: nomloal 2. tall. $2.00. FIHH Rock cod, 7c per Ibi Ooanders, 6e per lb: halibut. 6 per lb I craba. $1.50 per dna; striped bass, 12He per lb; ratflah, 6c per lb; sslmon, Columbia river rblnook. Oc per lb: steel heada. a per lb: -blnebacks. 8c per lb: berrlnc, oc per "Ar-aolee. ee per b; ebrtmpa,-10 per lb; perch, 6c per lb: black cod, Te per lb; tomeod, fe per lb; silver amelt. Te per lb; lobsters per lb: freak mackerel. 8c per lb; craw MS. 20c per dos; shad, Se per lb: aturgaos, loe pr lb. OT8TK1IS ahoalwater bay, per gsL $2.25: per 110-lb each. 64 00. ' CLAMS Hardshell, par- box. $2.00; raaor cUms. $2.00 per bos. . BAB FEAJt CISCO tUBIBw ZXCHABOE. - -Rr rnifrtsco.-jmr- 2J.0rrlrIare losing Bid. Belmont $ $.' Stelaway way .....$ Cal. Va .27 .00 Cash Boy ion. c Onhlr flolden Anchor , Jim Bntler . . MsrNsmara ., Midway ..... Montana : North Star ... Ohio Too pa h Ex. ,. Kevsda 1.45 ,M .24 . .28 .48 .87 . ' .18 .03 1.00 .40 W .17 -.0T .Id . ,48 .12 .oa. .07 .IS) '.03 .10 - .or . 12 .02 .20 .70 .04 .40 .SO .08 Mexlcaa Caledonia Exchequer , , , , Nor cross , Gold Crown . tireet Bead ... Reerae r. ," Black Butts Ex Tramp flold Belmont . . Montgomery Mt Rnnset , Msnhattan-! rri- West End Adams ... Atlanta Bluebell ton. (fiiarry, losrooodnrld Mile ....... Roldneld ... Jumbo Jlumtio Ex... Kendall Laguna ..... .11 . .54' .OT .82 1.1 AA .20 .47, .10 .18 . sylor Hump'y. tester Oranny Oold Wedge ., Lone atar ... . Ureal Bend Eg da Annas ... Creacent Cowboy , . , r. Mar u Mohawk Red Too ..HR Bulls Bear., .48 IN. T. Coa Randsturtn ,., Sliver Pick St. Ires National Baak henrer K.-I1pee fioM Bsr .... - Bullftm .. .24 twaneor .37 .40 e . .. t , Msvflower .... amplng Jerk. 1.45A .no neo Top Annex l."5 1 Mustang Wew Yerk-Laadon ilveV. New Tork. Jaly 26. Bar silver BacBAAgrd. Loa doa WKbaaged. ... .64 1.10 1.T4 1.13 1.8.1 .44 .27 5.73 18.25 I 10.40 Booth ,8T-4 (elomBIs Mt. '-i Id NO SPEllKlfIG PARTTOHERE FOR BULLS If Pretent Condition Continue J. Much Longer in Chicago -. They Are Out." BIG WINTER CROP IN-: . LARGER SPRING YIELD July Received Major Part of Attack ' of Beara Today' and Dropa Three Quarter Cent September and De cember an Eighui Off. - '-7 ; ' ' BCLATIVB WHEAT TALC IS. 1 ' Close Cloae . Clone Lose ' ' ; July 23. July 21.' 1VU6. July 23. Jaly.; ..$ .75H I .76HB$ .2H 9'S Beplember.,., .70 HA -.Tl(6 .00 .WH December .78 : .78A . AOW Msj .82A .-.(UB , ..... ..... Chicago. Jaly XL Wheat bartered badly to day from a violent attack of the bears. July mrmea the principal point er attack ana nuiu were alauxhterod 'without much display of re- rlstsnce. l"be following from the Record-Herald today conld eaally ba applied to today'a markat: "I'lentlful anpplloa of the arlntar wheat are a reality, and atlll more plentiful eappllen of tba spring are anticipated. The merchant. In ventor er speculator who can correctly aaalyae tha poselbllltlae of the altuatlon before him has certainly the grandest opportunities la tha world. There le no new crop pressing tor sale, although tbe prospect for n new crop la fine enough to Induce increased awrketlnge of the old. The west ner. will be watched." A broker esys: "The winter wheat farmers bar horn furnishing tbe beara with ammunition tbe laat week or 10 daya. and If these large receipts of wheat coat la ua mock longer the bulla will not nave even a speaking part. With the Enropeaa crop estimated anywber from AA.0O0.O0O to 2n0.000.000 tmsbela lees tbaa last year, with light Argentine ehlpmenfe, and tbe political eltnathm In Russia about aa bad aa If could be. Mt certainly looka as If there will .be a demand for this wheat aa soon as oar bia rash of termers e deliveries la ova Official quota tkms by Overbeck. Cooks company: . WHEAT. Btarr. . . i.Opes. Hlrh. - Low. :T?r .7 .78H ;.82H . .S1H COR. .50H .40 .5014 . .40H ' '.48H ' .47 ' " OATS. Cloae. -75H .76HA 784 40I.V,..B Sept...'.. Itee...., M ay..... .82 Jnly..... Sept-.l. Dee .48A .40 ll J10HA .50UA .75iA Jaly...' 88 H .88 - .82B JSHA 1S.T8 17.81 14.66B aept... Dee... Inly... Sept... .82 .66 4 .824 . MESS PORK. 1.TB 17.80 14.60 18.75 r 18T$ 17.35 ' 17.15 14.40 14.40 SHORT BIBS. Jan... t.28 - .28 25 6 15 its 15 .' UTZKFOOt aBAIB KAJ1XXT. Liverpool, Julj 28 OfflcUl prices: ? ! ,. - - WHEAT. . - Open Cloae ' Oaln toes riuly 23. Jaly 23, Inly 26. Jaly 23 July...... Aa THd Ua Tlad U.A Sept-..., a eo m , .... . H1 - . CORK. July... 4a 8H Sept...... 4a $Hd 4s 6id v Ud 4a 6Hd - fid , CWOMO BBAJB CAB L0T1. Ohlcage, July M. -Orala car lots: Cara. Grade. Bst. 1806. Wheat ............... 801 807 .. nof - y,a corn 344 10 20s S8I Oat 148 471 141 151 Wheat ears today: Minneapolis 201. Dolnth 11. Vear sgo: Minneapolis 817, Dalatk 4V-- CHICAOO CA8H WXIBI." ' , Chicago. Jaly 23. Cask wheat: Bld.1 No. 1 red .77 Ka. bard Bid. f .74 No. 8 red ..... .74 I No. 1 northern. aV7 No. t hard .75HI N ... nortbrrnUJ7 CATTLE MARKET DOWN 15 CENTS 03 WEAKNESS Receipts Are Not Heavy but De- mand If Slow Other Lines Are Quoted Good. " Portland Tama Stockyard. Jaly 23. Uto steck receipts: , Bogs. Cattle. Sheen. Today M jor) Week ago 60 150 50 Month nge ... "125 " 4O0 Vear ago.. ... bft l.ptai Farther weakness waa displayed by tbe cattle market thla mom log and prices are down abonf 15c to 25c. Hoga failed to come again and thla market Is firmer thaa ever, ftheep retatna the fall etrength of Saturday with receipt very light. Prices aame. A few bead of horses were among tnoay s smvatt. Official livestock quotations! Hoga Beat eastern Orecon. 87 2117 xr, blockers aad China fata. $4.60; steckera aad feeders. $8.00; nulls. $2.50. - Cattle Best eastern Oremn steers, lk.60; beat cows and helfera.. $2 60s22.Uateekars-aal teeners, bulla, $2.50. Sharp Shearlings. 4t4Hc; lsmbs, 6c. HOGS STEADY TO HIGHER. Cbieaaro Blartrt la BatAWr Hap CattU . .. aad aThswp ZVewa. '". Chics go. Jaly 23. Livestock receipts: - Hogs. Cattle. Bheeo. Chics go .......,.........$ 80.000 nsnsas uiiy. .nia i;i,ota non Omaha 8.800 6.500 T.600 Hogs are areaay to be higher. Left ever from Saturday, S.bou. Receipts a year ago, $6,000. Prices: Mixed. $4.40f) ATH: good and heavy, to 4o4.76! roagb, $C.I0J 35; light, fa.frOtl o-ej n- tattle nreaay re ioe lower. ' sav raAJtcrsco iocal stocks. ' Baa Francisco, July JS.- Official close: ' Bl Contra fosts Water.,..,..,,.,','.... 64 Spring Valley Water , J4t, Olant Pawner . no Hswsllan Commercial ., .., 8T Honokea Rnrsr 13 4 llntrnlnsna Sugar...., 14 atakawell Segar a......... I6U) Onomea Suaar...!.: Ask. M1, 244, 81 PO 8S S3 Alaaka Packers'... Pacific Stale Telephone...... 82 S8'A .nrnza statxi ootuitkeiit -ovsa,- New York, Jaly S3-Oevernnjent ----- Date. bonds I RM. 108 lnJ 10S 108 102U 108 . 10s , 5ti 12K j 114 109 A.k. 1M' KM'i 108 1M iosi 180U Tama, reglatared ............ lens do coupon , inog Threes, registered IHOAO do ceapon. 108 Twee, emsll bomla.. , ronr. registered.,.....,..,. IPflT . V eonpon . . ...., jnoT . ranra. r.lterea..... InM do ceapon IMS ni'trtrt of Oslambls . ... Philippine s Sterling Zxe Wangs Sates. , ,.'' Terk. Jnly 38. terllsg; ftetasnd. IUljH . dsys 4SX - , . fOBTtAKB MX STAnatlKT. , ClesHngs , 146. 408 14 e see, 04146 Capitalists Art Investigating ' Establishment of Elevators to Handle Wheat Nin Bulk and Thus Save Heavy Charge for. Grain Bags. mmm in JEW YORK Stock Market Very Erratic, With Many Changes (n Sentiment ' During Trade. - NORTHERN PACIFIC IS -Th ONE OF, STRONG ONES Holds an Advance of Three Points Despite General Tendency to Drop - -Sugar Refinint Two and Seven " Eightha Advanced.' . V KET GAINS. -' "ilNorthsra PsdBe... .......... SHI Mexlcaa Central .. Anaconda Sugar . . , Brooklyn St. Paul . 4 aaty ............. (lo praiarrea .... Canadian 4 Missouri Paclfle Colo. Southern. Hi Norfolk , do preferred 1 Reading Locomotive V. B. Robber . . Erie HIL'. S. Steal pref. KET- LOSSES. Atcblsos . HI N. T. Central .... H Pennsylvania ..... - HI Pres.. Kted Car. , HIBrpubltc Steel .... Hi do ref erred .... H Rock Island ...... HI Southern By ...... HITrna. Coal Car A Fosadry.. Baltimore Com. s'uel Chsaapeake .... Oraat Weatera.. Louisville ; V. S. Steel " Wsll Street, Hew York, July 13. Tba ae tkin of the stork market todar waa remark. able. First It showed extreme weakness and prices faded considerably; Then tha strength became very apparent and buying orders sent moat of tbe list several points higher. Thla tone waa later la tha day succeeded by a tinge of weakness and thla carried most of tha profit off the Hat. The death of bMieeell Saga did not bar aay offset upon tbe mar. kat. Mooer ratea ware rather slow and rnled a frsrtlon over 1 per cent. At the cloae bat row stocks neia their early rise, an exception to thla being American Suaar Retains, which closed nearly 6 points over the price nf Bat nrday. Northern Paclftc was another strong feature which did not react. It closed S full points ap. Steel preferred waa heavily bought by banking Interests aad earned strong with e fair gain. The eonunoa loat a like amount. Official anotatlon by Overbeck, Btarr A Cooke Co. , - Description. Open. Cloae. Anaconda Mining On .....244 240 Amalgamated copper Co.. ........ 7 07 ...... T . 7 MH 83 nawa. 84 H 8SV 11 IhH Atchison, common ... American Car a Foandry. common American migar. common American nmeltlng, commas .....145 145 Baltimore Ohie. common 118H 11T Brooklyn Bapld Transit 73H " 75 Canadlaa PaclSc. common 158H 15ft Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul... .1774 17H inesapeBxe m troio ,.t nnu Colorado Fuel A Iron, common .... 4K'4 Erie, common 40 H Illinois Central Loulavllla dt Naahvllle 140 Mlasonrl Pseln 01 New York Central ..1.T2H Locoaaotlve 6VH Cot ten-Oil Federal Rmelrlna:. ore f erred . ... Norfolk dt Western, common ...... 87 . eommon ...... 87 87 a Weatera.... 45TA 4H eommon 44 44 H toa 2.1 H 24 new lorir. untarie Pressed steel Car, Heading, common Ruck laland. rommoa Sontbern Ferine-. 1TTrnTintii.i Toss Tennessee roai m irna ,...........14 t'nlon PaclSc. eommon 144 14711 r86H 84 l Central I weather, rommoa United States Steel Co.. common.. 35 85 do preferred 102 105 Woolen 84 6494 ; ' rrw apboba cobtbactb. ''. : .. ' (Soecml Dlsoatch to Ths JonraaL) Anrora. Or- July St. Since tbe price of nope haa advanced te lie -In this section tbe growers sro reefing mnea- oettee ana now man for a atlll higher price. Right tn thle imme diate vicinity there have bean very few con tract made for fntnre delivery. The bop crop la looking batter than It hna for years, and tbe yield will be large If tbe present favorable con dition continue aatll picking tlma. , ' Vsw Tork Oaak Oof's. New Tork. Jaly 28. Cash oof fee: ' He, ? Bto, 8c; No. 4 eantoa. ae. AT THE THEATRES. -.. Pictures at tha Baker. ' Prufeasur Barry Bellwegaa, advaaes reprs- sentstlve ox tbe Baa Frsnclaco oiaaater com' pony, now exhibiting Mllss Biulbaia' famoaa moving picrarea or tn eartbqnak and rue. will continue his engage meat at the Baker theatre tbe remainder of tbe weak, firing tw shows dally, mat lose nt 1:18. 10 eenta ta any seat ta the house, and evening at 8:16, prlcaa 16 rente aad 16 coats. With the company ta D. Denlele, who I considered tbe moat expert electrician gnd double machine operator la tbe country, it being Mr. DunmhV Ides of dlaolar tng tw views of tn asms arena at tbe aame time, giving one tbe opportunity of seeing Has rranciaoo before and srter tbe fir. B. 6. LaMoaete. manager of the company, glese a very tatereettng lector on the picture, dis playing over 1.000 feet of moving film vividly portraying tlta awful disaster aa It really was. Mr. LaMonet being oa tbe acen at to tints sod sparing an expenee nnd at time raking life and limb t procure tbe p let res giving to the world tn only genuine mans er this great calamity , Tbe engagement la limited and should not be missed VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. "A-Wife'e- Peril" ' 'The mottonsl melodrama. "A Wife' Peril." In foar acta, which la tbe offering of the Lyric stock company for tbe current reek, comes to as with much promise, nd will, no doubt, fnr nlsb amusement to a large number' of theatro golng people. The eonga aa enng by Master Kevrberger ar moat nt tor eating la View of tUs yoaia ol tb linger. . At the Grand.' ' There promisee to b an p11y attractive vaadevllle show at the Grand thla week. The first performance ta being glren thla afternoon. Tba feernre I BVllth Bom bey and com pa ay la ins sparsiiaf axetca, "tier iet vnanca,' I -At-lhe.Star. "Three Mrs In 4 Oapboartt." which ba noth ing In common, with the hnnwrena story ef Jerome K. Jerome, will be tbe offering of the Star stock company thla week. There will be t dally matinee and two performances nightly. Ooaeert at Aaroro, Aurora, Or., July It. The Aurora brass band gave enother of their popalar dancee Saturday night, which was well attended. Th boys give these dances regularly , every . month and - take- th revenue received to pay for th new Instrument lately rmrchaeed. U -1 1- '- - - - -. .-- .. i- Bankrupt Sale Of ihe $8,000 Stock - -or --tv'- - L.MING&CO.,88 6thSt." Ladle tad Oents Farnlablng Goode or sll klmls at HAXf PAICK. Com In and look over ear immense stock Before baying elsewhere and yon will Be en re te make pnrchss from na after aettlag . -estrenssly tw arlsaa. Taa priose are eat la kalf, MAN SING V CO.t U Siath atraat, swea Oak aad Starkvc PRETTY ROAD 18 HUG DinHGEO Citizen Saya Mountain Boule vard le Being Despoiled by V Residents In Vicinity, . , TREES FELLED ALONG ' -7:: DRIVE, HE DECLARES Unauthoriied Persona Cutting. Them Down and Throwing Brush in tha Road. Preventing Passage of Ve hicles Appeal to Conimisaionera. .;'' '.. ' " Of th many pretty roada around Port land ,non quit aqusOa . th Mountain Boulevard, which, curvas around ' ths mountain to th south .and wst of th city. This loop, which la -narly Ight mile lona. is .practically a lavel atratch, therefor It la growing In pop ularity for i automobllist and drlvra. for after one mounting Portland Height and tha Mountain Boulevard la reached lb drlv la lavel and thara Is unfolded to view aoma .of th grandest scenery In th country, : -Tbla road, ac cording to thoaa who hav taken trlpa over it recently, la being greatly dam aged and tha cbmplaltit la strong that it deserves th attention of tha county commissioners. ' Th latest complaint cornea from parsons, who antrtalnd th members of the Canadian ezcuralon on Saturday. . - . To ahow some guests aoma of tha wonderful aoansry v wall-known oltlsen secured a larg touring ear and atartad for a ride around tha Mountain" Boule vard. In describing his experience ha aaya: - . . . ' "I have bean over th road a lot of time, but now It la In a woraa condition than ever, and or! vat oartUa have not only ruined th road, but ar despoiling publlo property. At ona point w found tra across th road, and wr Blocked for nearly an hour, until on man. tha only on working, had eawad th tr to allow our motor car to pass. Whll wr war waiting thre other earring drove up, and ther w wcra all halted for a long tlma. I made Inquiries and found that these trees were being cut from the county's right of way. A oltl sen found that.- aom of thee pretty trees which line th county road and add to tha attractiveness of th drive Interfere with a view thla man hopaa to get from his home, therefor h haa gone in ther and la despoiling publie property. J do not know by what right h does so, but.! wish th county com missioners would Investigate this and atop th wanton destruction of those fine large tveea. Sot only . is thl man destroying tree naedlesaly, but h la spoiling th' road. H has cord wood stacked along It for quite a length, end the road Is so littered that driving Is anything but pleasant. Today tha Mountain Boule vard, although It-is macadamised ana has a fine surface, looks more like-a logging road than almost any road you will find- tn the heart of a forest. I think it is about tlma that the county commissioner prevented thla despoiling of such a pretty road, If I waa a prop erty owner In that section I know that I would protest and back up my rights, but as I am a resident of the city I can only reglater a eomplaint, but I hope thle complaint will be seen by the com missioners and thsy will stop such oper ations." ' V TWENTY KILLED IH WRECK IN NORTH CAROLINA - Two Whites, Eighteen Negroes -Perish--Fiv Whites, Eigh r. T teen Colored Injured. - (Jtmrnal Sneetal Servlca.l Charlotta, N. C. July .. In a wreck on the Seaboard Air Line laat -sigh V-a score of persons war killed and as occurred near Rockingham, North Caro lina, between a passenger and a freight at 1:60 o'clock. -Two of thoee. killed wt whltca, II negroes. 'A majority of thoaa Injured were negroes. Officials of the road attrlbut the dls aater to the failure of the telegraph op erator at Rockingham to deliver order to th passenger train. The paataenger train. No. 44, was run ning from Florida to the north. En gineer F. B. Loomls of Hamlet, and Fireman. Tom H1U of the passenger train, war killed. Th negro fireman of th freight waa killed, wnu to en glnoer saved himself by Jumping. ' Only a few bodies were extricated from th wreck have been identified. Both train bav been practically destroyed, and they block the track. In addition to th three trainmen at ready mentioned among the dead. Bag' gageroaater. Balrd wae also killed, Rail road men. citizens and tha paaaengers who escaped Injury immediately set to work to 'aid th dead and Injured. Ther are five whites and II colored in the list of Injured. MANGE THREATENING TO EXTERMINATE ELK (Special Ptapatch to Th Journal.) Lewlston, Idaho, - July It. Forest rangera arriving at 8tlte report th finding of th carcasses of five elk that had died from the mange on ths Bel way branch of the north fork of tha Clear water riven '-The Infection tenni to hav bcom prevalent among a number of herd in that section. Thos who hav seen its effect stat that it action appears to be more rapid In killing the animals than It does In cattle or horses. It Is feared thst large numbers of the game animal will be "killed If the disease spreads. - , SEVENTY THOUSAND TIES FOR NEW VALLEY LINE TSpacUI Dlspstcb to TWjonrnaT.T -'. Aurora, Or., July SI. Fred Hurst has moved his tie mill to Brooks, where he has a contract to get Out 70,000 ties for th Willamette Traction company. . Mr. Hurst ha one of the most complete mill in tha country and can get out too ties a day, - He does not hav to hauJ--th -tie, as h--mlll - Is portable and tha ties ar aawed on th right of way from place to place. SUED FOR FAILURE TO BUILD HOSTELRY -- Itnerlal trtenatefc ' te Tbe Inarm. 1 1 1 nisi Hotiulam. Wsah., July It.H. J. Hun garford and wife 'jure brought salt esf ' ' llBilBal II I Ir':;-'-' - Every man's good smoke. ; : v Looks like a ten-cent dgar-- v - ; smokes like a ten -cent agar- vet costs onlv.5 cents. . yet costs only-5 Good enough so popular everywhere. Get 'J2t Your TeiaAsorj, EHnr.TAN a - DlfTIIIBUTKIIS POnTLATJD, ' ORSCOri Oiaiee ilor Moseate. FOR AND Free Tuition : or sfoxoou TAZiira ona ea,8oo v Besides cash commissions allowed Jn new subsorlberm, Th Oregon Journal offers purses of eoln to the amount of $760 and soholarahlpe ta the leading colleges of Oregon to the young people who soak the meet erdltabl recorde tn collecting advance, payments from aew and old Mb scrlbar. . The subscriber pays the regular - subscription prlo of the newepaper and the student Is credited thereby. vry payment from one -month te mar being measured 4 unvotes er points. . v. . . de&t scnooL or OKCOON -: Scholarships la th bast schools of Oregon hare been -selected aa the prises in.thls-an terprts. AS th number of contestants lnerease eoholar shlps msy be sdded te this list, :- Detailed Information concerning 'the scholarship prise win'be pub lished from tim to tlm or furnlhd on application to the. Contest De partment. . ... .; ' ;,'-'.' W (.,;"... '. s ACADEMY OF HOLY NAMES. Aetoria. ....Mf 2SO ALBANY COLLEGE, Albany M .f 10O BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland... ......flOO CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem;. ........ f IOO COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, Portland. . ................. .... .. .lOO DALLAS COLLEGE,' Dallk. M. .. ,.f IOO GILLESPIE SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION, Portland. ....... ...flSO HILL MILITARY ACADEMY, Portland ... ................... .ftOO HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland..... .,..9100 HOLMES-FLANDERS PRIVATE SCHOOL, Portland ....flOtf INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, ScratA ont Pennsylvania .....4.10 MTrllNNVILLE COLLEGE, McMinnville .f 40 OREGON CONSERVATORY OF - One Pianoforte Scholarship.;... ......MOO One Violin Scholarship...........!.......... fl5 One Guitar and Mandolin Scholarship aUOO PACIFIC COLLEGE. Newberg . . .. . ... .. . .... .. ... ,00 PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE. Portland7rVrrvr.J.vr. ..fias PORTLAND SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC BtlJENCB, .Portland (Y. W. C A.) SACRED HEART ACADEMY, ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. PortUnd...................'..........faOO ".. TtlC CASH . PRIZE5 1 oaak to aaetsa pmpU electing to attend any stat or private , lnstttw. ' : tlon providing free tuition for a period of not less tbaa one year.. ) A ao ther parse, same conditions as abov . , ..9100 t cash for Indies tl xpasa, m addition to a scholarship to be ee- . lected from the abov Hat ; ,. tit 4 Qaeh for lsoldsnw.1 oapeaees, with oon cholc of The Journal' scholarships tTf (Cash foe lnoldaatal sipaiMt, with third choice of The Journal's scholarships .1 .. . Cash foe tBoldeatsi azpnas, with - fourth choice of The Journal's ., , scholarships Hi Oregon Journal Educational Contest NOMINATING CEQTIf ICATC Kama of Contastant ,.i Recommended by (Name) ........ . . . Address. BLACK EAGLE COAL PBIONE 7 EAST F; B. Jones & Co. against Robert Chabot and wlfa of Mo clip, through their failing to build m hotel at that plot for th plaintiff, as agreed, Th suit Is for damages In th amount of $6.001.60. . Aati-wplttiag- OrdJaaaee. (Special lllanatck tn Tlie ioarasl.t Aurora, Or., July !l. Tha city coun cil will at .their neat meeting consider an ordinance to Je Introduced an antl. pitting ordinance and alo lake some decisive action In regard to water works. The people here are clamoring for 6 water worka ayatem and as the city hag plenty of money la the treasury tbe cents. v :)', reason why it's 4 1 ". It . .' A Dealer's .X v 4 BOYS GIRLS fahPcrses rovAX oraa fm MUSIC Portland w Salem ... l60 ................. ............... .". . . . ........ .. . .... .Ma.e, e.. ?7.C0 PEB DELIVERED : 181 E Water-Street1 citlgens want them to nsa It for a water worke plant. : Sunday gohool Momla. . Jt rSpeelal Uxtpatrk to The Jonraat) Aurora, Or4 July II. A larg crowd went from here to Karl Kail's park un- -day to attend the Children's Missionary day snd school plcnlo, Ths Aurora band furnished music for th occaalon and there were all- kind of refreshments' for young and oti. - -- The steal Betas Oolasgaa ef The , yeatmal are tateraarUag so kayeg amd . ellf alike. -i. I - 1