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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
L v. W , est w v -i.:ohday lv. :;;o, july 3, re. f ILC r.ZAL r.TATH Srrcial Farm Bargains Dy . Ttc DiiiTii-Lawrei.ce Co. , ' It, OOO A splendid I.UOO-aere aloes ranch. tre nail and telephone. gu Roeeborg) Uro ' too flu ft-room resilience, other food bull-l- lugs: living water. FImh tnveatlgat. $4.n00 lUO-eers pit', mil and half electric car eerTlce: splendid S-rooui residence. tod barn, bog. dairy and poulirv-beose; place II fancad, nearly all In cultivation; farming implements Included.' It' oua of th farm, o.ooofor pioneer plara an Uali rim, 'Clark county B-raora cottage, fwst-elsss barn, larf and new; TO acrca of tha finest of river ' bottom aoll, balsnce (ood uplBBd. about bait " to cultlvstioa; bora, cattle and farnlu ' Implements. B4.BU0 for a beatttlfot S5-acr mburbsa , pise, railway atatton 800 fact frusa. -th bouss; all nicely fenced and In eulttvatloa. hole fruit, good buildings; 10 Bit ui; .. In than 10c far. - $3.000 e4-scre place on Ml. Pleeaeat, evsr. looklna Oolumhla rlvsrt stood 7 room residence, . od bam., cow house aad llviag water i ilou't fall M aae. Ikta. After th KW railroad I ' completed aom rich aatrmr will b glad to buy It for $10,000. , I $2.Va) Excellent 185-sere plsee; SO ,eee .. etilt l. tA Ktta. heartne fruit tree, kood bull ins, living wtr; beat part of . lamWll Bounty. . "' 2 laoA iln a lace at Blaley's atatton Oreeoa City earllnai kandaom B-roora reel- dssco. , It' twenty for tha pioney,. . Apply at 14H riK8T 8T. , WHO WANTS A SNAP : - Only $M0 for corner ea Grand are. carllne ' eity water, aa ana aewer. . rnmn a. kinos - 1 j 90S Oonmrctal blk.. Second and Waahlnstea S6.000 BUYS a attractle aew bom of eeron room, ill modern IroproTeroent. Inclndlnf new rerfet carpet aad badea; owner leaylnit .. city la compelled to 11 at. ai term alt. BOS Broadway. Ot'BBS built oa Inetallamnta, ku f deetred. is Loaaaierciai oias. main iweu. ... VBW MODERN room bone. 13.000; $500, beiano vn aMBtuiy. owner, rnoa Kaat iD S-ACRS trarta. aear electric lln. 10 far, Inquire Benedict, at Oct; Eatacada car. I ' AWINAP. ' ; -Only $30 par acre for -SO a tree of fin land that caa be dlrlded Into mall tract. aea food etor and acbool: for a few day only; no enow properly. FRED 0. KINO. ' 'BOS Commercial lk.. Second and Waahlnrtoo FOR BALK A choice pieoe of Oolumhla rreer rront property, cine ja. roofl miu etia. Cldredge 4 kerrlfleld, 104 Fourth t-, Van- or, waaa. - FOR SALS CHBAP 4 and T -Too at bieaeei eaeeV rat pen eaaa. arv oeraei aT. las Weadlawa oar. Pboa Baal SS4U FOR SAI.B SS.BOO tncoeae. en rovrth. aenr la areat narnain: eau at oar, sua AtMnf ton Bias. Main mi. - rrana wuuame. FOR RAI.E A few fin lot on Alnaarorth an. near Union it., from S3A0 te $500: call oon Frank WUlUma, SOS Ablngtoa bldf. MaJS Ml. I. SKIXWOOD LOTS. SS Sewa aad SS a amtht rraea f7l ta m aellwuaa Towaatt oa BL P. FalBMr. auaacar. Pboa Baat 470. U-KOOM BOl'BI os Uo Mt. Scott iln. I t. can Journal. IFOR BALK Two lot on Mildred aad Stb eta. Highland, cheap. Call awaer, Baat 1V2S, or uo ataaaau at. . i HERB la mnr chaaca; aew grocery atock, about fioo; location gooat to n oii at enc. lan SOS Ablngtoa bldg. Trank William. Mala Ml. .. . BeOO S-ROOM bona and fall lot on th Mt. Scott oarunoi half eaaa. Call at 107.H Thlra. FOB SALX. ood lot near Hawthorne a, sad $d at, $400; S10 down. $10 per aeoath. . BucMcl & Kerns" " ' SSS Kaat Morrlaea ot. - FOR SALS BY - $63 Baat Morrlana at. . Two kaadaoma let la Fir land; y terra. b-ROOM bonee. - lot 40x100. - 1 Mock rarline, lou of trait; If anld at one f ,p caak. $10 V FOR SALE FARMS. IS ACRES. S acre orchard, la Vehalem Taller, II feecea. omo aniiding: owor molt bare money and will eacririce for only saoo. n . it. Brow O. B47 Waahlngtoa et. Padfle SOS. 'OR S ALB A good atock or dairy farm la Beatoa coonty, conaiating of 1,120 acrea, at $0 par acre;. ISO acrea on Aleea bay,, a anap at $S ear acre. Aaoree w. a. niitf, aleei, oragsa. riMBER claim for aale, (too three relteqnlea- aieata; two email auiia lor mm. roatofnc Boa T, Portland. OR SALB. CHEAP A -fruiraa dairy- farre of 43 acrea) Bret elaee fruit and eegetable lend: 38 acre under plow. Balance paeture; ally cleared, all fenced. 10-ecra pran oreberd. -roon noua. rrultnryer, nam. aim, rltry-houee. t. ( ar . ecbnol and eharrh, F. D. and telephone: arlc $3,000. Call 1U Morrloaa at. - -. 0 ACRES good lend: S acrea all kind ot fruit, fair boo, good barn, wen, aprlng end creek, rhickea-houeea; one hour by train from Portland; price $2,600. Box IS, rout ,- laav Oregon- -1 - -.-- -. - . TAMHILL COT! NTT FARMS FOB SALR. W bar lleted eome f th beat farm ta th coaoty. If yoa are look tag for s farm. can ee ot writ WARREN S) STATE R, McattanTiii, FOR SALE TIMBER. Chamber of Oeaf LAND SCRIP BOUOBT AND SOLD. n blnde ,f land acrln waated and for Bale. Including apprereS forest reoerT ana railroad land BCTIP, for ewTeyen, nnaorTereu, 1 1 in hered and prairie lend: approved failed liiu millterr konntT land warrant: re certified olrtlerV additional boaieetd arrlp. H. M. Bamutoa. the roruaaa boiw. roruaaa. Orcgoa. ERTIFIKD lend ecrlp ot all klnde; takee timbered. Irrigates aad all klnde or gor- ernment tend, ureyd end unearreyen. Moultao A Scobey, oul Columbia bldg., SSS Waahlngtoa at. ' , kiR SALE, CHBAP Rllnqulihmnt of 100 re, s aue tram rnuroaa, near ooaau road, ihi HORSES AND CARRIAGES." 0R BALK Team, 1 000 pouadai 1 team. 3.SOS puaaiu, ana i eaeap noree, i.auu r"'" Phoo Baat $64$. S3S Baaeen et. ANTED To bay medlnm-elaed track or low. dowa wbsob.v Crane Battle Co. Phoa Mala im TO EXCHANGE. f)R aale or eichange for Portland property, 10T acre aear vanconrer, in goea atat et cultlTatloa. Call at 107 S Third at. PR EXCHANOB SOO-acr fiillr eonlpped iret. plaaa placer mine, for for liana property: mine are dlTldend-pmdncer and will stand Ineeatlgattoa: water .rlghta ef th beat. AS' dree O, Box SRt( Oranta Pes, ILf, ge-$t0O-TTTiWr1fr, -n perfect ra and aaddle. SOS McKay bldg. order, for bora o ACRES la Commhl county: ha S.ono.ono feet fellow fir timber; will aell for $3,800, Or will eichanae for Portlaad rtrovertf . Vail at I07H Third t. h('HARr near Roeebnrg to eell or erchanxe rnr rortiann reel eetate. At. V. Beat nam, li Camber ef Commerce. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. B arlBt rear aame ea Ml eallln aara. aroaec ah aad atyle. IA1 SHO bnelaeaa earda, It. w. oeama w ue., see rirai. rwniaaa. wr. ESTERN OREOON MINIMA S MILUNO CO. Iheedquartera) itort for aal and IntoraMtloa et 80S Flret at- Phoae Mala 1S2S. . )R SAr.B An elerant lane etrealer Icaae, at ea ertremely low flrare. Apply to Mr. . h. bewttt, wowea saga, loa-a ana .famhlll ear. (LLABD AND POOL tab lee few real OT.SOf aj en rat payment. iTUB BBUh'SWK K-BALRB POI.LENDIB CO. ' 4S Third at.. Fertlaad. . 'TIBTS me rerl a 1. plctnre and framlas B. ,. mewaewaa e ve., ai avwew et rcn CAL2:::2czLii:;zcvi HOLDEN'S RBCMATIO CCBB g'lre cur tat rheumatlsue. Sold by all druggist. BOOKS bought. Bold and iehnged at Old Boo mora. 33B Ksanhlll at. Wl IM4 fnraltuiT and will nay foil value. , rone raetae Tea. We tar a Sslvigs 4 ' -T Wsshlngtea at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES made be order) serind'hind food for sale. Carlaoa A Kali an uhicb at. raon Clay ant. SHOWCASES, counters. Sstorsa boafbt. anld at sxehsnged. Western Salvage Co.. 027 Weak. lugtua at. Facias 7V. White Sewing Machine Co., H D. Job. SSO Ta aui at. .. pooae Mala 102? TTPEWBITEB. goad a new, at leee tbaa ball wn price, inquire m Waahlngtoa It. ' C- B. BLACK, Contractor aad Bullder-r-f bar una rair-groana lumber ten; win contract cheap bonee and air time oa part of ma TUB Unruh flexible aelf-aharpentng blede fitted to any lawn am war; guaranteed; aollct- rora wanted. Crook-l'nrnh Mfg. Co, . 161 unwa at, rnoa alaet two. ELECTRIC PIANOS. $2B0; elcotrie banjoa, $16; Reglna muele boiea with IS record, $30; ill with nickel alot attachment; good . Bioney-maker In any public place; all la Srat-claae eondltloa. Coatluental Novelty Co., vbibi, rteoreaaa. . . . . FOR SALE $-H. P. gaaollue engine and all Bt tinge; guaranteed; prlc $75. Pboa Eaat ' 1011, .. - ,--. FOR MALE Oaaolln launch with engine. Fair- .bsnka. Man Si Co., Flrat and Stark at. FOR BALE, . CHEAP Incubator and breeder, Humphrey' bonemlll and alngl eeltlvator. Mra. Hlckatt, tit Ualaey t. U ear. Pboa . Baat S14S. FOB BALE Boatoa terrier ponplee from prise. winning pedigreed stock. B7S William an. FOR SAI.B A good serqnd-hand safe, nearly new, eaeep. - u w, care journal. . rOR SALE Six hole Buck rang ior $S. . North 12th at. 13 FOB BALE White and red Leghorn hena. 0. car Journal. PERSONAL. FURS ' " " " ' ' ' ' To tha Ladle of Portland and Idnltp Aj Reiner, practical farrier and dealgner of . fine fura, haa opened parlor la Lewi bid, and la now prepared to remodel, repair and redy So rare et all deecrlptloa. In tha thoat ertlette manner aad lateet faahlon; ' aealekla garments a specialty! expert Stter, SO yeara' experience: ladle are In vited to tnepert the lateet deelgn: will call at residence and give estimate. If deal red. Phono Paatnc 94T. Lewie bldg.. Morrison and Park. Take elevator one Sight. Prlree the lowest- consistent with Ant-class work msnshlp. ANT man r woman caa be atioag aad happy by aalng Sextae Pllle. the great tonic i price Si a beg, s noxee as, wits ran gaaraatse. ddraea or eell 3. A. Clsmeasoa. drngglet sr. Seeosi aad TaaahtB eta.. roriieaa. ue. DETECTITB AGENCY Conldentlal Investiga tions; report furnished en Individuate, their character, responsibility, et.; bad debt col lected: mlcalng relative located; charge reasonable; cerrespendeae eollclted.- Oregon Detective Berries, offices 30S-304 . Flledner bldg., 10th aad Waahlngtoa (ta. Phone Mala BS1S. 1 LADIES Tarklsh bathe, massage, bySrlstrte par tars; atiictly Srat-claa place far ladles only. FUt A. SSI Wash lag tea at. betwsea lath aad lTth eta. MANLY vigor restored hy Dr. Bonerts Narva O In boles. Ob mosth's treatment, S3; S Math. SS; seat eecarelr ess led by mall. ageata, wooaars. Clarke m caw roruaaa. we. BALM OF FlOS foe ell female W 1 alaet Beloeat. Pboa Best eOSa. SUITS pressed while you wait. Boa. Ladlea airra preaaea, eve. UUDeri, iou aizta eu. aext te Quelle, raoae laetS JOSS. - 'FORBIDDEN FBC1T, HIT," "A Oar Lothario," "Fseor Hlll,,S- 'Asaaa.r'. BOe each; llsU fro. A. "Story of a Slave, Woraaa ef Fire.' W. Schasale Oa.. SSS First a. SBXlNtr PILLS enre all moecalar - weskaeee. For Price $1 a bos. S bom SS. rtth fall guaran tee. Address or cell . O. Clemensoa. drag- gutt, Becona aae xamhiu.sts rortiaao. ur, MOLES, wrinkle, eaperflnone hatr removed. Lt m tell res bow. No chares. Mrs. M. D. ee o Bill, Salts 1. SeUlng-Hlrsch bids. Padfle ISA. BOLDRN'S BHBUMATIO CURB Sure ear raeamatsMs. Bald by all EES, Palm Tablets he yon sleep perfect Irt they nre swrvouaai id mike yoa stross; Srles BO box, S boxes $160; gaeraateed, II drajraiata, or eddreee Brooks Drug Oe Sf stena Thlra St.. rortiaao. uregoa. BUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pay after yoa re- ret re tnsmt ad a asmpie or year -pair a so we will send yoa one of oar $1.60 awttchee. 314 os . 22 Inches; examine It; If a btg bar gain remit: If not return. Addreaa Maier jlalr Emporium. $34 Dear bora sU, CaJcase, DR. O. V. KETCRCM care promptly private diss, kidney, nerveas, ikla aad epeclal femal troubles. Call er write. Office ITOM Third St.. or. Yamhill. Phoae Pad f Is 3330. TURKISH BATHS. $M Oregnnlsa bldg. ladle aye, geatiemea aigata. msia laaa. DOIL'B HOSPITAL Bspalrlns aad arssexng. SSI TsmhlB at. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity ospltal; eniet loestloa aad special care. ur. Atwood, Sisou Monies St., roam S. Pheaa PsstS 1754. BOLD ON There le one thing that wil cere rbeamatlsm. Aak your drngglat for bars tonic or id drees or call 4. 6. CUmaaaea, drng glat. Portland, Or. YOUNG Udy from Chicago has recently opened mauicaring parlor.. BOlft .atecTleon St., room 4. YOUNG MAN. seve you hatr. We guarantee to prevent yonr aalr rrom railing out ana bit what hair you have left, and core en Itching scalp la S tlvely cured. 188 treatmenta; ecsama poet Seventh et.- - ' 01RBON slves expert scalp treatment. noora- ex, xoe uwmae, xuevh Morrison si. XOUNO Udv elves scientific msesags. manlcnr ing and pedicuring. 144H aixta St., oar. Morrison sod Alder, GEORGE LAl'TENSCHLAEGER. tailor, re moved from znxve washlnxtoa St. to tiona nough bldg., room 230, Fifth and Yamhill ata. MISS ETHEL WARD, fare end acalp massage, manicuring, chiropody. Room IS. 14.1 H Sixth, YOUNG MAN wanta to meet working girl, with vtew to matrimony. Please eddreee W.- M. Smith, genersl delivery, Portland. NEW method In wall tinting of all colon, and kalenmlntng; ao job too large or toe small tor ua. , We caa stilt yoa. ' (lire us a calL ' - PHONB PACIFIO 1634. a . SOS TAYLOR ST. MAYOR'S WALNUT OIlc-Beat balr color re storer msde; simple, cleen. Uitlngt 60c and $1 bottles. BIS Lambsr Exehaag, Second and Stark. AUTOMOBILES. COVET A COOK Motor Car Co. Fifteenth aad Wiiblngtoe Agent tor . cadlllaa. Flare. Great Arrow and Stevene-Duryse motor -ca r ; machines rented, repaired aad star so. Mala , ... ASSAYERS. OABVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO., Moataaa Assay orncs. las Morrleoa ax. ATTORNEYS. H. TANNER, sttorney, SOS Corsnwrrtsl blk , Second aad Wastilngtoe ste. Chews Mala 64S. ART EMP6RIUM. PBOFFSSOR B. MAX METER, S4S Altor. for trait aaa landscape srttst aad taaeaee. LESSONS la drawing, painting and modeling; ernerewi a epeeiaity. isu nitirtn ning. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. - HOWS. DAVIS hllLHAM. 10S-1I1 Second et. rlenk book mansfacturere; agsata for does npmved I'Sove Leaf ledgers; see tba aaw Eureka leaf, to best aa th atsrgtt. AnCHITECTS. 1 ' ft. H. MBNOtaS.1 a resit est. in s-ii : in ts-aw BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S- BIRKBNWALD CO. S04-30S Everett at. Mnei vwicwsra evsav eswse en vne coaex, BATHS MASSAGE. tquNO Udy- -He vapor, alcohol aad medicated vain. -arior at. ansH atara ex. - YOUNG LADY, etranger la city, glvee tnb . and vapor be tha. . 110 M Fourth at, eorast natniafiua, . Bhsnmstlam eared by maaeag hy young Ger . man Udy. zrU)4 Stark. 31-23 Tacoma House. GENOINB Swedlah masaage. Turklah aad tub Datne, uuy atitinaaui. aui inira at. NtWL opened massage- parlor.- -the Marquaai uuev, jeaa ntxui st. nuns a ana 20. THE 8N0WDEN bathroomai lady attandanta. yt AUiec i, , TWO ladle gtv baths and magnetla ataaaag. mea nssnnigroa. sr., nesr rirst. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANY ONE CWR YOU MONBYt Wl COLLECT BAD DEBTS OF ALL. KINDS. NORTH WESTERN LAW A COLLECTION CO., ixi aiinu its. Houaia i ino lo, - CITIEKNS' BANK BLDO. CUT THIS OUT, PHONB EAST S04B. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. M. a. const co- . PUtrlliotora at " ' ;: VTNB CIQABS. ' Psrtlssd. Orsese. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST. ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROF- E. KHIMO. ' Greatest living astral 'desd-trance el sir. voyant ef the aae; ADVISER ON BLMNEU. AND ALL . AFFAIRS OF LIFE: whom yea will marry, bow to control the en yoa lov, even tbojigh mile away; reunite th Sep arated: glvea secret powers to control. - . 1 will do all etbera sdvertlse to do. and a Peat deal more. THB ENTIBR WORLD AS BEEN STARTLED WITH THB P0W. EH8 OF THE L'MNKN FORCES I HATE AT MX COMMAND, and I prove It to yoa with out price by giving von a FREE TEST FREB by baring your NAME TOLD (IN FTJLLV, Jl'BT WHAT YOU - CAMB FOR, aad give yoa advice absolntely FREB before you decide to havs a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORB TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC" DO NOT- MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT TBS OFFERED TO I0U AGAIN. - .. PROF. B. KHIMO. ' "' " Permanently Located In Hie Own Home. HOURS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SITNDAY. No. 268 Fifth at., eoraer MadUoa at. - A SPECIAL $5 READING FOB $1. ' ST. GEO ROB ORMONDE. ' ROYAL ENGLISH GYPSY. Consult him on tors, baslneee. changes, marriage, divorce; tells aamea, dates, secrets, bow te get well, be magnetic, physically and mentally ejlgoroua; overcomes bad b a bit a, glees good lack, cures vital losses, evil In fluences, spella. doefneee, ebsent trestment for all alrknaaa, loeates ' mleelng friends, burled treeeure, mines, ore ' vslrls; telU yoa exactly what yen wish to know. 1104 FOURTH STREET. If. B.' CORNER WASHINGTON STREET. PROFESSOR WALLACE ; THB GREATEST LI VI NO CLAIRVOYANT, PALMIST AND SPIRITUALIST. This atrangsly gifted man cells yoa by aame, telle yoa of yonr frlenda, eaemle or rtvaU; telle yoa what yen cam for; tell fob whoa you marry; In fact, everythlns. If yoa are discontented, unhappy, dlscoursged. ua auceeaaful or In 111 heslth. esll on Professes W lilacs, the Cosmos. S684 Morrlaoa St. HEADINGS 60 CENTS.- CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN AV FLOYD Carpenters, Joiner and carriage wars. es eta at. raoae ria zioa. C CARMICHAEL, eon tractor and builder; stors and office fittings, as Fifth St. PsclBc 0S, CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleenlsg Cm., tergeet pleat en xne coast, rawing ana araraing tele- - phoae seat DH i;arpeta cleaned, reattea, aewer aad Uld: both a teem aad Utsst com. ' pressed air process ; re ours ting mattress a . aaa isauare a specie uy. SANITARY eanwt eleaalag. sec tie aad a pressed air combined: earpeta cUaned ea Sooff wiiaoat rsmevsi. atsia aoe, arsia aauo. J. HUNTER. . steam carpet aad mattress. eleaaar. SAO Jaffereoa. Phoae Mala 314. CLEANING AND DYEING. Portland Steam Clsaalag A Dyclag Work; prac tical Bauer aa csajaactwa. an its. racva aui. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 per Unlqae Tailoring Co., S4T Walblngtsa n. W. TT7RNEB. prsfeealonal dyer aad cteaac. Don jetrerena sr. rneae Mara asia. CHIROPODISTS. CHIBOPODT ANP-PBlHOBINO. Mrs. M. Dv-Lat mil. suits x. eiirng-wireon Diag. rscine 1 eo. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEBDINO FABRELL. nredaee ead coma una merceaats. tee areat sa reruaaa, us. siam its. COAL AND WOOD. ALBINA FUEL CO. Deslere la eordwood. cosl no green ana -ary aianwooa. at. K. ana Alblns ave.. S blocks ssst of ferry. Bast 674. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers la coal. so rd wood ead dry lsbwoed. Pboae Baat 484. OREGON FUEL CO. All klada ef coal aad wood. $34 Alder et. Phoae Mala SB. BOX, aad planer wood. Standard Wood Oa. Immediate delivery. Phoae Esst 331a. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE arochorr end slacsersrs. BegeU A Oh.. 100 te log Fifth, cor. Stsrh st, CAFES. THE OFFICE 38 Waihlngtoa at., paeaa Mala T71. Mem sel Vtgneax. DANCING. LFHUONS ta mt yonr homjs or at taf riuano. u. f. amifa. rtcuic mw. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineer, son tree tors, rspalrere, electric wiring, supplies. S4 . First cor. Stark. ' Mala S6S. R. H. Tate, mgr. FURNACES. BOTNTON warm-sir furnaces eeve fuel. f. C Bsyer Fnmec Co.,M d- ' u u FURNITURE FACTORIES. OR BOON s-emlters Misufaeroring Company Manufacturer . of 'fernltere (or the trade. Portland, Oregoa. FURNITURR mannflcturlng and erretal order. L. Ravenehy'e furnltor factory, $70 Front at. FENCE AND WIREWORKST PORTLAND WIRB A 1B0N WORKS 33 Flanders et.. or. Third. Psoas Mala 3000. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale arose, a,, mese fsctarere and asmmhwlea merahaata. FearU aad Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlealoa aad produce Baer ehasts. Front aad Da via its,. PorllanA Or. STEIN WAYNE Jobbers grocere, ) Seeorid et. and wholesale GASOLINE ENGINES. STATIONARY aad marl as: "Little Specie I" E a inline Unaow, $B6 sessnd-haad eieetraf iBDchea end hnlla. . ... BB1KRSON MACPIINBRT CO. ,. -. 163-44 Morrlsoa at, r4. hay a:;d CHAIN. B- U COOPER St) co. lim Union ave. -Pita toss feed lad r tonne Kaet ISIT. HOTELS. TT'E BELLEVUB-. Fcurth and Salmon; nice eleaa room by day, wee a or moaia. reeiiie aiuo. HOTEL Portia ad, Aaaerlcaa plaai SB, SS par day. BELVEDERB; Euro pees plaaidth aad Alder eta. HARDWARE. r Portland Rsrdwsre, Co, solicit opportrnlty b quota prices. ioa is et.,eor. araer. atsia ll HAT FACTORIES. BATS cleaned, blocked, mad Ilk new fog $Oc - eipert Penema bleecber. 64 Third, Bear Plus. . Branch. 824 First. PaojSe IS. INSURANCE. AMERICAN - CENTRAri 1NSVBANCB - CO. lUMorporsted 1S6S) psid 100' cents a th dollar after th Boston, Chicago. Baltimore ' and Sao FranrUco fires.. Motts At McKlasU. saenta. 3(S)-310 CommercUl blk.. Second aa Washington at. Padfle 227 S. - - ISAAC Is- WBITI. Sre tnauraaes. ' bids. v ... $00 Deklsj IAS. Mel. WOOD, smployers' liability and In dlTldsal aorldent aurety bond of all klada. Psoas 47. ij3 McKay bids. MONEY TO LOAN. MONBJY TO LOAN Oa Improved .city property or for building porpssse, for from $ to 10 yesra' tiara, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after ' two yeara. Loan approved from plans aad saeney advanced as building progreaaaai - aMrtgares taken up and replaced. EBRD B. STRONG. FlnaacUl Ageat. S4S Star st. -i: .... THB STAR LOAN CO. Asy salaried employe, ware-earner, caa get SB kls aete, without mortgage Month. H Month. Week. $50 Oe Repay to a 113.1$ or $0 BO or $3.S JR.OO Repay to a S.SS or $-t.8S or $1 M $19.00 ilepar to as i 4.00 or $2.00 or iLOl 310 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL loans on eaUriee. policies, plsnoa, furniture, wsrehoas re. celrrte, etc. ; any deaervlng persoa may secure a liberal advance, repaying by easy wsskly or monthly Installments. NEW BRA' LOAN TRHST COMPANY, 306 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE . And other upon their own names without aeenrttyi cheapest raise, ssaleet peymentsi offices la S3 principal el t lee; aave yeuraelf money h.r getting our terms Srst. TOLMAN, 33$ AMagtea bMg.. 10S4 Third St, tlEA DQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS Msasy caa be borrowed oa essy psrmeax tea, lewsst rates; strictly confldeatUI. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. -43S Mohawk bldg., ear. Third and Morrlsoa. MONET ta leea oa real, personal sad collateral aecantyi special attention to cnenei asora. fagse; notes bonght. C. W. Pallet. SOe-S en toe bldg.. S4 Sixth at. MONEY te loan en Claekamae eonnty lands. ST. F. aad F. B. BUej. sua chamber ex uoa BIGHLT respectable place where ladle aad Eur Can borrow money ea dUmonda ana selry. Collateral Loaa Bank. BBS Waah rtoa at. Pboa Black Tl. N LOWEST rate on fnrnltnr and pianos. Esst. sen 1Mb Co., 44V BhermcK Dldg. r a cine sua. MONRY TO LOAN oa sTI kind ef eeearlty. William floll, roooa B, Waahlngtoa niag. TO LOAN Sums te nit ss chattel sseurlty. B. A. Frame. 614 the Marqaam. ' Honey to Loan From private fundi oa Improved, property. J. L. WEI.L8 CO.. 4 Grand ave. MONEY loaned aaUrted people oa Bote: cheap. eat raws... r. a. newion, eae aningtsw nag. WILL loan 15 000 or leea. ( per rent, real es tate. Farrlngtoa, SIS Featoa bldg. MONEY to Uaa at T per cent on real estate . security; long rime; roonev ea neon, au SOI Colombia bldg., $86 Waahlngtoa St. CASH for Nsvsds. Arlsoas. California. Oregoa and Mexico mining Block; no matter whit roa have, write ua: yonr annarentlT worth- leea atocka may be valuable to ua. Nevada Oountlea Brokeriga Co.; SOS Bscen hlk ,rOsk- Und. uaiirornl. MACHINERY. THE B. 0. ALB SB CO. Secoad-haad msehlnsry, ' sawmills, ste. S4S Grasd sre. BIPPELY A MYERS,' machinists (ad else. J ery su4.Aallos snglnes' a specialty. 334 vaa ex. raoaa maia jaw. B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining, sawmill, log. flng msehlnsry; hrdreolle pipes, easting: all lad repaired. 104 North Fourth. MONUMENTS. NBU A K1NOSLEY. 'MS Flrat at.. Portlaad' leading marble Bad grunts werhe. MUSICAL. BMIL TH1ELROBN, pupil ef SWC1K. violla Tel. Msia SSaa. teseher. Btadlo IBS aixta. LESSONS 60c: piano, gnltsr, banjo, msndolln. vwim. tfeiH rme at., eor, main, apatair. Mr. Martin. MAGNETIC HEALING. SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY Lecture, eeurseo end demonstrations on hypnotism, concen tration, msgnstl healing and palmletry: sci entific la every dVtsll: petunia treated for 11 d lessees. 18S Seventh et. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. rradr Osteopsthlc college ef KbksvTlU, Missouri, who is a specie nit oa rheumatism, stomsch and all female diseases. Office 410 Falling bldg., corner of Third and Waahlngtoa ata. DRH " ADIX 'A NORTTIRUP. 416-IB-1T lelrnm w bl'le , Third and waahlngtoa Bta. Mala S4S. Examination free. ORIENTAL RUGS. ORIENTAL RUGS repaired and eteaned - hy na'lv si pens; wa use the original vsgstalple dve eaehmere wool for our repairing; all work guaranteed. Call ap Oriental Rug Re pairing Co., Padfle SBS. B44tt Wsih. st. PRINTINO. THE MODERN PRINTERY Artlatte printing. im Kuaeel niag., f eerta aaa atorriaoa. , raoa PsclB 163S. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. ntbegrspaing, bias .. yaoae hiii 11. St Aider at. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BBACH A CO. The Please Paint 0o. wiBdew-eiaee aaa giaaiag. las ran. . i IBS. i PLUMBERS. DONNERBERU A BADEMACUEB, No. SOS Burnslde st. FOX A CO., eenlterF pmmhere, SSI Msia and Salmon. Oregoa Phone Mala SuOI. 4 FIN NIG AN BROS. A CO., SSS Third et. Pboa alala gnoo. Plumbers aaa seating engineer R00FIN0. TIN ROOFING, gntterlng. repelling and general Jobblug. J. Loan, llg jetrersnn St. rss. I aae. RUBBER STAMPS. . C. STAMP WORKS, Alder at., phone Mala T10; rubber (temps, sesls. stencils; bar gaga, trade ehecha; send for catalogue No. SB. SHOWCASES AND - FIXTURES. SHOWCASKS of every' efceertptloai bsnk. bsr snd stors Bxtares made to eraer. iss ts-iae Msaufsetaring Co.. PertlanA 1 ft. H. BIRD8AIL. deslrwerf ssot--w. Win's Lambsr 00., I nataiiioe piag. auis eeav. FINANCIAL BANKS. T""? 0F Cj0BB7JeI.hIUhsd g bspitat paid ap $ I . , . ., V' "klos aad Exchanga Baal latsreai ea time deposits. Accounts opened for J' PortUad Breach . Chamber WM. A. MACRAE , w...-. I 1 FIST NATIONAL BANK IF PORTLAND, 0UM1.... w.M..a' D"'"At Depository and Financial Agent el the ThltoS Btaree. AssJstaVr..HiU -,LUI I Csahler.." ...J. W, WKIRK Aaautaat Caahler w. C. ALVOUU Second Ae elitist Cashier..... B. F. STEVENS . ; ai-i. w.a."' I-"r', Credit Available la Enrnpe aad ths Eastern State ' a Sl w "ifl Telegraphle Transfer sold oa New York. Bostoa. Chicago, St, Lsols, arih. ?3 8,",'hico and the prlnclpsl point In the Northwest. . Ho?ii"v V'T b"U &nm' suais t wit rLondon. Parle. Berlin. Frsukfart-ou-tbe-Msla. HonJlJluf' ubU44' Copsoaasea, Christian! s, Stockholm, St. Peteraburg. Moscow. Burlca I TILTON. BAVXIRS fZetahllshsS in 1AM I - Traaaaeta a Oeaersi Baaalag Buslaess. Collection marl at all potnt oa vo. able terms. Letter of credit Usued St a tea. a, i i . " Bra Arii-arepoiv iraneiers sola on.ptew mi. . .... .. ii" ta PS"Trr' '"nsh. San Frsacvace aad Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold lloa. Pari. Bsells Frankfort, Bongkoag. Yotohama. Manila and Hoaolnla. MfCHANT.. NATIONAL BANK. PORTLAND, OBESOW. - ' t '4iAt!!tn-JlAnoK' .-...i.-reeldeat I B. U DURHAM. .............. 'fT- B. W. HOYT..:,. -....Cashlsr GEORGE W. HOtT ....AssUtsat Csshlst TraaawU s Baaeral Banking Builneaa. Draft and Letter! of Credit leaned AvallabM to All Parts of the World. Collections a Specialty ' U1? .MAIM WATIOBAX BAJfat Ot FOBTLABD. OBXOB... ""ei" . Nrthwet Corner Third nd Oak Street. Tessaetiee . A I li , . - - - wM.,N eaaajaf atnaineea. vnar ii i ne i b.ii akveiiauiw - -toe l altsd States aad Europe, Hongkongv and Manila. Collections Mad oa Favorable Terms. vISi.!!.iV: ....J. O. AINSWORTH I Vice-President... u.w AT-Ell aI:!JVMA,,;.- B. LEA KARNES j Cashier..... .....B. W. BCHMKBK Aaalatant Caahler...... Uwkioh1 AaiUtant Caahler... W..A. HOLT BAJfXERS' LUMBERMEN'S BANK Pertlsad, Oregen. Corner Second aad SWrk streets. . Commercial and ssvlnas densrtmest. Interest nsld oa ssvtnas account. Drft and SaTsssSB' a " ..we wwivaaisiBj UVrairt BlVmi. S HISlvsl yalltS VU mm v ) aii vwh ... a eUTta." "'fi,, avall.hU In all parte of the world. , Opea Saturday evenings from ltr,.TZirtcomaui .tomw, . .. ...... ,L........... D. C. PELTON FffKQ H, JOHN A. rresinenv l l2TSrH,LD" r,r Vlcs-Presldent KEATING. . . .Second Vlce-Presldsnt TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST OOMPANT OF 0BEO0B "Th- Oldsa TrasS Cempssy ta Orega.' SfSPH?' 0VR I1.BO0 0O0. General hanking. Exchange mi all paru of th world. . RAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Tim certificates, S to 4 per cent: short-call apeclal eertltl. tea, Soop or over, $14 n 4 per cent .C.I1 for book of "ILLUSTRATION 8." , Southssat Cornet Third and Oak treats. Phone Private Exchanga T3. - ! lia..?.!8"'"'""- President I H. L. PITTOCK. ....... .Vice-President B. LEB PAGET , .Secrstsry J. O. OOLTRA Assistant Sscrstary CEcrarrT savinos a trust company at? xranasota a Oensrsl Basking Buslasel. Lv-e' 5CtWe.s4 Barlnga Aceounta. Acta vrwii avsiiboi aa a F i.DAM-S ....President A. Im MILLS .....Second Vtee.Prenident , GEO. F... RUSSELL HPS MORTGAGE OVARANTEE TBVST 1 " Transact General Banking Baalneas. - vvysriunaii per cent intereel aiiewM, riPtTlt. 0. W. WATEBBURT . . . President I a W. MILLER Vice-President . S. LOGAN HAYS. ......... .eletant Secretary Elk Temple, Seventh and Stark Streets.. Phone Main 164.- Opea Si tarda y Evening I to I NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE TRUST OOMPANT Psrtlana, Oregoa. Lumber Exchange. B, E. Corner Second and Stark Street (aeeoad lear). ' . riBl'AI. AUENT tun CUKfUBATIONB. State, County, Municipal and Corporation Boada Bonght and Sold. New enterprise, organised - . - and snanced. Stocks and bonda gusrsatssd. ' TITLE OTJAB ANTES A TRUST COMPANY SW WASHINOTOsI STREET. MORTGAGE LOAN! OB Portland. Besl Bstste at Lowest Rite, Title Inanred. Anetracts FaraUbed. ' . WV. M. LADD, t, THORRURN ROSS, T. T. BURKHART. President. Vlce-Prealdeat aad Manager. Secretary. JNO. E. AITCHISON, OEOROB H. HILL, Asslstsnt Secretary. - . ' AssUtset Sscrstary BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M OKRI BBOBc 13$ First Street, yertlead, Offer Ollt-Edgsd Investments la Manlclp! and Ballroa'd Bonds. Write br CalL .OWNINO-HOPKINS COMPAJIY Eatahllshsd STOCKS, BONDS. OBAIN Booght Private Wire. ' .. ROOM 4 CHAMBER 'HE I. 0. LEI COMPANY la-30 Lafayette Broksrsgs Department Bee t'a Before Buying or Belling Stock Overbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. OBAIN. M0TISI0N8, COTTON". STOCKS AND BONDS. ' - Wl DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. . Coatlaatmi Market by Prtvat Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd I A Tlltoa. Bank. era, nd United Steles National Bsnk of Portland. LOUIS J. WEBE -MUNICIPAL 1 7AM) SCHOOL AND tOBPO RATION. - Hlghsst Rsturns to. lnvsstor Co PORTLAND A NORTHWESTERN BOMB SAFES. DIEBOLD MangaBoae aad fireproof eefeet sae. - cessral progree ecalnet nargiar aaa nre: ioc. out! opened. Mr. Super, mecbinlcal expert with J. B. DavU. SS Third. Phoae 1460. STREET PAVING. WARRBN Cone traction 0., street paving, aide. waika aaa crossings. Tie uregoaisa niag. THB Barber Aaphalt Pavtag Co. at Portlaad, orace too Woreesler BIB. second-hand goods. ATVvATEB A CARL furniture hsuss Highest prtcee paid for eecond nana lurnllar. gas Second at. Phoae Pacific 4VS. ' SIGN PAINTERS. I economical electric algae end sign or 1 11 f hinds nusds salckly. foster A Klslssr, Fifth W. P. BRRGER A SON, SS4 Ysmhlll at. Signs of au blade. Phoae rsciae xzaa. - TRANSFER AND HAULING. SAFES, p.saoe and furniture movsd. pecked reedy for sblpplsg sna saippea; ail wee a guaranteed; Urge, 1-story brick, Sre-proof sre house for storsgs. Of Bee 80S Oak at. C. hi. OUea. Phoae Mala B4T. na . in a, euviiri tba varan ro cor. sixth . ana vex Bta ; naggage cnecaea from betel or reel denes direct to destlnatwa; passengers thersfbr svold rasa sad aaa Bscs at depeta. Private Exchaage SS. 0. O. PICK, of Ace SS First St.. betweea Stark na 0B Bta. , pnone pwe; pianoe bow lurauure moved and parked for aklpplng; eommodloue brick wircboiiae with aspsrste area enema, Front aad Clsy ata. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 North Sixth. Phoae Mala a, neaey naming una atorsgs. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. SOOti Wash ington st. I none msia vox. CUT rates en household roods to all point esst; we Fiak up carloads : apeclal room rev trunks whlls wilting. Oregon Auto-Dee patch, 18 Flret at. Phoae Mats T18. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGB A TRANSFER Co. Storage. 334 Stark t. Mala 407. TELEPHONES. THB enly exclusive telephone bonee. B.-B. vileetrte A Teleiiboae Manufscturlng eoav pany, S3 Fifth st. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, sosp. SI per moatb- ' Portland Laaedry esd Towel apply Co., Nlath aad Coach. Phoae 410. -- TYPEWRITERS. NEW tynewrttere, all makes, rented, sold end repaired. (Join agency, wi atara. xei. ist, WINDOW SHADES. OAI.B WINDOW SHADE CO.. 37 Salmoa St.. nlsln nnd fsncr abides msde to order at loweit price. Phene Mala 667. -WIR3-AND JRON W0RK3.- BAST PORTLAND FENCB A WIRB WORKS, . ISO p.. Water at, Pboa Eaat $31. MEDALS ARE GIVEN TO EUGENE OFFICERS (Special Dlapatcb to Ths Journal., EubWi. Or., July IS. Major Osorg O. Toran, Cnptaln J. M. Williams, Lieu tenant snd Adjutant F. E. Taylor, lieu tenant and Quartermsatep T. L. Cham hr snd Qtirtrrmatr-BTrearit M.- V, Huntley, all of EuRen. havs received from Oregon National Guard hesdoaiar tors st Portland handsome service med als, each having sarvsd la ths National Uuaxd U VSATS.. lead Of foe. Sea Frsaslsee, CalL'sraea. , Surpras aad andlvlded profit. . . $-TTn 14 W usee Tr a neat ted. gAVlNOS pirsaisaKi. aim of $10 and upward. of Commerce Building. a.. BURTCHAELL. . . .n'.AssUtanl Maaaget available la Europe end all point la the United r. n . - . , l, an CHlia SS f.:Ca shier a. u.. aurB.iu H. D. STOREY. :..i..;..ii;-.Asslstsnt PLATT A PLATT Qenersl Caehtep Counsel Pertlsad, Oregen. SAVINGS riff PA RTUCNT. fntereat Allowsd Trustee for Eatatea. )fatt aad Ltt f. .. aiu arsxis et to nwra, I L. A. LEWIS. :.......;...FIrat Tlee-Frseldeat 1 n't JUBITE. .Secretary Assistant Secretary OOMPANT BANK. Interest Paid en Time Deposits. Bavlaga rompoaaaea quarterly, IIMAMAn " Oregoa.- l$t$ BX0KXXS. aad Bold for Mh2 iad oa Margin. Phons Mala ST. of COMMERCE. Bldg., Portlaaa, Oregoa. H. W. Doesha. Menager. or Bond. Can Always Bsve You Money. (Members Chicago Board of Trade.) lot Third St.. McKay Bldg.. Portlaad. Oregoa. Booms $, d and La Faystt bldg.. eor. Sixth and Wash. Bt., Portlaad, Oregea. DIVIDEND "BANK AND CORPORATION SI0B aaUteat . With 1 Ahsolots Ssfsty. TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH SECURITIES. EIGHT THOUSANO ACRES OF LANE rn SOLD Minnesota Man Purchases Large Tract With View of Estab lishing Big Plant. - . " (Spsclal Dispatch to Th JoomaLl Eusn. Or., July tl. A timber land deal Involving- (.000 soras In Lane coun ty and consideration of 3200,000 has Just been completed her. Tba purchaser Is R. D. MuMer, a blr lumber manufac turer of Hlnnaot, snd th largest tract old la that known aa the Canfleld prop rty. Tha land Is situated In townahlps It and IS south of rang I mat, all be ing north of th McKegisI rivar. Much of th land Is along Gate creek snd th tract extends north Into Linn county. Bealdea th Canfleld property ther at adjoining tracts purchased from Walla Ollbert of Qoldendale, Waahlngton. and IJ. Allen or Eugene. Gilbert cralaad II of tola timber for Uuiur and his brother, who Js aaaoelated with him In bualneas. While no authoritative statement la mad. It Is reliably reported that a large sawmill will be erected In this vicinity by tb ACuaaera, DITCH WORK IS TO COMMENCE IN AUGUST (SpeclsrWipatch to-Th-Jiwrhat.t" Echo, Or,, July M. Ditch work on th East Umatilla Irrigation project Is ex pected to begin by th middle or latter part of August, when th enjlre com munity Is expected to be very lively. Th first work was to have bean don on th reeervolr and dam, but ss th bids for th dam were considered $80,000 to high by the aecretary of th Interior. It is understood that they will be adver ted again. According to tha officials In charge at thla plac and at Iiermlaton, thla will not Interfere with the ditch work to any great extent, and it la be lieved that work will soon ba under way. IAN TO RUN LOCAL TO COTTAGE GROVE (Special Dtapitcb to The JeuresL) Eugene, Or., July IJ. It is reliably re ported that th local train now running south ss far ss Cottage Grove will be extended within - $0 - day to Roeeburg. It Is said that th hour of leaving Port land In th evening will not be chana-ed. After this, servlca. Is- guaranteed It I said that th overland tralna leavlnar PortlAfid trr-ths wvenlnr snd- striving In th morning ' win "make much better time between Portland and Roeeburg. stoo ping at only th larger towns on -the road. . .. RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL. r . -- t July 1 Aa S, Asgart T, B, , Sephembwr B aaa 10. Summer axcuralon rataa BaU dates Jun IS, tf. July 3. I, Auguat T. B, B. September I. i- Rt from Port lend to Chicago, 171-tO; to St, Loula. I7.$0: PUneae Cltyi omsha and BU raulUO;! Denver, fee. -'-.. For information In reference) to rates and particulars ssk C W. Btlngsr. city ticket sgent, Third Aria Waaalngtos strssts, peruana. - ., ? 18S4. OCE'';IiB.iii'i:i.. rao iiEiis Thre-Le2d Salem Man V.'lth .Two Vital Organs Finally Diva From Tuberculosis. FORMERLY FREAK WITH ; ; , BARNUM'3 -CIRCU3 George Llppert, Whoso Curious Phy. LicelCoMtructioa Wbs Wonder of flit World, DLss'at Horn of Hi .' Benefactress, v-' (Special Dispatch to Ths learaaLI ' Salsm. Or., July S Oeors Llppert, the tbrea-legged man ' with two hearta, who died her "Friday morning St. ths horn of MrsMary A." Rlgga, 1111 Fif "" treat In South Balem. of tuberculosis, was one of tha great glob trotter. . With tb exception of th last seven yeara- of his life he has been engaged In the show bualne. and has traveled ex tensively and could apeak five laa guages snd A number of dialects. - After a most exciting career, Georgr Llppert came to Afedford with A two bit place In his pocket. Ha contracted a sever cold, became sick and wa taken In by Mr. and Mrs. Rlgga, who were then engaged- In th florist bualneas.' " From that time on ha gave up th Idea to remain In th show business And to place hlmaelf on exhibition. -During his llfetlm Llppert mad a food deal of money out of his physical . ' appearance, .having been born with three ' legs and two hearta snd II toes. Be aldea th uaual two lege, a, third en grew out of his right aide,, snd was -eome what thinner than th other two. In th famous Wreck near Paria, Franca, when Barnura was daxxllng Europe with his wonderful Aggregation, Mr. Llppert -eustained A fracture ot his third leg and had his nose broken, - Probably li par. eos we killed in th wrack. After this accident Llppert was never again abl to ua his lag, but would not consent to undergo an amputation. After th death of Mr. Rlggs.'th ben efactor and friend of th three-legged man, Mrs. Rlggs removed to Balem and. brought th celebrated ahowman with her. While st work In a hop yard near Aurora last fall, Llppert contracted a sever cold, which gradually developed Into a caa of consumption, th dlaaaaa whlah took him away Friday. . ' George Llppert' notoriety' earn to him through th fact that he had thre ' legs snd two hearta -Aa to this latter , fact there is no doubt now, ss th doctor In charge aaaerts that th heart on th ' left side topped beating two weeks ago, and th proceea of circulation was en tirely carried on by th heart on tha right aid during th last days of his sickness. Llppert wss of sn amiable dlapoaltlon -and madmanrjCxiends.. with. thoa whom he mat. He was known by all showmenX in America, and whan thy cam hr thy always visited him. : When Norrla At Row wr her som , months ago, Mr, Norrls visited th f- mous showman and Invited him to eoms c: to aoe hla new exhibition. Llppert haa a . rich brother In Bavaria, also an aunt liv ing In Germany. ; He has soma friends in Ban Francisco." .- r " ' For mattera of religion Llppert was A Catholic and II yeara old at th time ef his death. - He la said to have been In- -sured quit heavily. . . - - MRS.MURPHY DIES AT MONUMENT HOME (Special Dlapatcb to The JouraaL) a,,.r.f re Jul H. Mra. Mar Murnhv died at her horn at this plac Vvia v eetae a -abort alckneas. H death waa caused by appendicitis. Tc- oecaaaea. waa nwa m , me. nhiA Mnvsmhev 3D. 1123. Her parents moved to Iowa when aha was still a small child, where she grew to womanhod. and waa tnarriM t jamas w u a ,,.e 9 IXoK Worn Iowa th nui VJ - - couple moved to Ripe Springs, Comaneh county, Taxaa, in i( ana xa yrvgen i U81. and they settled in Fdx vaUey tha next year. -In tney TneveotnLWB- ument. Mr. Murphy died the Mil year. on October Is.. Bine tnn vra. sxurpny haa reeided here permanently. Bh Is . survived by four children, three daugh ters and on son. STEEL SECURED FOR : - CENTRAL ELECTRIC " (peeiil Dispatch to The Joaraal.) tTnlon. Or.. July 38. Work on tha Central Electrio railway. - which will nolrcl th Grand Rond valley, la progreaalng moat favorably. Th flrat consignment of steel haa been pur chaaad and tlea are alreadr scattered along muoh of th grade, and In a short time track laying will begin, It la th purpos of th company t crowd work Jut aa-faat as man can be eeeured. to carry it on. Everything now points to the erlr--eompletrcm-f the-Crrrsr tin. " after which th company will probably prooead with th extension to La Orande and put on a large additional fore on the road from Union up Catharine creek to tha Umber and mines. . WATER RIGHTS TO BE e SURVEYED BY SWAIN (Special Dispatch to Th Joraal.l Echo, Or.. July U. Charles L. Swain, civil engineer, accompanied by but s latants, has arrived from Milton, and they will now be engaged oh work In connectloa with -the United State gov ernment reclamation project . near tha town ef Echo. The government eurvey . has been completed on th north ll of tha town, and will b continued to th couth by a state survey, under th ' direction of Mr. Swain. Th valley along th Umatilla river from Eohe south, covering th Irrigated district, will be) surveyed In- order to- determine existing ' water rlghta ' . . ,, UNION IS TO HAVE 8 " r-zrr NEW- NATIONAL' BANK- (Spectsl Dispatch to The Jeeraal ) Union. Or., July it Another bank will be tabllahed at Ifnlon, to be known -th Union National bank. Ir. E. T. theater of Iowa and Jam W. Kthlng- , ton ef Kentucky have been In th etty and have Interests a larga sumber ef -citlsens In th preject. Tha seceseary papers In the can have been forwarded te Waahlngton. aad U details of th organlaatioo will be perfected as soot as poeeible. It Is also th intention er those, behind the prelect to begin tv erection Of A handsome nsw brick but'. . Ing for a banking house. Fnferved teek OestaeA Ct ". - eille s Lewis' eit JMraad. f : r '