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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUIU.V.L. PORTLAND. tlOI.'DAY EVENII.a. JULY NZT" 3 AY. J Fcr DIIng Purposes And we c1t yon the nrivllsge of re paying; Mm In monthly Installments covering a period) of from two to tan years. $21. 14 per month for CO months repays a $1,000 Joan, Including Interest. Sec us about It. Columbia Life & Trust Cp. ' aVtunbeg Bxchamg-e Bnlldlna;. DOUBLE - A choice block of lota tn an addition close to University Park at half their actual value. A. una onanoa lor a man who has ioo to invest.. II ARB! AN & THOMPSON " ciuon of comassoB. WHAT PEOPLE SAY OF'OUR COURTESY a ad business t-ethode hi the beat recommends- tKia this hank enn offer ux say of ear am poet tore about both. . , : 'Out Resources, SL600.000 ssd nearly TWENTY TEARS' buslaaas hi Port land apeak for themselves. . KTery . banking sdrantags offered your ae- ceoot Invited. . , - PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON -S. K. ear. M and Oak sts.' Phone Fx. TJ. PEN J. I. CON EX;. President H. L. PITTOt K .Vice-President B. LEK PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTBA Aaatatant Secretary HILL G. EWALD , Contractors and Builders LINNTOk,-OR. - Main If. V fit. Johfis Phone Scott I0. ' As safe " Government Bonds We are constantly offering high-class First Mortgage Securities which pay per cent - per annum Interest, payable : semi-annually. You can open an ln vestment account with 15 and add to It . at your pleasure. The security is First Mortgages on Income property. This Is a matter deserving of your most car. ful Investigation. Information . cheer fully furnished....-.- v . ' v - northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company tnmher Szchange Bids'. (Second Floor) East Morrison . Kmt Orand Avsaaa, 100x100, $9,000 Fays Oood Income. He J. DALY tas rinxia iids. WEATHER REPORT. Shallow low pressure areas are Beted this morning as follows: One over Alberta, another over southern Arlaona, and a third one ever the New England etatee. They hare earned ahowera ana rnuaoeretarme IS British Columbia, Alberta, western aluutana. aonthem Nebraska. Hwrhra Utah. Arlanna and the K England and middle Atlantic etatee. Local ralna have alee occurred a ne guir eaa eoata Atlantic atatea. High preeeore areas are eeorral tn the middle west and over toe weatern portion ef tee north Pa rifle atatea. It la decidedly cooler tn eutere urgeea. eaatera waaaingtoa and Idaho, and eorreepoenlngly warmer la California sad la Nevada. . The Indications ere for fair weather tn that oiatnet tonight and Tuesday, with ne decided changes m temperature except tn eontbweaters Idaho, where It will be -molar Ann le-nt. Obeerratlooe takes at I a. m.. Pacific tlma: . . Temp. Stsrtnns v.. win Pnv4. vi'r. muni. ....... h Boston, UaaaacbnaettSrrmi Chicago, llllnola DM Decree. Colorado. .......... 84 Ximii City, Missouri 04 Im Angeles, California.... M Now Orleane. Louisiana.... SO Portland. Oregon V4 Bneehnre,'- Oegoa Kg St. Louie. Missouri.,, 04 "alt Lake. Utah PS San Franclam, California... TO Spokane, Waahhurtoa...... Po Taeema. Washington....... TO Walla Walla. Waehlogtoa. . PO Washington. D. O M Vc Loan tloiiey Your Money r - HrsH Mortgage Security M ,0 T .g en Jt S3 . .0 Jt M .A T4 .40 SO , Jt T.' S ' T. M M j0 M ' .0 M . JO TO let I - MARRIAGE LICENSES. ' Edward A. R"e-ers, OakUsd. Ceilforala, ti; Anne Oarotya Trimble, XX. .. Wedding Carda.- W. 0. Smith A Co.. Waab. tngtoa bldg cor. Fearth aad Waastngtoe ata. Wedding end calling carda engraved or printed. E- I. Reahtoa. Waaslagtoa et. Mies Bertha Martin, room gig Altehy bldg. tamping and One needlework) laaaanc glees. BIRTHS. IACET July 8. to Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge R. Laeey, Oood Samaritan hoapltal. a glrL ri-ACKJnly 21. to Mr. and Mr). Floyd L. Place. 4IMI Eaat ftrrnatde. a boy. Rfi.LEB-JuIt 11. to Mr. and Mrs. Eat II Eel- ler. 44T Ser-nth. a girl. , T ... - -JIAIXORT Jul- 20. to Mr. end Mrs. Elmer I. Mallorr, 1174 Hawthorne evenve, s bar. as UNDERTAKERS. Penning. McBatee at Ollbangb. sndertakere sad eintnlisere: mrn la erery detail. Seventh eed Ptne. Mala esu, Lady saetatost. A. B. Hemetonk. aaairtianT . nn i . , Eaat Thlrtaealh end Umatilla ate. " . - twood71 - Pn-lrkaos I'udertaktng Co., esibalmlng. 408 Alder at. phase Mala 0U8. P. Flnley A Sooe. Third aad Madtaoa eta. OIQce et ooeoty eerener. fhoee Main 0. ROwerd Moltaas. anderUker. 270 Third street. aUTERTITW CIMIT1RT. tingle era eee fie. Family lore T5 te 81 .one. The ely cemetery la Port la ad which par. r-tealir maletalne and cares for knaa. rar full lafnrmatloa arply to W. R. Markeasle. Wa eeater block, city.- W. M. Ledd. sreeldeet FUNERAL NOTICES. STRKIBIO In this city, Jaly 21, ang, nrn llam J. Strelblg. aaed 41 yea re, 10 sientbe end 4 dare. Irlende are reepeetfullv Inert ed to attand the funeral eerrlcea. wlileh will be held et tlie rwaid-nce of Mrs. Senet, 12T "ertb gJd et,. -ew -Tuaeday,- July ' 24, at t w . , interneast aurernew Clmaisar. A REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Oreroa Reel Estate eempeny te city of IrNirtland. 1st a hL k 71 MolUdar'a eddiUua te laat fortland I I.T90 ansa eruetaee ef Wlllamatte nnlTaraiiy le U. W. fltlt. lot a klorh 1. MtraarharrV Dale .V7..:..T '. 100 8.. and Horace W. Tnlelmaa to W. N. Warrltt. lot 4. block 8, Moaltoa A. ImJi..'. a.. I-1.4... m.r l.l..W u TfK. bett'e addition te East Portland Ztf Emma B. and Horace W. TBleiaea te Andrew J. RnDtoine, lot . block . Moultla A ImtoT'i auhdlTlalon ef block B. Tlbbatl'a addition to Kaat fortland S2S John J. Cole to B. B. Rhoadce aad Era, hlH vf- In,. 14 mmA IK hUwk a MUler'e addition te Sallweod. TI otia J. Cole to Genem B. Khoadaa, lota 12 aad 1A block I. btlll-r'a addition te I Sellwoed ST8 W. r. end Anna riledoer te P.' 0. "tid ier. fiOilea foot In tearnabla 1 aoulk. ' ran fa 1 eeat SM) O. W. end Delia Prieet te iutou Dotlor. .... ao Am ..c In A nhwk A WllUina . Arenas addition ....1,800 treacle M. end Bdas Brewa to A. C. ' Braah- .Iot 1&. kloi-k 90. Alblna Hone stead ..,.,.7.... 100 Mary J. and Aatnatna J. Collin te Joe DO .CbUrmaete, Joaaph and BalTatore Aina to. lota A. block 3. Tlbbatt'a addition to Kaat Portland.;. t,S30 7. B. aad Mary E. naaeltlne. Oelatla J. -and Plorence M. Steckpole aod Marfan'V K. Steckpole te Americas Inreetmcnt ' V eomoanv. n lore 1 aad ft. block 112. Uroror'a addition 1100 sary ana rred Boeira to fbu Metacaaa and Cbarlaa It atooraa. Inta I. A. k and s, block 12. Watson's addltlo 10 Mm. B. J and T, W. Arere te George Creen. lota 14 and IS. block 9. Alblna ' liomeetead 7. .. .. 1,000 weorge li. rllDtmrd. traatee, to rnu vott, Iota 1, end , block IB, cnMUbard'a addition te Eaat Portland.....'.. Sarah J. Headoraos to Krlta Togt. lota S and 10. block IS. Hlhhard'a addition to Eaat Portland. ....r...-..T.,.. -I ai autate Inraatment aaaociatien re Oeerea W. Adanu. lota 1 and B. block . 48, Bcllwood.. . SOO Elof Nllaon to Q. N. Carleon. lots S. 4, 6 and S. block 14. A. L. Mlnae'a.Addl. tkn te St. Joana TOO Q. K. and Charlotte Cerlaoo to J. Hamil ton Fletcher, lath Z. 4. S and B. block 84. A. L. Miner a addition te St. Jobna SOO P. H. and Jeaale V. Marlay to H. 8. Rowe. lot L block 1. Ellaabatb Irrloi'a addition U Tbomaa Pllilnsar to H. S. Rowe. lot T, block t. Ellaabatb Irelna'a addition to Kaat Portland SO J. V. aad Alice T. Hagierty to H. R. Rowe, eaat 360 feet ef went 4M feet - ef lot N. M. fattea'e tract........... Anna C Bralnard et aL to Henry S. Rowe. lota AO, 1, it, U and 04. Tar- danta Fred sad Emma Tankow te John B. kfaon. lot . ft. tilnck A. Home addition to Eaat Portland TS A. O. and E. J. Miinaen to B. M. Plake. lot 1. block MO.. Stenhena' addition to Eaat Portland ! Joeeph T. and Lacy W. Patent te Qnacn t. narreii, iota i ana s, otocs v, eno- dlvlaiiM. In Pm.lwt.r, mAAUUtm to 1L bine 1.400 ooeph T. end Lncy W. Peters tn Qaern v. Harrou.. suxino root in bknen x. Abend a addition to Alblna..;. 1.800 Richard WU llama to Mary B. Rector, part ei Clinton Kelly donation land Claim, ewtlon 11, tewnahlp 1 eontb, range 1 eaat. eantalnlne 8.KS ecree. 1 Henry Habertend te Edward Haberland, . mte 18 and 14. block 17. KenllworU. . 1.000 Henry naberland to Edward Haberland, mte T and S. block 1U, Mnltnoaa ad dition te Alblna ,.1.000 Henry Haberland to Edward Haberland. lot xi. block so. Maitnoman, ana lot 1. block 82. Multnomah... SOO H. W. and Mary . Itle te Jobs HIMe- brand. lot tl. block 4. Alblna addition 1.800 W. B. and L. A Roberta to Adam Ott, lota S and 4. block 10. . Orchard Hamas 025 Arteta Land company to Btrdle Smith, lot IS. block T. Arleta Park No. S.... " I A. M. Smith to H. Oecar Smith, want H -of lota 1 and S. block 8, Hanaes's addlttan Eaat Portland . I Prlta and Mary Voet to Sarah J. Hen derson, lota a end 10. Mock 15. HID hard'a addition to Eaat Portland, with etrlp 25 feet wide along north side of lot 10. reaerred for atreet... I George L. Illbbard. traatee, to Prlta Togt, lot 10. block 18. Hlbbard'a addition to Eaat Portland, ream-ring atrip 29 feet ride along north eMe for atreet 1 The I -and Com nan r ef Oreeen te W. S. .. Jenklne, lot . block T. Olty View Park bOO Jeeeph M. Htatr to Katberlns Pans, lot i. block s, wa-eriy-aaaiuoa to sax Portland John OaTnor te Samnel J. Oerman. parcel CO ei land in eeeiloa so, tewaanip s norta, ranae g eaat..... 11,000 Nonlby Lumber company to William J. - and Catbcrrna Keama. Inta It and 30. block 8. Serene Park '1,500 hf J. r-loheaae te J.- I. Mnrnhe. nertloa A ef Amoe H. Roberta tract..... ' - 16 Addle and Jemee Bryden- te T. W. Moe- -. roe. S acres la eeettos T, ' tow nan I p 1 -eontb. range S eaat ... E. W. Jonea to EUaabeth H. Smith, let 8. end soath , of lot . Park View Annai i.. Ida M. Jonea to Rliaabeth H. Smith. lot M. and aoath In mt lot S. Park View . Annex ...MOO w. H. end Emma w. nay te n. j. Dor-. nett, kt 8. block O. Stewart Park. .. 1,000 Bmlly end loan M . johnaon to Alary Bed mend. 8 ncrea tn eectton 88. toernanln I north, range S eeat 8S0 Aegnata B. Leader te Inters I Bartlett, lot 8. block 14. mihdlTUIon ef Blaar. view addition te Alblna 480 aeore W. Rmern to flencee W. fleok. lot It. block . Lenrelwood.. . 100 Beenrity . SeTlnre A Tmet eompany te . Marlon Verateear, - eosth H ef lota 1 and 2. block IT, John Irrlng's First " addition to Eaat Portland Leo W. and Charlotte Andereoa te Oeorre nnA U Mimm in Q hn-k O Tork'a addition &0M R. I,, and Laura D. rate te D. B. Me Rrlde. eeat 8 feet ef eaat U of lota 1 and S, block 291. Hawthorne Park.. S3 Margaret end Alexander McRae tn J.. Ft. ntanatrlck. Iota 11 and 12. block 22. Albma Homeatead ' 000 Henry and t'reala lleleter to Emannel Mae. weet 08 feet ef mt S. block 13. city 48,000 u. H. Bnrtos to D. c. Rorera. lot 1. and eoathereet KOxM feet of lot 4, block IT. James John's rirst addition to St. -Johns - 1 M. E. and Clara i. Thorn pane te W. H. Nnnn. lot . block 28. and lot A block .North Irrlna-t-n. 100 W. H. and Alice B. Nona to Bnnlce A, Jackaoa. lot 8. block 8. Maaclr Hlak- lend v S23 Oeorre W. Brews to Hanees 4r Rein nardt. lots 14 and 18. block 5. Leure. wood Park 1P0 M. A. Fleming te Bertie M. Smith, weat U of lot 4. block 230. Holladar'a addi tion to Beat Portland 1,500 Joatah R. and Walter F. Til ton to Wil liam M. Ooaelln and Harry L. narablet. . . eontb H of eonthweet H ef ennthweat 14 ef aertlon 10, tewnahlp S north, ranee S weet 400 The fond Company of Oregon tn Sarah J. Henderson, lot 8. block 10, City View Park nag Lnnle and Hannah OoMetnlth to Portland J Tie-elopment eempeny. a scree In aee- tloe 20. toemahlp 1 north, range 1 eaat 10 Set year loan ranee end abetrncta te reel eetate trnm the Title ouarantee a Trnet com pa ay. aw waatiTnrroe atreet DEATHS. CHAPMAN At Mt. Ta, July 91. 1000. Jimmy tbapman. beioTed aoa or jamee chapman. Paneral Tneaday. July 24, at 2 o'clock, from M. B. ckurch. Mt. Tehee. Prlesda Invited. Interment Multnomah cemeterv. linn MA RIB PAVIS died at 2 a. m.. July 23, lpoe. st her late residence, 4JU Bumaide at. WI'KR July 10. Prancta T. Weber, 62 yean. Cedar atreet. carcinoma of stomach. FIN p; July 2. Bertha Ftoe, 80 years, 80S ixtring. eamnoms. NOTICE. The andrrstgned will receive sealed bids for s atork of merchandise ef the Invoice value ef f 14 nno or tbereahonta, together with mtnrea amounting to abont 11.260. located at lone. Morrow county, Oregos, sp to 12 e' clock noon of August 1, lpoo. A caah depoalt of 10 per cent of the amount bid mnet accompany each offer and ! the rkt Ja amina te rtlar eee oad-ollX (7blda. The Inventory may be seen at my office and the property nay Inspected at DiSd st Portland, Oregon, this 18th day ef . July, , 1808. R. 1. RABIN, Front end Ankeny streets, fort land. Oregon. NOTICR OP STOCKHOLDERS MEBTINO Tbe annual meeting of the eterkhoiners ef the Coenr g'Alene Development company, for the election ef a board or dlreetore for the emm tng year, end for the transaction ef ouch ether bnslneee as may regularly corns before them, will be held at the office ef the earn-pen-, roome KOI te K04 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland Oregon, ea Asgsst 0, 1900, st 10 o'clock a. m. - OBOROR T. HOI.MAN, Secretary Coeor d'Alene Development Coav paay. fortUnd. Ore gen, Jaly 11 1000. NOT1CR OP STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. The aannal meeting of stockholders ef the Bohemia Smelting A Railway eompany will be held at the rompenr's office, 448 Sherlock building, August 7. I", at 8 B at. . , AL DAM El SeereUry. THtTtTtHMMrMTTTmMTfTTtHHTtMtMtmHMTT I Z. ' I A ' 11 1 1 -aV Llttlo RssI Rldlna Hood was basket of goodios to htr dssr grandmother . when sho mot a horrid old spldor, who quea tionod hor and found out whsro sho was golngv TfrrHMMtMIMMIMI NOTICE.. KOTICE OP SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS MEET ING Notice 1e herebr aires that a eneei meeting ef the elockholdere ef the North fa clfle Lamber cemsanr for the elentton ef board ef directors has been ordered by the board ef directors, to be held at the office of the oonipanr to the Worceater balldlng. is the city or rortund, uregon, ea naruraay, the 4th day of Augnat. fuOO, st S o'clock p. si., ana wiu be so held. D. MACKAT. PreaMeat. W. R. MACKAT. Sacra tary. ,. HOTICR OF DISSOLtrnON. " The eeoertnerehlB heretofore exlatlng twees H. W. Miller and Oeorge W. Tamer, oelnc bwlneae seder the name of North Wool Lend company, Is this day dlaaolred by ma- tual eenaenr. Portland, Or- Jaly 20. 1000. H. W. MILLER. . OBOEO) W. TURNER THE pertnerehlp ef Lamb at Loela. operating the bnstaeae ksowg pa Lees a StodJo at 1W4 Merrleos at., has been dlaaolred by mstnal consent. Joe Lamb, succeeding to the bnefr neee. will collect sll bills sad pay aU debts to sets. PAITt. M. LOUIS. ' , JOB LAMBi . - NOTICB PrraoriB having goods or awrchendlae stored wita me at my warenonae. si rtorTn Front at, are hereby notified that I bare leaaed the premiere te ethers, and that weir property meat he rameeed within su daya. All goods remaining ea the premiaae Sept. I will be remored and stored eleewhere et owner' a expenae. -1 thank yes sll for year patronage ana ins coanaence repoaea in ma. FRED BICKEL. MEETING NOTICES- HARMONY L0DO1. NO. 12. A; P. A - A. M. Stated communication . thle (Monday) erentng, T:80 . o'clock. Maaoaie temple. Third and Alder ata. Work In F. a deeree. All kt. M. welcome. By -n arum- w. m, se SUITS R. BALL, Secretnrr. M. W. Aw. Dragon Orspe Camp. Me. 0,078, Mae. oaya tits ana staranau: viaiiors wetccaae, M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. S4O0. Beets Wedneaday evening, Alisky bldg.. Third and aterruoa ata. THR Stopers. of the World will Initiate their first atone Is Portland about July SO. Those interested la mining should call at 402 Ore- gonlan bldg., er telephone Main 1814. HELP WANTEDMALE. WANTED 100 hoys for snorenvlees te on American steamers. ' They will occupy the - poeltloe et petty officers on hoard. Must be American born and ever IS years of age. The - tens ef encasement shall be three ycara. Wagee 820 per month first year, 830 per Booth second year, $40 per month third year and a bonus at the end ef the third year ef 8260. For terms and conditions apply to - J. Hosier Prlteb. secretary steemahlp Asso ciation or sea rrancieoe, uv avail street, Saa Francises. CsL 600 TOUNO men for - Sremea ssd brakemea en leadlns railroads: exnerlence unneceeearvi firemen sat 8100, brakemea 880; rapid pro motion fo engineer er conductor at double the salaryt paaltlona sow open. Address near eet office. National Railway Training Aaa-n., iw t-axton bis., umane, neoraaks. or 081 Ridge bldg,. Keneas City Mlaaourt. MEN AND WOMEN to leant barber trade In eight weeke; graduates ears from 818 te $28 weekly: expert tnarrectara catalogue free. Meier bretem ef Colleges, 88 Herts Fearth at., Portland. SALESMEN to Introduce ths world's wonder In fruits Burbank'a new atone less plum (Miracle). Choice ef territory. Caah weekly. Address Waahlngtea Nursery company, X op- pen is a, waaaingtoa. WANTED Young men to learn telegraphy and railroad seeoustlng; aalarlea 876.00 to 890.00. For free catalogue addreae Morse Collage of Telegraphy, SOS lzta St., Oakland, cel. WANTED 10 wideawake Balaam ea for dtv and roaa: gooa salary ana eommtaaioa ana per manent position ts right parties. , Can or write st once. W. R. Taylor A Co 0 Labbe niag., rerriena. vr. WANTRD Two or three flrat-elaes, all-aronnd machine men; permanent position, good wages. uregon rursirure attg. x., atacaoam roaa. WB get work for ear members; special mem- sere, gx. X . M. u. A. Fourth and TamhllL COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Take work boms. 81 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Waahlngtea ea. WANTED Bay about IT, steady 66 North grant at., earner Da via. MII.LMRN. 1226 Per day aad Mill A Lamber Co. up. East Side WANTED Mattreeamakera, , or. Davis. 60 North Front, WANTRD Plumbers -and- gsVflttar. Can . at 424 llorrlaon at. WANTRD 4 bcs te work Is brick snd sewer- pipe factory. Apply to office Dlsmond Brick Co., foot ef Ankeny St. WANTRD Men and teams st Jeneen A Sons' brickyard. Thirty-eighth and Sandy road; good wagee to ngnt panics. . rnese aaat .zasa. WANTED PARTNER. Who wfll furnlah money to patent valuable Inventions and take belt Interest la saxas. R T. care Journal. WANTED Men for brickyard. Terateeg-Oor Brick Co.. Slat i and Tillamook sts. Taks Irvlngtos car. FARMHAND that eaa milk or any all-aronnd worn en-rami give a good heme, board, $M month and beard; alee s woman cook In loaglng camp. . Address M. . c. Donahna. -Orient, Oregon. WANTED A H-sressd blaokamlthi wagee $; more ir esusiactory. Aooreas w. r. Bcrlvner, Heppner, Orrgoo.. WANTRD Experienced porter. ' A no re CaacaiU j. Hotel, 08 North Slirh st. THE beat b none too good for a good agent. nrii id- peaito ana aceiaent insarasee 70S Marquam bldg. AORNTS wasted to sail superior, high grade nursery etoeh; eemplete outfit ftrrsiahad freet caah weekly; write today for choice ef ter ritory. Capital City Naraery Company, Salem, Oregos. TWO boys, one young man, for factory. PBS . .m ew W ANTED Poundrymsn who baa s llttlo money " ;"cw iw a rigoi Ban. AOdraes box D 6, ears Journal. WANTED Two men te shovel dirt, par 12 .88 vn eaat arret ana wi;ilaue jve. C. R. Pottage, 1480 Coasagalal St.) take O ear to Pag at, , , . . 4 . S VGVILLID. LTAETiy TALES. 7n tarrying a Whon sho got to hor grandmother's houso sho found tho Spldsr lying In bod, protend ing to bo hop grandmothor. But Llttlo Red Riding Hood know It waa tho Spldor all tha tlmo. . . ; , : :' ts t ttMttt tftftMfv'IM MtlMMttMUtMtfMTtMMMMMMIlMMTttrMMM.MHMtll)MMIr HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, S48H Waahlng ton St., ear. Seventh.- upstairs, Pheas Mala - 2002. Female help wsstod. - OIRLS WANTRD Opera tors te work ea shirts snd overalls. Lrsaaona gives to inexperi Apply at Standard factory Me , Ursk a-ssd are, end B. Tayior at. WANT ID Girls ts make alls at TB Flrat at. ef All erav. OIRLS abont 10 years ef age ts week ts fac tory. Apply at enee. Amss-Harrls-Msvllls Co, -Fifth ssd Psvm sts. THS HOME LADIES AORNOT, Faaula help furnished free te employer. ReaWtratlon Free. " . - 10SU, FVsrth at, upstairs, room t. Mala 6020. WANTED As experienced second girl tn orlvata famlbr: weave 128. Inonlra after p. b. st 171 North Twentieth at soathwsst - corner er Johnson. A GOOD waitress can perm a neat position cy commani eating In flret-elaaa famllv hotel with J. A. Mn care Journal. WANTRD Help. - Pnlea Laoadry Ce Second una ueiamnis. COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Taks work home. SI Raleigh bldg;; Sixth and Waahlngtea sua. NEAT waitresses wasted at the Hobart-CurtU, it tn ana Jerrereon, aus 14th. SEND 10 cents for Beauty Secret formula; atso circular ef loo ether valuable receipts. Angeles Receipt Co., Loa A age lea, CsL WANTED rear BTnerlenced dtntne-rnom sir 1st no la n nary; svarage anoat no each meal ; pays 828 per month, hoard .'and room. Address Mt. Hood Hotel, Hood River, Or. YOUNG WIDOWER, with S beys, wsata re spectable housekeeper; good home te right party, a s, cars joarauu. HOTEL HELP' Oood poattlone swslttng beaae- . sse pars, enamnermaine. waitreaeea. coesa ana similar hotel help. 147 M, lgthret,r mesa S NRAT watt rata n wanted. Oaaesds Hotel. OS North Sixth St. WOMAN, ever 20, fair edneatloa, soms boalneas snowieoge, an net arses neatly, te taks poaitli st esce. S8 Lewie bldg. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HRLP wasted ssd supplied. Bale er female. R. w. Drake, suotb waahington st. radoe 1170. MAN and wlfs without children as farmer and laundress oa gentleman s place Bear Portland; "vrraaaent poaiuon at oigneet wages, wun comfortable borne; apply after 10 s. m., tus day. Room 814, Chamber et Commerce bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. BOOKKEEPER OR CLERK Weald purchase intereat it suitea; reaponainie party; rsferemcea. T 4, care JonrsaL RNGINRRR, years' expsrleacs with dredger. wiaaas wars say sine, w 17, ears Journal. TOCNO man, 82, very reliable, will accept po sition m eiryj enn aaapt ntmaeir re venous kinds of work: salary must be $73 or bet ter, r iv, Journal. SOBER young sua wants altaatloa ss fanltor er porter, ere. Aaaress it, cere JoumnL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE MIDDLR-AORD woman, several ysara experl- oooa mm nsinn ox jarae ray noapuaj m eaat. ern city, aeeirea poeitioa. or trust snd aponsiDiiiry: axcepnoaai rererencaa. care Jonrnal. 0, KI.DSTtLy woman, good Book, .wants workr working heusakeeper ar nook .dor few man. writs Mrs. H. Glndsr. 181sj.Slxth St., north, room 0. COMPETENT seemBtrees ssd dreaamakar wouM ilia wars in tannine py us day. IwL Eaat eiioi reieresces. WANTED Management ef reomlng-boaes: BO enjectien te teeving city, or would go ea email rsncn in country, u e, eare Journal, WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agenta; enmethlng new good aalleri ois wsaeo, m mmimw oioaj. BIO PAY to eae agent In each county working ror im luvesifwe- UBIoe, ail AtarquaB Dldg, Portland. Oregos. t. . ... . MAN ef good . addreae, every city In Oregon, to . rase ageneyy Aceiaent Insurance Co., 84.000,. two capital; large eommlsatoae. General An. cldrnt Co., Mohawk bldg., I'ttrtund, Oregos. WANTED Lady agents for s reliable article, netting from azo te IW per week. Ofnee benra 1 to 6. Room 17, aoi V, Alder st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. THE Portland gmnlorment Co., 200M Morrises st. rsone racioe gsa. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR . MEN. SO N. Second at, . Phess Mala 1820. BIO FOUR BMP. AORNOT-Help supplied free. io nwi. skvh at. rsose sibis isis. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houaes. cottages, flats. biotvb, otricee, rooming. noueas, etc, . L4iaq lorda will do well -to eel lew ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RE00N. Phone Ex. 72. B. H. Cor. 8d ssd Oak. WANTED Two beuaekeenlng rooma privets a we i ling, u o, cars Journal. WANTED RE AL ESTATE.' WANTED Let. Is ex mange for eaulty la t r i-reem nonee. rnone.Bnav sosi. WR WILL SELL year property, so matter what i ia er waere mcatea. nesa aeecriptlea sow snd we will do the rest. 1 leree tors' Oulds Co., 811 MeraaaB bldg. Portland, Oregon. HAVE yna s T er 8 room beuae en east aide. weat of lflth St., for eala, 62.800 to t8,000 1 Only owners need snplyi stats tsrms. w. Hones Wood, 141 First at. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTBD 0MO ta apea sp new copper mine; win gi.w a u nut soon opportunity and is. Juement. Citl U sWsaeea Jones' Book Store, Oepyrlght, 1808, by AiaotloaarJoanalnAmlpsa So whon th Spldor askod for hit modi-, elno oho gavo him oomo alooplng powdoro whlohnmado htm holpleso, oo that aha eould tlo him up tight. , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WR WILL BrY, SCTX OR TRADR ANY OLD , IHlMi. WESTERN SALVAGB mM saw nuumuiva, rAUFiu isa. - WR WILL ROY year furniture any eld time. wearers salvage vs., al waaaiagtea PAINTINO, spraying ssd whlteweeblng trees. baaemantSL' haraa. Adfh. ate. t lareset eaaollne spraying ostat es the soast. M. O. Morgaa Us., va union are. neas nasi en. Mais eesi rUBRITURB WABTBD . : FOR POT CASH. MtetiVn AUCTION RSOMR. HI Flrat at. Mass BOM WHO II II O. MORGAN Oat toy Be Crane doea Bottle Co. Thoae Mats 2280, HIGHEST caah nrlce eeM for aacesid goods. Phone Beat 0077. ISO Unlea are. WA8HIN0 WANTED Sblrtwatats, 16c j lace curtains, S0c a pair. lanlrs at 16 Bast inira ssa ass. WASHINGS WANTED st 1SS Sherman st WANTBD Oood delivery horse for hla keei with privilege of buying. F 80, cars Journal WANTRD A good one-beree seeesd-hand de nvery wagno. Adarees rriieon at New berg, Oregon. WANTRD Te buy good team, harness nnd wagoa, ea time with easy paymentaiwin pa; 8 nod price. 0. U Grant, rests 8, hex 7 ll reaham. Or. . . .. . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TOR R1CHELIRTJ 8SM' NORTH SIXTH gr. Kiegsntiy Turaisnaa. steea aeat sso Bats a. THB ORAND. 48 H Ntrth Third at. 1 gentle mea si-zu per week aaa as. THR BENNETT.- 881U Merrlans St.. 1 block xroB rottwna uotai, under new asaaagement Remodeled and refurnished; nice porcelain bathe and hot water ell the tlmei recess by tns say, wees or -Bonis, single er aa suits. Bt popular prices. roons .ssa. fl AND. CP Nicely furnlahed roams. 100 12th aaa. ati t FURNISHED far rant. 182 Sherman, at. THB STAR. 280 H Larrabee St. ICtce chwa light noaaekeepang an use gx per week and ap. NRWLT furnished mo ma la prlvsto fsstllyi gvnaa praiesxaa. .evj toiamoia be. THR PALM. 1SPH Third OomfortsMs for- a la bed front and ether light reema trasalcut sua weexiyi reasonaoie. ........ FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THR MITCHELL, riaaders ssd aTevsath-. Moonw. aofwokeeplng and trass lan t e vealentl prices resaessble. . LA RGB elegantly farnlsbsd - koneekeeptng ; gaa range, running watar. .as intwss- susvi Aider at, , 11.28 PRR WEEK- -Large, clee ess. ffurnlabad boneekeeslna-rc t launor PertUsA laundry ana sets. ; Sherman, Soath $1.00 WBEK DP. dees, furnlahed reams, wits yarn, parlor, la unary. Beta, re. usee aeet. sue Biaatoa St. u ear. THR JBFFERSONIAN. 614 Jeff rurnunea suites er two or urea sll cosvealeseee; cheap. FURNISHED stmeckeeplng rooms $S. Sevcntb et. 033 FOR RRNT furnlahed hoaaekeeplnf rooms. I uvu. leer e.O ... WUW, , a, m. FOR BHNT Half of furnished house to small ramtiy; rioae in. rnone Eaat anss. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER OO., prompt and te. aiauie pinne ana lomirsre-movera ; alee snor. ege, t keoe Mais lens. Otace 110 N. Third. 0NB 0 sud one 8-room modern hensst gas. In- quire eow tots at. -- FOR RENT Modem 8-room cottage, S70 Bast imaj aw, s-aone aaaat Ott i . FOR RENT A sew modern 4-room cottage ; i.ui fit. , nun. iisnr ana. FOR RENT 0-room house, modern, 80g j,ltb at. rnone main xooo. ... 4-ROOM cottage, centrally located, close In, I12JO. rpfni main aioi. Hnt'SRS for rent, cloee In, west aids. M. R. inM, b sixtn at. rnone FaclfM w. WILL build to cult purchaser on 4-tn snd 40th ata. ana nswmerne ere.; terms, gsoo esab., 10 salt. as. n. Lrew, BO main St. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT Nicely furnished hones. 0 rooms, conveniently mcatea. gooa neighborhood. 2 earllnes. 720 Northrup at. Phone PadSe 221. FOR RENT FLATS. TRW S-rooa aats, $11. 100 Market at. -Main oapa, . MODERN 8-room .fiat, steel snd gas range. eiDTJW ansnes, larxa cement DBacmeBC. ZW Sa Haleay. McMIUes addition. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TB RRaV-anrarnlahed howaekwap1ng-ynsmg,ihrht oiocae essr ni steet nriage. rnooe la rore noon. Eaat 8614. UPPER floor, IS rooms, sew. 180 Market at. Mala oaee. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. ' TURE FOR SALE. FINR furniture for sals of 0 room bouse, good mcation, nonee tor rasa, a oergaiai sevu. tail 647 Waahington at. ni FOR SALE Farm tars of 13-eeew hoaee. rbyht en ruta-et canine; a apieaaig location. Call an-Main 88KS. FOR SAJ.E d roont furnlahed cottage, furnttnre new; weet aide, waning aittanoe; sewly papered and painted; gaa snd bath; select neighborhood; Income above rent; owner going away; $100 caah. Q 10. gars Journal. AR'HiM hones, sll fumlaeed, the Xuraltore for aa is. cueap. rsone Eaat 187 B. FOR A LB Purulturg of is. sos Miy at, ' I , A --wm4-T n r FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. 0FFICR rantes, unfurnished rooms snd sample . sswsaa aaa; gept, . weausosgs stag, .snv er PART ef shoo to rent, saltobht fat pals tec er piumnar. bus Feurta at. DESK snd room for rent, SO a month; fine location- s47 Washington. Pselfia 800. STORE for em suitable or glutei y a tore, fat norin rertiana. si. ai. Lee, vs Bixta at. SUMMER RESORTS. L0CK8LBT HALL, SRARIDR, ORBOOH Under aew management: concerts. Sabine, clambakes, pica lea, tenniat free bus meets sll trains; 100 elegant eutalde rooma; pri vet baths; electric lights; annex overlooking . the eaa; cotugea. Pec rates, reeereaileae, addreae Harry T. Butterworth. manager, ot phone Mrs. Carlisle, fortland, PaclSc SOS, NEOANICUM INN. Seaside. Oregon Hoaee dl rectly feeing ocean: flowers snd spacious grounds, electric lights, sandy beach, home . cooking. Mlas B. Damans, prop. . Get off st Necanlcum atatlos. FOR SALE $428 New 6 room famished cob tags, very dedrsbls loeation, seal Box 80, Newport, Oregon, FOR RENT 4 room cottage near CentsrvUls, Kong Beacn. , rnone Kasi saw, BUSINESS CHANCES. WRT RITR ne enlck shoot eecent Imnortaat As- velanmantn-af tha Hurst Astosaatle Switch A Signal Oo. I buy stock before big advance. t. F. flarst A Os., SOS McRay sidg. THR homeaaekers excurelou te eaatera Oterru, overland. wtU leave about Drat of July. Call 106M Fourth st, room 23, tor later matlsa. $10,000 WILL buy 00x188, centrslly lecnted. Income 82.100 ner veart savs 0 dot eaat es 884,000; this property should treble la vslns . in the next lu years, neinp. natter eecnriry .. than any bank, and three times better thaa loaning money ea real eetate. sirs. Don -SD84 Stanton, corner Commercial. Alblna. FOR AIJE General store la the richest part ef Willamette valley; 160 feet of depot en main line of 8. P. R. R.; good hualaeas; ne competition; no drayage or delivery; no city tax. Whitney Bros., Irving, Oregon. WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CCt MEAT market for sals chsap; SSS Dates avs., earth ; doing good boat neas. FOR SALE Fine lot of shelving, sll .el. part, cheap. Phone Pacific 2267. ... HURST SWITCH stock (or sale cheap; 1 buy, sell snd loss money on stocks .of sae-M: . gold dust snd precious stones bought; monthly dlvldend-saylng electee a epeclalt... w; J, Curtla. ilo Commseclai blk. Mass 384. FOR SALE-. Moe. excellent high-rleee bnglheee. aultoble for Ban or woman, ..uoo. pact cash; v st, ears joarnat r , FOR SALB Several hundred shares ef Hurst Bwlth snd American JleForeet at low prices. Iv V. Keady A Co., rpoa 68 Ualoa blk., 227 ntarx sc. WANTRD A good mining proposition - to In corporate and flnance, J. B. Bailey Oo. 481 Lumber Exchange. - . FOR SALE laundry rni.tnsai ra one of the nest towns In ths Willamette valley. Ad dreae SHrer toe Steam Laundry, Slrrertoa. Or. 82 ROOMS near union depot; furniture cost gx,eon; Clears aiuo Bxmtniy; oniy guuo. can 02 Commercial blk. FOR SALB OR TRADR A first -class paying rooming -Bouse. Inquire l&ZM Kortu Slxto at. DRUG STORE Excellent location, good busi ness, furnished room snd storeroom; good reeaoa for selling; will stand in rest! ration; fine opening for young man; will sacrifice for $4,400. H. O. Brown A Co. 647 Washing, ton at. Pacific 800. NRW-sp-tn-dats sawmill oa lower Columbia; ran er water snipmenta; rapacity so.taju te 40.000; plenty power; $2,000 planer, S dry kilns; TOO feet waterfmntage; now running nnd making money; will eell cheap, account dissolution . et oartnerahlp. Addreas A 11, care Jonrnal. ' 1 FOR SALB Lndglng-honss of 4T rooms, good location, good furniture; can clear $128 per month; owner going north; will take $1,800 caah; s bargain. A 18, cars Journal. FOR SALE A ' Orat-class barber-ebnp. In the neat sotel in eastern Oregon: a bargain tf Bold st once. For particulars address "Barber," P. 0. Box 041, 'La Grande Oregon. UOHT MANUFACTURING and Ball seder R 101, Journal. bualneaa for sale at once. I CAN place you In bualneaa anywhere la United nreres; nig protits, ana a necessity; small capital required. Call at wagon, northeast corner First and Washington, week days. WANTED Reliable partner for a well-paring restaurant; wiu pay you over $100 a Booth, for $300. Calf 11 Morrlsoa St. FOR SALB Confectionery snd cigar store, good ocaiinn; reasoBB rr - penine. -inn) IB old established and worth looktnr-toto. Addreas confectionery, ears Journal. W A NT responelble parry of good address, lady preferred, with gi.oiio. to take half Intereat ia hlgh-elaae Irgltlmste bnslneen; aalary 675 a aaonin enn nan net proiiia; a nargsin. A0 dreea Immediately for interview, A tl7 Journal. FOR "SALE REAL ESTATE. $100 FOR lot 60x100 near Ivsnhoa, ever looking cur. UKnrm irmp rar. 8AO0 for 100x127 chicken ranch In Sellwond. $700 for 100x100 la Midway, cleared and fenced. y U.200 for 80x100 In South Portland. .600 tor tioxino and S-toob bouse, does la on Rett 10th st. -gl l.OO Tor-MlOO-ar-d-gtg-noaaetrgood lucome. , TTSOt KINBELT,, I 002 Commercial blk. Phone Mais 222. 10 ACRES, 0 miles from Vancouver, all In orchard and berries, fair booae, barn snd dry house, $2,750; all cash. - Call at 1W11 Third. FOR SALE Big bergala for quick sslet g. roe at sunurnsn cottage, grouna iikixksj leet, rruil and shrubbery; by owner. O. W. P. Town, etde Co.. 21$ Alder St., la 0. W. P. A By. waiting. WE bars a five-room cottage on drive, Portland Heights carllnc, with s charm ing view. Including Mt. Hood, but not Ore gonlan tower; modern Improvements; Bull Run water; will be aold for $ if taken at once; a chance tn secure s cheap and charm Ing home hi the coming fashionable district; 3U Blnntee from First at. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. 80S Sherlock bldg. '' WB will furslalr lot snd build house to- suit you ou monthly payments; Inside property; sll eoavsnlences. . MOI'LTON A SCOREY. 0ri . 1. 1 .11 ! isiuaT., i waaoingtoa tt, '. mu. M M t M M M M m. ' ' And whon . aha 'found that hor : grand. mothsr, whom aho ouppoood to .havo boon, . oaton by tho Spldor, had boon hiding undor -I tho bod all tha time, LlttJo Rod Riding Hood wao oo happy aha danood for Joy. i - nL ' X FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. B. W. M'NUTT REAL E8TATB CO., Cornelius, Or., Washington County, S alllee 'Bast of Forest tacova. The Usees ef ths Willamette Yalley. Improved Farms sad Timber Land. . - I 14 Vs seres, highly Improved, $8,600. , 2 50 seres, uncultivated lead. 8000. . 8 70 acres, partly cultivated, $1,000, . . ' 414 a ore. house and bars, $800. 6 to seres, tine farm, sew tsUldxtgg. 4.690. 060x200. fins beass and bars, trait. For est Grovs, $1,000. - T 486 seres, A Ne. 1 farm itflsd), fruit, $76 per sere. 8 07 seres, en WtTJametts sear Xewbarg. fine place, $6,000. - - 0270 aerae, with arep aad stack, tools. . 1080 seres, tisee fa, o paytag Bsm, $5,000. 11 Tl acres ftss tan d, with area sad stack, 7.100. 12 00 acres, with crop gad stock, A Shx L, . $3 000. 18120 aerea tlmbes, 8,000.000 fee, -am Stream. $1,000. . 14 fiSH-ecre farm, a good starter, $1,200, 16 120 acres ttnabsr, Oiaa-amas eeuaty, $10 per acre. 10 S acres, S housss, bams, fruit, 0000. 17 80 seres timber, Na. 1. $000. ' 1840 acres timber, Rs. a, Ceos bay. $000. 101 fine residence, rarest Oreve. 12.000. , 8040 seres, wsU imptwved place, $l,60O.t , SI 00 acres. In city ef CeraeKua, asvg house and barn, M.SOO; a aaiap. 2240 seres, a geod sergak at $70 peg -with kouaa sad bam. tar Oar ' nallus, $1,600. ; . . . a. an.. nr. r n. aen-asfl A Wn. 1 soil, $4,100F er " i a-A8-scre fasm, U sarss ta pAa, si money-maker, $4a00. SS 40 acres, ,1ft mllaa ts rafsresd, seed farm, 81.800., . - . 27-New house sad 8 lots, CVnreJlrM. $800. gH 100 aerea, stoeg muob. giaua per acre, 8080 acres, H bearer saas, sll alaaced. $83 per acre ni , 100 acres.- a snss st SlidSt. 8240 aerea. with ataefe ssd Beads. nss6ty Improved, $1,200. 89104 scree, s tins Issstst stsae anal sate nroraments, $20 per sees, 84140 seres. S houses, w shard, anrftaaV gV ner acre. . 8870 acres, SU, mllas south mt- Cesaetlua, 11.000. 8030 seres, rich bottom Mnd, aR clfral, $66 per acre. 87 7 H acres, fa CorasRss, $ Per aere. 88 SOW seres, S miles Berth ef Csrawatus, -fBO pee acre; a nargalew- aear college. Forest Grove. 81.000, . 40 00 acres, Sm Bliss swash eg , fin per sere. . 41 60 seres, hep yard, medera tmsstn -Bents, $12,000. with tools.- i - 42 100 seres, oa Tlliesneek suawsp at Oalco Olty, s bargain, $1,200. 48 8t4 acres. booae Cornsilua, gnoo. . 44 47-acrs farm, a ssllae, $2 PCfV 48 48 acre term, sU eleered and langrnull. $4.00. - 400 seres, la Comahna. $1,000. 47 s seres, close in, -. ' 4S lot acres, H mils from town, A Re. L, $86 per acre. . 4S 180-sera hey fsxm, s mottry-aaakss, $83 her sere.. ' . uu-in . n. .. neaenMaae anma. uohl 10 LOTS, 60x100 each, ta TasorsMs, gag aef lot. oau at lor XBD-a st. . PIFTH-ST. PROPERTY - $8,600 win buy ss mssi aonvs ea saw set. a lose la: se better buy oa the mf. " HAGEMANN A BlnANCHARD, SI Fifth St. - svia air.a a snndara lean k una as ta location; buy ot ewnsg aaa eave aomauaawn. Phone Weodlawa SOO. . BARGAIN 8-story T-roora heuee. South Pert- landj owner leaving city, vmu Jaaaa seas. Call top" First st. t Brwirk iamn aottara, 1 block Booth .aunon; s nargain u soia si l Ingulre st 00$ Bow do la at, - CHANCES TO MAKE MONBT . Bargam o-room noose, k Dieca,-wunaa saa gas; pries $2,800. , Vl b 4. Kn.lnnne AlnMn teak. m! 1 Kearney, $25,000, Pine farm, 44Vt acres. Waslihig ban eoamtv, 10 miles from Portland, $8.6001 laiprovaaaeata $1,000. Isqulrs 20d Fourth ah, ACREAOR oa ths peninsula near the St, Johns car una: eavwai rtna tracra tor sais ay iim- usl Wsldoa,. 146H rhlrd st st vt will tmv T eottases. tneome $TT peg - .. -i .. - . nJ-,i moats. - vau at '. s auu-o ev BRAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOMBv -4 scree, fine hoses, bam. chicken -honae and rirds, elegant frait. berries snd garden, es eeat car line; s crest bargain; 3,000. 8AMUBL WBLPON, . 14SH Third St. FOR SALB Acre or U acre tracts at Leat terms te suit. . apply st.aos mass is at., after July 20. . GOOD BARGAIN House snd lot for ssls good plastered house, 0 rooms gownstsirs ana e . upstairs, with er without furniture; price $1,800. Inquire 680 Umatilla are.. Selrwood. FAXON PARK- IB now oa ths market; lots st acreage prices. according to improve menia. . Lots 80x200 f 11 8. 6110, ISO, $184 ' ,. 180, 2T5 V KI0. $880 Lota looiTOo, vino. tjmm ej."n... e iw. e - -'. These lota am mostly la cultivation, level and sightly, oa a good graded street, close -to good lo-room school, st Lenta ; 6c fare to any part ot Portland; water free; terms. O. B. ADDITON, OWNER, Take Mount Scott car. 6c. Lents, Oregon. HOUSES FOR SALE I make a specialty of selling souses. If fou wish to buy s boms, phone Be snd I will cell snd show you over 100 photo graphs of well-located homes st prices sad terms to suit. 0. 0. 8HAT, Pnona Mala 8SS4. - $l.aoa A.ROOM pew bones T with S full lots, la . rinana. an ins at. ncotj earunef ao csali, remain 4 seUr) per month. Call at 107-4 ThlriL, ir YOU WANT a bargam la s nice Arena modern hones, with gsa. electric lights, sta tionary tuba, etc., en corner lot 60x100, with terrace, fine location, call oa owner, 812 East - Salmon St. $4C!8 FACTt. for five days only, two flue resi dence lots, OOviOO ssck, eeat front, ou Untna are., N.; $323 caah. balance saay parmanta. Owner. A 18, cam Journal. , WILL build to suit, purchaser on 48th snd efltk - sta, snd Hawthorns svs.i terms, $200 sash, balance to suit. M. B. Leo, 88 Sixth St. ACRFiARB close in, weet side, suitable to Plat; chance to double your money. M. R. Xee, 08 Sixth st. ST, JOHNS PROPERTY . 18 lots on carllnc, close Is. saty $8,600, . 10 kits, cloee In, only $1,880. This la a rare chance to get Cloee-ta prea. erty cheap. HAQEMANN A BTANCHARD. 01 Fifth at. . TRERR IS A FINR LOT OB SALB -' Very cheep, tos, on , Fsrga St., between Union snd Rodney eve. , by . ewnes, aof . Monroe SU f bona Vast Ilea, i t4 - w..jn' I; v