The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 22, 1906, Image 7

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    .j c cu::day ic.-ilaiid. suiiday.
july c x::i-
I Tcivn ac-:r
i lll i it iii ewaasssas i '
. . r.-.,, ,
1 mil anWarfWa
faiimal ea Ml at
"-eaoa nrf-llnrt
rWr eallTWT wtll ke auiataln.4. 0
airest fieai ear aeeal at t MS
u4 be wlU -etteae cai4 U
IX) 0 BfAOB &mS Cerm, - I
haadauanera at liwaes, V ash, !
limy te ell '. V ,
ixAsxot no mi:.U(
W. ft, Wkitraaa, a.t I k4rat
. ' at Lwt Ce.'a arug sto, mhih,
.Or. Delivery e eil aia ea to
BIWrOkT ABU Taetmra Harry
Dlvelbiee, ma uhI Oervallla
XuUn laUraed, eet. Haee
uutri at kr.wp.irt, Cr, Delivery te
all pouk n V IWM
aaeat, WUkoit, Or.
HOt lAXS iixrt LaJ
efat. Hot Lass, Or.
CAaSOY. WAia Miaeral Syria Ka-
Ul Co.. irati,
. 0AS0aD VAeA-dtama Barrett,
3uix xovKBAt srxtnrtte. win.
,0. t. hakm, kjaV (MUM. Vuk
Lrrle ....., ......... "A Soldier's Bride"
tar ....................."A Qelet Family"
Grand .,, ,, , aud.Tllle
FaaUfee ...... VsaaeTlUe
. .Ths young lad lea of tha'Bt Stephen's
church wlU. on Thursday evening, July
!. give a midsummer night lawn eo
. elal at the Manltou. Ml Thirteenth
- street The - affair ta given to ralaa
money to bay a new 'carpet for the
church. Thar will be the grab-bag,
' fortune-teller, muslo , by tha boat ar-
- tlsts, refreshments and many unique
feature . that wlU make the availing
pleasant. -Dancing will -also- be In
dulged In. The ladle hare determined
to sell 1,000 ticket at J6o apleoe. They
are hurtling like beaver to aall the
..ticket and they have determined to five
" everyone a dollar'sv worth of entertain
' 10,u - -C: r'
. ',' Trolley Excursions on X W. P. today
To Oregon City and Canemah Park. Jit
cent- round trip. Cara veery.0 min
uses; to all upper Claokamaa river
Tolnta to and including Eetaeada (0
'. cent round trip; dinner at Botel Eata
eada. 71, oenta Car leave 7:t0. t:10,
11:30. I:t0, 1:40. 1:44. . 7:16. Ticket
muat be purchaaed; on sale In waiting
room." First and Alder street. . ..
Notice to the Public. We deaire to In
form all person Intereated that w have
no "coupon" agent or outalde represent
ative of any character. ' - Ft ret ciaa
.concern never adopt questionable meth-
tiMI?U",K!?,.5 K'ehB20t
and we ar of that number, BL W,
. Moore, ; photographer, - Elk's bonding.
. Seventh and Btark, . Open . Sunday
from 10 to A. . , .:...
. Trolley Excursions on O. W." P. 'To
dayTo all upper Clackamas river
point, to 'and Including ' Eataeada, 60
cent round trip. Dinner at Hotel Ea-
ta'eada, '7( cents; cara leave First and
Alder street 7:10. 1:10, 11:10, 1:0,.
. J:1. 5:44, 7:11. Tickets must be pur
chased; on sale in waiting room. .
. waterfhrough hose for sprinkling
' yard or sidewalk, or washing porches
or windows, must be paid for ta advance
ana need only between the hour of I
and I a. m. and and p. m. It muat
not be used for sprinkling- streeta If
-use contrary to these rules, or waste-
ruuy. 't wm be abut off. :; , ,
Trolley Trip on O. W. P. ' Today.
To Oregon City and Canemah park z
cents round trip. , Dancing in pavilion
centa round trip. Dancing. ' cara with
open trailers leave First and Alder
street on the odd hour -and every 40
nuuiea. Ticaeta muat be purchased;
-on saie in waiting room. r "
The Sunday river trip to Oregon City
Is' cool, restful and delightful. Steamer
Altona leavea Taylor street dock 1:10
and 11:10 a, m. and, S:0 p. m. Leavee
Oregon City returning at 10 a. m. and
1:10 and 6:t0 p. ra. Boat tickets good
or cara. - car ticket good on boat.
KoundtrI p far 1 1 ..oenta. '
- Evergreen Banltarlum, : 40 . Corbatt
street. A quiet rome for the sick of
both aexea and women In confinement.
In charge of graduate nurae from Bel
lerue and Polyclinic, New York. Spies.'
dldly furnished rooms and surgery la
Boaneouon, itjepuone Main live.
Shlld'a Bo-Bos-
o'' and the files will not bother the
cows. It enables them to feed -quietly
II day and give more milk. Cost
.only one-half cant par day per head.
Bold by Portland Beed company. Front
ana lamniu streeta ., , ,
Vacation Notice.-" The Oregon Trust
Saving Bank ha a large fir and
burglar proof storage aaf depoalt vault,
'where you can atore your trunks, sliver
ware and valuables for the. aummer.
at reasonable rates. Bixtn abd wash
Ington streets. ,
Member of Wlnalow . Mead circle,
O. A. R., will glvs an 1c cream social
Tuesday evening at Draw hall. Second
and Morrleon streets.- Friends of the
,Q. A. R. are Invited to attend.
"A lost boy, a drunken man, a bag of
peanuts and a distracted mother were
' the moot Important features In the case
"SticMers for
And exact repreaentatlon of
everything we sell; to eell to
1 those who know- and to those
who do not know values at a
uniform, fair price; to fullfll
all guarantees; to deserve con
fidence by always giving "a
square deal" to everybody.
Thes2 Are Oar
And our' nlottoes every hoar
of the year. W would quit
buslnees before we would de
viate ana lota from them.
G. Qeltkemper Co.
Xoweat-Prioea Jewelry kToeise
. for Fta woods.
TLzrt ire two vxyi Ur a l Z
nua without capital to get on la
a corejrcLU life. C way (a to
earn tls ccc4 cpirica cf your ea
ploytn J riuka your aervicea
wortli xaora aci Tba other
fa to five a portion ofwhat you
earn, ayttematicaUy, an4 be ready
for your " cpcrxunlty when ' tt
cornea. . ' . f .
Portland, Or. ,
W. H. MOORE, Prealdent'
S. BL LYTLE, Vlee-Praaidant.
of Prankle Ray, aged a years, who was
brought to the polio station last night.
Little rrankl : reeldee at 411 Alder
street and waa picked up oa First a treat
between Btark and - Oak about mm
o'clock last night by a driver la the em
ploy of Plck'a Transfer company. The
transfer man' attention . was directed
to the child by the fact that tha tot
waa walking hand-in-hand down tha
treat with , a drunken man. Tha boy
was contentedly ' munching a bag of
peanut and listening In childlike wonder
ttf the maudlin conversation ox hi com'
panlotn Frankle was taken to , police
headquarter and held pending tha ar
rival of hi mother. This ta tha second
time he ha wandered from the Ray
fireside, but wa more aeleot In hla com
pany on the former occaalon.
Attracted no doubt by the reports of
a contemplated strike of tha carmen in
this city, William Raid, a etreet railway
employe of Mlnneapolla, resigned hla po
sition In the Minnesota metropolis to
come to Portland. ' Anticipating no dif
ficulty In aecurlng employment on a
v Bold packed hi beet unl
form In hi grip and started for tha
coast- Upon arrival ha registered at tha
Merchants' hotel to await developments.
During hla absence from the hostelry
eome .on entered hla room and carried
away the valise containing the uniform.
Reld reported the matter to the police
last night and a detective baa been as
slgned on the case. Although Reld doe
not suspect any on In partloular yet tha
police incline to the theory that soma
sympathiser of the carmen, divining the
purpose or Reld's visit to the city, pur
lolned. the uniform. 7 . . . ., i.
While many real eatate man ar oom
plalnlng of dull time during the month
of July R. L. Gate's office 1 crowded and
ale ar made dally. Moral: Have tha
right -property-- at the right- crloe.
R. U Cata, lit Beoond street- Phone
Exchange 70. -
Article1 Of Incorporation t the Port
land Height' Improvement company
were filed in the office of tha county
clerk yesterday axternoon by I. A. Terex,
Edgar J. Dalr and John A. Lee. Their
object la to deal In real aetata. Capital
Tha partnerehlp heretofore existing
between H. D. Jjangiiie ana v, K. Rand,
under the name of Langlll at Rand,
ha been dissolved. Mr. Langllla will
give his attention to tha timber bus!
neaa and has removed his office ta 110
Second street. . .
White Temple Sunday Preaching by
Rev. James 8. KlrUey, D. J- of Elgin,
Illinois, one of tha brightest and -most
popular Baptist preacher and lecturers.
Everybody welcome at morning and
evening service Splendid eermons and
muaio. .;, -.
Diamond. watch
an, JawetTy an 1
eesy payments at lee than eleewhere
for cash. We give you possession when
making first payment, demand ao se
curity, charge no interest. , , Marx A
Blooh, 74 Third stri
. Oo today for a trip up tha Columbia
to Casoad Lock and return. Steamer
"Bailey Oatsart". leavea Alder street
dock a. m.. retureing about 6:10 p. m.
Meala SO .oeata. Fare, 11. Phono
Main tie.
Thla will remind yea that now la the
time to have your hair mattraaae reno
vated and returned the same day. Phone
Mala 474. The Portland Curled Hair
Factory, tt. aieuger. proprietor. ,
S. Swlreky of Baron's shoe itore
has returned from several weeks stay
In San Francisco and is again on duty.
He had a most profitable business trip
to tha wrecked metropolis. - r r -Charles
P. Piatt of Chicago 1 In the
city. He repreaenta tha automatlo tele
phone lntereeta and ia superintending
tha Installation of tha plant of the
Horns Telephone company, '
Must Sail at One A rare bargain:
Two corner lota, 10x100, East Thirteenth
and lamhlll. Inquire of owner after
p. ra. Monday; phona III 4. 7t Seat
Fourteenth etreet. .'.
Baseball today, t p. ra.. Sohlller vs.
Hop Oolda. Admlaalon, It oenta. In
cluding grandstand. Twenty-fourth and
Vaughn treta.
launches to th Oak from Favorite
Boathouse. south aide bridge, foot Mor
rison street, every few minutes all aft
ernoon and evening. Tel. t40t. '
Baseball today. I p. nt., Schrilera vs.
Hon Oolda Admlaalon. tt centa, in
cluding grandatandV-Twanty-femrthanA
Vaugha streeta - .
IU "Atl-TViif . m4m liaftm
ordering your printing eleewhera. Key
atone Press, I0IH Beoond street, Phona
Main' 141t. r" I'T '
Baseball today, t p. ., Sdhlllers va.
Hop Oolda Admission, tt centa. In
eluding graadetand. Twenty-fourth and
Vaughn streeta.
Milton A. Nathan, sttorney. too Stalaer
street, San Francisco. - Commissions
promptly executed,' Bank refercnoea. -
Don't forget that Jaeger Broa, Jewel
ers, bav moved oa Block aorta ta ill
Fifth street. . -
Dr. Morris - dentist has moved to
Fleldner building. Tenth and Washing
ton streets. , . ,.
A small blase in a pUs of matchwood
prsjtyi ta Da sm tt tuaatt zssa ,
imm duilt
Naw Coata to Be Outfitted by
.Willamette Iron A Cteel
Portland Eatablbhmtnt Succesaful In
Open Competition With Entire Pa
-cdll--Coat-Contracta - Largt a&.
Will Koep Local Factory Buty
In J open competition on th Padfle
eoaat. Portland ha aoored victory for
Installing marina machinery, the Wll'
lamett Iron at Steel Worka having been
awarded two contracts, while several
Others ar In contemplation.
The first contract reoeivtd was from
Olson Mahonsy of Ban Pranolsoo, the
owners of the new steam schooner Jim
Butler,- which' will be tha largest oa the
coast, and which la now building at th
yards of the Linda trom Shipbuilding
eompany. Aberdeen, Washington. -
The oontract calls for the complete
machinery Installation, including . boll
era. engines, - electrla - lighting plant.
cargo wlnohea and - fuel oil - burning
equipment. .' Th engtne will be of the
erose compound ' type, with self -con r
talned condenser. .The high pressure
cylinder will be 14 Inches in diameter
and the low pressure tt Inches snd the
stroke 14 Inches. The steam equipment
will be a Scotch marina boiler 10 feet
t Inches la diameter and nearly 11 feet
Chief engineer Kagle of the firm of
ajison at manoney, is now in rorximna
Inspecting the building of the equipment.
Th boat will be ready in about a month
to receive her machinery and she will
then be brought to Portland to the new
dock of. the Iron and steel works and
there have her equipment Installed.
The second contract "la for similar
equipment to be put in a steam Sohooner
that 1 now being built at Aberdeen for
Jfi. T. Kruse of San Franolaoo. This
veeeal will be ready In about three
months. Chief Engineer Goodrich, who
represents Mr. Kruee, la now In Portland
looking after the preliminary work.
It la expected that several other boats
will soon have their machinery. Installed I
In Portland. Several prominent eapl
tallsts of San Francisco and Lea Ange
les havs now under consideration plans
to organise a company which will build
steam schooners to engage in th lum
ber carrying trade, and under th pres
ent plans Ihere will be four or more of
these vessels built In the near future.
Declare Regular Supply la Not
Delivered - Company EX-
- plalne About Shortage -
. Complaint from resident of th sub
urban sections of Portland have been
heard during th past few days to tha
effect that they ar unable to get their
regular eupply of lceT:Tbe Buburban
Coal A Zc eompany, which has practic
ally a monopoly of th loe trade In the
outer districts. Is blamed for the short
age. W. a Anderson, manager, of tha firm
mentioned. In reply to a question eta ted
that he had been unable to supply all
hie cuetomera-on . account of the .City
Retail Ice company falling to ksep its
contract to furnish him with th neces
sary commodity, whloh his firm does
not manufacture. Mr. Anderson say
that he get about on third hi regular
supply from th Crystal Ice company
and does not know When h will be able
to satisfy th demand mad on hlra
unlaam the City Retail comes through
with th cold chunk.
Mr. Andereon declare that he has no
agreement with the other companies to
divide up the territory and - thereby
stifle competition, that there 1 nothing
to prevent hi old customers rrom pat
ronising other Ice men If the latter ar
willing to make th long haul hi
wagon ar la th habit of making..
factory at Twelfth and Lorejoy streets
brought out the fire department last
night to an" alarm from box tt. No
partlonlar damage waa done and th
flames were easily extinguished. -
Bishop Tborburn of southern Asia
and tha Philippines will preach this
morning in place of Dr. Clarence True
Wilson at Grace Methodist church.
Mrs. W. O. Davis of Terr Haute, In
diana, la - visiting at tha- home of - Mis
and Mr. F. H. Woodward .of thl city.
Aem Oil Co. sells th best safety ofl
and fin gasollnsa Phons East Tt.
Jaeger Bros., Jewelers, have mo-red
en block north to ISt Fifth street.
For Quality, Quantity and Quickness,
go to Morris., restaurant.
Woman' exchange, lit Tenth street.
lunch. Il:t0 ta t. .
Woo tar sells everything 401 Wash.
Ington Street. .
Today Dancing at Ttvolt Oardesj by
Panama hatter, til tth. Phono Paa. tOT.
Taylor Street
Methodist Church
' we sxbmosT,
Illustrated Lccturt
so -nw ABTXSTXO YTjnrs BO ' -
Old Faithful Geyser. Pulott Terrene.
Wild Animals, Mud Oeyeer.The Derll
Bathtub. Orand Canyon, The Beplda,
Th Fall, Winter Soene,
Soeolallr Arransed Pomilar Qosnel
riymas lea y or see ana eornau
sw trtulaaBs but Xaj peas
People Deyond Montatvllla Da
elase They Need and Are En-
titled to Better Servioe. .-,
Desire New lXa Rgnnfaig' Etther on
Bass Una Road or North' From
to Sandy. ;
' (Bast Btda BapaateeaA.)
Aa effort is being made by tha resi
dents of Montavtlla - and tha thickly
populated territory beyond to secure an
extension of - th Montavtlla branch of
the Portland Railway, Light Power
oompany's lines, either oat, on tha Baa
Una road or north from Villa avenue
along the oouflty road- to Intersect th
Bandy road at a point near tha eld Port
land Homestead.
Residents of that part of the efty
complain that the transportation needs
of all other sections of Portland bav
been better provided for by the Port
land Streetcar ompanl thaa have their
own. It Is said that since tha Monta
vllla Una was put In commission a largo
territory east of that suburb has filled
with people, aqme of whom bav ta
walk two mile to eatoh a ear to cat
to their dally work. . .
The proposed eleotrlo road to Mount
Hood would supply a portion of tha
territory southeast of Montavtlla, but
tha largo number of people who 11 v
on th extension of Villa avenue east
would still be without relief. It 1 not
generally thought that the Mount Hood
road will be built at aa early data A
member of the Montavtlla board of
trade has this to say-of that road
. "I have heard ' every ' summer, for a
number of years that another summer
would see a streetcar running to Mount
Hood. X have eome to regard the re
port as- a mere mld-summer msdnesa
I am afraid that any who -depend upon
the construction of that Una for relief
will not soon have their patience re
warded." '
There waa formerly a steam ear Una
operated beyond the preeent line of
of the eleotrlo line tt waa abandoned
and the rails removea. The abandon
ment of this line left a large nnmber
of people without atreetcar facilities.
The Montavtlla board or trade wiu
probably take up the transportation
question at Its next meeting and decide
upon eome plan of action to aecure re
lief for their neighbors to tha east
The story published In a local paper
yesterday afternoon to th effect that
Mayor Valentine and a number of St.
Johns buslneae men had been charged
In a
Thorndyke with running lot machine
Is said by Mr. Thorndyk to be at
variance with the facta When aeon last
night the recorder made the following
There has been a Ttalpable error la
this report. Ia the first place it would
be a ferdcar act for me, a municipal
Judge, to- awear to a complaint to be
heard m my own court. I could not
legally do so. Again, no warrants havs
been Issued by my offloe for the owner
of any slot machines. No warrants of
that sort have been sworn to, so far
as I know, and I think If such a thing
had happened I would know f It, aor
have any been aerved. Consequently bo
one haa offered to plead guilty in my
court on such a charge. - . . -
"Bo far as I know there win be noth
Ing done along this Una I hare enough
trouble Just now without swearing to
my own complaints in my own court Z
Whitney L. Boise haa filed a reauest
with th mayor and park board to have
a further analysis mad of the water
from the iron pip spring In Hawthorns
park. Mr. Boise declare that Dr. Mat
son once mad an examination of th
water from thl spring at th request
of Mayor Lane and reported ' that it
wa pure, and stno then Matsoa
Hated that It me Imeuio. ,
"The condition surrounding th
conditions surrounding
spring have not changed." continued Mr,
Boise, "hence I cannot see whr the
water- should have changed. The eld
East Portland Water oompanr used the
water from these spring for years and
found no fault with It. I do not be
lieve that the water from the Iron pipe
spring i any less pure than that from
the rock spring, which has been pro
nounced absolutely pure by the state
bacteriologist. Ws shall Insist that the
city authorities arrive at the truth in
this matter.
There is no further sinking or slid
ing out at th bottom of the Grand
avenue flU. Whll there has been fully
0 per cent more dirt put la this All
com rmxau ajtb ootox ituiti.
Sunday TJlnsev from 11 a. m, to 8 p. m.
Chicken Beap (Free with laeala).
auoed Tomatoes 101, Cu somber 104
kVeetua lOe, Oreen Onloas 5e
Shrimp Salad, Kayoanata 20f
Salmon Salad, alayonaalse isi
Boiled Halibut wltb White Saaoe..lB.
Fried Catfish 154
Ptekled KoUead Xeerlaga ....lsi
Steamed XUttl Stack Clams 204
Clam Boullloa with Toast, 1S
Oa Tongre with Horseradish . . . ..204
Carves' B ralaa with Scrambled -
,rgs 2&4
Ohlokea Vot Flo with Bsxapliags. .254
Small Teaderlola steak with
Baoea '. ....2Be
lVamb Frtea; Sauee TUlerey 8aooe.20
Breast ef Teal Breaded, Tomato
Saooe .30
Fork Spare Bibs, Bew Fotatoee.,.204
Flekled tambe' Tongue, Fotase
BaUd .TT: rr; .rrrrztr.
Beef Stew with Tegetables-.-. rrrr-.15e
Spsa-aattl with Oh, ZtaUaa. ...15
Oodfish Ban, Oream Saaoe ..1&4
Cora Beef XasH with Poached Bgf.lSg
Boston Baked Fork and Beams.. ..154
Obile Ooa Can :..154
Peaoh Cobles with Orange euee.,154
suds Order Cooler 54
Boast Beef, Faa Oravy .1 5,)
Boast Ohloksa with Bresslaff ....254
Bosst Pork with Dressing ...154
Boast Mutton with Breaelnf 154
Boast Teal with Dree sing 154
Boast Spring Bam, Mia Saaoe.. 204
Siloed Fsaakaraad-Cream ........104
Cora oa the Cob 54, Oaatelompe..lo4
Watermeloa 104. Zee Oream . ...104
Coffee, Bread aad BaMav sad Beta toe
- with an ZCeala.
paamoom FOB
Wet avc
Fiftii St. .
Jaeger Bros.
Formerly590 Morrison St
Oregon Academy of 8cIenoea
Selecta Him to Fill Placa
v of Colonel Hawkins. ,
SpCTvata In Paper Before Academy
That Scattered Exhibits Be Oath
ered in Fireproof Museum Build
' ing to Be Erected log tha Purpose-
Colonel A. W. Miller was elected
curator and librarian' of th museum
of . the Oregon Academy . of Science.
the cltymuum. at tba jnoeUng,Pf JAcJ
academy last evening la ue eity nan.
- The placa haa been vacant since the
death of - Colonel L.- X Hawkine - last
apring. During the interim Edmund P.
Sheldon, the prealdent of the academy,
haa done the work of a curator, but last
night he suggested that a curator be
regularly elected, and nominated Colonel
Miller for the place. . The new curator
la at present In charge of the exhibits
of the ohamber of commerce, and la a
man well experienced la work ef this
nature. - ...
The election of the curator followed
the need of th Portland Institution,
of which th late Colonel Hawkins waa
the founders
la hla pafter Colonel Miller suggested
that the varloua exhibit ef th elty
To- brought together ia-aflrepToof
building. Then the owner of valuable
curiosities would be more willing, to let
tham be placed in the museum, where
they would be ef public benefit. He
also spoke of the needs of the preeent
elty museum, which, he declared, could
be Improved from a collection ef curi
osities to a museum having a definite
purpose In which the exhibits would be
arranged with, relation to one another.
He paid Mr. Sheldon, the acting curator.
a number of compliments upon the im
provemente already - made In - the
museum, and when nominated for the
placa of curator at first declined to
serve, others backed up the euggestlon
of Mr. Sheldon, however, and. Colonel
Miller found the place foroed upon him.
Herbert W. Oleaaon, a noted natural
1st of Boston, gave an Informal talk
on The Wild Flowers of the Caaadlaa
He alao made a euggestlon that tf
Portland builds a separate building as
a home for the museum it be named the
Hawkins museum la . reapeot to the
founder-of the collection now In the city
hall and la the Foreatry building at the
exposition grnr-dr Heirty applnt'ee
greeted thla remark. Mr. Oleaaon said
he waa not aware of the death of Colonel
Hawkins until the meeting began, and
thai be had looked forward to meeting
him again with much pleasure.
than the estimate called for, the au
thorities feared that when subjected to
the weight of heavy ear and truck traf
do It would begla sinking again. Blno
Union avenue has been closed all th
north and south travel ef th vicinity
la directed across thla fill. The gas
company has a'force of men replacing
Its mains and adjusting Its small con
nections that were torn up by the work
of making the fill. The weight of the
embankment crushed the Oak street
sewer piping, making It necessary to
tear up about 100 feet of. the sewer
under the fill to make repalra. . It will
probably be necessary to eover the em
bankment'Wtth ooards,- as thoduet-ia
becoming unbearable to the residents
of the neighborhood and Injurious to
ths stocks of merchandise oa Orand
Advicee from Washington say that
the opponents of Mayor Valentine will
have to show that he Is not qualified for
th place or hla appointment as post
master of St. Johns will stand. .Ths
mayor's friends are confident that ao
suoh showing can b made. There la,
however, eome uneasiness among the
partisans of the, mayor ever th fact
that hi commission is so long delayed,
Mrs. Clark's friends say they have ad
vices from Waahfngtoa which lead tham
to believe that the department haa pur
posely delayed sending ths commission
and la angaged in making a thorough
Investigation of their charges. In the
meantime Mrs. Clark is back la charge
of the office. - The Intense excitement
that prevailed two or three weeks ago,
at the time of Valentine" appointment,
eeem to bav died out
Th first sale of realty south ef
Washington street whioJT baa taken
plaoe for some time waa dosed yester
day by Brook Klernaa, when they
old to Levy May, formerly of the Cuioa
Meat company, for Henry Neletar, the
southeast orner of Second and TambUl
streets for 148,000. Th lot 1 by
100 feet and on It at preeent I a three
story brick building. . Th price' paid
for the property 1 considered reason
able by oro real aetata operators.
- Mllwaukle Country" CTubTT
Baatera and Beat tie races. Take
Seilwood and pregon C1U easa at Flrsl
tJa'Al4a.,....,,J!L- . .
-r : .'r
moved one
near Alder
Cafe 2nd T.Insic Doll
Stanley 4 Scanlon"
Introducing the Original Mustoal
Hoveltlca, including tbetr famous
Imitations of Barn urn's Steam
. aeteattflo Club XuggleB.
Morton 4 Fairfield
. Hlga-olass Sketch Arttosa, :
Cenevive DeFowetl
' ; . TooaUsi '
Dancer asa
Miss Dorita Cordoro
Berle-Comlo iabsrrarns
Belle 1 Lawrence
Dally Matrnees tress
I to
Ustlnee Sunday t to 5 P. IX.
Ohassred Baity.
a ai
si, as aad a
emd staeet, aad Sea, BB aad SeF
Many Nevada Mines
ireVery Rich. Some!iWiIdcats
Jlfhich kind Are
You Trading In?
wrtte toe giving name sad ke
eatlon ef mine. If I am aot bv
- formed, - will - ask - my eorreepoa. -dent
at Tooopaa. OoldfUld, BuO
frog, Fairriew or Round Moua
tala for taeta. He sharg te pea.
All listed steaks bought er sold
en eom mis sleek
Painless Dentistry
At very low price. We are - making
spaoial price for the next 11 days for
ths finest ef dental work. Call at onoe
and save money. We aa eaaetly aa we
rVlAj PLATB ...(5.00
Over OcrfmaaX
840 H wsas. St.'
Uala STMt
. -J
Ar not aaaDy yotxra
less you are well dzeaaed
We will dresa too tieerh
ly, comfortably aad etr
lahly at a Tery reaaonatla
ezpenaa. '
. - btnta to TOTjr
f 17.50 to 940.
' TVousera to toot '
tira 94 to 910.
tainlnfij front ia evei v
coet that makea ft look
new and atyllah to th
day it wears out. Colum
bia coata pretty nearly do .
the work of two ordinary
coats. Next dine you are
near our store come ia
and we wQl show too tha,
inside of a Colombia coat
tha making." Yoa
will understand then, r
An extra . pair of
trouaera . or a fancy
aummer Teat ' to your
meaauraf r a a 1 with
erery suit coating
f 22 JiO. or more.
U m, BH Thsrg St. sss.
Big Store of Little)
FoixowTjre nxocs wtu satv tot ta
CHnLnret xzax BAZcure tomi
is etUl. par lb. Cl
bbt eaABTZAxTs aveAB, raa Baex4i
n ue sax ezazartAxxo tvaaa.M.4L3
t pkgs Kagaella cleaned earns ta
akg sew S aiees ss.aal telalaa i...... .1
I ne sew I assa lease staeiasisl
l-D asa Boyal sektag eeweer
Creess BiaekweU'e eov eO. t tllftn. A e
l-l pkg Am Basisiit sasa ...M..MMM.t
t-gel sea teaey table arrea
U-cil eaa faaey teals anus ....J
areMea Wheat Msealt. par sag ..2 s
raaey Barly Jas fees, pat sns.MMNM J-e
U sen Baral Seves saep
axe kert U aardleaa la eO
Oeve efstars t-Ib sasa, sails, par das.,....,.- -
H-O sets. S-D pkta, par Beg
garesd eoeeaaat, par lb - n , . . r1
Bsrd-wbea sear, per sack M-4
peetak est, per skg .mnm.Hlt
Peatem eeraelj ear pkg . ...i.....
Pell's Hestka aae, par bar .......... ......M
Best eeft-wtaeat flow, see sk......MMl.e
leva B Bteesa eactae (rageler MM) M.....4
H kea sees sraekare (aksat IS Be) M. -
Ksstlsb Breakfaat tea, per nt ....,..--..1 a
Pasey eeapeweer ta raula sssr .,... ..I bibsbm, sev i
Beet SM lMrferles- Teeadar sad Msaas.
nova BAor 40s.
iun ca
BA"T "-J
4 e
arOjtl ms
laasM. C.'i.ii
sad saflaix J
mmtvm- t
ins tse '
SiareleaeS -Owrveee
Ol-a Btsessay BU. nc I
rreirtdent Caliroraia OciVc. t2
. stay, - . . .
----- b
v - aree w
A J ftrsslt- J