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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
THE OnSCGN SUNDAY JOUnilAIv rOirrKAND. SUNDAY I-ICHim.-Q, JULY ' Ulp. 1 IT f ! ;.i;;;esses tell graphic story of GOLuliilOD WILL LIUOOER FOLLOUS CLOSED 1011 LAHD FRAUD SlVinDLE . Lajs-Number of Southern Oregon People Tell Jury How They .; Were Swindled by NIckellt Hogs, Klncart - .'-A REDUCE RATES ' i v 1 : ' .I1 , ' I--;. ' 1 ' fb eaee of the imrumt ggalnrt ' ," Chart Nlckell. Martin Q. Hoe, rena: ZJ. Klnoart and Harry W. Miller, Indlotea tor eoosptracy to auborn par'ary. I ; about oompJatac-r Just ' baf ora tha dla : trlot court adjourned raatrUy Bpaclal f Assistant Attoraay-Qenaral. Ftancle, J. - S Heney lnfornd Jndg Hunt thaChe did not axpeot to put on" any mora wlt '. mm At -tha latest, ha added, tha ; aroeeooUou would finish tha prenta- tloa or dlraot testimony Monday morn- in. ' Tha plana of tb defense, vbloo ' ' ia being conducted by Thorn a OTJny aa attorney for Nlefcell, ar not known, but It U probable that tha aaaa will go to .:' tha Jury Tuesday or Wednesday. . , , Agaordlag to ' tha testimony of tha i .', army of wttnaaaaa put on tha stand dnr- tag 0 lest four daya many ettlaaaa af i. ' Plaoar, Madford and Ashlsnfl fell vie- tint to tha gaaaiest land aw India that :. ' aver I ta lur good aney from trusting . eountry folk. . Her .1 tha 1 atory aa told under oath by tha victim ' . and by Klnoart and Millar, both of r whom pleaded guilty and took tha etand ; nor .tha go-rerttmeati ,''"'" Harry VT. Millar, gUl of tongue and i ' lasting- Tor ulaarnad Increment., and U Trans. B. klnoart, a, Unbar arulaar j ready ta fly tha black flag; mat In : MyrUajCraak on August. 104, and oon- ooetad a aohatse ta awtadU an persona ; wham'tbay 'eoul lnduoa to file on a !... tlmbar-alala. -. , i::r-r . I MSOar waa ta poaa aa tha agent. f l a mythloat aompaay to aa known aa tha ' Bmmettasurg at Maw Zealand. Tha te f - duoamaat off ere! waa ' that; thl aoaa , .pany wa ta farntah money for final , proof, and than buy tha alaiaaa at a I prloa that woaid alra looatora a profit of tatt or MO. Miller apraad tha alad , tldlnsa that hU aompaay wanted timber laada, and ail tha loo tor would hay ta do would ba M pay rinaart, tha ttm , bar oralaar, for looaUnt tha atalnv and ' furnish tha monay for tha filing Xaa and ; tha -mecaaaary adrartlaUa'' t tha noUaa of tooaUon. MlUar and Khtoart firat. : atlrrad up tha town of Plaoar, which, aaordlnc t Miller, was a r4 plao foa waakam.VtThay aaked tlta aa a location (aa, btat thia waa too aouch, and ' a bala urged byamcar neawlrara ta ant Hk m h ii i ninlaei aa wrlta thatr doalstOB when thy raaohad MadSord. f wiiioh aa near tha aorubbr tlmbar land 1 rn, whteh wankara war to ha located. 1 Aa tha Knanottsburg oompany did not Kilt and Millar did not Intend to fur- ' nuh tha 40e maaaaary for final proof, lavaatora wara to ba buncoed out of a ' loaacton f aa and tncVlantal charge. Tha ' land batec worthlaan, tha locator, aa Coding oat that there waa a oompany to ootna ta thatr relief, would nat prora wp and a a, ion i aaaa tha.antrias - roa34 lapaa, ta other word, tha ichama . ffrM a atoaiirwiMU, Onaiinitataa to Xaraetka. Boon after MUler aad Klaaart got ta Madford aitlsaas af Plaoar. thinking at those wonderful atorlea of fine clalmr ' containing lXM.MS or 4.00,00 feet or timber, sent down a committee of one " to Inreetlgate. Thia aommlttee, known 1 to hla townsman a D. H. O. William, "a pretty smart aUow, -f eU under, tha spell of Miller's eloquence. He pleaded to know tha name of tha man at tha . bead of the aompaay and Miller whis pered In oonf ldeaoo that -It was ?. v Wilson of Mlnnaapolla MUler knew a suoh person, merely gfring tha first name that euu to mnd, but Dr. WU- - lhuna must hara hypnotised himself, for . ba slapped MlUer'on the kaak and said: Ttafi perfectly saUafaotory. TU sand down tha whole huaoh from Plaoar, aad get yew sereral loeaaors eat of my awa famUy.''' . J-a r- H -The "hanchr froca Plaear, hungry for : timber, earn dowa and started tha ball roOtag. They took a mtle rWe sat Into tha wood, going a aaaur t)in three mllsa of the land en whoH they were te (Ua.1 thea returning to Medford, where they, mads their ffttnga before Charles NlckaO, aroprtetor o tha Vonthara Ora ' gonlan and thea a ' United States abm mlaslonerf )ach locator, after having an unrtsiatadlng with MUler, awora that - be had personally eraunVned ' the land ad waa takbaar-iU exolualveiy r- for r hi, ewa 'benefit. Thla aathraorj- ' stltutea tha - perjury' mentioned ta tha Indtctmewt. ' After tOlns;- the. -rtotlms paid thetr iocaUoa fee ta Miner and - signed an agreement to Ball ta tha Xra ' mettabttrg of New Zealand aa aoon as final proof waa made. MUler divided tha , f ee ' wlth-Klno ' and barned up the emeats,' Nickel received from each rVrUkn as a filing fee. and ra most rases got 11 'for pubUshlng tha .no tice of location. Of thia tit ha by agiMmsnt gave tilt to MlTlsr for brlag Ing htm tbetmslnesa . . . - ' Sows another, ,bnoh- came from Placer aad were promptly filed. The supply of Printed agreements ran out aad mora wara run off ta NtekeU's job printing afaoa. Then Miller began aa aggressive eampalgn. He favored aev ml persons with Ma eontldenoe, told them that tha company would pay Mm ' 144 a Claim on tha day of final proof and ' that If 'the. persona In whom ha een flaed would htp Mm oat ha would en the day snentloaed pay them tit for . every locator they brought htm. - Mar tin G. Hotr now city attorney af Med- 'ford, got In on this schema, but wa w1e enough ta nets on tt down for every rarrestor, , Thia was. a apodal rate - aa ha waa promised 110 more at final proof. . The location fee waa eat ta fit - arid rrafflaeta boomed. ' , . . . . - For the best Eye Examination, i the best Glass ct and the best Ke- Oregon Optical Co. "r';..rrr. '.'-'I iRELlABLE xand Miller. v: ;:A ,,; - ; . KlckU and Hoga aarured ararybody that tha cbme waa all right. Mad ford t abored Ua gold within reach of Millar, and aoon Aahland betrayed a apaeulattr lataraat that addad mate rlalfy t tha profit of the conaplratora. Tha achem caught all kind Of people, old1 men and young man, old ladlea and young, ladiea. phyaloian, taamatara, tabla handa! working- gtrla and farm era - One young man who could not Ilia because ha already had taken up a claim ad riled hla sweetheart to get In aa tha good thing while It waa going round. AU but a few filed before Nick elL- Aa for. Hoge. Miller any a that the lawyer's eommlaalona amounted to 19. In aU weeka Miller took In about t. (0 and waa drunk moat of the time. Then a special agent of the tend offloe appeared on tha aoeaa, the bubble broke and MUler found himself la Jail. Such la 4he tale told by gorarnmant wltnesaea. aotne of whom eay that Nick ell took pains not to read to them- the portions of tha filing affidavit that made them perjurer. , Tha proof la in, and It now devolve apon Nlokall and Hoga te rafuta t If they caa or reat their fata oa tha contention already urged in a tentative way that where one party to am alleged agreement does not exist there caa be no agreement, and hence there waa a eonsptraay. ' ' .'!- xast at Wlmiaai. : Tha wttneaaea who teaUfled yeatarday ware XL F. Wmkler, Mrs. Lucy B. Lansr ly, Mlas Bertha BL Langlay, Charlea 0. Doughty, rrank W. Bigga, Adam Craw ford. Mr. Mary U Crawford, A. B. Grieve, Mrs. rannle Crrtara, AUen M. Irwin, Isaao O, Miller, Da. Clive Major and Mia Oltra T. Major. . . Allea M. Irwin waa a Flaoer saloon keeper. . Whan . ha went on the stand ha took eecaslon' to defend hla , town agatsst tha t "' charge made against It by Harry W. MUler.- - W war suckara In Plaoar,1 he Mid. "but wa were not tha only suckers la the country." ' ' As proof af tads own attatanasa Irwin said ha fwoad out tha scheme waa a fraud two day after ha filed.- Hla aus pistons were aroused by the fact that the first "bunoh" from Placer waa taken to NlekaU's emoa at 11 o'clock at night ta do their ftUns. During hla taatlmony ha aald that ha waa first ta trod ixed to MUler and Klnoart to La faratta Zana. who honored tha Ion by buying a drink. "This," ha said, "was something an usual for Lafa," but somehow it did not serve to put htm on hi guard. - Lafayette tana la tha geatlemea ot whom Klnoart said: "He waa what, might be ceiled a aelper." ; ' ' ' Dr. carve Major was also from Plaoer, but,' unlike Irwin, ha took hla loss pbil- aawpoloaliy. vvaaa no want co meoiera ha waa met at tha train by Hoga, who wanted ta know . at , oaoa how much mono there waa ta tha orawd. - 1 asked Hoga about the scheme." ha BSid.'-ad aa-answered that It wee a rood uutI thought ha ought to' know. He Irred thera. i I waa a atranger In that part ha paaaai and added sadly, "What did ran doinaedfetr aaad Preaeeutor HenayvvV ; ,v Just went u wit u rest or the ackers and filed".- ... - - Aad fee tha atory want. Dr. Major, had played and loot, but be made no wry Whoa he naisnea ms aesiimeny ha stepped down from the stand and want hla way smiling. WORK ON CANAL . (Coetiaued from -Pag Ona) at work and money baa. bean ccntrfbuted by prtvate lnalvidaals and taniayaia toward tha open-river ' nasvameat, and tha whole population of eastern Oregon and Washington la 'deeply inter tad la a Broareas af tha aanal work. - The state of Oregon has demonstrated Its faith la tha opea-rlvar mofuieat by building tha portage road, which la be ing operated regardlaae of the question of profit aad loss, as tt la believed ta ba af paramount Import no la regulat ing railroad rata between Ltowtston aad tae sea. With these conditions press ing for earliest poaalble completion of the CaUlo oanaL the people have scant patience with dilatory, methode of contracting nrma navmc .tn eeaaxruo- tlon oontracta, The engineer. In his report. ' racom- menda that the CaUlo canal project be made a continuing contract by J be rivers and harbors aommtttea, aad adka tor an appropriation of l.!ie,0QO to carry oa work Lteu this data and Juiy i, area Thia amount ot money would. It la estlf mated, construct about three aad a half uee of the oanai. as the rata- tae work has -progressed under tha Smyth A Jonaa contract tha oanai project would be ia yeara absorbing tha approprtatloa ked for. in engineers, ana every member of the Open River aneorlarlon. feet that it la absolutely accessary to adopt' measures that will compel the contractors to comply .with the time limit of tha proleot - Tha reoord of tonnage and passenger business on tha Columbia raver ehowa a steady Increase every year. - During tha year ending June it, io. L41T veeaela passed through Cascade locks. The total tonnage-carried1 was 41,181 tons, and In addition 11I.07 passengers. The mls- collaaeoua merchandise earned up river amounted ta about 11.000 ton. Grain, down, totaled 1MQ0 ton; flour,, down, 11,000 tons; berries, down, ISO - tonsj irchandlse, down, 1,1(0. The propor tion of. . paenrer earned ..dowa tMSO;- up. 07,114. . hUver irraffla Orowing. Dally tha river t raffia Is growing In Importance and as tha development of the Island - empire . prooeeda with railroad oonstruotlon' and tha opening of new lands, mines and tha Installing of Irrigation works In the Idaho and eastern Oregon and Washington regions. this . toons c WU1 be , enormously In creased. The me who are working for the development of the Inland empire are anxlou that the construction of the CelUo oanai shall keep paoe with other development, and that not a day ahall be lest In bringing It to final completion. SPRINGFIELD SAVED BY, BUCKET BRIGADE TMan as Tb Jnerasl.1 Bagene, Or., July EL Three barn la the business section of Springfield were buraed this morning and It was with difficulty that a , whole street of busi ness hull dings was prevented from being deali Of d. ' A aaad fir angina, the only means ft fire protscttoa In town, failed to work, aad a bucket brigade was formed. Had there been any wind, property las would have been thousands of -dollar. The barns wer valued At ahaut V.tri State ; Railroad Overseera " of Washington Planning New . I::. Move for 'Future. - ' ((Special DUpataa te Tk loaraaL) t SeatUe. Wash. July ILThe next aueatloa that the atate railroad com miaalon srlll.taka up .Is tha seeking' of a reduction la grain rate between the wheaj localities and tide : water. ' The reduction, that will be aaked la 'from llli ceuta to approximately 17 M eeata That this wUl be the next atep of the oommlaslon' was announced ml-offl-olally : today. Plans for making - the demand have not yet . been fully ma tured, but tha commission la, devoting much tun to the question, . . Ths eommlsslon claim that the maxi mum rata can ba shown to be excessive without much trouble, - After the order of tha commission resulting from the Colfax and Walla Walla hearing la pro mulgated,) the .commission believe that It ca force a reduction. Tha flAmmlu'ott onntand tfeel about Id per cent of the grain moved In Waah lngtoa la .moved under . the maximum rata Prom WaUa Walla to Seattle the rate Is lite cent Rates to Belllngham and Gray Harbor country la SMv cent higher than tha rata to Seattle. Qrain la moved from the Palouse country and from the Spokane belt below the maxi-. mum rata ' Tha present wheat rates were promulgated mora than four yeara ago, whan J. J. Hill ot the Great North em, a 8. Mellon of the Northern Pacific and A. Ik Mohlar of the O. It. N. met the farmers of eastern Washington and approved a 19 per cent reduction. The luetloa waa part of tha plana r j. J. Hill to offset tha widespread demand among weat side politician for radical railroad legislation Traff to officials oa ths west and of both the Hill and Harrt- maa llaaa apposed tha reduction at the tuna It waa mada -1 :. i At tha next seaalen af the Uglalatnre, when the railroad question was agi Uted again, tha attorneys for tha rail road declared that the grain rate had reached the minimum point, and that 'f tha legmlatur attempted any further reduction tha matter, would ba canted Into tha courts. .J. .- Although the. Stan mission - consider this a favorable time to make It de mand. It doea not overlook the poll tloa effeot af saving tha reduction aa a cam paign Issue for tha next campaign. .It would be valueless, aa the east aide has never taken the railroad commission seriously. ' 1 " It a demand for a rata reaucnon was mada Just before the campaign opens many wily poUtlelana declare It would catch many votes oa the other aide of tha mountain. However this may be. the oommlssiaa la giving ths proposea demand for rata reduction serious thought They oonsider it a strong card. and as ther have run out ox ousmsaa amy make -tha-damand. atahytlme. FREDERICK HAVEMEYER WEDDED TO MRS. TRAVERS iSaMial fNenateh r Leased Wk t Tks Jowael) New Tork, July II- In tha presence of three relattves. Including her brother, Mrs. LJlllaa Harrlmaa Travara, daugh ter af the lata Oliver Harrlmaa, whose iinnis from- Will lam R. Travara a lime mora than a year ago was fol lowed by tha tragio ending of hla own Ufa a little later, waa today wadded to WMdriolc Havemarer. clubman, hunter and society favorite, in the rectory of the Church of th HOiy umweni ia West Thirty-ninth street, at noon. - Tha wedding party am van at , tne otory In two. carrlagaa. They were met by tha Rev. rather Miohaai ow reU, who performed tha oeromony. Mr. Havamayer waa attended by hla broth er. Harrr Havemerer. Thirty mlnutea after they entered Tha housa Mra Have- meyar appeared leaning upon ins arm of her husband. They entered a car riage aad wara rapidly anvea wwaru tha Grand. Central dpot. , , ,. Jv ,-. M0RM0NISM , GAINING OTTOrrtlfiTU IM UrCT ' Btattl-tt July tl-A. vary material growth la Mormonlsm tn the missions of tna northweet wlU be shown at the onnferenae of the missionary eider la aaattla tomorrow, according to the tea Umony of Elder Nephl PratU president of tha ml-1'" In the northwest.... This same gathering wUl ba marked by th observance of one Of the most important day on tha calendar of the Church of Jeans Christ OS tna i-awer-uy naima the sale brat km of Pioneers day, in com memeratlon of tha arrtval at Biigham Taunar and hla people ta the valley of tha a i eat Salt laka The' miaaloaary elder are arriving from Portland, Taooma, North Tskims. Vanoeuver and Victoria to attend the eonferenea, which will open ' at -the Church of Jesus Christ of tha latter- Day Saint tomorrow arteraoon. MILE AND HALF IN AIR : HANGING BY HER HANDS (Spectal Dhipatch by teased Wire TVs oaran Rlnahamnton. N. . T. July tl.-Por U mlnutea only tha strength of ker finger saved Mm. Bell LeeKaart. an aero naut, from Instant death her this aft ernoon. When her balloon left the ground aha waa Jerked from her seat on th bar' and went a mUe and a haH In tha air -hanking by her hand only. After the balloon had partially emptied aad started to com down, - hr hand oaoght tha cutoff rope and let. th para chute loose, aad h landed unconscious. A Ufa preserver about her waist caught In the gear and slipped ever her bead, cutting off her vision. Women fainted and man covered their eye, expecting she would fan ta death.,-- . . , ; m i i t . J.. - FRAUD -USED " m,. iujuii linn ' , a-- i " ; (Continued Prom Pag Ona) discharge all" it . - obligation la f ulL Sine than th situation has developed. ad new w feel that owing t th close relationship of tha Home to the Fireman'- Fund, and taking into considera tion ' all that has occurred, th only practicable course, in )urtlc to th poll oy holder, and all concerned. Is' to wind up both oompanie tegfhrr . To the Editor of The Journalx ,:--V v;;... I am In favor of an'all night streetcar servica for Port. land and vicinity. Name """Address City Attorney Moody and George ' , D. Anderson Shot Down . 1 .'; '7::,' From Ambush. '.'tSl mob After assassin V ; LYNCHING BEE PLANNED Wyomlni National , Guard . Ordered Out to ; Keep tha ) Paaca Blood- - hounds oo - Tnul of . Mnrderers Killing Whnasaed by Wornan, t ' (flpedU tXepalH U Ta learsatrt Bhoahooe, . Wyoming; July II. Ex citement la at fever heat as tha re sult . ot tha ahootlng of City Attorney Moody, eon of former Senator Moody, and Oeorg D. Anderson, a banker, here laat night Testerday the gambling house wre alod ana oa his road home Moody who had actively sup ported . the measure was shot. . Ander son waa also shot and. died thia morn ing. - ' v, ,'.".. Bloodhound ware sent from carper and this morning took up the trail ot th murderer. It 1 easily followed by two hobnails In the kola of ona ahoe. a woman who el alma to cava aeon the ahootlng say there were tw men, on af whom ahot Anderson and th other Moody, that aha saw tha men In the ' dusk from her window, aaw th flash of th gun and heard tha reports. Th man wh ahot . Anderson Is the one now pursued. The other raa eaat, topped aa If . looking for something, and than raa on. Thia morning a aaak of loaded cartridges waa found where ha had .stopped. . ,: .' ' . - Tha murderer of Anderson mad a tour , about town and started east and It la expected the posse will soma up to him tonight. A necktie party will be tha result. Other here are expected to be connected witJt, complicity la th erlma , . ' v Governor Brooks has been oaUed upon to oend a company of militia and the m will leave . Douglas an a epeelal train tonight. . Sheriff S tough has been wired to ' have troope at Fort 'Washakie ready to send ' in aaaa - of neoeestty. - Mob law prevail and there will probably ba farther trouble before mornlnc. - --i -. , SHERIFF IS KOT K6 JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER So Long as Oil King Stays Away t From Ohio He la Safe , v.-;. '--From- (Special DtapM by tesaed In te Tb JearasI) Toledo, Ohio, July ILWUliar U David, proMtruttng attorney of Flndlay. who has ' gained eonsldarabla notoriety en aceoant af hi proeecutlona ot th Standard Oil company and John D. Rockefeller ta particular, Is In th city today. ' ' ' - - :' Mr, David aald that to much had bean aaid about the notion ia Hancock coun ty that ia untru - that ha ia almost afraid to talk tor fear that ha may be mli -The faot of tha matter is." aaid Mr. David, "that down In Hancock eounty wa decided that, we would go after the bell absep, and leave tha' offloe boys aad Janitors alone. If any good la to be asoompilahed ' it win bava te be through the head of tha concern. All of this talk about Sheriff Orovee going to New Tork or chasing John D. Book fenr around tha country la a mist ska W never had any thought of going to New Tork ta gat Mr. Rockefeller for wa do not oar to go to that expense, but If Mr. ' Rockefeller wants to soma ta Ohio ha will either have to enter hla arjoearaaee personally or through ' hla I attorney or Sheriff orove will ba on are going after thia thing ia a nana manner and with th object of aeoompllahlng acmethlng for th people, not for notoriety." John D. Rockefeller la aaw an th At lantic on hla way home. . SKIMMERS DECIDE . TO DEFY IKIIOII : Weavers " Lost , Out ' In ; Recent Strike and Employers HaVe Now Combined. ' ; Seattla Wash, July tt, All but II per cent af the shingls manufacturers of the atate have signed the agreement to resist the demands of tha Bhlngle weav er for a closed shop. All of th mill owner that have tgnd th gremnt have pledged that they will conduct aa open shop at all tlme.- Thi move Is taken aa a matter'of pro tection, and come as a direct result of th recent weaver' strlka, Th unions have lost their-fight throughout the state. All the mills that have signed the open-shop arrtement will have the us of th atrlka fund of tha ahtngl mill bureau In making a tight if th anion ahould at any- time attempt to call out any Of It mn. Th recent dovedown of - tb -mill eauaed by tha strike did the millownera no harm. They were about to close be cause of a decrease la tha market supply and the enforced closedown cam at the right time. All of the mllla closed at that time are la full operation. .. . rr? OWL CAR ..LISTS -C ' ,. .. . . i '(Continued from Pag Ona) '', W. A. Phillip af SaUwood write that ha works down town until midnight, and for that reasoa b can never eaten th laat car and I compelled to use other means In reaching noma Send in your coupon at enca Try t get your petition into Tha Journal attic by Monday evening. T s f mMrvMrl 1 i?2" mm .. m ' .a1 a '' ox au prospecuve nome lurnisncrs. ixgw j. a too -x una to uuy, xor we inicna to ciooo out t 4 au oaas ana cnas ana uroKcn tom-oeiore uKuis .our .inventory on August , yve -are r daily receiving Invoices of market, and we must close OUR PRICES SHOW THAT ,WE KAN WHAT WE rj-rtanfllnn Ta1 JLAIC1131U11 lial 5&50 Miaaion , Table,! 54-inch J - top, length 8 feet, round top, V- weathered finish . f 4.SO - $51.00 8-foot weathered oak Ta- ble; 48-inch round top, pedes-" . tal bate with carved foot ................ f40.B0 J : tmOO oadeatal oak Table: 48V. -LJnxh.ron4'toD; Ungth 6 feet, 1 ? weathered f intih f23.B0 $57.50 daw-foot Extension Ta---- ble. 54-inch round top, 8 ft , . long; weathered finlah f 46j)0 mWa ' ei (A -k-4a--tal TJ!ar4aaialnnTarilL.' , 6 feet Ion;, 42-inch top, finish- . ed weathered or trolden ,. oak .fiaoo- $78.50 8-foot gold oak Table'. ' "i 60-inch top, claw feet.f61.50, $48.00 8-foot golden oak Table, . 54-tnch aeuare top, polish fin- $30.00 48-inch top Extension Ta- Tble. 8 feet long, fluted legs, ' golden ; finished,-quarter' -sawed tad olihedf a.p. ; Ir6n Beds V $20.00 trotr "Bedp-lw'-ewam-and- 9 a i a-.Ial ... co ia- vrimmca wun . - - -Srass .fl4.TB rt$40.00 " iron " Bed, ' finished in cream ana vernit Mar-- tin , , , ... , 1 $3100 - $28X0 4-post iron Bed. brass ' spindle eantar. lipisneairt ' cream and old..,...f 19.BO $22.50 iron Bed, canopy top, fin--f . .shed .in green and gold or '.cream" and gold.'... '', i $17.00 iron : Bed, ' finished in L. green, cream and gold f la.BO :' enamel scroll pattern f J3I.TB $18.00 iron Bed, finished in Ver- nis Martin. .......... f3.BO $14.30 iron Bed, pink and gold, scroU top,.,..........f.50 $1 Down $1 a ITeek Bays a JEWEL- RANGE Bankrupt Sale Of the $8,000 Stoclt L. MING & CO.. 6B 6th St. fJotn la wd look ever ear !.- tU a ears t t'LZtT KTaT aW wTta katf. MAN SING CO. a-ai. BM-a Oak sa4 M SHEEHAN BELIEVES .;vc ; HEARST VICTORIOUS Rooheeterv N. T., Jul 11. WlUlam f. Sheehan, law partner af Alton B. Par ker, baa pnt much tlm In th wtrn part af th frtat raosnUy. " vThll la tal section ha waa aaked what tha plea af th' xraa-Belaaont Deoecrany. aoa taaplatea. Us. habaa raplleai w ar going ta a nothing. Only a m tract caa prevent Hearst' nomina tion bj ua UamocratU Ut .,eonva- 11 IrZS .-II: j.r rAasaWaBVaaaaa-4-'a----a-a-. --i ; --- - . 1 rM rniMiwin u u u; v: u u.u v U; y n, n selecting the Furniture and Carpets for your home let - 4 $ In selecting the Furniture and quality xrc your nrsT. conMQeruon---aeiccT, pieces, ox auwKur -grace, beauty and sterling worth, that will he a pleasure to look upon an4 that will serve their purpose, not for a month or : a yemrbut all through1 life. 'Such styles and qualities are .' .v. nrwxTXfXiC i .1... ,l. r..i : ' puvnu ryiinmii -euvis-io wutujty uiu catciui cuusiumsuvm ' an. . . . . .a ...a. .. goods selected by .Mr-, Powers, out everything that in ariy way Parlor Furnitare $128.00 , 3-pieet Parlor ' StJite; V mahogany finished frame, up " holstered teat and back in flax valour v, . . . ,,.l.BO $100.00 3-piece Parlor Suit. 'ma hogany frame, upholstered in best quality yeronato...f T8.B0 1125.00 3-oieee Parlor Suite, gen- ... nine mahogany, hand Carved, da1rtmishHcKaa--cubio. in C silk velour . .1 ,f T.0 - ' S4O.0O 2-oiec 1 Parlor. Suita,"ma- . - I 1.1 ' nogany nmsuea name, opuui- itered in erorra....,.f . . . $25.00 Rocker, in genuinern. hogany, saddle seat f as.oo Sofa iBeds enj m. Davenports $36.00 Sofa Bed, in' golden -euiereaor -manogany . r- ish, upholatered in wona ve- k ' lours ....... .f 5.0O '$370 weathered oak Sofa Bed, j,-- upnoisterea tn WJiaso cpmsn ... leather ... ',7.. v.7,..,a.00 .$45.00 Sofa -Bed, ''in mahogany . . finish, npholstcred in red ve-t rrona Telourrj ...t- ,33-0-. " $57.50 trolden oak Sofa Bed. all 't 1 t . . . aSaal aAMeVtUriitl .StSla4 11 r.Kftl... lt -r . . tmrmA in th heat, of ve- -- mA '.. , . . rona t.v.-'.-. $125.00 genuine 'mahogany Dav-V enoort. fall Turkish construe-' V '"-Liar 1- lonr $100.00 leather Davenport, with golden oak frame, bet con atruction ........... .T.BO $110.00 Davenport, in genuine. " mahogany atuffed with . hair . and coverea in tux ve- Jrona t iii.v -" 1 .$72.50 Davenport, is mahogany finish, good construction and upholstered in best fijmred verona t8.5fj VA v 1 f s ' crtriil; Mirf 1. VaXOJeTi: N -rw- t (EliiiMslSili MEN'S and YOUTHS' 8UIT8. worth $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00. aearanco Prices ?7.50, "f 10.00 . and - '812 50'. f -y . -t'. "r.-i. ':. .v ' Birj assortment o! PANTS, HATS, 8H1RTS and ? 1 UNDERWEAR. . .',: V . ' - u' v Bifj Uns of BOYS' SUITS. " ,TW- e ' Also a t-ood selection of TRUNKS and ; SUIT -: CASES at .one ball pries o( 18M8S FIRST ST. AND cJ.oho. O Carpets for your home let A a i who is now in the furniture conflicts with the new lines. SAYi J Dressers $49.00 TJressef,' In gennlne ms- hogany, fall swell front, 28x33 : French pevel mirror $37 JO genuine mahogany Dress er, 24x30 French bevel mir ; ror .20.00, $50.00 birdsey mania Dresser, full awell front, 28x34 French bevel mirror......... f38.B0 $90.00 -Dwafrdn-a,oldn O'K J wall - front- ana ena, osxm - 1 French bevel mirror and hand ... ....a . win ,:j u uz$q genuine mahogany Dreaa- " - er, -30x40 Fran oh-bevel mir.r--c ror f 29.00 "i .Tea. V S45.00 -ilaooleon Bod, nuina ., 11 . mahogany, heavy claw -. foot .ii,..fVi...V...f29.0 . $60.00 qjuarter-fawed-eakfied. ---. claw foot and all hand " .-.'v arved- .'.'.i.e53s.60 , , a - , i ppW " f : IDC r OrCU flllll 7"i -laSwhM $6.50 Rustic Rockefp midt of -k Adirondatk silver birch f&00 ' $11.'50 Rustle Setts, cane seat ; ana dsck, Trame miaroi aoi jrondack silver , wren . JUUUSVS, aaST-.. - a-T v - ft' . . . . ...'.'.I J13.511 rpammoin stoexcr. rustic t T . i air. KA Dircn ..... birch $4.50 Comfort 'R6cVer, 'wrh1'teel : mmmt mil Karir nainted red or .arcta .....f ,' 1 ttftft. , , tf . 1. nMMM. - 0-La, ... and - ' , back ... ....... ,..,..,t3.TB.:. I $4.00 Rustic Hickory, with slat a t.VAA . " ' ' ' , $7.50 green fMapChdi rattan seat and back... fOwBO " W, i$4.00 Porch Chair or Rocker, palmed green, rattan -V. -seat. ...... .f ...fl.BO $775 Settee, painted rj.t"r V' tan seat and back.... v. .0 Carpets aai Drearies plats. A visit riH pleas a' aaS aeavaaa ','... '.. - -ssa-w Jr.. ; thsir value. SS-5S NORTH THIRD ST. -7 -t;,"