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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
by tzs. i: ' SYi23. UL ' 11 ' t1 , y . 'J iS vv I 1 1. . " 1 IB ' r IB1; weather and school vacation. musioVessons are dropped, al . thoueh K llttla Hallv . uraotlb 'Ing la usually required of children by mothers who feel that the discipline of regular tasks neither hard nor taxing . -ls valuable. eo much harm has been don by In Judicious practicing cot so much tha ength of time spent at It, as tha way It la don that It Is well for mothers I - to watch out for-th signs of the right or tne wrong waya of practicing during ine monini wnen iney tnemssive are brought mora closely in touch, with tha email pupu. Muslo Is ne.-vous work, evtn for tha child (perhaps n.ost of all tor her) who loves It so that practicing la a pleasure, That point should be borne In mind, and , tne child taught to practice for, say mean minutes at a time, and then to I -Hs sna go through somer- simple stretching exercises those with a rana are particularly a-ood before raturnin to finish her half hour or hour, res the -ease may be. r t i .-" iba way aha sits at the piano Is rreally the. most Important point to be considered. , i nt piano stool should be raised so fnat when she sits upon It and rests her hands upon the keys her arms, from elbow to wrist. are. without any uffort. In , elralght llnev Stools ar mojt trying articles of fur. Blture, for the small body perched up on on gets Inexpressibly weary with suuiiiia mi mm ii cr icei on, ana tne enersl tendency to let her bodv droon - and drag In accordance with tha drop ' of her little legs over the edge Is well . nigh Irresistible. Ths beet nlano la a ehalr with a . back no blither than those new chairs made for dressing-tables. . A footstool . should be provided that la of tha rta-ht height, so that tha child's feet may 1- set nrmiv upon it . Then the child ahould, be taught and watched to see that she does not laps ' v ' Mrs. Henry 4 In mrrr eolnmne vow sneak ef an nai anaak ef an imrtHu-".' tton where mechanical maaaac Is nlcal masaaae Is given. .ZS!2.?lttH - I Tnat is sometning i soa Klnaiy etve me Craw 11 niA If. in the Ia "R U.." to reauce abdomen, where you say "lis fist on Door and raise boar without bending knees." you allow one to '. raise Doay wun tneir arms or niwwi i -1 eannot raise myself without help from . say elbowa Now. is that rlntfriiB', )' T la aaatnat nf rules "to gi' th names or addresses of specialist to my, so 1 cannot grant that request. I will repeat the exercises to reduc th abdomen, so that you may know ex actly what the dlrootfona are. Us wily. ' .v.., . ira trial seems ; a ni"- "'"."" ,.j .ith quit imposs pie may as artar a time m pei wi " ... To BaduC tbO AMomeU. ' t : ' . , ' , '-v t.l flat on your back, and slowly raise both legs to tfP"dlcuuu- positwn, tn. v lower them slowly to th ..floor. Thls will . a.a.k. wmip iMrirMn tttTiall' r T -. aw i- ...enisa monv tlltlM lit IUC- eeoTas tVanr repetitions might strala the back. . . ' i..- ".- 'v ai OTgiS-in. ii'tS -u-l- fj abdomen: ills flat, sod, kP"g.h . .. . . a. . i. ,u rniiAan,. wnion wm en the floor. a aitting poaiiioivwi.r, , th arms crosses orer ""-;;. this Is toe difficult, begin by tossing tne arms forward to give ths bodn impetus. Vbea It becomes saslly performed in botn of these arm positions. - lnoreas IU puu by clasping the hands at ths. back ef the Sieck, thue coming to a, emms ;hls sluing poslUon should always itlnn. ereot. Tonic for Bleached Hair would yv W rerorrrmmd t euvnuia ar tonle for bl' eached hair i i uaea imuuw li.itmMtl Would Ilka somstaine; i the neir rrosn laiim ww would us tn same tonics for bleached hair as for hair of th natural j. color; but that of the former condition at beat is i jvsr as sen rs latter. . . Red, Inflame Red. Inflamed tfos I am year old. a youth, and eta troubled grestly by my nose being red antt . Inflamed all the tlm. There are tiny little ... velne. It sewn, under the akin, and some- . times it is redder then ethers. Will you , kindly tell me throu,h your columns of something that will help me. as I am very .. aenaltlve about It at enhool. M. a). B. Psrhaps this trouble la eaused by In- -digestion; certainly, tha blood does not hlrculat props. ly. Thar at smau neea. .. t think, foe me to suggest axergisa to A wther nd school vacation, I , r , j J I , ,V I II iu - v- 5 v ) - 1 -jk?: w I ...... . 1 W.-' ,kU Into bad habits to ait easily erect, the shoulders back, and when bending for ward la necessary, to bend from the waist. Instead of ranlng the neck for ward and . developing the awkward . round shoulders which so many chll dren hav later to overcome. , If the child shows any tendency towards stooping, exercises to correct It should be gone through regularly when the practicing time la up; and the , mother ahould watch the poee at the -piano even-more eharply. " Hooking the feet around tba legs of the chair or stool ahould be forbidden . , unconsciously the whole body Is thrown tn a false position by such a trick. - Synies Advice to . a schoo.oy, but are you Just as careful 'as you cJght be about what you eat 'na th way you cat Itt Try going "7 awhile. IJrlnk -only Walerand wllki and never touch, candy. Go to your meala regularly, nd eat slowly.- Drink water as many times a day as you can. This ought to help If you are faithful to the directions, and It Is much better and mora - effective than medicines or cosmetica ; . . . - ,r For Freckles '. X would Uk much to barti your 4 W to whthr th oranc-0owr croam wonld hi lha tat rhina for ma to use. skin seems dry and rough at times, and my complexion does not seem as clear as It was. I have a fsw freckles that will begin to thicken now that the warm weather Is here, Would the eraam keen them llsht and maae mr.Mn fln ,na whiter Could I have it th arurlttat.,e hOBOTHr O. sftaaff fl BAliJI 1 1 U TV 3t a-aaa- ass lent skin food, but It has not th ; bleaching qualities that freckles require. Should the freckles become very objeo tlonable I .would use th formula be low. Tea any reliable druggist will prepare th cream for you, . . - - Dr.- Shoomakor's Bleach. , X '. -j fjrer tan, freskles and yellow dlscol orations " of the skin.) v - Slehloiide of mercury in coarse powder, I grains; distilled witch Basel, J ouncee, rose- ' water. 1 ounces.' i .... Agitate antll solution Is obtained. Mop ever the affected parts, . Keep out of the way ef Ignorant persons and' children. Gray .Hair .m aAmahodv asked your advice ror dyeing ,!, remedy. v?,id you be uil me where t can get ItT nair. ana yn ,V wT L, jC T ealea til V 1A. yTMMB. ' The, payslcian's ' remedy that you speait of la sed to restore gray hair to lis natural color. . Tou can procure It by taking th formula often published In thee columns to a druggist to pre-, par for you. . iToo Much' Massage About a year age J was foollaa enough -to allow my friend, who wss a maeeiur, . to masaags my akin, giving me sight elec trical facial massaea. I did Bet know what ths result would be, . Would you kindly advise me What to d . m order te get my akin back to its former .aondlUoal , X had a vary good oompleiioa 1 I II.:.. Correspondents then: hut mw f am ail waanad-eut k and my skin looks as though I elder than I am. I am enlr jstj JE; .jha'rbrlah many women make this mlatake too much massage, or using the treatment when it la not only unnecessary but harmful. - To restore your skin to Its natural health and freshness will be rather a tedious matter; but with time and care, you should accomplish that . ( result. . Rub Into your akin gently one a day . th orange-flower cream, the formula for which la frequently . published In . these columns. Olv your face cold wa ter baths to bring a glow to th skin, rubbing briskly but gently. Get up a good circulation by as much outdoor exercise as possible. - -( TDry, TMyhairis grayT AImosl WltTa very- dry, and coming out In handfuls. Anything 1 mi tell me what to dq.te keen It moli dial it lurna . yv .-- . net and . prevent It from laiiins; ana at tne same . v time keep it from turning yellowt Try this tonlo for fanin hair; trnnli Valllnr TTair. . .... Phente acid. I grams; tincture of aux - vomlcar tH gram; llnoture of . red cinchona. , 10 srama; tincture u cMinanae, sraauej colone,-,tM grams; .sweet almond oil, 44 'APPlir te the roots ef the hair with a soft ' once or twice a day. - This lotion at. especially good fee-very dry hair. KaieTNof Quoted n' Will you please tnfonw me where th . Physician's Remedy" seat be obtained and -1 also ths price of Itt . - I noticed you mentioned la the peg that tt was good. T. MeK. Any reliable druggist will prepare th ' remedy for you If you hand him th formula that la frequently published In ' " the columna Commerolal rates ar ' paver quoted la the department. ' . Caused by Blackheads ., . please send me the remedy for enlarged r enlarged a lumber ily a few ' . A. Sv - rJ pores. My sain is our. i naa of - blackhsada but I have on saw. The wore ere very large. XiOtion zor auuargaa rores. ' 'Vnrld acid. 1 dram; distilled witch he tel. -4 eunce Apply with a pleoa ef old linen 1eoa ef old llnert , en, t 'leans th PlloaV ... . . -er a bit el anenroant eeite akia taoreuahly.bator ap; Glm two or thraa, or " doaan. rounc popl bars, and tha ' llvallaat mi will b tnrantad. ' aa If by magi o games la which strength and auppleneaa and (race are devaliped unconsdousl i na hum Darn may be turned lnte tJs. JoUleat eort of a gymnasium. In. which most of the feats common to irymnaatlo courses,- and many another one unheard of in such quarters, may oe praoucea. . No fittings at all are required, al though a few contrivances added her and there invest tha barn with the ' ' -?.; ' . aa It atretchea from one hay-mow to On the Care fAtssr Put on gymnasium aulta when yon go . L?o rr nnH l-T oir out 'or f004 romp In the barn. Then XT (lC CXlltL IXCill there's nothing to catch and trip you as - . . , . ' you awing, by meana of tha wooden ; : Results From BUach So " lZtltZt"-or ' Flsase tell l me how long yon have ta t . . Turn children loose In the barn In you use It with spooa-e or soft cloth T And - !-"" " .""S!?-.?:. ; tforwiuritrr "ifkr-s I presume you refer to peroxide of -hydrogen as a akin bleach. With dally -applications It should begin to show re '.suits In two to four weeks. Apply It . undiluted with a soft rag. Tou can use . the orange-flower cream la connection . wit it .. ... . . . v, , . - Harmless Rougt : WO ran please publish again the reetpa for a nannless strawberry rouge that I .' setloed la your eorumns some montlis agot - - . t A. R. W ' sftrawbaxry Natnnl naab, . ' Fresh, ripe strawberries, I quarts: dle ansa water, 1 puv naoe u a fruit lar aaa set tne Jar in a el waia - ever a siow nre, Let the water sunnier far twe aeena. and -. strain ttarouch a line hair sieve, wbea cold add pure aleohol, II oanees: beet lain- flase (dlasolved), M grains: purs earmtne j Arst dUMolved In the alcohol), II gTmins; attar of roses, 4 drops; ell of BsroU, I dropsl ' ell of eedrst, drops. - Keep closely stoppered m a dark plaee. Apply to the obsess with a hit of absorb- ! ent eottea, .4 -X. To Promote Growthof theHair. : I Bad your dandruff ours exosllent, but would Ilk to know how often it should be , applied, l have used it now tor tnrse weeks. My hair seeme to be coming out. Do rou think tha dandruff ours I the cause of Barrier is titer reany vthlnv that will make tha hair grow out again T T used to. hav a nlo growth of hair, but lost nearly all of lit during my trials with patent medl- . elnes to euro dandruff; and 1 never did obtain any results except from year remedy. ; " . ' ft B. B. If the dandruff cure has benefited you . fn that respect, you should discontinue using It.- Apply this tonlo for awhile; ' JTsJOlng of tha Hair, v .' . Ttnetsre of aux vomica. 1 ounee; sptrtta ef rosemary, S ounoss; alcohol, 1 ounces, i . Apply several times a week to the roots of the hair.. . Prescription Mislaid ; ' A few weeks age you published the reds for the walnut stain for the hair. I mislaid tne paper anq nave not seen tne recipe printed .rtnos, J15VUL you kindly, write the- . prescription tor me so taat 1 may bave It -iuedt ,. , Mrs. K. Q - Walnut Stain for Hair. four ounces ef walnut skins, beaten te a palp, to which la added pur aloohol. It ounces. Let stand eight days and drain. Then ap ply as aay ether dye. ' 'Massaging Wrinkles Will you please tell me hew to masses the wrinkles from the face that form at th corner of the eye, the bridge of the nose, under th eyed, and near tha templet Is ths wash you had tn m paper for permansnt wrinkle good to B for themr M. R. Th success yon will meet with in re moving these wrinkles depends largely upon vour ago, which you hav not men tioned. ... Th lotion for premature wrinkles Is of us only to a young woman, whoa akin. is. naturally sort ana Pliaoia and. whoa traits of character have not had time to make their tall-tale tracery on the face. The first Important stop Is for ron to render your skin - as soft as possible. -Then smooth out th wrinkles with regu lar movements, aay a hundred strokes twice a day; steaming th face and afterward applying some pure facial cream takea out th finer lines. - Avoid powders and toilet vinegars. Hair 'Turning Gray at 32 What can be done for my balrT It is turning gray rapidly.' Its color was black, aiut I am only U Tears old. If you recom mend the physician's romedy.wlU yoa i pl K'e prescription, ana now it is usea r am me know what eaa be done fnr wrtnklee In the face. : , W. M. 8. - To Bastoro too Natural Color- of ........ . tho Hair. . (A physician's piBcrlptfcv Surer ef lead, H ounce; la sulphur, H eunce: essence ef bergamot. H ounce elooboi. 44 gill: glyesrlne, 1 eunce; tinc ture of cenlharidee, 1 ounce; ammnnls, k ounce. Mix all In one pint ef soft water.' Ap ply to the roots of the hair, whleh must bs elsan. Th dye should never be applied If there Is snr irritation or abrasion of the scalp. Apply to th roots of th aair wita a all nrusn. tnea epreaa it ward through the treses with aa ordinary Tou will flr.d surras tlons as to th . wrinkles In your face in th answer to "at. R." Scalp Trouble Win you kindly print a remedy for falling helrt 1 am losing mine at aa storming . ' rate. I am troubled, toet with Itchy scalp and an excessive amount of dandruff. I have ' ' trted many supposed remedlss without sue-, t : ossa. ' 'A BKADKR. . . For tonlo for falling hair as th an- swer to If. 8. B. . Th dandruff enr will most likely thai Itnhlnsf seal il. Also r. . member to wash tha hair with warm .waur and casUle aoap.aUal.vhe su - month. To lUmoT Dandruff. L Tt nature of eantharldee. t euaoet liquid . ef ammonia, 1 dram; glycerine, hk suace; eU "mix ali together with six eunose of rose Watsr. Bub ths scalp thoroushly with this preparatloa until no further evldenee of . dandruff is aotleed. Thh rBUachisQuite Harmless . a i. the nan that you advised per- ,- mideof hydrogen or bleaching superfluoue 7!" i.i- .ith eiioernuous aalr o face. Will th aeroxld Injur th skint - h,Vi!r hi mVok ammonia should be "'T'; " V.T.i he ussd before auply- Ins perotkV.f Haw o!t ehoukl the ("' J.TZiiZT 1 h.v been he lord sev- "i .i-X vour suggsstlons sndhope to SeTaalnad Taaaln. XROUBtKU. ' Cm. (it a nf Tivdroeaa is quit narm- leas and will not Injur th akin In any. . i it mornlna and evanlna. Vti' teaapoonful of ammonia la a turn- bler of water.. Attend to the Skin First t have been a constant reader or yeur pa 1 per, and would like have heavy growtl would like to get si very etrong to kee and would us to r" a Sin 01 Mir vn mr . aomethlna that would be keen It down, aad that t -.1, have to UBS OnC OT tWlC a week I hav tried a number at things, but Also, can yea eugges a good erseas to wsf Having t uee so mock strong stuff am atr t-f aa mad It Very tender, aad I charm of a rymnaalum with all 1U own charm added. Those BTeat beams , which run tha length of the barn, Interrupted by croaa bama aa sturdy, give a splendid van tage around for all aorta of darlna- leans ,..nd somj-saultturrUiig. with, soft beda of hay to break the force of the fall and to do away with tha fear of being hurt ahould you fall In your first attempt. - xnose same beams are the very things v to suspend the wooden rings from, with which every gymnasium la provided; ' and a ladder provides equipment enough for endless exercises, from crawling la and out the runes to walking across It ' summer they will discover ways enougn to develop and strengthen muscles with out aver. for. a moment, supposing that they are doing anything but playing. Tou get tired and dirty and disheveled, hut strong and lithe and well, gaining most of tha good your country outing does from your romping In the sweet-r-smelllng, dusty recesses of tha old barn, which, for the time . being, you have turned lnta your gymnasium. ;. f II Wutrt-jifatJtuiS com, . need something good to put ea It. I do not care w use tne needs. . . Mrs. W, If your akin has become tender from the us of strong depilatories. I would r l.0?"""' 'i1" u,1"" - advise you to discontlnus th superfluous J w w Us some healing wash for a few days. Then apply a skin food. When th skin is again normal ana neeitny, try Dieacn lng the superfluous hair with peroxide of hydrogen. This will render it almost In- visiois at least, inconspicuous. . I would suggest then as th wash and skin food: . - Wash for Xtalicata Skin. ' Boredo add, I dram; distilled Basel, t ounces; rosewater, I ounces. . use as a wasa wnen assiraoie, . Skia Food. ' White wax, 1 ounce: spermaceti. 1 ounce; lanolin, I ounoee; eoooanut oil, I ouncee; -c rente flower water, t ounces; oil of swset - almonds, 4 ounces; tincture of benaolnM drupe.. Melt the first five Ingredients together. ' Take off ths fire end beat until nearly , eold, adding little by little the beasola, and lastly the orange flower watsr. , Offensive Breath I am troubled with aa offensive breath, and would like your advice aa to what I -' could ass to remedy It. lty teeth ar In good oondlusn, I have a good appetite and nr health la aood. C. B. T. .. It your teeth are In good condition and your health la good, ths troubl svldsnt- ' Ty arises from some disturbance in th stomach. This is often the case, when . theea annarentlv la no reason for It. Drink two - or three" timea during the night parsley tea, hot or cold. Eat plenty of onions (when you don't ex peot oompanyi) and navar. allow conau conatl- nation to continue for a day. Eat an - apple on going to bed at night, and keep -a gargle on your washing stand of tlno ture of bark and myrrh. Use th follow ing waahi ntiseptlo Tooth Wash (Beaumes). Phsale acid. 1 gram; " borle sold, tl erame: thvmol fin errstalsl. .SO osntl- - Rrsru; essence of men tha, to drops; tlno- -re of anise, 14 gram,. distUled. Wales, as lh. -houid be t mouth with the above, whlea diluted for the Drormr. . ilea ef ene-half tooth waah te same quan. . tlty of clear water. Use after sack meal and at aay time require iV ,, eOiirl7poir-ifiWi. Having noticed the recipe In your col urn 1 in your column . have thmitfh fnr enl&relne tha beat A nave tnoui octor nrescri trying It; that Is, the doctor's j ru ptlon. But could yoa let m know how long it , ul, . 1 moui mentf K. W. The lensrth of tlm required to nroduca results from thla treatment depends en- tlrely upon th Individual case. Bo oftea I am aaxea tnia question, ana yet I am never able to anawer .definitely. Bom notice Improvement within a week, other not for ten week; though, often, results ar delayed because the dlreo tlona ar not followed carefully. . , - Don't Change -Proportions : ' I hav taken four bottles of Dr. Van eslre's buet eevelouer and aa yet see na ' Impravemsat. I red 1 proportion of slmpls syr thereby wsa.sBlng taa so Lie row not- think taat the - syrup is too lams, , soiuuoai slow would ... . . J.VI e I! - 1 1.: ' .. I r; - " ... i . :t-v : - i L i. i '.:.'-? j k, - aaaaaaaaai BaBaBaBaaaBaaaaM j . -y ' k V i' Mill If ' r-si' 1 I"i . .1; I III v.-.-. .11 '1 - ..-ill - ' - ' .'S" l!'i "J " h . witsh lit '. t . Ill ' : , : If -1- I (rT it 00 to increase th etreofctk by either t-' causing - tba stubs ex uimuushlng th ' syrup T CLSBa. mwu in anawer to. iu. Vr U aiui. itt.. ""V 4V in say that la no w a yuu a so itia at jour own rlsx. , i----r Feels Draigy r I work tat a beautifully situated efllce. but, aetwithstsndlni wnere ine air is pur ana in noure snort; amg an toia, wnen a eo all thla, when I feel eo teased 1 . some at 4 o'clock tired that 1 never I feel so fsgsed eul feel like gelag out la the evenma. - Wnuiil mva tl tell me ef somethmi Which T could do or take to make ma f-l . iresn ana toua ' a aa thoueh I had a little 1 more life In me ef I always feel brunt - snourh In ths mornlns-s. but ss ths day ad vances my syss feel and look heavy, and I 1 seem t be la a state ef lassitude .. - First of all, are you sure that there Is not some disturbance In your syatem tnat is draining your health and Strength . On th ether hand, those of i. 4i , if els. Zt la hard for dm to help you ta -thia cas, knowing so little of your na ture and all th circumstance of your condition. But this much I can auggaatl Live as simply aa you know how; eat, regularly, pur, slmpl food (n tea or -coffee); take plenty of exercise In th. open air tennla, rowing, walking, or even gymnaatlca under tn cool ahad of a tree. I would not advle overexer tion, however, la. the hot sun. Take, meanwhile, pom wholesome, invigorate'' Ing tonlo. " As to going; out In th evening, don't, worry about that Just now. In th even ing vou should be at horn, resting 4a bed by o'clock. Sine you ar relieved of business duties at 4 o'olock. you hav two bourn and a half to be outdoors. Rise at In th morning and again nd an hour or two outdoors. And la your habits be absolutely regular. . Swollen Feins ' . t have found all rve aaed. and there at ' quite a number, of your formulae just what you .say they an; and now will you kladir tell me what to do tor my hand and . wristsT The blood fllle the raw so they -' stsnd out like great oords. I oannoS Wear - - short eleeres or even medium abort ease. I am thin, so 'tis not aa aooount of everdseh ' er tight clothing. Mrs. te tt. P. - DoubUeaa this troubl la due to tha vary fact that you ar thin. Take step to Increase your weight, and apply local treatment to your arms by maaaeg Ing , with a good skin food. When tha flesh : takes on plumpness th veins will b hidden as they should. . , .. . Directions 'Are With Recipt 1 ' Will you kindly give me the formula fa Dr. Vaucalre's Kemedy, and also the dtr- , tlons for taking for bust aeveloyerT . Mrs. C W. I Dr. yaucnlres Bemodw t ox tha ; ' ; Boat. 4 ' $ Liquid extract of aalega (goetaru). a) , grams; bvetq phosphat of lime. 10 grams; tincture ef fennel M grams; simple syrusv 400 grama. 'I The doee Is twe sonpspoonruls wtth water before each meaL Pr. Vauoalr also ad visee the driuklng of malt extract during . , meala,' r , : No Effect Upon Wrinkles V Would yoa kindly teU me If Dr. Taucalre'a . remedy would elso bast ffe ea the face and remove wrinkle, and how much should . the prescription eoet to gat tt filled f r WAKCT.' fir Vaucnlre'a remedy ha effect '" upon no part of th body but th boat, It la agalnat my rule to quota 00m- , mrcial jratea.Jn the qolumna,.o . I cannot grant thla request. ; r v enna II air Stain , ' ; Will you kindly Inform me through rout . columns what to use to color the hair a dark brown, and how to mix it? I noticed .. '." something you recommended, I think II wa some kind oi leaves, hut eanndt roieaher. , ' Tou probably refer to henna half "stain. This Is made from henna leave, -and give a reddish tin re to th hair.- - How to TJa Hsxtna. v may ha aoDlisd tm applied In several ways) the al molest and easiest way for the a ma- tr" :7irinir tns ta use aa ounce at inrw , J STs" wawrad" bTth? Imp IS to use a tew maue m in. twmvwm. gown to one pint. ne sutin ewum vm e oiled te the roots ef the hslr with a smell t. K. . eleaji tooth bruah will anewer. Nest, with an ordinary hair bruah, dietiib. ' ute the henna through the heir eveaiy. pry thnrouchly .eiterware. either la ta tun ar by heat. . v. See Answer to "E E! ! MHa. I R. Th hnn hslr stain tf act a eaets. but a llgum. I mi win nna ni 1 rMUon tor Its uee In the answer te a a- Detailed Symptoms Necessary If IlTltr.Hil t'nless rs-4 Jsnll-l t Whet source toe edor arisee 1 eaawMt a gest a remedy. Severe Blood Disorder a. B. C Tear trouble ef-w. t -l r " sedentary habits often droop - in thla - - letter, te be a severe m.i ... aof. til It du flmnly u a lack Of axsre , aneuld eosault a poeia at a. yJJ:--A. ,: A.- .A' ;t . ' ',