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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
in C7zz:i cutay jcutjjal, rcroxATtTv Sunday r:crj,TG, july 22, jrca tooer,-: Moito , .win Worfs Eiand' or : Brain warn - - .Fire. .Tw3 eTUiaA.Y. JULiT U. IK Wb th wennnshn apnre not to tree, ; a her and kow will U ire toll, hw will It be reduced to a tern to en. ' - ,.. ibiiitkuufwtiu4 rD ami . how eaa It he ttenortod? Trat9?ttfttf A twenty-tour fee tog, rumt Taaaa. enwed fro Ue lower pert et rr' Ue larger ftreetth rUt, wtobAfrea thirty to fortyiena, ton t vr Umii v - foot . to th ftonatty f th vend, end ' such u liHwiw Tkmln Ue part at atogto tree evellebl tor toga my milt UO tooste weight. Xa solving toes prhtoa and cooeldartng th ill aad weight at to materia un or to aalU saw . altoM amount re f manual labor I sufficient. The prcttminaryoperntion of tatting Ue time ut ef Ue tract of woodland art Ue eonstrw. tloa of tbs skldwsy end th preparaXloo e the bed oa whjah th tree er t tall llne thewightoMttosuhUtUtb Impact of to toll to eneoked gradually Ue for with which n striken Ue greun4 may split the trunk end peeaiUy make tt a te le except tor email alas of lumber, U swamper proper bed adr tt uper vietoa ot Ue foreman, It th tree) t fll4 Mufti opo MltoMt AvMrtM to Ukoa of tbla to threw to owr4a thywr ImUml Tb Ototuo tt tk toU to th to ad Ua to fa a ulto 'ar hlH tbaaj u. ratoMp W aatl thlc irowta at udortouab atoa tbiotra. m tb torn at tin fall e tba rwk aaooaaaa wo b twaatyy crotuUI w U ivafowtb. , v 11 .I 11 1 Tb& to tba bartoy at b atotm. LoHKl rU oU tarwart a f a alaa aapabla f . atatortaaaltiftrar' iMtWU ,aU alaatraa, th aalla - Kmtt'9riU)i natto. attUtaM ' af itamk. tamaaaAoaa, witk - Bomua itorcr tt ra44 aottrlty. Ttia ataaa at paaaarahla aattof to ' eupp to a tetrtaatoalty abartad to rta' after rtn at kpbertoal ebettoi aaob aveb toyef fcetat unlfera to itaelf but the deaeiqr an4 to ei tee 4JtrlbuttoBTrjrlt rreoi layei to . leyer. m eell4 the work eurveahowa Ue werh require to briny a eleebre from lAflAtty to the yetot to qeUoa. Tee eurve to et eourae ayasatetrloal akeet the eentey at the atom. Ittheretore eleetrea be atoee4 at er aear the eenter et Ue atoot it hat ' tftblUty, but only Uureecb a rrew raaya. ' It It to token tortker away tram the aeater the eleatrto teroe et the atom upo It will , akeet It out et the atom wttk yroatoieiM veloetty. which wUl be aliktly taatalaM4 by the attraoUoa et Ue whole atant whe It few euutoe. : , ,. , oothwar Hoi Co RearykiMtewakl, who to phuwlac te ce to toe eoath pole ea aa The r automobile. Bo deolaroe that oca may by amp to y tcev thw tower ea X oaa aoa a (, , It latltud. to the toot et Mtk Vela Mount Brebue and Mount Terror, proeeedlag thenee to the point al ready reached by Boott. - ' Tbla ekplorer wee ' forced to prooeed by foot tor Ave He could bare eontiauad oa hiaway over the ley plain, but did sot bare aufflolcot pr Tlalooe and waa foroed to retraoe hie etepa. It aew la a uatlo of fladlac out how eae , eaa aocompliak tble journey la an automobile f and edveoee even-farther. The dtoto&ce ti!B Mounts Erebue and Terror tojtheeoutk pole la about (05 mlle. M, XrotowalU betlerea he can ecoompllih thl diataace in three trlpa of about S9S mllaa each. .1 flrst automobile" Will depart lade, with prevtalona and will arrive at the flrat atoUoa. aeoond will be dlDtahd to reetoek the firet with patrol T and will return to Ue point ot weparture. A' the bum " with ma Turned down by eome third automobile, making two trlpa. will re- - of lour eld staadbya Cant undaratand It took the nrat automobile at the aeoond ate- Muat be hoodooed. I gueee. Got another let tton, permitting It te prooeed to the aotua) tar from the heuae today. Tkey don't like pola BlurnlBgr-one autonobU wHl-b it a iCJt-there iaa't a change pretty. eoon abandoned at the pole, and another en e it wUl be a eaae of fire aura I waa aurprUed way, It being Impoaalble to do eUerwiae. te aee. though, that jrou are to about the- They will cOTar i i mllaa aa hour, or twMy aeme nx. Can't b that Ue Jonah la from , at Wva moat, and will be coaatructed au-ar . . the houae'a aldeTWell. ktt wwoan- dototo ezpertmentlng en the Alpine glaoiera .he kanckle dowa and hope far the beat, expedition will depart to Auguat. 1907. From your reference te female drummera, ' i i take It that yen have ran aeroaa one lately, T - Wriia iititmiMto in China. Tb St-kapwet obeervntory, at Shang hai, aay the th great tan Frlacn - - rranolae earthcuak - wee EarthaMR regiatared by U elm gelt In ChlnaTrph hr- hoekn imiavaie, wrra iiirigr ntrong. and Uay laeted a little more than 1 hour M mlnutea The flrat preliminary tremor, trenamitted, through the men ef th globe, begea at. :U p. m-i Chlneae coast time. The flrat large wavea, traveling along th cruet, on aa aro of a graat circle, ware felt at 9:53 :M. -Th laat ware ef declining ampktud left their traoea at 10:31:ad p. m., and tb laat alight movements of th ground died away at 11:08:44 p. m., April 18. Thaae recorda promlae valuable Information In determining the velocity of propagation of U aeiamio nndulationa by connecting them with ob- aervatlona of the exaet mtnut and aeoond ef th eocuirahcf ktrgan rran( . 1 ' Cnotoonnd glee la a pet of modern gleae ; makera. It to not a wall decoration but a kind of aubetltute f or atalned glaaa, different to effect and ,DCratUt , In quality from any of ' Glat by the paper mltattona,t to ttrFfetit, genuine glaaa, A bfrt et , plain glaee to put ever th drawing to be executed, and on thla ue outline of to de - algn are traced In wire, black, allver, or gilt, , aa Ue case may be. Thaae wire outline, which are eemlolroular In aeotion, are fli4 firmly to the background ebeet, and Into the i oaUe formed by tb ololaon era ahovelad - eounUeea lMtle glee beeda, which are oe menUd on U ground, And Ue ntlr panel la than covered wttk a aeoond eheet of glaaa. The greet point of Ue Invention-la Uat, along with a pleaaant variety of eurfaoe, H la poe alble and aaay to gat an lmoat llmltleas va riety et ooler. iae wall a Ue moat delicate and gradual hading, to which a a oolor rnh Imoet Imperceptibly Into another. , Roap lake to In yaahrngton and la aald to 1 be aallke any other lake, ito vrater being i. tt angir and containing - Waiklnitoa more mineral matter than lsnrton .Ue famous Carlebad water tn wftamnj, now iae gewny ann. j, g .jmpooed with Soap take water a White laUer to created which thoroughly ejeanee th eoalp. The eowboy lean their saddlaa by throwing Um Into Ue lake. There are eeld to be authenticated Inatanoea ef eurea ef the meat obstinate eaaes of rhaumatlsmand other maladie. Th lake to two and a half miles long and three fourth af a mil wide. Jo am A. Howlaxb. ( The Little Girl (letter f Gerg 0n4r t Kl Bl.) : . ' July I l0k-To Ueaara, BolUteok Q Whotoaale Dnr Qeede Oantlemeai Tour ra ver ot the tot toet I et band and eeataata eareruky noted. An eorvy you are dtoappelat. a, but aaaure you that yon are not anymore a than I am. Tbla auddea eome down with -for-the 4eet few week to beyeat my. inrahanmunif Wy et the eempetiter knew my dntee at the dlfterent pelnta I might , look in that dlreoUon for tkeauae, but, : you, know, X hold my buaiaeae atrietly te myaelf and keep my eyee to windward.' Be- , . aldaa I don't remamber running acroaa a ' aiogle man In eur line alnoa I am out ea tkto trip. I will do the beat I ean. and hope te -' be eble to eend yen a batch at ere era with my nant " - Teure truly. - . .... - Qnona Owpnaon. .. (Utter front Ceorg 0alr4 t BU ' rrlekl. Walter Gw,) . - July 1906. Dear Welti Thought I would z drop you a few linen In anawer te rr laat while I have the Una Seem te have plenty af that, though, aa bualneaa atill keapa " ea Tfl ,y nti Taa. I Quito agree with you-. tb road la a plaae for women. Not Uat ' Uay aren't qualified to ue main and eaa make Ueaptel about aa good aaUe man. but Jt'a Ue little aide laauea ot Ue life that oatsk th woman to a. weak apot Vaan't got the right build when It comee te Uem. The little aklrmiahinga to make er foreake Ue toll end of a oabooee a mile out from the Station omatlmee, aa you well know, nece- ltatlng a wading through lx Inches ef mud, od a hop akipping aoroaa ow guard, ate. are bad enough for a man, but when It eomes to a woman. I ay, nltl That la aomething woman waan't out out out for, and yet It a nn unavoidable detail of Ue drummer'e life. Then there' a Ua catching of late tralna, or the coming to en them te find Ue depot dark, the town a mile up the rood with ajvarybody Bleeping aad the doge barking, .etc.? etc. wave neon mere, an waiir i ten OrrnaLW X?ur llfe-ln the PcltyH fritter away mora time and atrength In ot a regular eommeYoleX traveler the read la n plate for woman, But. apeaklng ot women remind me of a little peack of an angel In blue that's keen wafting along my rout for th laat month or ao. Come to think ot it' too, 'twas on a freight I flrat met her. Not hard to gat ac . quainted en a freight caboose, you know, She carrlaa the prettiest little eample eaae, . and not a bit heavy! Maybe I'd better aay that I oarry It for that's about all I've been doing for Ue laat month. ' ! ' ' flit won't gay, though, what ah bandlea, and, of course. It' none of my bualneaa, but Tm a Uttto eurloue, Just tb earn. ; I sup pose If soma cheap line ths-t Bh ashamed of. Haven't seen her mak any oajla, but ahouldn't Judge ahe a whirlwind at order raking too timid (ono nf your shrinking kind, and an that) but X do know that aha'a mighty pleaaant company, and I' won't mind It a bit If the fatea keep her near me Indefinitely. Well, aa I've etlll a Short totter to writ to my wife, guess I'll bid you adieu tor this tlm. With beet wis bee, your, eta, Gsxmoa OjrrjanoDn. ' (Uttr from Gor 0nr to pig v!i, WaHf Gray.) Jury 10. 100 Doer Welti Just few lines today, flame old etory; two measly pule or ders an week. Bhauld have had a do sea at least Hav dieoover ed that Jeblotto Lead am hav ha getting moat of them. They have a new man out. I aaderotofid, If I could eateh eight of htm once It would help soma, but aa It Is X don't kacw him from Adam. Well, It to an eld saying that It's a torfg lane that has aa turn, a I might as wet) take Ue in Blue; A Story of the Road Ymm af TF - - - liy Xt JbAOITlOrO . - , Th young tody to We etlll fleeto along to light, bat to toll Ue truth, know ee little beat her low ea when X laat wrote yen. he apratoed an ankle Ue ether day In get- : tlag aS a train, and I had to ahaae aftar a deotor Ua get thing. Waan't -anyUing rtom, UougV and Mtn. jny aaaiatonoe to ble to navigate about all right. It neitUa me aomewkat to think that abe will not looaan up a kit aad aatlefy my eurloarty, but. well, aftar all. It neae ef my bualneaa who aha la ' er what ah keadlea, aad aa long aa he'll kelp break Ue tedium ef Ue read life by going to th shew and taking an eecaatonal drivo with me, I auppeae I aheulda't eom pinto. Evan the purely platonle aoolety of handaome wemaa to by no means to be ' anaaaed at, - - ., Hav ohopped out drink and aarda alnoa I mt her and actually believe I am money ahead, i She certainly to aa Interacting worn an, and the myatery that nrrounda her reama to make her all the more charming. But aa I am rounding out Ue final tewna ef my territory for thla trip, and will have to run In new In a few daya. Ue chaueee are ahe'U atlently fade from view, and the only reeol lactioo left for me will be that aha waa a pretty girl la blue. Ah. well, auob la Ufa in thto kuay world af aura. Oxonen Onpnioin : .-- - - -i- (Lttr frm A. Httmaner, TrrUng Saletaaan tor tt lUal Hovat.V July wo, iBon-aaaaara. jomoixa aiewa-, - . . . .. . . - Wheleeato Iry Ooode-Dear Slr: Flea And Form Good Habits of Worn and Then liood iBERS to no g ma tee aid to auoceaa in all the walk ef life Una Ue cany forma tion ef good habit et work. " Habit." ui rrox. wuiiam jeroe". k-j- , ' ehologiat, " la, the anormoua flywheel ' of aoclety." The flywheel furnlahee no pow er, but It to aeoond to Importance only to the engln r th dynamo Uat does furnleh It for It makea It poaaible to ao apply given amount ef power as to produce Ue maximum of reault wttk th minimum f wear and tear upon the maohinery. The man without good habita of work la an engine without a flywheel. He constantly le expending hi energy time or no purpoeo. "deciding whetleahd H BXt,' and haw-tit shall do It than a man with good habita would require for chooelng and doing the teak' He runs ao feat at time, slows dowa so fast at other times, la ao Irregular and un- ' certain In all hi movement, that ha con stantly to breaking dowa or getting every thing out Of gear, and expending hie energy tq no purpose, or to wore than none HbowWcM f ttycklog It Valuabl The mot! Important lessons regarding the need tor the early aoqulrement of good habita and the beet method of forming them are taught hy psychology. A knowledge of ' piyehology to not regarded generally aa help -ful to the struggle for material auceesa. but Its teachings regarding habit are of the moat practical nature, and every worker, and par ticularly every young worker, ahould be familiar with Uem. . We usually think of habit a a mental and moral phenomenon, Psychology shows Uat at bottom It to a physical f aca-a atate ef the nervous tissue. Water In flowing kollewa ut a channel for Itself. Whan It flows again unlees diverted It will nan In the aame ohan ' net glmllarly when an Impression from eny object eeuece n nerve currant to flow from the pert of th human body where the Im pression la made to the brain and thence out ward to th muscles and la consequence aome act rssvilta the current makea a channel for Itself to Ue substance composing the nervous system. )-' ,"4 - Ntrwg Current Wart CfcaanL gutoeequently, when 'the aame Impression la made again by the aame object, the aame nerue currant will tond to flew through Ue lnloeedatoordeimevet1nyeeer4ayM ruU partleulara aa nauak laetoaed aaoh. Ae before atatedt your ragular tra lining up aeem amlabto gentlemen, and, with the good treaameat you'll give them, know will be ateyera. Three esoepted, the new ao uialtlona to the paetmewU I have keen oat re Bottatock'e eld ouetomera. Have foUowed j6ttr advice to eloaely trail Ueir man, to - pretty ohlntn eurtaina that entirely conceal get the monopoly of the temple noma abeedthe bednd purohaae a email gaa atove that of him, eta., ato,, and fortune aeems t have oan te hidden to the otoaetrwhen eaUere ptayea inia my nanae m nia reapoov I have reitrenoe to a young taay in wue. , the aaema be going over the aeme route and la taking up eonalderable ef hla attention, Pon't know her line er anything about It, except that It practically givea me a walk away. If aha ware a prefeaaloanl haadleap par aha couldn't ptoy bar part any better with him. I hare ell the time I need In a town, and I apare, before Oadarode gtta "llmaalf tagetSer."Ieertalnrr ahairnoTS6iH plaln if tot good thing laete for weeka to noma aa everything to coming my way exocpt to bualneaa. r 1 ' yVUm raapeota. A. Htnnun. ''' " V (Latter f rm tk Girl In Bin t Jh lotti S Undent.) " Jpblotto ft Laudem. Wboleaale Dry Qood -Oontlemen: Tour at band. Will oo;.aa you auggeet and etart atonee for Mr, WaKer -Orar1 territory,-Am glad reaulto tor your man wore ao highly eatlef aetory. Truat you . may be able to grv a aimllar report next , -months If Mr. Gray nrove aa eaay aa waa Mr nndernde T am aiire m wlft I thank " - - A a W - I 1 u B n.MV .Mir y. '. l-.r - i. tim uuuj aa By S O. aame channel aad diaoharg In the eeme aot, and, If a given eeneatioa la cauaed er permit ted by the will frequently te be followed by a given aot the aet preeently wtll be performed without the conaclona volition et the eetor In other werda, will become habitual. 1 A man usually doean't think about putting on hla ahoe or hla necktie In the morning. The tmpreion cauaed by Ue eight ot Uem diaoharg automatically In Ue not ef put ting them on, whlle-thetr owner probably to thinking of aomething entirely different Moat of Ue common aota ef me are per- da-AuioniUamnin.t, KyiU man la a bunaie or nunoreas or neons channels through which nervous currents, If not estopped by the will, promptly discharge Into their appropriate aota when extraneoua objects cause Ue eeneatlone by which thoae acta often have been preceded. Many habita become practically reflex action. It to tor tunata that thla la so. If a man alwaya bad to atop and atudy whloh leg to put into hla trousers flrst. how to beadle hie knife and fork, what ear to take, aa ka did Ue flret time he performed thoae acta, he would have a time or energy left In which to at tend , to the mor dlAoult and Important dutiaa of Ufa. . " : Dally Wrl a Matter f Bablt. Now, it I Juat aa practicable I make the performance et many port! one ef ene'a dally work largely er wholly habitual as It Is to mak walking or putting on one's ahoea so, and everybody whe la ambitious to attain high auoceaa ahould striv to do thla, tor It ha twe great advantage. " Oaa la Uat It -saves energy aad promote expertoeaa A' teak which Is done automatically la easily and usually well done. Secondly, when a man. by the formation of good habita, haa -acquired euoh perfect mastery ef all the lmpl regular details of hla work Uat be can attend to them almost wtUeut thinking ebout them, hla mind ia left fre aad un wearied to cope at tta full power wttk naw aad compiles tod dutls aa Uey ens, .: .. .. ., : Habit GuHi tk Snrtfeon'g Uplf . It largely Is habit which enables a Mor gan er a James J. Hill to transeot rhe aner- 1 moug amount ef bueinesa be dell' turn cat.' : Lig'ht Kotiselteeping' First Year of By HigK S. I T to aatd by peraomi wko kava bad per eoual aeonalnunoe wltv people worth milll an a the woman, ear not handle torte auma at money and that no woman ever bad the maater mtod to ananoe. f -, . Whether tola to trfce or net It to oertatm that tip to t&M a women la the beat financier. After aha yeta above that aura aha may not be able to handto it aa wall a a man woald but below that aho can aceompOak mar- vela Am matter of faot men do not deaorve tho areolt tor becomln mnilonalraa .-The eredlt hould belonc to the Women. They maaipu- , uTtoemtV -oh advnae'thatth.y. baeame dollar and then the huabandmanip- nlaiee the tfoUart until they beoom teaa Kowbere to woman' aonuy m nancna ymall auma te advamtare tbown more dearly , that to MM keoaakeaptof. -. usit esBtvtsi !. ' For the benefit ot thaae who e net nder atand the torn It to aeceaeary te explain that Urkt-konaekeeptov to area between beard tn and keuMkoepu wkiek to reeorted to by people whe have net money aneuch to da either aapeelally by yonnt eeuplea wheae laeema to reatHote4. whe easnet purohaae furniture tinttt tkey have aaved money enetifh. and te wbenj boardto even at to a week eaek to eu et tkequeetlon. The man who, with a liffct henaekaeptms to. man aaamta IndPtdbdlA Jk da(klaivew aoatUtota. MietoW akeuid .tody toe, problem earefuliy. We wtouia marry one ex two daaaee et ftrla altbar eelleae bred (lrt whe ewna a eaaAnf dlitk or a elerk In aotne eterewbe baa ruyported keraelt. paid carfare, aad dreaeed keraelt e M a week beaidea going to the maUad twtoe a week. rrom many etondpoiato toe soilage girl wlU be beat, aa eke probably will have mora wed ding piaaeeto and mar pkUoaophyi bat the working girt baa her ftdvantagea ale, and It to ertoln that aha will enjoy the mail amuaementa Uay eaa afford more keenly than tk etoet girl. - ; Lar t Say "Our apartmanta." The next thing ot tmportanoe i after get ting married and apendlng more money Uaa can afford en ue honeymoonla to aetue dowa In roots a for light housekeeping. The firet aaaanttal atep la to practice aaylng " our pertmentf " or " our flat," and aaylng We cannot bear to think ef boarding." bet adda tone and reopeotablUty to light houeekeeplng Two room are. deelrable. bnt Hgbtkouae keeplng aen be done In one room with an wove. If the aloove room la reaorted) to. bare It aeparated from Ue living roonv by appear on the aoene auddenly. ' BIX feet ef robber boae, oonneottog Ue gee atove with Ue gaa Jet, complete the arrange ment " The atove ahould be planed en top of U ahlrt walat box near the window, whloh oa be opened to carry off Ue odor et frying oniona. for tnetenee, thereby allay ing any auaptclon Uat may arlao that you are cooking In the room Some peopla pre- pl.lwa;.thei mtnvm on ton of the bureau. aa the height la more oonvenlent, but per aoaally I prefer Ue ahlrt wale boat, and am etrongly agnlnet placing Ue atove en one of the ehalm . .'T;" Eat Off Shirt WU . , Never make Ue mtatake ot having t regular dining room table. Uaa the tea table, or the card table, or, to a pinch tt to real Jolly end homelike to eat of the ahlrt walat box. -in oaa sne win haa brought Ue ehaflng dink from home, uaa that In preference to the gee atove, although It coata to buy alcohol, making the ehaflng dlah "more axpenaive. aapeelally - to . vm. rh. M 1 -Tfl IMIHT IT.T1 UT uw ., .r. mivm tone nnd rW - Dunn, It no lee to habit which unerrtagry guide Dr. Bonn' keif a he pertorma aa amaalng number of surgical operation to a day, and doe them all better than the average aur geon ooWld do any of them. St ia by acquir ing good habit Uat tho meohanio beoome tho moat expert workman in hla line. - It la never a question WtoeUer ono eh form good habit or none. The questional waya la whether there ahaB be formed good habits ar bad one. For th on kind or th other, by th notion of a law ef nature, in evitably will be developed, Fortunately It uauaUX-to. aesjiJhitart to form a good habit a a bad on t aet nervoue ourrenta te discharging In th right gets aa In Ue wrong oaee.- It is as easy to gat tho habit of proceeding directly with the work at head aa ef procrastinating ebout It, of flx- , Ing the entire attention upon It aa of let ting the mrnd constantly wander off to other things, of doing It carefully and weal ae ef doing ft aareleaaly and U. '-. . Farm Go4 Bnklta Wkn.Ton. : -Too muck atress eaknot be laid upon tho Importance ef beginning to form good bablta of work when young. The eubataaoe aom poslng the atrrou system Is pleerlo than end -nerve eurreats may bellow cbanaela through tt where tkey wlU. Aa time peases th new ous tlaauea harden and It grows more difficult t hollow asw ehanaela through them and am up th old eaea-ia ether worda, to form w aad break ld habita Personal habita. auah aa thoae ot geeture. pronunciation, ad- dreee, usually are Axed before . Business aad proreeatona! habits usually are Irrevooex - hly flsed between to and SO. The man who has not beoome a feat, Steady, capable work- er at to wtll keen great dtffleuMy In ever coming eae, while th en who haa beoome euoh a worker at Uat age uaually will al ways be one. - " Habit a aeoond nature! Habit la ton times net are," aald Urd WeMmgtoa. There was profound phtlaaophy In thla remark, and It was philosophy born of esperterice, for WwWagtoa, who In childhood wee eohaidered tuoh a duno hi own mother eould not beat t heva him star hr. ksoams one ot the "greeteal aoldlera. diplomatists, and statssf' men of b'e ge by asaldueualy gultiratlng the 1 is I'tm Married Life. Fullerton; ' apeotablMty which doe hot aeeompeirjwthe . yea atora, and yaa to mudk more refined than ooal etl. Ukder noetroumstoneeamnatthedtshoab dlapiayed alee It happens that aome one ' baa liven you a let et pretty eblnn aa wed- dine preaant to which, eaae the china eaould '" ehown in every poaolble place. If you, have bought utilitarian ehlna. plaoe an extra aheU Pu U there. DUhwaiWny la aa Important ttarn 14 you have runnln water to th. rooma nae the ' wulibowl waalnk. llnot, invent t amedlum aiaad waahpan. Which, alao wul do for wanh-. -ttandtoara. ttcleetbat are expenalve when aent to-the V .; -v ; '' i Skart List f Kltcktawar, y- tt the eloaet kappena to be amal), Uebeat Plea to to Inveat to two ahlrt wetoe boaoa aovered wttk pretty print alota, and to tkeae keep the atove and the eroekary, dlah ware, and pota -and pane. One pot. ewe ataea et akilleta. and tore entail granite ware pen a wiX be auflieiont to outfit the aai tire eetabllahmeat. ; Tkeae thtoca muat be keptewteteUkVand for thto reaaoa Ue ehafing dlak'eapart kaa the beat at the argument, aa the eheflidlak pot only to aim eat a naetul tor eooklng aa th gaa atove. but alao to ornamentot and ede tone, to the eatabllatitnent. - - The proper thtof to do when warn toe jhafn dtok to to tow teieauage Cage to make Ue tobto aleU-wktoks keapg up Ue appeareaoe, - . , ' ' " - v '..,' Try to aeeure room a with a bedJovnge ana of the kind that "hae a 0lg Vox tinder It and make p Into a big lounge to anytime and a bed night. Tbeyar herHhtyua eemfertabl and Uua eerve a double pur poto, tor U young eeuple e aaoomfno. detownnjipeotedaemneelybyaiklng down Ue eouek and at to tone tael eeured Uat U gueet wm no return until the hole Ue loungmakewktobekkare UA M f tHayv The aueetlon ef culaine to not a Important to young married oouptoa aa moot people eup poae. UnUl toe honeymoon practtoally la over Uey both axe eahemed to have beatthy appeUtaa ' That la true-people muck to love with eaok other aeem to think Uat being' hungry la too matertallatlo for Uelr taata The ideal bill ef fare tor the young married eeuple to Ula: Or&na iTld4, BrmkfaM fooa. On . .' , ': . ' Toaat. - . ... , ' I.UNCH. - . , ''Oraekr. ' OoM ham a I DraxEK; B( Imfflw (eenoenaed beef). -- Lttuoe eftleA . Maeeronl. with cheeea. : . , ' . . Angel moe. They ean Jrv on. that tor $ a week and live well. . , Utar Do Soma Kal Eatlnjt. ' ; After Uey have been married five moatha -Ue bill ef fere win be aomeUtng like thtot . Veml i BRBACTASt. ; , : Kound ataak. . r: PAMkwkeet enkev.' Coffee. ... LUNCH." Jlyo bread. wtenerwuratn . BINNEIt . . Canned aoon, " Canned earn. Canned Corned beef aad eabnage. Canned peeebea. . . . CoSee. " After on yer ther wfH nave aeoaverecV fhelr appetite but by Uat time they wal have aaved enough to moyo eat ef Ue light houeekeeplng rooma and Into a flat of their awn. trtir tner ean oooK caooaga iwtuwua . - eeuxtng proteee tvom the Wont is fcasy. bablta ot thorongh preparation tnanlck de- clalon.. f ttccauf 1 WrKrg Ar Well TrnlavtA. Many man fancy they ean get U host " results by waiting for the " mood " to work to coma It ia better to work alway. hoping Uu to run Into Ue desired mood. . 'Whot ' f k have f Mt of 1 Ud IS eng.- I aould Byron with hi geoiua not accomplished it he bad had tho habit i work of Blr Walter goottt What eould J not hare done with Ue habit et Long lei- - low? Utnnklln when young wrote schema of dally work aad diversion which . be afterward always eloaely followed as tor a We practicable, and th eminent euo- waa due ne lese to hla syetamatl habttoot work and play than to hi natural goals. Mr. Armour established hi great packing business, Mr. Carnegie became tb world' Iron king, sir. Gladstone and Mr. Roose velt became the flret statesmen of Usif time, largoly through Ue development won youngef habit ef strenuous aad methedloat . applloatlen, - ;, v c ' - Carry Out Tour Cooi Rsiolmtloaa. The nervous ayatem whloh Is n bwndle of had habita la Ha possessor's woref aad most -Inveterate enemy. Th nervoue syetem' WhVok to bundle of good habtts I tta poe- -aesaor's moat faithful and efficient ally. , Prof. Bala, Or. Maudaley. prof. James, aad other psychologist have laid down aeveral aoiantlflo rule by strictly adhering to whloh every man may make hla nervous system hi ally. Never do repeatedly aa act which yon weuld not went te become habitual, for every act to aa fnoipleat habit : Seise the flrat and every oppertenHy- to carry out a good resolution. Make ae meny useful ae- ' tlana aa yon eaa habitual, and wasa yoa have-begun to' try to. acquire a good habit -never suffer aa eneepttan te it untu it ha become firmly rooted. In endeavoring te break bad habita don't try to taper, off," but absolutely break them at ones. Kesp the faculty ef effort alive " by constant ex ercise. The man who aeleata Intelligently the habita he wishes to form and adbere atrlotly to these rule mey not acbisve en eminent suoeesa. bot he will be much mora successful and much happier than If he fete hliaecir drift thoughtleseiy and nitbout any fegard to eenaequeaose, ' i . a r "1 V