F the more than 80,000,000 people i in this country, : probably .not , more than 1,000 have" seen the California condor, solitary, 'iranger , 6f the heavens, in freedom y only two people ' have, ever : made picture of the 'condor; and The Sunday Journal is the first paper to pu lish thephotographs. -The ; con ; dor is the largest ' bird in the s world and ' the;, wildest; i of "its i habits; appearance and character v4- istics " comparatively" Kttle ws known-untiL Williart " I "Finley - and Herman T. Bohlman of this city 'made a study of it, and -got . on terms of such intimacy with it that they were, able to watch the Incubation and to feed and handle iind photograph : the -yonng pd take pictures of ; the : old : birds. This, took many weeks of delicate -work butlhe naturalists. were re - paid for their. toil bywhat it pro duced. When you - . have, read -hatthey-nojtetl you can tear out the encyclopedia articles on "the Condor j they,, were written by people who had never seen the bird. It may be mentioned that 'onJhetriphe made to study , the ..California condorMr. Finleyal most lost his life. .- r ? ' WORLDS MOST NOTABLE WOIVffiN -RallU. By Evelyn Montagu. (Cepyrigbt U the Salted State sad Great Britain by Cutis Brows, AU Rlgkta Strictly fteerrved.) , , ' y , . , ' FTER achieving ft phenomenal success, the , Empress : club. which waa for yeara the swell est woman's club in London, went down with a craah AS-orrrclatt receiver la in possession of the gorgeous rooms where titled damea and ther attendant satellites were wont to hold htghtrevela, and eredltor-ar-ruefully figuring on their probable loasea.- ' The story of the rise and fall of tha . - ) -ej r n . i PuCEvSii.' X I rrrr 7 TOnll i . I I " X - 4 $ :;;: y ,.m.m..,.y :p. ...V i l .rvj f".J a tjz . I a i f 1 l HE CalifornU condor ia th wfldi I , Mt and rarMt bird In tb world.' i ; What ha bean wHttan of U " baa bn apocryphal, baoauaa tba wrltara navar knaw anything mora about tt than what waa told them by oma ona wh aald ha knaw aoma ona who thouiilt ho had aaan tha huva, lonaly danlaan of tha akr alnk to raat on, tba hlcheat branch of ft lt-htntnr-blaatad ptna far up toward tha loftleat peak of aoma untravaled mountain.' In all ' tha muaouma and hlatorlo aaaocta tlona .and aolontino aootetlea of tha ri4 thm ara but 40 cm of tha Cali fornia oondor; tha dlacovary of A con-1 dOra neat la a matter or international tntereat. Mr. Flnley and Mr. Bohlman were offered a, larce aum to kill the blrdaTortnfflnr for an aaatarn nui Mun. Tbalr condora are -till free, the only atrn of Ufe amid the deadly do latlon of the Ban. Bernardino mountalna. It waa known. that two condor bad an aerie amid the upper faatneaeaa of the "Ban Bemadoon" mountalna; aoma proapectora. gaaplnr In the heat ofa verdlfrla-eolored akjr. had bean atartled to aea a shadow way acroaa tnetr pain when no aloud waa In the heaven, and had noted the majeatlo Wrda awlnainc In araat drcl .ulTered far orerbaad. v f , It waa atorr auch aa that that took rtnlay and Bohlman to California and to ft little town that neatlaa tn a-ralley that la HtUe mora than ft canyon ba EmproTnhib-ahod-. an - illiimlnatlng light on certain phaaea ef Engllah ao clety, which Lord Charles Bereeford. in hla blunt,, unoom promising aallor fash ion, declares to be -eaten out with the canker of money and ."rotten from top to bottom." The Empreaa club bowed down at the shrine of the golden calf. and when disaster overtook It wu r puaTated li its idol. Though In 111 oar; liar yeara the .management exercised sufficient discrimination, concerning tho moral qualifications for membership to aatlafy the by no means etrlngent no tlona of what constitute respectability In modern society, a spelled with the . i,5 . f t - P .' r- i':;;N;;-;iv; ir vv " r v. OF.mfrK&Sll CLUB . . twn great . . mountain. Daya : were apent in watching the heavena for ft algn of the condora and the watcher almost gave up the search In despair, when one evening they saw tbalr quarry. The men who hunt with cameras . re- lu,u 'r uum.. . t""1,"? ".'Cl lnracirto thentountalna. began a search lor tha condors - near. Tney found It under ft hug rock, that waa almost ft cay; there- had been no effort at houeebutldlng on . the 1 part of the condora; there waa hollow amid tha shale and debris, and there lay one egg of dull bluish-white color," and about ( by tnchee. Tha condor laya but one egg. In ft season, and It Is a question whether the season la once ' year or once In two year. It waa hour before .their feeding arounda extended away to New Mexico and al most to the borders of lower California. Day- after day. the men watched the mat,- end as -time pasaed ther-fear-of the condora dteappeared and the hunt- tlr"n in EngJiahllournalau.lattarlylt threw ita doors open wide to those who could pay the-price and go -the paoe. In conaequenoe,' for ft time, money poured Into lta coffers, and the receipts of the department which catered to luxurious tastes 1n the matter- of solid and liquid refreshments especially the latter Increased enormously. - But among those who obtained admis sion by means of the goldeh key. were several women who had committed the unpardonable -aln -of being found out. Then people began to whlaper-unpleasant things about the club, which scandal-mongers carried far and wide. The management, blind to " everything but the flnateaal condition, allowed matters to drift from bad to worse. Titled folk began ; to ' drop ' out. Those who had joined for. tha sake of gaining social preatlg followed the lead ef tbelr lady ships, with many protests of righteous indignation against the contamination to which tbey had unwittingly exposed themselves. , Aa long aa the duchesses and eountesaea tarried, they cared not a jot to what extent , their skirts were besmirched by brsshlng against the gar ments of women of dubious reputation Butwhen.lbt peeressea.vanlshedVlheLr morale were shocked and they betook themselves elsewhere in pursuit of vir tue and social exclualreness. The man agement found itself powerless to atop the stamped, and there was nothing left to do but wind it up and turn the aaseta over to the' creditors. . . The club waa founded as ft aort of commemoration of the sixtieth anniver sary of the accession to the throne of the empress queen. . At ' leaat that Is what Its promoters asserted, and there by justified their: assumption of the grand old lady's Indian title. Very Cheap Advertising. r , " ' , Philanthropy wa Just-be ginning- to be the fashion, and another happy Idea of the executive was to give one shilling (25 cents) out of every member's sub scription 4o the' Prince of -Wales (now the king's) hospital fund. Few people figured out what a very small percent tage of tha subscription fee IS cents represented, and the. action 'waa loudly applauded as" evidence or praiseworthy loyalty and self-denying devotion to-a deserving charity. - Stilt shrewder was the wisdom dis played In getting together a lot of titled women. to XUl. the. ornamental position, The club, opened Its doora with a list of 10 vice-presidents, every one ft peer ees, headed by her grace, the Duchess of Leeds, the original of Sarah Grand's heroine Ideala." English .society la nothing ' If not snobbish. ' Women tumbled over one another In their eager ness to be enrolled among these exalted representatives of feminine aristocracy. Tha presence of several American worn, en of title furnished equally attractive bait, owing to tha supposed length of their purees. Among them were Lady Tankervllle. who waa one of the vice presidents, "Bind Lady - Resfceth, Lady Arthur. Butle. Lady Cooper and aeveral others, who Joined aa life members. . In abort whlie tb ahib outgrew it era had a chance to view them at com paratively doe rang. ; . . . A Queer-Looking Bird. . The condor la a atranaa-looklnr bird. The head la aa bald aa lava rock and ni umur TW ' ' vt "'"" the tlahUy dcawn akin of the older - lnrga - ia nntwnwn luuuui w which extends to the crop; about the neck la ft ruff of black feathers, which glvea the oondorL with bis big, unwink ing eyea, ft moat ludicrous appearance. On the knee la a great , patch of - red skin; the under part of the wing, which heve'anMretob" ofaboutlJ feet, are white; the rest of the bird la black. He la a' aUent fowl, and aU the time Sir. Flnley and Mr. Bohlman watched the parents but once did they utter a sound that waa like ft grunt of ft pig, and aa the condor seemed to be In an easy frame of mind It was taken aa an expression of satisfaction. f On day'the female condor did not go out to feed, and the hunters knew original premise.- The subscription fee waa increased from three guineas (flS.7l) to SO guinea (UST.tO), but even that latter price waa considered cheap for the privilege of aoraplog up an acquaintance with ft baroneaa, a countess or possibly ft ducheaa. - Just before tha stampede began. It was pro posed to raise tba annual subscription fee to 50 golflftta. aft numerous weie Ulel applicant for admission. The manage ment built at enormous expenaa ft mag nificent palace In Dover street Moat Luxurious Club. ; In the matter of furnishing-and deoora tlons (n all-around np-to-datenesa tha Bm press clubhouse was probably the moat luxurious and perfectly appointed establlabmentfof Its kind In the world. No expense waa spared in Ita embellish ment Magnificence was aimed at and achieved. And it auoceeded by leaps and bounds. It waa the first woman's club that dkred to provide ft 'smoking-room for women; the first too, that ventured on ft billiard-room. At the innovations Mrs. Grundy raised her vtrtuous eye brows and exclaimed, "What nextt" The question was answered later. , It waa not the smoking-room, nor the bllllard-room. nor the refreshment-bar which wrecked the Empress.- In th daya of feminine emancipation club women will wink at all these things, and more. But clubwomen have not yet reached : the point where they ' will tolerate association with women whose reputations won't stand investigation not at leaat when such association cease to be sanctified by the saving presence of ducbessee and eountesaea and othsr damea of high degree.' What ployed bavoo with the Empress waa the aparlng use made of the black ball. Elated by lta succeaa, the man agement grew Indifferent to everything but money. Practically any woman who could furnish a banker's reference as gusxanUe of ability : to- pey-t he ubscii p tlon fee was admitted to membership. In this way second-rate actresses with shady reputations, divorcees and women who had chosen "protection" In pref erence to the more rigid ties of matri mony gained entrance to the clubV ... Some; Notorious Cueata. . . . , Thy Draught in a their guests men who were notorious rakes. ' The atmos phere' of the club became decidedly rowdylsh. " It waa no uncommon sight to see. waiters-hurrying about ae-enr!y aa 10 . m, with brand lea and sodas, pick-me-ups, cocktails and liqueurs. Among the last a particularly instdloua aort of absinthe was tha favorite and was pro curable nowhere else In London. Rightly or wrongly, there are not ft few men In London who blame the Empress for having made their wives dlposomanlacA Tha excise people told appalling tales ef the quantity of Intoxicants sold there. But the management had an ye only for Increased receipts, and grew gleeful over the evidence of growing prosperity. The most objectionable people were the freest spenders. ' The notorious Earl Cowley,' who has been corespondent In various divorce case, waa a constant visitor at the Empreaa. Man who h4 lost algal of tha period of Incubation - had begun. Tbey drew closer to the nest, and marveled aa the day passed ' at the Infinite patience of tha female," which never left the nt r.-arnt-t-th-TTmtt- I Das. cf the male, which every night brought home food and fed hla mate. Then the time began to get long .for tha -wstchers; three, weak a paaaed, and no chick appeared; another, week-and the" female still brooded. At the end of that llmelhe men haato-go-baefc to town a two day a trip -for . food. i : .' ' .. . . -A Ravenous Youngster. ". '. They returned In four day and when they looked at the neat ft piece of egg aheU waa lying near. They gently moved the mother bird,' and there waa the- flueeresr sight" they "had ever seen. Master Condor was all " eyea and leg; black, bar and aolemn, and aa big aa tbelr divorced wives for years met them there, reposing luxuriously in Louis XVI chairs. It may perhaps be considered to the credit of the club that It waa tha means of bringing about the remarriage of some halt dosea divorced couple. , A Chance Meeting.. "- ' - Wo such happy reaint . however, fol lowed the meeting between Mrs, Brown Potter and bar ex-huaband, after yeara of eeparatlon. J 8ne wa xupplng at the club one evening with ft party of friends and he with another, and It ao happened that the tables faoed each other... Mrs. Potter's drama tlo training stood her in good atead and aha behaved aa though nothing unusual waa In progress, but the unfortunate Potter waa rendered so painf uUy ' nervoue that he eapalsed bottle of champagne, and with a very red face beat a haaty retreat from the room. He never eroased the portal of the Empress again. . The decline in the elub'a reputation after the introduction of the rowdy element waa accelerated by the mysteri ous fashion in which the belongings of members and thalr friends disappeared. For the last year or ao no one dreamed of leaving anything In the cloakroom. Women walked about with thelr-wrap and any other paraphernalia they might have brought with them. When they aat down they deposited them in their laps, but even such- precautions did not al ways avail. .Tblnga occasionally van ished right under their owners' nose. Here is an instance.- A guest having updone her lace scarf, pinned to the tablecloth, for the sake of security,-the small jeweled brooch with which it was fastened. When., she rose from the table at the conclusion of her lunch ah discovered that it was missing. ' . ' - ' ., ' ', The Theft of .the Brooch. "My brooch baa gone," aha aald to her JioatesWyet-yett- eewm-phr ttto the cloth." . The servant who ' had 'Waited upon them was summoned and questioned, but he protested that he hsd never seen it "The trinket? aald the' owner, "la not worth half a sovereign.' I simply value It because It belonged to a dear friend. But to whomsoever finds it I shall give II.". ..-v - ' Before she left tha premises, however, the '"lost" article wna restored to her by the servant who had waited at the table. Me had ""found" It he aald, uJ der tha table -- - - -.- . "My brooch-war itoten, said the lady. "My ruse to get It back haa been suc cessful, and although it is worth 1100 I have no intention of giving you tbe II I promised for lia return." . Among . other thlnga which helped bring the Empress low was woman'a grand capacity for breaking rules. : Now no one who knows anything of woman in the aggregate would accuse her of be. Ing generous In the matter of tips, which are, of course,' rigidly forbidden in all clubs. At the same time, if it .suits her purpose, she can be liberal to the point of lavlshaess. If a woman sits In her club all the afternoon and alps liqueurs, or brandy and soda, what will the attendants who wait upon her think and say if aba does not, tip them freely, r . - t a good ataed rooster, no hissed violently when disturbed. Then the' male condor was kept busy; he had to find food for mate and I-.-.--- . . . ' . . . - - . . M Tcmca. ana nan ixxue nine -zor piay. He fed hla family exaotly as a pigeon feeda her young; but the appetite of th baby-condor was a thing to marvel at Flnley and "Bohlman took pity on the old condor, and shared their meat with the Oliver Twist of the family, which at It greedily, and .apparently to the eatlafactlon of the mot hen For four months the men watched the btrda, and got on very good terms with all of them: but in all of that time the chick never one left the net; the female rose . very 'rarely. ' The plotur ahoira - the young bird'- four f Under the free and easy state of af fairs that obtained In the latter years of tha club the servant soon cam to realise their powers and levied what virtually amounts to blackmail. "I am very sorry, madam, but I ahall have to report you - to the secretary," was an observation that' frequently proved worth 15 to the menial -: who Uttered it.- Toward the end the servanTgTn, became completely demoralised and the management by thla time deeply In debt to their staff as well aa to-the trades people, lost control . completely and did A.J, ... r ,wr,' mid II c-"w . ?( i .-. rV month old, weighing II pound, .and ith'ft eparse covering of queer look. tng feathers. ''He 'Will be elx months old before he leaves the nasV-and-. 1 1 wUl be some time after; that before be la able' to fly, -'- ' . ''.''' The California condor Is a coasln of the . condor of the Andes, tat baa Buchmor. limited range than the southern bird. It was stated that one had been seen in eastern Oregon, but Flnley Is Inclined to doubt this. Ac cording t- Anthony -ba Is never seen north of San Francisco, east of Ariaona or south of Lower California.- not ventureTloquestIStr inythinar they did. Members who did not tip freely and frequently wer snubbed . and neglected. .' ,-:'. . . . - - The Death Blow.- -' ; .But one. morning several papers an nounced to an astonished world that ft certain member of the Empreaa club d for beany ft week icslded- on the premises with her "maid" and .then, without ft veatige of delicacy proceeded (Continued on Following Paga) - - - - - , - m- msk ''.-Vi "v '