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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
' ,v, V ' i r in LL-. H ) I I I III I I M I I) M i. (LLT f ll T7Er7E PLAI7IIED T6 IIAUD THE BTJ0IE3T DAYO tiiac the iioirTn ever lhje7 . ,..f Hundreds, of magnificent values go on tale tomorrow. Monday will be a day of absorbing interest to everybody concerned in the securing of best merchandise at prices usually associated with inferior sorts. Every value is one of exceeding merit and truly unprecedented, and as a whole form an aggregation so formidable that all interested in the virtue of economy must appreciate and recognize the extraordi nary importance and true significance of this' most unusual merchandising event. SO COME TOMORROW , OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS YOU CAN iri.iT?jmsrrr ; No previous season has found us so well equipped to meet the demands for good merchandise at popular prices. From America's foremost manufacturer we have gathered the best of their styles in MEN'S WEAR and in offering them to the men of. Portland we offer them the very best values your money can by at the price.. 91.00 For Golf Shirts : Worth $U5---New arrivals in Men's Golf Shirts, all the new est patterns and shades, in fancy strtpes'and - plain colors;, a garment worth $1.25. Mon day and Tuesday .. .. ...... . . 91.00 SO For Men's Shirts Worth 75c-A few " odd lines in Men's Golf Shirts, all sizes and colors, large assortment to select from ; reg ' ular 50c and 75c values. 7 Special for Mon- ' day; and Tuesday at. . . ... . . . . . . .. . . .30 i 25 For Neckwear Worth 50c Complete ; assortment of fancy Windsor Ties in plaid, checks and polka dots, made of best quality : silt,1 an extraordinary offering; our regular. 60c tiesrSpeciaTMonday and Tuesday 25 25 For . Lisle Suspenders Worth 35c Men's imported loom and lisle web Suspen ders with, matched leather en -Is and glare -clasp fasteners, full length, fancy or plain colors ; regular 85c values. ' Special Mon- ' day and Tuesday ! at .... ... . .... .25 10. For Half Hose Worth 35c Men's best grade black cotton Half Hone with . double heel and toe, good reliable value; regular : price 85c . Monday, and Tuesday at - , ...... m mm mn .- . f .10 ; Suit Case SaleV.A:.; 'A complete line of Suit Cases in full leather, imitation and fiber grass, ih all sires', fin ished with brass lock and clasps, reinforced corners, every : one n ! exceptional value. Special prices range from $1.58 up to ?10 TTTBoysVBloiatso WaiSts : More'hew amvablof thefamous X Sc E." ,-' Boys' Blouse jVts, all sizes,aILcolors ; - rood 76cvsluesJ3peciat Monday and 1 ues- day at 77.. .v....-. -..ovy Hen's Ilua - lin Nicht .Robes . special shipment 7of new '. summer f Night Robes, fine t white muslin, neat ly trimmed. . Spe cail prices : ; Our suit room, is bright with bargains. Our prices are always low, but we can positively state that customers never at. any similar time of year had such values presented them as we quote fr tomorrow. ;r ? ' : : ; ; til5 Cilh Duita ;Bt;plO These are not the ordinary kind, but ate of New arrivals in Women's and Misses' Box U:-: r-. . ValllC3 the" most advanced style, cut: generously full and made of good grade taffeta, all sizes", colors, black, blue, gray and green ; regular $15.00 values , frA A A Special Monday and Tuesday .'4) I UUv ale of Oaxnplo Waists at Wholesale Cost . Hundreds of dainty waists in white and colors at actual cost to manufacture. These are a manufacturer's sample line which we bought at 50c on the $1X30. "Never before have we made such an astoniahing,offering.T These aire good waists, stylish, handsome and made from the season's choicest fabrics. Do not fail to take advantage of the sale. In order to appreciate the beauty, daintiness and smartness and to recognize the full importance of these values one should visit the department and make comparisons with what is shown elsewhere. EVERY WAIST IN THIS SAMPLE LINE AT EXACTLY WHOLESALE COST. Wash Shirts, Spool Valnes Women's White Coats Women's Wash Skirts, made of good grade , linen, India Head, duck, and covert cloth, in' -a variety of pretty new styles, pleated,. circular and gored effects." Come in white and colors. . Perfect fitting garments. Ex- x ceptional values at 81UMf , O AP , 81.25, 81.85 .. . ..... ... . i . .. QL.y U Coats, made of high grade novelty suitings Wash; Petticoats in' blue' and gray cham in checks and plaids: Styles are all the very bray, madewith good full skirt with ruffles" newest, .are double breasted, have regular 1 on 'deep . flounce, extra good quality; our coat collar, full sleeves. An ' VQJ? ftft regular 75c and $1.00 values.",. : unusual offering at.,...,........)UfUil . Special Monday at 65 and...'...... Ov Pongee and flcrco Coats 1. Very Special y--y ' We place on sale Monday a Sample Line of : Women's Pongee and' White, Serge Wraps in three-quarter length. Every garment this season's style. Fit guaranteed. Excellent f, quality material used, warranted to wear. We cannot urge you too strongly .to ex amine these coats. : This sample lot to be "sold at COST. ' ".; . ' ' ' :;:';;r: vi Special Sale of IJimonob 25 dozen Kimonos,' rtade L from . imported: Japanese f crepe of dainty designs on cream ground shirred yoke and trimmed with ' figured satin. Unequaled qualities and styles not 6old anywheres for., less than $1.00.: Special Mon day and . LKCn .Tuesday. V, . . . ...Uul SpnieillonoUiyStoeldns. : Saiains ; 7Si;oo -t IZVxt For Fancy Handkerchiefs Worth 25c Men's - Handkerchiefs, in fine mercerized cotton with fancy borders, soft finished and rxeady-for use. Special-value at. . . . .12yir f 2.50 For Jerseys Worth $8.00 We have a full line of lightweight Jerseys in fast 4 colors, maroon, white : and navy, all sizes, suitable for vacation wear; our regular $3 -value. Special Monday and Tuesday 82.50 35 For Balbriggana Worth 50c Men's 'best grade combed . Egyptian Balbriggin Underwear. TiThe best value : ever offered at , . . i i w.ii ii,wiiimi . .35. - - The following are a few of the best bar gains in our popular Basement Shoe De partment: . ' ,. , " i ' :-. "' l ; Jlyarnbsolutely-faat-blackrhave-fulMash A MMsxnnmet Offering of White Xinen Parasols-- Perhaps you are going , away shortly and have already started packing" the trunks. Have you thought of a dainty white para sol?; Your outing costume will be incom plete without one. - We offer an unusually r strong leader, for tomorrow 100 pieces of White Linen Parasols, deep hemstitched, natural handles, silk cord and tassel. The entire lot goes on sale tomorrow . (J ftff for, each.-. .i". .. ...0 T7ill T7ant Stocliihgb for lGo - ESPECIALLY THESE 85c GRADES AT I64S-A Sale of Women's Unbleached SpUt Sole Stockings. These always create a stir every time we get a fresh lot .We are m receipt of a new shipment of 80 dozen, and will place them on the counters tomorrow at one third off. Stockings are of fine Maco ioned legs and unbleached split feet; they are a splendid 25c quality. A big bargain sale, tomorrow only, at this price.. ....... ....lUv -Princeaa-StoeS ingo for Girls FINE LISLE THREAD T STOCKINGS FOR MISSES An Excellent 25c Quality for Only 15 Pair 200 dozen just received. All sizes on sale tomorrow at the one price. These stockings are the equal of any 25c stockings on the market; they are dressy, durable and very elastic. On sale tomor row at a saving of 10c per pair, v - at ' Special Prices Superb collection of the smartest and most .distinctive styles in Women's White Coats,, made of good quality. Indian Head in Eton r and box effects, effectively, trimmed, well made. Prices Monday 82.50, ' C 5 LZfi f 2.75. . . . . ...........T.. ...... tl.UU Great Sale Walking Skirts ITewjJWalking-Skirts,. . prettymixtures Panamas and white mohairs ; A C II $6.60. values for . V, , , ,, , , ,tJ ,.tt D.4tUU Smart Walking Skirts, made from the fash-4onable-eheckrid-plaid" Panamas ;fc7 C ( $10.00 and $12.50 values for...... 4) I OU The Very Newest Styles In Women's and "' ' ;- -.Men's ' ' 'S IjQW Cur:Shces -r' ' Monday and Tuesday . , 'Oxfords SpecialMonday and OOr Tuesday, at; .'. ...... , M .......... . .7 7 C Women's Fine Vicl Kid Oxfords, black and tan; $2.50 values. Special Mon- H dayandTuesdayat . ; . . . . . . . . . .Pdl I novelties in Lacca and " Dress Aeeecsorics Our stock is now replete with the newest creations in Laces, Persian Bands, Edgings and Fancy Fall Braids in newest colorings and combinations. . Our line of Allovcr Laces with Edgings and Insertions com prises the newest - effects, including' Mai-' tese, Venise; Point Gaze and Oriental, ef fects, at very moderate prices. An inspec tion is .cordially invited- - - A Startlinn: Sale of sis 81.50, 82.00, 82.50 Qualities, AUjttzes BjjrjThem TomoiTOva 'A sale of higlr grade Sleeveless Vests that eclipses all previous at tempts at value giving. 25 dozen Ladies' Sleeveless Vests of pure spun silk imported from, Switzerland, manufactured to retail at $2 and $2.50, handsome trimmed vests in plain and fancy yokes. We place this small lot off sale tomorrow morning at but a. fraction of thi?. regular selling price, several styles to choose from. By coming early yoo wi!l secure the plums, a limit of three' vests to each customer at this price, J? A -while the lot lasts at, eacb...MM...............................uUL Women' $3.00 and $3.50 Oxfords, light or heavy soles, black or tan., Spe- 4 J?Q dal Monday and Tuesday....... $lOy TWO SPECIALS FROM OUR MAIN FLOOR SHOE DEPARTMENT - .Women's $3.50 Oxfords, Jn dull gunmetal, patent kid and vici. Special QQ Monday and Tuesday..... .......4)lyy Men's $3.50 and $4.00 Oxfords, in parent kid, vicLand gunmetal. . Special &y JT Monday and Tuesday . ........ . . $LxO :' wea ' There are a great many, more specials than the ones mentioned below, and the pos sibilities of saving money are plentiful and unusual. Each piece of underwear is de cidedly dainty and new. , . V Corset Oowers-35o oq . and 45c .Values for A & u 1? 'A-broken - Ine of -Corset -Coversr- made-of finest cambric, in not less than 15 different styles, . round, square and V necks, close fitting and loose, fronts, trimmings cqnsist of daintiest laces, embroideries and fine clus ter tucks; regular values run from O 85c to 45c each. .Special at.. ...... .XyC . Drawers 50o -qa r Values for . . ucU , Women's TJrawersTbf best muslin,-made in extra large sizes, deep flounces, trimmed in hemstitching and edging, yoke -bands; good values at regular price." On sale, r pair. Os L Gowns B 5 o and A 75o Values lor.. OQQ A special value ; in , Women's ' Flannelette .Gowns, colors pink and blue, made with double. yoke and trimmed with finishing. braid; regular 60c ana 70c values.1 . ,r i- at.. ...... . ... ... ......... Great .Clearance Sale of- Gold and Silver Belts On Monday we will place on sale our en tire line of 50c and 75c Gpld, Sifver'and Iridescent Belts, all sizes, with gilt and nickel buckles, at the extraordinary price of, each . . . . .......... . . . ............ . .30 Special Values in Dress dds ? For Monday and Tuesday we have placed on special, sale all our . odds and ends and. odd lines at radical reductions. This is a rare opportunity to secure correct merchan dise at a great saving. At 69 A special lot consisting of Silk and Wool Crepe de Chene, Changeable Mo- At 25 White India Linon, full 3G mches wide, a beautifully . finished material; weil worth 35c Monday and Tuesday at. .25 hairs, New Shadow Checks. Batistes and I At 35f -White French Lawn, full45 Panamas, laree ran re of colors : values 85c, $1.00, $1.25. . Special price 6fty At 39e This lot contains 88 and 40-inch Novelty. Suitings, Granites, Mohairs, Shep herd Checks 1 our best 60c and 65c values. Special rsale price Monday and "Tues day .-....... ......... ....30 On sale r At 25 In this lot are 36 anJ 38-inch Striped Panamas, Neat Dark Figured and Checked Mohairs, Plain Mohairs and Pana mas,' good colors ; 60c . values. Special Monday aqd Tuesday t, ........ t.. .25 Novelties in RIBBONS . ; at Popular Prices fr 6,000 Yards Fancy Ribbons in black and white stripes, checks arid printed 1 warps ; our regular, 50c grade. On Monday at the very low 1 price of, yard. ......... . ..3ty J .:.. ":. ' - s ' 'Specials in ,.''(;. ) f',y Embroideries t We have just purchased a manufacturer's stock of Embroideries which we have di vided into three lots and will place same on sale on Monday at a fractional part of reg ular prices. ''.'"1 ;', V: ,.. Lot 1 20,000 yardsnne" NamsTOknd Cambric Edgings, with Insertions to match, from 3 to 10 inches wide ; worth 25c to 85c yards. Tojloseout, at, yard. , ,:, t .10. Lot 215,000 yards very dainty Embroid eries and Insertions, varying in width from 4 to 18 .inches wide, in fine Nainsook and Swiss cloths; good values at 40c and 60c yard. '. On sale Monday ; at the ricidulour price, yard . . . . ... .... ....... . .151 Lot 3-5,000 yards 24-inch .AHover Em broideries for shirtwaists and frontings, in' fine Swiss and Nainsook, 200 designs, dainty and diversified to select from ; regular values $1.50 and $1.75 yard. An unrivaled offer ing at, yard. . . .85 for ZIonday and Tuesday ' ' Many people marvel at the wonderfbl aCk selling at this store, but it's no wonder when ' you stop and think of the values ofTerod and ,' the quality and quantity there is to select j from. .Thousands oi yards of the season's choicest silks are offered you in this grand coUection at LESS THAN COST of PRO- ' DUCTION. Tomorrow marks the begin ning of another of our famous BIG VAL-UE-GIVINO SALES. Jon the crowd at Portland's Silk Headquarters. "' T . Blaek Taffeta Specials : Black Taffeta Silk f 1.50 The famous : . Sterling Black, Taffeta, comes - 36 . inches wide, every yard guaranteed to give satis- ' faction, perfect rich deep coloring; silks not so good sold "elsewhere at $1.73 and $2.00 : "per yard. Our price Monday . PA '.' and Tuesday. ..... ....... ..$lOU; Black Taffeta'" Silk 95 Yard wide, black V kid finished : Taffeta, soft .and, pliable, no gum dressing, absolutely jast : colprr sold ; . everywhere at $1.25. Special . 0C Monday at . .'. .. .................. . .7 D Black Taffeta 75f Yard wide Black: Taf feta, chamois finished, .deep rich black, all ' silk ; regularly sold around town at 7C(v $1. Special Monday and Tuesday .-j UU - Fancy Silks for ZIondayand v rp;vyS.'( Tuesday"'; Thousands of yards of the very best quaM-: ties of high' grade Taffetas and Rincy SUka comprising the . newest styles ' in checks, stripes and figures in all colors and shades imaginable, t In this Jot are 19-inch Taffetas and-Xonisines, 20-inch-Steel Gray-Fancyf Taffeta, 20-inch Bengaline De Soie. all col- . brs; 24-inch Tyroon Pongee, natural colors. ' ,. "AH these 75c and 85c, silks at 8P-yiOv dal prlceMonday and Tuesday. . . . . X7 - Wash Goods Are Selling: Fast The" Following" Specials for" Monday and . ' :.' 7 T ", :. 7T" Tuesday :r;Tr7; . At lie White India-LoulrSOchcs" wide, sheer and pretty. One of our special bargains at ......... . ... .. ......... 11 At 18 White India Linon, full 32 inches wide, niceTeven threadmxceptional value Monday and Tuesday at..... ........ 18 inches .wide, in great demand for in gene waists and dresses. On sale Monday and Tuesday at 35 At 40f White ; Persian Lawn, full 45 jnches wide, an ..extra good value; well , worth 60c. " Special Monday and Tuesday ftt if S 1 m t t awe. --ia -S0 Great Special Sale of high class Summer Wash Goods in a variety of pretty colors, all the most ; popular weaves, comprising Silk Chambray, Novelty Silk Suiting, Fan taisie De Soie, Corded Silk .Tissue. Silk' Warp Eolienne. All these new up-to-date goods, our regular 45c, 60c and 60c values, ' at ". special price Monday and Tuesday . only ..... . . . ... . r 35 Beautiful collection of high class Summer Fabrics, all our 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c Dimctiea, Organdies, Batistes, Lawns, Voiles, Crepes. Crash Suitings, in exquisite array of colors and patterns, placed on sale Monday and 1 uesaay ai, per yara. ........ ... .... .ivf 2,500 Yards White Indian Head at 15 A fortunate purchase of this popular dress fabric enables us to offer this 36-inch soft finish Indian Head for Monday at, yd..'.15 ,v Lingerie -Waist Pattern 9fJh Large -as- sortment of pretty White Lingerie Waist Patterns, elaborate designs ; exceptional . values at $1.25, $1.85, $1.50. Extra special , this week at 00 Three Specials in Drapery ; Department ' : Curtain Madras 42 inches wide, with pretty . fancy colored cross stripes in va- '. riety of colors, pretty and substantial for inexpensive .summer, draperies.' Monday and Tuesday at, pef yard....... 15 Curtain Scrim Hundreds of yards of cur tain scrim, colors white and ecru. Comes in three special grades, the entire let "'t Monday and Tuesday at 5, C , Curtain Swiss-Splendid line of wL'ts . tain Swisses 'in large variety of f stripes and dots, comes 36 inches wide. I to be had at special price of. II ,"