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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
THE. ORSGON SUNDAY ' JOUENA1V PORTLAND. SUNDAY UO::u:0, JUIT i2. IZZZ. . . ... i ArfetSc Pictnra Framing to Your Order Second Floor "Vrier" Porch SSHtt. h AH tltf ca tla TT'ri riser Ssl Areata for "Per:r!sr" Stetl Raa-ts-rsstrstnt Tho: IMchr O Frcnli Stcro z French: Hahd-Mcfo IVafcts Morlicd Doloiv C05t2d Fl. pays. Ht Custom Shade and Drapery Work Pgr Specialty The Meier G Frank Store tf .: MHaWVM MM aaaBl BSMM H M H sal aa BWaSH. aaai M aaB-ewe 016 and $18 Walking Skirts On Sale fbr $ 1 2.45 Each Special mld-Sammer sal of high-grade Walking Skirts, all new, up-to-date styles fa serges. Panama cloth and mohair, made in circular effect. 15 to 17 gores, panel style, large and small check in Hack, blue, gray, tan and green combinations Skirts that find ready sale qj. ?r 1 ,Vr' j A S 1 6.00 and S 1 8.00 each- Vovr choice of the lot of 60c at the low price of $12.45 Season's best Skirt bargain $2 Waists $1.18 Special lot of 25 dozen women's Shirtwaists, embroidered' down : the front or fancy yoke;' very pretty styles ail. new, . clean. fresh merchandise, all sizes. Re . member, only 300 of f hem; you'll hare to coma early if yon want v one; $2 values ; CI ID at, each.. ,.,yllU Our entire;, stock ef fins whits Linen Suits oh sale at greatly re- seed prices, Second tio Matchless rvalues in plain, col ored and fancy striped Silk Petti coats; greatest petticoat bargains in town.. Second floor. - -- Splendid bargains in women's Wool Suits. The entire stock is marked at exceptionally low prices. Second floor. . . . Women's $3.50 Shoos $2.10 Women's standard Footwear priced below manufacturing cost 1000 , pairs Shoes and Oxfords in patent colt, vicl kid, Russia calf and tan chocolate kid welt, and rum soles this season's best lasts in all sines and widths Shoes by two of the most reputable houses in the country and whose product yon hare been buying for 20 years with ' entire satisfaction; regular $3 and $3.50 values; supply 1 your footwear heeds at this remarkably low price, pair.. V V V Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Order today. . Men's $3.50 Shoes $2.45 ' i t . 1 " , ' ' ' . ' 500 pairs of men's fin's" Shoes' at low price t Tslour alf, box calf " and vicl kid, lacs and blucher styles, all sixes and widths; every pair guaranteed to givs satisfaction or your money cheer- AS fully refunded; $150 values, on sale at, jr pair.. .... V'' Laces and Embroideries ill Tl rT a 1 - ta II I Mt II In He d u ced Another special sale of fine em ' broideries 5000 yards of Edg ings and Insertions, in Swiss and nainsook a very desir ' sble lot; handsome patterns in great assortment; 2 to 9 in. wide; value i up tol a 65c yard; one sale at..l 7i 1500 yards of new Swiss Shirt waist Bands. 2 to 9 inches wide; values P to 'lQ- 75c yard, on sale at..'.97C 1000 yards of Allover Swiss l--EnibrQideiiojrirtwmst: beautiful designs; .values up to $2 yard; on sale at OQ. .' this low price.. ...... ', Grand values in white and cream Venise and Baby Irish Bands, edges, and appliques Valnes np to 45c for 19c Values up to 65c for 39c Values np to $3 for 69c Value np to S3 for 98c Small lot of Batiste and hind embroidered Linen Robes l' values up to S20, on sale at this low price..... $7.00 The July business is humming along at record-breaking speed The combination of season- able merchandise, matchless value and good storekeeplng has resulted in bringing us a really phenomenal mid-Summer trade Then again, the old Jown is prosperous as never be fore and we are naturally sharing in this grand prosperity--We Intend making this last week of the month one long to be remembered Bargain offerings of the greatest Importance to every person economically Inclined Today fa a list of specials for Monday and Tuesday shoppers See Tuesday evening and Wednesday morningpaper for the Wednesday Hourly Sale specials Thursday and Friday morning paper for the great Friday Surprise Sale bar gain, and Friday evening and Saturday morning for the 8 A.M. to 9:30 P. M. Saturday specials Something doing every hour, every day Come and share in these great offering We've made very' unusual reduc tions on our entire stock of imported band-made waists; magnificent styles, beautifully designed embroidery and lace-trimmed -effects waists of - thefr highest' grade; dainty, rich novelties, in sixes 34 to 38 only. Note prices $15.00 French Waists $ 9.35 $ 1 6.00 French Waist $ 1 2.45 $3 1 .00 French Waist $ 1 4.65 $35.00 French Waist $17.35 $26.00 French Waists $19.35 $35.00 French Waists $36.65 $45.00 French Waists $33.35 $60.00 French Waists $46.00 Another large shipment of Teter Pan" Waist's lust received . percales, with colored cuffs and collar, or large and CI small polka-dot effects; the ideal outing garment..;... v 1 1 I'll -white1 .75 15,000-Piccca Prcsicd Glassvcro 3000 pieces of pressed Glassware covered sugars, open sugars, cream pitchers, syrup pitchers, cake stands, fruit bowls, spoonholders, jelly ' stands, etc.; marvelous valuea at thia low price, each.; 10 Footed Punch Bowls in pressed glass; best patterns, each. ...f 1.29 14-inch crystal Vases: great special value at, each .184 Glass Water Sets Water bottle and 6 glasses; special.. ........ T7 Sweet Pea Vases pretty style, great value.. ..........H 5000 Table Tumblers, medium weight; great values, dozen... ...87 Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Honso 100 women s 42-Inch Tourist Coats $ 1 4 Values at $8.45 The first special purchase of the trip made by the cloak chief now fat New York City has arrived 1 00 handsome new Tourist Coats, 43-inch length garments, tweeds, alpaca and cashmere,-' self strapped, trimmed, patch-pockets, black velvet collar, gray mixture, checks, plaids, and light stripes, very nobby coat for immediate wear and the style and material that will be in greateat demand thl fall and winter All riVf) A sixes, regular $14.00 valnes, your choice :'Tois 1; J while th-v last at this low price of, each Tr AT W: ft 4 V Eton SiHt JocITets Four lines of women's fine black silk Eton Jackets,' trimmed with lace and narrow bands of colored silk. .. The jauntiest styles shown ' this season.- Grand values at the following prices": ' ' r S7.50 SBk Jacket at $3.95 $16 Silk Jackete at SM.23 $9.00 SUk JackeU at $4.95-$18 Silk Jackets at $12.65 Hosiery arid Under wear Bargain Biiyi ng "Harvard Mills" Union Suits for women, silk and. lisle' made, with - no sleeves and knee length pants, or high neck and' long sleeves with ankle-length pants, all sires; Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests low , neck and no sleeves; fancy yokes, gp. handsome ' undervests; ygular 65c values, on sale at, each 43 e women s - xine noDea . wmie tisie Union Suitslow neck, no sleeve knee length; best 65c values, in ' all sizes at, per suit.. 74 65c HOSIERY 39c PAR Women's fine lisle Hose in black and tan. allover lace and lace boot effects; great- assortment, all sizes; best 65c 1Q ues, on sale at, pair..... J7C .Women's black and tan lace lisle- . . . . Hose outsize, Isrge variety of patterns; best 35c jties, on sale at . . . 1JL. .tJjSfJ C Women's black and tan dropstitch , Hose, fine quality, all . 1 1 sizes; regular. 25c values, on sale at this low price........... 1 Ov Children's black cotton' Ribbed Hose,' extra quality, all' sizes; 1 f best 20c values, on sale at, per pair...... 1 Uw $1.00 Silk Foulards at 5 9& Per Yard -2000 yards of beautiful new silk Toulsrds, In dotted and figured effects, for wn'ftf uitings.. all ,n . this season's styles, in the very besrtoIofTngs cool, stylish and serviceable; StTalues-atryard.-TTrr Zf 3000 yards of new Suiting Silks, in all the best designs and color combinations, neat, pretty effects; -gQ regular $1 values are being closed out at this wonderfully low price, yard.....:........ OwrC ; 1000 yards of all-wool Ch allies in all the best designs and colorings, splendid assortment, at, yard...... 354 - Largest and best showing of grsy Dress Materials in the city all grades; grand values in all grades. New blsck Dress Goods new black and white checked Silks all grades; all prices; best valuea. , . - mm -'mm Wmnn'i whit Swi.a Atfnvr V mhmi Ar ' mnA ' Altrwr V.n!.. TVllliU IaailUyU349 Handbags, gilt, frames and lqng chain handles; SI to S3 val 'ues, Peggy on sale at. . Special lot of Japanese Handbags, with brocaded gold-leaf design in blue, tan. gray and white: regular 11.50. values off sale at thia aoccial - e0 low price of, each, - fOC One-Fourth Off Special assortment of women s BelU, manufacturers' sample lines no two alike, 50c to $5 values, are being sold at one half regular value take advantage of this grand bargain.... fl Oil Bargains in Silvervare ' High-class fancy China in Very ' large assortment Base ment Take advantage. Dessert Spoons, set of 6 Coffee Spoons, set of 6. Bouillon Spoons, set of 6 Berry Spoons, at, each. S2.50 Cracker Jars for.. S3.75 Nut Bowls for..;, $2.50 Pickle Castors for. Table Spoons, set of 6. Salad Forks, set of 6... Grsvy Ladles, each..... Cold Meat Forks $1.35 Cracker Jars for.j f 1.25 Bread Trays for... $7.50 Nut Bowls for.... .fi.oa .1.T9 .fa.os ii.or 1.28 1.99 2.98 .81.99 .92.03 .82.39 ...Tia ...T8f .fl.O ...094 .85.97 r '' 6-inch ' cut glass Vases, ' $2.75 - values, on sale at, each 92.19 6-inch cut glass Nappies; regu lar $2.25 values at....9- ST a an 1 ss S siassisB ltr.$lJO,values at...91.1 $2.75 cut - glass - Spoon Trays on sale at i.iv i.50 cut glass Bowls for 95.17 u75 Comports at....... 96.37 1.00 cut Jilass Bowls, ea. 98.37 tS.OO cut glass Bowls, ea. 93.97 1.00 Rose Bowls !or....e.s7 $9.00 Rose Bowls 97.18 All lines of sterling silver and silver plated ware sold here at the very lowest prices; base . ment , . Rogers Bros.' "1847" plated ware at special low prices. DSrMADDEN TO LECTURE Oil "ALCOHOL j AHD : BRAINS" Expert on Alcohol Question Will Deliver' Address at Y. M. C. A. Meeting Today. " ' Dr. John Maddsn, an expert en the -. alcohol . quMtioar will apeak JLo . men at the T. V. C A. man's meetlne. Sun . Jay on "Alcohol and Brains." Dr. Mad dan is now a practiclna; physician, but ' was (or a number of 'raars professor of phyalolosr In tht Wisconsin Collet of Pnrstetana and Buraeoos. He has mad , a thoroaah study of th subject of aJeo l hoi and Its affacts upon the human body r and mind, and is rccognlsad as an au thority. Ha Is tha author of tha book entitled "Vs. Physician's Study of th : Alcohol Queetlon." and of many shorter artlclee, which hav- apprd, In - th- leading' magaslne. Among thaa ara "Alcohol, a Koo1 or Polaon." publlahad ia th Scientific Amaflcan. and aftar ward translated into .Spanish, and "Th rood Valu of Alcohol.' publlahad In American Madlcln. and ud later in votlae elass work.. - .r A Ithoush Dr. Madden la a seientlst. and on of th leading mem bore of tha American Association for tha Study of Alcohol and Other Narootlc. hla lee. tnra will b of a popular character and Illustrated with chart. The lectur basins at 1:10 la tha audl toriuai and U free te'mwt only. , - ; ' ' DANIEL-BALCHWONDERStIE: HIS EMPLOYER TRAPPED HIM Daniel Balch sat on th side of a bUnk In th county jail all afternoon yesterday trying to decide whether be la pursued by a relentlaaa fate, or if his employer, William Burger of Luther la endowed with tha cunning of a strategist. Batch had bean employed to work In ' Burger hayfleld.' ' Having finished th hay harvest. Burger, who was coming Into th city In a buggy, in vited Batch to take a ride with him. Batch says Burger aaked him to gat out at tha west end of th Madison street bridge and ace what time It was, so they could determine how long It bad taken them to drive In from the ranch. While he was gaslng at a clock in -a store near the bridge Batch was ao. eosted by Deputy Sheriff Frank Batty, who said he had a warrant for bla ar rest and asked him to go to th eounty Jail for a little visit to Jailer Mitchell. Balch went, but protested that he ad don nothing to be arrested for. A complaint hsd been sworn to In tha East Sid Portland Justice court charr ing Balch with stealing $16 from som people who war visiting Burger. : - He eould not fully decide whether it waa Just a chanc that Batty had found him at th Madison street bridge or if Burger had trapped htm, but tat yes terday evening he said that the fact that Batty had never seen him before ted him to think It must have been a put up Job. ; Balch says he ta only IS years of age. but he looks much older.' His people live In Seattle. u . PORTLAND UNIVERSITY " STUDENTS IN REUNION . Th annual reunion of th Association of Loyal Student of Portland univer sity, which wa held on th Chautauqua grounds at Qlsdston Park Friday attar noon proved an enjoyable affair. John Van Zante, who has aervad aa president nine th organisation of the seeoclatlon, was unanimously reelected and Mrs. Winnie Skalton Foster was elected atcretary. Those present .war: Dr. B. J. Hoadley. Professor A. K. Sreaee,- Mrs. Alloc Aubrey Welster, Mrs. O. S. Schnauffer, C. W. Ttnney. Mr. and Mr. Herbert Foster, Mr. and Mrs. O. V-White. Mr. and Mrs. Perry F. Chand ler, Mr. and Mrs. V.. F. Perry, Mrs. Ger trude Forbes Maple, Mrs. Kerrigan Rl ner, Mrs. Lulu Rlnahart Myers, Mrs. L. A. Read. Misses - Anderson, Laura Thompson. Ada Rider, Flora Mae Ross. A Kard - X. of troubles to contend with erring from a torpid liver and blockaded bowels unlesa you awaken them to their prop er action with Dr. King's New Life Pttls; the pleaaanteat and moat effective cure for constipation. They prevent appendicitis and tons up the aystem. jo ai m. u. naiamore company s drug a lore. Ada Taylor, JMary.B- TslbertJSeUieJat. Hutton. , Ada . C. . McLaughlin, , Messrs. John Van Zante, J. Morley Hoag, B. A. DUnlap, L. T. Anderson,' C L. Case, Archie Constable, Ara, W. .McLaughlin. Letter of greeting, were read from Professor L. L. Bush, Mrs. Doan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carey, Mr. and Mr. V.. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce a Worstell, Mrs. .Emily Thomas Phlpps, Mrs. Lillian Preetdn Doty, Misses Joel Hal Bush. Bva Foster, Myra J. Sharp, May Doane, Messrs. Dorsey M. Hill, Carey H. Jenkins, Fred C. Whltten, F. C'Dunlap. ,.' ; -i'.'v, . ; RARE CHANCE TO TRAVEL . . 1 1 Jaly S and S, AagusS T, S, eptemkes . - . Sand 10. Summer excursion rate. Bale data June XI, 21, July I, t. August 7, S..S. September , -10. . Rate from Portland to Chicago. $71.10; t St Louis, $S1.SS; Kansaa City, Omaha and St. Paul, $(0; Dsnvar, $e.- . 1 . For information In reference t rate and particulars ask C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Waablngtoa streets, Portland. - ' - Banff Hot Springs. J Lass than 4$ hours' rid from Port land, and in th vary heart of th Rocky mountains. Th greatest moun tain resort on th American continent Round trip ticket good for 19 day are new en al. t a rat of $l.0 for-the- round trip.-- For deoeriptive matter and full particulars call, on or address F. R. Johnson, r. P. X, 141 Third street, Portland Oregon. . IT yon have nee answered The gone. mU eran Ada lately yo have gotten mt ef sonek with things.' ' : PORTLAND MAN SPENDS YEAR t 4 i REPAIRING AN OLD VIOLIN What Is believed to be the biggest grafting-Job eVer'performed in Portland waa completed the other day by Paul F. Klsaner, a maker and repairer of vio lins. ' In mending th wounded aoul of an Instrument that Its owner would not car to part with for any price that might be offered eren by a crank on fiddles, h Inserted and dovetailed Into th old wood no lass than 861 pieces, besides supplying new edges and a new neck. t The Job was' probably on of th most tedloyo for its slse because it took ex actly one year ; and four days. Of course. Mr.- Klssner did not spend all of that time on the one Instrument but he worked on it continually aa conditions would permit - For days end weeks sometimes It had to reet in a corner of the shop while th glued pieces were setting, but at no time did It escape the watchful eye of th repairer. xwDiaxsTxoa' ' . With its companions, heartburn, flatu lence, torpidity ef th liver, eonstlp. ttaiw palpitation of tha heart poor blood, headache and other nervoua aymptoma, sallow skin, foul tongue, offenalve breath and a legion of other ailments. Is at once the moat widespread and de structive malady among th American people. Th Herblne treatment will oure all thea trouble. $0 box tie. . Sold by Woodard. Clarke at Co. c .. ... , . r .-. j. .- . The violin , has , been pronounced a genuine Cremona and a 'tru specimen of th workmanship of ths originator of thia model. Carle Bergonst, who was a master ef .violin making in the early part of the eighteenth century. . That It has trsveled many a rocky road since taken from Its home in musical Italy Is evident from the fact that several years ago It was picked up "for a song" In. a mall own In British Columbia by Era II Thielhorn of this city. - He found : th "fiddle" In possession of a family finan cially almost 'destitute and with no knowledge of music They thought th purchaser drove a bad bargain when he offered them $1.5$ for th old box that had lain around the house for many a day. .. 1 1 , Ths violin hsd been sadly ngletd for a long tlm and waa In a dilapidated condition, but In proper handa the ton was there,-; and " eventually . it r waa brought to Mr. Klsaner for a general overhauling. . When opened It was dis covered that It had apparently been laid away at som tlm for so long that worms' had eaten a network ot tunnels Into the top. At first it was believed beyond the possibility of repair, but by dovetailing and grafting the Instrument finally resumed its former solidity and once more pours forth the rich tones that the original builder succeeded In producing by simply selecting th proper woods snd placing them together in th proper manner. . P . ', Labor scarce all ever Oregon. BAND CONCERT AT" CITY. PARK TpDAY Th following program will b ren dered at th City- Park this afternoon by ths Park band, th concert to com mence at $:$$ e'olock: 1 ' ' March "Stars and Stripes Forever". . ......-....)- Souse Walts "Tales From Vienna Woods" 1 . 1 ... .1 Strauss Overture "William Tell"M . . . . .Rossini Caprice ''La Llsonjsra". . . .Chamlnad . i (Th Charmer). ft Scene from "A Society Circus". .Klein . Intsrmlsston. " " Morceen Characteristic "Pan-Americana" Herbert Grand , Selection "Carmen", Blset Intrm'sso "Cherry" Albert Deicdptlve "A Hunting Scene" (re quest) Buoalossl Two-Step. Ethlaf rlcan "Chicken Chew- der" i.. ................ , Olblin Charlea U. Brown, conductor. f Ntw subscription te the park ooneart fund sine last report ar as follow: Portland Lumbar Co. .......... .$ 16. OS H. Tannensee mnttnint.r- 16.09 Merchants' Nations) Bankr. . . . . JB.00 Portland. Cordage Co. ' $0.0$ Haywood Bros, a Wakefield Co., 10.00 B. B. Colwell. $.00 Nelson Bmd ....,......;. .$.00 MeAllen A McDonnell $.00 F. S. Harmon Co....... $00 F. C Stettlr. mnTmnir-i.M Aldon Candy Co.... ........... Otto Schumann E. V. Lamott ........... 1 Luckel, King Cake.. .......... Henry Teal J. C Bayer v $.00 $.00 $.00 $.00 no I 0 Total ...$1$$.00 '.-V