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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
- - V N i: 1LL WHEAT COtlulGIILlEIlIGEII are; BEARISH 'LV? 7. A-: ; M, H. Durst Is Latest to Writs j r iThat Things Are Not. What . They Seemed. o-- ." NEW WHEAT PRICES ' ;4 j OVER PREVIOUS SEASbN v ' prune Open Quarter Under Lait '. Season on. Account of Great In- LL 'creeee' in Productioiv Japan Should .Now. OrderNew Crop Flour. : '. . ' r Bnu h. shea. r. r treat street, eaiy ai.-e p. a-rim p Mpal features et the Portland wholseela aar BOB the seat week weroi -V Heavy deettags Bop sotares, ,. ' "."-. Bsw wkut prleea epea higher. ' Prone opealnc ante year ace. 4 -lmll export Soar trade. .. j, tntt scarcity of fresh sslmoe. V Chicken market does come better. - cOsntatoepes higher with scarcity. , 1 ,, Wstsnnaloos lower I sanpllss pood. : " i Oreet dsmsad tor (mall traits. ' Bete are doll with price Oowa. OMnrr hotter ta nrf WMk. Cheese market advances etseallr. 1 i v Dealings to Bop n . : The mt WMk Ui bwi especial latarest Trading im futures nnx u - ftntml that . MUmi all former A. II. ulkt nound ru altered U taaw tastaneee for options ea toe eoming area, bat ae teansertlose. or reported ever ' l4e. Altar to aarket aw lie, stow ers aaMl (a aa macn w . ( aaaMkln tkr kid aot ya mroooMO. wi aoto tbM lit offara wrra for tba nry kaat koM grawm la thuta t Oratoa W aam tm kam BfodiMa4 la ttoa warlo. Orojrarj at kwt qaaUtr bopa ara aot aacVaa ta a baal '.aaa Jaat awar, avpaeUUr aa tha baron aaaa; la a i-oa aaatrmet. Oaa otha apaalal faataraa af tba waak b!!,pL ta "1 otty at lattaa froai U. H. Dont. tba OaU. larata aaarakDr. vba acara4 haary aaaalfa . i- muula at kopa trvm kml araara ra. Wblla kara baton ka aaeamd Oa kopa Darat awara by - all Oat kla ymroa woald pradoaa ttat U nowara nM alio Btm ta taka thatt kopa ' i laaaM aa aeBalraiaaat tkay aa!4 aaeora at ark katkar vataaa tUa U tka wara ta teaaala : Ka, Bant Waw Baarttk. ' la kla lattar ta Oa kal party, m. Sarat , aaaraaaaa tka aplafoa that ka aoaa aat a V aaet a kick arlea tor kla kopa. baeaaaa. ka aya, tba area araapaela bar. aaitha Padja j Oaaat ara a food, Whoa Mr. Darat i im tola rltr aaUeltlaf . onatranMaai ka kaaw ran ' wall (feat Oracoa woald tlkaly arodaoa a bajapar aroa of kopa la laoo, aa klaaaaK aapraaaia ' tba aptaloa that taly 1SO.O0O kalaa woald ka aoaaraa. It yoa vat thaaa boa -kit," waa tba aaaarttoa at tka Oalltoraiaa at that ttaa, lt will auka a battar aurkat Car j, tka aaw aros wkaa It aoraaa." At that Um Tka oaraal appeard tea aoaaUatag at bopa 7 with tfaa Ttov C rMdtac tha aaarkat at tkat avaky kalaa tor tka roaaoa tkat kaawara da ao aaa aay Bora kopa wkaa tta arlra la low tbaa wkaa Star ara kick. Thaaa kopa takaa a KVia oa aanalraaMad ara atlll apoa tha ' aaarkat thara ana wUl aoatpata wttk tha aaw aroa far baataaa. ' Aaotbar oonalraa at tkat - doaa aot aaaa ta brtnf tba vrawara tha rataraa which tbay antldpatad waa tha lot aaaaran kr E t. aaltfc. Tkaf aoaabranaat toa. did . aot aat ara tba tadoraaaiaat at Tha loaraal. tor . tha roaaoa that ta aaay eaaaa ao adranoa at aay Had waa paid ra- tha imir.ra. and aaak of tboa alcaad aaatraeta by whleh tkay ara . aot att trani kaklnf aay aaaiaa ta aarara 0Mlr akta ytirfrrr f- '" "T" Jaa hr ha bopaioa a aot baowa, for taw at kla foraar (rtaada aiafaaa b know at kW la orafoa aaa waaoiafaro air. LSaatlk aaawad arraral taoaaaad kalaa at hope. " Orop kVaaaHa maai. : Tart new tha hoa trade a rer aaeh hrtar bated ta tha oomlat aroa. apaclal reparta ra- faalred froa aaal aotate ky Tka loaraal bv " derate that tha ywld wtU aot be aarb orrr that at a year ace oa aeeoent at the estreae by hot weather end tha lack at ealtlrattea la t aaay yarda. la aaay laauacaa the yarde Jeet enaalaaT lata bearloo ara la taexperleaeed baada aad thai will rat dewa tha yield. ea ajeglaad rip arte at nrr tifl1r-ff'",""' fairly rood area from there la a arreted at that time. Crary year Mew Terk baa a tall are et tbe bop erop that ta. aeaordlat ta re aorta aad tha eraaoa a Be azeepttea a the " nla. ' Tba yarda thara here beea elalted by "Tan aorta at barer tact aad rerrara. ear tka ,. raaturo. bat troa praaeat ladloatloaa tkat ' ateta will Mile aaaeoa enaa ta the treat . acala wttk aa arerara yield. ' ' ew ThHi rflirM ire ftpaaal, . While bat a tew aalea et aew wheat kara beea reported la tha PaetUe Mortkwoat, aaat bayara bare already Baaed their arlaea for . . the tartlal parehaeea. Ia aaoet laataaeea thaaa brleea ara troa to ao a boahel erer thoaa at a rear ace. Tha la rplta ot tte tart that JU oaatrra crop expara a tree thet the aeav ad yield Win be aaa of the fraeat ta the ktatorr et the tedoatrr la Aaerlea. Ia the .A. Morthwaat thla la aot tha wrar, bat aa a ceaerai raw iaia aaraare prime here little ta eoaimoa with thoaa ra ' lac la the aarketa eeat of tka Rocfclea. ; he iapanaae area very wtlllnc at tha ' Haw a do anaatdorable boytac et aaw ton aroaad M t Barrel. Bone few ealee at tka drara kaea keen reported. Off ara are aere tlberal thaa aeeaptaarea tar tha riaiaa that people Bare OO no anow waai mo ramv in bob- B ' hcaliiasB - erop la folac ta be. Borne eaau (alea et apot ' r aooda hare beea reported dortac tbe week tor Jaaaaeaa aeeoaat, bat theee ware of the dU-4a". erder aad were tor apodal breade. , frbe reoaeoUc of trtaaportatloB ky water ke ' tween thle dty ead Baa rraaclaoe kaa ketaed , tha mar aat roaewhat. aot the eld aroa eeaaoa )''la now too tar gone for the rranptlo to do -Meh Trood. Borne aoeomola ted Boor ordera far tbe Bay City and for Central ,- Bolata will be Bent forward at aaaa. . twdara tnr aiooda are ateadlly the Bawaliaa ktlaada ta ePrtlaad aarehaata. ' the trade there ta bow aaklnf arleea ea Ore vaaBade floor aa well aa Orafoa wkeat. Ore- ' aaa applea ara well knewa la tba hUaede, hot . ' direct rteaaahte aaeaeetloaa kara . asade a ' aaeh larrer trade aoaatbla, a.n aorta et Ore . , aoa troita ara aew balnc aaat la that dtree ttoa and la retara tha trade bora will taealia direct ta of banaaaa, plMapplee aad other fraltt ef the tropica. . ' rraae Opealnc trader a Tear Ac. " With aa eetlmated crop a boat tear tlatat aa treat aa a year are, thle yeara Oracoa prone " arleea he-re opeaed In thle elty ea a X. baela. ' A year ace the opealnc flcore waa aroaad , hot thro tha ateeka wara vary light la all eaatara. , v . Oaaaed trait prleea hare at lart Bade their appearance here. Aa a rale ralaea troa 10 ta K per aeat hlcher thaa a year ace. Dealer, v hero ware eoaewbat iarprlaed at tka extent . at tba adranea, aa apot prleea were ta Boat eerie about 5 par aaat aadar thoaa eooted for , bow erop fotarea. Ia new of taat aeaaoa'l . roadlMoaa a abort erop aad wttk the doetaae tloa ef eaoraoaa aappllaa by tha Baa Prae taea dlaaater tha year's op. nine ralaea are teaarkable tadeed. : . Chlokea hUrket Bees Bcaae Setter. . While reeelpta ef rklefceaa woro aeaawhat hotter tkaa aatlcfpated early la tba week, the . cblekea aarket keld reaarkahly well dnrlnc tba all da ra, aad all prloaa ere tally as hlah e a .week aro, with d.mead ancb boner. Itoeka aad aaaee are a dree ea the aserk.t, aayera aot aeealns ta aera to do baewoee la " there Hnea. Wttk reretpta aark fceerlet thaa art week aad with a eonrlnaanro et bad ehlpraeora, tke ' etc Biarket acted rather weak darlns the air aera, aad prleea are ceaarally le lower thaa a week are. A f.w amall eklpmeaa were Bade to alaeke dorlnc tke week, bnt this had ' abanlately Bo effort apoa prlr.-m.klnc ' Tke rreeaMry battar -eltnaHea la far froa Mttafactory. The hot weather haa raaaed hear . ler rrerlDta at aonr milk, which mU anl. e I - aeed for batterr-aod .this canaad atarka aa. Ia at raaid rata, Wblla all dty areaav NATURALLY MR. DUR3T.I3 A EEAR IN HOPS AFTER HE HASJ GROWERS' CONSIGNMENTS.' JOURNAL'S SPECIAL v; REPORT OF THE WHEAT , . ..; "-; 4 . j Tad wheat harreet la becoming . aanerar in tba Inland Kmplr 4 and a notable tncreaae ta opera- d e tlona U noted In tha Willamette e d rallay. Keporta from rarloua e d plaoaa In tha northwest Indicate) e d that tha crop la etui auffertna; e e . from heat and tha estimate of ' 4 e 4.00,00 buahala for tha thro e d atataa dlen by Tha Journal laat e d Sfondar looka very probable. In e aoma plaooa reporta indicate that d e the wheat will not be fit to- e d-harraaC In other seotlon tha e e orop win .not be any lata than: 'year av . : !:.;.; e aAaa are qeottac their beat prodoet at S1H. a aoaatderahla -Baaher ef alea were reported daruev the weak, aa low aa toe. alosc Croat atreet tha toae.waa Tory weak, lorre batter atlll anirlnc la rary bad shape. Beraral adTaaeaa were Bade ia tbe arlea at shim hle week aa aeeoaat at tbe araar bay uc at akeeae oaatrra. The price aade a f ala at folly lias a peaad darlnc the alx daya. . - Brief aUrtows' et Other hfaxkata, There waa a arret aeardey at freak aalmaa ia tka aarketa thle week nut to tka Tory ttckt aateh la tha Colombia. Prices - are le a eoand hlcher. Today there waa aot a elacle oond et freak ealaoa la the wholesale aar keta aa- eorarreaee aakeard et dorlnc aa epen aeaaoa. - -. - Kew Botatoea are aoldlnf their en, with reeelpta Uchtar tkls weak. ; 'The Brat aew northwest eadona of tbe seaaoa bare Bade their appear. aoa troa Walla Walla. Stocks aaaa la la Better shape aaa asaal aad thaa tare Brand aa Improved deaaad. For email rrmta . naaohes, sprleota aad plana uaa waa rary baa' y thla week and Drtoea held Bra aad kick. Water sseloua are lower with greater aappllaa, and eaatalonpea are hlcher for tba opfoalta reaeoa. Obarrlos are disappearing oary fast slthongh some good aappllaa are atlU showa alone tbe atreet. breaaed Bleats ware la rood Inoahry Carta g tha waak. BeeotptB rather email, with Brice p ea real. The trade pays tba fonowtnc Brieos ta proat street. Prleea Bald shippers are leas regular tola. . Fleor aaa read.. OtAIrT Oaleatta. ttlQlOe. WH BAT Old alnb. TOei red hraaateaa. The; volley. Tie; bow slob, ffTef Bed oaelaa. soe; araeetem. owe; raney. an. BABXBT Teed. M.W; rolled. i.(0me brewing. tM.Oo. CO aN Whole, tUMi araeked, IX-M pa RraU-tl H nar'awt." O AT Prods we price Na, t whtta, BAaa patowta. M toal axaort. SS.lai td-BOl whole wkeat. tl 78; rre. Koe. S OOj aelee. IS.ta. WIIXtTUrra Br.a, IIT.KJ per taat Ble dnnge, 2i40i shorts eoaatry, tBtw4W elty, fia.uui eaop, ejB.w2if. RAT Prodaeere' la Uo TlauthJ . WTTlaaetta valley, raacy, iiioo; ordinary, sio.eoM teva Or. roe, tl'.oblT.0- atzed. jlo.ood 60: elovw. I arala. ITJOSaaOi cheat. lOBOi 10. l7.WdJs.00. Bettor, acta aad Veal try. BTJTTBB PAT P. a. b. Portland Be eat proem, tne; aoar, lee. buttih city eressBsry, ni eotnoe taacy, UHd20e ordinary, lfHS Stare, 124Jal BOOB Ke, 1 fxoeh Oreroa, eandled, CBUSB Hew Pan creass, ttata7uloe Toanr America, MHOlfte. POUWat hOaod cnlrkana. ItHfjiie per lb: fancy aaaa. las per 1 roosters, old, lOHa per Ih ataca, llBJllMa par lb; fryers. lTe arottors, ITe per lb: old docks. UUOlh lb i evrfec docks. ltU alllike lb: nan. 12 10. Ib ' tarkeya. 160 per n are I bt Kruahs. eXauCSUW pas dan Satpafa W'etsS tMm SUsaTIa . HOPS Oontnata, UM erop, 10s pay ttOt Oregon. UaisO. -- WOOL lSoe clip Taney, asares to aedlaa. Basj Ana, Barf eaetara Orecoa, BOBla. avnaia new, Bominai. BHBBPaKIKB ahearlag. IBBytOe eech aaorl wool, Majeoei aedlaa weal, td7oa eaek loaf wool.T6rtttl.00 each, FALLOW rrim, er lb. arreer Be. a tad Cre..1tHe. lpoa, tr)la per lb. HlDka Dry, Me. t. M lbs aad ap, lHtJ ITHe per lb dry ktp. Ho. X, to It Tba, Re try call. Ke. 1. aadar S the, ltc: nlteeThldM. steere. esaad, 00 lbs sad ever. lOSHei eowa, tHt4e: atacs and balls, soaad. Te kin, 16 to BO lhe. So) salt, aooad. aadar 16 lbs, lie; Crooa, aaaalted, le least oolla, le Bar- lh lew I oreehldes, salted, sack, l.tSai.t6 dry, each. tl.00tjl.60: eelt kldes, S6!ioc; aoef sklaa, com moo aaak. 1 00110.1 Ameoea. each.. Bteal Fratts aad Tasotahlea. 1 " TOT aTO Baw ew, fl AOe 1 . W par aackr-pra-docors' price tor ear lots, HMepcr ewt . ONIONS Jehbtaf price New Walla Wafla, IMSHIM nar aacki w CillfMali. A. ai.aoi stivers, 11.601 rarlM, tOa per Da, PRR8H PRUITa Hew apples, lJ0e)a.6tt eraacav. ktedlterraoaaa. It. liai.00; bananas. per Bi MBona, eaotca, ST .09 per oos; raney, sr.oo per box; Umes. kfsxlesn. I! Tn per 100; taacerlnes, I Btaospplaa, e.T6! 00 II. wall. a. Ifl.iO; sneasberrlee, Ie lb: Cher, flee. 4HOia!e; rloiqa.Jl.O0ai M per erate logaahemea, l.WfflllownUTmpeartia i laapbetrlee, il.aosJl.Tt; blaek firs. l.BO rupberrlee, il.dnsfl.Tt; klaek fire. 11.601 Crapes, lJBt)lM: bUckherrlea. llosttlTt aor jr. w.tarmona. luttts per B aprtaota, peeebee, i5cJl 6oT TBQBTABLaa Turulpa. aew, f 1 M par ssefct ssrrots, fl.TB per sack: beets, 11. AO nor sack; paroolpa. 1.60 per saekr Oracoa realities, toe P" doa eabkate,- Oreroa, 11 OOttl.tO) b.11 peppers, 10a par Ik: toaatoee, tl M B1.B0 per Box t parsalpa, . POeOtl OOi sjrlnc beans, Oreroo, Te per lb) esall flower, II 00 per doe; pees. 5ci boreo. radtoh. Q7e per lb: arMehokea. TSe per dosi a.paratoa. Orecoa, 60s par doe baaebMi Walla Walla. 11.00 per boa: eoaaah. 1H! eptaach, Oos per bos creea onions, Oreaoa. Un per dos baaehae; rocaaibera. Tor par box: celery, ftselBOo per dna: green corn, ltc par doe: snav awr ernasb, T6ctJtlX0 per box! eggplant. 10s DRIBS DTTa Apples, ersporated, 1 de Per Ibl SBrieota. 14a nar lhl aaarhM. lls)lkUe per Pj; Back a. He per lb leas; pronM. CO te 40. Bet t4e dron on each 1-1S amallM ale.; Bra, CariforfiU black, aatHe per lb) California whits, dOatte nor Tbi dates, co-aaa, Tike par Di tarda, iLoOefTeO par 16-16 boa. .. OroosrisasTitaLjtte. ' I BrOAB b.rle-CnbeT'ta Mrrwdrri;T; iron craaniatea, So.ioi dry CTaaolatra, 8.00; corf. A, HX, weetera P. 0., $4,051 lawallaa 0. 0 .; extra 0, M.BBl gold.a I 64JS6: D rellow. aAbti bhm. loci U bbla. au. w Ia. . " 1" , 1 toe per ewt for aaaa, IB days aapla, lidjlse per id (Above Prleea aoclr ta aalea at bjaa tbea ear lota. Car Iota at apodal prlsss sabjaet te BBCTneiione.! , . BONBT at.eo per era to, COPPBB Paekars brasds. tit oxlt To. I SALT Ooaree Half crooad, 100.. SB. 00 per 1' on COS, tt.60) table, dairy, Bfls, I1100 lOto, iii.toi imporrea uverpool, eos, aiT.oo: loei, tit 60: ttes, 119 00; errtrs tae, bbla, to. to, Ins. Lai WLAmtM. RA. bU.Ib. BBa si AAag r. u .a.- ar-w. " -arw , auis , bvawv lla, ay-as wtg w. a. , bVEmb, Ms, OnCSSel Uvcrnoot hap nek, lt.60 per toa: tO-Tb rock, tO.rtrt; 100a, tt.OO. JtlCB ImparUl Japan. Ho. 1. Bat Ko. 1 t He: New Orleans aeed, . Tel - AJu... Ul Oreole, Rite. . BRAN BntsTr whlta. ac ta, l.ri. whirs. S tOi plak. tt TBi bayea, 64.78; Llaaa, to. to; axlcea rrda. 40. - rTOTtV Peaaata, Taabe, tc par Th Tnwtala, dH per lb) roaeted, HWaSe par Th Jape- aeee, viri)4ei roaatea, TQTHa per lhl roooe. nnta, tstTOos par dosi walanta, 16A16HS per lb) plnenoa, 10Q11MS per lb; kirk or y sola, 0a per Iht cbeatnata, ssatarn, 1B1V per lh; Ureal I aat- 1418 per lh; fllborta. 14i9l6s psr Ik fancy pocsae. 16ci alamads. l41Ta. . Paints, Coal OH, I to. - BOPB Pore bUBlla, 14o;c rundard, IBHsi SisaL lie. COAL orL Pearl or Astral Oases ItUe par fal; watr white,' Iror) barrels He per t I. woooea fit per gai; aasaiigot, ju-eg, aiAe per g.i. OAHiiLISC M-dea. sasea Mot Bar raL area bhls lc pr cal. renxine os-d.r, aoass B5e per cal. Boa bhls lavtc r' ti TTJRPRNtlNB la aasss ate Bar cel. weodos bbla trie per ral. WHITB LEAD Too lots. Ti. Bar Ibt BDO-Ib lota. Sc p.r In: leaa tote, t4 per lb. wiho wans ir.eent eerie ec ss-anw ' LINHEpn Oil Pnre raw. In t-bhl lota. Mrl 1-hhl lot, ttei caaee, tto net ral: genalne kettle boiled, reees, dle per gal B-hbl lota. 64el 1-bM lot 6oe per call ground cake, or lots, 10. no per ton: lea thaa cor lota, tao.OO per tea. Heats, Pish aad Provlsleas. ' PRKtrl MRA.TB front Btreet Hors. finer. tHQtcr ordlnaryrTHatc: peer. TdtTHe per lk bbUs, le)3as par lb. real, extra, Tatlso Ibl Tin: . onrcon : guhdAy joueiiau Foimi and: sxtnday uormino j jply J cx IN THE PESKY. ' New Item On account of the hav been dettroyed and the lots amounts to about 6,000,000 bushels, OREGON FLOUR III BEST SUPPLY Mort ' Arrivals In 8an Franoltco Ytterday Wtr From MIHs VofThlt 8tata). WHEAT CONDITIONS ARE SHOWING NO CHANCES Egg. Advance ' for Selected Btockt t but Poultry Is Hard to More and 8otnt Concession to Price Is Hade Heavy Shipments of Apples. . . -. ' sBaBasBBaBwaoonaaaMa j wore onenangaai mv mmm -y. - . The reeelpta were only BO csauta. Par Pssani bar deUvorr tl.aOM or aaatal waa bid aad wore todlf feraat operators. The Belleh eosa. . i k . .u a itwa r.taM. aarket waa steady aad fa tores de clined. Ia Para Jaly waa lower, , - ai-VriM waa firmer with aa adraaoa fat rhotes bright faed. Oata wore general ran at aew feed. Other arttalas were wtthewt noteworthr ah ansa. Decern ear barlar Slosed He higher. The tealpU of floor were LtOT barrea, aciaomg ira ""0 aarket waa aachaatod throoghoat. , Za-rs ara Migaer. rv - - mi BattM and eh aaaa can act. bat eggs were la larger supply. There was ne chance In the pries sd battar er stinaa Se kwtod eccs odvoaeed le par doaoai tae tone of tha Biarket waa: Battar. steady for freak and firm tor packing: eheeaa, fira tor Oallfor. ata aad ateady for cetera aad western acta, flra for selected and steady far Area and a .- miwAmm mmwm ! WtOO abba. , . . . . li- mmA r, I -will ftmha considerable anaatltlea, aha Paget Sowed pacta. ... . .1. -. m AAA Lw Mill M. km ic waa ewieei m .vw p- " arbtrtt hp the Best stasasr (Jiolosjaeoebsa la amau aad s sntvoi to he "Thai salons tu soxot wore ara. wiiw enrtaota were ta aesgar sappiy. iraia arrlvod lata aad araob at the eaaalgnaeota bad take earTlsdev. - There was no qanua aaan mm v iitrr,.,n. ta onalltr end arleea. ra tine a aaueuuuMeur wri imw mm to. hot for the coaaral ran fl.BO appeared ta be tbe limit. Other artlcleo varied bat Bttie froa provloBa pneee. ljsu pf k i . . . w w."r evert iiaeaaslnns have bad to be Bads to kayoss hi ardor te work eft euaolgnasata. BoeTOir ooma kuun My ...I r-ofocui .1 Bid. id Advoatare AM Parrot .......I B6.00 Phoenix 0 Alloaea Arcsdlaa .... Atlantic ... Hln.haa .... Oulaey. ...... MOO Royal ....... ld.00 B4.O0 T.tO cno.oo 21.00 TO.OO 10.60 ta no TriniTT ...... sw Vnltod Copper, ti.00 Calaaet ..... Centeanial ... Dtaa ........ ae ov Victoria - d B5 Winona d.60 WolTalne .... 1M.0O TT a ttmimm AA M SVankrln .... Qreene Ova... 0 EL'-rU:--' aft. Oraany ..... JI.OO 1.00 iawv it!aJOek-er-ATrtO.0Oar-J 89. hj lotto Ooala 14? IT irr tou eoTTO Buaxn. New Terk. Xnly tl. Cottoa fntores shield Shsngea to 1 pmni op. Official aaoutloas by Ovsxtaea Btorr . a Cooke eesapany: t Open. High. Low. al. M, Isnoary -..Uo.dl l(Tu 108 19.U Pehroarr ....10.4t 10.48 104t 166 ly ,ir..,..100i 10.U 10.0, 10.00 Aarsst 10.11 10.14 lo ot 1014 Beptemksr ..10 ta 10.11 10 21 10 4 October 1 101t 10 td 10 11 Moveoiber 1011 10 81 10M bereriber ...10 10 41 10.61 10.40 JnL SS. 10.44 10.46 , 10 64 10.00 10.15 10 to 10114 ' M.40 ordlnery. Ts per lh! poor, as per Ib Bottoa, fancy, RtlStS pvr in; tamoe. io. HiilS. BACON, IfC Pertlead keek Ooeal, heme. 10 to 14 lhe. lee per lb; 14 to It lbs. 16HC per in: DTOBBTaei oacon, ioue . lh: plcsles. lte per lb: sottacs. 10 e per lb recnlar abort clears, aaamoked. Ilt.c per lb; amnked. 1"1S per Iht clear barks, nnaaoked, HHe per lb; smoked. HHc per lb; Cnlea batta 10 to IB lhe; anemohed, le per lb; a rooked, te per lb: clear belllre, anamok.d, 11 He per lb smokrii, 14Ve per Ibl shouldera, IBs per lb) plckl'd tongoea, 00 nasrter bbL B: to, 1H4C per lhl to-lb tins, II He par lb aesa rendered, 10a. 11. 9 lb) 6s, life. per lh; eompound, 10S, 'VlANfarn tit.WOK Oolambla river. 1-th talla. tl.toi a-ib talla. irm: fancy. 1-lb Baa, 11 fro; U-lb fancy lata. 1 15: faacy 1-lb avals. IJTSi Aleak, talla, plak, tSQMoi red, l.t0( BesUaal ka, tan. lira PISH Bock i Bock sod, Te psr lh Bounders, Be per tki k.llhat. BC BOS in; ersrje, ai.ou per aos atrtned beea. UHc per lh: rattah. Be per lhl aelmoa, ColuiaMs river Chinook, Be per lb; steel. heed., t per lb: bliiebarka. 8c per lb; kerrlnc. Be per lb; eeles.-dc per Ibt shiiape. 10c per lb: perch, to pet lb I Mack cod, Ts par lb; tomend, T per lh; allver smelt. Te per lk lobators per lb: freeh aaekerel. Be per Ik rrawfl.k. tot per dees absd, la par lb) stoigaoa, 10c per-lb. ' OTITRRB thmrwetor bsr,' per-fal, Bt.Bit per 110-lb esk. 14.00. - CLAW HardakeU. pad . koav- f&OOj - raaaf SUsa. tin pa sea. w , FINANCIAL CREATURE. great heat many of the wheat flelda of the crop in .the Pacific northwest Ll.-Z FLAX INDUSTRY IS GIVEN BLOW nrebua..And Other Handicaps Force Eugene Bosae Out . of the Bualneaa. VERY SMALL ACREAGE IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY Bat Fifty- Acres Now drawing in Llna County Formar Projector WorUnf on Hemp Which He Ba- lkrres Will Become ProfiUble. fBpealal ZHspatak to Tba JoonaL) Aaaay, Or, aly IX The flax-ralslnc anry a Llna county haa received a aorteee Thle waa rapidly dovelopat taw a paying aad profitable mdoatry. Oa account ef Batoae Basse balnc baanered by Irabags sad ether hsad leaps hi bis flax ventures be has given ap tbe work end at t kaa bat a row acres aa raiovaaoa m una eoonty. Tea i in b kba Ike talaalii i Bali oil lis ImnoliiB. as ne waa ine parcnaaer ox us sotpai. At tbe sraeat ttaa there are abeot at aoraa at flax growing ta tbe scanty) this betnc grewB nr sssd and contracted te a .croc firm ta Bpa aaaa. Bareae Bosss, who has beea experiment ing with tbe tins, aaa turned his attention ta tha relates at heap aad now baa hi soltlvsttoa 110 acres, which ta making a floe growth and showa every tadleatloa et bent S profitable tn vestment. Me donbt the growing ef Ilex and hemp scold be Bade a financial seaesss la thla eoonty. abeald It be snwaced la ea a terse, seals aad a aarket established tor the growa prodoet. The pesstbaity ef the sal tare of flax tor fibs sad seed sea hardly be estimated. Oar cTimate, soil and water a pecolarly adapted for rt The yield to aa ktxh as BOO poonda to the sore aad csa ke grewa for abeat a coats per pusmd alMng st froa IB to M seats. At the Cob teonial expoattloa at Philadelphia tn 17 flax all esmpetltors. ,Near Beta, ta this eoonty, a Croat deal of flea baa beea raised aad they have a flax alU at that pace ta prepare the fiber aarket. leaa eennty has aocb lead 'fitted tor flax eattoro, aad thla aaa be obtained at a reasonable flcore. LINN COUNTY AFTER ALL FRUIT PESTS (Special Dhtpsbrh to Tbe loaraal,) Albany, Or.. Jaly 21. A vigorous csaxpstra agalnet fruit pests ta some waged ta una eooa- To tha ead tha rralt Inepactor oxamtaea au fralt broocht Into the market, and whenever Basis er ether destroying pests appear It la sea. demned sad ordered octroyed. Pralt Ine Doctor Annetrona aye that wherever be has cone ta tbe discharge of bis dntles be baa met with tbe suet cordial treatment both grower sad eeTler sooperatlng to stamp snt the dengeroos scale end to completely eradicate tba effect ef ether kllfbtrng pests. Thle sort ef work will do woadaa for oar erehards and likewise Improve the anallty ef ine iron, ueretorore it nas neoa tha axeeptlon rather thaa tba rale te find perfect trail ta tbe markets. Jlortlealturlsts snd thoaa iahwoetod la tbe develeptec of tbe frolt-r. fating mdoatry are determined to follow ap this work entU then dee troy rag pests are eliminated aa a dear ta to growing trait and orchards. - OaZOOaT HOP COaTBAOTS. (Special Mrpateh to The Jooraal.t a rem. Or.. Jaly tU Wore bop eontiseta woro filed roeterdar with the eoonfr elerh. The. were Bade by the Penjamla Bebwarta a Bona anponr ana me renewing prraonsi O. U. Oepond snd Jamee Whitney sd KO. vat tea. 1.000 poonda at II cents. O. B. Sharp and EL B. Oeerta ef Aorora. B. P. D. Be, 6. 10.000 Bnunne at 10 esata. P. . Oolemaa et at. Psai, S.000 posjnds tt IB seats. W. W. Psretval ef laaspiaflisai, 40,000 poands st 11 senta. . . Joha P. and Theodore B. Branbaae et St. Paal, 1.000 poonda at 10ia esata. A. O. Jar mean ef Salem, 10,000 peoads at 10)4 esata. I. iTsnd . K. Los ef ktarloo. 10.000 aoonda at M arnta. . . - J, B. Bahaassa el si., pooads at 10H seats. TKIXim CXBTS IS Off IBM. (Bpeclsl DUpatck te The Joam.1.) Blrvertoa. Or., Jnly tl-Rop boyera U thla vicinity are offering to contract for the Itoa crop of bops st It cents at prseent, bat the giuaets do aot seem Inenned to sccept tbe offer. A few rootrarta were Binds U fur. part at the week st 10 scots. aippBxa wool itbsold. ft pedal IMspstek te Tbe Joarnal.) frappner. Or., July tl. There still rem aloe la the Beppncr wsrebonaes shout tno.000 pouads of wool nnao Id. moat all of which la heavy wool. That wool was errerea at the uet aaic held here, bat tha grower, turned dowa tbe bide offered because the price was lower thaa they erpsetsd. It was presumed st that time that there would be another Bale day, hut ss freak Lee kss porekased about- an tbe tighter wool sa It come Into the Warehooaee, souther rlsts has aot beea fixed. There le talk of ship ping the remetneer et tbe wool ess hi tadl- WORLD BETTER RUH HOGS Packers : Eager to " See Larger : Shipment to This Market . . . In Near Future.' .. . ' PRESENTSiTUATI0N . L MS THEIR OWN FAULT Discouraged Kaisers When : Chance Presented Itself and Many Went -Out- of BusbiessWlth Then-Low PricerNo Change In' Values. By Ryaaa H. Oebea. Portland TJnloa Stockyards, Jaly BU d p. bj. Uvsstock receipts! . Hogs, ' Oh tfle. Sheen. This week....... 150 ' ISO l.TAt Last week................ & 1.174 l.eot Moath ago. 4 1.02T 8 iT Tear ato .1....V Md ... BM -.. t.sBI - If a battar raa ef boga does aot eoae to this aarket la tba very near fa tore packers will become, considerably dlsooorscsd. Of snares, ta some extant, tbe preeeat low aappllss ef kogs In the Pectus aortkwMt Is doe to theee aaaa paekara tbeaselvas. Whsa th.y bad s chance te enceorage the Indestry a few yesrs ago they did aot Ine. sa opportunity to knock It. There'll be plasty ef hags ta supply all the wants of lbs trade bore," ta a -remark re ported te kavs ooas froa a Wading packer. At that time provlsloa prices oa the Pacific sees waa roust dar ably over 1 those of the east, evea with the freight charges froa Mla soori river points added. -. Instead ef tbe pack. era paylnc the Bocraieerd the esstara price at that time, they forced them down froa Ha ts is psr pound under tba flxnree tbaa ruling at Kansas City er Omaha. Thla dtecearagsd the r tears esoaiderebly, for at that time prleea wars st low sbb In tha aaat aad the ones betnc paid here were roJaoos to thoaa engaxlnf la the Industry. The supplies et boas begss. ta decrease at aa alarming pees end lnateed st keeping pace with the great raereaee . la demand begsa to fall eoasldcrably aadar. At tha present time practically ae bogs are com ing te market snd tbe Oracoa sountry la at Bast cleaned ap ef supplies. . Vow Bsglae Waata Stock. But a aew regime kaa audo Its appearance la thla Bwk.t aad bow there ta a greet dsaaad for hoea. . Prices have allabed ateadlly over the vefaao paid la tha seat, to soae raotaaces tbe values aero being higher tbaa bogs could bo porch aeed tor ft St, Joseph aad leaded here aftsr paylnt a sigh trelcbt charge. Con dlttaaa have ehaaged la the hog asarket. Whlls bsretofore packing eparations ea the Pseifls sesst have beea et a very email character the future looks vary bright. . The on tiding ef a Mc plant ta thle elty by the Swift Intsrssta wtU do math to bring tha Paeine Sonet lata prominence aa a parking center. The new regime has already- aeat cot epneara to relee snore bocs, for they will be needed. The orient wUl soon be ta the market tnr heavy supplies ef Aasrieaa provlsoae aad the major pert -of these srdevs wUl be tiled from -thla eltv. Mot aatv wUl the fa tore show a orach heavier damaad for boga, bat ta all Unas of lleeotsh tke demand wUl be greeny lncreasea. I Week's hfnrksta Ara wslet, . Tke peat waak waa very onl.t la tke srre. stork asarket. Met a single ckaags txt current vsbaa waa Bade aad laat week's quotations are atni ruling, pnta a, aoauau aampty o he. that market was ha the very beet peoltloB dnrlnc the week, WhQe reeelpta ef cattle were aot keavy, msec came thaa the trade wanted snd prices roled vary dull, though unchanged. Bheep demand waa con siderably larger tbaa auppUse end for this reeson prleea bald akasr to tbe very top ef the bidder tbea ever. Offldal Uioatoctr gootstlonsl . Hogs . Bast esstara Oreema, T.rT-Xot blsckera sad China fata, Bttot ataeksrs aad feeders, I3 00 bulU. It-80. ' Cattle Beet eaatara Oiogus slisrs, M-OOtB ITBl beet eowa aad bdrers, ts.00 stackers and feeders, t.rt bulla, It-BO. Bheay aaasrUaaa, d4Vjat lambs, Be. Beeslpta at the Weak. The fotlewtas wore saoog tba Bertram ta tke yarda thla weskl Soaday W. H. Hanrisoa camsr ta with sae carload et mllek sows from Seedda, cotnf te Bunayslds, Wsshlnctaai two ears of cattle froa Marys-nils, California, cotnc ta Cwatooa Pack tat eempany, Taeniae; Bcckay brotbara ef brain bad la three carloads ef cattle. Monday J. B. Betglar et Oorvsta same in with one ear ef sheep, beea snd aaaa mixed Baaaaa as Psitoa et Boa.onrg bad ta three ears of cattle ea tbe market; A. P. Heat et Oak land brought la aoa ear ef cattle: rrastar A McLean had to bwaas, going ta Walls Welle, Wee blag ton l Cbarlea Adams drove la some sbesBi B. 0. Derla sf Bslssy same ta with two earo of ahecB and borsi ta tare ears ef asttis rroea kcsbms a. l. Overt na st Browamikt had three ears of sheep ea tbe markstt W. J. Wlnma ef Woodburn eame ta with sae aartoad af sheep aad beea mixed. Tuesday A. PorseTJ had one ear ef cattle oa the saarhst froa Wakaae, Idabes A. atcOsl kagk shipped ta three care ef ebeep troa Amity. Wednesday Bentamta Hnnttngtoa of Tooeells asms ta with one car ef eattlei P. i. Prasier shipped la two care ef rattle froa Oskleadi A. O. Bunt of Oakland bad In eight ears nf cattls, going to Taemna. Wssbinctsat L. B. Waat sent In six ears st Cattle froa Bob All, California, going re Caret ens Packing eomperrv, Taoomsi F. J. rrssMr came ia wiiu two care of aattta froa Oakland, going te Taeomai Charles Crrnhert bed ta aaa ear ef borsss from Bpekana, Washtngtoat u. b. enmawna ana a eonis horsss. which he ta ahlpptat to hteote- sann, Waehlngton. Tboraday i. W. Bead sc uorrona seoognv m two care ef sheep snd boga. Pride r S. Phllllpl ssaw to from Turner with one doubta-deck af akcepi B. O. Bwart af Woodland seat to acme hogs oa the steamer Uaa t.mrdar Pacific Ooast Oornrtroctloa ooaapany have ta two ears ef borsss froa Tracer, Calf tonal oho Twaddle has ta- ana ear of knsss. MANY SALES OF SHEEP. Tiainastlnnc Aromsd Xeikavhew , Ara XaavTooodl Frloew SHOO, Tbe followtnc late Bvoetack traaaaitlaus are gtrca ky the livestock, Exaaraeri Phil track, ens of Lake eoanrye stoat e tansive woolgvewBse, last weak porekaaed tka following bands et She. p. which ke will tara so lbs raa ia and tot run till next yeeri Proa Toa Lrnek, TOO heed ef I-rear-old wethers st Bt.tO per bead: froa Dearie BolBvaa. BOO kead t-ysar-eld wethers st It BO per fceedl from Jack Terllnc, eoo brad t-yssr-old wethers st I 00 psr bead; from r.uneane, BOO bead of yearling wethers st t Bar heed: froa Mlks Bsrry, 100 head, ef yearling yrethare st It per keed. Ia atl. 1.100 kead. Theee bande with what Mr. Lyach alrvady bad mskes kla two large baads. Bs purchased the J. S. Field sheep range above Big valley, paying tl.MO for It. as that be will have summer rouge for Ms sheep. . I J. FT.nXl Bougnt iw.vw ponuoa vi wool troa Phil Lynch laat week, so ws auderatand. loe auevp puron.ww wr . w.., - rlnaed In tka Bxamlner Isst week, were booght for tt-TB tor . ysaillate aaa S-ev lor x-yoar- slds. . . . . - J. J. Piemtmy Of -TteaitBC warn or KSgw vme, California, basr -porchssed tbS yssrllsg werheeo ef D. P. ' BaTloy. C. A. Bebart. Esat Bros, and P. P. Barry, st M Per, kead. - W. C. Brett, tke Bagisvllle sksopasa. Is here thle week to roeelvo tke yearling ewes recently porohasod frsa tba Baqolat brother.. Be Son iht their yeerllng we thara while bora for tt per bead. Pat Aagland baa cold kla xoerttat wethers to Walter raitoa. Prank bfelssl has boacht two BJore beads et rearltnc wotbsrs. one baad froa Dsa Chsadlar and one haad from Pete Oreb. a B, Sherlock boartp ftno had et rosrtiat wethers froa TboBss Sherlock ef Bnmmer take, pfytng IS.IO par keed. sad TOO froa I p. kllppel at tha ssas price, delivered la September, ' - L B. blclnala beotkl SBB raflbf wethers IS WANTED ... . .' . . - v.- - . ', iscs. NEW WHEAT. PRICES ARE UP OVER THOSE OF A YEAR AGO OWINQ TO DAMAGE REPORTS GREATEST CROP ON AnERICAn SOIL Expert Jonea Predicts Something Out of the Usual in the Way of . 1 Wheat Production. L - BREAKS ALL PRICES , . IN CHICAGO MARKET Trade In Pit Demoralised and Values Slldt Off Eatily September snd ErocernbernEch'Lbee"ar CentJuTy !. Down Five Eighths. - '; , EBLATTTI WRBAT TALTJBS. Close Cloec Cloee toss - Julvtl. Jul r to. 1006. July 91. July .7UB, .ft4 .M14 t .00 pt TStiB .7714 .toil , J)l Doe .T8A .19 M)i -01 May , .U B .taflB ..... .00 - Chicago. Tnly 11. The -Jansr resort wired here troa the northweet today, more tbsa any thing else, affected the price "of wheat aad forced a aew low level point for tbe future options on tba crop. The report went tar out of the ordinary to emphaalas tbe fact that ths wheat crop st present ta ths arsetsst ever seea oa American soil. No doubt tha report had ex actly ths effect Intended, d.mora luring the trade depressing prices and affording aa excel lent opportunity for the Unco of tbe big bears la the aorthwest te bs sovsred so the break. Tbe trade le bstweea two Important facta, slrber of which may greatly help buyers st this aval, the one very heavy foreign pur chssso of fine Quality wheat, the ether a posi tive tat op la the farmers' a ff Brings bsssnss of one. tl. factory prices. Cora . Plspstehss Indira to that eouatry offer, lags are a little more liberal ia the west. ' At the lower prices tndey e leva toe -saacsras and houses connected with the cash snd shipping boslnsa were buyers of futures. Tbe situation at tre moment le hesvy bee. nee of the weether. rrrnasi cuotaoons or orcrooca. Btarr a Cooke company 1 WHO AT, . . . Oaea. . Bleb. - low. 7ary..... .Tt Bept. TTOJ B .TTta B .Td v ;o2 COBM. l'ee .BO .11 May..... July..... Sept.... . a- tot .BOtZ . OATS, trto,eaa A oM'4 -lept..... .12! as..... .ttvl .Mi .bi KKBS POBX. Kt:::: 1B.00 . 11.00 1B.0B IT.ITH IT. 14.B0 14.M 14.30 LARD. , ITS' BTS . STB 00 1 00 ' 1 10 . S.S0 B to ' -so BHOBT BIBS. Jeatox,,.. eftflfwaaa! 03 aaa I PR P.M . B BS I ' g BO t.tTH BOTH BOTH BiTH T.BTt iht T.eTa T.ara. ZJTZBP00L BBArjf XAXXXX. Uvorpoet. Peiy tl.fneial dosst .r,; u , . WHBAT. ' -' raosa ' Cloee . . - ,,,-Ialy 11. July B0. Jaly 11, wuiy au, eauy si. I fa 14 V4 I da TUd Ui ldaSd fid July OS TTsO OS T Bsptsmns ea j a Dcseabsr - "e (Jt S:':::::::::::::Zttt m BAB" rBJUrOTBOO lCBTBO XTOtABOB. . Baa.. rraaetosa,. July ,U- Offlclal etostart PIU. I Kttm Belmont ......S4.M Cash Boy -If Ooldea A Dehor. . .SI ita Bntle...... LIO hfacNsauura ... .01 utdwav ... 1.10 Cob. 0sL-Ta.... .AT Ophlr .......... B.M M.ilcaa .T sjtBX loieonaua Nor rroea Oold Cb?tWb - wl$ - t Bead .... .14 t us IT Montana B.llw Oreat Narth Iter .... .49 Oble -fl Toa. Bxtaa B.tO rtevsda- lt-BS Weat Bad B U .. Adaas ........ .0B Atlanta , IT Bluebell .11 Both -.., ... J -Gel am Ma Vn... .Id Ooa. Qusrry... .11 DUsaoadacld .... SoMBeld".'"" .'t Jumbo L10A Black Butts Bx Tramp .: 1.00A Ooldea B. Insect. .40 Moargomery Mt. .tt Bunssl ......... .0$ Sceptre .SB Mankattea ..... .d taylor-Huaxpray. .14 . Dexter 44 Orannr ......... .IB Oold Wedge ... .0 Lone Bts 0T oa Ot Bend Ot Bend. 01 10 , 0T ' Jambo Bxten.. .11 O. scant Bsndell JM Cowboy Laxuna ....... Jf (Dsarvor An M.y Qaoso."... .11 Bulla A B. Mobswk 1-4TH Black look Bed ' Top: t I, Oaassl... ,BI sBBHafoBAreM .PW Stan. Ooa .TO .04 .to .It jOS .14 -.14 .40 .13 Bllvar Pick ,M St. Ives td Little Joe M.TBower Jumplnt Jsck... Red Top Annex. kfustssit Bull rroc alia.. Palsy :::::: tS-, o. mu itw..i SI Trlascle , uur rBAjronco looax btooxs. Baa PiaasaiBh, Jaly -Offlelal rloaei flntra Ooata Water. r MtA , ffMttCIHl oM Tpy LbVI f a ttttett a VT kortne Valley Water. 4V lit, ir . . tl.s rVMnaivalal Batehlneoa Barer 1 kf.s.well sjussr a,,.............. 00 Ooomee Bngsr tl. Alaaks Paeker fut Pacific States Telephone 2 Cleat Powder B0 .r DIl'l'LP BTATXS SOTXBa slx-b x BOBHC Vsw Tork, Jaly 1L Oovernment bonds I l0t log Coo poo lie's im Threes, registered iww jvx ae coupon. . ....... Twos, smalt hoods, c . a J ' 'a IfiAtl Poors, rsguwrca...... do asapoa.. MMMtl aw--. " srei 1MB 1MH regtsto do eoapoa.....,. " "-M tnetrlet of OeiaaMa lid Philippine 4s..... 106 kTTW TOBJt BABX STATDfIT. " Kew Tork, July 1L Bank statement! -- - S S.tXO.MO tpede V'iS 22 Leg. IB .,......... eSlii ii liepoalta ........ B0.S7.toO Circulation ...m.....,. . ot3,100 tscrssse. X f . Bew T ark-Leo doa tOver. new lore, eoy e,i , Ta, 1 doa. BOB-lod. frees Pete Boon art at to. 00 per head aad BOO t-yeer-elda. psytat t-t0 pdp- hsad. 1. J. Plemlnt bought tba i. T. ITood year ting wethers, shout BOO head, st tl per bead. Pat Harper sow 01s wsaa so . srsasi. f. D. , Bldsr sold his yserUng wetkere to Ifr. Mclbnls st 19 per heed aboot B.10O. . . Prank hula. I kouabt UO kesd ot ewes aad lambs froa McDanlels at 12 AO for ewea aad 11.80 for laaba. EASTERN HOGS LOWER. l4- to Tea Off -CHOm. X-aaa Chlosjsra Chlcage , July H-Uva.oek receipts'. Begs. Cattls. Sheen Chicago .10.000 tno , BOO kauaae City I.OOO , .Tm ... Omaba TOO ... Hogs are Sc TO lue awer, wits sen lerv over. Receipts s year ago were 1T.00O. Today's prices: Mtred. ed.HId.t: goo d. to 40aJ rough, eo.10tfs.tbi Ugtt. t.4tat,U. y ... vaum pieaw, , ikeep Bresdj. , Cloee. -. t .TA14" TS4 .TSSB TS. .TaA t2 MB --.osoi tt- .epsia .91J . .catiB ..4T .4TiB .tM, .MttB , .tt .11 M , Mi 10 IT.faA ' 14.B0 s s I. so Ask, i lot 101 ioei, lnetf lnvi Uo2 STOCKS IS PERPLEXING Bank Statement Up to ExpectaW ' tlona but Somehow Does Not Suit Traders. DISCLOSURES PUT STOP ' TO BULL MOVEMENT London "Led ' Advance Abroad. Al - though Paris and Berlin Were TirtMtocfjlcet 7 InTlIw- York' Shows. Cains.-' ',, V xbt OAnta Bngsr . .. tt I Ontario W t. Bmritw Pannsyrrsala Paaple'a Oaa ..... Preaaed Steel . Oar,' Reading .......... : Bock la bind. ...... - Southern, . Banwsy Bonthara Paslao... : Tannaaaes Coal.... Baltl Brsoklia Cesadlaa tt. Paul ......... 1W Colo. Pasl. H Erie 1 UulavlDs Matrspolltaa t'sloa Paelae...... asty aty tlU. 8. Steel c do preferred.'... ' 11 do preferred.. ... ty '. T. Central.... , Woolen la, NET LOSS KB. : -Amslgamstsd .... -ilBortolk M Chesassske H Bop. Btssl, pfd.,.. U Desver .'. Rock lalaad. pfd.."l', Mexican Central... Nor thara ractBe... Ve Loeoeaetire l ( f (Ipedal Dtapetch by Leased Wire ta The JesurSaUl Wall Street. Kew Tork, July Ixxedoa M tbe tmnrovemsnt shroad. sltheugh Paris sad Berlla were Ormor. .. St, P.tsra burrs ksarsa waa wssk early with additional decHasa ra ginBiiiiamits. Tkat market aade a lata partial Is London Basslaa bonds Bade sasaa set galne wltk the cssssttoa of Paris aalltaxb. Americana ta Lao doa were Irregular, bat exceed with maiority galna ta which a bear isawap wee a reported Influence. Tbe special Lone. a able said that there wss t leas kaea Aaasrtana demand ta that center for gold. Oa tbta mkm meet bankers ware confident that meet et tea expected Lcodoa gold srrlvsla ea Monday troa tooth Africa will be secured tor taxport Ian. . BUrket Ts rararakle. - Tbe aetioa ef tke aerkct tke taat few darfl Indicated that tbe decline la tba prise et oeeari tlss bad more tbsa dlseoaoted all tba unfavor able tatnaa that ware knows sad all tbe on- certainties that were featured before tbe slack, ef tbe crops Became almost a definite ooaotlty. The bant per hsrvsst means toe much ta . the bulls te ke dlamiaacd buy as anlmportaat. if must be rsmambarod, however, that the Vareer the barvosta tbe more aoasy ta aasdsd te more tbaa. Under those dreamstsaces yea soae face to face with tbe problem whether er aot there ta sufficient money to ootid act active tai olnme snd at the same time engineer a boll moismmit la the stock Barker. Proa a technical poena of vtaw tbe aurkat ta favorabla for a rood Mas.. The weak holders sa both , aides have beea eliminated, bat undoubtedly a ennstderebta snort Interact remains, with the aid of the monetary forces it should be eeay to Sanaa aa bnmedlsto advance, hot ' that advance la Boa Ukaly to ho ot a wild character, tor the arm pie ssssoa that there to practically bs pubUe do. Band tor stocks. IHselesarss Pre I sot Ad ones. 'Hie dlseloaaros ia sonaostloa with Wall atreet aadertaktago that began with the an tut tone shipyard treat aboot throe yea ago- and tare e : been slmeot OBBXtaooos alnce. the attaeka aa oerporatkM, tka attrrode of the adalntatratloa ' toward btgb financial tatcresta, tbe ancertato. tlaa ef the coming political campaign and the ever political monetary problem are factors that arc likely to pts.sot a genuine bull Ban ket for asms time. The importance et theee ractors, kowerer. will be to Clad aasre claarip la the present rally. The somber ef sbsree of stocks sold today wee aM,7S0, sxntaet 438. IM tba aaaa day last ? . .. . .--tt" The total par varnc er Sanaa soaa waay woo ptlT.ooO agalnet $740,000 a year ato. Trade Stopped aoddeary. The stock market today, continued strong. It opsasd ea aboot a parity with Friday's clostaa. The volume et koolnsa fsU oft materially at the sad st the first boor aad tbe tall sontlaaed sntll tbs bank statement wss leaned. That waa regarded aa favorabla bat serplcxinox It had ths effect, however, of re. tori ng buitnas and sarrisd tbe" rally along. Material galna ware made ta. a nam bar ef taaoss. Beoflrnt, Bi Paul aad Soothera Paalfie among them. . As Sana ranging from fr sennas to B pointa wore ma ea all through the Itat, Official anotattaaat DaaCBiraOBt. Asu Locomotive ....... Aaa, Wool ana Anacoada Mliitne; Oa.... .nu. wyr" ie., Atchison. ,mvm ...... 60 a referred ...... uar ray sax Mi do pre AxDsrfcss leaa Sugar. fill Amsticsa Smelt,, soa 14HH ii?H ao prersrrsd Bolt. Ohio. Brook. Rapid t. T4U Uanadtsa rsclfls, soa.. usntrsj uioar. s Oottoa Oil ...... do nref erred. .. cnt. o. W sem..... Chu, MIL s Bt P itU 1T 1PT uni. Sr nortnwMt.. em Chosapesks Ohio... uom. raei a iH soa. Oolo. Boutbera, aaa.. 4, 00 aa pro. do 1st nfd 411 41 Dolawsre Al Rudsna.. DeX. Lack, A Wsss-, 0. a, o. Bra. ooa ... ..., 00 za pra.. .mm., do 1st Bfd , Poderal I me Iters ..... Illinois Oeotral ..... Louie. Mi.. Met. St, Railway. . .... Manhattan Ballway ... ITS 141 H hsx. uanr. n.uwsy... Missouri Pseifls ...... hi- K. A T.. soa..... do prsfsrrsd ........ K. T. Central ....... Kartoaal Lead ........ Aft VntOTTGA aaaaaae rTorfofk A Weetera, ooa do Brefsrred..... .... Jtorth Aaeiicaa northern Pscloe ...... K. r.. Oat. West..v Poansylvasls By....... P. O., L4C. Co Praassd Steel Car, eea. do preferred ... , Pacific Mall straa. Co Betdlrg, core . do IrT prefrrred......! do let preferred Bep. Iron A IteeL soa. do preferred......... Back Island, soa...,., do preferred Boa tkaa Ry., soa...... e Brefarred. ........ mo u 121 SS I BSw Paelfla do pretarred. ...... . . It. L A I F , H BfA.. flU toi, 11TV4 UTS Co 1st nrsrerrea Bt. h I. W ii'ta do preferred. ... Teres A Peclte........ Tennessee Ooel A treo.. Tm.. St. U A W, ooa. do preferred,.. ....... Ualoa Psrlflc. sea..... do preferred TJ. a Rubber. eaa.,.. da preferred... V. a At.l Co.. aoa... do areferrs 4. ... Wkee" d I.. B., asa... do M preferred.. ..... d. let sref erred..... Wlaroaels Cestrsl. pM Wearern Takio Tele...., Weseen, en St preferred, v -j "TvUl salet snfeay.'l 07''P "'I iwj n.j ' Bl Sa) U FAVORABLE 340 W BWI ,, , BOH BBi Ma f, B01, Ul lilt 14S, 1 lid lid lit, ilTH 'iiL T4H ineC imi . id iti. m Hi 31 Sm -I.