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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
!r JjCOUHTESS has ROfllCE lord Deeitiuret Won Hi Wlf . Knowing That She Was Daughter of Poor People. JON OF DUKE BACKED " DOWN AT HEARING TALE It Wm When Titled Suitor Took Flight Upon Leaminc Story That - Her Husband Determined to Win Virginia Bonyng. '' ICopyrlfht U the United BUtee Oreet BriUla by Cor Us Brows. AU Elf b Is triotiy . Rwrttd.) - " ' London, July' 11. Vlscountss Deer kurst (VtrglniaT Bonynge - that was) means to snak but a brief stay In London this season. Th anxiety about her children, two of whom hays been laid up with scarlet fever, has been very great, for she Is ths most devoted f mothers. They are now, however, practically -well, so Lady Deerhurst is having- a sliaht canter through her fes tivities and has' been lunching; and din ing with her great friend. Princess Christian of Schleawlg-Holatein. . Few people know that the viaoounteas was once ths central figure In a melo drama of the most romantle kind. When she arrived In England with Mr. and Mrs. C W. Bonynge of California, New Tork and London, millionaire, banker. miner ana ciuummn, 7- for granted she was their daughter, f or j both were so proua 01 we em ium never revealed her history. They had simply adopted her. Her parents were kM-u. v-iih rtV a the. name Of Daniel who had emigrated to America,,1 Mrs. Bonynge took a xancy vu un euu and brought her up as her own, -ii: .iolon Backed Dow. This made no -difference until the eldest son of an earl took a violent fancy to tn muiiuiu ii giui -, whoa looks and reputed millions were the talk of London. He was but one of scores of suitors who were at her feet. The future peer proposed and then her reputed father and mother decided that there should be no sailing under false colors; hs should know the truth. The scion of th-rlatocrtlo house hummed and hawed and at last decided not to press his suit for the Bonynge' adopted daughter. -- :;'... ' Lord Deerhurst. who hsd never met the beautiful American heiress,, was told th tals at his club. He was in stantly struck with the pathos of it. He developed an intense Interest in the unknown heroins and sought promptly aa introduction to th Bonyngsa. But meanwhile the girl who had been dis carded was broken down with grief and humiliation.-' . Then brain fever set in and for weeks none dreamed she could recover. All this time Lord Deerhurst (having succeeded In obtaining an in troduction - to - th "American - Mont Crista," as old Bonynge used to be called) kept constantly calling and in quiring for th invalid and persistently cam his presents of fruit and flowers. ' smaistsaer Bewarded. - ' On day when the patient was, little tetter the viscount met Mr Bonynge . v. i . iim.Ih a . ana ins uiruca uuu . - mnA thanKM nun iiinnvwr tur mm nu merous gifts. "I promise you," she told him, directly . my girl is well enough to see a stranger you shall be the very first to be introduced and she must thank you with her own Hp for ail your kindness." ' . In do time Lord Deerhurst was pre- sentea ana every one nuw u- v-H"-which took place 11 years ago. The on sad event In Lady life has made a very great impression on her. One of the results is-that sh cares Httla for society. She has never - . . , . U elm fa naa ev lovn nuun. v. ...... nut at Hnlataad Place, her husband's est in Surrey. - Here Princess Chris tian and her two daughters frequently pay Informal vta1tvth best proof of the sincere affection which exists between these royal people and th viscountess. Lord. Deerhurst is th eldest eon and wa e C..1 a? fnvmtritr'W 1 , , . Bra vw m - - - ' Coasuel Toad of fcondom. Consuelo, Duchess of Manchester can not stand London for long at a time. .Nevertheless shs has for It almost a cockney lonaness. ino irum in mum not so young as an usea m London tires her to such a degree that many m time of an evening when she ought to b at some big dinner party or ' reception, for which she has accepted an ' . . - .1 1. h- m 11a AAra mnA tele inTiiuuu n - " pnon IMI sne i viweia w w yavow As a matter of fact, she never turns out at night except when it Is a royal party and th king and queen would be seriously put out were she not present. Sh haa been at th opera rarely this season . and , never except on . royal ' nights. ; ,. ' ;" '' . Last summer about this time the king gav her the use of White lodge; this year she hss taken on her own ac count a delightful house at Roebamp ton. Bo country fled is it that it sug gests being "miles from everywhere." yet -it is within bait an. hour's motor drlv of Consuelo own house in Oro- venor square. Uvea tax Croiet Wood. It Is a charming Ellxabethan - man' a iuhiIi.4 In tilnA waaiI. The wood pjUQ WMW r . w.-m la very still and the whole land Is full of fragrance, in one or tne garaens I an oak planted by Elizabeth, and those WHO mmj u w - nightingale concert which take place there in the rose bushes In th summer time. There la a landscape garden in which are some of th finest roses of ' every hue under th sun and a perfect forest of rhododendrons. Her th duchess will entertain friends for the week end which this year starta en Fri day morning and continues until th following Tuesday Or Wedneaday. Kins Edward will drink his afternoon tea with Consuelo - and', her friends . . ...HA liiiiMftv sift RMiuunntmi flh Is ths only woman outside royalty who 1a permitted to us red and gold liveries for her servants. On occasions when roalty grace th docheee" - hoard her four tali footmen m meir crimson ana - o A ' Mn( feuMa mrA nnwtf red hslv mAA ' much pictureequeness and put many of arista Call Ma rl -'- As beflu so intimate a friend of th king's., everything Is carried oat In her M4.hHahnMnta In "the most stately manner and quit regardlsss of coat. Consuelo Is known to her inti mate a "Connie," and th king one ajaid to her: "My dear Connie, you are . k ,Mt aztravaeant woman I know. .md that's saying a lot" "Ta, your majesty." retorted th America peer ss, "bat own up, you wouldn't be such ' mi antne did I not realise that th first essential of successful en tertaining M England IS lavisnneaa. Saawkrl) BOad 3t. ".- Th tashiow of makrng pets of dan. p-arons wild animals and repUlea, set In fjm airs. Instance tl virun ., A Medicine . 400 Years Old ; A PURE BARK AND HERB : ;V REMEDY THAT IS ;A Positive Cure And all aimilar pestilential combi nation of disease. The most suc cessful Chinese physicians have used this powerful powder, as recorded ' in Chinese medical works, for nearly half a thousand years and it is as positive in its results as is ihe action of Epsom salts. , v ' It Has Never Failed in a Single . v , Instance r And best of all 'may be taken penditure of money. . V; Th? Prescription Is Valued at $100,000 And could not be bought for that sum. I would not sell the ; formulJT for even that great figure, because I know that it . is worth much more. pi likewise have an ''f vV:v,' Unfailing I invite any paralytic in the world rto come and, see Ifor himself that I can cure him. The medicine has ; never failed me yet, and I have given it many of the most ex- acting .trials.: : r -- . Mine - Are All Bark The country where physicians are held to so strict an ac countability that to misrepresent or prey upon the credulity of their patients is punishable , Sanitarium, 27 North Fifth i Street,", Between Burnslde and .-,-,;:,:r:r..::.i.',,-, "-. Couch, Portland, Oregon ' v be Weak,1 Nervous Men ' n.M.Am m Vane aad atitdle-Aael Mea are aannallr eweot te eranatni grave throafh early uiaUcretleiie and Utar axeeaan. aad Ccmatltutioeal Bloed IXaaaaa save rained and wreckad the lire ef mu. . pnunUtag yoaag sua Have res aay e( the following aywp Tolu. KerroM and dwpondentl Tired -te - aternleg- Ke- anihltlesi MesMry Poor; Kaelly ratlsned; Instable; Byts Blur; Plnple os the (ace; Raatlees: Haggard Laoklng; BWttraaei Sofa (Throat; Balr loaaal Pains la the Bodr; Sankae Krf, Ufelraai Dtatrnatfal and Lecfe ef KMrrr and Strenauit Our Xew atataad ef Traatment will build ye Bp mentally, pnyeicauy ana viiauj. nmiaama mr, OaU er Write Bk. T. . VlxaOS, SIM Tkfc-d Street, Pertlaad, Orages. sOll holds its own pretty well, though it lacks th approval ef th king. Lord Howard d Walden has a great penchant - - -- ft.iiln.rr run of domestlo pets. Hs added to his collec tion this weea a cup - user wmou v. .hiuit the amrdena Of Aud ley End and has bean "nursed'' by the host's frlenas. i ins cup wriwa un pet dog belonging to a lady of th party tv killed It had not th owner been present, so now hs is to be -caged: yns pet iwiiTfqV"""'?j"i"J i - 1,1. mutM verv well, but IS subject of alarm to all th guests. Al though this ueast nas mns vsrlous other animals who havs ven- . . .... via mrm ha la still th SD- olal favortt of his master, who allows him to lick his nana. ' : Bdwsrd Sbus Womaa. m. vi Anskm not - often . snub ' a woman, but when hs does. It's a crusher. . wsii.trnown social leader asked him when he bed been having afternoon tea wltn her to come ana see her pythons. "No," hs said, T shall j, h kind. Whan you hav uu . made a pet of a naoy. a aoa, or iwh - kitten (th aing aoes noi c v, - . .tk.rwiui "I shall cay any on of them a visit, but certainly not a snake. My dear laay. you nave, a. ay praved taste." . 'J.,-. " ' piiiressiiinsl Craesta smml . a kuaoad address, nless- ant mannsrs (especially to women), la .im. Informed and has ulsnty to say, can, owing to th dearth of such men, or lndeea men in inuni, very handsoms Income aa a professional for afternoon parties. dinners or balls. Fifty dollars Is nothing of a fee for his presence at any of these parties If hs can claim aristocratic relationship h la worth aa,xtra 150. v...aa aaansi giiieT lessiai usirrisiars. UI in need of ' ' " occupation who possesses the essentlsl qualities nas a "' " "I will turn proiessionaii s'c . m k, in aven greater demand for house parti whereat the dearth of men la felt even more scuieiy mm m . , sAe aiif.ll ntherlnas. however. bvnuvn. . ' " . ...ii h,.a to ha nald an exception- jjly large ngure, xor pp""s wuum u. to b taken into consideration. As every one knows, ins tipping tor even s TAKE TARRANFS dmrmg theSsnnter toeaths to keep ths (toinseh healthy sod Is Used pare. A refreahlng egeresseant naerslDg dsasgbt. Iteares , PRICKLY HEAT, HIVES sad ether irrtmtlne ekla troablea. Good for children. They enjoy H. - TktoBtBlnllkeTA.aAitrSX snWeeaaaafatyataay pttee. sixty yeareef mini ... Drmu'lti " aWfl. wmUfimm ALLEtrS F0OT-EA3E cwSife A Ctrtals Cure lor Tlrea, Hd, Achln Ft. VfcMy-Av. ' 8, Olmeterl, UMv antsaT-t SltiaATlTUTK. bog, M. . UUoj,U.X. UM AfJU-assbsr am w w- - - - - THE ORSGOII SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, UNDAY MOniirtO. JULY iZ, for at home with but little ex-J for Paralvsi and Herbal Medicines by death. ; ; week-end visit te a smart nous Is rula ous to all except millionaires. Th pro fessional guest," It goes without say ing, would have to do the thing as thoroughly as anyone els orotherwts th "show would bs given away com pletely and that would be a fatal mis take, -. . - WIFE BEATS HUBBY. Court Orders Woman to Give Blow Jor Every Blow She Received. , , "Your baser." complained Mr Mary Del atetrls to Reearder Lasarna in eoart St Bayonne, Kew Jereey, "my husband here came neste, picked a quarrel with me and straek me la the fees eereral tinea. I did sot fir hlia any provoratlos. bat tried to feUj bua," ays the Mew Tork World. Beeordar Laaanni, -who hate wifebeetara, is fond of ordering puatihsients which are trance, but therefore snore likely to ke re awmbered. "I am going to rid thl etty ef nea whe beat their wires," aald ke, srowltng at Demetrte, whe looked shame-faeed. "And to basis I will glre all inch whe are brought before me a does of their own medicine. "Mr. Demetrls, I want yes to take year hsebasd into the sext roon. There yes will trlke him la the face aa herd and a oftes he etrack oa. Perhan the (hasie ef it will ears him ef the nore nasMful kablt ef beating yes. Are yoa willing to do aa I bid, ae aa aa want me to send one ef ear bealtbleat solleemea to earrf eut the eentemeeT" Mr a." PemeUie taet a-rihtaoeA Uao st her hesband. then looked at the J cor Her, whe sodded reaeitrrinf If to her. -"I will do It, Jadge," uld ike, and Vetted into the anteroom. Demetrla followed SMekly, he eloeed the doer behind them. Krary one la the eoartreoa lUtened intently n a aaamant. Thes "emackl" "whack I" MTral time repeated, eoanded hi the next The door epenea na sua. uenMrria, unlltng as tf her brnlaee sained bar no mora, tamkJ Then came Demetrla. en whoea red ebeeks the stark left by ! wife' haads wer. plain. "I hope tbls will be t keaea to yoa. Da surtria," said the record r. "I em eertals the pnnlabment asrt year wire more man yea. o hama and be soad to her." They went eway together, (he mlllng nd wbleparing to bla, ha ahaklag hie heed -ttvely aa if denrlng ttat set sUds hurt her mere thas sun. Railroad from Pendleton to Pilot Rock, . . , w V. ... ..11 I I. ana u7 uima. win m. wbuu .w, .. I asserted. SELT2ER APERIENT, TO TiltAKT CO, 44 IsaWa It, Raw Tart s ':. H for $H AfUrk XI D TDPAT MVM ANI V AND WE TREAT MEN ONLY Established ' ' If you have violated the laws of health and are eonscioiis of a con stant drain which is undermining- your system, come to ui before you ; become a nervous and physical wreck.1 Ifou are weak, gloomy and -despondent, have bad dreams, depressed, lack ambition and energy, un- ' able to concentrate your thoughts, lack vim, vigor and vitality, come to us at once; our treatment will stop all drains, and overcome all wealc- nesses and positively restore you to strength and health. , W haver1 cured thousands of weak men. . . Those. wh have been disappointed by unskilled specUluts are , earnestly requested to Investigate our methods and terms without : delay, which had they done in the beginning would have .saved them time and money. ,- A UFE LONG CURE FOR Blood Votsoa. STkia Diseases, Bore, trloere, . BtrioTore, Tartooeele, JJ , eeVoveiis eeUjse WSBessTsn j ol Disease ( th MiiT svTjjLlJliinsii- TTr-'r contracted and ehronla eases oured. Alt burn Ing. itchinf end inflammation stopped In M hours; cure effeeted days. We cover th entire fteld ot speoial and chroade, deep seated, om- UIVHtelaTou cannot call. ' All eorreepondene stHcUy eonfldentlaj and all replies sent in plain envelope. No names, cases, lettera or photo graph of patients published or exposed. . . ' ' . ' ; We eharr fox cuw enlv. W do not expect par for our services pu lses w cure a patient sound and well, so that he win be nUrely eatls- ' fled, and will never again have to be treated for the aame trouble. lifMj : tla-at aad leara that our word la as food a our bond. Our Snaanlal - alMdlaa- la solid aad on Vnf ezperfenoe la treatlar Polal diseases of mm insures von of uxodera. soleatke treatment that wlU aooompUsh a our. Hours 9 a. m, to S p. m.; Evenings, OU LUU1S SURGICAL 1 oosro stboovd TAKXirXi Doctors; mjwm who - y " ' ' W want every man that la suffering from any special disease or con dition to com and hav a social cbst with us and we will explain to you system -of treatment which Dr. W. Norton Davis hss developed after over 20 years' experience in the special diseases of man. It is a treat ment that la based upon sclentlflo knowledge, and one which time alon haa proven superior to all others, inasmuch as it haa been tried by thou sands and has proven successful. If you will call and aee us, w will giv you FTiEB Of CHARGE a thorough personal sxamlnatlon, together with an honest and aclentlflo opinion of your ess. If, after examining you. we find your case is incurable ws will we And vatir case IS curable, we will TO PAT i WHEN ENTIRKLT SATISFIED THAT A CURB HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, or you may pay in monthly payment should you de sir. , .. . -;- - - - - We make NO CHAROB FOR MEDICINES, as thy ar alwaya In eluded in nominal fee asked. ; ; ... i v , All Medicines Free Until Cured Instructive book for men mailed you cannot call at offlc. writ for quesUon blank. Thousand urd by hem treatment. i v"' oosrsTrxTATxo An .Tb Tetodmg snreclalUt f th Vorthwest. -. ' ' ' OSTlo Hour S a. am. to S aad T 'is t P v- ' ,- - ; and MoUdays, 10 to IS. Di:W. Norton Davis &Co. Offloe la Tea Moy Motel, SSH Third ftrt, Oorms Pins, nlaad, Or. 15 HI TROUBLE Famous Violinist Who Created Furore in Society Accused , - of Forging Wifee VV1IL- STEPSON ALLEGES THAT ; DOCUMENT IS TLLECALI Maid Says Dying Woman Attempted to Sign But Expired and Upon Mas ter's Suggestion She Took Pen and , Completed Nam V ' . k ; (Special Dtecatr by Leaned wire te The Jesrs!) Philadelphia, July tLLudwlg Ama dous Von Oaertner, a famous violinist. who last summer created a furore among society folk at Bar Harbor, and who has played his Cremona before th crowned heads of Europe, now faces a chargeMn thia city of forging th signs ture of his wife te a will by which he received 140,000. Th charge is made by Captain Clar ence Welner, his stepson. When ar raigned, before Magistrate - Gallagher, Vow Oaertner was held In 1 1,000 ball. Aside from th forgery charge. Captain Welner charge that his stepfather has taken possession of valuable Jewelry to which he has no rignt Tne ensrges, u Is asserted, will be pressed vigorously; Violinist Is Handsoms. Oaertner Is athlstlc and handsome. When he cam to America a few years ago he was heralded as on of th world's greatest violinists. In this city hs met Mrs. Louis Welner, whose hus band bad left her a Vast fortune. When shs went to Europe ha followed her, with the result that they wer married bv th archbishop of canterbury. . ReturViing to this country they re mained for awhll in New Tork. AU of his New Tork concerts wer auo eeasas. Th musical world received him Oil GAERTUER g.5 25 Years In Portland CONSULTATION FREE ;WE WILL TREAT ANY SINGLE, UNCOM PLICATED AILMENT FOR $12J0 .. " : - - FOR THE FEE. . Absmolute guarantee no pay unless cured . Com Today to th SUCCESSFUL Specialists -who number their PERFECT Cures bythe, THOUSANDI , You want a PERMANENT Cure I We can ACCOMPLISH IT. ; 7 to 8; Sundays, 9 a. m, to 12 noon. ITBIITf. tell you so; if, on th other hsnd. siiarante a iJU RBV-aelowinr you free plain wrapper, sealed. If adtsos astnbllethod lSSSy, Suaday with open arms and h was tnad a member of ths National Art club and the Strollers, two Of ths most exclusive organisations of New Tork. When," with his wife, he cam back to Philadelphia, he was received In th same manner, He had been given an ante-nuptial set tlement of 1200.000. and ho waived all claims against his wife's estate in con sideration of this sum. Last summer he went with his wife to Bar Harbor. Wife Becomes tU, .... ' .. , It was during all thes sueoeeses In ths fashlonablo rssort that his wife was taken 11 L Shs was removed to th Von Oaertner farm near Bar Harbor, where shs died.' .'' ; ' " - . v Whan th will was filed for probata ther was no suspicion whatever. Eli nor Norton, who was a nurse to Mrs. Von Oaertner and was with her when ineniea.'snJd'Slie herself slgnsdTTh will that was probated. Sh aald: " "She wa near death when Von Gaert ner took th notion of making a will. His wife had already drawn up a docu ment willing her property equally among - ncr relatives and her husband, but h lnslstedTtipon another will. Tbls on he dictated to me. Everything in the new will began with Ify Dear Hus band.' - , ' ' - j atelpsd Xf tieTm. . "1 aaw Von Oaertner hold th hand of hi wife as sh tried to 1gn th wtlL Sh wrots three letters, Eug,' of her nam "Eugenie,' and then stopped. She died almost Immediately. . "Shortly after thle Von Oaertner earn to me and said that th will could not bs probated unless It was signed- In full, and asked me to finish out bis wlfs's signature. Hs said this had been ad vised by the 'attorneys. I supposed I was doing the proper thing and did fill nut ths uncompleted signatur Of Mrs. Von Oaertnsr." : - 1 '. " - "Oare ef Brow leather X.ngfe7. Prom th Bt. Louis Olob-Derdocrat Th salesman brought out a superb kltbag of cowhide, a rich brown. .bag, hand sawn, as big aa a trunk.. . . - Thla," he said, "is 140." "I'd Uke it," said the patron, "only brown leather luggage geU so dirty and shsbby after a few months' us. I hav a leather steamer trunk I paid 171 for and It la scratched and stained and dis colored o I m ashamed of it." --The - aalesman frowned. . ' "Haven't you sans enough" he said, "to clean your brown leather luggage with a .tan dressing th sam as you clean your brown leather shoe? As brown shoes unclean ed beoome un sightly, so brown luggag do; but Dispensary. vomnvajrD, os. KZ1 TRANSPORTATION. T Spccid Alcska Excursions : Oettsgs OKy. My ST, Aagsst It sad . City ef Seattle, Inly SO. fare reaad tans. rAMOVrnTy-rVvrt-mOVKV' rXOUBSlOalS jrvnY rrvs bats. sotjTHiASTia AXOJXA aotm. Wtam SMttla a. m. fur Eetehihaa, Isbms. Macwar. White Berea, Deweaa sad aWOSBSB- S. . City of Wile, July 10, 10. Aafest t. 8. S. Humboldt, July 13. " 1 S. . a. Onttaa Clu irla Sitka). JatT ST, Aonet 10s4 Si. . , - I,'1 j voxs aotmb .- ' " Thbi eafllac S. a Btnator sboet sly St, roa sa rmAXOiaoo km ox. rai Seattle at a, av CauUlla, July IS. . , tertlaad OfSee, Sw WasklaBtoa St. ;' ' -. K. XXX, Vaav Tt, At,, - ; C MK PUMAMIt, O. P. A, ' - Regulator Line Steamers Tfm trxrtmsroNT BTEAMirR b xrLirr OATZERT- makes round trip te CAS CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at js a. retirntna. ar rlvea p. m. .. - juaiiy servioe oexweea rorriana 1H " "J. " - land at 7 a. m., arrlvlna about ( p. m. carry ins xrwisuv wi "ww,. ..v..- dld accommodations , for outfits . aad ,1 . w . Dock root or Aider streei, roroanu; fMt nf rurt atreat. The Dallea. Phone Main 1C Portland. . rastest oa the BAvev . ' Th only steamboat making a round trip , . 9AXVT ... x::- BzeDt Bunday Between PORTLAND ad ASTOIUA AMU -wax rax -.' Leave Portland. a. m. Arrive Astoria .............. I:' P m. i A . . 9x-S m Arriv Portland.... ....... ...: p. . - UtJJB SERVXD A IA CARTH Vcrttead Saadlair, Aide Street Does. Astoria IrftBdiaur. Oallssdss Dock. K B. SCOTT, Agent Phone Mala Sit, ALASKA PAST AMD POrUIetB BTgAMBHirS '.v.-. Isv Seattle - '. -; rBTrzm80,M Jane SO, Inry IS. Si. ; POUHU.'I Jsly ft, 18. SO. . . .; . . - oAixme at : , Ketefctkaa. 7aaeaa. Dongla, .BahsM, ttag way, ftmaeets with W. P. X. teste tor Atlla, Dewaee. Taaaaa, Nosm, ete. Per An Bostbeaatars Aleak Ports. -Ck.Il er send lor 'Trip te Wonderfnl Alaska." - "ladlaa Baeketry." "Total Pale " ,-' ' TKX AIASKA S. S. 00. ' v- traak Weelaay Oa., Atenta ' SBS Oak st. 71 ... Portia ad. Or. Erie Railroad TO TOSX AsTD OSTO ait noxn AOSXT. . IE WO Portland's ' idely Known and Successful CMnese i Medicinal, Root and Herb Doctor ' Hs) - farnoss mnedles,. the Ingredients et whleh'we import Street irvs the Orient 'Is large auantltlea and prenara asd est sp fat see la bla as-te4ate labatory. He SMreary. nelesae er drags ef say klad seed. , Psrely eeretable. The DertoT treats mefeaefsfly aad Meeentees to rare all etoaerh tmnblea. eatarrb. ssUism, Inns, threat, rheanatnns. srtesisa, lleer, kMaev end net aenboed. ' rXXALS TBOTTBLE AXTJ ' AXX PaXTATt ---S(e 4atlser sstwreeRttnsj awteMWRtaj ttas Bf Dieted. A aaf and laetlns esre In the eslek. eet seealble tlsM and at the lowest coat so. tble for soneet treatsient, v If yea eennot can, write for niptui bla at a cmsiar. ineioae eesia in aiamna, . OOVSITLTATIOV TXT. .. the O. See We Oblneae Itedlelna Co., MtH gust B uar. semen, j-eruaas. . Pleaae ateaUoa tble paper. Fook Sarig - & Co. XXIiXiaTB OarXJa. am nwiui, JAT TO CHONO. Mgr. 1231 Alder SL, Portland Pur. ' Beautiful Jad Jewelry, Oold Bracelets snd Signet Kings of all descriptions mad to or der. American names engraved ln Chlneas characters on pure sold . . jd-luok rinse enaraved with the three cardinal Chinese characters. Vial Glory. Prosperity and Longevity, rh.rni reasonable snd orders of env design promptly executed and sent pre paid to any part of the United 8tatea. CUnmedf. Jlewbna. VIM glOWS VAIla : Tarreat a AMWaot at Oabebs sad Oeeeiba la ' . ! ThoMelii,fiieaiweajiovaena morrhoea. sleet, waifcaa, ate. Kaey to take, eoneeawat an earry. PUkt year anoeeeanu nae. . a-neevi, a . Mm ai-V.lM'e aal W.-lllM-fM. Portland, Oreaon; or by mall from Te farrant Co.. 44 Haoeoe ar.. pi New York. sura. i4e,w unpie - at CHICHEMTFR'8 ENOLIoil i tm us M4 aaManw I vllh Wetrneee. Tekeaeethee. EAi eaaaea PaeeUalare, Teaetaaeaaals eea'-aeHef lb. Laalaa, IMMr, H re. 7 are Meal. 1S.eeT,,Mei,alan -way eSbrentau. rhleheetae Ckoaaleal Oe, I -H. thfsTuggaga .. cleaned - whenever It Is used Is ths most Imposing and th most beautiful you oan hav. . - -Get a bottle of brown leather dress ing, apply It to your brown trunk and rub with a woolen cloth for five min utes. I'll guarantee that the trunk will then look better than new. . It will have a richer, deeper color. -"Suit cases, valises, all sorts of brown leather things should be rubbed up esch tlms they are used. Then, Ihstssd of shabby luggage, w ahould see. every where spick and span luggage of the richest brown.-... 1 1 , : - CoIanibiaRiverSceQery CGI &4 , ,-1 hBswstajswa umoiria 3 Trns to the East . Dafly- . Thresgk PeJuasa etaadae snd tsarlet esM ne-ears dally to Oawnn, Ohlcaso, Spea tourlet sleeolnc-eaie dally to CaeSM UaT4 Jbroart Mellnlag ebalrears (aeeU Cms) M tb taat sally. . " Cslo. D,po . ; Lear. Asre fAteere-PartUnd gpeetal far - , ' Jbel keet Tie Bntln(ton. gly. 0:S Sat BoPS, ""Jer fn," ,ater " between Blnra sad ' rttasd. d.nv.;...!!:..:.V. Si' . - ; coi-nnreiA unit nmno". ? and way selsta. teeneerlsg wtrS tT!?,, w Irwee and Mortb Beaea, eleanM A'h-et. doeh. tee ree S a. sv . eir, "eept "Baderi Baterdav. - t n. sv amw OrenL v.nnt a-va 1 ' TAhTHTLt, arVRB FJOTTTU. fr Peytee. Creams City and Taaibni ttes point ta. eteamere gatb end Medoe, Aah-et ees. ' KB 10 fltnf). Arrire : p. k. gaoy. eseeet saday. , v . . SWASTB RfVem BftTITB. r ' See u.k. . - . BlnertaT Wa.."! T,. J?" .' .. er npo arrival Train TKtet Oraee. Third end WanhSagtoa eta, -TeWVwe Wain Tlfl. . A W. St I Mass w. . . . - 1 : Wto. If elf CK BAT, General PsaMager AfeaZ , EAST" SOUTH tmion OTerlead gipraas -Trains P Sale, lleeebsig, Aaa !" "aBMate. Otdea, mmm m ranraMe, Stocnto Los AnaaUa. se Vtmm. Morning trala eoaseeta at Weedbars dally except . '. Snndey wtth trala fee ,.-. Moent Angel, ' Sllvertee, . Mi oa n ,111a. SpHnsSeld. wenanng an Netrsa.... iesfSS Bnsene peeavnser eas- neeta at WeaAhnea aritk ' .. . Bfeenr Asaai and an roa nteni. rxevallts paaaaaser T:W em tSf saeaenser....... 4:Mpm Ireve seeeenaer.. psKIO psi...'"StS0 asg , beHden Poeeet Oreve DallT. Irrtenv mv mmAv. jrrrBHo7fTifrT stattoh. Tor Dallas and latarawdtate points SaOy TrSS B. and 4:11-1. m. , Arrive Partlaad 111 a. in. nnd :SO a. ea. . For nnte and ears ef tMwege sanevee ' pniy ai .-uy -nenei urnee. er atari oak Ticket te Beaters paint and Semen pen. mm. tflonomis ane anvfrane City Ticket Ornre earner Third aa rag erreera. rseae ateia Tlx. 0. W. STTNOBB. Wai. McMTTBBAT, . City Ticket Agent. Sea. Pass, AnaV. TIMECARD TRAINS Portlands Dalaa Uee.' AlUiaa Tellu eiraai Perlt-Bl Cttr-at. laob SDeetol for Chehalla, Centralia. Oiyav , . , pie. Cray rjarnor, sonra . h,. T.nm S.ettla sw ' ' kese. Lewtetes, Batte, PMli ! . ' Mnte, Denver, Omaha.' Kea- aa City. St. Uale and ' aonrbeaet. dally .......... SaWasl ' eWnss) North Cnert U art ted. elee- , . , a . . , j trie lighted, tor Teeneaa . e,. . I geetfle. Spokane, Batte. . .. Mlnnrenalta. Dt. Pasl aad th Bast, deny ....... v. StOSSI Mags.. Pnga Bsasd limited, fa neivsamt. Osebelm, On trells. Taeesas aad Seattle . enty. deny B Sa Twhi City Baisea for Ts- eoma. renie. spoane, , , - . ITeleno. Batte. St. Pent. '. V Mtaaeapelta. IJnenrs. St.- ' Joeeph. Bneae City. Owe. harBt. l-ola, wltbeet , . ebanse of rare. Dtreet eon- r f neerlona for en pMsts ; East and Soafbeaet. dally.. fllXBal tSrSS nag mm ' -s. ' ' Vi '., tawva, ; - ATtv t . . . . ' .. ' net: A. D." CWABTTOW. Aeaterant eastal Pne. . . enaer Agent, tM Merrtsaa atreet, ewes TsweV Paruanoj. urasos. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Osies Deset : 1 beaea. Per ttarsera. Kalnler. net. kenle, Weatport. Clifton. : . " ' Aalerla. Warren toe, ri. -. ..' ' eeL Hammond, Vert gtev- " ' en. Oearhart Park, aeedd. S4S ( tllS sag Aatoria aad Seaebere, ex- - nreee dally Tas tse ea) Portland-Seeelde yiyer" gatiwday aaly laare Portland S:10 p. BJ. - AH trelne deflv. . v ' J.C MA TO. O. r. nd P. A, Aetorls. Or. ' C. A. STBWABT, OommersinJ AgB SSt Alder street, Pbese Mais 80S. TME COatrOKTABLC WAY. 2 Ovcrliad Trttss Ds3y 2 'The Oriental Limited, the Taet MaA ' VIA gBATTI.B ABP gPOKAWB. Kily. Belly, ire. ' Arrire. pertlaad time sebodsls Te aad trow Spokane, -.--: St. Peel Mlnneapoll. . r Dntsth and ell setsts -a " ""'""itas: l&iz TW and frees St. Pent. Mtnneepolla Dnlnth . ,,. , ; nd ell points Bast ' ' - vie Bpokase ;1ew Sie em great Berthera Bteasukly Oa, galling from Seattle . lav Janes snd ChlaT porta and Maallev esrryisg se Mnser and freight. - aB. Xlnneseta, Jnly I. ' g. S. Dakota, September A BIPPOB TUSBW KA1SXA ; '-IJpn Man ateeawhls Ce. tTw Tnnge Mara wlU eell from Seattle about Jnlr tl for Japes sod China sert. . earryiag pessesgers sad '""for Mckete. rate Wtb feeervn. new. etc.. eeH on e address K. DICXSOB, a 9. T. A., IS! Third it. PertUad. Oreeaa. Phene Mala ta. S. S. F. A. Kilburn ; pa Can Bay. Baraks ssd Sa Praneteea. - Best wiling froai Portland, Thoriday, Ag. It Kext sallTng frost Sa Brea TsureV 'oly Pa, ' r nnrrwonott Aeeat. ( OreeanrWa Dock Be. A raeas Mala let, - - 1 1