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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
t; -J: THE OREGON SUNDAY" JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 3, ; street. : :- . :. f, :. : - V v. v. . .1-: r.- . ; i ' - .: . . v....v i i ..,...,. -v ..w . - i m l '. 3 J 7 - - - I 1 I g 1 1 w I t ' ' it $ it v go) rt t . t a-" ti l 5 W 14 a3 9 i J ' S ft ... . 7 03) ie y3f s i t a i ' i is ? w n is t r 4 M its it$ XX ' I ga 1 1 ' 7:1 I "TT 9 tf , '9 A It ' 14 'ft sT"t 1 .(0 r wa1 fl ma Tir i y ' '90 4 i. n t.4 a f M. JO0 I a ?r j H . ' (4 'i&O 90 9 A 3 ft lb 7 IT' Jl 6 e 5 4 m'u 'so a tl t$0. 9 ? n STREET so a 'iu 4r ii 15 'r 10 (4 - rJ 9 18 M ' ' 9 i9 M 4 Iq r 9 " i tl t 4 It 'IIJ "U II 19 n 14 7J 9 n$ rt 7 ff ;n n ft IA ' n 9 i 7 rj 4 10 ; f 9 H w STREET uoj r-, ; K t "l CD 5 ! d-J , $17 1 C V ' 2 ri-i-i r--- i Choicest site for a home and best vie the niou Do ybtrwaht to make $5.00? "Here's a chance for 3 days,this No mistake will be made by any person who buy s lots in Portland now. Here is a chance to get a lot on the old popular plan of $1.00 PER WEEK Right on car line, Bull Run water, graded streets, and thfe cheapest buy in the city.' ; ' COUPON : FIVE DOLLARS 1 Is good for a five-dollar pay ment on one of the lots in Elberta Only one coupon can ; be used on each lot ,. Don't miss the chance; ' t. ... rf Lfis frm $9 to $3 v'f V Take Alberta Car, Second and Washington i G. A; JONESlAgetit At 27th and Alberta H. L. CHAPIN, bfifiU IcEvci-nga 246 Stark St Red Estate Bargains Multnomah. nta and Orethaia forclnf to tha front Now U tha Una to buy ll'Zorati eholea land. Ona-half mlla from , Oreabam; taya tn two ploeaa: will aall on or both; maka boautiful home; - flna location; $100 par acra. X anap. EzoapUonally flna buy. - Cholca land. : KA.era tract naar Lanta; clearad. In cultivation: aplandld berry and fruit land; to oar fara: l00 par aora. 10 Aoiw (adjoining); parUy olaarad; r 160 par aora; a anap. -A a-room koua batwean TTnlon ar. and Grand alot lOOxltJ; Una fruit , traaa, ahrubbary. ate.: a aplandld noma in ftwd HoatUm $t.00. . ITw aaatloaa flna timber and sraalnc landa. Klamath county. Ore iron; good apeculation. Only It per acra. ISO Aoraa tlmbar land. Klickitat county, Waahlncton: erulro 1,000.000 feat yaU , low plna; only thraa-fourtba mlla from Klickitat livar. Prloa $1,000. . 1M Aaxaa tlmbar land on tha Nehaletn j rlrer, TUlamook county; crulee two to tnree million iei cror ; Wni eell at Tacrlflcarealt-Monday or I Okotoa WlUamatta TaOay Vanb j acrea within ona lla and half from .Poeaeaslon Ootobar- RaaA bxain; MHNI1NQ STOCKS .BOO Caaoaala, Try cheap. Me oner. ura winner. Bight prloa. tisTOTXttY R1ITCHII-L LAMONT& HARRIS PHONB MAIN 1011. 10754 SIXTH 0T. riVVl roll lot on Multnomah, near S. 1UW i9th ... cement walk; eleaant alta, HolUday Park AddlUoa. tfV Ten lota doaa to car Una, Art) of Ie ixKlre; ona third eaah. Full lot llth, between Northrop and Orerton eta.; Sna location. t?6Zil Full lot. Northrup, between lid and 2td ata. I60 eaah. t3f)Art Beautiful 10x104 lot, 14th, na aHWU .WMII Johnaon and Kearney ata. THIS PRICH GOOD . ITNTIL WEDNESDAY ONLY. tlJfih 10x10. eorner llth and Norttxtup MVVI sts.: income at preaent 1444. tAfiM Caan wilt-net to par-eeat oa In-1 vestment, Dajance lona term, e percent; Income 12.400. C7flA New l-room modern houaa, ln J?W Cu(ung eleaant new furniture, Kearney, near Sid at.; Inyeeu rata. - t?ri KMl on Front at., l-atory )Z0,dUU brick, near Aab. FSW DAYS ONLY. - k tl? KM II feet an Front et . welUm tUrvVv r roved, between Stark and Burnalda. R6 feet on llth at., near Olfaan. Tha beet barxaln In that part of tna QUO For eompleU Plane, Speclfr utimi and Dataila of thia c room Cottast; cu be built fol $1200. : I a 60 oonU " r Plan " LV R from $400 r' ' T-T? to $5000.. V. W. Vocf bees, Architect 35. 30. 37 Eitel Bldf, Seattle, Wash. . There win be eeaetbtar ea4n( en efflr S Vwo ree teveetlaeta the busalne we are aew i"J!L 1 iweai aaOe tad frtlt eew ISOOr2 rine mIiImt. na Tweatr-thlrd etrvet. eteeie lt. eleeuie llftte. net 14,000. , W1U eeU Car riae let at. Inhne, lOteW feet, with 10 'lent alley. 41 ll"0 eeta. per month. im ntet pleat te trade toe PertUad We eraet te tnae Klanatb eaerr land fnr - ve er ft' erre treet with trait aad fcalldlnca. It ban anritih ta etfaere, rail ee the TaCUlO ai alii X VH i ue $7500! city. t7nflft One of tha flneat boueee In the 1 UVU eity Wth carpeta, ahadea, etc; all new and etrlctly modern; full quarter block, aaat aide. See ue ' : about thle at onoa If you want en elerant home.. TJat your property with na we have buyere waiting. If In the market to buy call, ee we hare property we are not allowed to aarerwee. First Street Fractional eorner with l-etory brick; Income 1271 a month; IS,000. Comer 76x100, ery Central on . let treat; Income 1410 month; ffl.100. : 10x100, on let atreet between Wash' tngton and Stark streets; 110,000. Grand Avenue Only corner on Orand avenue near East Morrison to be had for 17,000. East Ankeny St. - II choice lots between'. Nyburg Lane end, West SYnue for l,00; on terms. Corner lot and brick - building on North Seventh atreet. - Income 111! month; 140,000. The Healy Investment Co. I10-XI4 AblnglOn, 100 H TRira Bt. Parrishr-Watklns &CO. , ziTimnn ion. Real Estate . -. . ' " aTA ' ' nravsAvos aito ioajt 251 Aider Street, Porlltad, Or. ... ;::!BiifP-lMEElMIl Lots, Blocks and Acres 13). E. EXTENSION TO COUTtOLCQESt Now under construc tion pastes through TT1 f AW UUjCiJCilIVtiI our ne w add 1 tlo n." Lots $350 to $750 Exclusive Dealers in Portland Heights Propcrty-Office Opp. Observatory Ffcone t!dn 2159 a '"BBig!gMMFfTM3iHgM! tier-- r .mrss,i-jis -n m. tt Spi ,i l. vmywyi'W.W .fy MODtRN HOUSE PLAN FROM $5.00 UP Designs mnde from your ' own -sketches, and. with skill and taste. E. KRONER., Architect 1S-1T Cambridge Bldg B. W. Corner Third and Korriaoa, Vortlaad, Or. An Old Story aeerly tbe erlatnel eoet ef tbe property aad tb letereat ee the Inntniat The EAST SWB bae the BMet ROMKK, the meet KAPIDLT. anil tbe ORIATCB PORTLAND MI ST aed WILL be there. HOLLADAfS 'ADDITION II fhe eraphlra1 ater ef tbe eltr. (el la tbe aaeet LknIBARI.B realoVeee dtatrlrt, and aneb ef thla will beeene BCBINRKl propertr.. De aot eerlook tbeae PACTS bm maklni iDTeatBieote and call end la mntrt the nrooertr. lot eealns la .bellerlnc. Tbe Oresoa Real Estste Cc?xay Hit Xkk st, Koaca d, rertUsd, pregea. Maker tJs On This New Modern House located on East Twelfth St one block north from Ver non cat-line. $200.00 cash wilTgive you deed and we will - give ryou - your - own terms on balance. : We are obliged to sell, so make us an - offer. - Only one left. Offer - Apply to Ownersf;223 Lumber. Exchange .1.. . PHONE MAIN 1277-., SECOND AND STARK Cm MY BMGMRIS" 4-story hotel. Front street Marshfleld .,............$15,000 Kvlly equipped brewery, Marshfleld.. 6,600 Do yon wish to know something about COOS BATT Write ua. We ' will answer your Inquiries We are headquarters for real estate, farms. Umber, dairy, coal, plattlnfc lands. TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT COATIY Jk H. SENQSTACKEN, MANAQIR. MABSHFIKUD, OBEOON W tiive'i 1arc list of dtv orooertics. business..' resi dence and vacant lots and invite inspection by intending ' purchasers. ' . "r"' x " ': ' r 6. M. BARR, CITY MANAGER f ' ;rWe have a. large list of farms, comprising some of the best in the state, which we' will mail to any; address upon 1 request; ; :....' . y . 245 J The Shaw-Fear Co. Mt. Scott Letter No. 2I :.; ""Tairaslde on day of yonr-Tsoatlon for looking untthe Mount Scott District and the bargalna to be had. Our office la the omctarbargaln counter for Mount , Scott real eetate. Wa have some real good ones. In houses, lots and acreage. For example, hers la ones , t .. $100 D6wn--$850--Monthly Payments $10 ... 4.roora tsottaga, rooms large, .yery. convenient, lot 41x110 feet, well Improved, nice lawn, nice neighborhood.. We will buy this ours ves before wr wlU allow It to remain on the market longer than Saturday. July II,-10. at . I n. m. We hare others, but none quit so good as this. Just think, only 1100 down and 110 per month. . " ' , , ' The Arrow Realty Co. FORD 4b BAIN, Managers, tTSWARTB STATION, Mt Scott 0f IM . u p