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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
I V zzz cnzco:; cu::day jouh:ui; postlaHd. Sunday mornino, julv t2. lsca, V PORTLAND PROPERTY IS SHOVING AGTIVITY Tracts Sold to Prospective Home-Builders Progress Made in Erec ; ; tiori of Down-Town Skyscrapers and More New Buildings Are ; Planned Activity in Warehouse District Large Deals Pl"imnu.'ji.uwi, i t - , , Xfetla Involving from tli.000 to f 40.000 wr tit features la th realty market during tha past week. While bo great deala are reported nearly avarr o para tor dealareo that business la vary brisk end tha proapacta tor tha summer sad fall era remarkably bright..-- Building eontlnuee to be brlak end announcement ware made during tha week of several new buildings, while work was atartad oa others. Including .the new warehouse for Prael, Hegala A Co. and the big machine abop for the Willamette Iron 4 Steel work ; ' , Rapid prograaa la being made on the varloua buildings tinder - eonatrnotlon. On the Failing building, fifth and Al der atreeta, one atory a waek la being added, that atruoture now. being to the third floor. The 'foundation-"for tha Buohanaa .building la finished and tha first floor waa laid"' thla weak on ' the wetland building. The foundation has alao been computed for the new build ing st First and . Morrison atreeta. . , Besldenos Fro party Aottr. .Thra is marked activity In reatdenoe Sreparty on Portland heights. D. B. :easey as Co, report that the paat week has been one of -the moat aotlva they have bad for quite while. They re port aeveral sales, all of which ahow an m A v no In . liiilrlita nmMrtv. W. 71 Well of1 the Faclflo Monthly haa par chaaed, through Keaaey 4k Co, the Mock Two New Homes, oa CUfton street extending from Six teenth to Lownsdale. Thla block Is well located and commands an excellent view. The price paid was $$.000 snd It Is understood that Mr. Well will st ones etart the building of a handsome home on the property. . J. D. Clement, a commission merchant on Front street, has wurohaaed. through Keaaey 4k Co., the quarter block owned by ex-Mayor-a. H. Williams at Chap man and Elm atreeta The price paid was $1,740 and Mr. Clement will build a home there In the near future. A quarter block of the Caesar property, at Nineteenth and Elm streets, was fold ?isterday by Keaaey A Co. to C H. oualee for $1,(00. Oreeaway Sots Solo. Oreeaway, kn addition to Portland heights and on - the road to Council ' Crest, has figured In the market this week. J. M. Achaean purchased three lots la this tract through Keaaey Co. KAA - Mm W .TaBMIUH ' Well of the Faclflo Monthly haa pur-1 thla type is under construction and in I ' chaaed, through Keaaey 4k Co, the Mock 1 Loa Angeles several buildings of this I r. , , , , ...." i, i,.., . ...... ,u i iwiny '" n-,,,":-,lL'rV ''ra''e..'l:WTvrf'1JW'Li'W',l a purehaaed three for $$,000. The pur , chaaers will build bouaes oa the prop erty at once. . Following cloae on the announcement of these came the sale of the balanoe of the entire Oreeaway -- tract, containing la all about fifty lots. Thla purchase was made by a syndicate of real aetata operator of the city and the price paid is said to be aomethlng like $10,000. ; sro Mavryflxg. Thousand of the beat-looking young ladies In Korea are languishing In spin eterbood owing to an extraordinary edlot of the government ' ' A year ago the crown prince became a widower. Now he haa decided to take another wife, the government official all over the kingdom have bean - In straetaa te forward to 0001 the name ,, . .;,- . ' J'., - y. I-. 'J'; , HEIGHTS RESIDENCE ... B. F. Lombard's Home, Twenty-Fifth and Hancock Streets. 11 thla property the hills seems to be attracting attention sad the de mand Is' said to be growing, particular ly further up oa the hill. Probably the moat Interesting announoement for real estate men waa that made yesterday that a one-fourth Interest In the eaat half of the Talhot tract bad been pur chased by XL W. HenOrlx, the architect, for eomethlng like $14,009. It la said that Mr. Hendrli will continue to act with tha syndicate that made the orig inal purchase and which la now hav ing the ground platted, but when the plat Is finished will design and build several handsome country homes oa the ereat. . Win BU4 Apartmeats. One of the busiest real aetata men in the city te K. J. Daly, wno reports bual nsa very good and that he now- baa deposits " oa deals aggregating 174,000. Mr. Daly baa Just sold for $11500 a lot 100 by 140 feet in the vlolnlty of Thirteenth and Montgomery. . The pur chaser, whose name t. withheld until tKe papers are closed, la a California banker, who will erect oa the property reenforoed oonorete apartment-houses, containing every modern feature. Thla will t be the first reenf orced oonorete apartroent-houae In Portland. At pres ent la Seattle aa elght-etory building of thla type is under construction aad in Los Angeles several buildings of this Sixteenth and Elisabeth Streets, Portland Heights.' Improved type have been erected.' There haa been more talk during the week of railroad to be built sad thoee being built C BL Loes. the purchaser of the Untied Railways, is in Port land and has. gono over the ground and It is likely . that aotlve construction work will commence In earnest In the near future. Another-prospective line Is a belt system, 'which. It 1 said, will encircle the Hood river valley. While thla la distant from the elty, It le nev ertheless of some Importance, shows railroad development,' and any railroad building In Oregon has a good effect on Portland.. .. .'.,' . ' v ' Furniture Company's DeaL Possibly one of the moat interesting features of the week waa the purchase by the Oregon Furniture Manufactur ing company of two blocks of land In South Portland, adjacent to the com pany's factory, and the fact that these two blocks will be used aa residence elte for employes of -the- miller" This purchase aad the building of these home show, a healthy ton In th In dustrial life of Portland, exhibiting aa It does the evident desire of the em ployer te help hie employe. It Is re ported that the furniture company haa' other plana under consideration for the aid and comfort of It employ and that Fletoher Linn Is svldently working out th plana which hie friend know snd full description Of eligible brides. Meanwhile instructions have been is sued that ao young women of th bet ter classes are to be married until the crown prince has snnounoed hi choice. The governor of Kytng Kya, Chung Chulla and Kyong dared to disobey the royal edict and allowed their daughters te marry, 7ae have falls la, seaj ii ii Hi I H.iJipi t 1 x X ;r::': v 1' X- ' In Ml he haa of making his plant an Ideal one. To any one familiar with the present building activity la Portland there le no - question of the Justice of the re quest of Building Inspector Spencer for at laaat two assistants. It la impos sible for one man te give- the attention neoeaaary to all the buildings now un der way In Portland, approve plana, consider specifications sa he ahould and make inspection of structures un? der oouree of construction. Tne Duua ers theraoelvee -hop , that the assist ants will be granted, a It will aid, them la their work, t. Activity oa Peninsula. Ther haa been a marked activity la Peninsula real estat during the paat few weeks. All the property la the vicinity jjf .the new packing-town- has either changed -hands or -deal are on for its transfer, and that section prom isea to b very lively for tha next year or two aad. In fact, -longer. The larg eet deal reoently reported from that aectlon waa the sale the -other day by X H. Tarpley to Fred W. O, Iead better of $ aorea for 114,000. - Two -deals In widely, aeparated sec tions of the elty. Involving $40,000 and $30,000, respectively, caused some com' meat In the market, for they ahow that Inside property haa a commanding value la the elty, but of course nothing like what Is demanded in Los Angeles and other ooaat cltlee. The sal by th Security Saving St Trust company of a half block at Seventh - and Ollsan atreeta to H. W. Lemeke for $40,000 was under discussion among some real estate operator th other day and in the party waa an operator from Los Angeles, who Is familiar with Portland property, having lived hare until - two yeara ago. He eald that he eonaidered $40,000 very reasonable for thla prop arty, and that in Los Angeles a place located similarly to the business- seo tlon of th elty would command a' ready sal at from $40,000 .to $75,000. Th other deal referred to and Involv ing $$0,000 waa tha tranafer of ' the Ave apartment-houses owned - by John B Teoa at Eleventh and Salmon atreeta. This deal alao astonished the Los Angelee man. From talking of theae deals the con versation turned to other- property, some of It located la the heart of -the bualneae aectlon, for which prlcee rang ing from $1,000 to $1,400 a front foot la asked. The Los Angeles man aid that ' In his city suotr property would not be on the market an hour before "It "would be taken up, at-from $2,500 to $$,000 a front foot All of thla goes to show that Portland prop erty le still held below the average In other coest cltlee. disfavor at court In consequence aad Are to be severely paniabedV Pity Poo Thompaoa, . Freoi fudge. - ' "SoesetlsMS t thluk I be man troubles thes asy ether sua oa earth." "Neeseaeel Loos at TbeSpeon. He's got a wtfs, ss sseasnMl aad s set urates fat bee, tag, ass geoV4 ".-- ' I "' . ' , . :v. coon ESCAPE ROAD GUARDS Prisoners Engaged in Improving - Highways 1 Elude Keepers ; and Cain Their Liberty. THREE GET AWAY FROM ! GANG WITHIN TWO DAYS Last Man Missing Is Leon Harent, . Who Was Sent Up From This 7 CblinrifTor twand a Half Years J' fpr' Burglary. .'. ', '.: ' . (Spedel Dlapetea te Tbe Journal.) Balam, Or., July Jl. Convlcte work ing on tha publio road are taking their opportunity to escape. H. A. Schmidt escaped Friday - while working' on the rock crusher, at Sublimity and Edward Morgan, who escaped from tbe same place today wag from Joaephine -county, etrvlng three yeara. Leon Harent, who alao eaeaped from work at the fair grounda today waa. from Multnomah county, eervlng two and a half yeara. A reward of 1460 le offered by tbe prison officials for the arrest of each. Leon Harent 1 of that clas of th criminal gentry known aa hobo bur glars. Ha waa arrested upon hi arri val her on October $0, 1404. In a boxcar on a Southern Paelflo train. A revolver, hammer and fllea ware found, la hia possession and he waa ordered out- of tbe elty. On tbe morning of November $$. 1404. b waa captured by nelghbora In th act of breaking Into the atore conducted by A. H. Bella at Rock-wood, 10 mllea eaat on the Base Lin road. Ha had three . revolver on hie person at the time snd upon conviction In the circuit court waa given a aentance of two and a half yeara In the penitentiary on Lecember 10. 1904. ' " ''"' NEW BOOKS FOR THE : LIBRARY." - ' RELICUON. Creighton, MandelL bp. Claim of th Common Life. - ....... Wealey, John Selections From the Writing of th Rev. John Wesley. BOCIOLiOQT. Coffin, O. M. A B C of Banka and Banking. t England Board of trade Statistical Abstract for th United Kingdom, 14(0 1404. PHILOLOOT. Robinson. R. F-Leadmg Faota of tha Oregon School Law. Reed. Alonao Word Lee a one: a Com plete apeiier. Reed. AlonSo. and Kalloac Brainard Higher iveasona In Engl Col ton. B. P. Phvaioloa-vi BrUfav Course, 1404. Beaton, A. E.. and Rounth waits. H. M. Pocket Book of Marine Engineering vuies anoj a.aoiea. . -L. -. FINE ARTS. Arnold. O. M. Brock Oalnsborourh and Constable. Hooper. C E. Country House. Lombard. Louis Observations d'ua Musldea Americaln. : - . Spiers, R, P. Archttecture, Eaat and Weet LITERATTTRB. Flrdausl Shah Nameh, ,trv by Jama Atkinaon. ' ' Hugo, V, M Poems, tr. by Sir Oeorge Toung. Lamb, Charles works, II vol. Locker-Lampeoa, Frederick London Lyrics, Nettleahip. R. I. Lecture oa . th Republlo of Plato. ' -4.u - Schiller, J. o. F. Work, vol, Tacitus, Cornelius Agrlcola and Gerroanla: ed. by A. J. Church and W. Brodrlbb, new ed. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Mac Don aid, J. R. Geography of New Zealand. . . ' HI8TORT. Thomas, A. C History of the United SUtesr BIOORAPHT. - Kinglake, A. W. A. W. Elnglake; by Rev. W. Tuokwell. WofflngtonrTsargaretsLife-and-Ad- venturee of Peg Woffington; by J. F. Molloy. FICTION. Andrews, M. R. S. Bob ' and the Ouldea Beach, R Pardnera . Fuller, Anna Pratt Portralta Hart. F. B Mre. Bkaggs Huabaads and Other Bketohe. McCarthy. J. H. Flower of Franc. Moore, Oeorge The Lake. - -Pater. W. H. Osston da Latour. Sutcllffe. HalllweU Bachelor la Ar ced y. Verne, Jules Hector Bervadic FRENCH FICTION. Feulllet. Octave Historic d Sibylla. Sand, Oeorge Comtesse d Rudol- atadt. t vole Members Portland Realty Board P. T. ANDREWS CO... ....Hamilton botldbif ISAAC W. BAIBD A CO &IS 0. ef C. y. BBE8KS 444 Sherlock tralldlnf A. H. BIBBEt.L SOS aleKsr bolldtoi BUCHTCl, KBRWS...483 Baft Moniseo etnet A. a CHCRCHIIX A CO..... .110 Seeosd eueet CONTINENTAL CO MS Stark etret B. J. DALT m railing tending I. O. DAVIDOM....04 Chenibtf of Onamerce DAN W. EDWARDS. Orasoalta ealidlns rt.ORIAN rlJCHS rtret sueet OOLDSCHM1DT-S AOBNCT. .SS4V4 Wmb. stet OOLDHM1TH A CO. ...... .42 8hrlock balldlnf OOODNOt'OH STEARNS. ...S Wib. balMInf M. O. ORirriN .....Km sters streei OBlNPHTArr A BCnALK S04 Stark street BARTMAN A TUOMPSON.. .., . of O. R. HABERSUAM A CO..4S0 Sherloek bnlMlBf JOSrPH M. BE ALT Z14 Ablngton bulldlna CHARLES K. BF.NBX; BT1 Stsrk street INVESTMENT UO mars IUMI a a rir.KHON a CO 344 Stsrk etreet CHABI.E! II. KORBI.L..fBl Wiahln(tos etnet LAMREBT. WBITMEB A CO. 107 Sherlock bids. M. B. I. KB S3 Sixth stmt D. MACKBT... .8S1-M.1 Lamber Kxnhanse bids. MALL VON nOB"TEL.HW nornaine srrei MOORE INVESTMENT-CO. ISO -Wkr-etret MOflOAN ri.IEPNER. .414 Ahlnstoa building M OTTER M'KINZIR.SOS-aiO Commercial blk. r. O. NORTH Rrr u vooimerciai oiora L. A. PATTRRHON IIS Pise street PAciriu iixlb a ini--! ........ ........... a--T yalllng aaUdlag PORTLAND T.BCT CO. 6r ORKOON.-.. , i. omar I htto irm wma eiravw . PRANK P-ORTER... -t21 Waahlnrtoa etraet rfcn. rir?tJa. TTNAN OO. aX-ond stw ROPNTREN A DIAMOND S41 S'ark arrMt CORO SKNOSTAKR 40 Fifth street JOHN P. SHARK ET A CO T01 O. of O. BTEVENHON. pkuwh iv.imIwiwkm aireac A. P. SWENSfOX A r0....1i3l4 Weab. street siNNorr a sinnott mb c. of o. LOIUS SAI.AMON....-...- .. I04 lirat street 6. 0. SVlTfl. -V. ....Ew rmho ef Ootnmeire f S. TATLOR .418 Menrnam rmudlag THS TITLE OGARAirTES TRUST CO.... naaninsroD erreoT Wfl.L H. WALKER 40S M-Ry belldlns WARIrlKI.D, rui" prars etraet n-HlTIVO ROUNTREB.41S AMnrtoa bvllillnf J:. M. WH.Bt'R .-"0 M strMt . t, 0. .......... .44 eraad Tsr J. T.WILSON, Auctioneer Monday, Wednesday, Friday At 10 a. rrueach day at salesroom, - 208 First street - Monday's Sale ; Comorlses a-flna aaaortment of eer ier furniture. In a variety of 'designs ana. nnisn cnurs, inoies, rocsere ana floor coverings. UBRART FITTINGS, bookcases, ehalra, tables, pictures, por tieres and hangings, dining-room . and bedroom furnishings, Iron, wood and folding beds, sanitary bed oouchea (all metal), with mattresses; a One selec tion of CARPETS, rugs, mattings and linoleums, drsssers. commodes, toilet ware, bedding, couches, lounges, Morrla chair, , pictures, laoe eurtalna, window shadea, extension . tables, dining-room chairs, sideboard, dishes, - glassware, granltewsre, kitchen treasures, tablee. atovea. ranges, utensils and other valu able housekeeping appointment. Wednesday's Sale At salesroom, 208 First street, at 10 a. m., Furniture, Carpets, :-- Gas Ranges, etc. -.. , - - To the highest bidder we wilt eell thle day from a atock of parley and dining room furniture, . bedroom and kitchen trtmmlngs, odd pieces of up-to-date fur niture, NEW agateware utenatla, parlor. and OAS RANGES, REi-RIQEHATORS and miscellaneous. Friday's Sale Af salesroom, 208 FirsfstreeVst " 10 - m.,; Furniture, Carpets, - Ranges, etc.:. All th neoeaury up-to-date furnish ings for parlor, library,- dining - room, bedroom and kitchen use. - A select lot of up-to-date goods. Bale at 10 a. m. . NOTR We are on tha market for any Quantity of housefurnlshlngs, office and atore fixtures. bankruDt atocka. etc. We pay th highest poaslbl price for anyrning aaiaoi. fnon Main tai. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Especially Fin Furniture, Eta, . On Tuesday Next ' The followlnr conslmment of excel lent household goods to be eold by euo tlon at llllll AVOTIOaT BOVSa, corner Alder and - Farx. including- up-rlrht-planog HANDBOMEIL. SHAPEO SOLID MAHOOA-NY PARLOR TABLE. recently purchased from the leading atore of the city; sliver smoker's . set, elegant gilt clock, ANTIQUE SOLID BRASS INCENSE BURNER. REMINO- TON TYPEWRITER, highest grade dressing ehalra, In reel leather aeata; 4-foot round extension table, on mas sive pillar and oiaws; prominent side board, pretty buffet, all en suite, and highly polished quarter oak: handsome rockers, couches, parlor Davenport, lace eurtalna, Axmlnatar and Brussels rugs, 4xlt; carpeta, brasa and Iron bade, hair mattresses, goose-reathar pillows. High ly polished eastern drsssers and cnlf fonfere, Princeas dreaaera, folding beds, toiletware, oak china .cupboard, lino leum, hanging lamps, FIRaT-CLASS STEETL RANGE, worth 144: gas rang and other useful article. On view to morrow (Monday). Fnrttee looking; for Arrt-olasa goods should embrace the opportunity by at tending thla sale. AVCTTOaT OJT TtTSS SAY STZXT AT 10 A. af. On Thursday Next tOTnHrTJSTJATTBALB of furiUtureand consignment from rallroyi company, sheriff's mortrsrees and othera at BA KER'S AUCTION HOUSE at tha hour of ten. - BAKER SON. Practical Furniture Auctioneer. Portland-Auction A. SCHUBACH, Proprietor Auction Sales At ill First street, each afternoon at 2 o'clock. We sell all klnda of furniture at these sale and you aav from 41 to 74 cents on every dollar's worth yeu buy. It mattere not to you why both new and second-hand FURNITURE finds Ita way to our salesrooms you eave-th"tnony, what mors do you want? MONDAY BEAUTIFUL MA HOGANY GLASS-FRONT BOOKCASE. RAPID CITY ROLL-TOP DESK. HIGH GRADE PIANO, STEEL RANGES. IRON BEDS. SPRINGS AND MAT TRBS8B8, GENUINE SPANISH LEATHER UPHOLSTERED COUCHES, fireproof aafe, different atylaa of fold ing neaa ana an in staple ana necee ary furnishings for any home, PORTLAND MAN INVENTOR ' OF QUARTZ HILL. . L J. Merrill Has Perfected Ma chine Which Is Meeting With Much Success. L, 3. Merrill, a Portland maehlnlat and Inventor, haa perfected a new quarts mill called the "Llttl Giant" that la aald to be a wonder In that It haa a ca pacity of five tone of ore in 44 hour a, while but two horsepower 1 required to drlv It and the heaviest single piece of the machine weighs but 400 pound. It la said to be th first or crusher made that meet th need of th miner who haa a ledge of ore In a remot loca tion where It Is impoealbl to transport tbe ordinary -Stamp mill. Order are coming . la rapidly from points In Idaho. Southern and eastern Oregon and Colorado. Yesterday Mr. Merrill received order from Old Max Ico for two of th machlnee. It le eald to be primarily a' developing machine, but Installed on larger scale will handle large Quantities of ore. Ita dealgn- m- 4ae v tn fttiaelPs . U tU sod Auction by Baker & Son 1 -., ft.. - ; ' .- $3000 Buys This Grand S room, farasae aad all etaes saodi rau lot. THE DUNN-LA VVRBNCR CO.. 1 49 First St. . HOLLYWOOD : On the Easy-Payment Plan. - w $10 per month. No . gravel ' fl . pirs run through grounds. 6-cent fare. Take Estacada car to Watson Station On grounds, or Mount Scott car To Lents, and walk one fourth milesouth. ; Agent on grounds Sunday. ; h ; TOWNE ca, BRAY 268J4 MORRISON STREET , Phone Pacific 2514 BAR.GAINS IN HOMES f 1,200 A neat 4-room cottage and fractional lot on Cable street, weat - aide, between Mill and Montgomery. Plastered and wall built: partially modern and la good repair. 1200 cash, balance easy monthly payments. 91,8004100 cash down will buy a new 4-room cottage oa MontavlUa car line; email monthly payments oa balance. - . 1 ei,600 For-aeplendtd 4-room cot. taga and fractional lot on Caruthera street. Weet Side: haa gas. bath, toilet. basement, -etc Will rent for lit per . month. Terma, 1(00 cash, balance $50 Quarterly. a,650 Buy a fln pleca-of prop erty, well Improved, situated oa Eaat Taylor street. - uot - xii-ztfa good 4-room bouse with modern eon- . venienoes; porcelain bath, electricity, brick basement, etc.) barn; choice va- rlety of IS fine bearing fruit tree; abuadaae ef email fruit; a alee home and a good buy. 3,700- A good lt-room houee, mod- ern Improvements, Darn, inm ana shrubbery; beautimi wt; aituatea in uppr Alblna, two blocks from Wil liam avenue. Owner paid 44.404 for thla recently; Is now compelled to eell st this sacrlfloe. 1500 down and bal ance 414 per month. 93,800 New 4-room bou and two xuu tot in aunnysia. near aomnn street. Thl is eholce and a good btiy 1450 cash, balanoa asy. 93.SOO Buy a 7-room residence, fur- nisnea, on Jtaat aaomaon suwaii iun lot gaar bath, baaement. eto.; a alee home well Improved and A No. 1 good buy. Term. AcrMge and Suburban Acre Hoi $800 to, fOOO Will Tlmc you In poHMIlOn VI f ste vvmu4ui Tea cr tracts cIom to ear lina, ohQi-oh and ichool. city watar and fin naigii borhood; rood orchard and to flno aeeel IM -. 41 rslSl 14111 Sllil 41 RIStW V4 a vwaa t a- s. m a.- w 91,350- Will take thle nice suburban bom ana on acre ox wen impnrrea land on th O. W. F. car Un; all kind of large aad small frulta, good 4-room cottage and splendid barn, nice shrubbery and abundance of pure eold S1.2B0 Buy a ehoioe lH-acre tract in gooa siais di oujvit.huii, wiw lot of nice fruit a fair house aad barn, good eletarn; near Woodstock tin. l.SOO m sore of choloe land fronting on the Willamette river; all under cultivation; nice orchard; well located for a quick Inoreaa la value; minutes -walk to car; fine so tU. good buy. ' 3,250 This Is a beautiful 4-aor tract cloe to the city and. a good ear service: splendid tat of cultivation, nice, large orchard of full bearing fruit treee; fair houae ' and barn; a lot of good hay snd a fine eow and calf go with tha plaoai very eaay terms. J. Frank Porter sas Washlagtea street, aoraet lisst, 1 Ores walfdaf Staatoa. grind." that ractloar -quarts ; miners have heretofore tried to utilise but with Indifferent suocess. The machlnee are being made by the Inventor at a local foundry. The quee tlon of establishing a plant In thla city for manufacturing the mill la under con sideration. It Is adapted U the reduc tion of all kinds of ore requiring water, whether free, eyanldlng or concentrat ing. It haa aa automatle feeding device, snd a large screen surf aoe in oonstant use. The proceaa of cleaning up after a run- requires but 40 mtnutea Mining men who have examined the mill say It will work a revolution In- the eoat ef establishing small ore crushing plants In the mountain. - Ode f ladf -F. O. Chrlatgau, In Chicago Record- .. Herald. ; . O Fudge, thoa are the queen of all the weeta; No ether candy quite so fully meets The atrlot requirement ef a, bom's weet tooth As thou, by maid compounded for a South requital of hie geaereu treat. Xbtluoe&t alrups rased s&eul biXeaA, titt Close In East Side Home ooapoaloaoog ieoat 4H00O to In North Portland Property will double In value In two rears. Tea can buy a whole block now or 447,000. We can aell you alsoequar tar block In the aame aectlon at 45.00 mlu am. tii.iu, ivt ,,,vv, vu wmwuu able terma A good inoome-paylagj property on Seventh street may be had at 447.400; another near Morrison at laS.VVU. In East Portland Warehouse elte are still cheap. Th cheapest block on the market I I41.000 a halt block will cost $14,000, but we have a choice quarter which may be had for $4,000. The filling of tha flat la progressing rapidly, and It la a abort haul from theae eltee to the bualnees center .of the city. -. 1 On Grand Avenue 1 anarlar MmV with a Irrxv tinuaa. 1 well rented, may be bought bow for f e.ev. , , IN ALBINA ' A eholce-corner opposite the bank, raying I per eent net, may be bought -or 14,404. . In Irvington . Th best ouarter block for a bom IS offered now at 14,100. A modern 4-room house, with ruu lot. mar be your for 4400 cash, the MUgnce to be paid as rent 131 a month. A choice lot at 41.100 la thU sectloa ls-a -One- buy, , . . A bettor heme than you could build for 11,104 more Is bow on aale at ll.tOO. A tract of nearly T acre, surrounded. by elty lota, 1 now throws on th max net. it nee - oeauiiruuy.-ana can om platted easily, Street a now on . two, side of It I on would do wall to nick thla up while It ie offered at 44,40. Splendid ear service to this section C tbe city. . Portland Heights A flwle chalet, aad over riot, with th finest view and one block from ea at 17.400. ; Willamette Heights A ehoioe lot on car line at $ 1.400. Water Front at Linntcn Whan Laf Pence's line le running to Unoton you will be eorry you did not buy this property st 414,000. Hartman & Thomprcn . CHAMBER OF COMMERcX. ACREAGE FOR SALE ON Easy TernieO AT LAURELWCe Vlwm tnlnutea walk from ' LAoraU wood station oa O. W. P. ft R. car lins the only acreage left la that sec. tinn atraata ara cleared and wetST pipes laid in front of each block. They ars selling rspiaiy. now is xnm warn to buy Detore uey ars aa soia. . Bw. 9. assvet, aswas m C C SMITH, ;tC-: Room , Chamber ol txr-- ssssi 4i um The snow-white product of our f -.beet. Compared with the ars Sorry f forsooth, ... . - a rds. , ... .