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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
THE OREGON .SUNDAY JOURNAIi FOHTL AND, SUNDAY- KOISsINO. JULY 3, 1CC3, 1 1 1- 1 f 1 1 : i f ! ) WITIJESS TRIEO TO LURE WIFE AWAY Fill THAW , , ' 1 -V W; V'.- ; I """',,'". ft''- ''';1V,C Woman IsFaurid Whb?;WasiSenHo by - Wh ite Prisoner Resolved .to ; Fight . Against Electric (jandlum' ' atnaetal StMMh LmmI Wire ton Joerwtl) - , New York, July HI. sor a aeooad tlms within wMk, Mrs. William Thaw appealed to bar; eon. Harry Kendall . .Thaw; wbt la confined la. the Tomba i prison, charged with the murder .of Stanford White, to talk -tha advle of ,' her attorneys forget hla defanae theory v of luatlfleatioa and ma "unwritten taw -. and subnet to u examination MUlili eanlty. Mra Thaw fail ad aa signally today aa.ah had earlier- Aa theweek,- for young Thaw had Just hoard of some . saw wltDoaaaa whoao testimony ha , thlnka will help hla eu and haa been , encouraged by a oonfaranoo with hla , v pereonal ettorneye. : ' Tha aider lira. Thaw did not cry T hla atubbornneaa today, aa ana bad on I tha oocaaioa of her last visit, and i ThaWa alater. Mra, -George louder . Carnele. kept her composure. 1 When Mra. Evelyn Neeblt Thaw came '' Into .the corridor before Thaw'a cell to -i dar her motheMn-law embraced and .' klaaed her. Then, It ta said, aha told them botb that they should nayer want tor money. . . . . "A Mew wltiaoas. j It waa reported that part of the .. i pressure Mra. Thaw would bring to bear on her aon would bo the cutting off of his allowance. Har promises ( today ar . taken to mean ft change of : i front wa her part. She la convinced, it . i la aald. that the law can be Invoked to hare Thaw'a aanltyjea ted, whether be . i likea It or not. t 'A new witness, Mrs, Ida Vera Simon. .. ton. cropped , out la the ease today. - Bhe declares that aha went abroad aa an emissary of Stanford White. Ber . purpose, aha aald. . waa to persuade IBvelyn Neablt Thaw to abandon Thaw - i and return to the proteeUoa of White tU tbia city. J . one of aeveral wlt 4 neaaea whom Thaw haa been anxloua to 1 . looaU and from ber, Thaw'a paraonal s attorney obtained' evldenee today which a trans' then bis case. She told aa In - tareetlna; atory of f lndlns Mrs. Holman, - Srelya Thaw'a mother, deeorted In i London. She stated that Thaw went Into ft race whan bo beard that White' ' - wma arala trying to brine bis wife " under bis influene. : Womaa UmtM bjr Vtlte, A portion of Mrs. Slmonton'a story la -as follows: .-.. Z l was ft' friend of Stanford Whits - "and made ft trip to London for him. , Bo wished mo to perauade Evelyn Nea ' bit and her mother, who had cone ' .abroad ahd were aeelsf a "treat deal "of Barry Thaw, to leave Loudon and ... ; return t& tfaeUnHed SUtoa. He had received lettera from Mra. Bolman to the effect that Thaw was mlatreatlng r ber and asklnc bun to gat arvaiya Home. .t "When I arrived la London I found I Mra. Holman. almost penniless. She '-waa IlL She told me that -Thaw and . v ber daughter had left ber and were - : aomewhero on the continent. ' Bhe waa very bitter against Thaw.- After she ' got well enougb I brought ber to New . .. York. Mrs. Holman can thank Btant fnni Wditi fnr th-r mtrrtf r-htft tft used in coming to New York.' . ' Mr. Bartridgo la convinced that Mrs. , Blmontoa knowe ft . great deal about , the life- f - White -which -will be lm . 'portant In tha trial by Jury. ' ' - - - - Thaw to Xaka rigb. ' ' - ' Barry' K. Thaw baa determined to : make ft bitter fight to eaoapo the elao i trio chair and the madhouse, and bs 'tbas given many sldallghta and direct - 1 evidence oa happenings prior to the tragedy ; to Bartrldga, which ha wlth- hsld from .Plcott-whan-ha- learned -that I hla defense would bo emotional Insanity. Mr. WUllam Thaw was the first. to arrive at the Tomba. She was aooom , paaled by-Mrs. Qeorge Garasyle - and - v reached the prison in a closed cab. I They presented their passes at the rate ,t and ware subjected to the Inevitable i search before being admitted to the t slayers cell. fifteen minutes Jatfj -"" t Mra Krelju WegDlt Thaw arrived end ... f Joined the others In ft conference be- 1 ... (bind tha prison bare. - t . - Thaw had already fortified himself ' ln the opnvicUoa that the "unwritten i laW-waa hla -onlyhopa before the ,: women arrived, for hla eounael, Cllf- - ord Bartrldga, had departed before. r . stastalned by WUe. . ... Toung Mra. Thaw now support him '- in this contention against the plead- lags of bis mother. The younger Mrs. t Thaw la aiding Hartrldge wltb aU ber .' t power but aha stands alone among all - Thaw's family, In favor of har hua ". band's attempt to Justify, before a , Jury the killing of White. Bhe haa ,1 made another statement to her hua- - . band's personal eounael. which, with , , the affidavits made to Mr. Oloott, is , t tha fifth which aha has signed. She . also has been of material assistance in , helping the lawyer sort the papers which ( were obtained fro ?r nnnrt ' , order, i. - The threat of Thaw's mother to cut , -. off hie Income is feared, aa evidenced by ' some economies which have been lntro ' , daeed in his menu. ' Mr. Bartrldga and -. John B. Oleaaon. his assistant, have bad . . an extended conference with the oaterer . 1 la regard to It. and agreed that several V expensive Items for which Thaw haa a 1 .. liking are te bo eliminated from the bill , of fare, so that the young man might , not be tempted to order them, Svelym Bales Thaw. . . The wife Is also said to be ready to . . enter upon a more frugal Ufa. If neces i sary, eo that they may be able to ignore '"' tth 'hft'hed withdrawal of tha ie,ee KANTSEUM Inviesible Bifocal Lenses They, being msde on identific principles, restore vision to Tiormal conditions quickly and create permanent satisfaction. , They also cost you lesMhsn-cthergfo-CaJleiLlJOur atock-of : FIELD OLASSES re cotnpletejtnd Irom the world's best makes. Prices are attractive.'.'''' .; -: af ... .1 CORNER THIRD AND . - jB-BBBBeaBBBBBawawaassea.-. " " ' Ianulactttrljif Jtwelftr. Income.' These proffered aaeiiflces only add to the control whloh the young wife Is beginning to wield over the accused man. From a comparatively passive figure in the powerful organisation which the Thaw millions are erecting to divert Harry Thaw's path from tha chair or a CBU III Blflg Dins, HAS wuv umm sprung 'Into, a factor of supreme Im portance."' '.-- . : ."A disposition to Ignore bar was man treated upon the return of the elder Mra, Thaw from Europe, both by Mrs. Thaw and Mrs. .Carnegie, ber daugbter. Mrs. Thaw went ahead on ber own initiative and did all she could to nullify Thaw's dismissal of Black. Olcott. Q ruber and Bonmrra. It seemed 'clear to her after aha had talked with her soa that there waa an Influence awaylng him whloh was more potent than hra. ' This she speedily decided was flue to hla wife. - Theory became conviction when, at a stormy and distressing Inter view, she flatly refused to be a party to a movement to have him declared in- nana. . . "Iw - Motbar Change iron. Mra. Thaw, the mother, InaUntly changed front. ' Tha way to control the son. she realised, was through his wife. She met tha situation by .carrying Mrs. Harry Thaw off to the Carnegie country place at Roalya on Wedneaday night There, with Mrs. Harry Thaw, for the firstMmataoltly-plaoed-4n -a position where aha waa the dominant faetor.iMra. Thaw,- Mrs. Carnegie, Joalah. Thaw 'and Mr. Carnegie argued for hours. la ft endeavor to win ber to their aide. ; It waa made knows today that any defense which Thaw might offer would not be aided by either of the statements which bis wife made to former Judge Olcott Three formal ' statements were made by Mrs. Thaw. The second greatly modified and altered tha first v Tbea Mrs. Thaw gave them - third State ment When detectives were employed to verify some of the allegations rn the third statement, they reported that they were unable to do so. What seemed "to Mrs, Thaw to be an attitude of skepticism assumed toward her did not pleaae bar,- It is aald. . She thought that a mora sympathetic attor ney, who WQtfJd not question her asser tions, might, better serve Thaw. So she counselled him to change lawyers, and Bartrldga waa. engaged forthwith. Mother's Tramp Card, yf But If tha attempt to win over Evelyn Neablt Thaw by her mother-in-law should fail. -the mother determined to iMYOsrwayJa.'what shajjoneldeni tiftrlnao. beat courae In thla crlala. Bhe holds ft trump card which she la prepared to play. This Is the reports of alienists who have examined Thaw and unequiv ocally declared him Insane. It became known today that Mra. William Thaw has directed Judge Olcott to ' ignore Hartrldge altogether, and also to disre gard completely the wishes of ber soa and apply for the appointment of ft com mission in lunacy to azamina him aa to tn nitv. ar wltt "" porta, which pronounce Thaw mentally unbalanced at the preeent time. Judge Olcott wtU be able to use the reports of hie alienists; to ack up the application of tha lunacy commission, sines the adjournment be secured oa the quesUon of hla being compelled to give them up to Bartrldga puts over be hearing on the matter for a week. , HASIEOEISIETSOH HAS LICENSE RESTORED Decision of Local Board Is Re ' versed but BonlfjpM It Reproved. , a (Special Dispatch by Lesssd Wire ta The Journal) Baa Francisco, July 1L Captain Bar mlngham, supervising Inspector, baa re versed the decision of the local board of inspectors at Portland In "the case of Captain Samuel Bonlfleld of the steamer J. B. Btetaon. Captain Bonl fleld waa In command of the Btetaon on Juno 11, when she was in collision with tha bark Jans lb Stanford off the Co lumbia river. ; The local board sus pended the license of the master for one year and of Mate Trlbble for alz month a. . ; . . Captain Bermlngham finds that the local board waa clearly In error for suspending the maater's Uoansa for neg- Ugenoe and unakiUfulneaa In handUn if I after tha collision. In regard to the charge that he deserted the Stanford, Captain Bermlngham nays: 1 think that Captain Bonlfleld should have made some efforts to oommunl cate with the Stanford to ascertain her condition. ,Bls vessel might have been slowed to half' speed immediately h was clear of the Stanford for the pur poae of communicating wltb bar." Tlme Irom the Kew Tort Bin Metises Bet this Isn't the way I aw eaatomec te aotnf tnlsss. BrldrefcPrabsbly not. Bran) bat Jtst eoe elder me es was ev tbia socioloaists.JaealBg WASHINGTON ST8. ..X' 'Diaraoad Zmjorterai DIAZ PREPARES TO QUELL REVOLT Uprising ; In Mexico Against Amsrlcans Only Cloak for y Movement Against Him. SOLDIERS ORDERED TO ; : SHOOT DOWN RIOTERS Placard Placed AH Over Southern Republic ytmlngWonigout to Lear on Pain ' of Death Only Tried Troops In Field, . 1 (special Dispatch ay Leased Wire te Ibe Jeerael) El Paso, Tax, July il Governor Ba- fael Tsabet of tha state at Sonora, Mex ico, paased through bar today aa rout to Mexloo City, having been called there to consult with President Dlaa relative to the steps to be taken to quell the uprlatng soheduled for Sep tember If, the national holiday. number of Important oonferenoes have been bald within the last few weeks between President Diag and the govamora of the several states, for the purpose of learning who can really be depended oa to aupport tbo government and for planning tha distribution of the soldiers to tha best possible advantage. There la considerable activity among the soldlels all over Mexloo, and many commands are being moved from the rural native populated aettlemente to the vicinity of tha mines and other pieces wbera there is foreign popular tlon, ahowlng that the Maxloaa omolala appreciate the delloacy of the situation and credit the rumors of the Impending uprising. , - . . ' : It la aald oa the best authority that placards have been placed almost every where in Mexico warning foreigners to leave oa pain of death, and it la known that the. planned uprlaUig is only cloak to oover the real Issue the fight against Dlaa.- It is believed that tha recently or ganised League of Mexican Railroad Employee, the motto of whloh la "Mex loo for the Mexlcana," la at the bottom of most of the trouble which bodeo no good for forelgnere within tbo borders of Mexloo. This leagus baa aa ita presidents in the etatee of Aguae Call- entea. Chihuahua, Guanajuato, Nueva Leon and Baa Luis Potosi the respec tive governors of tboae etatee. . Only tried soldiers are being aent to the hot bed of eedltloa, the , city of Aguaa j Callentea. with orders to ahoot to kill hand to use no blanks In the soaring of IUI UUIM MIW4V Ul. W ! WW ... Benor Y. De Mortanaa, a merchant of Cananea, who la here oa hla way to Chihuahua, expresses a doubt aa to the trouble at Cananea being entirely over. He eta ted that only the presence of Colonel Koeterlltsaky's large force of regulars at that place prevented tha Mexicans from openly attacklngthe Americana , and "forelgnere there. Be t-thr-Ameri cana were rapidly leaving Cananea. Communlcation Wlth ToII Gate Severed by Men Who Stole Little Cecil Brittan. HARRY DRAPER RETURNS 10ME1VITH HIS DOCS Boy's Father Determined to " Ra- main in Mountains AH Summer II NecesaaiT Criminal Believed to -BS Ea-ConVicta. ? ' (Special Dwpatoh te The Joaraal.) .Walla Walla, Waab-, July lU-4n telephone communications to Toll Gate were ahut off late this evening. Line men were aent out and discovered the line had been out Just beyond tbo Umber line, evidently by men responsible for the disappearance of little Cecil Brit tan. The theory that the boy haa been kidnaped la ao strong that the search haa been practically abandoned. Barry Draper wltb bis bloodhounds arrived la Walla Walla late laat night and left for Spokane thla morning. Draper Is eonVlnced the boy 1 being held for ransom. . , The boy's father haa decided te re main In the mountalna all summer if necessary and keep up the aearoh with it lew inenaa. Twdpaxtlea with the penitentiary aoge searohea the mountalna south of Toll Gate thla afternoon but the re- ault ofl tha hunt Is not ascertained ow ing to the cutting; of the telephone line, The polios have Unearthed almost con clusive evidence that the disappearance of the boy la the result of a plot con cocted by two ex-oonvleta In. a Walla Walla saloon a few weeks ago. The men established a small camp in an Isolated part of the mountalna north of Toll Gate and lay In wait in the Um ber close to the oamp waiting for some child to stray far enough away te make a kidnaping successful. A third man la believed to have been at Toll Gate all the time and kept bis pals informed as to the movements of the posses. SONS OF SK1DD00 LATEST CLUB FORMED (Special Dlssateh by Leases Wire te The Jearaal) Waterbury. Conn, July 11. The Sons of Sklddoo, composed of cltlsens bora on the ltd of any month, baa been or ganised in this city. . Defiance te. those who scorn "If- will be burled during a birthday dinner of IS courses, to be served at It email tables oa Monday, the ltd of this month. Qualified sons of "21' from all ever the state will be Invited. The move had Its Inception with City Clerk Wil liam H. gandland, ' who waa bora oa July it, ll. At the laat etty election be waa the only Republican candidate to win at tha polls, and glvaa thla as proof that Father Sklddoo looks after hla anointed, Tbe constitution of the organisation states that ita purposes are the abolition of foolish superstition and tbe exaltation of tbe name of Skid- proposed e make , tc or- IfrnlaaHoa1 aafinnaW KIDNAPERS COT 'PrffllJF llfJF ' -r ti 1 w 1 ssa. 1 Is---r t . . . . . . ...... .: . . : T" . . ' . i YoiieAreWd corao to Credit Hxndsona Chiffonier $13.00 Made of blrdseye 1 aple throu shout. . even the mlr- . ror frame la blrdaeye. Full ; aerpentlne front highly polished and fitted with a pattern French plate mir ror, A Chiffonier that sella elsewhere for $10 and la good value at that, .. Pres-Cnt Xks 4-PiecoSet 65c Cream pitcher, covered but ter dish, augar bowl and spoonholdsr, all for tha prloe of one. Brilliantly finished, the latest and best production in Imitation out glaaa, the design and lustre -making It hard to dlstln- Culeh between the Imlta oa and the real. . v HIM gO wmamwrnsm. BE NOMINATED Delegates Arraady Ejactod an(j Counties Conceded to Can didate Mora Than Enough. . GOODING IS UP AGAINST r HARD FQP QEHCE Wilson, Morrisoo and Franc Are AH ' Active Seekers (or Idaho Guberna torial Honors at Coming, Election "Tbia Fall. . ' , (Special tHspetefe te The Jnenel.) Bolae. Idaho, July 11. Three addi tional Republican county conventions were held In Idaho today for tha eleor tlon of delecates to the state oonven tlon at Pocatello August 1. - Theaa were Casals. Oneida and Owyhee, each of whloh Indorsed the plan Of convention nomination of United States senator and Instructed their delegates to vote for Borah. The delegates already elected. and the counties yet to hold conventions which are conceded to he for Boran will give him delegates. If more . than enouah to nominate.. The fight from now on until the con vention meeta will te ever tne governor ship. ' Friends of Governor Gooding claim that he Is running equally strong with Borah, but thla la oisputed tr his opponents. Former Congreseman Edgar Wilson of Boise, ex-Governor Morrison of Caldwell end TJr. Hugh France of Wallace are active candidates against Gooding and aa none will have anything like ' a majority when tbe convention meets, a blttsr eontest Is looked for. Mo opposition has appeared to the candidacy of Judge Stewart to succeed Chiof Justice Btocksiager or tne su promo court. The latter Is the only candidate for governor on the Demo- eratle ticket and azpeota the nomination by acclamation. X PENDLETON PEOPLE ; - GET AUGUST WEATHER Madal fMsDateh ta The yomel. ' Pendleton, Or, July It continues warm In Umatilla county and eastern Oregon, registering 111 la tbo shads to day at Pendleton, lis at umauua. au who can get away are" going te the mountains or to the beach. The usual August wave eeeme to have struck eaau era Oregon to July. . - - . . UMATILLA WHEAT IS FALLING FAR SHORT Pendleton Or- July 11 Harvest is going on and land which eras expected to yield 4 bushels wUl yield but 9. There la a scarcity of harvest bands all over the country. , Tbe hot , wave Begin this weefetoday. - Let this be - the initial' effort, and j let this store be the place for the trial' trip. Why this store? For the reason that what you buy here is thoroughly reliable, v hence economicaL There 'is no economy in picking up your furnishings here and - there. - The big- reduction ' sales that ad- ; vertise goods at a discount of 60 per cent are composed of poorly r selected stocks that have gonent of date, or trashy stuff just made to sell. You can't buy trashy goods In this store at any price, because we don't permit them to mar" the reputation of the ' : house that stands for only the good In House Furnishings. Lowest prices consistent, with 'good quality, fair and liberal in v all thingsthe policy of the store. ' ; $4JK) Chair. $3.50 $8.00 Steamer Chair .....82.50 $7.00 Settee 85.85 $2.50 Porch Settee .....S1JS5 We still have a large stock of porch" furniture that we wish to close out, as tile new furniture coming in will not the space necessary for carrying It over till next summer. The way we hare killed the prices is certain to more things, and If you hare a want in this line it will be just like finding money to buy It at "Edwards'." "r ' r-; te ;u u "ry Association Plana to Spread Out Over Country and to 1 7 .... BulldUp. (Special Dwpateb te The yeeneLi- Helena. Moat July IU The conven tion of the Montana grand lodge tt tha Scandinavian Brotherhood of America today elected officers to serve during tha ensuing year and fixed upon Great mm tli. H- f fl..., nffl.m.m chosen weret Prealdent Iou1s Roala- wick. Great Falla; .vloe-prealdent, Paul a Peterson, Helenas secretary-treas urer, A. K. Anderson, Missoula, re el eotsd; trustees, A. M. Johnson. Buttet Walter Hanaon, Wallace, Idaho. - ' -. The data for next yeara convention waa not definitely decided, beyond the aetting of the3 month of July. The con vention adopted aa. entirely new ritual and also amended tbe constitution so as to make provision for upbuilding the 3XHv- $5 Rocker. .83.85 $1J25 Porch Chair, Rawhide Seat 65ft order and Us enlargement and growth. With, tha constitution thus practloally reconstructed, many atsps will be pos sible -whloh eould ot bo takaa under tbe old, - . The convention wtU conclude with 4 monster pionla at Central park tomor row. A special train will be rua from Butte and , Anaconda while visitors from other sections of the state will be brought on the regular trains. A splen did program, embracing all sorts of out-of-door sports, together, with an. after noon and evening dancing program haa been arranged. It la expected that there will be between 1.000 and 1.000 visitors in tha city. A ball game between Great Falls and Helena baa been arranged for and there ta te be a tug-of-wer between Butts nd Helena, the winner to con test with Anaconda for the state cham pionship.' - . MONTANA MAY RAISE . RAILROAD ASSESSMENT " (Special Dispatch te Tbe JWeraaXj Helena, Mont, July - il The state board of equalisation met today but im mediately adjourned until Monday, Clerk F. J. Ryan reporting that no return bad been received aa yat from.-ens county in the valley. Thla. it La expected, will The Acme of Perfection Beyond a question of a doubt the two and tffrsevpleea Gtotitfiz Suits Made by Alfred Benjamin, & Co.' of New York are tfiia. highest art In ready-to-wear clothine; la the MARKET. I - :jly:y 'y:.:;S TODAYS (You can find in on? assortment of WASH VESTS some- ! thing that win. appeal 'to your mdrridoal tubLf - f-j; as to TAxtra, aTOarato CIDown-JlaWeek M:::: Pretty Drcsdas TaH 511.90 Regular prloe was llTJa. and worth it, too. Btrds yo maple, band-polished I baa ft large drawer, with full serpentine front) the heavy French plate mirror la nearly half an Inch la tblekneaa. - . Folding Co-Ccrt .. $2.50 A .It win more than pay foe Itself In the added com fort you'll enjoy wbaa glv lng the baby an outing. We have an endless variety of stylish carta, at all prloea, and win deem It ft pleasure to ahow tbena. be bore Monday, when the board- will take up -tha roads. ant ef the raU- . . . . . . - A report beta H that there wOl be a display of oratory oyer the Question -of raising the assessment or ute companies from tli. too to a greater amount While tha. report lacks verification, it a aald that Governor Toole will urge a raise and. that Secretary , Todsr will oppose thla on tha around that Montana's as sessment ta already higher than that ef any .northwestern state, PENDLETON SCHOOL PRESENTED DORMITORY Pendleton, Or, July ll-Mr. and Mra, J.' H. Koonta, well-known pioneers 'ef Umatilla eoanty, now residing at Soho, bava made a gift to Pendleton academy. a Preebytertan Institution, of tbe former Jackson residence oa Jackson street, to be used es a girls' dormitory, in eon neotlon with the academy. Thla borne will be furnished for thla purpoae by the academy management and will-be opened early ta September for the eo eommoflatlon of students, ' The dormi tory wUl be named J. H, BZoonta hall, i honor of the donors. - o oa v rra aa Wmmm -7 T 1 '