The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 22, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 16, Image 16

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    1 I
ertSSF -WW--- V I DejUsts. About 10 guest
-W , .--x.T-.-:. . 7 , .-.
FOR ths Bale of ' th- Soclrty
chronicler it Is a fortunate etr
, (unituct that people have
. birthday ul wedding annlver-
-! series occasionally 6r semi-eoeaalonally
r there would be nothing to enliven th
; dullness of th nnut nuoh - Ths
extensive wlaur trip of bob of th
' ooclety people also come ti u t small
advantage, for many feel that after ao
lone aa absence In tha winter thalr
homes are pretty food places even dur-
' tng tha "do day. And oa account of
, '. tha aummar at horn laat year during
, , the fair aa many want away for tha
, winter and ara now at horn for tha
Bummer. - On wondara tf they will go
i again thla wlntar because thay spent tha
summer at' noma and than if they win
: lever catch up with themselves again
andaoa Mora reach tha normal atata
fa gay wlntar la' town. It la a faet
. that Just aa many sodoty matron took
thalr Camilla aaat and abroad laat win
- tar and threatened aoolaty hara with aa
' wnUmely and nf oroad quletuda ao thara
are mora paopla ramalnlng at homa thla
itnDW than In previous yeara But
' araa than thara la llttla coming and go
, Ing among - them excepting- .B - quiet
tuacOtaoa oaea In while.
'r Tha musical normal at Portland
academy has kept many In town and tha
Interest in tha alaaaea haa been kept
ail. Two week of the session re-
On ef tha moat unique entertain
neata waa given Thnraday evening by
" Mra Cameron in surprise to Judge Camr
ejroa. Tha Judge's Scottish tandenolea
, arer amphaalaed throughout and tha
Keats felt for tha moment that they
t had a real taste ef tha land Of tha
heather. Most of tha guests, too, war
Soetoh and appreatatloa of Mra Csm
: aron's afforta was openly shown.
Tha reception hall of the homa was
tusverty decorated with Royal Stuart
nnd Bunting Stuart tartans. Tha larga
' plaid that Judge Cameron wear at tha
meetings of Clan Maoleey waa wound la
and oat of tha stair banlotere and a
huge plaldla was hung aa a portiere.
Tha natural Scotch heather atood In
larga pats at tha foot of tha stairway.
Bagpipes and pictures of danaara In
. kilts ornamented tha walla. In tha
ether rooms thara war quantities of
i sword fern and roses and sweetpeea
itrs, Cameron made an effective picture
against tha distlnotlvs' background -na
white suit with an exquisite plaid sash
'. of th Cameron tartan reoanUy sent to
4- star from he aid oountry.
The large veranda waa Inclosed with
t British, Scotch. Irish and -American
, fleers and lighted with Chines lantern.
i "-here were about l guests who en-
i oyed a Beotch program of songs, reolta.
r tlon) and danolng glren by three pipers
' and six dancers In costume. At th
close of tha program tha pipers track
' into a well-known march air of thetr
eountry and the whole company fell
Into llna and marched to th lawn where
- tablea war aat Tha refreshment eon
1 Slated of Sootch scones wlth-naltad
: wutter. oat eakaa - and aheeaa, Bootch
Vhortbrsad and Icaa. Itttl boys tn kilts
waited on tha guests and also admitted
them at the door. - The out-of-town
wueets ware Kiss U. aCoOallan of Brook-
fyn, New Tork, and Jamas Craig of 811
': a-ertoisi - . ..
' ' 'A aterer plea of 'eataYtainment waa de
krlsed by Miss Nan Wood for last Mon
Oar aranlng wheat she celebrated her
birthday with a progressive supper. Fif
teen tete-a-tete tables were arranged on
tha veranda and tha terraces and aa tha
maata arrived In restaurant toilette
they were shown at onee to thalr places
trr waitresses. There waa no formal
greeting ofOis hostess snd soma nt th
srueeta were denied a ehanoe to see her
aeated at each table, and at the close of
each course the man progressed to the
next' table, thus enjoying one course
T (with each woman there. '
- The guests of the evening were Iff.
nnd Mrs. C B. 8. Wood. Judge and Mrs.
Bunt, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kerr. Miss
- Hfc;;x'C'rP- :; ;; Y
rranoaa Lewis. Miss Carolina riandera.
Miss Louise riandera. Miss Kathleen
Bums, Miss Carolyn Burns, Miss Amy
Heltahu, Miss Margaret Walter, Miss
Ines Barrett, Miss Emma Failing, Miss
Alloc Slbson, Miss Lisa Wood, Harry
Corbett, Cheater Murphy, David Ho nay
man. C. E. B. Wsbb. Edward Cralle, P.
B. Olfford. T. B. MoRath. Tnaies Lin
thlcum. Mr. Peters of Baltimore, Rodney
Ollaan, WalUr Beebe and Bart Mackay. .
Th home of Mr. and Mra. O. P. M.
Jamison on King's Heights waa tha
soene of a marry gathering of friends
on Saturday evening week , ago.
Mrs. John M.
Twenty years ago Mr. and Mr. Jami
son .. were married In Lafayette. In
diana, and the anniversary of that svent
was celebrated IB aa enjoyable way. The
large veranda waa banked with green
and the interior of the houae waa deo
orated with pink and white aweet pees,
excepting the dining-room, where bright
scarlet carnation and asparagus fern
afforded a wealth of beauty. Mrs. H.
M. Clinton assisted the host and hoatees
In .receiving. In the dining-room Miss
lrini Tim f TTnaiilm Wr'V-r
ton. Mls Maybe! Barber of Loe Angelaa,
Mlaa Erma Rounds and Miss Maud
Belcher served. la the drawing-room
Mia. Jones and Miss Calsf served fruit
lemonade. At Intervals during the
evening delightful songs were given by
Miss Alios Juston, Miss Mabel Mlllla
and Thomas Ordsmann, with Miss Co-
V, : ' ' 1
were present
and they were met at the door by Mass
UUlaa Kannedy: r"'
. - "-
Mra. Jehn M Pines whose ntetar ts
shown oa today's aoolaty page 1 well
known In Portland and haa many ad
mirers both for her charming and
ntmiant BereonalitT nnd her marked mn
steal abUity. Mrs. Pipe returned enly
a. few weeks sn from Berlin, where aha
haa been studying the violin for the
past year under the able' guidance of
Theodore plering, from whom aha re
ceived a scholarship entitling her to an
other year study. This coming from
on of tha best violinists la Europe Is
a great compliment.
T,f k-
Pipes, Violinist
Mrs. Pipes Is the daughter-in-law of
Mr. and Mra Martin Xa Pipes of this
city and until recent years lived in
Portland. Later she went to Bugsns
and was there tn charge of the violin de
partment of the stats univerairy. one
Is spending tne summer in aragene out
expects to return to Portland for a visit
la th fall.. Her year aoroaa nan nm
very sucoeaaful and she attracted the
favorable attention of many eminent
musicians and orttloa la Berlin. She
was en raxed by Oodowsky aa Instructor
" """' ' . ."
Abel In the Musical uoaner as a nigy
creditable performer who had mads as
tonishing progress since ooming to Mer
lin. Ma BDlerin- at hi p rival mnn
sales In Berlin has frequently presented
Mra Pines and Nleollne Eedler of Chl-
oago aa the beat representative of bis
work as aa instructor.
Miss Tin Whitney Whits and Miss
Josephine Large have been th guest
of Mra Charles laao. several umes
durlnx their stay. Mra Ladd sends
down hsr launch to take them tip the
river to her waterside homa Laat Sat
urday evening Mra Rlobard Nunn took
them out in a launon to ner nouse up
the river and gave them aa Informal
annoar. There were l in ui company.
The musical normal wiu continue xor
two weeks longer and than Mlas White
and Miss Larr will be free to accept
many of tha social invitations which
ua duties -have prevented thsm from
accepting before Miss wnne win ai
that time be the guest of Mra Harry
Hogue and Miss Large will conUnue
with Mr. Nunn. - The Saturday morn
ing recitals given by these two mu
glolana are muoh appreciated by the vis
itors who are aiiowea o
tat Baturdar Mlas Large gave a de-
nhrni nnmrn. assisted by Mra Sher
man D. Brown, too vuiuniav anu rw
tanUr Mlaa 'WhlU gave a reeiia ex
Oermaa folk songa
Saturday evenings at th golf links
are tha nrlnclpal events for society now
and every one look forward to those
evening when on may see everybody
else at dinner. There are no reception
or dinner or card parties or anything
to bring together th few remaining so
ot ety people and this favorite retreat
accomplishes It better than anything
else, Laat week the C. J. Reeds nte
talnsd at dinner Judge and Mra Hunt,
Mia Hoyt and Frauds Heney. . Mra
Hunt is very charming and has -many
maada in town. Bhe will leave for hat
home In. Helena about August 1. - Ths
ludge waa governor at Porto Rloo dur
ing in Mine vi ww wV.M
f which he had charge ; Immediately
arte th war. and both are widely trav
eled and are Interesting dinner talker.
Mra Hunt Is a friend also of ths C. E.
B. Woods and haa been entertained by
them during her short stay at the Port-
Tai Barorday - evening - there
about 10 of Portland's elite dining at
the Waverly llnka Little dinner groups
filled the galleries all about the club
house and there waa muoh sociability
Intarehaaged, ' Th Stewart B. Llnthl
euma dined with Mra Edward Heath
nmoki II1m Vlraiala Wilson, Zera
anew and Ned Arer. Besides ths
n AWorS and the C. J. Red partle.
um r XL b. Wood and Miss Weed
her daughter, Hhi Dorothy, Mrs. ; W.
B. King. Mrs. 0. B. Jackson, Chaunosy
Wlnalow and W. D Wheelwright, Mis
Alios Slbson and Miss Emma railing.
the Tom Kerr and Mr. vninonj ana
Mr. Webb. Mr. Duflon and Rodney OU-
aaa and a number of others. .
w .
A Itttl girt who Is attracting much
attention among her friends for ner
childish charm and cleverness Is little
Evelina Macrudar, who has quit re
cently come here from Baa rranolsoo
with bar parenta. Dr. and Mra, Ma
grudcr are now at Hobart Curtis, and
they aro rapidly making friends. LitUe
Evelina, who la only yaara old. la a
pretty llttla dancer, and haa many ad
mirers among those whom aha meets.
For so young a shlld aha la very widely
traveled, having visited many foreign
points In the travels of her father, who
haa Juat been transferred from the ma
rine hospital service at Baa Iranclsoo
to Portland, where ha may recuperate.
The Mlsaas Edna and Oraee Amos
gave an informal mualeala Thursday
Zrmatrtm la - honor of. Miss Barstow.
irhin ware about 40 guests and an In-
I formal program waa much enjoyed. B.
n.iar w. Kathhone and -Dr. John R,
Harbor cave solos and Mr. AUsn-Oood-
rra-a nuartat. includlns besides him
self and Mr. Rathboae. Mr. Clauasenlus
u Rtraet. mat with apeotar ravor.
XW. and Mra. W. H. Amoe and Mrs. King
alstd ths nostessea.
Ph. annual nlenla riven for the Chil
dren of the People's Institute Wednes
day afternoon waa largely attended and
tha children seemed to enjoy the day
thoroughly. - The eompany of soma 119
children were taken out to Mount Tabor,
where they went Into the wood for
thalr holiday. Besides MlsePritohard,
the bead of tha children's department of
the Institute, Mr. and Mra. Boper. Mra.
Charles Kamm. Mra. Dell Stuart, Mra.
Jones, Dr. B. P. Hill. Rev. Mr. Sharp.
Mr Ferguson and the Mis Sterling
went along to help amuse ths children.
, . ,. . ;
' Mrs. Oeorg Walker and Miss An
nette Walker left last week .for Banff,
on the Cansdlan Paeino, where they will
a nan1 two month. In th fall they will
return to spend two months more with
Mrs. Magruder at tn jHooarvurua Be
fore going on to Honolulu to spend the
winter. Th Walkers live In Maine, but
hava been snendlns- the oast year In
Southern California, where they mat the
Maarudere, and have kept np a warm
friendship with them since. , . -
- w -
Mra. ' Oua Blmon and her daughter,
Mis Helen, left yesterday morning to
visit Mrs. L N. Flslsohner at ner nana-
some beech home at Seaside. Mrs.
Phillips and her child and maid, who
have bn for three weeks with Mrs.
Flelsehner, Mrs. Phillips' sister, re
turned Tuesday and leave today for
Sn Francisco and Berkeley on route
to Honolulu, their home. .
Mra. Fairolough of Chicago returned
last week with hsr daughter, Mrs. H.
W. Oooda, and will spend th summar
and fall here. Mr. and Mrs. Oooda were
delightfully entertained In New ork
and Chicago during their five weeks'
visit. They will probably spena ins
rest of the summer In town, .;
. . . . ."...
" Dr. Philip Johnton, who ts ths guest
of his cousin. Mrs. Alvord, spent part of
tha week aV Beaslda with tha Robert
Lewises. Last Saturday evening one of
the- pftrti dining at tha links included
the W. C Alvorda, the Harrlaon Cor
betts, tha WUliam MacMaaters and Mr.
Mr. and Mra a P. Bishop left yseter-
day on a trip to alaaka Mr Bishop's
business haa kept him la Portland dur
ing tha winter, but Mra Bishop haa re
mained In Salem, where ah Is promi
nent In society, only making occasional
visits here. Bhe la a warm mono or
Mrs. C B. Wolvsrton, now of Portland.
w w --
Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, who hav
many friends la the city, are again at
The Portland. They, have Just re
turned 1 from a trip to Burope-oi aoou
four months and will be here for a
few days before going to their large
farm for the rest of the summer,
One of the finest of the new resi
dences this rear will be that or Mrs.
Solomon Hlrsch, which is now being
erected on King's Heights between Ford
and St. Clair streets on Washington.
Mra. Hlrsch has for several years ooou
pled the stately old Dolpa home oa Fifth
and Jefferson.
Mra - Warren Houghton he again
taken th horn at Eighteenth and
riandera etreets for the winter. Her
I -.-, i .-A vr will
4 w r "r, IT. , " 7- .
return soon from their summer' out
ing at Hood River and In tha fall Mra
Houghton and hsr daughter will Join
them. , . . .'..
Miss Acnes HTU haa returned
Los Angeles, where she haa been the
guest of friends and relative xor uiree
saontha She was much entertained dur
ing her stay there and became quite
. w
Dr. Benjamin Moody, a well-known
nhvslolna of Pennsylvania, and Mra
w Ai wi,a Imm ttaan vlattlnsr friends
on ths ooaat, left Wedhesday for thalr
noma Tuesday evening tney were en
tertained at the home or Mr. ana Mrs.
J. J. Tranohsll, 1114 Atlantic street.
. . -. .
Mra. Frank mny waa at homo very
Imformally Thursday afternoon In honor
of Mia Louise Howlana or Baa rran-
elsco, who has been visiting for-some
weeka with her si lev mtw. uum. same
Rowland oxDoota te remain here UU
August. .1
Mr. and Mra' A. L Maxwell left Wed'
tieadav Tor the coast. The state of Ma
Mexwerrs health sinoe the recent
trouble with his ys earn oa has bean
a Sou re of much anxiety and regret
with friends of the family.
"MY. and Mra Howard Reason left
Puaadav morning for a stay of six
weeks at the Honor Lou cottage of Sea-
view. They will be joined later by Mra
J. T. Lighter, Mra Rueeeirs motaer.
Ml ec Bessie K. Lackey leaves soon
for Mew Tork, whore she will meet Pro
fessor wad Mra Chapman of Forest
amh amd aecoraDany them to Europe.
They sail August' 11. and will bo absent
about a yar.
w . w
X. Mlaa Alto Ton Deattnon left yesterday
to Join her slater, Mlaa Olga, who haa
been visiting In settle. They Jeare
July 14 for Alaska. Robert Howard, Jr.
will take tne aiaHemn
Mlas Basel Dolpb Is visiting s school
mats at her oountry homa Mrs. Dolph
wUl leave later for her summer's out
ing With her young son wno nas seen Hi.
Th rianders and Lewis famlUes
leeve the first of this week, to open
their -summer plane at Bcola, Miss
Sally Lewis baa returned from a abort
vleit at Seatua
Mra Commla and her daughter, Mlaa
Edith Cummin, of Dayton, Ohio, who
have been the guests of Mis Maud
.,. laft last week for an Alaskan
MORNINQ, JULY 2. i::3.,
MiJSummer Clearance Sale Sp
Skirt Special
We have just purchased for spot cash, at 60,
per cent less than cost a line Of Skirts of the
largest and t most" celebratedT' 8kirt"li5tiS'' Jn '
America. The purchase - comprises wool and
wash skirtsjdjsplay in oFourtA street
. Window." . v : :'V '.'J'--:
On Sale Tuesday $3.45
Duck Hat Special '
Duck Hats, values up to $7.00 ?4.95 -Duck
Hats, values up to $3.00. . . ,998;
Duck lats, values up to $1.00........
Duck Hats, values up to 76c........ . 49d
Linen Suit Special .
This special includes all our finest and most
elaborate Summer Dresses together with our
most desirable and practical Wash Qstumes;
"all greatly underpriced.Ranglng in price from ;
$12.50 up to. ............ .....-927.50
tha golf club Friday evening in honor
of her guests, the Mles ouian ana
Blossom Erts. Covers were laid tor i.
Mra Raich Hoyt la the guest of Mra
J. O. Stearns at Long Beach. Mrs.
Btearn's daughter, Mrs. Edward Bpauld
lng; Is also a guest at tha cottage, ,
Mra. Rose Bloch-Bauer expect to
leave August 1 on a month s trip to
Alaska. Before' returning . for the au
tumn work she will visit at ins ooaat.
w -
Mr. and Mra. Fred Hopklna and. their
children have returned to town aner
three months spent on inwr iwa m
southern Oregon,
.-,,.,. . .
vaa Huala Btott is Mrs. Wesley
Ladd's guest at Long Beach, Mra. Ladd
la occupying the Mackensle eottag this
summer. ,
The L N. Llpmans are occupying Dr.
g, J. BarbeVo cottage atTloga.- Jney
have entertained . a numberpf their
frienda. ' . ' '' '
Kara Bnow left last week for new
Tork to meet Mrs. Snow,- who has spent
several weeks thera They will return
un Aaarare Lansford has opened her
cotUge at Long Beach, and hr daugh
ter, Miss Carollns Holmes, Is with hr.
. ' w -
Mlaa Mar Montgomery Is visiting th
Montgomery RnseUs" in Seattle. . Bh
wlU be there ahout a iwuuim.
vn.. vrndrad Walrath la the guest ef
her friend Miss Irene Albee at the H.
B. Albee cottage at Long Beach.
- -
ir, Med Aver and Miss Nellie Wll-
liamalare greatly" ahJoylnrThoI'suiiF
mar's stay In Victoria, B. C
1 w w
wm. s,f Biumauar and her daughter,
Baaal. 1st t Friday to visit at Hotel
Moor at Beasioe. ; - . ;
.. ; W .' '
Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. AUso
Wright, with her cnuaren are aua.-
vnarlna al
''"-'' ' w W
vr wr cl Noon and her daughters.
Mis Flola and Miss Alma, are at thslr
cottage at Tioga Beach, ' .
tMmm sr. vtrooka entertained a small
party at dinner at the golf links laat
night. , .. '
WW .. -
n,. r. T. Davis family are In their
cottage at Ocean Park for ths season.
. w w '
The E. E. LrU family are guests at
the Breaker at Beaaiaa
a brilliant lawn fete Urgely - at-
aa. was aiven Tuesday evening at
.v. hm. of Mr. and Mra Frank
nroiian tit Cleveland avenue, ths oc
casion being ths forty-second anniver
sary of Mr. Wledsn's birthday. A fin
musical program waa rendered by
Prof. E. X. Smith assisted by Mis
Julia Burks. Miss t-he and Duane and
Gordon Wleden. Ths parlors war
X- with La, France rosea th
v.ii riinina- room with smllax and
swet peaa Kerreanmenu were -
on the lawn among the ornamental
trees and rosea Tboss present were
Mr. and Mra Frsd Crocker, Mr. - and
um wmiam SDrague, Mr. and Mra
Samuel Thompson, Mr. and Mra J. Mo-
u. and Mra J. J. Evans,- Mr.
and Mra William Beattle, Mr. and Mra.
HTghVs, Mr. and Mra George Dustln,
Mr. sn Mra CUnton Lleuallen. Mr.
and Url Byron B Mlll.r. Mr. nd Mra
T B. Hogan. Mr. and Mra O. Aadsr
son. Mr. and Mra T. A. Moon. Mr. and
MnL Frank WUden, Professor and Mra
B. A. Smith, Rev. and Mra J. J.
Walura Mra E. 8. Brown. Mrs. Thomas
A New Furrier.
j"a. Reiner, the expert funitr and de
signer, bee-reeently-opensd parlors In
Lewis building for repairing, remodel
ing and redyelng fine furs. Sealskin
garments a specialty. ' Having had 10
Sears' siperlence In this branch he la
enabled to guarantee entire saU.factlon.
Mr. Reiner Is a praotloal furrier of
wide axperlsno. having worked in Lon
don, Parle, Vienna and St. Petrburg.
Also with ths principal firms of New
Tork City and waa for many years ths
leading furrier of Boston, Massachu
setts, but owing to 111 health waa com
pelled to give up business. After being
in Portland a year and finding- his
health' munh4mprovd h ds1res set
tls hero and respectfully solicits ths pat-
Ot th ladUg ox roruaao.
. Lingerie Waists values up to $2.60. , W.QSf)--Tap
Silk Waists, values up to $3X0. . .f 2.98
FancT ValLat Waists, value-p to ; -'
$9.00 . V i ..... J. . .44.35 -
All exclusive stylrWUts at HALF PRICE
Spring and Summer SUIT SPECIAL
StyUsh Suits, manufactured by ' the foremost
- suit makers in the country. .HALF PIUCB
Hats, values up
Hats, values top
Hats, values bp
Hats, values op
' Remodeling, relining and repairing of - your
furs done up to September 1 at s saving of 25
per cent and stored 'free" of chargek ;-:
We are showing the largest -nd most conv '-,
plete stock of Jfurs at Mid-Summer Discount
Allen, Mra Sam Veatch, Mra Stella
Nash, Mra Craig, Mra Robert Cham
bers, Mrs. W. W. Peterson. Mra WU
lard, Mra Martin Shea, Mra - Letta
Smith, Mr. Bennett, Martin Bhe,: Fred
Walters, Elmer MoKlnnsy, Mis Julia
Buka, Miss Oertrude Marpert, Miss
Mary 'Marpert, Mlse " MoCarty. Mlas
Swanson, Mis Ida Shea, Miss Nash,
Miss Lillian Veatch. Mlaa Elisabeth
Craig, Miss Alloa Brown. Miss Hasel
W led en, Mlas Fiora Peterson, Martha
Allen, Eileen Sprague,, Welba Lienallen,
Hubert Beattle, Byron Beattla Dr.
Wayne Wleden, Fred Wleden, Raymond
Moon and Byron LteuaUen. - ,
:. . .W W .:-. I
li d . fresco entertainment a the
Portland height park Tuesday evening
waa largely attended by friends of th
cause for. which It waa given. - The sum
cleared, about t60, will go toward a ball
f orthAcenlpn. Sunday school of
Portland heights, ths auxiliary of St.
Stephen's Episcopal church. Tha park
waa decorated with Japanese lanterns
and made a pretty picture, with gay col
ored booths f ronv which were sold
candles and loe -cream;. The program
waa almost altogether musical. . A can
tata, entitled "A Fate In Flowarland."
was given by -about 10 of the Sunday
school children and was exceedingly
pretty and quaint. . Miss Star bird gave
a piano solo, Mr. Lettow and Miss Gils
sang, Mlaa- Lottie BnOeldeTve-a read
ing and th program closed with an
amusing fares, "Ths Burglar Alarm,"
produced by Mlaa Winifred Shaw, Miss
Florence 8 tarblrd, Mies Lottie BanCeld
and Miss Nellie Banfleld. -
L, a. Merer was host at a delightful
supper at the Lewis and Clark observa
tory Wednesday evening. His quests
assembled early and the first part of
the evening was spent In viewing the
sunset effect from the pavilion, from
which there Is a-snperlor-vlew of . the
city and mountains. Later the search
light waa used to locate various objects
snd landmarks and bits of history re
garding them were told by the man
agement and those of the party mors
familiar with the early days of Port'
land. . -
Retiring- again to the pavUlon the
guests enjoyed several musical hum
beis during which delicious punch was
served.. At ten o'clock a delightfully
prepared supper closed the evening.
Several out of. town guests were in
the party. Thoee present, besides the
host, were Mr. and Mra M. M. gpauld
lng, Mr. and Mra ltW. Frtee, Mr.
and Mra J. JT. Stoneroad, , Mlaa Cramer,
Miss. Fargo, Mis Madge ' Cramer, Mlas
Stevens, ' Miss Soogglns, Miss Murphy
of Chicago.-J. IL Sidey. B.. 8.-Chi
bers. .Ross .Fargo, Ous Cramer, H. Wal
ler of Mays villa, Kentucky, Mr, Koran
of Syracuse, New Tork, and Mr. .Wants.
- i . ', ' ' '
Ths steamship F. A. Kllburn was ths
scene Of a marry' gathering Wednesday
evening, when Captain Merriam enter
tained .at .dinner. .Co vera were .laid for
el z teen. -The cabin waa decorated with
flags snd Chinees lantern., th table
decorations! "being of jurpl and whit
sweet peaa Favor were dainty sou.
ventre of- Ban FraBoissoi After ss
elaborate menu the party, waa invited to
the- upper- deck,' where, they t were de
lightfully entertained with inuslo by the
Hawaiian Mandolin club. The captain
escorted his guests ashore at a late
hour.. Those present wers Captain and
Mra J. FV Boone, - Mr. " and Mrs. A. 8,
Hammond. of Coqullla, Oregon; Mr. and
Mrs, Henry Westeraiire, Mr. and Mra
Rudolph Spencer .of Ban. Francisco, Mr.
mil! -Mrak"J.? Allen Mosrora. . sir,
Oreenough,- Mr.' Flynn,' Mr. Short, Miss
Beat nice-Spencer and Mra 'Hael West-
srmlra i -: . -?
A . very pleaaant- party . assemble at
.tinma f -Mr: and Mra i Arthur
Purdy,,Pnlnulr street, Tueaday aven
ing In honor of their daughter, B ) '
seventeenth birthday, too evening was
delightfully spent - with- games and
muslo after .which -dainty refreshment
were served. Those present .were: Mr.
snd Mra "Arthur Purdy; Mr.vand'Mra
Ed Huston,. Mr. snd Mra J. K. CMger,
Miss-Bessie Purdy, -MlssOraeU Wln-
fleld Miss - Julia Crlger, Mlas Dora
Crlger,. Miss Alioe Purdy Miss Helen
Crlger, Miss Bele Ake. Miss Marjory
Purdy, Harry Huston, Alfred Fltsgerald,
Ray Purdy, Maurice cngsr, " Baipn
Purdy, Herman Huston, Mr. Fansdls
aad'Master Walter Aka ,
..-.!: - S w f' ' ' '" '
; .Mrs. . wm Morton i and Mra- Edward
Green entertained a number Of their
friends with a launching- party up the
liver Wednesday evening in honor of
Miss Effle Wilson of Chicago, who Is
visiting them. Th party of twelve
went up t! river to Ross island, whersj
they spreed their , supper. After a
short tlms ' around ths eampflre the
party withdrew again to the launch and
rode farther up the river. Thare were
several pleasing vol pee among them snd
with msndollns sndiroltrs the evening
was mads merry With musla Besides
Tit- VOMAlfS
rimmeci Hat Special ; v
to $20.00 , 2 ...... ... . .$3.98 :
to $12.00.. ...... .....82.98.
to $8.00..... 81.98
to : $6.00.. .,....... - 98
W. G. SMITH & Co.
VVBSblastBO Ball ding
ths hostesses and - Miss Wilson thsre
were Mlaa Faye Orton. MUa Mertl
Saldon. Mlaa Viola Wheelan, Mr. Mor-
ton, Mr. Green. Tom Roblnaon, Kdwin
Gordon, Sheldon Morrison and Mllo Ed
wards. '. . ' '" '..
Mlas Effle Wilson was the guest of
honor at a email party that spent the
afternoon and evening at the Oaks Mon-
day. - Xd win Oordoa and Tots RobJnsoB -
wero the boat and Deeldee Mlaa .Wil
son and her hostesses, Mra Edward
Green and Mra WIU Morton, they en
tertained Miss Mertls Ssldon and WU
liam Shannon. Many of the attractions '
were-taken In with much merriment and
ths psrty remained for supper, being
Joined later-by Mr:Grn andUrTMor-
ton. . i.
' a. - i
Mlas May me L.-Jones entertained
number of her young friends In a pl
ant manner Thursday evening at her
homa 99 Fourth street . Ths par
lors were decorated with Oregon grape
and rosea and ths tables arranged with
sweet pesa During the evening games
and music were enjoyed and punch
served. Later in the evening the young
people sat down to a dainty supper in
tne aining room.
Miss-Florence HoUietor - entsrtaitied
Informally at a luncheon on Thursday,
Ths occasion was a farewell lunoheosi
given In honor of Mlas Dorothy New
hall, who Is soon to leava for Palo Alto,
California, to enter college. The color
scheme waa lavender and white Tboss
presenTwere ths Mlim Dorothy N i
hall, Janet Noble, Mildred Oralnditaff
and Mildred Fuller.
Mra George Haywood gave a lunch
eon Tuesday In honor of hsr sister, Mra
M. B. Dalton, who returns today to her
home la Denver. Tha table decorations
wr of yeUow coreopsis with brilliant
(Continued on Page Eighteen
Only Veldea Oradnats oa Paolno Coad
; ' Tan and FrtcKIcs Rernovd
Ovtaktr sad vltheut easnrsnrs, nl th fad
Ur lies race beeetlrel oel
sal sew tor this ssaaier week w will gi
t A Urjjt Jar of CoiKp!xIon
; -jCrearafree' v v :l '
frith eiw doUay treatment, Jssts;ss
tfc. akarmln ereDaratloa
empkgla est rtfnlar sad moetseeeeatfol pr
Worn. - Mw wPr -.. -"""
sstsw that Imneillste edvantace be taksa
thU efr.r. We sre tee fr?lnf tl serrice i
worts ef gooes tor every dollar w recelre.
Telephons room tsna,
r.!r.c Vyss-T.!cDonaF
by Mine, -as stouaes-suss
- . 0-i t..
A . ' - ' . ' "' ' - ' '' t C
Orieatal Oeaoty Parlor
"-X2rtZa Won Itogiiilwe
Mlaa Faaav Bcswa ara a
J ware
there. Mrs. A, A. jumseai aj