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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
PAGES 15 TO 23 PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 2, 18C3. 'WE DIFFERENT STORE" FIFTH, SIXTH : AKD' WASHKiQTOH STREETS THE OLDS, mRTmn & KMG STORE HERALD VRCRTlOtl tWIUlBER EXCHANGE 12 Mwt 2 --r- m Z, y A Store F r K . HOUDAY. BARGAlliS Penny Savers 1 AT THE END OF TOUR THONE. 18o Package of Juum Crap Paper - Napkins Bpeolal .....XOe e Shelf Paper, apodal Be to 1 lb. Package Linen Lawn Writ ing Paper, apealal . .tSe ' a Package "white Wove Square En velopea, apaoial Be lto Box Baal Quality Whlta Writing Paper, apodal -IBo llo Royal TPolish, Jat OU and Black Satin 8 hoe Polish, special TB llo Box of cakee Toilet Soap Oat- maal. Tar, Qlyearina. ate, apaoial.. 10" llo Can Vlolat Taieunr Powder, P-n- eial Leather Goo'ds SIf op : . Annex, First Floor. WOMEN'S, $1 JO HANDBAGS 8V A Una of handbag in blue, brown., green and gray (rain laathar, moire .ned. nttad with coin puraa and card ease, atltcbad laathar handle, medium else, thla aaaaon'a atyla, only limited number. jugular ralua - $1.10; spa- ciai Is an Omnipresent Always a Your Elbow It's ubigue everywhere, with Its thorough service. Vacationists and work-a-day etay-at-homca enjoy its advantages equally. Through its surpassing mail order department and splen didly equipped telephone system, distance is vanquished and shopping is made equally con venient to the rollickers at the ahore, taong the mountains, 'midst the delights of country retreats, or home folk here, with the hum and whirr-of the busiest,, foremost city on the Pacific coast forever sounding and resounding in their ears. Tourists, of whom there are many, seashore and mountain travelers, com ing or going, should pass through this store. Not only are remarkable opportunities for money saving . afforded just now, but new things from all over the. world are daily pour ing in. This is the store that gets the new things first, Our experts are Portland's chief expositors of fashions. This is Portland's greatest and foremost style store. This page tells of a storeful of extraordi nary values and advantageous money savings. yet it tens oniy a part, - Every an nouncement of the 1 week will be brimful of news of unusual economic benefit to the public- Extra values in every nook ) and : corner of the store. If you can't come and shop in ,: person"" order by mail or call ua up on the 'phone. "Pri vate Exchange 12.. ft aS&uv.. i - Tf-sa. t mmmmm 150 dozen all linen hemstitched Towels, . ..fancy damask border, special, each f Heavy round thread linen finish Sheets, 22M yeards at, each. ........... TABLE CLOTHS -- OWELS ' -'.-v. SHEETS ULmER SUITINGS Great-raluet thts-week-m-Do--1 mestic aisle and wasn oooas sec tion. 'Phone or mail orders-filled. TAjULA, S.IAJ 1 ill, r " Scotch homespun Table Goths, handsome border all around, fleur-de-lis, chrysanthemum and holly ; patterns. - 2x2 yards, special..... fs'22 2x2 yards, special. .vs , . . J?Xa zxj varas. weaw...i......T" 9Xr 2AI J To the Store's Students In Art Needlecrzft v The classes for FREE Instructions in art needlework will, be resumed tomorrow. Old scholars and new stu dents will be alike welcome to avail themselves of all the privileges I expert instruction given gratis. : - A Stupendous, Sweeping Clearance of the SummerGarmeniSiochs : Starts Tomorrow n t , - . I f 1 VjfSY I If ' sWt .- .1 euant the nearbr bathlne- resort.-at the Oak I CV27' XVA j jtZ&TS i -Bundya.- and other popular "watering plaeee." I ;, ' X . .1 Reductions Run Rabid ' V " ' ;' r 'Through the Salons' jitojiand More of the Price ; - Swept Away I ' If Ton Can't Come, Mail or: J. ."Phono Your Orders. . DRASTIC STORE CLEANINO STARTS TOMORROW IN PORTLAND'S LARGEST AND FOREMOST WOMEN'S "CORRECT CLOTHES SHOPS." . .The finest as well aa the inexpensive is reduced.. The bargains have found out every summer line and garment in the great department - Values that have jnever known their equals. There's a big difference in what "half price" means to you. . Half prices, and thirds and "quarters off are a serious proposition to us to a store governed by such ethics as rule at Olds, Wortman & King's, It's easy for a careless store to get trumpery merchandise and mark it doubtless ' truly so--at "half prices." But not for this store. Garments here must reach up to Olds, Wortman & King's standard, and 'tis a high-standard , that rules here. There are few of the garment makers can supply us we're "too exacting," they say. So you see ifs not easy for us to get or give , halved prices, or. even, a 'third, or a quarter off. And when we do it's a mighty fruitful buying time for the thrifty, dressy womenkind, for it means the finest garments made at a half. quarter to a third less than the' lowest normal prices ever quoted in Portland on equal worths. A few examples of the wonderful values in this drastic drive '"out of summer stocks we quote here. '. ,-. ......... . t 2yAx2X yards st, each.... .......... .0 White mercerised Princeton buttings, tor smart street suits, at, yard ...5eV 8,000 yards figured Dress Lawns, beautiful patterns, at, yard... ...&4 $18.50 to $65 Summer Coats $7.98 . Think ct Itl. Then think of your need. 'Swagger garnfentsnfor traveling, I for theatre -orxafe-weaTrorci ingtTau olhenunctiona ana occasion! ini are cohiuduj .nappemng ounng ima iiuu-uiuiun bcmvu. -The garments are in swell nStylesrmatertalsTof pongees, rtaffetss-and"Othenea- sonable, stylish stuffs. All smartly trimmed. . . M word of caution don't be late. There the only 28 of 'em but 28 women made happy with this . of fering.; However, . there are others everywhere, i For instance "t - Walking Skirts for vacation tramping - reduced. ' ' .'x.-JL.J ",WrPPe faniTKimbnos reduced in i ; short, .every garment in all the vast stocks' of peerless summer garments ".stand or. fall. : ' MERCILESSPRICE-CUTTINGAM0NGTHE Dress Goody Orders by Mail or Phone Carefully Filled : ANNEX-FIRST FLOOR ; .( . - - ng your vt . I r II TN Aran V, l j . . ,. - roses next i-eorusry iween sea son s sn d cut down -the bushe mercilessly apparently. But the r little rose trees take on new life and vigor, from the pruning, and S'eld more and prettier roses when, sy comes. - Just so here. We cut orkes ; mercilessly no to crime stocks. , The lines will thrive better . later on and yield bigger, better ; results than ever with new. stocksJ All-wool Serges, Crispines, Roxana Batistes andMohair and wool Mohdelatnea in the following colorings:' reds, plums, resedas, hunter, olive, grays, Una, modes, browns, garnets snd navies; all this sesson's fabrics; no better .values shown st $1.25 per yard, special for the week only, yard............. . s. 98 Imported English Brilliantines, Sicilians, Serges.snd Panamas, all in the wanted cream . ' shades. -., .:- . V . v Regular Sf.00 grade, specisl at, yard............ . ...... ..,.....;,",... ML;L Regulsr S1.2S grade, special at, yard...:, r.. 7... ...... I...... Regular $1.50 grade, specisl at, r""t i . . UJiui..n COLORED" DRESS "GOODS "REMNANTS AT HALF REGULAR REMNANT ' " ' . PRICES. ',. . - - ' Remnants of Brilliantines and Sicilians. Remnants of all-wool Prunellas, Cash-. Remnants of all-wool Serges anTCheviots. meres, Henriettss. . , Remnants of all-wool Panamas, Poplins. ' ; Rmn of ,ilk nd Crepe' Pop" Remnsnts of aU-wool Beiges, Voiles, Etay Remnsnts' of new Noveltyl Suitings Jn. - mines. - - - . ; ; , .. grays, and sll the wanted colorings. : All lengths in the lot; suitable for waists, skirts, suits, jackets and so forth,' at HALF REGULAR - REMNANT PRICE. - - , J.,-. . - -:- BLACK MOHAIRS AT SPECIAL PRICES. ! In Brilliantines snd Sicilian wesves; all warranted fast dyes. . r Our regular $1.00 grade, special, only, yard ..944 - j Our regular $1.25 grade, special, only, yard ; 984 ' OurreguJar..$UQrade.pecisL.oiilyry Hidsummet Sale pj Handsome Dinner Sets IMPORTANT; TO -THRIFTY HOUSEWIVES. Of course It's best to do shopping personally when possible. If ctrcumstancea de tain you at home, however,on Monday, or you live at a distance, don't miss the bar gains Write or Phone. Third Floor. :..-..... .. .-';' y -DINNER SETS. Semivitreous Chins Dinner Sets, fancy shape, small pink flower, gold traced on em- L. Dossing, gold line hsndles and knobs, c- : L1L SO-piece set; regular value $6.80. Special.; ,; .f K.40 60-piece set; regular vslue $.10.J Special.......... .$T.20 4yVlQ0-aieca et! "gular value $1365. Special J.f 10.90 - (liTiiinu ictunicu voina iinner oe, Doracr pane in, $ small roses, stippled gold edge and handles, fancy shapes. I 60-piece set, regular value $34.50, special f 25.50 i! 100-piece set, regular value $48.75, special....... .....faw.oo. 112-piece set, regular vslue $55.25, specisl........ , . Richly decorated Haviland China Dinner Sets, Dresden rose Imnl.r nmttern. full weAA m Ao anIM mnA hanHtM. 117 & '.; aol Mafoon band, gold lace pattern 'over maroon band snd inside gold border, full gold over edge and solid gold handle. 60-piece set, regular value $91.50, special,....;.. ....f 77.50 115-piece set. regutar -vslue $169.00, special. ..flda.SO" 117-piece set, regular value $183.75, special.... V....f 155.00 mm Wash Suits Your choice at any now at half, price-- -Wash Skirts Reduced a thirdT- All Shirt Waists reduced. " " Tt .AH spring and summer Tailored Suits ' : reduced. . For One Veek Under Drastic Reduction THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR HAVE COMB I ' THE BOTTOM 18 OUT THE MINIMUM REACHED t rrT ; r ITS NOW OR NEVER," "IF YOU'D SAVE wting Trio Special Vaiues in Laces and Neckwear IF TOTJ CAN'T COMB-WRITE OR PHONE Dainty, pretty summer "fixfns" at a ssving thst makes it wprth your while to come and get what you need tomorrow.' V 50c AND. 75c ALLOVER LACE 8T. AH oyer Valenciennes" Lace, in'white. suitsble for waists, yokes or bolero jackets: - our 50c and 75c values; special sale price, the ' yard........... .8Ts ' FANCY COLLARS WORTH 25c FOR . v Fancy Collars with tabs, aome of lace and some of. embroidered lawn; our 25c value; special sale price, each..;....................'. . 19 SOc AND 75c WINDSOR TIE8 8f- 'A fine lot of Crepe de Chine. Windsor Ties, in black, white, pink and light blue have pretty hemstitched, ends; our 50c and 75c values, special sale price.. 39 Three Great Sales for Men ' Values in sessonsbles much better thsn the prices usually buy. If you can't come or send, order by 'phone 'or. write.,. ; ' -: t.,' ; - ,', MEN'S $1 UNDERWEAR OTtf . 'A line of men's "Jersey ribbed white lisle Underwear, I with blue and pink silkoline pin stripes, regular $1, -.. special, per garment... ................ v.. ....QTyij MEN'S 75c NIGHTROBES 55. t ? 7 : Men's muslin Nightrobes," with Or without collars, best -iinishr-nade4uU-&nd-- longreguUr, value 75c, spe. - cial . ,.....v. ..65 MEN $1 OOLF SHIRTS 60. ; fc v Men's Golf Shirts in plsin white snd fancy patterns; this . season's styles; regular value $1, special, each.,. 69s Smart Bathing Costumes .'- 1 ooxa, wmzn oa rxon. Tha moat popular and neweec eraattons for Surf, wear are abown thla week among, tha atocka for vacatlonlats. Hundred! who are con templating a trip to tha ahora, othera who fre quent tha nearby bathing reeorta, at tlda Oaks,' "Bundr'a,"- and other popular "Watering plaeee," will be lntereated In theae nantlona. Tou'ra aura of being- down-to-date when elad in ona of theae emart new beach-frocka)' Don't wear an m-ftttlng, unsanitary hired ault when you may' purehaaa a neat-fitting- ault for your own at trifling coat. As modaat aa you Ilka, a axpanalva aa you wUli they're equally tasteful and pretty, aura to give good aervlce. : Coma or order by phono or mall. . weaua's Meek eortaa Betntag Salts, VhspeS tmt, S row. wane or.ia crinunuif, eu sine, mi Woa I'a Sark Woe B. a. Ir BaUUng Baits, seller Dol lar, 4 rows white braid trimming. Special. .lass ' klaek oat ton BathlDa Balta trimmed wit f.nrr braid and red Sack sailor collar. Special SS.TS Wemea's sstt bloe SMhalr Betklsg salts, reand asck, V n-oat. taaer whIU braid trimming. Special SS.SS A big line el wemea's black and na.r bina Betblna Solta, faacr braid trlaunlng. asllor cellar, ae-aars end roune eei aaea, v front, aseciai, as.Ta .Women's slack aad aa - - - -- , bias BHwatr Bathing salts, roand saUar eol- - Ur, six rows white braid trUnmlag...St,0S Wemen'a Sae aaobalr -Bathing Sulta, la blue. , brown aad black, beeatlfally trtmmod aad , maee, saUar eol- - lara. roead or senere : aeck. Bpdal at , . . .SS.M, ST- sad BS.0S Wemea's extra Sue Bath. lng Bolts, la bias and buck, at .SIS, SIS. SS aad S1S.SS Bathing Shoes, at pair. ,7777. SSs to Sae '....s. "to-ftsT A big seaortmeat nt ehlldraa'e Bathing Bolts ' priced from Tea ta SS.SS ana ea.ue Handy Odds & Ends At the counter, oc sent by mafl, you save the same. , ; t ., Imported Tooth Brushes, special lta 15c bottle Florida Water,: special 10 8c card of 1 dozen Capsheai Safety Pins, special 5f 35c shell color Back Combs with sold band, special....;. 15a) 10c card of 1 dosea Pearl. Buttons, special ........................ Te Psir light weight white Japanese silk Dress Shields, special. ....... lte) 9c package of 5-inch Kid Hair Curlers, special Plain hemstitched linen Collar, and .. Cuff Sets, worth 35c, at .19V Rare Values THESE EMBROIDERED ROBES FOR ONE FOURTH OFF First Floor...'. Embroidered Robes in batiste and linen, either heavy or sheer; some beautifully hand embroidered; val ues to $50, special at $4 OFF 19-inch 21-inch 23-inch 27-inch 36-lnch all silk all silk all silk all silk all silk WotihJCamlng-Mlles-to Get-TheseWbnforful Silk Values Phooa or Mail Orders Puled '-j;.' ' - i Here's helpful savings for those wpmen who contemplate making a handsome black oww-thir7aUv A black silk costume is ss indispens-, able to the average woman as her corsets, . and black silk gowns are wearing out right along. How many women need 'i a new one? Here's your chance to save enough on materials to help- a-lot toward the making. k Dependable black Taffetas, the sort that has made " this Portland's leading silk store, black Taffeta, regular 85c grade, special for, yard oiacK laiteta, regular $1 grade, special tor, yard... black Taffeta, regular $1.10 grade,- special for.yard DiacKianetareguiar-ft.--graae, special tor, yard... black Taffeta, regular $1.50 grade, specisl for, yard... ..T9s ...4e Important Purchase and Sens. ' tional Sale of tha Fine Stock of - Infants9 Wear OP THE WELL KNOWN WASHINGTON ST. STORE OF S. Beck Better come; but if you can't, well' fill mail or 'phone orders. -A) SALE IMPORTANT TO - YOUNG MOTHERS Beck's Infant Wear Here at Half Price The superb stocks of elegant apparel for infant wear carried , by Mr. Beck art almost too well known to call for eulogy at our hands. From Seattle to Los Angeles) they wave famous as the finest on the cosst Mr. Beck retired from business last week, selling us : '.'.--"';,.' . '.' r His Entire Stock of Infants' Apparel at Price Think of a $30 Hat for $5.00 and $5 Hats for $1.00 vW . .take J) ; DOI y ' ,'phoi A GRAND FINALE MONDAY TO OUR GREAT. : EST: MILLINERY SEASON . - ' The millinery manager leaves-for New York this week. Before starting lie haa determined to close all ' remaining summer stocks -regardless of cost or loss. This sweeping offer proves his esrnestness. ,"Choose. Monday,", he says, "from, all remaining hats, without, reserve, without regsrd to former price (even though hats ss fine ss $30 will buy anywhere are included) say hat in the store for $5.00." ; . And if you desire values at and under $5 you may. ! any hat in the salons worm up to o st one even . lXAltT.Ys,v$5 hats, for $1.00. . Come,v write or' one. ::. !. '; 1 . ' H!a store at 272 Washington street is closed, the goods in the infanta' lines bought" for half. "As we nought so we'll sell to you.. You our. partner In good fortune. For convenience in selling we've spread out the goods on a spacious table running through the "Baby-to-Miss" shops on the second floor, where they'll be offered- tomorrow for halt. The stock embraces French hand made bonnets, silk crochet bonnets and hats, silk bonnet lining, mittens, wrappers, wool bands, Ruben's vests, sacques, kimonos, nightingales, etc Many of these are hand embroidered, hand and machine knit sacques, shawls, long and short flannel skirts, long and short. white cambric and nainsook skirts, lon-and- short-dresses- (some of these garments are French hand embroidered), stockings, shoes, bootees, short and long cloaks, bibs, pil low slips, pillows, diapers, blankets, powder puffs, hand painted or plain soap and powder boxes, combs, bed protectors, garters, children's snd misses muslin and cam bric drawers and gowns, etc Your choice at HALF PRICE. -,. . SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Summer Jewelry Anne First Floor. Dainty, inexpensive luxuries. Indispensable to smart dressing; necessities, in fact. And at necessity prices. Mail or phone. orders filled? Yes - with 'care and promptitude. If you can't coma to the store, try the proxy, method; It works final - Write or phone. , . . 65c Beauty Pine 39e. 1 -Aav essortment-of pretty" Beauty Pins, fancy ' designs in colored gold and jeweled, 3 on ' eard; regular value 65c .Special.... 89 3Sc Sterling Silver Waist Pins 19c Sterling Silver Waist Pins in a variety of ; , floral and head designs, 3 on card; regu- lar value 35c Special... ........... aws ' , $1.00 Belt Buckles 69c An assortment of pretty Belt Buckles, fin , ished in rich rose gold, a variety of shapes . and aizes; reg. value $1.00. Special. 9 25c Bead Neck Chains 19c. Bead Neck Chains in white, garnet, amber , . and pink, with small slternating white crystal beads; regular .value 25c. Sne- FINE SPECIALS. Cushion Tops Art Shop Anna Second Floor. Cushion Tops with plain backs, stsmped , . on white linen in all the new designs in English eyelet, hidebq, Mt Mellick and -French embroidery; regular price ' $1.00 and $1.25. Special., each.... 69e White Cushion Tops and Scarfs, stamped in pretty ahadow work designs; regular - 65c value. Special-, eacb. JTs. $2.25 Chemise $U.9 A aaea Bee nad floor. Ladles' French hand embroidered C he rn lae. embroidered on fine aoft flnlahed ' Enrllah Ixmgcloih. , . dtfferant atjrlea (.All alsea to 4 bust tneaaura. Regular Erloa ii and fa !. , pacta! at,, each . .