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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
n::: cr-coii ' cu:n5AV tcut.:,tai; rcTLAtip. sunpav horniwo. july 3, mm. mm is we irimrsfii rv twiNR "?. Prof. Frank Rigler and Robinson Tell of Unlimited Opportunities f Contest Gives Young Men and Women i V. oa Journal la widening" Tta teflaeuoa. The eoateotaata are making aequala- Urge numbw of people. . . ; v i Day by day enthusiasm emong the contestants ana their, xrtenas growe nw and to number of vote mal- ' tlnlv. .. Burin thm nut week ' ! of the eonteetaate have mad var credit able eoorea. , Tan others ara hi the WW. V Willi utv mm W V lllg start la votes. . But none of the con testants ara a tar -ahead that they can not evea now be outdistanced by a new candidate who would go into tha sraaweee ox iwnvruii uDHripuvw wiu Determination ana wuuuum ua a noma of hia frtanda to fa alp him. Aa there ara now SO aoholarahlpa offered and six cash priaaa amounting to 1710, tba value of tha aoholarahlpa mm i iwiiial fiivvv, vrirf ant now la tha imoa la aura of ona of we prises. uuw senoiaranips wiu oe added la tha proportion la which tba MlHtuu mnltlnlv. opinion of : On all aldaa rapraaantatlTaa of Tha commended. Educators agTee that tha contest afforda a rara opportunity for young people to prorlda .for -their- ewa schooling for a full jraar by epeadlag only two moatha la tba - oontaat work and that tha schools and colleges of Oregon will profit by tha exploitation of their advantagee through too eolumna af tha aawapapar. ., . , , -ii Prof. Blgles- ram flawed. , . - Prof. Frank Rigler, for' many yaara superintendent of Portland olty aohoola and one of tha beat known aduoatora la tha Paolflo north weat. waa asked for ata opinion of Tha Journal's aduoatlonat contest which la tha flrat purely ed ucational corneal to oe given in vre on. Prof. Rigler said: -1 Tha Journal's oontaat appeara to bo a. fine opportunity for graduataa of tha publio and high achoola to prorlda themselves with tha meana of taking technical and apeelal eouraaa of atudy. It la a well eatabUahed fact that- young pvopiv wnv von wwu- - vtf -- unnii school er In some way earn their tuition become earneet. atudanta and generally make good uae of tha education which teaulta from .auch effort." ' . amps, owaaoa Approve. . Superintendent R. P. - Robinson of Multnomah oounty being -aakad by a "Any proper movement- baring- for Ita and the helping of worthy young people to a higher education ahould meet the approval of the publio. Tha preaeat oontaat la a good business proposition tor-the eotioolo Interested and Tha iMinial m w A k Mn.llw mm Mwwt lmiin...fiiT MHtulatif 1 Tk. offer of ao many aoholarahlpa parol ta 'at wide aelectlon by tha frlenda of aaplranta u) ought to eecare a general jtereat" . . i . ITnUmltaA Opportunltlaa. V " Mra. Holmea-Lawrence, of the Holraea Bualneea oollege, Portland.' aaya that -The-Jcurnal'a aonteat-la fulfilling, tha promise that waa mada for- It; that It will be . conducted upon a - high plane and that lta human tntereat featurea ahould appeal . to tha general publio. -he aatd that the- Uolmea - BumU neaa collar la : glad to Join la an emterprtao which will benefit ao many young people and which at the same llm. will 4v tinKMiiltv tha MM4a of Oregon achoola and coll egaa. 1 wonder whether young people plod ding along mediocre paths which offer little enoouragement for tha future bare any Idea of the great demand for trained of flea help, ebearrad the head and founder of the Holmea Bualnaaa collate. Teeterday we - had four ln quliiae for trained offloe people and Nellie May Shannon, let Taalno. Portland. Or. .............11411 4 XlUlaa McTlcker, St. Johns, Or. ........... ...............JI76e a Horace A.. Wilson, IS! Halsey St. Portland. Or. II7II a Guy Orabam. Troutdala, Or. .S1TSI a Chaa. Oroaa, T. M. C A Portia r 4. Or. ..................11711 "e Clay Jonea, 401 XL ltth St; Portland, Or. ltotl a Roy Johnson, T4 Division St, Portl and. Or. . . ... . .1 .11011 4 Carl Rhelton. Forty-eighth street. Mount Tabor,Or..rr;rr."r;,..irs.l9t a Mao Pendergraea, 111 , North Seventeenth St, Portland, Or...... I0(S a John Benson, Cbemawa, Or. ..' TtJV Edith M. Harrfa. 411 Oxford St, Portland. Or. TlfO a Mildred J Clemona, University Park. Portland, Or. ..... 0216 4 Rhode lm Stalnacker, Albany, Or. mi a Bertie O. Chan, MI CUy Bt, Portland, Or. 1170 4 Paul Nriren, tit Beat Third St, aorta, Portland. Or. ........... 41(0 -4 MarT-JaPowal 41T Salmoa St. Portland. Or. I70a Clay. Oary, Salem, Or. lilt 4" Harry Brant Til Willamette boulevard, Portland, Or............ 1TTI 4 Doroaa Tan Bohoonhoven. Cove, Or. ....... 1761 e Xxmlaa Scott, Contra! addition Portland, Or. 1000 a R W. Cyrua, Bolo Or .t......t.m..M..iflt. 1861 4)" Ivy Owens, Cedar MUIa, Or. ............................. n 4 Edward U lQasman. UnnUn, Or. lilt t Alleea Haekmaa, Myrtle Park, Portland, Or. 1480 a) Oay Johnson, 101, Grant St, Portland, OrT ,lllt. Rath Tumor, tot Karty St, Portland, Or.( tot a Mabel Magnasa, Amity, Or..'.. TOO 4 W. BL Owynn, I4t East Thlrty-aeventh St, Portland. Or......... loo e A ' W- or Oeorge D. King. Klngaton, or. Agnea Wvane, LAlouralle. Qf'iVi.....i.ti,?.,VAi!r?M Educational; e J nTTFIE POaTLAaH, 0BXOOS. Niras of Subacrlbaf.. ........ Addrata ,...ttwai tw.i Amotmt Paid I. Fe..M...M.......lioBflM BegfaxnfaiC..r.. New or OM?...V..... ....... -Good "OAtt Z IAT0Bbf ..l.-..L. Superintendent R. we - are. able ' to meet Our acnool la wel?attebdvd-andwa aromduatlng mora atudanta than arer. but area we are not getting atudanta enough to flu all tha positions that are opened to ua. The growing bualnaaa of this oountry wlU make many mlUlonairea Curing the next, ten yaara, and tha men and women who will participate in thla proa parity will be those who hare aa up-to-date training which qualms them to manage and keep track of modern commercial annaarna.1' , . : - Antbtttoua Xay Pendergxaaa. ' Kay Pandergraaa of til North Baran teenth atreet,' Portland, olokad laat week by- a daah from - eeventeenth to ninth place In tha acoro ladder. Sha la a young lady possessing tact and en thualaam and aha haa gone Into thla eon test to win. la her aehool work Mlaa Pandergraaa haa been Interrupted by elckaesa. . She waa just finishing the aerenth B at tha Darla aehool. Portland, when aha waa at laat compelled to leare the aehool room. Her elaasmatee bare now gone ahead of her and aba dreada - to take up her atodlea la tha aama way aha left them off. But good health la now her bleaalng and aha la determined to make the boat uaa of bar time. The Baptist college at MoMlnnrllle offers the aehoollng aha wanta and tha aaaoeLa tlona aba oraraa, aa aha la a Baptist herself, being a member of tha White Temple Baptist ahureh of Portland. - - While not attending the publloNachoola Miss Pendergraea haa not been Idle. She helpe her father In hla grocery atore at tha - corner of. Merenteenth and Qulmby atreeta and atudlea muala and elooutlon. She haa been making fine pro area la both llaaa of aooompllah menL ( - With' a family of three broth are and one other Bister to educate, Mlaa Pandergraaa thinks aha will be helping her father a good deal to earn her own tuition. . Uer pleaalng adareaa and natural and alnoere mannera enable her to win her way everywhere. She la popular with the patrona of her father'a atore and with all tha church people aha haa met and aba haa aseuranoea of support In the oontaat from all of them whom aha haa called on. The Modern Woodmen af America, of which her father la a member, will be eanrassad in her be half. ' Those who read thla article and wish to adranea eubeorlptlona In her behalf may call her up at Mala II3 and aha will be glad to call for the rotea. ' . -. . - ,. - tuaaraaaad la Bleotrlottr, PauTNygrea, Slaat Third atreet, Portland, haa ona mora year to eerro la the publio achoola of Portland. Be la gathering aubeorlptlone In thla- eon teat la order to win one of the aoholarahlpa In the " International Correapondence schools f Scranton, Pennsylvania, by which at extra hours ha may learn ocme- thlng of aleotrloal engineering. Paul la II yaara old, active and am bttioue. Ho baa always been Intereated In electricity;- Blnee ha haa been in Portland he haa erected a telegraph line between hla own and another boy a homo and haa put tha llaaa In nne work In a order. Saturday Paul polled about 100 rotee and hla eoore now approaehea 1,000 rotea. If prises were to be distributed at the present time ha would, be ona of the winnera. u AH. Kay Kelp. . . Patrona may adranoe their Bubaorlp- tion la rarer of eontaataata ny direct remittance to the aewapaper, at the time -naming the contestant to be bene fited, by bandlnfthe money to the -ear rier who eerrea them or by Bonding check or money order to the oonteetant, whose name and printed every nay m. toe aoore uat. . In a dlaplay adrertlaemoat tha aol- legea offering acholarahlpa and the dta- trlbutlon of eaah prtsea are exhibited. The rulea of tha contest are here given oa wUl be aent to any one who applies. a a 104 . 4 . 3ff Contest, 1906 . V J- a. SUBSCRIBER'S " VOTING . -CERTIFICATB ........."... ....... Journal - ,..1900. for... .......... ......Vot 'a......... 'J 'oWktiaB, Vancouvw Merchants Delighted Because Strike Was Mot . -"-"Declared by Carmen.' " WALKOUT WOULD HAVE .'BEEN VERY DISASTROUS Commerdai Qub Has Called Special Meatlna;tnPaM ,, Raa olutjonav ol Cotarnaadaloa for Both Oparativa . and Coropane'. . (Special DtoMteh ta Ite 7oareaL) ' ' Tanoouver, Waah July ll-The peo ple of Vancouver are highly pleased orar the way tha trouble between the streetcar opera tore of Portland and the Portland Railway eompany haa been Bot tled. . Owing to tha faot that this etty la de pendent upon tha Portland Railway com pany both for freight and paaaanger tramo It waa . important to toe bualnaaa Intereata af tha olty that a atrlka be averted. - A apeelal meeting of the Commercial club haa been called for next Monday evening, when a reaolutlon will be drawn up commending both the aompany and the carmen (or-the way they eetuea tne dispute. This will bo forwarded to the men and company t aaow the appre ciation of the business men of Van couver. -. . . WATER IN SHOES. Practical Joks Koleate Tea. IHrarJoaa . of Taaooara. ' - fnpfeUI Dtepeteh ta The JoeraaLl . Tanoouver, Wash- July U A prac tical Joker la abroad la Vancouver. Aa a result aererai rammea reaiamg in tenu In rarlaue parte of the oUy ara wondering what they are to do. ' - Laat night soma one entered tne tent of M. 1 Coovert, prominent local ciUaen, who makeB a habit of spend ing the sum mar months In a tent, and filled hla ahoea with water. Mr. Ooovert did not beoomo aware of tha Joke until ha put hla ahoea on thla morning. Mr. Coovert dedarea that aa nan a fairly rood Idea who tha Joker la. Ha keepa a watchdog an It waa with tha aid of the dog that a trace ox mo prac tical Jokar waa aeeured. -The dog waa ahowa tha ahoea and after licking up aome Of tha water made oft and did not Bton until ha came to a house on weat Nineteenth atreet, wherein Uvea a per sonal friend of Mr. Coovert Mr. Coovert Is of tha opinion that tha dog haa got oa the right track. Mr. Coovert la aoc the only person upon whom the aarao Joke waa played laat night A family living on Ingala Btreett reports that when tney awoxe elglitabwajweTejmeawuji water. AD MEN QUARREL M AT-V1CT0R1A SESSION (MBM-tal TMseetab te The -JeemaLI Victoria. B. C July II. At a meet ing of the Paolflo Coast Advertising Men's association today- trouble over the matter of bringing -out east ern specialists la advertising to leoture before the association meetings. aix-oeptlon-. waa -taken by aoma membera, lnoludlnr Mentor of Seattle, and Hull, advertising representative of the -Or- JM It N., to some adveruaera rrom me east who had been exploited by the associa tion and on tha strength of the courtety extended by membera on the Padflo coast had written up additional bual neea. ' Bedford, of Seattle, took tha remarks aa applying to himself and after aeklng to have bis application roonThemaUerWwaa fixeupSiy" a reeolntlon being passed strongly In dorsing Scolford . explanations . were made to him and he returned. ' The association appointed a com mittee to get Independent speakers from the east, their expenaea to oa paw oy the association. It waa decided to hold . au,ni,MM in lea tn Saa.ttla durina gttleATaaaPacTfia aapuallkm on the Invitation management. of the exposition FOREST GROVE BAND TO PLAY AT NEWPORT (Special Dlspatc te The JoeraaL) Poreat Grove, Or,. July IL The Forest Orove bank 1 gave ita aeoond weekly eoneert here last night - In Eelles park before a large and appre ciative audience. Arrangementa have been made with the trained musicians to give an open air exhibition every Friday evening during the summer. This year tne local bane la oexter trained and larger than for aaveral years past under the directorship of Harry Hastings a foreign musician, who haa atudled under the beat artists of Italy., Hungaryand Oermany. He haa about 10 plecea In hla aggregation. According to arrangementa made with the Newport efflelala, Manager Walker will aoon leave with Lowell Market, Samuel Todd, Kollo Peterson, Oeorge Uttlehalea and Carl Chrietlan te fill a aummer engagement at the eeeeide. INSTALLMENT BUYERS ... ; NOT ALLOWED VOTE Special rrtcpateb te The Jonrael.) Salem. 1 July - II. Attorney-oeneral Crawford has rendered an opinion ta tha effect that-a eltiaen who haa pur chased . real estate on the installment plan la not entitled te vote la a dia trlct sohool eleotloa by virtue of that purchase. The opinion waa given at the request of Superintendent of Schools Ackermaa. Mr. Crawford la hla opinion aaya that tha purehaae of property on tha installment plan glvea the purchaser an equity right in the property ' and that - the supreme - eeurt has held that an equity right title le taxable but that the equity right la not complete until all the pa vm ante are made and therefore the purohaaer can not exercise the rlghte of a freeholder until the title la ecurea. DAIRY INDUSTRY IS : DISCUSSED AT SALEM i" :. , t ' : (apeeUI Dlspetab te Tea 'earaal.t Salem, July lis 4There waa a eatry meaTe meeting held here thla afteraeea and various aubjecta af interact te thoae engaged In the dairy induetry were dlaouaoed. Tha - speak era . were Professor McKay, ef the Iowa state eollegei Dr. James Wlthyeombe. ef the Oregoa agrieuituru eouage, and J. w. Bailey, the atate food and dairy eenv mlssloner. At the eloae ef the ad dresses there was a discussion . of various phases ef the dairy biisinssa. , UP TO AGENT TO DECIDE COLOR Tip From Astoria -' Hints at ,- Steamer Darraoouta Being " Manned by Orientals, LOCAL LONCSHOREM EN ARE ANXIOUS JO KNOW ' . . . -j ' llo the right coffee at the right price. Message From San Francisco a Few Tell yoor grocer plaluir that -you must X Afo-laUted-TbAt Tara-WexevUvs Arbucklea' AWO Coffee, aqd it . . . . ha offers you a substitute, or triea to sail t .White Whet They Left tha Bay yon his loose scoop coffee, aend directly .City,, bat Now Appear Dark. -. : 1 . . . coffee than - any four other;, eoncerng in, -i.i receives inaV the Burner BaTraTouU o That that- ARIOSA Coffee iyjhe greatet SaV-wat eon7 tf PSand with .AtaUf!X orew of white men.' Thla Information tn ttralght talk? Aaother appeased tha longshoremen who are to 'thing : ." ' . , y handle the cargo bare, for tha tune be- . ye ara the aama old firm, -not a cor ing, but at tha aama time they felt a .tio- or -0-1. COrnDitnv. but the sane little suspicious and instructed their xeuvw graianau unionism ai jiewne to scrutinise tha tare upon the ateamer-B arrival there. - Yeaterdav afternoon the word came from , the city bv the saa that the eallora that dwelt In the fore- oaatle looked anything but white, but If they ' really are white - men . they ara duekier than the ordinary Caucasian. - Whether the Astoria waterfront Sleuths made a miatake or whether the men engaged ta hire non-union aallora for the Paolflo Mall Steamship eom pany at San Pranclaoo are color blind will have to be decided thla morning, by union No. It, whose members are aup - poeed to dlaoharge and load tha TesseL The Barraoouta left Astoria at f o'clock laat night and will reach Alnaworth dock early thla morning. A algn on tha blackboard la the union headquarters Aumlahed tha information that no men would be wanted at the dock until Mon day morning, but whether thla waa In order to give Mr. Pitch a day's time to paaa upon the oolor of tba orew or to keep the Sabbath waa not atated. ' ' Should tha Barraoouta be found em ploying Japaneae, Kanaka or eoolle aallora rurnlabed rrom. the vesseia ply ing betweea the California olty and the orient or. the lalanda In the Paolflo, the longshoremen will refrain from touch ing a bit of freight from or for the ateamer until these men have . been their discharge or leave of ab sence while tha ateamer la here. ,. The Barraoouta reached Aatorla yes terday morning after a alow and stormy paasaga from Saa Francisco with a full oargo of freight, ana nor long oeiay at tha mouth of the river la auppoaed to be due to the faot that a good portion of the freight waa. destined for Aatorla merchant a " 7.J WOULD NOT STAY HOME. Breakdown of Wame-potte-veferB " Pew Prom doing1 to the Beach. Handsome women, youngs summer fir la dainty aa butterfllea. old man and Intrepid younretera stroiiea aown to Ash street wharf during the entire afternoon Sccccss results from' two things i J TVs Hekea eaarearfte; ho4 teaaal few aexea as ta sSe werU Real aW bae eaeoa kaa Wo,rpW ef Hekea Bexeea GJUea yaaW" f W, she yes ASes aanet sad mm fw I ma wZ eal aSe Celase, toot a WaaiaR.aiN.Ce.westto CSuea, aaisev aeaes aSe kiek lit 1 of Cease slrbfctaiWeiVeW aaaa, fata toss aeekaaipinc ted aaeanpay at aVHnhej Busm Coatsa, rm eaaaH waa a PeraW BMckWy hmm tn a toev alM MlfJ HV Wjoy m haOeatlVS OMlMI Meee aw US, Cn simiid ta a Pisapr . f Ma Idbt a cans el tSe KUaei rW a juas ase leasees as till 1 11 ef ha ewe. .Tbe aa'l wmmm h Bx Mkat mUf ef bkamuI tad mi aweai seas a U aitpawb - f Wrkt tH las Udav k bJk al abort As rUeas Bassaa Cc&ae, ea eeaesi ef sadr. tsakat en, - b a a folder yee.vil sees eeJ aaaa ftai wA whla - - - bUolNLoo LULLtUt WASHIreOTON ftTtKrHSTsJ POWTiANP OPg. W--tfel- llWa Hot e cobm si all iirrhan 1 hnsj uja wear 1 . t II K W i - i yv il ttc , rL i t. It U a grocery wrons to deny tba traV the world combined, that we drink . titmi . -ee 1 .'.v t. - w . old firm that introduced l- ARIOSA . . .v.. j Coffee thirtycvcri years ago ; and Ue ! aalea of ARIOSA have grown to exceed '. those Of all the Other packaged cofiees la ! the United 6tates combined, fuat because it is better coffee for. the money than anybody else can sell. Tha flavor and wholeaomeneaa - cannot be matched in any other coffee, nor be bought under another name, or loose out of a bag, bin or tin 1 ' ' ' .' " --- ...-.-... .' Do not let yourself be deceived by any Imitation, but demand the genuine, which , la sold only in one-pound packages. uaUJ A eftaeiaiti VAIte kaJ-n f A aWa4 WaVl yesterday to find out when the steamer T. J. Potter would leave for tha seaside or bow ta get there In tha event of the ateamer not leaving at ' alt Some ' had learned ef her being . disabled . by the blowing out of her starboard piston head, others were in bllaeful ignorance until they reached the wharf and were' told the truth by tha offioera detailed te break tha newa gently.. . ' ' Fully 400 passengers with tickets In hand passed In review during tha after noon, and thea the crowd waa awaliee by about half a thousand frlenda who oama down to aee their loved ones off. Valises and packagea were piled up three feet high along tha walla until the walls ran short, and then they were stacked up on the middle ef the planking la the road of expreea wagons, . trucks and drays until tha soene preaented a' ver itable blockade. Immediately ' upon learning that It would be Impoeslble to substitute a boat for the large aide wheeler, the eompany announoed that it would be able to han dle all tha trafflo by train to Aatorla and thence by a fleet of tugs across the bay to Ilwaoo. Thla aeemed to eatlefy I the majority, for out of the 400 tlcketa bold only one waa luraoa la xor-xue purchase price. The train, which left at 1:10, was jammed aa,a result of the extra trafflo, but no one aeemed to- care ao long aa they knew that they would eventually reach their - destination. Instructions were wired to Astoria for a number of extra turs to take care of the crowd. It may take aeveral dare to repair the damage to the Potter, and in the mean time nassenaerB ror wortn oeacn twill have to erose the bay on tugajha ateamer Hassalo left down laat night at 10 o'clock with a large number of pas sengers. These, as before, will transfer to the tug thla morning. MAY BE HELD BY FOG. XKeap Xieevee Suppled Bound for Seattle. Yard The lookout at North Head reported a heavy fog of f the mouth of the Columbia riveFlaat n!ghtrnuduttleett should lift before thla morning there la litue likeli hood of the ateamer Kitsap being taken to sea at daylight as intended. A brisk wind waa alee recorded, and Captain Reynolda, who will pilot her around to Beanie paax xne aanaeroue vpe .r lat tery, will probably not risk tha vresel when by waiting a day or two aha might eat without a nit fir rut. Tba KlUap left SupplCa boat yard at t o'olock yesterday afternoon ana was atvan a noisy farewell as she ateamea through the harbor. Every craft with a whistle blew off a tittle steam or com nraaaed air and the shipyard donkey gave vent to some piercing shrieks when the trim erart wmcn 11 neipea 10 con struct backed slowly rrom nor oertn into the river supposedly for the last time. ' - ' ' Ths boat was gayly decorated with flaga and pennants. Joseph Supple feels certain that she will prove one of the swiftest boata that aver plowed tha waters of Puget sound ta the passenger bualneea. The trial trip will be held a day er two after the ateamer reachea her destination. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The eteemer"AiHBnoe"1aauso-axr!ve from Bureka and Coos Bay next Tues day. .. . . The Britlah ahlp Proeyon la still abort a few aallora Sha Is anchored In tha stream below tha ferry course. ThaBrlUahstesmeT-Rlohmond--will finish loading lumber this week for the orient She Is at tha mills of the North Paclfie Lumber eompany. v - " r The Portland dredge haa eonrmenoed filling' the low land to the aouth of Cast Morrleon atreet. Tha dredge will aoon be ahlfted to tha aouth of the bridge, where the water la very ah allow. Aa atated In The Journal a week ago, the ateamer Nome City will go en the Portland-Ban Francisco run sSdS"aa equipped with oil-burning furnacea. to carry lumber. - Tha ateamer Homer haa eommenoed loading auppllea at tha foot of Couch atreet for tha stations of tha North American Commercial eompany en Prlb llof islands. She sail a on tha ITth of thla month. . , Tha ahed being built over the new ex tension to the Ceuob atreet dock will be completed In a few daye. MARIN E NOTES. - Aatorla, July II. Condition of the bar at p. m., amooth; wind, south er set; weather, eloudy, thick fog out side. Arrived at t:10 a. m. and left up at t p. m., steamer Barraoouta, from San Pranclaoo, Sailed at .1:1 a nv, ateamer Johan Pouleen, for Saa Praa etaeo. ' Arrived at 10 a. m. and left up at 11:14 a m- ateamer Roaeorane, from Monterey. Sailed at t:ll p. m., schooner Matthew Turner, for Redoado, Arrived laat night schooner W. I. Jewett from Redondo, Honolulu, July 11 Arrived. Ameri can steamer HI Ionian, from Portland. Ban Diego, July 10. Sailed, steamer Kokomia, for Portland, , . 1VE y f-- - ; : 1 and given aomething Inferior for Jronr money and to preserve the coffee from, the contamination and handling to which lAut omcerv atore coffee is exooeed. WO SOU SCVOIW' uuuutcu im.iv. poundt'of coffee a year, and our business -instifiea the amDlovment of the men most skilled in setectingeblending and roasting coffees. We can ait org mo oest x uic 'smallest minimum of expense,, and the aroma and flavor of our skiiiea roast is preserved to von intact; no matter where yott live, by the coating of egg and sugar that w give the coffee after roast ing, i OlS la tne - origiuiu iuuuib process, patented by this firm. 'Were out business smaller than it is, we could not afford to give auch coffee for the price. Yott can buy direct iron as u your grocer will not supply war. 14 you can En ARIOSA Coffee but not furnltnrei . . .. 1 : ' txr norfiishes. nor otner commouiuce. ne crivm riresenta. 'tis true, but for senti ment, not for money. 7 We will send you ten pounds of ARIOSA in a wood boa mm Am nearest demit. transDortation oaidtovour freight station. Price will be Sr. 80 : yott can send express or postal money order. The price- fluctuates and xitinnt Via o-UAranteed- for any Ceriod. The Si.'So ttavs for both transportation and coffee there will be nothing- more END TO TROUBLES 0F: ; ' ' ...HOLY ROLLER FAMILY (Special DU patch to The JoaraaLl. ' CorvaUla, Or., July tl. A deed filed la the recorder's office, thla aftarnooa convaya the handsome residence .prop erty orpine tiarueya nere rrom . xne mother, Mra Lewis Hartley, to - the daughter, Mlaa Sophta, also all tha household goods. Lewis Hartley la In town today, having been absent for aev eral weeks. The report ta on the street that the family la reconciled and will again eettle down. They are former Holy Rollera and it has been suspected for tha past week that the women were going to Washington to Join the Holy Rollera there. PRIZES OF OREGON JOURNAL CONTEST Conditions Upon Which The Oregon Journal Will tGive Out '"' : . - Scholarships. y -' Any person of sohool age who can furnish satlefaotory references aa l to character - and wort hi neaa of aa- alatanee In the endeavor to eecure a good education may enter The -Journal'a Educational Contest, The bualneea of contestants will business of cOI be to Induce people to aubaoi The Oregon Journal, If they already taking tha paper, or to subsonbe for are not or renew their subsciiDtlons br cartas- for aa long a period In advance aa conven ient. ' . . - 7 : .... Votes will be sllewed oa all ad vanoe payments on aubeorlptlone, whether solicited by the conteetanta tbemaelves or paid or remitted di rectly . to . The Journal office, or through any of the regular agents er collectors. The value of sub scriptions to the contestants as to the number of votes allowed on the different editions for different peri ods of. time is set forth in a table la theee columns- Patrons of the paper may refer to this table when making payments to conteetanta Subacrlotlon votes are not credited -to -contestants . until . the , mnney to cover the subscriptions reaches TBS Journal office. Tbe scholarships ' offered are for the personal uee of the contestants and are non-transferable, except with tbe concent of the management ox the aohoola - First choice of scholarships, or grand capital prise, to go to the eon- POWER OF SUBSCRIPTIONS SaCy and Sunday journal. race oy Time Carrier. Mail. Votes. One Year ....... .17.60 17.00 1.600 Six Montha ...... t.7t ' 1.78 " 700 Three Montha ... 1 St 1.80 too Two Montha l.tO 1.J0 160 One Month--.'tl-t- -4 Sunday Jouraal. . v. , Prloe by Time - Carrier. Mall. Vote. One Tear ....t., .11.60 1 00 160 Six Montha LIS LOt lit PRIZES OP OREGON Scholarships In Oregoa achoola of a total value of over $1,000, and tTtJ In cash divided into six purses are now offered to the contestant; who finish aa winnera In THE OREGON JOURNAL'S EDUCATIONAIj CONTEST. - Additional acholarahlpa may be announced aa the conteet prooeeda. Tnoee who are nominated as candidates oomply with the yules of the Confeat De partment aa from day to day announced. - ' - - ' ,Caah commissions on new aubeorlptlone are allowed to the contestants, by which thay acay earn ready money to meet Incidental expenaea . :-., THE SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES.- ' . netallad Information eoncernlne the sobolarehlp prises wfll ha tniow llshed from time to tlmeor. furnished, oa appUcatloa to the Mmteax de partment Academy of -Holy Nemee, Aa- tor la ,.$160 , Albany College, Albany. ..... ..1100 Bennae-waiKer ousinese v-uj- lere, Portland tlOO Chpltat Bustnees College, Salem,-ttOO Columbia University, Portland.. tlOO Dallaa College.. Dallas $100 Ollleanle School of Expression, Portland'. 1 ,u..-.u. flit Hill Military Academy, Portland $100 Holmea Business College, Port land - 1100 Holmex-Flandere Private School,. ' Portland $110 International . Correspoudenoe r r THE CASH PRIZES. X"' "Oash te- aealet upH - electing to attend any state or private Institution providing free tnttion xor a periou oi no isss uh mi7nmriwv Another parse, same conditions aa above .-.... $i0t Cash fo Incidental expenaea, in addition to a scholarship to be selected from the above llat ,f .....tlOt Cash for incidental expenaea, with aeoond choice ef The Journal'a achnl- Oash'fos Incidental 'expsn'see 'with third 'choice of The' journal's 'schol- arahlpa .. 1 - $&0 Oaeh fo fnotseatal eaEpeaaea, .with iourth. choice of The Journal'a echo!. - arahlpa $ t Oregon Journal Educational-Contest NOMINATING CERTIFICATE y Ae JLdfMtl ea RttOOtaiHpd tf e-e e e eea)eeas erw eedaaja tttttettotv! TIIE PECPUC HAT THEY VAtir" ATTICS - RIGHT FRICC. iIiiiiH to pay. The coffee will be in the original wrappers, bearing signature of Arbuckle Bros. ton nackaifes. ten signatures Iwhich entitle you toEresents. New book . 01 tne nineiy-eeveu preaeuu u free, if yen write. Write for the book, axjjway, and see. what beautiful and aaee fupreaentawogivev ,.- I , Address our nearest office, Box Dept. j ARBUCKLE BROTHERS. ; . fl Water Street, Hew Terk CHy; V: ''''' tJbertv Ahum and Wood BtrecUTmsborfb. Pal eUbouUDeveautBtrew8kLols,Me. , ir 'YOUR CH0.CER ETLISES TO SELL) ARBUCKJLES ariqsa corrrr WE SWILL SEND Y0W CONVICTED MURDERER i - KICKS AT SHERIFF" ! ; : .-- . ' (Special Dlamtca te The JoeraaLt' 1 Salem. July tl. John C Barnea, tha murderer, of William ' Graham, waa -brought back to the penitentiary yes terday afternoon by Sheriff H. T. Mo-' ChUlen and Deputy Slocum, Of Douglas ! county, from Roeeburg, where he waa resentenced by Judge T. L - Harrle to auffer the penalty of death by hangx . big, and setting the date aa September It. Barnea la a bad man. While oa the way to Salem from Roaeburg. he kicked aaveral tlmaa at the sheriff, once bare ly missing hla law. He haa on aeveral occasions sworn vengeance .. upon - the sheriff. teaUnt having the highest score at the cloee of the contest; second choice to the one having -the. next, hlgheet aoore, and eo on te the end of the list, . the number of prises, however, to be limited to to, unleea a greater number- of contestants shall have aobleved resulta justify ing a liberal reward. ; ; . Bcoaay foa All. . A cash commission will be paid contestants on all new subscrip tions secured by them personally, or Rrocured directly through their ln uence. Thus every -contestant will have a chance to earn aoma pocket money, in addition to the opportu nity of winning 0-or f loo . or a eoholarshlp worth from 1100 to t250. Supplemented with a purse Of 10 for incidental expenaea. -- - r - lank Toting Ballots, Blank voting certificates or ballots will be furnlahed on request to con teatanta or others who may have uae for them. For each eubeorlptlon pre paid one or theee Denote may tm -tr filled out e-erreapond - with - the. amount ana lengtn ox ume paia im the number' of votes due, the name of the onteatant favored, etc.. te be voted at the convenience of the ab acrlber or contestant ' - Tbe voting power ef subscriptions will be in accordance with the fol lowing schedule: Price bv Time ... Carrier. Mall.' Vwteav One Year ..15.00 $6.00 1.000 Six Montha ...... 1.00 - -7t ,- ttt Three Montha ... ' J2J Two Montha ..... 1.00 1.00 lit One Month ..... to. ' . .t . tt Jv j Prtoa bv t Time Carrier. Mail. Yotee, une xear ...... Six Montha .... l.k . see .71 Itt TOURNAL CONTEST 1 1 . - Schools, Sarenton, Pa... . . . . . .$llt McMlnnvUla College, McMlan- vllle . .... Oregon Conservatory eXMuaio, . Portland. . One Pianoforte flcholarehlp, ttOf One Violin Scholarehlp $11$ .1 , One - Ouitar - and Maadolln Scholarship $10 Paelflo College, Newberg ...... $100 Paolflo Telegraph Institute, Port- - land . $131 Portland Sohool of Domeetle Sci ence, Portland (Y. W. C. A.) . .1 lot Sacred Heart Academy, Salem.. $10 St Marys Academy, Portland. .$2tt ll aeea) eva (jttet f eas a e en k