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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
3 Sunday JfoMmaf's Jage o? Spbffe TcrL'md Down , Slwaahea . Czzzt League Came Eastern Crztball Racing at - Seattle. Portland Oarsmen Hrr- frr Trlpt Amateur Bascbr-'l Auto Cotsip Football and CportJnj. Everything In Sportdom Edited by J. A. HORAll IT T ..IlllT THE PONIES YE i. ' Favorite Horses Had a Good Day - on the Eastern Race -Tfexks. ri i-r- MVitr I owft CUrtT - ' CAME IN FOR MONEY Uoonvine, at Twenty-Five to One, w Captured FWe-Furloni Event at Fort Erie Dishabille Runs Away With lalip Handicap at Brighton. SpmU1 Dispatch b LnhI Wire to Te loal) Brighton Beach. N. Y.. July . "fT; Five and a bait furlongs Athena (Walsh). to 1, won; Mortlboy eecoua. - . kl.J IHma 1 '01 B-S- ' bout two nUM, to Curragh stake, teeplecbase Jrlylng Virginian ilama). 8 to 1. won; Phantom second. Patagonlaa third. Tlm. 4:11 I-- On and one-eighteenth mile. th tallp handicap Dlahabllle (Troiler). t to t, won; Tokalon second. Von Tromp third. Tlma, 1:6. ' m " Six furlongs Ballot (Rsdtk), t to . won; Don second. Althu0 third. Tlma. 1:1. Mil and a sixteenth Voleday (Shaw). 4 to 1. won; Lord Badge eecond. Char latan third. Tlma. l;4t 4-4. Bis furlongs King Daughter (MUler). 11 to t. won; Sir.Russell sec ond. First i Premium third. Tim, 1:1 l-t... J. . .. Mil and a sixteenth rTh Clown (Hagan). II to 1. won; Hyperion aacond. Mandarin third. Tlma, 1:41. . , . ....... -At jtoaj Track. (Sperlal PUfMitck by Leases Win ta The leenal) ' Cincinnati. July L Today's rao xe ulta: Seven furlong Dr. Burch (Hicks), to 1. won; Scotch Dane second, Slf Reliant third. Time, 1:11. s f Five furlong Hybrlde (Heffermaa), 4 to 1, won; Demo aaoond. Handspike third. Time, 1:04 1-1. Six furlongs Slater Franca (Aostln). to 10. won; Matador second. Meadow brook third.' Tlm.l:14 1-i. ,. Mile The Minks (Robinson), to i, won; Colonel Jim Douglas second, Que Heldorn third. Time, 1:4.. Five furlongs Bud Hill (Hall), to 1, won; Webber second. Lavelta third. Time, 1:01.-' . " ' ' '' - , Seven furlongs Baa Fosal (Griffith), to 1, won; The Mat second. Knowl edge third. .Time, 1:11 1-5. ' one mtle-Fonaoluea (Oregar), I to 3, won; Belden second. Daring third. Tim, 1;4 1-1. , : (Seeclal Dlapstet by Leased Wire to The Joarast) ' Fort Erie. July 11. Today's race summary: r- Mil and an eighth Rhlnock - (Soo vllls), 1 to 1, won; Hamlloar second Karl ana third. ' Time, 1:64 4-i. Five furlongs Charll OHbert (Foley), 1 to 1. won; Wing Ting second, Emlnola third, Tim. 1:01 1-t. Steeplechase, full course Allegiance (Houston), 1 to 1, won; Trenot the Mere second. Madoo third. Tim. 4:41. One mile Teter PtoiUng (Foley). 1 to I, won; Factotum second, Crowshsde third. Time, 1:40 -. Five furlong Moonvin (Mountain), ft to 1, won; My Bel second, Pedro third. Time, 1:1 4-1. Seven furlong Cobraoan (Hogg), T to 1, -won; Rullob second. -Oallithea third. .Time, 1:11 Mile and an eighth AttUla (Fisher), 4 to t. won; lady Joeelyn second, Jim Seattle third. Time, 1:61. SftLl: STOlTPfEAT VMS A COURAGEOUS ACT Former Muttnnmah ftlnh Fnnt. ball Player Saves Young J . ; Man From Drowning. r Bam M. Stow, who herole deed of Jumping in tb canal at Oregon City to aav the life of Oeorg Hemmlnger, who had fallen in the water, on Friday, is well known in Portland. la 104 Stow played left tackle oa the Multnomah club football team , and rendered herculean servlc to the cause. He was m star oa the University of California eleven -during his tlms in college and hi fame at Berkeley will endure as long as football is remembered. - Two years ago Stow lent his time to kelp out Multnomah. He would make the trip from Oregon City to Portland al most every evening for practice with the boys, a Journey that very few would take in order to play .the. gems, , His "work for Multnomah ia the memorable season of 104 is now a part of the club's history. In one of the last games of that season, after playing brilliantly In every contest. Stow was severely in jured, suffering a . compound fracture of the right knee.- He was laid up a long tlms with the Injury, and although he Is ss well ss ever today, he can never play football again. Ha was a faithful player and. was very popular with his teammates. When,, Frank K. Watklns heard of BtoWs brave act ha said, '1 always knew that Bam had' the right stuff in him to do the right thing at the right time." Th Multnomah boy are proud of Stow, and a number wired their congratulations to him yesterday. RIVAL NINES TO PLAY - AT HAWTHORNE PARK This afternoon at Hawthorn park the riDman-Wolf nine will cross bats with th Woodard -Clarke team. The teams will line up as follows: I,lpman-Wolfe, . . Woodard-Clark. 1a Fountain....,. ..,.... Leavy Thorn peon ........p Mourfleld 'cMull nn ,,es,,, Hrtjjiv Hlncks , vie . ..w... lb, Bates Voeper ........... lb. ...(Capt) Bryant Olenn,.,.,,., Leekley f;tl(es rf b.,.. wolford ( ady rf Whittlesey Dillon (Capt.) If Webster The aulteUtote are Donaca, Trl taen ia r, j(uffnr and Thayer, Orays Xartoy Wma. ' ' (toeHel OSteeM to Tee JeeraeL) Spokane, July It. Orays Harbor de--ied the locals today t to 4. Batteries . una sad Marks, FraakUa aa Sues. DID STERDAY HD RULES : lit GOVERII Northwest Football Teams Will Play Football as It Is Played '7 T-7-- in the East.-. . AMENDMENTS WILL NOT . AFFECT THE PLAY Rules Committe Will Soon Issue Draft of Rules as , Changed and Adopted by the College Repra senUtivea Rufby for California. There has been some dlsoussioa smosg th football followers la th Paclflo northwest during the past week regard ing what styl of play and what rules would regulate th playing of matches this fall. . Whtts.. nothing definite has been heard from Oregon, Willamette, Seattle and other places that support eleven - It seems - to he th " general opinion, as gleaned in an informal man ner, that th antlr northwest college sad club eleven -would b governed by th rules as prepared and awarded by th Intercollegiate rules committee of America., of which Walter Camp of Tale la chairman. While the "aHscusslon of th rules occupied a great part of ths winter' and spring, snd as satisfactory changes wer mads to suit th repre sentative of th many colleges that participated In the so-called .reform, nothing- but- fragment of the -change hav been nubUshed. but sufficient to give th footballenthusiast a fairly good Idea of what he' is to expect when the rules -are published later. . Th aralnlna- of 10 yards for first down, the forward pass, the disposition of players on offense and the extra of ficial are th principal changes that will b noticed. Bo far as th Multnomah club Is eon- earned there Is no doubt but that the rules a's - adopted by th oastsrn col lege will govern its games. Most ool lege men are of the opinion that th old . rule wer all right and tinkering with them every year will result in nothing less than eliminating the beat featurea ever embodied In football. Football wee never Intended as a parlor pastime and those adopting It under tbat Impression war . rightfully . and severely fooled. , v i It eieem to be a certainty ' that Berkeley and Stanford will not play any football but th Rugby this season. II th authorities adhere to their rulings at thee Institutions there will , be no game . between northern " teams , and Berkeley and Stanford this year. The Berkeiev bora declare that they will not play the Rugby game. Whichever Way1 It IS finally settled win be interesting to th friends of both college, as th mat ter ha been under discussion sine ths clos of last season. In th meantime th northern teams will prepare and train with the Idea of playing th old gam. ..." t RAHUS CAPIURE!L THE ' , SEATTLE DEM .... Sullivan Rides Nine-to-Five Horse Home First in .., . Big Stake. - v-- (apecUl Dlepeteh to The JenraaLI -Seattle, Wash.. July 11. Ramus en rolled himself a Seattle Derby winner today. He won the big event of the lfOI Meadows meet with, ease. Twelv thou sand people witnessed the splendid per formance of th son of Governor Foraker and Emily a Th track was fast Th reeults: Six furlongs, selling Marie H. (Sul- llvan), 4 to 1, won, Merlngu second, Uc Carey third: time, 1:114. Seven furlongs, selling, Flo Maneia (Nichols), to 1. won. Matt Hogan sec ond, Birdie P. third; time. 1:17. Mile, selling Lltue Buttercup (Buui- van). to ( won, Luc lan second. Prickles third; time, 1:4014. On telle, Belllngham handicap, value lilt Th Huguenot (Qraham). f to I, won, Martinmas second, ; Gorgalett third; time, 1:1. . Mile and a quarter, Besttl Derby, 1-yar-old Ramus (T. Sullivan), to I, won. Huston second. Kumiss third; time. 1:041. Mile and an ighth, selling Jerushs (Sullivan), 7 to 1, won. Chief Bush seo ond. Expedient third; time, 1:(4, Three-fourths purse Ruby (Foun tain), 4 to I, won. Royal. Rogu second, Funnysld third; time, 1:11. . NATIONAL LEAGUE. , . Won. - Ixiet-P C. Chicago . t ,,..,......( -t!l - .494 Pittsburg . . 51 . . l .644 New Tork ,,,........( ,- 21.. .64 Philadelphia , .41 .: 44 .412 Cincinnati . . ...11 ' 41 .442 Brooklyn . . 11 . to .190 St Ivouls 11 , 64 .179 Boston . . ..i.t, 11 . I .121 Testerday'e BeraM. At .Chicago Chicago 1, Brooklyn . At Pittsburg Pittsburg I, New Tork 1. . At Cincinnati Cincinnati - 1, Phila delphia . . . . r . t ' At St Louis St Louis I, Boston 1. -PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. , : Won, Lost Portland .61 31 Ban Frandscorv ...;i.ll 10 Lo Angeles . ........46 - 16 Seattle .. ............ 16 41 Oakland..,,..... 11 ,60 Fresno . ..21 66 PC. Cheap Rates East. - Oa August T. I.' I. September I and 16, the Canadian Paolflo will 11 special round trip tlokets to eastern terminal at very low rates. Tickets good going via Canadian Pa clflo, returning same line, or via any di rect route., with stopover and long time limit For descriptive matter and full particular regarding rates, ate., call on or eddreaa, F, R, Johnson, F. and P. JL, portiaaa, vregon. TV lenraal Portland and a aat at aajr the Oregxa ewspayea, HOP GOLDS WILL SCHILLERS FOR GOOD. SIDE BET 16 ftf-afc I W fri-it- rf---ffiit-Tff--r--i'ivi-r--iii ieiiiiiriiimm - ii - .... Hop Qolda Bet That They Th schlllers and Hop Golds win try conclusions today at t o'clock oa th Twenty-fourth ,.. and Vaughn street grounds for th aaoond tlm this season, and also to dcld a aid bat of 1260. As' th two teams mat on July 4 and tb Schlllers wer th winners by ' a score of 10 to 4, th backers of both team having confidence In them, have decided to try again today" for supremacy. Since th last gam th Hop Gold hav secured th services of Hugo Slebels and Kelt, the-reliable catcher, whll th J ; K i4 &uj ya;C,;..v.:: iJLi ' " . .I T , Side Bet of SchiUers' Nine in SEARS' DEFEATS THE AK6ELS With Bases Filled In Seventh a Timely Drive Scores "ThreeRuns. (Special Dispatch by teased Wire to The Journal) ixs Angeies, July n. uricamaaor Simons put on over the Angel today. Dusty Hall was back In th box and got away well, except tn th seventh in ning. ' With three on - bases Busher Sears doubled to center and three men scored. Th Angels mad their run in th sixth, t After a dosen years, Heine Spies appeared oa th ground today In a San Francisco uniform. Tn soor: .. XOS ANGELES. - v - AB. R. H. PO. A. S. Bernard, ef. 10 1 1 00 Gochnauer, ss. ...... 1 1 1. 4 4 0 Cravath, rf. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Dillon, lb. I 0 0 10 10 Toman, zn, ....... e o i s z v Ellis, If. ............ t.O a . S 0 0 4 0 1 I Mangeiina, o. 1 0 0 4 1 0 Hall, p. ............. I 0 10 t O Totals , ...... .,,..! jLj7itl BAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. XL Spencer, ef. ......... I 0 0 .0 0 0 Wheeler, ss. 41 1 4 1 4 0 0 0 t 1 0 0 0 0 Mohler, zo. vie Hildebrand, If. 4 11 0 Irwin, lb 4 111 Williams, lb, 4 1-0 14 Sears, rf. 4 0 10 Rnlea. ft ........ 4 0 1 I I 0 BlmoM, ..Ti.oiTn w w s Totals rr....;.... .11 IT 11 1 SCORE BT INNINGS. Von Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 4tiie e)ev v ' San Francisco ..f.O 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Hits s ! SUMMARY. Two.his MtiMnhler. "Wheeler-Hil debrand, Seare. SacrlAca hit Ooch nauer, Ellis, Dillon. Mohler, Williams. First base on , error San Francisco. Left on bases Los Angeles, 6; Ban Francisco, t. Bases on ball Off Sim ons, 1; oft Hail, 1. Struck out By nimona. 1: hv HalL 4. Doubl clay Irwin to Mohler to William 1: Toman to Gochnauer. Time of game On hour and 40 minutes, umpire mien. POETIC EFFUSION ON THE PATIENT UMPIRE A Quaker City poet dashed off th following lines on oia royal nignness, th umplr: wk mm mMkl. at the atef Who walks unnoticed to th platet ' Who car not what will be his fat?. . Th umpire. Who's damned at one by all th throng? Who gets abuse from weak and strong! Who's never right and always wrong t ; ; Th Umplr. Who's called by vry nasty word . That's la th English languag heard T Who la a '1ob.r," yet a "blrd"t . Th Umplr. - Who takes his llf within his hands, When he as arbitrator stands. Yet stolidly ignores commands? Th Umplr Who'll fight each "hoodlum" on by on. Return for more when they ar "don"? Who from ten thousand will not run? Th Umplr. ; . , Who really Is a hero bold. As great a any knight of old. If half th truth war only told? ' - . . Tb Umplr. - . . - J. . Who stands' out there upon th field Llk adamant and will not yield? Who nerve by Insult hav been ... , steeled? . - Th Umplr. Who kicks when losing games. Just now, And starts up each disgraceful row? Th "good old ba-bns,n they know how v ; Tn Umpire. Who, Ilk us all, sometime may rr? Who's only human, as It were. Yet does his beet Ignores each slur? , Th Umplr. Who som dsy will arts In mlgnt, ' Aesert his manhood ruffians smite? Who'll then b cheered from mors till Bight? TACKLE THE ; . iTtr - - - T 'v.--W.k, i r i, .r, r i Can Defeat the Cigar Men Schiller will be composed of th same team that is open to meet all comers in ths stat of Oregon. The teams wUl lin up as foilows: Schlllers. , - Hop Gold. Parrott p. Slebels Slavln o..Klt Bredemeler Fay ss Fry A- Parrott (Capt). ,1b. .. . .Kelser (Capt) Patterson ........2bA. ....... Griffith Houston ......... .3b. .......... . Relpl Myers If........ Richardson Crispin' .7. ....... .cf .. McHolland Smith .......... ..rf Bchnell , 1 . -e tA y Game Againat Hop Oolda. FRESNO'S ERRORS GAVE OAKLAKD A 6AF.1E : ' . ' " - - k t . . ' . , . Tigers Were .Unable to Down Commuters on Account of ; ' Misplays. (Special Dlapetdi by Leased Wire to Th learntl) Oakland, Cal July 21. Th Com muters won today's gam from Fresno by th scor of 4 to 1. Whiter was touched up for flv hlta and Reldy for six, but passes given by Wolters, to gether with four errors by th team, contributed to th Raisin Growers' de feat. Th scor; ' . ' 4 . - e FRESNO.- ; .'v.'.; AB. R. H. PO. A. K. Doyle, cf. ........... 4 Casey, lb ..7........ 4 0 0 1 McLaughlin, It 4 0 Eagan, ss. ........... 4 0 Delmas, tb. ......... 4 0 Dash wood, rf. .10 Cart wrlght, lb. ...... 4; 0 10 111 1 0 0 01 4 - 0 Hogan, o. I o IWnlt.ra, p . , . 1 a Totals . ........ ..11 - 1 4 14 It 4 OAKLAND. AB. R, H. PO. A. B. Ttevereanv. Ih. I O 0 1 Smith, If. ........... 1 0 0 . 1 1 1 4 0 11. 0 1 0 11 Van Haltren, cf. .... 1 1 Kruger, ss. .......... 4 0 Heltmuller, lb. 4 0 a 4 1 Blis. rf. I 1 Haley, 2b. , 1 . I Reldy, p. 1 0 I Total ........trrnnt 1 . . . ' SCORE BT INNINGS. Fresno . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Hits . 1 0 0 10 110 14 Oakland 1 0 110 10 0 4 Hits . . ; 1 0 1 I 0 1 0 0 . SUMMARY. r Three-base hit Casey. Two-has hlte Delmas 2, Bllsh. BacrlAc hits JtarsXtaerfiiiiiT First base on error -Oakland. Flrat baa on called balls Oft Reldv. 1: off Wolter. t. Left on bases Fresno. T; Oakland, 4. Struck out By Reldy. 1; by Wolters, 1. Hit by pitcher Dash wood, Hogan. Double plays Reldy to Heltmuller; Doyle to Hogan. Wild pitch Wolter. Tim of gam On hour end 40 minute, urn plrs Perrin and Dunleavy. , PORTLAND OARSMEN WILL START TOMORROW Men Who Will Compete In Re ' gatta at Nelson Are Ready for Events. As previously mentioned In Th Jour nal, th members of the Portland Row ing club - who will compete In the fifteenth annual regatta of' th North Paclflo Association of Amateur - Oars men at Nelson, British Columbia, on July 17 and 21, will leave tomorrow aft ernoon. -' y Coach Murphy had the erw out yes terday afternoon for their last spurts until they reach Nelson. Mr. Murphy hss great hopes In his men, declaring them to b th beat that the club has ever turned out Th following list of entries for. the events has been Issued by Secretary Kent of the association: Senior Four Portland Rowing club. W. A. King, stroke; F. Zimmerman, No. I; J. R. Pern her ton. No, 1; P. F. Bmld, bow, James Bay Atnletlo association, C B. Kennedy, stroke; C F. Flnlalson, No, t; Phil Austin, No. I; W. II. Jesse, bow.- Junior Fours. Portland Rowing elub, B. E. Loemls, stroke; A. C. McMicken, No. t; J. II. Starr, No, 2; A. A. Allen, bow. Vancouver Rowing club, O. C. Sawera, stroke; F. H. Godfrey, NO. I; J. R. Nlokson, No. It I. J. Walt, bow. Nelson Boat elub, T: Wort," stroke; N. Molntosh, No. t; R. Sharp, No. 2; A. Blahop. bow, Benlor Doubles. Portland Rowing club, P. A. Bmld, strok; J& o. Qloss, bow. Junior Doubles. Vancouver Rowing club, J. A. Dlllabough, stroke; N. C, flaw, era. bow. Benlor Singles Portland Rowing elub, B. O. Oloee. , . Junior Singles. Portland Rowing elub (two entries), E B. Harley and. J. R. Pemberton. Vaneouvar Rowing dub, ft sawera, .;l IIOflK HOI OF THE AUTOS Local . Owners Are ; Assisting In ; Regulating of Speed In RECKLESS FEW CAUSE f WORRY-TO EVERYBODY Suggestion Is Made That City Set Aside a .Roadway Where the Auto Men May Speed Their Machines Notea of the Trade. ; Notwithstanding th activity of ths pollc and th activity of a few reck less drivers, th automobll business In this city Is making substantial prog ress. It Is gratifying to see the keen Interest, displayed by - the automobile agents, members of th auto club and th majority of ear owners In this city. in an endeavor to oorreot and regulate th running of machines In Portland. It la oertain that . th principal .way to bring a respectable trad Into bad repute Is to allow a few wild fellows to run amuck through th streets of a city, violating vry ordlano re garding speed and shocking th sen sibilities of timid pedestrians, not to mention th way in which nor are frightened. To correct this evil Is th aim of th best auto people . ia town and In no other way can the object be accomplished.-. . .. , '. : Th Riverside drlv la th principal driveway for th members of th River side Driving club. This organisation pays for th sprinkling ef this road. Of lata thar hav been . many com Dlalnta made about th way several auto drivers run their mVchlnes on that road. Ths complaints . ar mad about machine containing a party of four or flv who ar out (or a good tlm and take great delight In running full speed and not being willing to . give th horsemen their share of th highway. It has com to th trend In affairs when a prominent hors owner de clares that h will carry a revolver whenever he drives on th : Whit House road and shoot th first reck less chauffeur that - comes his way. For this -recklessness - displayed - by --a, few driver In, th oity such firms as J. B,- - Kelly,, Keats 4k Co.- and Covey es Cook, are mad to ' Buffer. Whll It 1 not likely that any of these daring chauffeurs will get shot. It is quite oertain that th next tlm a- local horseman Is compelled to pnu nis norse up on an embankment In order to eaoap being run-down there will , b som llvly proceeding. - 'V - ' ' ' it Is always the case that th many Wlllsuffer foir tK silly pranks of a few and this Is particularly tru of automobll devotees. . There J no mora delightful recreation In th annals of diversion than an auto rid with a care ful driver; but let him become reckless and overdarlng and th pleasure ' of the ride Is destroyed. Therefor, th interest taken by th ant elub is of the gre t t A mportane o - th - wel fare and happineaa of all Interested In auto mobile. - ' - Apropos of " th raitaUoalhMralttnt from th speeding of machines In and about th city, wouldn't It b a capital schema If th city would grant th autolsts th privilege of speeding on a seleoted road? That Is, to hav som rosd st aside, known as th automobll speedway, where th owners and drlvars of ears might run full peed without being . disturbed by . the ovsrseaious polloemen, and where th wagon traffic would not Interfere with th machine. Such a highway would become popular. Tb auto club could foster th move ment, help defray th expense of main tenance and keep a sort of supervision over ths rosd. - In this way those wish ing to "speed up" would have a road way all to them selves which would ln ti fen tn uo way wilfl th horssfhor pedestrians. ... - e e ' ; - TesUrday H. L. Keats; Louts Rus sell and Frank Dooley left for Mt. Hood In their machines to spena Sunday. e ' e - .', - Covey Cook recently disposed of Cadlllao Runabouts to H, 10. Nobl and W. H. Taft of this city. ' Automoblllsta who look after their owa ear and wish to prevent th metal parts from rusting find this a difficult task unless they have plenty of time to devote to grooming their machine. An excellent mlxtur to prevent rust la mad by dissolving an ouno of camphor In an ounc of lard. After this hss been don skim off th Impurities and add enough black lead to th mix ture to make Jt an -lronv color. Before applying clean the machinery carefully and. then smear on 4h mlxturor 44- snay b left on as long as desired or can be left oa for 14 hours and then wiped off, when It will prevent rusting for som tlm. - If th mlxtur la removed the metal should b polished with a soft cloth.-" :;: -k . - . . .... . " a An automobll In Washington did a good servlc for the city of Atlanta during tn closing minutes of the last session of congress, by which a 11,000, 000 appropriation for a new custom house was . secured for the Georgia metropolis. Congressman L. Yi- Living ston thus tells th story: "Congress was about to adjourn Saturday night at 10 o'clock, and at flv minutes to 10 th bill " had not been signed by the president. What mixed the. matter all th mor was th fact that th presi dent had left tor the White House. Four minute to 10 cam and tb bill was still unsigned. I'll tell you, - we' wer getting shaky. v Everything de pended on whether or not an automobll In which w had harried, th bill over to th Whit Hour for th executive" signature would return before th clock struck. This interim was one of the moat ticklish suspense I'v ever felt. But th automobll mad good tlm. J n at before the watch . hands . pointed 1:17 the chauffeur raced in, and Atlanta was thus assured of on of th hand somest buildings In tb nation." OBOVS Is a violent Inflammation of th mucous membrane of - the j wind - pipe, - -which sometimes extends to the larynx snd bronchial tubes; and la one of (be most dangerous diseases ef children. It al most always come on In the night niva fraauent email dnaea of Rallard'a rllorehound Syrup and apply Ballard's Bnow Liniment externally to tne tnroav. 25c, too and, 11.00. I Sold by Woodard, Clark eVCov- ' ran cim in hold pro:.:ehade Annual Affair Will Take Place Next Thursday Evening by . Winged M Members. Th . Multnomah Amateur ' AthleUo dub's annual promenade will be held next Thursday evening. This win b a gala occasion at- th elub and thoa in charg of th arrangements declar thai It will be th finest affair ever un dertaken by th institution. Th decorator will begin thlr work on Tuesday, . Th olub will be arranged with rar arUstlo tast. and th field will be Illuminated with countless Chi nas lanterns. A first class orchestra has been ourd for th event and all members ar requested to attend with their friends. ' A-.. HOW CONNIE MACK - HANDLES HIS PLAYERS In ths league race between Philadel phia, New York and Cleveland "Connie" Maok la with Lajole, on -of the moat Important figures. ' In his day th man who' travels under an alias bcaus so few can remember th proper cognomen of Cornelius MoGllllouddy was a great oatcher, , but his claim to fame rests Solely upon his head work as a manager. lie Is easily th king strategist of baseball. 'John -McGraw of . th New York Giant leads by his Iron will, mak ing his men cower beneath him.! Connie Mack Is th moat genial -of man with a warm smile for every on and tb firm est of grip. To hear hi soft, quiet vole, no on would suspect that he lod a band of - professional - baseball playara ' - ..,..'.. Yet this quiet man has been ths only successful handler of th wildcat crank in" baseball. "Rube" WaddelL On hi team h has Indiana and college men. and graduates from .the toughest of sand lota But they all. play together. Outald of Davis and his pitching staff , his team amounts to little, al though Cross and Beybold ar som good. But as a whole, h has not a star aggregation. Chance at - Chicago, McGraw at New York, Lajol at Cleve land, all hav tnuohi better- material. Philadelphia win more fta because of McQllllcuddy's scheming.' AMERICAN LEAGUE. 1 "'"' Won.. Lost. P.O. Philadelphia . .......41 11 . .(0t Cleveland . . 4? 11 .401 New York 4 11 " .til Detroit'. . ...44 t '.'.160 Chlcae-o . . ........... .44 IT .148 Bt. Louis. , 40 40 .BOH Washington . , ..29 - to . .1(7 UOStOn . , ....r......,Z 1 .147 . - Yeetwrday's mesnlta. : At jphiladalnhla PhUadelnhla' a. Chi cago t. At New York New York 1. Datrolt, a. (Oont . (E(ld We have bunched ; all of the remaining home s p ii ns and novelties -worth up to glOtntoone lot. While they last take your choice-at -h' .Two-piece Single and double-breasted SEE OUR Xo CLOTHIER 87 THIRD' STREET TOUT THE SMASHES; Gum of Portland Pitched Perfecl Game Against the North ' landers. ."' V- VIRGIL GARVIN WAS BATTED OUT OF BOX Former Giant, Curves Were No Pa. gle for McCredle's Men Welch, Hla'Succcaaor, Proved: a Mjmterjr to His Oppooenta The Scon. '., , (flpeetal TMspateh Tae learaeLl Seattle. Wash.. July 11. Blx run were secured off Uarvtn in th first three Innings today and the wesre th IS SHU only tallies mad. - Welch prord to b a pussl and Beattl oould not ooonect -with Gum. Th aoora: , , - AB.R.H.PCOLB. MoKal. ex. t . Bweaney, ss. Mitchell. If. t MoCradte, rf. . ...... I Smith, lb. 4' Moor, lb. I McLaan. a. . . t o i o l I o 0 1 0 0 0 1 $'4 Lister, ib. Totals , h.,U ' SBATTLBL :. . . AB.K It 10 1 Kan, tb. ........... 1.0 m Buren. cf. a..l:t Blankenshlp, o. ...... t 0 Householder, rf. 4 0 CroU. If. a Btrelb,lb.. i- 0 Mott. tb, s.i. f lebell, as. 10 Qarvln, p. .mm.... 0 9 Waloh. p. I 0 Tcrtala .10 14 IT II SCOBJO BT INNTNOa Portland ?:::!llnnS . . .M 1 0 14 0 10 14. Hit Seattle Hits SUMMARY. RaU'lsAsS run Portland, Stol en hi mm i ji 0 : i J o 001 e 0 0 4 0 McHale, Moor t, McLean. Bac rifle . hit Moore, MoLean. Three base hit -Householder. Two-base bits Mott. Sweeney, McHale. Base on ball Ont Gum, 4; off Garvin, L 8 tru ok ont Br Gum, l by Oarrln. Ii by Welch, f. Hit by pttohed ball Mitchell. Passed ball McLean. Hlta Off Garvin 4 tn I In nings; off Welch I tn 4 Innings. Dou ble clays Sweeney to Moor to Lister: Smith to Lister; Isbll to Kan to Blrelb. . Left on bases-fBeatU, 71 Port land, f. Tim or gam on hour t0mlnuts, Umplr Bodaonw- Oeorge Howltt has quit th Spokan team and has announced hi tntantloa of quitting baseball entirely - J .4. .:. r w, WINDOWS i k-i " t ' sssaiesSBBsnsssasBiana . . ( .,... , fc . . , ' t ... J . ' - -