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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1906)
1 GOOD. UOITIwEITG Journal Cltcil Lc: Yesterday 1 f. k . Sunday fair and cooler; winds. ' ' VOL. III. NO. 19. TEu PERSOi.S LUSt LrJLS Oil SflL TUG CUillS Vessel Is Cut in Two by Steamer Princess ; Vicforia at Harbor EntranceBoat Caught by Strong Tide and V. .v Most , of Those . Aboard J Bound on Holiday Excursion - Perish - r - (Special Dfcpetch to The Joersal.) . Vancouver, B. G July Jl. The tug Cbeballe of tha Union Steemehtp com peny'e fleet waa cut In two by the - steamer Princess Ylotorla at tha harbor entrance this aftarnoon and 10 of tba . II persons on tha tug perished, - Thoaa who. were drowned ara: Dr.: Hul ton -of Vancouver," a leedlng -- authority' on oyster culture, -"y ' Mrs. Bryca of Vancouver, wtfa of tba puraar f thoCasalar -. . P: J. Chick, a purser."' - ' ) ' ' ' "., ' "W. H. Crawford, assistant engineer.'.; I fwo deckhands names unknown. t ' Two Japanese firemen, ', , ' , ; BarnettyBannell. -a 10-year-old boy ' '' Cblnaaa cook. . ' '. r ' y The tug had beenj chartered to take tha party to t tha oyatar t beds. , Tha 'Vrinceee Victoria waa on' bar -way from Vancouver to Victoria and Seattle. She waa running; at full speed. Tha passen FRAUD USED TO BEAT CLAIMS OF POLICYHOLDERS Fake Photbgrapht and Boguf .. Underwriter Report Tnirnped cani-Home Fire and Marine "ofySah" Francisco Fails."" V; (SiwHal Dtopttch by Vnmi Wire te Tee tonal) Ban Francisco, July tl. Under exam nation by the grand Jury yeaterday H. C. Qulroby, m New Tork attorney, who atated ha had been paid $500 by aacanor sevrrannanranca cdmanl9 scale down their settlements, admitted that tha Stasia Insuranoe company used manufactured earthquake evidence to brat -down the claims of ita policy hold era. Fnka DhototraDha were procured. "he said, and a, bogus underwriter report trumped up to defraud claimants.' . The sensational testimony waa aecurea sea in I answer questions, waa threatened with Imprisonment by Judge Graham. In anawer to Questions, he atated that be arrived In this alty from New Tork on April Si in the employ of the Eagle Insurance company. His Instructions ware, to settle for not more than 6 cents on' the dollar, and to slice and scale down - whenever - there was . a chanoa. In the attempt to carry out these Instructions, he .said, the .local offlcera had made up a bogus set of re port, purporting; to .emanate from the fire underwriters patrol, and giving al leged descriptions of property after the earthquake and before the fire of April II. v -Used Fake Photographs. ; These reports were backed up by faka photographs, ao doctored as to show the buildings Insured In tha Bagle In a be condition from the shake. Qutmby "Tiutavrthar mrthiitrraaetnif : or The grand jury he would produce these fake, reports and photographs. , . Tha attorney-stated that after attempting to force CO-cont settlement from polloy hold ers by all theea and. other dishonest practices he notified t&e home officers that It was impossible to settle so low, and was then instructed to settle for Tt cents but no more. V "Other companies than tha Bagle," said Lawyer Qulmby, "applied to ma to do for them what I had dona for tha Eagle." He aald that at tha next meeting of tha grand Jury ha would give the com plete Hat, bat mentioned the Royal Exchange,- tha .Phenlx" of "Brooklyn," the Transatlantic tha Federal, the Hanover and the Milwaukee Mechanics. 'i'-' -atoms Fire Palls. ;-7--"". Tha Rome Fire and Marina Insuranoe company, a well-known local' Institution and eompanlon of tha , Fireman's Fund, flnda itself unable to meet obllgatlone and will go Into liquidation. The direc tors will endeavor- to coma to aoma arrangement with tha creditors to the end that the company may not be thrown Into the handa of a receiver. "Regretfully and reluctantly we find ourselves oompelled ' to wind up the Home Fire and Marina,' aald President Dutton yesterday. As he spoke tears stood In his eyes. "In the earlier days following the conflagration wa thought tha Home .might be assisted through its troubles, ao that It could pay Ita loseea and aave Ita capital. We of the Plre masTe Fund gave 1608,000-to the Home to aid It in Ha purpose. - Wa thought at tha time we had a perfect right to act aa wa did. and that there would be am ple margin left the Fireman's Fund to jlContlnu.d on Psge Four.), westerly - Swept to Destruction. No rBodies Recovered gers on tha Cbehalis saw her. aa ah swung Into . tne narrows. ' It - w thought by thorn that aha would make way for tha amaller vessel. : However, aha kept on her way., ' ' There waa a frightful eraah and tba tug waa out In two. i It sank almoat ln atantly; ' All aboard were thrown Into the water. The aervtvore declare it waa tl minutes before tba' Ufa boat on the Prlneeaa Victoria were lowered. The Chehalla waa leaving; tha harbor when oaught by a etrang- tide and awuag broadalda, tha Prlnoeaa Vlotorla ' going ahead' at full apeed rounded tha "point and .caught the , tug amldahlpa. The after half of tha tug aank at onoe. . I Tha . big steamer waa- traveling-' at a SO-knot rate. She cruised around for aoma time, and picked up- several of the tug's paaaengera. No bodlea were I covered. Tha accident occurred In plain view of tha wharrea and tuga aat out at once from all dlrectlona. -:, OWL CAR LISTS AREiREADlFOR; 11ACER FULLER Three r':isucj!fP(9p!p7Sign Coupons and Petitions Asking Give' AH-Niht( Servtca on It Lines to' Distant Suburbav'""; One day this week General Manager Fuller of tha Portland Railway. Urht A r-ower company will receive- a prise package of. from S.Opa to 1.000 slcna tureo, attached to coupons repetitions. requesting all-night streetcar service on ue unea over which ha la tha ezecu live neaa. .Among theaa names will be found a majority of tha bualneaa firms oi roruana s eaDuroe, aa well as a arge percentage af the- prominent namee In tha Portland commercial and professional world. " coupon is attached 174 namee. I uimn m.u Being- onioe employee of tha O. R. e N. railroad. Another list of signaiurea comprises the namea of (t members of tha Portland police depart ment.. Theaa men have taken enough interest in the matter themaelvea to prepare and circulate petltiona among their, friends, or to buy a stamp and mall an owl oou pon to The Journal. There has been no attempt to ayhtemattcally canvass tha city. Several petltiona have merely been left at different public offices and placea of bualneaa, that whoaoever hap pened along and felt Ilka algnlng might Sign. There has been- no attempt to make a record of namea. When one member of a bualneaa firm has signed there has been no attempt to get the signature of his partner or any of hla employee, though the list is open to all. Besides the petltiona mora than 600 oou pona have been mailed to Tha Journal -tha fast fewdayarlf-thhr-doee not- Indicate a substantial demand for an owl aervlco nothing- will. Besides, not fewer than four Suburban Improve ment clube, representing respectively me East Bide, Montavllla. St. Johna and Mount Tabor,- have officially . Indorsed the propoaltlon. ; . Demand Zs Widespread. Hundreds of pessonal expressions of opinion, either in writing or orally, have been given - to The Journal, each one adding aoma new fact cr enlarging upon aoma new argument In favor of aa all night car travel for Portland. . That tha demand for an owl aerytoe la practically universal can no longer be denied by tha railroad officiate. - -t - Patriotic Portlandera eanrtot be satis- fled to see their rival. Seattle, better equipped to carry paaaengera about town tnan is tneir own city. Wlllnrd Scholl horn,, writing from Blackbouae, Wash ington, eeta forth thia point of view la the following worda: -, . "X lived In Portland about It years, ao I alwaya Ilka to sea Portland la the lead of tha sound cltlee. Seattle haa an all night ear, and why can't Portland? She la larger than Seattle and ought to show It - Here In Washington they say Seattle 14 the largest city, but they can't show me, for I'm from good old Port land and am glad when I have a chance to read The Journal. . I used to work at a Portland theatre, and had to .walk home.saut to TTI Kelly atreet about i mllee,nd ao had to give up tha Job." U Y. King, u O, R a R employe. Incloses with his coupon note aaylng that every Sunday morning he la com pelled to - walk from Weat Piedmont atreet to the Union depot, as he must get there by 1:10 a. m., before tha care. I , XContlnutd en Page Fourwy PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 22, ' 1808.FOUR ' SECTldNSFORTY-FpUR ' ' New" York, July 21 Strancest Harry Thaw, is the remarkable beautiful woman a marreL It is thand ghoot flown another man in '. loves within tha shadow of death ; ; hearted, care-free.wifa of a millionaire, pampered and petted by all. who knew her, is transformed by tha' Oraeilyto,X.ttronaV Clr0s7oniajiho JeeliltJieweightwhi fortitude rare to her sexr i ; J.',-' .? . t ' , ,. ,-' Esoecially to' those who have known Mrs.. Thaw In the years past is tha altered manner of tha , ' 1 strange tha she should be depressed and serious where she was once gay X-the butterfly ihould'dvelop aim strength; of 'character seldom ed.Us.lcd, x a miracle. -, ".' V ' "'" ' " ' " In dress as well as in manner does Mrs.' Thaw show the change which has come over her. .The am-- T gle brown dress and automobile veil, -which covers -her face concealing her eautifur featurea from A the - e a ' " e " .a ". e at '.. "' "a M a e gase of the morbidly curious, whenever sne is upon tne street, are indications oi xna cnangcauua ana ja x, leading." Rich' garments which have been a part of hereadstencaTa wardrobe a ' queen might envy, have 'been laid aside by the wife of Harry Thaw,, for tha simple attire befitting her In her new life. :," , ' There is no. indication on Mrs, Thaw's part of a breakdown and Former Judge Olcott declares that 'she is the best client ha ever had, ar she has impressed those who have seen her: in exactly the manner in which her attorneys would most wish her, to do, and no word he would wish to recall has passed her ,-. lipa. ' v ,'v .?' 15 i a'-'. ;-'" ' -t ' ,'V. I-' "- ' Sad and .quiet when the enters the Tombs to see her husband, who Is held there, Mrs. Thaw emerges from the prison with a different look, with head held. high and lines of defiance drawn into her expres sion, she appears determined to look straight into the face of tragic adversity! With the characteristics of a-woman taught by her own nature and artists of the stage to be graceful,- Mrs. Thaw's carriage now ncars a trace of hauteur gained since the terible' blow of fate struck her inch a short time ago. ' ; , :' ffr hr daily trip tn tti. priinn ih'. hark. in. hfT apartments begins. She writes down everything that could possibly be of use, to he? ' the correspondence in -the hope; that' it may' reveal something that may be of value to her husband's de- 1 fense. ; This 'delicate woman putt in . hours of hard, work, that would wear out anyone that did not have J I her heart lait.; , She digs among old papers, searches her memory to connect incidents in the hope of mak- ! . " ing clear many a vague 'point that might be 'of great importance now.- u' . ; s' v I" '. ' And till Jate at night Evelyn '. a prised her Uwrers, nrgea oa dj a SEL.B-G0NyiEDeiniaR TO INTERESTS OF PORTLAND ".'- v "- v'i - :-.:ri i'-,:.v.-.i t -. --."-t --1 - - ; -. -- Two brief extracts from tha editorial columna of tha Oregonlaa ten the atory of that paper's treachery to the people of Portland when the blanket street railway franchises were pending before tha "city eouncU lnltO , October I, 1101, tha Oregonlaa aald: "Tha arty eouell akomld ga alow fa tba matter of wboliaale fiaaiililaes te atreet raQroada at any other eorpora tlaea as tha eve of tha expected adop tion of tha maw charter. The kauris of corporations to taka eat franohlaec te prima facta evidence of a aeelre to ao aapa aartaln eendlUoaa whiek the new charter vary properly lays apoa thsaa.' October T, 1101 (only four daya later), tha Ore(oniaa Hopped aad aaiot - ?''' MMMMHMMIMMMMMMMM . l 1 " ' ' '4 t J r SMawaasekMMesieiiBMewiBnaeMSe i of all, developments arising oat of the change which haa come "over Evelyn Nbit Thaw,- .who, from a light- but natural that having, passed, through, protection of her - good ." name, a womanr-wnoaow-geag-tagTnan sne as tha - result-of 'tha -act, should be changed materially Neither is it Nesbit Thaw keeps at her task, penning with a cleverness that has sur-. T . . i ' a a . . a el " ' Si S a . SgV snottTe that no one can aouDt, tne love rmla, railway Should bo grasses. Is aa reaeen to wait for a charter whisk may as aaay not ' become ; law. There la ao virtus to tha aaw - charter whlak aaay act' be availed of mader tha eld charter, ao fa aa street frsmoklses are eoaecrned. The rlgkte ef the wa Uo, tat tha way of forfettare, laagtk ef fraacklaa, paklla ewmershlp, ata asm bo aaoeseA aa orataaaces aa welLaa aaulas the new charter."- t Within tba four" daya that el.peeVl between tbesa two, utterance.. the bar gain 'was closed whereby tha Oregonlaa agreed to betray tha people : of Port- lAiuL 1 1. at a carried ttu-mizh ls'-M- , -t- t- 1 - -- -As a ganaral fhere i Ml Woman slaying of Stanford Whits by the ordeal of having her hus- T and flippant, but-that in a night " it looked spon n little inert of r : .- ' -v ' ." where herresi-Workl.oLthe--dav eS husband. ' She It going over all - Z lor ner nutoana .- .-v... M orecy, hagger-mngger, ' - deceptloa and therefore In. fraud." ', " ' ' r " TV , ," Jack Matthewe premise that ha would make Harvey Scott United Staiea aea ator waa tha price paid to tha Oregonlaa to induce It to desert the cause of ! the people for that of the atreet, railway oorporatlona. . Not another syllable ct criticism of tha franchisee appeared tn tha Oregonlaa , until now, nearly four yea re afterward, It-raise e a . hue) and cry, prof.sslng to have discovered for tha first thus that the franchisee should not have been ' granted. ," ' ,: i Harvey Scott attempted to aell out tha city of Portland lo order that he might become eenator. " He ' never ' re ceived tha price - of hla treachery, for Matthewa failed tevdaUrsr,-Um gooda, PAGES DQUMA TO lit DISSOLVED; Forcibla End of Parliament Determined Upon. ' No Compromise .Offered, But Troops De y pended 'Upon ' to Force Czar's; Mandate, i Moderates in; DespairCapital " Filled W . Soldiers-rMujiks Continue to Burn Country t Petersburg;. July tl 8uaday) (Bulletin) Surrounded by hie troopa, tha eaar faces a new revolt Bloodshed la feared today. Tha order to close the douma baa bean leaned and martial law has bean proclaimed.' It la not In full foroe In at. Petersburg, but bayonet rule la - ordered for Kleff, where tha revolutionists are moat threatening. (CJpmM, Bearst Hews" erviee,fcy timl Wire to The JoeraaU ' St. Petersburg. July II. It was da elded la council here In Peterhof this afternoon te dissolve the douma and call for a new election to be held In Oc tober on tha basis of universal suffrage. Thia la stated on tha very highest authority.- It had already been decided that even Thuradaya moderate resolution for tha douma would not be accepted by the government, on tha ground that It waa beyond the ephere of the lower house. Tba preponderance of opinion waa with tha emperor-that tha douma' should be forthwith dlaaolved. - Ministers Ooremykln, Kokovtaaff and tolypln favored holding; sew elections. WORK Oil CELILO PERCfriTBEIIIND Contractors Accused by Covem merit Engineers of i Dilatory "Methods, Though Plenty of Money Is - Available Only "Twenty" Per Cent Completed. Half of the working season haa paaaad and' the Celllo canal contrac tors, Smyth St Jonea, cave aooom- pllahed but little mora than 10 per cent of the work they undertook to com- Plata -this -year". mi said they' have repeatedly been prodded by tha United States engtneera, but have not abown a aommendable dlapooltlon to hurry the work. Tha engineer. - In- report Just submitted, aevarelr crlUclxea their meuwjoa. The Celllo canal project sella for an expenditure of 14,110,000 and the canal and other lmpicvomeuta will slant and a half miles long. Smyth tt Jonea have We contract ror tha first section of We work sow bain done.' , Their contract called for tha .removal of 17S.000 cubic yards cf rock and earth thia year. To June SO, according to the orriciai reports, wey had done work amounting to only 17,114 cubic yards. Thia leaves them with 140,470 eubto yards to move by January 1, 1007, which task Is so great that it Is practloallv Impossible for them to meet the emergency.- - meaaoaa for Belay. . The engineer. In reporting oa prog ress at tha canal alte, givea Weee reasons for tha alow work of tha firm of Smyth ft Jonea: , , Xte Start: inefficient manaa-emant: lack cf plant" - , t There la plenty of money for earrr. Ing on the work, and thia money Is to. be pall to thecontraotors as feat as they fulfill We conditions of their contract. It la aald to be no fault of, anyone outalde the contract ing firm - and its assistants Wat the work haa not progressed aa it should.- The total appropriation to date has been There remains at thia time available tn ready money for payment on canal work We sum of 410,S3I.4. . Bad Almost SJo Plant. ' V ' t Tha eontractore began the work later than waa contemplated " by We engt neera. They commenced, tt la aald, with practically no plant and today have not anything like equipment commensurate with the alsa or Wo undertaking. They have . been r.r&rdtd as railroad eon tractors, and have done work for tha O. R. aY N. railroad company. It la 1 they have, at the present time. construction contracts from that company- ' ... t Beginning with a government anDrc priatlon of f 450,000 for - the work In hand, there haa been - expended during me necai year en ice jmuo work onlr MM4I.14. There are outstanding llablli tlea against tha appropriation amount ing to 114,010. The belanoe remalnlna- available for the canal work laid out la I410.I1S.40. The - amount covered br contracts la 1114,000. . Kot only la there enough money ready to pay for the Smyth At Jonea contract, but there will be left available far future work the aura of tllt.lt5.4t. - Vrgean Veed fee i Siesta, ' Tha most urgent need axlats. tt Is aald. for pushing with all possible haste every department of work connected with the Celllo canal The prosperity of the Inland'emplre la. to a conelder- able extent, contingent on the ooenlna of- the Columbia river, ' A vast amount I .(Continued on Page four.! CAHAL IS SIXTY PRICE FIVE CENTS. but tha court repreeentatl yea eppoaed any oompromlaa and declared to relying wholly ea the eaar'a . loyal , foseea throughout the orisla, -Regiments of cavalry with baa-sue trains ara arriving la St. Petersburg thia evening and occupying the distrlota wnioa ooncau. wo imperial raaWeniiea and ' ministers. - Thia haa helped to spread the belief that- the dlssomtton haa already been decided upeow The -beet authorities aasiime that the ukas haa not yet bean elgned. although tha end -of tha douma'a existenoe aa a mar tarial parliament la assuredly staled -Tor the first time tha moderate asee) la the- douma. men like Milukoff and Mourottaef f, who ara tha hopes of tha Constitutional , party,' apeak SdeepeuoV ently of tha outlook, ef the Immediate outlook, far neither they nor their ool leaguee have aay - serious doubt that the ultimate results af the fury of the Seaaaata - and - the - ferocity ef the ureauorata win be a complete reor ganisation of the Imperial administration, xvom wo crown dowa. -2 v ." (Continued on Page Nine.) OFFICIALS LOOT 00T0F8200,000 Edward Frost, Aastajit" Cashier of. National Park Bank, Ac. cused of Defalcation Missing- . Funds All From Cash Account. and Accomplices Suspected. : (Special Dispatch by Less Wire te The erael Mew Tork. Jury IL When Kdwmrd Proet. aaalatant cashier of We National Park bank, waa arraigned la. tha Tomb police oourt today for We alleged de falcatton -of-fOOT Tt "was revealed that not only would the robbery amount te W00.0OO but alae Wat ewer- aftkilala higher up were hla confederates. . , -The fact that the American Seourttr company, which bonded We aeouaed. la actively cngaa-ed in ferreting- cut the mystery, la take aa establishing the ' fact that mere than U50 la involved. It w.a declared Wet PiuaL aa aaahtuun cashier, pr act lea My had full suservlaoa and - charge of moat af the Incoming cash. ' It Is aald that the bank, missing funds are almoat altogether from the cash ac count and Wat no defalcations cf suck magnitude oould have been possible an leas We thief had aa aeoompUoe who held a high position la we Institution. The National Park bank la aae ef We oldest Instltutlcna In We dry. Ita vice-. presidents, besides Gilbert C. Thorn, are Stuyveaant Pish, John C KcXeoa and John a Van Cleaf. - la ita directorate are John Jacob Ac tor, August Belmont, Francis It. Apple ton, Isaac Guggenheim, Edward C Hoyt, Charlta Scrlbner, Cornelius Vaaderbilt, George Frederick Victor, Jamea I. Moore, W. RockhlU Potta and Lewla Case liedyard. The bank's last statement shows a paid-up capital of 1, 000,000. surplus and undivided proflU of $7,207,000, depoaita 107.000,000, and loans: and discounts stocks and bonds and aecurtties $75,111, 000. Frost was captured after a close watoh of hla mother and her home in The Bronx. The mall coming to the house was In spected by deteotives before it reached ' Mra. Frost, and it was learned that Frost waa atopplng at 1711 Lexington avenue, where he waa arrested Friday night, after aa all-day vigil by wa de tectlvea. - o ..t HILL ADVISES ALL ,LTq GIVE UP FIGHT- (Speelsl DUpatek by tesseS Wire te The Joerssl)' Buffalo. N. Y.. July M. Much aurprUc has been created In local political clr clea by sosee Informatloa brought to this city by a recent visitor to Watertown. This information aaya that John Carlisle took a trip to New .Tork... stopping at ... Albany on the way .. , Mr. Carll.le, It la said, oalled on Sena tor HUI and orged him to support the Carlisle candidacy for governor. Mr, Hill la reported to have said te . Mr.- Carlisle!- "Uon't waste yeer time. Hearst will be nominated by the Demo cratio state convention."- WORLEY KILLS CEAH3 which stcle c::' '.Silvrton,)r., July ll.Oeor-e r ley killed two large beer, near fc.a t three miles from thia city last t The animal were making a r 1 ' sheen when he shot them. it. I killed twe In about the .- I jwmr egw - s.- r. .- v.-