The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 19, 1906, Image 9

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    Zf r w- a Taw 15. w wa-.aII1!JG JULY 15a ltrwX
J ...
.'! f l
. IhiuI sueaeriWrt .' fad TV
feanial M ul at In(
B.c aad W.wport. A rqrular ear.
rlc eellrery wUl k aulal.. 0r4f
direct tram ear ll at thaa Mlsta
4 hs will sttead Beaastly to as.
tOao" ItACB Ls Oekea, ageatl
k&4urtar at IlnM, Wuk, Be.
Ytmrr to all sotnW ea the beach.
. szAoJbs amd auisui mi-
W. A. Wsitsiaa, otl aeedeaartM
. tit Iwte C'e drug etare, tmldi,
Was T
wdll AYD YAftimrA It
Ptrelhiae, eewe lul OorxOlU A
, Xastera ratlned, lfl. Head-
(uarUi at Mewfert, Or, DUnx to '
ill MliU n th. beaea.
WU.HOU IA01 J. V. KaLaiea.
- emit, fct Lass, Or.
CAkgOlf. WAA&. Kiaerel Ifrtatf I.--
tol Co.. anate.
CASCADX. "VaIJL ffsasttf ateffctt, '
ooiftiNi inirxxAx mnroi. .waih.
0. X. Balaaar, exeat, CaUias, Weak.
. ; ; Tosiosrs unnnmra. y A
Baker..".. .Baa friaeteee Plrtaref
.................. "A aoimrl Bride'
Star...,. ...."A Quirt Itmllr'
G'eod. ...,....,,,.,,,.,..,,,.,,, VaaoMllla
Paauaa..... VaodrrtU
- The news o( tha suddsn death of
Philip MaUory. tha 14-y ear-old son- of
Major and Mrs. John B. MaUory, In
Washington, D. C, has baan received.
, Tha child had bean in poor health for
. some months, and ho suddenly took a
, turn lor ine worse tne nrat or tha
" month end dlad six daya later, on July
t. . Mra. MaUory. tha alater of Bandar
on Read of this city, la remembered
., by many of her old frlenda who knew
. , her aa Bally Reed. During the major1 a
Abaenee In the Phlllpplnea four yaara
Ago Mr,. Aiallory remained here with
- her . three children, aa thla wa iter
home In girlhood. - The body-was taken
; to Hampton, Virginia, for burial, at hla
father's old home. .
Next Wedneaday a meeting will be
. held by the building committee of the
. Portland CommerolAl club to open And
formally-conalder competitive building;
piana ior ina ciuo a propoaea aignt-
otory office and club building. A meet
lng yeaterday At the office of T. B. Wll-
- eox, ehatrtnan- pf-th ub-commlttaa on
pUna. wu not attended by a aufflclent
number and Action waa poatponed to
- the - Wedneaday meeting.- - The building
.. eommlttea la eompoeed of T. B. Wilcox,
F, W. Lendbetter, E. L. Thompeon, J.
2 C. Aloaworth. Hugh Maguire, W. P.
Olda, Adolphe Wolfe, Jullua Meier, Kd
. ward EbrmAn And C W. Hodaon.
' Kellla Johnaon, who . '.waa '"arreated
Tueaday - at Eleventh and Burnalde
treeta tor embracing all mala SAaaerabr
who wore aoft felt hata, haa been ad-
judged inaane. And committed to the
lnaana aavlum at Balem for treatment
'She wag examined yeaterday Afternoon
by Dr. H. F. Ong And Juatlee of the
Peace Fred Olaon. After being lodged
- tn the county Jail, the Johnaon woman
Imagined that aha wantedto .marry Jim
Levlna..and declared to Jailer Mltcholl
that ahe would marry Levin a or commit
aulclde. Levin a la aald to be A married
man, and refuaed to pay Any Atuntlon
- tne woman a Tanciea.
'The first ever photop-aphed at for its picture for The i
' Sunday Tournai, and it is a. queer looking bird.- The parent x
Z condors tried to look pleasant, too, when before the camera; Z
X and they will appear, with the first authentic story of their Z
life and habits ever printed - - -
In cIhc Sunday Journal
1 1 in rn if nn
Ground Beneath Foundations of Houses Gives Way at Masonlo
"T ;' Temple Site, at Yamhill and West Park Streets
' Contractors Prevent Wreck. '
III'' '
w ' "' ' 11 mil ;'n;iliiMiji " '
How the Embanking Slipped at the-Maaooic Temple, Leavinc Adjacent
!.: '" '.v..'.;." " Foundationa Unsupported;'.',:''" '.-
The Herradoahl band." An Ara-rea-atlon
of children aupportlng and educating a
.Hindu girt At the Banarjee achool In
Calcutta, and aald to be the only organi
sation of It a kind In the-United Btatea,
wlU give Ait entertainment And aoclnble
at the realdence of H. S. Hareourt. 800
East Thlrty-flrat atreet. on . the Way
enywootock . HnC tomorrow evenlna-.
"The tota have been practicing for weeka.
And .have planned a moat Intereatlng
program. A large platform haa been
. arertfwl on the lawn to aerra aa a etage
: and aeata hare been provided for erery
body.. The entertainment la free. .
Workmen will In a few daya begin
remodeling the tipper floora of the Ore
gon Water Power Railway company'a
atatlon At the corner of Alder and Flrat
' atreeta, to provide aeoommodatlona for
tha general offlcea of the merger com
pany. including offlolale of the Portland
Railway company now occupying room
In thr Mohawk bonding. And the Port
Hand General Electric now In .uArtere
on Seventh atreet. The Seventh atreet
location win be retained, it la said, for
are room a. And the preaent atoraae-
rooma on Aider atreet will be vacated.
Teaterday the eteamer Telexraoh car
rled Ita full capacity of paaaengera to
: Aatorln And return. And a few were left
behind became of government rt'rli-
tlona aa to number a The echolara.
teachara and frlenda of the Woodatock
Methodlat, Kenll worth PreobyteiiAit And
Central Chrlatian Ohurchea were Aboard
the ateamer And apent a moat delightful
day on the Willamette And Columbia
rlverA Tha offlcera of the ateAmer
made It ao plea cant for- tha paaaengera
that a almllar trip la being planned for
aoma aay next month. . . i . v
' Never mind tha trolley atrlke If It
ahould happen. ' Our elevator la AlwAya
In operation And. In good humor and
our photoa abeolutely unaurpaaeed. - Our
qulpment la the moat modern And our
operator repreaent tha cream of pho
tography aktlL Our gallery la open
Sundaye from 10 to I Juet to accom
modate thoae who cannot coma during
tha buay week. - E. W. Moore, -01118110
photographer, Elka" building, Seventh
And Stark. ...-
Artlcleo of lnoorporatlon of the Will
amette Stone company have been filed
In the office of tha county clerk by
Robert J. O'NeiL A. Oleblaoh And Wil
liam T. Joplln. Their objeeta are to
deal In atone, gravel and building ma
terial. Capital atoek. 11,000.
' Mra. Fanny Pullen waa divorced from
William Pullen by Judge OAntenbeln In
the circuit court thla morning on the
ground of deeertlon, beginning At St.
Lenta1, Mlaaourt, In January, lilt. Mra.
Pullen teettfled that her hueband Bent
bar to vtett her people And then Bent
Kow, walk, Mlate
Tou've bee hAvtng A good time an
. jrour life.
- Ton have thought yon owned crea
tion And Imagined youreelf enttUed to
- RMo- on SunbeAmev-- ' -;
Ton'vo been "oft, - '!- , '
WAr "ofT." v'"1' " '
, Kow get down--ofr tho ferch
wB humblo be sood cheer Bp
' And walk.. . ' i " -'
But you needn't pook yonr bundle Of
lAundry Around with you. phono ua. -
Onr we gone go Ilka ahootlng atara
Anywhere And -
Onr Uundry la a erAok-ajAck, '
.' Ton never mot Ita en perl or a! nee on
Neero born. ........
t And All fAmUy wnehlng goet at Id lb.
Howa thAtT
. T6vr Cheerful Friend, "v - '
i TaL AlAla III, Ceoon) An4 ColuaibU.
An Accident that might have had ae-
rioua reaulta occurred during the night
In connection with the . excavating for
the basement for the Masonlo temple At
West Park And Yamhill atreeta. - The
aoutham port had .been completed And
was down to tha neoeaeary level, but in
digging, the ' contractora. ; Moray .. oV
Walker, had left a - narrow ' etrlp of
ground cloee to the houaa on the south-.
Although this atrip waa only about
four feet wide-tha contractors took no
stepa to ehore It up, believing that auoh
a narrow atrip could aupport itseir.
' During the night this gave way And
came tumbling down Into tha excava
tion, leaving expoaed a considerable
a action -of the foundatlona of the house
on West Park street There was grave
danger of theeo foundations giving way
until tho contractors underpinned tnara
with some planking And managed to
keep them In place. After the Accident.
the contractora shored MP thl.rtJ
tirim huik , V .
- . Seeoad Ocve-Za. ' . '
. What oeourred to tha aouth bank Also
occurred during the nlgh-to-the west
bank." It had not been out all tho way,
but the aoft aoll slipped out And left
exposed the foundations to tho rear of
the building on Tamniu atreet. wor
men At once etarted to ehore up that
waII And they hope by the plonking to
holdtip- bothr sides ox tne
until the concrete is In position.
j Another 140.000 deal In the north end
was announced today, . tha Security
Ravin ss d Trust eompAny having sold
to-H.-W7-Xemek "About A half block,
hsr clothes to her "With a letter In
forming her that ho did not want her
to come back. They were married In
Kingfisher, OklAhoma, In October, 1114.
'Charles Anderson was Arraigned be
fore Judge Gantenbeln tn tho circuit
court thla morning- charge- with' rob
bery. He ia aoouaed of holding up Nela
niaon and taklnn- from him A oertlfl
eate of deposit of the First Notional
bonk for 1100 And ill in ooin. i a.
Crouch was Appointed as Attorney to
defend him. And ha was Allowed till
Saturday morning to enter a plea.
Weter through heeo for sprinkling
yards or aldewalka, or washing porches
or windows; must bo paid for in AdvAneo
And used only between the hours of I
And I A. m. And I And p. m. It must
not bo used for sprinkling streets. If
nsed contrary to these rules, or waste-
fully. It will be shut off. ;;
Penney BroA Friday" BpeclAl 11.10
TAde of Red or .White Port. - Tokay,
Bauturne And Muscatel Wines for 11.10
per - gailon. v. a?s-h . mmb - atoms
Telephone East 117. Free delivery.
tiookaley HalL Beaslde. Oregon. Over
looking tho foaming aea. Four hours'
ride by rati from Portland. ' Rooms with
private bath. Also alngle room a The
best tAblo At ths boAoh.
IvOranao Joseph Pome was Arraigned
before Judge Gantenbeln-In the circuit
court this morning charged with polyg
amy. : Ho will plead tomorrow After
noon.. ,v . . .y
Concrete Consteuotion C04 T01 Ch Am
ber of Commerce, manufacturers of
concrete stons blocks. Contractora for
au Ainaa ox cemem wor. xsi Main no.
liAuaehofl to the Oaks from Favorite
BoAthouse, south slda bridge, foot Mor
rison street, every few minutes All Aft-
.srnoon and evening:' Tel. 1401.
Oet onr "An tl-Trust" ' nrloea ' before
ordering your printing elsewhere. Key
stone Preas, 161)4 Second street, phono
Main 1411. '
MUton A. Nathan, attorney, 1000 Stelner
street, Ssn Francisco. Commissions
promptly exeouted. Bank referenoeA
Lesdtng dallies from All tho big OltioA
Carl Jones, , Fourth And Washington.
C B. Walborn, furnttare repairing, pol
ishing, packing, shipping. TaL Beat lf 1.
Aomo Oil Co. sells tho best safety on
gad fine gasolines. Phono Cost Til.
Womth's axchangA 111 Tenth street
lunch, 11:10 to I.
haiior, su 4th, rkoB pc. let
At Seventh And Ollssa streets. - TTie
deed calls for three full lots on Seventh
street, between Ollssa And Hoyt, And
one half .of tho corner of Eighth And
Hoyt At present there ore some small
buildings on tho property. What Mr.
Lemcke Intends to do with bis purchase
is not stAted. ' - . " Tr
"' . '. AottvityeoA PenlnsnlA. ' -'
Continued activity is noticed In deals
00 the Peninsula," A few daya Ago W.
M. Kllllngaworth purohased from I' H.
Tsrpley a ' small IrrerulAC piece . of
ground At Msegly Junction And now nn-
otner aeai involving 114,000 is An
nounced, F. W. Lead better having pur
ohased tt Acres from Mr, TArploy close
to Maegiy junction.
The property Involved In this deal Is
A long, narrow strip of land lust north
of ths O. R. A N. Ca lino And, west of
ue point wnere tne nortn. Dana rood
will approach the Junction. . It extends
he OolumbiA slough And reaches
to the borders of Smith lake, therefore
Is In close proximity to tha recent pur
chases mads by ths varloua meat pack
ing corporations. The piece - recently
purchased by Mr. Kllllngaworth was 100
by 00 feet for which ho paid 11.100,
And when this Is compared with the
price Mr. Lead better paid for tha SI
acres, tha 114.000 hs paid. In tho opinion
of several resi estate operators, indi
cates a bargain. -
John C. Welch hs gold to Alice I.
Mann two Acres At the corner of Kelly
Avenue And Best Broadway. Tho con
Ideratlon is Announced as til 00.
Bids were closed today for the tin
work, tho wrought iron work, the gal
vanlsed And other sheet metal work on
ths East Portlsnd High school. Judg
ing from tho number of bids received,
competition for this contract la aotlve.
The contract will hs Awarded In A fey
J. J. Febvet Will build two houses
Everett street, between Nineteenth and
Twenty-nrst They wui cost About
f 1.000 each. .
Affidavits hAve been filed In tho cir
cuit court by Charles Petrsin, Attorney
for Mrs. HAttle X Fostsr, la Answer
to charges of . Infidelity . made agAlnst
her In a suit for divorcs . begun , by
ChArtes O. -Foster. : In hla complaint
Fostsr allege that his wife deserted
him two years Ago, and has been sn-
falthful, naming William Miller ao co-
respondent. - ' - - - -
The affidavits ' were Sworn to by
neighbors or-MrCToer fn Walla
Walla, and they state that Mrs. Foster
la A woman of excellent character: that
she conducts a boarding house to sup
port herself And cBlldren; that she
loves them. Anil., that the children, have
great lovo And respeot for their mother.
Affidavits to thla effect were sworn to
by Mrs. Ethel Preston. Mrs. Hattle
Harlftn And u. H. .Carter, a contractor
OI WailA WA11A. ,-.
Mrs. Foster hso Also filed An Answer
to hsr husband's suit charging that be
deserted her, and that his affections
hove been won . by Mrs. Catherine
Bnider, , - - -
Tho Fosters were married At Little
Falls, Minnesota, In Ills. And hAve four
enimren. ... , ...
Sembrioh Will Sing.
If Madame Sembrtch or aomo other
equally great vocal Artiato were to ap
pear In Portland It would eost a small
fortune, Tho Vlotor ronrds reoroduoo
perfectly the glonous-VMcM of Sem
brlch. Calve, Caruso And every other re
nown ao Artist ngnt at ytur own boma I
old oniy oy suero riaao House.
The Modern Talk Machfne.
Tho greatest opportunity for stndv as
well ss unlimited entertainment la fur
nished by tho modern talking or singing
maohliM. Victors, Columbus and all
latest and standard records ore sold by
EUera Piano House, entrance III Waah
tngtoo street - , , , - .1. .
V Arm r-S rc7T' -1 A for "Vuior Porch ttisi la All Zlzzi-Tl'r4 H'T
Crttc-k l'. ' lLrr rry Vcrit Our ?sdalty Cttt Materials saj Vcriu-:'
Trc:!a czi Trevcl-r i ---Lcrrt nd Esst Sal acted Stock on the Coait Tl J j I.
Lloior O Fin!! OSOth Friday Siirprico Sdz
PI2CG3 Pine French Lmcerfe
GbvnG--S!iirte--Dravers--C6rsot Covers
At K Off IXegolor Prices
Tonorrow!aV sreiat SarprUe-Ssie 43 tstportsi Uadercs
lirs is of importance to every woman who wears French
hand-made lingerie An unusual opportunity is offered to
stock pp the wardrobe at a big saving 3,000 pieces for
your choosingEvery garment hand-made and imported
from Paris The daintiest styles and designs and the finest
HuaSity material Cownst Corset Covers, Drawers, Pett
coats and Chemise are all Included in the assortment
Gowns have high or low necks, long or short sleeves-
Skirts have wide flounces and separate dust ruffles
w av a. -r- , m. -ft - -a-
Vltwl rVYflV IMVV VlUUtV UUUlf
Chemise range in value from $3.00 up to $13.00 each
Drawers range in value from $3.50 up to $12.00 a pair
Gowns range in value from $3.00 up to $35.00 each
Petticoats range in value from $7.50 up to $40.00 each
Corset Covers range from $5 to $ 1 3
See Fifth Street Window Display
Your choice tomorrow at . . .
In the Wash Goods. Section for tomorrow's 860th Friday Surprise Sale weofferJ5QL pieces
of new wool finishr Wash Suitings Irrgrayrh lae" green and. tan . mixtures veryibest styles
for" shirtwaist suits" "regular 25c values -See Fifth street window display your e
' choice tomorrow only at this exceptionally low price, per yard ............... .1
Moicr g-V Franks 860th Friday Surprise Solo
. -t " " . , , , '
$6.50 and $7.50 Values
At $3.98 Kach,
Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store places on sale for
tomorrow's 560th Friday Surprise offering, two special
' lots of women's handsome, new, white lawn Shirtwaist Suiti
1 . 1... mi-m.
Lot 1 65 White Lawn Suits -Embroidered waist, trimmed
with Val. lace, elbow sleeves Gored, circular skirt, em
broidered panel front All sixes Regular 'ftyQ QjP
Sf .50 values at, a suit ....... . . . . 4OoVO
Lot 2-65 White Lawn Shirtwaiit Suits Yoke front and
"sleeves trimmed with Val. lace and fine tucks Full skirts
trimmed with lace and tucks to match
Regular $6.50 values on sale at this won- V ' or
deffully low price, 7qit .: V'V
s See Fifth Street Window Display
.- Our entire stock of Boys' Wash Suits in Sailor, Russian Blouse and Kilt effects white
and fancy wash materials in great assortment,' all ages Best value we ever offered Boys'
Clothing Department Second Floor. ' " ..'
Boys' $1.25 Wash Suits, st y .73 Each Boys $3.00 Wssh Rfx v"h
Boys' ilifl Wash Suits, st yi.05 Each Boys' $06' Wash " Suits, st $2.89 Each
Boys' $1.75-Wssh Suits, at Each - Boys' $4.00 Wash - Suits, st 3.05 Each
Boys' $2.00 Wash Suits, st $1X7 Each Boys' $-80 Wash Suits, at $3.67 Each
,7. ; v All grades op to $10.00 are reduced , ,
Meier (Bb Frank's 860th Friday Surprise Sale
i . I T-1 . 'V
Great Special
Parties furniahlng up new homes and newly married couples, are
particularly interested in tomorrow's Surprise Sale of "Peninsular
planished steel ranges 50 of them in the very best model; asbestos
lined, duplex grate for wood or coal, steel head rivets," steel 'oven
rack, ventilated' oven, nickel trimmed 50 per cent more heating and
cooking capacity than any other make Every range guaranteed
for tea years Arrangements for easy payments -can
be made by parties of good credit Great val.
rf- -
See Alder Street Window Display
story dwelling, Oantenbela Arenue, be
tween Sharer And Mason, eost 11,100;
Mrs. Harbke, one-story dwelling, Bast
nrteenth, between Surmaa - and - Kll
llAgsworth arenue, eost I MO; 3, I
lxar. one-story dwslllns same, eoet
Building remits. ' v
The following permits hare been is
sued: R. M. Miller, one-etory dwelling;
la a violent inflammation of tho snuoone
membrane of lbs wind pipe, wbiob
sometimeo extends to the larynx asd
bronchial tubas; and ia one of the moet
dangerous diseases Of Children. .It Al
most always comes on in ne nignA
Olre frequent small doses of Ballard's
Horehound flyrnp and apply Ballard's
flnow Liniment externally to the throat
IMOOi W. H. SAwtoU, two-story dwell
ing, East Main, between Bast Thirtieth
And East Thirty-first, eost. $1.100 1 May
Thomas, one-story Swelling. Berth wick,
between Simpson And Portland boul
TATd. coot !. -
(Seeelal Masattb ts The esnaLi
- MeMlnnrnia,wOr4 Jnly ll-Ths Ar
tillery eorps of tho Oregon. NaUonM
Ouart) arrlred hero yesterday shout 11
sTalook) ' (The sToro. tMj JmcO ff waatfoa
erenlng. but were delayed by tho warm
weather And. very dusty roada. And. only
ncooeded la reaohlng tho Balls ton pto
nlo grounds on that . erenlng. They
pitched eamp hero on ' tho CAtholte
church grounds and rested yeeterday
Afternoon And remained last night.
They left this morning for O as ton.
AU tho men were in good condition And
reported a hearty weloome all Along
thofr mAreh. . .... v
Mirwaukle Country C'.zb.
Eastern - and Seattle races. T- - t
SeUwood AAA Oreeron C1U i - j 1 1 ;
And you win be the bet: :
1 catured and : will kn'. z
friends to yourself and t?
your business if you -ar
Let us show you what r)
will contribute to your rp
ttttaaceAPJl reiiurcanifjrt.
StJITS to your measure )
$i7.5ot6?4c :
TROUSERS to your mess
ure 'v:'';;.f-' ,'"'
With every Suit cost
ing $22.50 or more, we
will make an extra pair
of Trousers or a fancy
summer Vest free. :
Grays, Blues, Browns and
jmlxedjef f ects-enewest .
.and dressiest fabrics in CSie
viots. Tweeds, Cashmeres,
Serges. V"';.v ' I
We will press your clothes
free for one year.j ....;,".'..
EIKs'CId, SeYccthtadStrk
TODAY. TOKIGHT. ALL fill, -athSaae
Dally. 115. Ireslags, S:tf.
Movtns Pictmesuf thrEtrCi
troake and Fire.
Koat Omplate Dlaaeter Shew Istensttag
Twe rietSMS at BasM Tune, Shewlag
aaei ana
fcVsNlHOS.... ,
.I5e asd Soe
The Grand
Ae Three ' "
r anrsiOAL "
' Taree . perreraiaaees aally, st 1:00,
SO. ssd M s. st. Priees was ea
vm or rnr ia
Anwweag - JUDv
KUUa Sawaea SCe.
.HUdebraad A Ttrlu
Mim lilmi Ptws
. au. i
uvric theatr:
Week SMrfsstag st-say, falyjl.
"A Soldier's DrM:
. nan acts.
Aasifceles, SOe. ' BhshiI Baata, toe.
BLariirrH wan stab stock co.
to Omaeetle With a line Taadenne Otta,
ateaaes er aiaaaai wnaas aaa .
at4 Ooah Dssa.
WOTS TH1 Tim Pertarauaeaa Aatht at
j SO and t:BO asd 0 sv
Mth TSAB WTXJb Cm aTaUm IT. -Sits
bora onoSgtAo for Eastern aawl
Western oollegeo.
Includes a orlmanr ' and . ctsjnnaar
oehooL .
Bardina 'kail On ertrla aJPnvdliiw fta
comforts and care of A refined home.
OfBoe hours dartna tho Bummer frees
a. tn. te 11 m.
For oatAloAuo wrlto to' tho adflrs -
glren abora
Dr. Sanderson's Compowd
Sarin and Cotton Root ,
The best And only relieve
remedy for . Belays i
rlods. CnreO the most ev.
stlnate eaees in S to 10 daya Prtoo ft
er box,-mallei in plain wrapper. "
ress T. J PIERCE. M. D IftA T1...J
street. Portlsnd, Oregon.
Ilea Oold Crowns.. ...r... .',..r
11.00 Oold Crowns....... Mates
111.00 liatef . .. ........
SI1&T t i .........,