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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
:;vz:n;:o. -x::i. w t avow. .... f at. e W . .. a v qt AinirnirvT! in. .r-uiii.-j ulu. Spart Rooms) -JUnted and All ..,' :. Hotels filled to Over,V ; V " , -' i flowing. .; 6MALU COTTAGES ARE JN GREAT DEMAND investors Who Erect Them Assured 1 :V of Permanent Tenants and Good "v Profit on Their Investment, De -:r dares St'Johns-CWxen-5'- ' - Baal suae Department. ; : "With every ' spare room In the real- ,f . Banc district rented and alt the. Board - Ins-houses and hotels full every night. , 'Bt. Johns Is stlU nnabls ' to provlds . ' shelter for Its translant and. laboring : i nnniiliUnn " Skid a resident ex that eltv. JT "Folly ens third of tha men engaged 1a , our mills or factories ars forced to make the trip to and - from Portland ' dally bacauas of tha scarcity of board' ' Inr-heuses and residences." ' s . t There Is greet demand In St . Johns for five-room cottages. IKIi said that ' probably to. or 100 such buildings could - be readily rented for a sum that w6uld va 10 or 11 per cent on the Investment. jnqulrm developed tha fact that desirable - rasldence eltes can be had for IllO .to J0. A , five-room residence can be . built for MOO to f 1.000: IV eras sug gested that ' such a - house would be : taken long before completion at 111 per - month,' Thle would produee a handsome , - return en the money invested, a mucn - better rat than could be expected from l' similar Investment nearer the city. 'Another pressing need in St. Johns ie . said te be hotels. The hotele there now are email. It la thought that a 100-room JL .hotel . would pay- from the start. - The public-spirited cltlsens of the city would tie doubt subscribe liberally to the capi tal stock of such an enterprise; ,f Ex-Fostmlstress Clark's bondsmen are still la oharga of the St. Johne poet. office. They heve not been able to get -a poetofflce Inspector detailed to take . charae. . Mrs. Clark, who declined to have anything to do with the office. hae returned and Is now doing the cler ical work. Mayor Valentine le oloeely watching the malls, looking - for his commission to arrive from Washington. It Is said tbst ths excitement of a few days ago Is dying out. The committee from the mass meeting of July I has received a reply to the telegram cent to ' tha president, protesting against tha re moval of Mrs. Clark, but It has refused to make public- the telegram. The com mittee Insists that an Investigation has been ordered into the methods aaopiea for the -removal of Mrs. Clark and the appointment of Mayor Valentine to the vacancy, Edward Shams, end Frank King, both minors, were Tried yesterday before-Her. t order Thorndyke of St Johns, charged with entering a saloon and calling for drinks.. Ths bartender asked tbem their i as and both claimed to be. 41-years 4 - old. ' The bartender, not believing them, - stepped outside to-call a policeman, -"-when the ,boye,-ecomrag alarmed. jnrang out f a window . and ansae exi They) were afterward caught by the night policeman. At the trial both beva deeded guilty. The recorder let - King go on parole, but fined 81mme $16. - Carolina him on -condition mat- na '" would earn the money and pay hia One. Blmme le net considered a bad boy. bnt . the recorder will keep a close watch on him. He was required to make fre quent reports to the court. .- At the meeting of the. MonUvtlla ' board of trade Tueeday evening the an ' nounoement was made that In a few i days Bull Run water would be turned Into the matna of -that suburb. - Work making1 tbe connection between the cfty main and the Mount Tabor reser voir, from which Montavllla gete Its '.. water. Is under wey. A committee waa appointed .to see the city engineer end ask that the grade of 1 Montavllla's treete be eetabllshed as soon aa poa . alble, with a view to putting tn water and gas mains In advance of permanent street Improvi The oommlttee having in charge tne banquet for thle evening reported that all arrangemente had been made.. There wltlTbr aa opm-alr meeting In fronref the echoolhouse, where the speechmak . Ing will take place, after which the club end Invited guests . will repair to Cap , tain Schneldere garden, on the Base Line road, where the banquet will be served. ' r ' . " " TTTTTs '.Y The council end City Engineer Oood rich of St. Johns are at loggerheads ever the council's action In ordering the . engineer to change the grade of Hayes street. The contract ror.tne improve- 1 ment of that-street had-been let when- the council, In response to the demand ef a: majority of the .property-holders , thereon, ordered that the grade be changed. The engineer eaye the coun cil had no right to make such en order. without the signature of all the prop-erty-hoidere affected;-that It -may bring on litigation, with the result that the - entire eost of the improvement may be . thrown, onto the city. , ; ' . The silver medal eonteat held last I nleht-a Blokners hall under the aus- nlces of the W. c T. u. or nt. jonne, ' was participated in by eight St Johne women. Tne contest consisiea or reci . tetlons. both original productions snd selections from well known authors. the medal was Awarded to- Mrs. Bat- rhett. a member or tne local w. v, x, U. An oral and Instrumental musical program had been arranged for the occasion by Mrs. P. I Young. Miss AmyiHoland. Mrs.-rMseWrlght Mlse v Lillian Perkins. Joe Blsck and B. U Perkins. These eonteete are i held at frequent Intervals - by the women of the St. Johns W. u. x. u. CLUB WOMEN KNOW r ; r NOTHING OF. SCHEME It having come to the notice of club women that a part le soliciting adver tising i from the business Arms of the city, purporting to be -. tot a woman's club book and supposed to be author ised by club organisations of ths state and city, the undersigned wleh te etate that they have given no one the privilege of using the club name for euch purpose and they know nothing of the enterprise. MBS. SARAH A. EVANS, . .i President State ' F1eratl6n.' MRS, W. WTNN JOHNBOW. t ' , President Portland Woman's Club. . Weeeea 0)dd Fellewa ZastalL (Mpeelal Dlspeteh te The JottraeLI ' Weston, Or., Jul 1. Weston lodge, Ko. II, I. O. O. r have Installed the following officers: B. B. Hall, noble grand; J. B. Gross, vice-grand; C. B. Williamson, secretary; S. "A. Barnes, treasurer, .s.w.h : : ICilh . GllflHD FRIDAY Ecouom SILE A CI1MXE T0 CHOOSE , A Summer Dress Valuel from W.0OMr..V.1rM;, .777. Tfa.O To'lsuo at . .;...faa.a5 half. ;;;v;;riVM';j.7;u;g7- prick ;; EVERY WASH DRESS IN THE HOUSE r'T7; ':. -; INCLUDED! ; . . ') Here,' a '.most opportune of- fenng. Right in the ' midst of need-time y, it comes like forty pounds of -sugar for v.V a dollar when can ning season opens, or a man at a um ; mer resort For a ' two-day special sale in the Grand Salons of Dress Second Floor - Friday snd Saturday, you may pick, snd c noose from all the Wash Suits in the depart ment the largest stock in the city Re embracing every late -and popular style S " and material shirts : waist -ef f ectSr Etons,- coat in box or three quarter models, boleros, blouses, etc White and au the dainty fetching colorings that .charm the summer taste. .Materials of mull, lawn, ; organdie, duck, chambray, linen and ginghams, prettily trimmed .with Isces, braids, buttons and ' dainty, handsome - eyelet . embroideries - and Irish crochet lace. Fashioned with faultless workmanship. Values starting st $4.00 and reaching no to 558.50, (6r Friday and Saturday at HALF PRICE. s -r. i MIDSUMMER BARGAINS In YEAR 'ROUND r n Dress Go , Values that demonstrate leadership in 'low price making styles and qualities that add to the store's prestige as a fashion depot . .. . ; v. Colored Dress Goods Remnants," in all weaves and colors, and all lengths suitable' for suits, skirts snd waists evening shades included. - - ForFriday-tmlrrr; i .......... HA T.F PRICE Regular 50c sraae of Sheoherd Check Suiting in black and whiter-navy- antf white, brown .antr ' whit, inH areen and white: also a laree line of . r llCAs - ill iuui uuuuaicu eat uve ee neat stripes: unequaled valuea at the regulsr mmt i'M "price. Special for Friday only, yard. ........ Se DEPENDABLE BLACK MOHAIRS ' Dust and Wear-Resisting Fabrics Very Stylish. Imported Black Mohairs for. Less on Friday . , Regulsr $1.00 grades for, yard ............84 .Regular $1.23 gradTfor, yardm77nr;;7-.ii J - Regular $1.50 grades for, yard. ........ t-21 AN UNEQUALED .VALUE , In the "Silk Store 99 ' ' Special Friday Fifth Street Annea First Floor. 19-inch All-Pure Silk Tsffets. unequaled 85c quality: , . vn white, ivory, -cream, black and all wanted shades. Special for rndiy only, yard ........ oaf "ABEWITCHINOBEVY OF-BEAUTY AND : .' BARGAINS ' : lnomen-s Summer z Haberdasherie ' ;-- . - - -. ' -Scan' the. List Special -Friday Only in tha Taney "'-'; '.Goods Shope" First Floor. -" . ' 15c Linen Handkerchiefs 10e Richardson's All-Pure Linen Handkerchiefs with hemstitched edge: our 15c value. Special Economy Sale price, each.lOe or one nan aozen ior........,...............uer WashBelts for S5e-Aew- ltne--of-WashBelU In. white, light blue, Nile and pink; with the new Johnson clasp, made to fasten in the back. .'- Special Economy Sale price, each.,.,.......75e "lOc Turn-Over " Collars 3c Embroidered Turn-Over Collars in white and colors: our 10c value. - ' . V' Special Economy gale price, each...,.-........8 Hat Drapes and Auto Veils, fori Half AH Ready. to-Wesr Chiffoq Drspes and Automobile Veils - e i a . e .it s V 1 irom ift yaras to j yams m icngtn, in an aesiraoie colors, special for f riday economy aie at. .................. a...... ......HALF PRICE Bralda and Guimna for 9c-A lot of Persian Braids " ' and Guimps in an assortment of stylei values to ' - " . c- i : . t a - - OJC special economy oaic iub yaia. ...'' & Bargains im Hisses - 'ffi ... 7Z- Petticoafsrff ""V ".. "'!' '' Second Floor. '.- ' --'' ' Misses' 15c Petticoats 59c Misses' Fine Muslin Petticosts with' wide double flounce of fine csm- t brie, cluster of 5 fine tucks snd under ruffle, extra- on it l u.- I . M k . ..-..i.- .1.... or. Sped al . . . , ........................ . V .'. B 0 f - Children's Wash Dresses 18c A line of Children's Wash Dresses in pink or blue check and striped ginghsms, "Mother Hubbsrd style, yoke snd siceves in Draia xnmming, agea i w Special, each ...... ...asf 0LD5, VJORTudU & KIM isa vl ".L,.1: -':-j"Jz . v.; ',r :-,:, A U A OMORRQW will witness a vast merchandise moyement-which .phall bring ' I you a harvest of extra values in exactly the things you want to buy, and at 2: M the samft time aid in assuring us a clean, bright stock when, but a few weeks hence, .the. autumn season opens.'' V:V;.';XS : W ODERN methods of- merchandising say, "Carry nothing over clear' out your overstocks, begin the new is least loss." " Sales like that of bargains are irresistible 1 ORTLAND'S greatest, foremost store VJL department , youll find evidences of thorough louse-cleaning.,, Come in .the morning, early; .take your time; shop leisurely, get your full share of the truly : remarkable values in the store's 168th Friday "Economy Sale." . v . WHot Weather Special in 4 , ; ; Corset Cover Don't miss it or you'll miss soma change foe, your -purse.':: Annex rSecond. (Floor. ; , ; ' ; . 80c and ,90c ; Corset Covers 4'e f CorserCovera ' stamped, on fine nainsook in French and English -'. T eyelet designs enough material for working; regu ' - lar values 80c:and 90&- Special.. ......... ,..'.4Te A "House & ' important to Housewives : "v .-;1: jT-; Special Friday Fourth Floor. .. . COTTAGE RUOS REDUCED A. fine assortment , - of Handsome ' Cottage Rugs, reversible, easily clesned, just the thing for your Seaside home, or' r. country bungalow-'. '" .- .T'-'iSl. " .': ' Size 18x34; regular value $ .65 Special.. ..... ,.S9e), Sise 30x54; regular value $1.50 Special. ........ 80s) $1.50 Couch Covers $f.l5 Tspestry Couch ' Covers, ' Persian stripe, 60 inches wide, 3 yards long; regu y, lar value $1.50. Special... .......fl.15 Handy Odds and Ends Along Bargain Rov;'' Friday Extra - Specials In tha 'First-Floor Small . - Wares 8bopc . Scr Bottler Csrterr InkSpecial .TTmrrrrnWnS -19c Box Japanese Twilled Linen Writing Paper Special ..tae 25c Portland and Oregon Review Book Spec1.15e 25c Crepe Paper Lnnch Set Special .T. . , . . .ITsVt 50c Best Hesvy Cord Shopping Bags-Speci'al..35a ;! V 5c Double Sheets Tanglefoot Fly Paper Special ...10 it , 25c Whisk Brooms Special. ,'.J.'.;:.J.V.19e ... 4 25c Box Allen's Footease Special...... 19e) ' 5c Bottle Petroleum . Jelly Special . . . . ; . . . 8e i '. ! Perfumed and , Borated Talcum Powder; . (. : Special . . . . ,v ".77. . . 5 iU 35c Plain Shell Side Combs Special. :.a5e ' 10c Cube White Heeded Toilet Pins-peciaf.;7.6-.f-' .Card Best Quality Safety Pins Special.......... 4) Csrd of 1 doren Pearl Buttons, all sizes ?TprfigT ...'...5eVi-1 Sc Darning IJeedleSflOsrdpecial ..,..,.. 8e) - Specials arc for at less than regular, Givett Away lFree ;U'.; 9 TO 10 A. M. , ' .:': . '. ,". Women's $4-00 Garden Ties for $2.89 Women's . Finest Demi-Glare Garden Ties, msde by Hallahan ' k ' Sons,, hsve goodyear ( welt sole, Cuban heels,' . wide fat silk bows; one of the popular shoes of the season; our $4.00 value. Special for " one, hour .82.89 10 "TO 11 A.' M. - Women's $4.00 Shoes for $2J9 Women's Patent Kid or Black Vici Kid Driss Shoes, msde with light weight' turn soles, medium ieel snd fitted with dull tops. A. very handsome shge, shown in four different styles. Our $4.00 value. ' Special for one hour at ... i. ...... 7. . .77.7 7:77T7f. r.7.. r. f 2.89 : ' 11 TO 12 M. Women's $2J0 Oxfords - $1.69 Five styles Jn . Women's Kid Oxfords, with either light or heavy soles, low or medium heels snd in blucher or regulsr cut; our $2.50 value. Special for one ' , hour only at. ....... ............. .9 l'.vT . '..llj 12 TO I P. M. ... Men's $3.50 Oxfords $29 Men's Patent or Gun-"- metal Oxfords, in two styles; with hesvy welt soles, , blucher cut; wide Isce. -They're right fin every respect. Our $3.50 vsluel Specisl for ' "bns hour at..- fa.69 Fi:X Sixth ind WsshhysnSts. - j' r- V',-.,. ,.-r.!..;.-'V-,-'.-:.'"- "'-. wmmm season with fresh merchandise; first loss tomorrow help powerfully to dean up- the ""'o-' '; :':-V i- '.'.' Is alive from sill to roof-tree. In every Another Startling Millinery " ; ; SensationI 500 Hats IK., 50c :r;: - " ' Every Hat will go; better he early. Whst woman wonY buy an extra Summer Hat at such a price I There are only 500 in the Offering; all the sesson's favorite snd smartest styles in. Turban, Sailor and high-back models,' in a color range covering navy, black, white, reds, browns, etc Regular prices are $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 best values in the city at these prices. You choose from sny on Fridav i f t ? while they last . TT-T'. 4t ch"";-Ti ;,Tr.;7r; t. .BOeV ..I t ; ; Women's 25 Wests 18c White Lisle -Vests, tow neck, sleeveless; regular value 25c Special... 18e Women's 60c Union Suits 45c White Lisle Union ? Suits, low neck sleeveless, knee length; regular -i-iyiluejSOcSpeeial.;. .4Se !A7bmen'a5cUhW Suits S5e-White Lisle Union Suits,, long sieeyesj ankle length; regular value 75c. jChina: Capitulates Prices Fait With af Crash! Bur No -Regrets to Re- port" Follow tha Fall. . , : . HAVILAND CHINA DINNER SETS. .. . Third Floor. Rose decoration; heavy gold edge, gold handles and anoDs ,. ; ,i .-;;,. . ; 60-piece set, regular value $33.65 Special.. 923.00 100-piece set, regulsr value $45.35 Special.. $30.25 112-piece set, regulsr value $5075 Special.. $34.95 Thin White Chins Cups and Saucers, good quality, - plain, tsnsooth china. Special, pair. ,10s) 10c Bottle Liquid Veneer Furniture Polish Sod . 5 25c-Long-Handle Dust Pans Special........... 15f 5-inch Garden Trowels, regular 5c Special..., .,3e) iildren's sets Hoe. Kake and bhovel; regular -valuTlOc Sp1l7Ti e An Hourly, Sale of P?' Good Shoes " r tha hour advertised only, and Shoes will not ba told prices except at such hour. .9 TO 9-A. M. ''' , One bottle of White Canvas Cleaner with every , ' pair oi until onoes pncea up irom.. , ,,, ' - . Or a 25c size bottle' of White Calf or Kid Cleaner with every pair of -"- -Shoes or Oxfords priced up from..M.., .........f2.00 .: t TO 2 P.' M.,; :- ; i - Msn' $5.00 Tan Shoes for $2.79 Men's Tsn Shoes , in four styles sll smart and down-to-date lasts blucher or regular cut, welt soles, perforated or i plain vamps; values to $5.00. Special for. one hour at.. ..j. ........82.79 , 2 TO S P. M. ' , -. Women's $5.00 Tan Oxfords $2.69 Women's Tan snd Chsmpsgne Oxfords, with, welt or turn soles, ' French or Cubsn heels, blucher or regular lace take your choice from our entire stock values to $5.00. Special for one hourst,.. ....... ....8 2.69 y --r- ;ito 4 p. u., . -.:.- A mixed lot of Children's Shoes, Oxfords and slip- -r- pers values tn $1.50 , , Sizes 6 to 11 Special for one hour at...... .69 Sizes Uito 2 Special for one hour at...... 91 --. J 4 TO S P. M. Girls' $2.50 Shoes' for $1.49 A broken line of Girls'' Shoes in patent and kid leathers is different styles sll good vslues to $2.50 sny sise to 2. Special for one hour at........V.,.......f 1.49 " ' j ' ,' ; S TO 6 P. M. T" -Boys'-Shoes and Oxfords A splendid. assortment, embrscing tens and black in grain and bright : ; '; leathers, in blucher or, regular eut; values to $3.00 Sizes 9 to2 Special St.. ....... .....,..1.69 ' Sizes 2 to 5 Specisl at... ...........f ..81.89 160th GRIMD Fmonv Ecouonv sm A MONSTER SALE OF A WHOLESALER'S - . ENTIRE ... FOR MEN WHO'RE USED TO PAYING 50c . FOR SOXt FOR MEN WHO WEAR THE 25e ; GRADE OF HOSE, HERE'S WHERE YOU CAN JOIN FORCES AND ALL WEAR 50c Our alert and able ; buyer has "'come a coup" on the hosiery market . that wilt cause - competition to "sit ' up snd psy at tention tomor row. Thro' favor-; able connections he has . secured the sesson's sam ple line of Men's . Hosiery from one of the largest wholesale men's furnishing houses in 'America. Of course the stupendous variety pre cludes sny extended description in detail. Suffice to -ssyr-Every-new-textureTindTOpular coloring is embraced in the off ermg-ThousandSHOf ; pairs rto choose from. Every late psttern and style effect is included. Here's a chance- for the - man - who habitually wears a 25c pair of half-hose to pay a trifle of 4 cents a pair more and get the 50c Socks. And the men who wears 50c "hosiery csn buy it from the biggest , assortment he ever picked from at a saving of 21c the pair. For we're going to sell this immense lot of fine hosiery as we bought it at about 40 per cent discount vis.: Regular 50c values in tomorrow's offering at a choice for, pair.. .. ... .89e) 7 A Merciless Cutting oi 'r Remnants in Jhe 1 1yaaSftC - Take Any! 7 r : Pay Us HaUt 7';T: Every woman who has' waited for the bottom to drop out from Wash Goods stocks will please listen and sh elL Jiear the Jthud ometomorrowchoosev- sny remnant of White or Colored Wash Stuff s, for making pretty summer frocks snd waists and skirts. In thehOUse ANYTwe said-pay us the priceahd-. we'll hand half of it back to you as your '"change.' IT'S HALF PRICE. - Midsummer s? Jewelry Specials . Annex First Floor. 50c Beauty Pina 35c Small Size Beauty Pins, solid : gold fronts,' plain .and beaded edge designs, in Romsn or polished gold,' 2 on card; regular value 50c Special ...,.35 65c Long' Bead Chains 45c An sssortment A tur - ' quoise, pearl, black, jet snd cut CrystsF Bead ' Chains;- long strstfds; regular"value 65c.' Special .,.4 ...45V 75c Gold-Filled Hat Pina 49c A line of pretty'new Hat Pins, applique onlaid work, gold-filled tops, . extra, long stems; a variety, of designs; regular -value 75c, Special... 49s) . .. L , - . ' - - - - - t v- "" . ' ' et. kA.s ewa near) s.n1 sivn a Am- -, , iaaatiH VV " ! i, "4,a evu vi v.- signs; regulsr vslue ioc - special,... - AH OPPORTUNE SUE OF;'..::'.'' ; Beautiful Parasols Annea-First Floor. ; . Mi-lady of Fashion, to be per- -fectly correct jn every detail of her costume, must carry a smart psrssol.., . , , ' We have made it possible for outo possess . a parasol marvelous beauty at' compara tively small cost by offering our entire stock of White Parasols at an astonishingly low figure. , , . These beauties sre of dainty white silk with Dresden borders snd flowered in pastelle color ingsand may be used with all gowns. . , ' ,. . Whits Parasols! fluff ily trimmed with Isce and em- broidery; our $25.00 and $20.00 values. "Special Economy Sale price, each'... .V..f t8.T5 White Parasols, all Valenciennes and Oriental lacs ; trimmed; our $17.50 and $15.00 values. ' .Special Economy Sale price, each... ...... .f9.T5 Also some very hjmdsome Parasols in fetching de . signs: our $12.00. $12.50 snd $13.50 vslues. SpeciaLEconomy -Sale price, udw...rnn ,7.T - Women's Handy -llandbzgz . ' Anns-First Floor. : ' ' ' ' Women's $2.00 Handbags $1J9 Small S'.tt V.t- - bags,-new-envekpa style, wim button c. ,y 1.. ' side metal toin frame with compartment on tnhtt tside strso hsndle on top; in Mack snd trc Morocco leather; regular vaue tv.uu. special .... , - Sample Line of Men's Hosiery 3 (L Pair I HOSIERY I ; !Vl ;4 r 0 ' , ...