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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
THE DnEGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. . TIIUH1DAY EVEIII0, JULY, '. 13, DILLS OF HEALTH L mm . TO DAKE r.lOUE BOARD DOT MET This Stock Will Advance to 65c at Midnight, July 21 Portland" Branch Will Try to - Make Pac With Industrial .Vv-v Unionism Pooplo.' M-.. Estimates Have Been , Exceeded and Dsbts Cannot B Paid s 'Thia Month, r COOCI 1) ......... u ! TRADE AUTONOMY TO' - . PROPOSE NEW PLAN V - Will - Atk That ; Commhtc . Be Ap- pointed to Draft New Constitution Modifying Jjfeuei.Be, tween the Two Branches of Unionism in Portland. COUNCIL REFUSES TO ; MAKE- APPROPRIATION i: 'At the regular omUiii of the Port land Federated Trade council tomor row night the edvocatee of what la . , known aa Industrial unlonlem will In- 'troduce resolutions looking- toward tha . . , Morgan lsatlon of tha American Fader , ,.tlon of Labor along Industrial unionism , jinee. The two principles of unionism, known - veepecttvely as trade autonomy end in dustrlal unionism, have eeoh their local . aa . weu as their national champions. 'The American Federation of Labor la now organised along trade- autonomy ' Unas.' Industrial unionism, however, is .arrowing rapidly in popularity, and it is .considered to be only a question of time until the reorgsnlsers are In the ; majority. - - President Oompera, though ' unqualifiedly with "the conservative vle- ment in a written statement some time : ago said that the American Federation bf Labor la gradually; drifting toward "s Industrial unionism However, bis bit ter opposition to the new movement has , caused tha organisation of a rival called - the Industrial Workers of th World. - with a membership something Ilk 106, 9ft- Tha . Industrialists in the local trades council hop by amending their .national constitution to reunite th two rival bodies. . They propos ' to strike V something of ' a medium between th two sets -of principles. - k Th principle of Industrial unionism would tend to bring about a more com part body of the organised workers; trades would work more In harmony in case of labor troubles. When the prlnt-,-, ers strike, for example, under industrial unionism, th pressmen would strike also.. Different trades would not "scab' on each other. -' The resolutions to b debated tomorrow night set forth th changes that would take place In union organisation if this- new principle were ; adopted, . Th resolution - read as ; fol- -lows: . ' ' . ' -'.:; ., Text of aUeoluUomr , "Resolved, That a Commute of two. each from - th printing and building trades, brewery workmen and water--front, be appointed to draft a resolution to be presented to th American Feder atlon of Labor, this resolution to read , ' ;and declare Jhe following, prlnclpleei. . "That the American Federation of ' -Labor appoint a committee to draft a - constitution to contain , th - following . prlnclplee: ' t, "i every traae in any inaaeiry enau draftTtswiragreement we to hours and Attempt to Pay Bills With Free Con cert Money Fajja Oil, Tanks on East Madison Street Are ' Dia- cuaeed Qaa Franchises Xmended. :- '-'A "wsgee"" subject to approval of .the Inter national , ';, ..' ..- ' ,t .. Td "J-a-taeh -trad shall appoint ' a'com- . mlttee of on, whose duty It shall be to enforce th agreement of alL at one and the same time. V "1 No industry shall make any con ' tract which will prevent It from aaslst- . Ing any Other Industry or labor union. -"4 In case of any trad In an tndus " try"EavIng "any trouble, th ease must ,be presented to all unions, and tf they 'decide strike a necessity, th executive board shall have power to call all trade out, no International having right to ; Interfere. ' ., j ' ; .v- ' Any trad union in any Industry " eruslng to affiliate with .th Others, - with th consent of th International Us charter shall be revoked and such trade .- will not be allowed to be represented . n ny trades council. - , - This committee after having finished . Its work shall send a copy of th sam to every International union, every ' every trades council, and also present ' a copy and report to the next conven tion ef. the American Federation of Th eouneil last night showed a disposition to favor an expenditure for health department supplies at th x pen of- th free oonoert appropria tion, and an InUrestlng decision ' was avoided only by th discovery - that has already been promised for municipal music and oannot be diverted; The est! mat ee for supplies for th isolation hospital and several other items of th health board have been exceeded this year, and th eouneil was asked to appropriate 11,00 out of the general fund to cover th deficit. By a vote of sla to eight - th members declined to do. so, and a number of bills oannot be paid this month, or until the council makes some provision to halo out the health board. - Soon after this th appropriation of 1,80 for municipal concerts cam up. Shepherd declared that the health de partment should be looked after before free muslo, end a hot dlsoussion was Just about to begin when City AudUoT Devlin called attention to tne raci tbat-ILtOO had been Included la th estimate of the park - board, and that publlo subscriptions had been - mad with th understanding that th city would giv that sum. - "- ---.-f-v--r Bo th muslo versus health argument died before it had a . ehano to get started. " - - ' . ' . , OU Stakg Plsonssed. Th council want Into a committee ef th whole to consider th removal of th oil tanks on East Madison street to Portsmouth, ' but at . one . recom mended that th health and polio com mittee of the council tackle th ques tion, , Last September-Mayor Lane employed accountants to check up th books of vary department In th elty. Though it is understood that their report was filed with hlra some time ago It haa never been made publlo. City Auditor Devlin and City Treas urer Werleln have considered tbey were resting under an Imputation as long as tbs report was withheld. Last night they requested the council to employ experts who should go over their books. Books Straight Soya Mayor. Mayor Lane stated that bo had th report of his own accountants, and that he would flle"thUwIth--he-counea nd thus ovoid needless expenditure. He declared this would be available be fore th next meeting. 'He declared very thing had been found up to th lmark... : ' Both th "McCusktr 1 and th 'Colsou gas franchises suffered further amend ments. The bonds of 1 60.000 will . be declared forfaited ir is not ex pended en mains within three years. . Th subway frsnchls was amended so that th company operating th lln need not fill Eaat Stark street. It was declared this would be an economical more and Messrs. McCusker and Keady, the promoters of the enterpriser-were willing to Include that provision in the franchise. If rn executive board plaoes a higher valuation upon th franchise with this provision out out, th city will be th gainer, if not th property owners of East Stark street will lose and the city as a whole won't be ahead anything. The vote on this was: Tea Bennett, Dunning, . Kellaher, Sharkey, Shepherd. Wallace." " No Annand, Gray, Masters, Menefee, Preston. Wills. Ab sent Balding. Rushlight and Vaughn. Mayor Lane broke th tl by voting for th affirmative, -( '' r : : rroteav Against Permit. City Attorney McNary and Building Inspector Spencer protested ' against ARMISTICE BEGINS . IN CENTRAL AMERICA ' V (Joanal apecial Serviee. '- Washington. July 1. The Ouata mala armistice began this morning. The - government notified th commissioners ' appointed by th Guatemalans to meet ' on th Merblahead at Saa Jose today. , 4 .. . . i -1 PtefaHed Stock maad Oooda. ' "' Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. o -: Thts is Swimming Time. Bathing Suits or boys Vof all ages from 6 to, 60. rThe kind -that will -not-" . betray one'sconfidence. , Two-piece Suits, 50 to $2.50. i J-Trunki, 15fV25fV and 50. ;-; ' - Men's Sleeveless Combi nation Suits, $1.50 r . , We've . everything that Men and Boya wear at saving, prices. V . . GlolliinqCb Men's snd Boys Oatfltters. k ST, 166 AND 161 THIRD , Mohawk Building. It Has More Than Doubled in Value Since Last September lt; Vill Soon Double Again I have madcViriillions of dollars for thousands of people by my to make mil lions more This stock has increased in value more thah 100 per cent since September 1st, 1905,. Theaturaiih itiLsbbn.' stock should make jalife income for you. Hetty dreeri, the Richest Woman in the World, Says: ; "The Way to Get Rich Is to Invest In Ne- ' cessitles." y; , W- P Th BIdwell eold motor ts on of th rreatest nossttls of th twentieth century. This stock ha already taken five Jumps up. Now is th time to buy. ItVllI ao hicher In a few -days. Th profit la yours. Don't opeoulat Invest, Her you bar a necessity. Look at this Hat below. Every on of these people mad his fortune by supplying some (rest necessity: ..,..-- Vandertmt . Frick Gould Morgan t ' - Whitney ; - Edison Belmont ; r , Stanford Mackay ' . ' Moor Marshall Field Leeds Leiter . 1 Harriman Armour: l: Pullman " Swift " ' - ry': Here, Is th wsy manufaoturtnf atoeke In necessities lump: '- - - v ... 'JUmwH eold iretr eaU at The BOeoMe Trust .................. ,15 ,... S1ST4 , Quaker Oats, sommoa l. ..dee , : -Sl-00 ., Amertoaa edletot, aomsaoay.. .;...... .S3 - . - S100.00 amenoaa may ...... v... .......... see ib4o And this Is only a few. Safe and surer than life Insurance or trust stocks. . All thle-adraooe haa been mad la ten years snd less. v -.. Peter Cooper McCormick Carnegie , Rockefeller -Senator Clark Heinze ' Pillsburr Studebaker . . Fairbanks -' ersntlnf a permit te tn facino coast Biscuit company to erect a building af Slath and OUsan streets In direct vio lation of th building ordlanoa. Th members of th company hare been arrested . and th ess . is now pending la- th muntolpsl oourt Th- petltioB was turned down and th building In-1 spector instructed to stop th construc tion of th building. Nothwltstandlng th arrests mad work had gone ahead after th ease bad been delayed in th court. . The city engineer was Instructed to draw up plans for a proper ' disposal of th . waters of Hawthorn springs, which has been declared by the bacter iologists of the .stat board of health to b full of germs. . -. The ord lance prohibiting th sal of liquors In restaurants between 1 a. m. and I a. m. went back to th liquor license eommltte. , ' After- September I the council will meet, at I p. m. Instead of 7:10. , .: WILL BUILD STORAGE ; PLANT AT ABERDEEN (pcUl IHepeteh te The Joeraetr) Aberdeen. July It. It is the intention of r.T;. Halferty Son of, th Sea Beaoh Clam Canning compiany to- add a cold. storage plant to their establish ment at once. It 1 intended to hare th addition to; t he cannery .in opera tion by September It. Th machinery for It haa been ordered, and will, with the building, cost about 111,000. The building will .be 14x140 .feet, and will have a refrigerating capacity of It tons dally. . Th primary us of th plant wlll.b for tha cannery, t take care of a large amount of clame. . t My Patent Will Double the . Capacity of Any Motor C 7 The Bidwell Gold Motor It will supply the graateat neceeelty now known In th busi ness world. The demand la eo large that it will make all of us rich. If you wsnt to get In with me on this you will hove to be quick about It. The stock is selling like hot cakes. . I - haver made aa - oneuocaasful ' invention Sly , first Invention wee the eleotrlo fan. Juat as it la run .over - th oountry in hot weather. Z didn't get a patent on it, but eee what a tre mendous suoceea It la ' , V . - X nest Invented the trolley ear system. Just as It is run today, X made It perfect and suc cessful right from th aUrt. It has never been improved since I Invented It Look at the millions of money it has made for the stock .' holders. The etock of the trolley manufactur ing companies eold below lt eente a ehar In 1 ll and 14. Poor men could buy that etock . then. - Thouaanda" of Jthem did buy It. and every one who held onto. 1$ is a rich man today. ; . ) NO MAN ON EARTH EVER LOST A PENNY HE IN- : ; VESTED WITH ME , IF SO, I WILL MAKE IT GOOD Next I i Invented - the . railway car telephone system. It is a 'System by whloh passengers or " train erewe can telephone from still or moving - eara anywhere the same aa if aeetad In ea office. It Is a more perfect eyetem tn operation than any other telephone you ever eaw. Thle la on the road toward millions for the stockholders. . - THIS IS MY GREATEST " INVENTION t ' Now I have Invented something - bigger and greater than either of the above. ' It is called the Bidwell, eold motor. It is guaranteed not ' to burn out and la exactly the kind of a motor the steam railroad people have been looking for. " It will . change all the eteem railroad systems "over to electrie roadsr "because It win be cheaper to run than steam and can be run -faster and more . safely, than any p recent "method,;,.,',. ".. ;': . . I .;'" :' - " - .. . -- The one drawback th railroads have -had la changing ever' to electricity haa been that no motor aa at present made can be run 110 miles ' at miles an hour without burning out. It - ,v would melt the very wiree. ; By ueing a Bidwell eold motor a train ef care could be run from New' Tark tn a.. Jranoiaco-Jrlthniit a stop at the rats t tt nr 10 snllts an hnnr and ant even srar without a hitch. . . .. . .- 7 Beeldee runnlnar faster, they would be (more oafe end sure than eteem. cost lea ta operate and would laat longer than any other motor now known. .. . The Bidwell eold motor Is the greatest invention out alSoe X Invented the trolley car " THE OPPORTUNITY OP "A UFETrME; 7 V- X want to give every man and woman a ehance to with me en this, for 1, expect to make millions for the stockholders out of this new potent The etock will be eold on the square. There will be no hocus poena about preferred or common stock, nor any other soheme. trick or wrinkle by which anybody can be froaen out . Every dollar lnveeted will represent one hundred eente of the beet stock. Every shore will be exactly like evaqr other share. The profits on every share will be the earns ae the prom on every other ebare. In short, there will be nothing but a square gaol alt around. : : , - I have made a lifelong reputation for square dealing. X wlU personally see to It that every stockholder gets a square deal oa thle. This etock Is fully paid and non assessable. - - , la order to make It poealble for every man and woman to get In with me on this big deal X have decided to sell th stock until July tl only, at th following prices: ror. mrso jDirzu .. Zavemtor of the TToUey Oa gjitasa. tavento of the Beawny Oa ele- yhone ystem. Inventor of the BldweU Cold Koto.. Xareato ef the Wate SUoteie Oeov. eratos. SO share, S30 100 aharoa, a0 180 share, fsoi S0O Sharea, SlBO too She res, SlsO S00 shares, SleOi HO shares, Saooi 1,000 hares, 0O0 SOO sharea, 93,000. Slot ore SOOS share at this yrtee to any one person. . , ,,,.., ' ' Our Monthly Payment Plan SO sharea, $a cash, five aaoathly payments ef $ eaeh.' ' ' 100 shares, fio easa, six monthly paymenta ef ex0 eaeh. 150 aharea, SIS eaeh, six saomthly payments of flS.TS eaeh. aoo sharea, S17 eash, seven amoathly paysseatU of SIS eaoh. ' SBQ shares. Sal.ta cash, seven moathlv pavsaanta ef S1S.TS each- - - c - ' aoo shoree, Saa30 ase, aevem aaoauay peynMert of S8S.S0 eaeh. BOO aharee, feaJO oaeh, seven monthly payaaeata of fST.60 each. - ," . ' , l.OOO sharea, Seo eaeh, tea monthly paymeate of S55 eaoh. '.., . -" ' ' 1,000 shares, $400 eaeh, tea monthly pays ante of 9SS0 eaoh. . ' ... . . un au Mosm bt bastx bbat. bzvbbss kobbt obsbb, obsbb b . Special to Electric Men and Manufacturers - We ere now prepared to fill your order In our own factory, - We ar now manufac turing the Bidwell cold motors. We are taking orders for cold motors end oold generatore for aro and lncandeecent light od a guarantee not to burn out for 10. year. Also self cooling motors and generators guaranteed not to burn out for three years. .. ,j Be a Safe and Sane Invester and ' .Oetat Much of This Stock as ' ':4 Your Means 111 Ailow. tWllI Pay Yoir a Ufe Inw In Handssme Dividends. t C i S : ,; V ." v-. Kore money is made every day by Sood judg ment In Investing money than by all the labor ' .' ' and wages In the country.; " Stfe and shrewd . Investment In this stock will make f ortunea , ; Tou will - never get rich on wages. ( No one ' , . , Over did. iSvery man la this world who eyer- , got. big money got It either by speculation or investment Speculation Is unsafe. Tou stand -more chance to lose than you do to meke. In- " veeUnente are right the other way. Make, a ' . safe tn vestment end it la sure to bring you re- '. turns., - -I't ,-;., , '. " - ;, - - .. -- - Don't heslUte ' about this etock. It la abso V lutely safe and sure. '-- ''"' Here Isii Vital " Poiitit There never hee been a failure of consequenoe ' In electrical manufacturing.- atop end think of that All are Immensely successful. - All pay big dividends end have made their Investors wealthy. . .. - 'This company will soon be one of the biggeet ', In electrical manufacturing ' In the world.'- This . la bound to be so, because there le not a place . -now where a motor or generator la ueed but It will have to aoner or later change for the Bid- . weU eold motor or generator. Why? -"Beoaese we make' something better tbaa any ether kind, now known. ' "These Are Cold Facts You : Must Act Quickly. ; If you went some of thle atock at the present' low price you must come In now. There Is only a small amount to be sold at this price. believe that within a short tlm thle etock will be eelllng st It a aharc. . Thle ie your opportunity. It is a ease of com quick or not at all. Oi to our reliability and financial standing Bidwell Electric Col Chicago , The undersigned Is en authorised broker for the eelo of our etock la the west Cell and see him and let him explain anything to yon you do not Tinderstand. - - : - Offices Open Every, Evening Until 9:C0 o'Clock Saturday Until 10 . fall orders bearing postmarks ud to mldnlxht of July II will be aooapted at preeent price. If you cannot cell, write and" ask for our free booklet It gives full Information. Addreaa all orders aad inqulrlee to-"-. , " Broker ' 410 Eltel Bldg:., Seattle, Wash HERMAN STONEMAN IS DEAD ALTHE. DALLES AS TO FURNITURE POLISH. . (Special Dlptc te Tae Jooril The Dalles. Julv It. Herman Stone. man. aged 14, died in thla city y ester em polish aay morning at i o clock. - He had been a resident of this city for over Si years. He - leaves a ' wife and three children. He haa been troubled with Brlshfs disease for some time. XBBxaasTzoir With Ite companion a, heartburn, ' flatu lence, torpidity of the liver, eonatlpa tlon, palpitation of the heart poor blood, headache end other nervoue symptoms, sallow skin, foul tongue, offensive breath and a legion of other ailments, I at one th most widespread and de structive malady among the American people. The Herblne Treatment will care all thee troubles, to bottle. Sold by Woods rd. Clarke A Co. C ' The other day I published a receTpe for furniture polish that I had received, the claim being made by the contributor that She had used it with success. la the mail yesterday came a letter; that Is no doubt of interest to readers of this -column. The- writer.: Is .evidently a man of experience and one thing he mentlone about the way to clean furni ture I have verified in a talk with one of the best professional furniture reno vators Iri Portland. , My writer' says: "I think -you could -do much good by helping to put a stop to the enormous destruction of furniture caused by the application-- of home -enede. polish and the so-called furniture polish eo readily old to women. ' .... "Here are the facts about furniture There le not and never baa on the market - a polish that - is not destructive to furniture if used by a novice. It requires skill end patience to use even the best of it Whsn furni ture polish is applied to dingy furni ture It brightens the varnish (so does any oil or grease) but unleee hendled skillfully It leaves a greasy surface on which the dust settlea and la a ahort time forms a gummy coating over the furniture, which can only be removed by a skilled - mechanlo at a great e pens. - "Furniture which ha not been greased with furniture polish can be kept clean by washing with a' damp cloth follow ing with a dry one The dark stains, usually found on the beck aad arms of chairs, can be easily removed with gaso line or benslne on a cloth." When I spoke te a furniture reno vator : about polishes he ; said that la hie ebopieyerx piece was washed thor- , big ehopiayery p eughly with a ohamola that was wrlne- Ing wet After being washed and water usee iioerauy tne chamois was wrung out until it waa ae dry ae possible te make it and then the article waa wiped dry. The repetition of this operation, the fumltuee man ssld, would remove all dirt and the furniture would look as good aa new provided th varnish was not cracked. , AN IDEA IN SHADES. .. . . V - - Really handsome lamp aad candle hades may be made of Japanese rioe paper. Ueually the straw-colored Is used for th foundation and over this is laid a -out-out pattern. o& say, red, and on top of that An soma portions a blue or .a red, the Idea being to obtain a moeale effect The entire pattern la then outlined with blaok India ink. Th frame are either made to order or they may be bought for a emails) sum ai any ox law soopa wnere oriental goods are sold, ,. GOOD TO REMEMBER. ' Silk skirts will retain their freshness by being hung upside down when not in use. . Sew loops under the flounoee for the purpoee..:.:.. . . For washlnf challlee rice water 1 best Boll on pound of rice in fir quart of water. -When cool put the challiee In with rice and rioe water and wash well.-using the rice much ae you would soap. If no rinsing is used the rioe will have a good affect on th fabrlo. CHERRY SALAD. For the salad get a quart of th firm cherries and . atone them. Fill . the cavities with bit of English walnuts,, and lay on white lettuce hearts, cover ing all with a French dressing in which cherry juice has been ml sea. sprinkle all lightly with finely chopped parsley. This is a most delicious salad, especially with cream cheese snd wafere. PRETTY STITCHES. BlmbU stitches rhldf mar am em ployed aa trimming) for children's :3 -fic3 l -CD 0 d-n "CD "O 0 "C3 g mm WHAT THE iW - -r ' 'w NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY STANDS FOR 'Tne scientific, reconstructed baking industry, whereby the eoodness and' nutrition of Biscuit and Crackers . have been marvelously enhanced.; v y-'.V'r'r. The.ney, method 'of protection by which all dust, dirt and moisAire are completely excluded from the package 7 and the freshness and goodness of its contents are can fully preserved, ' 4;r -r r This is the trade mark which appears ;; in red and white on each end 0! the packagerasanabsolute pledge both -of the quality: of the baking and the purity of the packing. y . ; 11 tae ordiaar gtraasi crecksnv diSecsot tn baklnt different la never different la peeking. Mote palatable more etkfy mg BiereaaWtfees, Mdeo the pejest Graham post and baked . B a aiaaaei andsniput 0J7 by las National Biscuit Company, 4 A frocks aa well aefor the elmpler silk and linen dresses for grown-ups- ere alwaye useful and especially ao at this season of the year, when the summer wardrobe - le being freshened and re plenished, says New Idea. Of the humerons tltches the nnlver sally known 'coral or feather sttten is one of the most usefuli oretur In itself, It le. with a little Ingenuity, earrted outside the bounds of the common place. By working It In a aerpentlne line end -filling in th.e spaces with branches of th eeme etltch. a vine of any width may be made that would be especially attractive between tucke Or Insertion or for y yokes . and lower part of eleevee. Twisted late wreathe ' ,.; "'',' r. , It commend itself for the fine work necessary for babies' - clothes, ani) ltd eomblnatlons with other ' stitches are almost endless. Chsrmtng little veins' to be used la various way ar made by. adding French - knots, birdsey orj point rune stitches worked with "oa or more colore. . - -