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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
:.i::g. july u i::: C1.C3 Allovcr 1.000 yard allover Embroid ery for ' fronting- and ahirt waists. In Swlaa and nainsook) a superb collection of choicest patterns; a' great offering For Bargain Friday. tg only, , at. . yard .QUO tcoiiMio; 10.000 yere. ' Ftibrolderlea, ' Edg-tngs, with ln--riiin to match. I to la tnonee wue. In earn brio and nalnennk elojhs. an - endlrea assortment of choice designs to select from For Bargain Friday "f 11 only, at, yard. ..XilO Decree of Honor Delejatss ' Nam Officers and Make , Minor Changes In Laws. DtfclQy one BIENNIAL SESSIONS TO , BE HELD HEREAFTER r . i , ; J 1X J J3r O f r, -Of ! ' 1 Jaffa. , You Aro! Volcomo to Credit I l U'.IH II -I Monarch Ilanet S.00 DOWV '"". Extension Tabic ! 015.00 ; - f - ' - ' ' - . . , - - Extension Table, beautifully trained and pollahed a table that we'll guarantee you won't find el e where for a sent lea than 20. The top BWiurw 41 Inehea In diameter end extend to fact. Th - oonatruoUon and cabinet work ara ail of the very beat. You are ; cordially Invited to Inspect our Una of CM nine; table, whether you ' Tua w ww. or nvw . TV wTt ivn tnwH e. uy iv evv, V 'WinjliJliL. ;.,,- ; ' V.-4. ;.Yi v V; , PrcCcrpct29c tMtcl Cribs A YARD 1 1 ' ' An exoeHeoVtrade of Fibre Car pet that la worth double the price . asked. It ooraea on yard wide. -- In ' plain, striped or mottled ef- feeta. Fibre Carpet will outwear the finest kind of mattlnf and la lust aa oleau and ool. Juat the , . ria-ht floor covering for the aunu mar noma. - 55.35 Larva metal crib, prettily enameled In fcreen. pink and -cream. High aide to keep the baby from climbing out. Either aide can be lowered. A orlb that you wouldn't ax peat to get for leu than 18. . r the sum- - f ..." Oricntd Cushion Covers 29c 14 lnchee wide, with both aides alike, of Oriental taoeetrv, In- rich rede and greena with heavy taaaela on eaoh corner. One end la left open, eo all you need to do la Insert the cushion and sew It up. We only hav a few of these, and as they are worts. a great deal mora, you bad batter come early. ., . . , mmmm ( fix GOOD PLACE TO"TRD'tle-1 Highland Linen, regular 50c, special .............. English Hand Wove, regular 50c, special.;....... Hellen Dimity, regular 40c,' special.. .... Days ol the Week, regular 30c, specia ..... Scotch Raglan,' regular 60c, special.....;...;.;.. Antique Parisienne, regular 40c. special .......... t-Eton-HutbertrLtbraiy-t,abiaet, regular 40c, Special Eton-Hulbert Old Madrid, regular50c, Specianrr; I Loile' Damassu, regular 50c, special...... ' "Woodlark" Linen, per pound, special..... .W.V Dennison's-Letter Seals, special, box.............. Dennison's Lunch Sets, regular 35c, special:.;..; ' Fancy InkW ells, regularjSOc, special , r. Wj ri; yijoddard, Clarke O Co. VALLANTS ANTISEPTIC SKIN SOAP, bot. ...25 Stationery i..31 i . .35 . 304 .'.364 ...324 ...25 ...IO4 ...234 rr.4l4 x' I MICRO Keepi the icalp cool.'ttopt dandruff. t.. .... ..f lOO Liquor Department ! FAMILY AND MEDICINAL WNES AT MODERATE 'l:y:-; - .'. prices. M u :. "California Port,- fulluartrr7r. . . . . . . .' . . . ; . .25$ ' . Woodlark Officinal Port, quart: . . ..... 75 f Duroy Port; quart. '. . ; . .. . . ; . . . . ... . . . Xi . . . . , . . .81.00 : Ironduquoit Port, qiiart. i . . . . , . . . . . .V. . . . ...... $1.25 Extreme Fine Old Port, 1-gallon jugs...... ......... 90a .California Sherry, quart.". . . . . . . . ; ; . 25a , Officinal Sherry, quart.'. ... . . . . , . . .504 MWoodlark" Officinal Sherry, quart. . .... : .. . ; . . . . . . ,75 Seneca Sherry quart, i. .... ., . , . , . . ; . ... , ,91.00 Ironduquoit, Sherry,' quart.. i ....... ejl'.25 Cloverdale; Claret, quart.".;...............,.....;,. .254 Cloverdale Claret, gallon... .;..;.;,... , , 1.00 -"Woodlark" Burgundy,-Cabernet, Claret, Sautern and Zinfandel, quart. ... . .'. . tL. . .7. . vr. . . . . . . ...... .504' Angelica, Catawba, Muscatel, Tokay, quart.. r........50 ' I CUT GLASS New thipment Jutt arrived modestly priced. Cases Special . '. v ' .. Regular. Suit Caaes, ateel frames, canvas lined....;.. t 6.7 S Suit Caseis-brast trimmed, heavy lock...... :; 7.50 ' Suit Caaes, cloth lined, extra heavy trimmed.....: ; 8.50 " Suit Cases, leather lined, reenforced corner rr,,!! 9 00 ' Suit Cases, double acting lock, leather lined..... i 975 ' Suit Cases, heavy brass hinges and lock..,.... ,.12.00 Suit Cases, extra heavy sol leather, inside pockets : 14.00 Suit Cases, Japanese straw leather bound.. 575' Special. f 5.50 f 6.25 -'- f .T5 f 7.50 is.oo 11.28 4.50 BELL'S FRECKLE LOTION Remove! freckles and ' tan.. ... , , . r. 1 .f l.OO Past Grand Chief Margaret E. ' Her ' rin Give Eloquent Address in Re- ply to Greeting Brought by Com mlttee From Grand Lodge. . The" moat Important Item. Of bualneaa In the momlns; aeaalon of the Degree of Honor convention waa the election of the board of : truatees. Aeoordlna; to a chance In the law made at the laat national convention, ! the -truateee will no looker be the atandlnt off loera, but muat be ' elected , separately from the i. 'Ill,, Past Grand Chief Margaret E. Her. rin, Who Addreaaed the Degree of Honor Yesterday. ..'-t floor.-, Kate - J. Touna Mlaner -was alaoted to aerre alx rears, Margaret Houston to eerve four jreara and May R. Moorehead two year a. . The grand ehlef of honor and the grand legal ad vlctr were mad member of the board of truateea. and this board will have charge of the emergency fund. A look diaeuaalocv - followed the broaching of the question of . biennial J aesaiona, ana it waa nnaiiy aeciaea to hold them. - This afternoon' aeaaloni dealt cnieny vim minor enangea in Khe law and the Installation of offloar oain ae ihe laat order of buelneae be for :adjournmntrrTl-wrf floors ar: ... Grand chief of honor, Hattl E. M- Cormae of Marahrleld. r Grand lady - of -'honor, Harriet C Looner of Jefferaon. Chief of oeremonlea, Sadie SL Moor of Oorvalll. . , ; Recorder, OU1 F. Stephen of Port land, i- Receiver. Fidelia I. Mann' of Portland. . Uabar, Ada B. Kuykendall or Eugene. " Inside watch. Mora Hendricks of Mo MlnnvlUa , Outer watch. May. R. -Moorehead of Junction City. . , Superior repreaentatlvea Mary Ran dall of Portland, Margaret ' B. Herrln of Portland and Wild Belknap of PrtnevlU. ' , . . Paat Grand Chief Margaret B. Her rln gave an eloquent addreea yesterday In reply to the greeting brought In my men from the grand ledge. . She 1 con sidered on of the ablest speaker In the Degre of Honor, and will represent the convention ---at the , next , national meeting. ,..,. ; . LOCAL OPTION LAW: : ;;enforced,hesays 1 Local option ha succeeded in closing up all the saloon In Albany, and aa Judge Claybourne Stewart quaintly de acrlbe It, . "1 working hardship upon some branches of bualneaa." AU the aaloona and resort hare cloaed for bualneaa, or are oloalng, and when any of the. Inhabitant want a drink they have to com to Portland. The common remark mad la Portland hotel the days by visitor from the "drydlti1ota" la, "Ob I juat cam down to get a drink." . . - - AH of theae men stat that the law 1 being' rigidly en forced, and that the moat noteworthy result la the splendid condition of all legitimate bualneaa Judge Stewart told a Portland man who waa In Albany yeaterday that the In crease of business and the sobriety and general conduct of the community waa a aourc of wonder to all who made a tudy Of the condition In Albany before and after th new order went Into ef fect . ' On of the great eat features that ha been noticed la the Itttl city Is the cloalna up and moving out of Immoral resorts. On of th largest closed Ath other day, all th effect were Sold at auction and th owner lert lor uauaa, tating that such a place could not be run without th sale of intoxicant. - CLOTHING FACTORY ' V FOR MONTAVILLA To compete with Chicago-mad cloth ing, th Bon-Ton Tailoring company, a recently organised company, ha leased th Woodard hall property at Montavllla and will open a clothing factory ther. The building- i-a three-story frame structure and has been on of th land- marks of Montavllla. for a long time, It has lust been leaaed from Frank A. Sweeney, th owner, and th company xnect to hav th machinery installed and th plant In .operation, within-M dava "We expect to employ at leaat 100 peo ple," aald M. Rybka, th president of th company. "Thousands of dollar go to Chicago ovary month for suit which ar ordered from solicitor her. These sum are often - advertised aa made f Scotch, goods when It I a fact that they r mad of Oregon good shipped eaat and then brought out here agaln-when mad Into salt. We Intend to use much Oregon good a poeetble, and ean manufacture lust as cheaply her aa in Chicago and v th freight We will hav aaJeeroem an this side, but th faotory will b In Montavllla." . , 1 ' The Boat Btat - Oohuus or The Summep Bapgaino for' Active Buyero . Friday seldom brings s more liberal list of Bargains Offerings than this .page offers you- They're representative of most , substantial and generous savings. Economies that will, prove most helpful to the family financier. ' No string tied to them either in the shape of shopworn or unseasonable -goods. They, are all fresh, new and strictly up-to-date. Friday is a day . V of Bargains all through the store.; Every department has something special to offer, - -Barsoin Day Specials in ih Heiooi S There Is no uncertainty about our "Bargain Friday Offerings. Goods promised are always worth more .than ' prices named, as our thousands of cus- tomers have learned through years of " experience. ."''v--.. v.:.:a . ' V'". : J Negligee Shirts 98 These shirts are ' made of j best quality 'madras as well ' as a. few iri silk and wool. ' Have neat : collar attached; exceptional. values at . $1.50 and, $1.7 5. f For one day only Bargain Friday r. ........... . . .98V . Men's Fancy Hose All sizes in men's ". up-to-date Hosiery, double heel, and ! .'. toe, alt fast colors ; regular 20c values. . ; Special Bargain Friday. . . .. .. ...11 TMen's Fancy 'Vests f 139 All the newest styles in Men's Fancy Vests, a -" line of neat patterns in grays;" tansi"" whites; our regular $2.00 garment. Special Bargain Friday only...?1.59 Men's Golf Shirts 69s A new line of Golf Shirts in a large variety of neat t-T)atterris-fcnr8ummer-wearralr-shades7 . cuffs to match; regular $1.00 grade. Bargain Friday ...... V...... I -.69e) Men's Ribbed Underwear 39 Men's Tsummef weighrTibbedUnderwearTn blue .or pink, all size shirts and draw ers; a splendid value at 75c per gar- ment . Bargain Friday Special. . 39 , , Men's and Boys' Hats 10 We still , '.'i' have a few odds and ends in 'Men's and Boys' Hats in straw and canvas; values from- 25c to-75c To close Bar- gain -Friday :.10f Panama Hats An exceptionally good bargain in fine Panama Hats, all shapes; our regular $6.00 hat. Bar ; gam Friday , Special at ........ ,...f485 Remarkable Bargaiiis in Women's Read v - to - We ar Garm y ; ..-'.. ., . , . The highest qualities at the lowest prices. The price ought to attract at tention, but the garments themselves will fix it and make it impossible for you not to choose one or more of these, exceptionally fine bargains. i Wash Dress" Skirts Large collection of pretty .'.Summer Dress Skirts in all the -season's latest styles, plain, gored and pleated effects, in linen, pique, covert and cotton suit ings, white and colors. Special prices tomorrow 91.00. $1.25, A r A 91.50, 91.90, 92.95. . .-. :P40U C New Sliirtwaists ' -Jaunty nd-exclusive styles 4n- fine-Jap-Wash Silk Waists," made , with either long or short sleeves, open front or back, prettily trimmed in ;ri'ch ' lace, applique and medallions, large assort ment to choose from . t 92.50, li:S:2;i.!4::;:$6.50 Friday" Special - Prices 65s) $1.00 Wash Petticoats 69o Colored" Petticoats in, plain and fancy checks in fine quality gingham, trim Ined wilhTIouhce andTruffles; regular ly sold at $1.00. Bargain .Of Friday. ........... : .... . . -UyC $L25 Fine Iawn: Waists 59o An exceptonal ly good bargain in W om e n's Lawn 'Waists, in t white ; and xolorsrall-new styles,:, neatly trimmed ; regu lar 85c and $1.25 value. Bargain Friday only.. iT, ; 59 ( Clever designs in Women's fine White Lawn Waists, made up with dainty Dleats and tucks, lace and embroider- IcsTevery one underpricedBargain-Hrimmed-with buttons andr-stitched 01.50Waflh Dr'ss Sldrts 80o Large , assortment of ' Gray , Covert Skirts, made in 5-gored style, neatly ues. s; our reeular $1.50 val- OA. - . h w ai r-w Special Bargairf Friday $2.25 Children's White v Coats $1.59 - u y Full length double breasted White Linen - Coats," in latest . styles, large cifculaf conar7lrinimedwitn"appliqueT our regular $2.25 value. 0 PA 5peciaf.'..j.w..;,..;..:..v51.5y Splendid Bargains in Domestic Seotion " 300 WHITE LINEN 18c Bath Towels 12 Bleached Bath .Towels, 20x34, extra heavy,, and ab sorbent, made of good hard twisted thread ; regular 18c , kind. Bargain Friday ..:..r...y.. 12 ScKUowCaseirllf) Pillow Cases, BarCunter-.SpeolaU 20 dozen' best grade Percale Dressing gain Friday . .......... . . . . . . ; . . .llf lar, neatly trimmed with i braidand- V Zephyrs, in large assortment of checks ' m4iv i v- s was - aw s ca.j v- JJailcaill .'Friday .... . . . 1 . . . .35 Good assortment of Children's Fancy' IT... 1 . .. a - , nais, very pretty enects in mull. -1 ney come in white and colors. Bargain Friday oh sale at EXACTLY COST---oFTancy underwear; best 17c quality. '. PRICE.-: ? -t -f-Special Bargain Friday.. 12 and plaids, in light, medium and dark colors ; 25c quality, bpectal bargain Friday .... . . .. . . ... .... . . . . . .14 17c Long Cloth 12 36-inch Lon g Cloth,ne soft finished cloth, splendid ' -V J . Phenomenal Sale of Em for Women and Ckildren A great purchase consisting of an eastern jobbers' en-' tire surplus stock of high quality Summer Underwear goes on sale here tomorrow at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. ' - Justin the Nick of Time for a Great JYioay bale ; j Theitems advertised and many more too numerous to men tion will be placed on our bargain tables tomorrow at prices that should create a sensation. Not an item in the lot but what is worth more than double what w ask, although we call it a HALF PRICE SALE because we wish to avoid even the appearance of exaggeration. Come prepared to be agreeably surprised tomorrow because the .values. are the best ever offered. - ' ..- Women's Umbrella Style Pants, deep torchon lace trimmed, 200 dozen best 40c quality. Tomorrow. ........ 25 ' Women's Sleeveless Vests, b st - 20c quality. Tomorrow you , can secure these at, each, ..... . . ........ . . .10f Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, 50c graVle, fine combed Egyptian yam, sizes 24to 24- At half price, .i . .25 Women's Lisle Thread Sleeveless Vests, 25c grade, plain or fancy yokes, at ........I5f Women's - French Lisle T; Vests and' Pants, 75c quality, long or short-sleeve vests, umbrella style pants...... 39f Women's Union Suits, sleeveless, nice ly trimmed, full size ; 75c grade. To morrow at ... . . . . . T. ', . . . r.SS " JUST ARRIVED BY EXPRESS ; ' Owing to the scarcity of white para sols we could, were we so inclined, sell xthis lot at an exorbitant profit, but our I metnod of doing business is different. . We will lot pn sale tomor Tow-mornlngand question whetherr there will be sufficient to last the en-r tire day, so advise you to shop early. , 800 in the lot, made with hemstitched edges, Princess handles with tassels, enameled frames and tips. ' - ' C ' ; ..Tomorrow at. . . .".'.".'V,'. ; .". "T '.v.vl svO A Shoe Department Uade Busy by GiTi'g- Best Values j.:. "We can "! save you at least $1.00 a pair on Shoes. .we nave a corps ' of e x p e r lenced -shoe fitters and do , not ask any one - to purchase unless . thoroughly satis fied, both in fit and . etyleL . We . are ottering !for Bargain Friday Men's $3J50 and " $4.00 Oxfords, in ' .-, - -UdVCIIk ICllllCli - i vici and gunmetal, r in every new shape, at... .'....92.45 ' Girls' $1.75 Vici Kid Shoes, patent leather tip. ' Bargain Friday i Special ... ;.. ............ . . . . . .99 :Bpys' Solid. LeatherShoesf $2.00 val ues. Bargain Friday Special... .9V Girls' and Boys' Barefoot Sandals, $1.75 grade. Bargain Friday Special ...i......... CDs Women's Oxfords, in fine vici end Russia calf, light or heavy soils, Cuban and military heels;, best $3.00 grade. Bargain Friday ,...,...$1.37 ' '""''Extra' Cpcciali fa Icbcj We will pise on sal Fridty our entire tock of Altover Lse, comprisinf Vni. Oriental, Appliqu. Point ri, L'ari i and Bttist effects, with i ' '-1,' to match st less thsn eost r pnty. A gruni collection. . tunity. Jearsal ar latereaHaa; - to byet and