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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
Tins OREGON DAILY -JOUniJAU POI 1TLAJID, Tiiur.;DAY evz:ji::c. v I . - t HELICS EFFECT LlfRACULOUS CURES r ':;-;:,:4,,:',v;;,'l ; , : ; .... ;Throng Worship it Shrint of St. ; Anrti.inhurch : of , St. Jtan f ; Baptiste, Kiss Relics and WaJkAway 'Well Cross Eyes 1 ; Mads Straight and Sore Throats Healed, , ',-Vl flmti'lMtUI Barrtoe.) ' ; Xew Tora. Joljr IS. ralth In the be- ' . flat that, their afffltiona.wjW,.be curea .' ; by relics oC tfce ."Mother of toe Bleaeed 1 Virgin." hundreds ' of lam and blind , nta a4 chUdran attande ' tha ( annual Novena today and worehlped at r tha shrine of 8V Anna la tha Church of V SL Jaan Bapttete. a-: last : Savaaty. -; sixth Street. - -i- , " 1 ' '-' ' ! TWnWIni. yat: eonSdent thaa-al prerera arlll ba anewered, aach eoppll- V cant knelt at tha altar, ktaeed tha railo f and prayed devoutly, while tha affllctad, V sort Ion of tha twdy was nibbed by tha rallc bald In . tha banda of tha offlclat- i ins pi-teat . , Glrla aufferlnf tram eore throats bared their necka whaa , tha tiio . waa appuea to "-" tonalla cared whaa thay finished maaa and laft for noma. Ona of tha moat remarkable cures announced for the Drat 'day waa that of -year-oId Merit Nelaon. whoae eyea ware ao - badly oroaaad ' whaa aha - en tared tha church aha' bad to be led by her mother to keep from aturabllng. After an hour or 'more earneat prayer before the ahrlna.ahe Iert the tmuains; with her eyeaig-ht declared to be Tirtu- '.Quite .aa wmarkable was the ease of rear-old . Katie Johnson of Oranse, New. Jersey, who bad suffered .', from apaanta of tha eye every day elnce aha waa i year old until today, when, after a rlalt to tha ehrlna, aha apant tha an. ttr day playln with other children without onoe feellne; a aymptonv khs.?10'Soc;i Cui to fl:et SGX.D Steamer to Leave'on Initial Trip : to Ssattls Next Sat- ; j. -r urday. . ' ' I BERKELEY QUARRY IVRECKED BY DYNAMITE 8L0HUP. Superintendent FredericK non f i man Probably Fatally In- : Jured by Explosion. ' ' tfcaraal Saietal Sarftea.)' X V Saa rranclaoo, July A tarrifto axplMdon of dynamlta whloh waa placed Juat where It would create the araateet haroc,. completely wrecked the ensla loom of the boletlng-plant at tha quarry : at tha Barkeley Rock oempaay ia 'Oak- land yeaterday afternoon and ao aert--ualy injured Frederick .Hoffmaa. au- panlteadent of tha quarry, that It la -'feared ha cannot recover, j- ., - ' S Hoffman .waa hurled out of the en-fine-room by the conouaalon. and the ' bulldlaf which bouaad the machinery of . tha quarnr waa demolished. . " The- ezploaloa occurred: Immediately ' t after the noon hour. Hoffman entered -the enfflne-room t atart tha holsting anrlne . and a moment tater there waa a deafenlnft- exploalon. -, the conouaalon belnr ao heery that men at work aev . aral hundred feet from tha building ware . thrown from their eat. .Jiofman waa burled out of tha- room and waa a truck a tha body by numeroue placet of tha " wrecked en tine, one piece .of Jagged Iron gtrlklng blm on- the leg near the ankle and cutting hie fltth .to tha bona. , Chinese pirates get . ; ransoms from victims , J : - ; 'A " (Joaroel Special Berrlca.) ' ' Hongkong, July II. Plratea are ao- give throughout the Canton delta. : A Ituaalan tea merchant waa compelled to pay arranaoni of .00(T. Anr Amert can cttlsea named Lappa waa forced to i ray ItOOO for bla liberty. - Britlah con- ula are denounced by the tnerchaata ai weak. .- ? ' , .'- -T,.- ' i. - - i 1. 1.; i tt yoa have aot aaawared The goa. i sal Waat Ada lately yo have govtea ' at of Vraoh with thlaga. . MYSTERY FOLLOWS FINDING OF OLD VALISE Checks and Bank-Books Stored - - for Years in Rubbish Room of 'Frisco Hotsl. ' IeanaI Soeelal aerHee.) ':' ' Ban Joae, July l. An old vallaa, which' for the paat taw yeara baa been atorad In the ' rubblab room of the old Coamopolltan hotel -on North Market alreet, which "waa wreaked by the earthquake,- wag uncovered in a pile of rub blab In tha rear of tha building today by workmen, v ; - - - - : The oontenta showed the "vallae to nave been owned by Joeeph XL Thomp aon. wboaa laat addreaa waa Campbell Station. Other papers ahowed the man traveled ajtteaatvaly. ' It ' contained a number cf tax receipt! from Ban Diego county. ' Wearing apparel moth eaten by age. waa alao among tha Hat of artlelaa la the vallae. . ' A number of bank ehecke were found. alao bank booka. ahowlng tha owner had money deposited In eeveral eaattxn banks and the Walla. Fargo banks 'of Ban Francisco, whloh reached a sum of nearly 18,000. The police atarted aa in lnvaatlgatlon. but were unable to learn anything conoemlng tha owner. 1 TO ERECT NEW GAS v ; : PLANT IN SPOKANE (SpeeUl Dkveteh The JoermeL) ' Spokane. Waah.. July II. The Peo. pie's Oaa company, controlled by eaatera parties, naa aecurad a plot of ground for the new gaa plant Tha ground baa bean-leased-fog a term of-0 years and actual work on the construction will be gin in a abort time. . . . v .' . The buildings to be erected will coat In the neighborhood of $60,000 and will ba able to generate -enough gae -to sup ply ma neeaa or a large part of the city. A tank with 100,000 pounds, ca pacity will be erected at once. - Joaeph Supple decided this morning definitely that he. will s atart ' the- new eteamar, Klttap' for Pugot sound Sat urday morning. With a number .of In vltea gueafa tha steamer will leave. Mr. Supple'a yard a at . 10 o'clock in ' tha morning, gaily decorated with flega and pennanta. The guasta will debark at Aatorla and return to Portland on the evening train.- . J ..f-. - The Kitsap 1 made a' run' to the o tanks at Linnton yesterday afternoon and ahowed that she will aaally coma up to .the - requirements lor - a peed wnen given her official , trial trip, although yetterday'd run was no teat, aa tha ma chinery waa not down, to smootlt work ing order. ; - V-. . ... '. ' CapUIn XL' W. Bpenoer waa at the wheel and eeveral other steamboat man took tha ride to tha tanka, A. delay in getting oil kept tha Kitsap away from her mooring place until nearly 10 o'clock lest night, and for a while it waa feared along the riverfront that soma accident bad befallen ber. : - , ; BUILDING NEW STEAMER, j Oaptalm Orabaaa tsaaada Plaalaa; Scat - am aha X-ewla Stive mnsv . Captain O. P. ' O rah am ' has 1 com menced work on a new steamboat for tha Lewla river run. Bha is being built at the foot of Eaat Pine etreet and will ba ready for aervtoe early thla fall. She will ba built. Cor tha passenger tramo in particular and every effort will be made to bring out tha beat poaalble apaed without losing too much of carry- ins capacity. T6 ha boat will be Tl feet long and II feet wide.- She will operate In connec tion with a gasoline launch to touch at landings where the shallow water does not . permit the landing of tha larger boat ... - :. -- ' i -. ON BERTH AT ANTWERP. atayer, WUaoa Co. Chartee Watt . Kaowa Bblp Arthur Plage. Meyer. Wilson A Co. ohartered the Oarman ship Arthur Fltger yesterday be load a general cargo at Antwerp for Portland. Bha la at present at Bristol, but will leave tor Antwerp in a tew day.- '-J- ' The Arthur Pitger lg "well known in this port having carried wheat from bare eeveral eeaaons. Bhe is still in com mand of Captain Danker, who has a large circle of friends here. ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The ateam schooner Northland Is due to arrive in. the harbor thla evening. Bha cornea to load lumber at tha mills of Inman, Poulsen Co. for a return cargo; ; : ' The ateam achooner Caeeade ts due to arrive in Portland Saturday night to load lumbar tor Baa Pranciaeo. rJ Tba . gasoline launch- Era baa been put on tha Clairmount run, leaving from tha foot; of Btartt street. The schooner Sequoia baa been char tered to carry lumber from this port U V 0 )( )CT r-rr-..-. -rr J S n . u l i TT The emblem of Qnallty - U cliars U the IJNITCD O Shield. si t II r We tblak of you toraor row. when we , Q you today. a we welt on ; O j cD n 3 0 WW- 0 V? oLcigars are made for us, and for. no one else. Orders for our own" brands are placed witK the7 government amtracls are ; placedccdrding to iron-clad spificatjons iarante ; : To get it, the production is followed slep by step from the selec- , tibn 'of the raw m closely as TOVernment experts do the building of a batdeship in Cramp's yard; ? yfe accept liothmg that is not up t6 specifications. ; rThis is our guarantee of unirorrnity. A cigar that comes to us on this plan is ? -I r -"" ' o Lwa (INVINCIBLE SIZE) Four for 25 cents. $1.50 a box of TVentT-fhre. f Hua nmr is fillerl with cure Havana tobacco. wraDDed with best Sumtnliabd tolled. See if you Have ever bought elsewhere the equal of this cigar for less than 10 ; s". cents.: It can t be sola tor less man mat except m uii i cxr V4vu piviu 0 1 l4fTMI2D5T.T r 30 1 W4&IHNQT0N &T. DC 3 C I J! Bha Is now aa route, the soboonar A. P. to Baa rranciseax in company with Coats, . 4 The Mnww gtmn tmi- mtm. will shift to the Portland Lumber company's mills tbls afternoon to load lumber tor Vladivostok. - : The ateamer Telegraph did not 'go out on the Astoria run this morning because of .having to undergo annual Inspection. - . .. . i ' Tha ateamer Radondo aailad tor Baa Prancleoe laat night with T00.00 feet ot lumber. Tha a team era Roanoke and P. A. Kllburn are scheduled to saU this evening. ., , , MANY DEFENDANTS IN ,: , -TWO BIG WATER SUITS (Baeeial ?lspeteh ts The JeoraeH MUton. Or4 July 1. Tha taking of testimony ia the famoua' Peacock mills water suit will be commenced at Milton December I, as announced by Judge U. J. ' Beam of the clrctzlt court. Court will be bald here Instead of la Pendle ton, the county eaat. for the convenience Of 109 Ot .more defendants, la th ease The water suits from the Milton coun try are' .now -pending in the . -circuit oourt and they Involve practically all the farmers of this section. The suit by, -the Peacock- mllla is agalnat tboaa waa use water from tha Villa Walla river above MUton. and laclndea about tOO farmers, tha town of Milton and several- leviaatloaL comnaniaa. . T- .k. T TUall. WallA ant AAA farmera of the lower river are involved and many of. tha issues are tha same aa la the Peacock mills suit. . .-. of Tha Portland aaa fca Oregon any etna feeuraal ha ka at $ 1.75 White AAash Skirts $2.25 White-Wash Ski $275 White Wash Skirts $650 White Wash Skirts $7.50 White Wash Suits . . . 40c rts . . . 90c . $1.15 $3.15 . $2.75 $8 and $10 White Wash Suits $4.25 SUk Shirtwaist Suits HALF PRICE Children's Muslin Petticoats V 9c WE WILL BEGIN jTO. ISSUE ''QUEE.N..QF. FASHION" PRIZE - VOTES TODAY' Hundreds of Other Bargains ! -Goods Must Go Out As we are now and have been for the past week showing advance Au tumn style: Coats and Suits ' SALESLADIES WANTED ; And Herie leS.a. Specfnl While -they lastyou kno w .'.the'' sizes are brokeh---butrthis yd week your pick of our entire line of Summer Suits at THE J. lVL ACHESON CO.'S ' ,' t- : ' ' V . ' 1 - -i - - I.:;' ;v.., 131 Fifth . Street Between Store "--.A'. 1 CoMesIt $2,105 TO BE GIVEN AWAY ; Each dollar's worth purchased is good for one vote for "Queen of Fashion" prizes," Jhirty prizes to be awarded in order of candidates receiving highest votes.' . This contest will end with the opening of our big Ladies' Garment, Millinery, La-r dies' Shoes and Gents', Merchant Tailoring Department Store,and Ladies' Garment t Factory. Opening will be about January 1, 1907. ' - t : ' '-' "" '. vvi' . ' ' The above described establishment wilr occupy one hundred and fifty feet frontage jv on Fifth street, two floors, in the new Failing Building at Fifth and Alder streets, also ' the adjoinirfg fifty feet on the south now occupied by a restaurant and saloon.' We are now in temporary quarters at 181 Fifth street, and, are crowded,to beat the -' band, as we haye a tremendous stock of ladles' ready-to-wear garments, and to adver tise bur coming big store and factory and acquaint you "with the lines we carryVand also" meet you in our tremendous' stocks this fall, we pffer the following liberal prizes; 5;); : First Prize $500 Queen of Fashion Costume, including hat, gloves,' etc V;. ' ' - Second Prize $228 Princess of Fashion Costume,' including hat, gloves, etc .; . , Third Prize $200 Certificate of The J. M. Acheson Co.'s capital stock; guaranteed .'"to pay 20 per tent dividend. - ""-? :-y: , ',- .',- r Y v Fourth Prize $160-ertificate of the J. M. Acheson'a capital stock guaranteed to :.'pay $6 per cent dividend."; " V S-''J .." - v; ;'yv;' 'V': . . Fifth Prize One Classical Scholarship in any Oregon College '-" rT ,' Sixth and Seventh Prizes $160Two Queen Maid's Suits, $75 each, one to a lady. t Eighth and Ninth Prizes $100 Two .Princess MaidJsSuits, $50 each, one to a lady. ' Tenth .'to-Thirtletlj ;.Pte:$60LadIes,: $30 Coats,-different styles." " 'J. Anyone desiring to can take up this contest work, either lot themselves or others ';, all candidates for prizes must be wage-earners. ; , ; ; ; !tC :';. .'; ; ; . J ; '; .( : " ! -.' , , Candidates for these valuable prizes should call at our office as soon as possible,; leaving name and address.- Advice and instructions will be issued which will land - earnest efforts a prize-if not a prize.we will show you that you are dead sure of lib- : ; eral pay for your work ; '-";';v ; ; . Vv'- '- ' ! '.' -This is a rare chance for young ladies, boys,-girls,-young men, mothers,-sisters, anyone to work for themselves or anyone they vant to. In any event your time spent "will be remunerative""" ' T . ,, .' . .... -' ';.; ." i; yy " :, ' ' -' Alder and o.o Goo AVasHington '