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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
tins ; orsgoij daily, journal, postland. TiiunrDAV zvz:;i:.2, jul' 12. 1:: : I.'ZW TODAY. . : i"jw 'Anrt o trie fin huildinV lots OII HAWTHORNE AVENUE, be tween . Forty-Fifth . and ; forty Sixth Streets. " These lots will be placed on s the ; market Monday, July 23. Terras, 10 per cent cash, .balance $10 per ' month.. There ' are 28, lots in this tract,' lying south of . Hawthorne . avenue. This property Will double in price as soon as Hawthorne avenue is ,rn acdaniized. , M. E. 63 Sixth St. ' ; , Phone Pacific 59 R2ST fcCCTGAGE sEOJKirr SAVINGS W6 art) now issuing Certiflcataa In amounts of It or nora against Guaran tted First Mortfaga Bond, DUE JULY 1, .07, making a one-year inv,innni, ' tuvinc I nar cent, with accrued Interest from Julr J. 10. or nearly ttt PER - CENT ON TOUR SAVINGS. If you ' call for full Information yoa -will be ' fully aatlaflad aa to too aafety of your . money. u u ; t ....., ; :". TJcrthwcstem Guarantee cad Trust Company i buoa. (Moou rioor, f,Mc Us An Offer For fall Inside lot with three dwelling No. la 17th, between. Overton and I'et . tycroT; ran tine $10, Must aeU. .. E. S. Jaduon & Co. nnu atais saa) want aft. : Hare yon alarBT PWttodT tt tot X bar money to Invest. Btata price and give location.. Address Investor, ear Journal. .'.:.' '. . ; '. St. Johns Water Front 460. feet frontage by-1,200 feet deep, near Peninsula Lumber Co. :;;;:f. t ;-; Hoxon-Valentine Co. ' . ST. JOHNS ;;'. .'r FI2ST K.32TGAGE SECUS1H SPECIAL Wa offer, ubjaot to prior aala. any part of 112,000 First Hortfars Serial ' Counon Oold Bonds DUE JULT 1- J10. Theae bond a are secured by In come property, ana pay per cent in ' tercet, payable semi-annually. The financial standing of the lnsulnc com pany is tha hls-hest. THE8B BONDS ARE GUARANTEED AND REOIS - TERED aa to principal and interest and , are In $100 denomination, maklnf a suitable Investment for persons of small means, and present an nnuaual oppor- tunlty for local people. Please lnveatl , (ata. . ,. ,'J-. . . - Northwestern Guarantee and Trust Company Xiarshat Vaxhaara Bids. (Beooad sTIdw) .,..... .:.aka Blevatox. Thrpe Bargains 7,000 Elht-roora modern residence wanted! fleal Estate tJUltibL- on Kearney street, near Twi BtrxiDB. saay terma. ' $5,20f Blfht-room modern residence , on Clackamas street, Holladay Park: ' . lot 0zl00; half eaah. . . " eJ3,00O even-room modern residence on Eaat Twenty-eighth street. Built by a mechanlo for himself. $600 cash, balance on monthly InstaDmanti. Hartman &.Thompson . ,J CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. , $10,000 . Thurman atreat buslnsss property, well occupied and paylns; (ood interest Lt a akaw. you ..thla. ..a- E. S. JACKSON & CO. BAB stark n. Vater Front For Bala 0 feet, near' BL Johns, with p'ece of land tor mill; One sawmill proposition; deep water. Ona of tha test mill sites on the river. Address, for particulars. V it. Journal. , ..... . I WANT A GOOD RCOr.Ilu'G HOUSE Must he b B-ood ona for tha price. ' AD lfXS Q 11, ar of Tha JournaJ. ,NEW TODAY. PMlinrAArl Acre .UoaJJ WtiU Tracts Oa the earllne, $18 w aweta. souse, SMMi fJUO caaa. aaiaaee gis a-tuoa boast, sm lot. $756; $250 eaah. bal- ssce eiv per naoutt. Jeod house tad bare, I lota. aU fenced. (TOO: 3iio (Mb, halanc 110 per moots. ' TOWN! BBAY. 8DH Morrisoa at. Residence Sites 60x15, Northwest corner of tth and Northrun . 12 SS(I . ' 60x66. joining the above, and On the west . siae or join No flata. Ona house only to be- built en each lot. .. m. k. wTxiva, no aan tn. WEATHER REPORT. The aorthsreotera dleturbeDce has remained nearly etstloosry over Saskatchewan. Dur ing the laet 24 hoar food rslus have fallea la utorn Nebraaka. Iowa, Minnesota asd Borth- ara Mlehlgas. The Bootbwsstern dieturbsnes to still central ever Artsona aad It hae reaeed rains la Colorado, western Kansas asd north ern Trass. Tha hlsb nreaiure area over the eestera states has leereesed ta energy sad the weather Is store settled la xhet seetloa. Moderately hssvy rains are repertsd la the suit state. The . bareaMter continues Blub ever western Wkshlagtoa and fair weather prevails la the Pai-IOc states, except unit the roast, where It Is emudy and loggy. It la cooler than aaual la the aorthern Boo ay wuntala etatee, while elsewhere , aesrly aor mal temperatures prevail! The conditions are favorable for fair weather la Uiis district tonif bt and rriuy. it - wiu he cooler tonlcht'ia eestera Wsshlsctoa aad soriBers laano. ObserTsUoas Ukea at I a. m., Psclos tl: Temp. -Statlooa ; Max. . Mis. Frerlp. Baker City, Oregoa. ....... aa Boatoo, sfasMchusctta..... 84 Chlccfo, Illinois..... 7A Driver. Ookrado. .. . . A T .0 T0 - ,' M ' 70 -a . 7d . Ta - . M X .04 assas City, atlwarl,... DO .0 .0 Ijcm anccies, California.... i New Orlraas, Loulalaaa... M New York, New lork..... M Portlasd, Orcaoa T Roaebars, Oresoa. ......... I Rt. Unila, MlMourl........ m Bait Lake. Utah M Kan Pranrlsce. Calirorala.. M .0 . .0 71 ".0 ft .0 M V .0 at ' .0 Spokane. Waahlnctoa. ..... M Tacomar -Waahlnstoa. ....... Td , , M Walla WalU. Waahinctoa.. M ' , .0 .01 Wsahlnttoa. P. MARRIAGE LICENSES. . r. - Rassen, North Bead, Oresoa, SO; Ftrrlols Kers, 21 ' L " W. S. Browa. 40; Klla T. McPhersoa. a. tattoa Md., ear. Foerth sad Waahlnatoa sta. Wed dins and ealllac cards eBfTaved et erleted. B. T. Bashtoa. tti Wsahlaatea St, Miss Berths Msrtla. feoei (it Altaky hM. UaiplBd sad tne aeedlswerkl lasfass dlvea. BIRTHS. STETBNaWnly S, at Mr. sad Mrs. frsak I. Btevena 820 East Tenth, a (irl. BARRADOM Jnlr a. to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hsrrsdoa. 1W1 TSnrmaa, s nt DEATHS. OUSTArtlON July 15, Bltssheth OaeUtaaa, 1 year. 6M rttTxrove, cholera larsatana BETICH July IT. reter neuca, a 1ST Mill, cholera inrsstaai. - FUNERAL NOTICES. DUO At Seattle, Jsly 18, 190fl, Ri-hecca T. McClore, acd 0T years, wire ec Harry B. McClure, deceased, rtiends sad acqaalstsares are respect rally Invited te attesd the fn serai eervlece. to he held at ths ehspel Iunnlnf. McEnroe A Otlbsach, corner Seventh and P! oe sts.rst- sr.- m.; rrldey, July 20. intermea-t Ine rr eesseiery. UNDERTAKERS. Peseta. MvBatas' A Ollbeaxh. aadcrtssert sad embalaiera; sKlcrs la every detslL Beveath ssd Plae. Mala au. Ledy ssslsUat. . A. B. Beawtortt, andertakar and eaihelBer. Bast Thirteeath aad Uswtills sta. Phase Bell. weed 71. Krlckeea Dadertaklsa C., eatbalsilBK sOB Alder et.- Psose Mala tUS. ' I. P. Plnley Boas. Third and Madiera, sta. streeti oraee ef county eereaer. raoae atais a. Bdwsrd Bohaea, aadertaket. S20 Third Clark Bros tar Bewers., arTiaruw cxxxtxxt. , j Sin,, rravM $10. . rasttly tots $7S ta $l.eee. The only cenwtery la Portleed which par prtaally SMlsUtns sad csres tor lots. Per foM lafersiatlaa apply to W. R. Mackessls. War. eaeter block, city. W. M. Lsdd, sreeldeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. P. and Carolina Johnaoa to Bliaabeth ,. B. Millar, lot la. block U, Central - " Albloa $ WO W. H. snd Alice B. Kaaa to John Tercck, lot (, block S, North Irv Incton ...v.... S2B MrMlnnvllls eollefa to - 1. R. ' and . ... Josephine BestrUst 7. hhwk 6s, Bell- 17$ Maeele B. 'end juhs V.' OllTeTTS A. ana Lory j. nnrtoe. lets i sna to. block S. Btewsrt Park ta Earl C. snd Grace I Broneock te Char. lotto B. Parker, alts 1. S asd s, slock : . Arbor Lodae 480 Fletcher end Loelse B. Una te Prasels Pokorny, lots 7 sad B, block 1, Blng haai addltloa TM Title Gnarentce A Trnet compear te B. W. Banshaiaa. wcat Bl l- feet of W ta. Unci. ST. auenvalde Third ad. dittos . 40 fred C. Bandatroai to Qretrnaa Band- a trots, lot 10, block 36, Alblaa Home- etced ....... ' 7S Bcntictts snd Stephen T. Adame to 1. W. Crew, lot 1. block 4, Ada sta sddl- . ' tlon to St. Johns ' 400 Bice D. Moatanue to Jnlta A. Montaana, hit wife, lot a, block Id, Willamette. 1 Oak Park Lend company to Kate M. ' Haydca, lot 5, block a, HolUday Park , . addltloa ..... j I Mettle and William Miller to O. W. Olwa, eeet V, et lots A sad a, block ' ' tan,, Hawthorne Park 1,600 S. B. and O. U Webb to Mrs. A. J. - Meyers, lota s snd a, diocb w,wi addltloa". . r.rr.f i 1 . . . . & Walter A. Oreea to B. T. snd O, A. Pierce, wcat H of lot , htock S2. (- Coach's addltloa A.TB0 Warrea-.W. aad francee t Green to. snklAndereoa, seath -af lota; lock 104. city l.ftoo 1.800 B. W. snd Mary B. Lytic to C. J. Lee. lot t, block 8. Alblna addltloa....... Alice snd John C. Welch to Alice I. Mass, t seres at Kelly svsbbS snd Eaat Broadway 2.000 Security Savings A Trust company to . H. W. Lemcke, lots 1. 4. snd east H of tot t, block S. Conch's addltloa. 40,000 Flrfand aompsBF to Margarete A. . Church, loU It aad SO, block a. -Flrland 1.2ot Charles t. snd Berths Browoe te Sri- :. veater O. Mscklln. lot , block A, Bel-. ' laday Park addltloa 1 Blbernla SsTlngs bank, to W. W. Frances U Oreta, 16tt J, 2, A 4. I, la Rosea - Park 'i'Jii' 'T84 Beeate B. and t. H. Tsrpley to F. W. Leedhetter, parcel of land is sectloa A, - lowuahlp 1 north, raoge 1 eeet ... . . . 14,000 Mary L. snd F. W. Berger to Frank B. Bntherford, lot SO, block . Arleta Park ho, t l 0 Get year Inearsaee snd ahstrscts to real estate from tne 'Tiiar ennirae e - irm .mmV.h,, Waahlngtoa etreet. NOTICE. NOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO The ennual meeting of the stockhoMeve of the - Coear d'Alene Development eempeny, for the elect Ins of s board of directors for ths esati big year, and for ths traseeettoa ef euch other bualneaa as may regularly come before them, will be held st the" office of the com Dane, rooms 501 to 0O4 Chamber of Commerce . blag., Portlasd Oregoa, oa Aagust 6. 1S06, at 10 a'clock s. m. . ORORGB F. HOLVAN, , Secretary Coesr d'Aleae DevektpmeBt Com- pauy. ....... . Portland, Oregoa, July 11 lOOS, NOTICE Persona sarins goods or msrcbsadlss stored with aa st my wsrehoaee, 81 h'or'h Front St., are hereby notified that -f- have leased the Bremlaee to others, snd that their property must he restored wltbla 80 dsys., ' All -goods reaMlalaa en tha premlaee SVpt. will be removed and stored elsewhere it owner's ainesse. I thank yea all foe year , pstreoagt sad tha csafldence reposed in rse. ' ran bickiu .1. NOTICE. APMlNIHTRATrtR'B KOT1C1B OP PINAL BUT- , TLKMBNT Tee asaerelsaed bee (lied hit flual account aa tor of the eatate , ef Michael Tracy, deceeacd. In the eoanty eoort of the elate of Orecon. for MnltDoniah county, end the earns has been eet foe final examination sad Bettlenwat on Monday, auf nat It, iwm, a ths hour ef : a'clock, fore- Ali nereeo hsvrns objection ta said ac eeant ere serehy aotiftsd to preeent the same at eatd time. . ID 1. TRACT. Admluiatrator ef tha Estate of Michael Tracy, Dsted Jolt 11, laoa, , First pabllcatjos Jsly 1A 11X16. ' J. P. MORKLANO sad CHAMBERLAIN A THOMAS, Attorneys. The andersltned will receive seeled hide tor s ' stork r aaerenandlee of the Invoice , value of $14,000 or thereeaouts, toeether with flxturee emoastlne to .boot Bi.iaa. located et lone. Morrow roenty, 4racoa, up te .12 a cmcs boob ox aaguai i. laxsj. . A ceah of 10 per eeet ef the amount bid saeat accompany each offer and .. the rlxbt hi rveerved to reject any snd si) . bide. The Inventory may be Beta at aiy office sod the property may ha Inspected at 'foeer'"'". . - Osted at Portland, Orefoa, thl. lttk day at. July.. 1006. . . R. I- SARIN.' . rreat and Askesy strecu, Portland. Orcees. MEETING NOTICES. .WEBPOOT CAMP. No. 05, Woodmea of trie worm, .meets Friday . alalit la W. . O. W. ball. - Teeth asd . Washlnctoa .ta. All Biein- hers re)ueeted te be pree ' ent. Visitors welcome . W. B. OAXL0RD. A. W A. L. BABBDR. Clerk. MAOOABKRS Portland -Tent. No. 1 ateets every Ibuteoay sitnr re a. or r. eaii, snd Alder sta. . Vlaltors are welcome- , B. M. LANCB. : M. W. A., Oregoa Orape Camp. No. 6.aT. Moa- aaya if la aaa Hsraasui vouwew M. W. A. BVERQREEN CAMP, B406. awets Wedneeday evening, Alisky hldg.. Thira ana Morrisoa sta. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Sanohrre sad aearl Hnk Bracelets valna hie st arc peaks. Valuable rewara lor return to 2M 11th st. Phone Mala 41W. LOSTZA white baby coat near Eaet 18th and Clinton, bus. 11. roair, ait xsggara. room Eaat rrre. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 100 hovt for anprenttres to ee Amencea eteesaere. lacy will eeeapy toe posltleB of petty officers on board. Must be Americas bora snd over 18 years of sge. The teraa ef engaeenMnt shall he three year. Wagea $20 per month first year. $S0 per mouth aecoBd year. $40 per month third year and a Don as st the end of the third yeer of $200. For terms snd conditions, apply te 1. Homer Flitch, secretsry Steamship Aeao. elation of Baa Fraaclaeo, 110 Beat street, Baa Frauclsos, CsL $00 'YOUNG men for flremea aad brskemea oa leading reiiroaae; experience aBBeeeeaaryi aremea get $100, brskemea $80; rapid pro mot loa to enaineer or -eoadeetor at doable the sslary; positions now open. Address near set efflce. . Nstloaal Railway Training Asa's.. 730 Psttoa blk, Omaha, Nebraaka, or 631 Kldge hide. Kaasss City Miasoari. MEN AND WOMEN ta leara barber trade ta el rot weekei greaaetet eera srom tie te eet weekly: expert Inetrertors; eataloaros free. Moler Bvkteia at CoUcges. Msrth FoerU at., PortleaaV SALESMEN to Introdaee the world's wonder ui fralts Bnrbank s aew stoneiess pium Mlrec(e). Choice of territory. Ceah ereekly. Address Waahlngtoa tinrssry eompeay, Top pen lab). Wsahlsgtoa. AGENTS WANTED to sell seperlor. hurh-grade nnerv etockt enmolete eutrlt roralabed free: eaah .weekly; write today for choice et tet. ritory. vapltsi t-iiy srsery voeipeej', mmimm, WANTKD a energefle, reliable ealeecnea tor rapiaiy growing real eeiaie eriicv. n.n. 2ft years end 40 yesrs of ere; sbtllty sad character the criterion; drinking mes aesd hot apply. X 28. ears Journal. I a.l loung eaee m icaxn iBwamvp. n (railroad secoontlngt salaries $79:00 to $00.00. w t nw niapqiiM ,.u' " - " . Telrgrsphy, Sud 12th at.. Oakland. Cat 'ANTED 10 wldeswsks ssleemea for elty sad rood; good salary and commie. loa end per manent position to rlrtit partita' can or write at once. W. a- Taylor A Co., S Lsbbe hldg.. Port lead. Or. . i WtSTKI-Tws or three, first-cleat, all-tronnd mschlne men: permanent position, good wagea. Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WANTED A good milker, wages $40; aa work. See cantata steamer Irslda, fo farm foot ef layior .1. WB get work for oar member,; special mera- bere. gz. X , M. v. Mi renrta aaa xsmuiu. STEADY work for steady aiea: 10 helpers want ..ed Apply Columbia. Ingloeerlng JirorktlOth and JobneoB ets. COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Tsks work boms. $1 Ralelglt bldg.. Bixta aaa wssniogioa in. WANTED Boy about 17, steady work. M North front st corner vavis. MILLMEN. $2.25 par day sad as. - Bast Bide aiiu a lamoer te LXZC! plr Eaetera A Weetsra Lumber Co., foot of 21 St.. rtty. . WANTED Via ttreea makers, 68 . North Front, cor. Iavts. " r WANTED Flret-claae hrassmolder, 1 braae Snlahcr and 1 merhanle foe general beach and model work. Address Oregoa Brass Works, W North Second at. WANTED Plumbers and fsstltte. 424 Morrisoa at. - ., . . CaU at WANTED S experienced Imernea, S dynamo teadera, a InaMe etecrricians. apply Mr, Stone. A Van Noy hotel, Third aad Pins sta., I a. m. to 8 p. m. WANTED 4 mes to work la brick and sewer- Ipe factory. Apply to office Diamond Brick , root at ansony si. WANTED Young people to prepare themselves ss bookkeepers snd stenogrspbers; have had MS calls since September J; placed 2BS la poalttona. We will piece yon whes com- ' netrnt. Tier or night Catalogue. Bebnke Walket Business college. YOUNG man for wholesale office; eddrees own hssdwrltlns. ststlng sgs and experience. t ip.-care- onrnav. OFFICR BOY, Is bouae; sddrsss awa 18, ears JoarasL - ' SOLICITORS snd collector! for estsbBahed . portlasd tmslDeet house. Call salts t, 2W1M Morrison st, ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS WANTED Operators to work aa shirts asd everalla. Leesoas glvea ta iBexperleBced. Apply st Standard factory No. 2, Orsad are, end B. Tsylor st. BANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S48V, Waahlng toa St., eor. Seventh, upstairs. Psoas Msu 2002. Femsls hslp wsntsd. WANTED Girls te Bosks alia at 78 First st "Boas ef GIRrA a boot IS years of ags ta wort- la fas- AdpIv st Herrls-Nevllle Co. Fifth sod Davis sta. THS HOME LADIES A0BNCT. Female help furnished free ta employer. Regis tratloa Free. lASti Foorth st., apststrs, room ta. Main SMS. WOMAN, ever 2ft, fair edacsttoa. some htietneas ksowledge, mnat dreee neslly, to tsks posltlos - st osce. 2a Lewis bklg. WANTKD OlrhJ In shirt factory; good wages, steady work. Apply Oregoa (Sty Woeiea ' Mills, Oregoa City, Oregoa. WANTED -At once, good girl foe general L. . .. II A,. pvi ii.ire, .mull i in 1 1 . o. u oiHm, cue aer 2tk. Beat ,0010 A GOOD waitress ran secure permanent position w nratK'iaee ramuy hotel Try eommualeatuig with a. a. m- tare JonraaL k . .bbbbbI HELP .WANTED FEMALE. WANTEP Rtlp. Daloa Laoadry Co., Besoad aa Mjemnia. WANTED UrU steady work. Call at W North i, cursor vera. COMMERCIAL ARTISTS Take work hoose. 1 - Relelah hldg. Sixth and Waahlactoa eta. WANTED Otrl to saslet Is care of young infant. M Uth at. EXPERIENCED girl for tea ereani parlor, 780 waaaington a. NEAT waltreeeee wasted st the Hobsrt-Cartla, ita snd Jefferson, ana lets. , WOMEN aad girls wanted to work la frett cannery. Apply to Holmes Canning Co., Baat aignta sna Liiriaioe. WANTED Girl for general hooaework to ge te eoaeti small fa silly. eat East usvis sx. COOK WANTED. Phooe Mala 6616. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Mca "SBd- -weea' eV seraianent poaltloos, la and oet.lde the city; peye from IIS te (40 per week, luqnlre at room 25 BorBh hlk., bet. the .hours of t sad 5 and sso a a. sx. - BELT waated aad supplied, male or female. A, a. Drake. Waahlngtoa at Paclflo mt SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. COOK. Bret class. Oeroun. wants neelttoa la inncarooja or cafe; short hours arrrerroo to avja wagee. X T, cere journal oince. BOOKKEEPER OR CLERK Would parcheae int. real ir snlted; responsible party; pans rarercncea, x a, care journal. , GRAIN Dealre attearloa to 'leara grain bo.1- neat; good rererencee, geaersj snuwieaae aooxseeping; rrasonaDit wagea to atari. , M, care journal. - KNOINKER, S years' experience with dredger, wianee wars eny xina. r i, care journal. SITUATIONS'WANT ED-FEMALE YOtTN'O Isdv daelrss nosttlos ss bookkeeper: competent; years of experlenca; best ref erences, T 81. care , Journal. . . . A YOUNG woman wishes a eoaltloa to do housework. Call 86 JUat Ankeny, or phone saet hi, netore ix. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agents: sometbtng Bew; good SaUer) big wages. 206 McKay Wdav BIG PAY to oas sgent la each county working for the laveetort' Guide. 811 Mart) nam hldg., Portland. Oregon. ' MAN of good sddress. every Hty la Oregoa. to , taks agency Accident Insursnce Co.. $4,000,. - OCal capital; large commissions. General Ae cldent Co.. Mohawk hldg., Portland. Oregoa. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES., THE Fortlsad Employment Co S0BA Murrlna at. Phoss Pseits 289. BANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MXN. N. Second st Phooe Mala 1820. BIG FOUR BMP. AGENCY Heln enpplled free. 16 North Second st Phoae Mala 1018. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, eottsgea, fists, stores, offices, rooming-nouses, ete. Land- lords will do well to call oa PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Er. II 1.1 Cor. td sad Oak. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot 4a ex Aange for canity ta t ec T-room house. Phone Best AMI. WB WILL SELL roar property, no matter whet It la ec where located. Send descrtptloa now snd ws will do the rest In restore' Galda Co., All Marqasm hldg.. Portland, Oregoa. WANTED Small acreage aesr city for chicken- rsncs; sists price - sna iocsuoi rncsiswa, auw micnigsn svs. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED $800 to apea ap aew copper mtnei will glee sa extra good opportunity snd Is. duosmest- Call la furs ansa Jones' Busk Store, 201 Alder et T WANTED MISCELLANEOUS-1 WB WILL BUY, SELL OR TRAPS ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO. 62T 620 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TS. - WB WILL BUY year furniture say eld tinea. Wasters Satvsgs Cat, 627 Washington St. FAINTING, speaylBS' sad whlteweshlBt trees, ; tosenienta, haras, docks, ete. I lergeet gsaollas aoravlss outfit ea the eoaat M. O- Moraaa - A Oen-822 -Balsa -are. Phooe Eaet 61f. Mala 8688 FUBNITUR WANTKD , , -FOR ' .- -s. ' SPOT CASH. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, til First St. . Mala BOSS WHO IS M. G. MORGAN CO.I WANTED To bar medlnmh 2288. HIGHEST eesh arlee said for id-haad goods. Phono Bast 60TT. 126 Cnloa are HIKHEST prices paid for sO kinds of band clothing. Mala 4280. 218 Front. WASHING WANTED Shirtwaists, IBej lace curtains, Soe s pslr. ' laqulrs at la Esst Third snd Aah. WASHINGS WANTED at 182 Bhsrmsa at WANTED Good delivery horse for his keep, with privilege of buying. F 66, ears Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE R1CHEUBT7 8AH NORTH SIXTH ST. Elegantly furnlahed. steam baat aad hatha THE GRAND, 48 H Nirtb Third it. Boosts tot gentle met $1.28 per week aad aa. THB BENNETT, 881 H Morrisoa St., 1 htoch from Pm trend Hotel, under aew mansgement Tt.svwI.Ud xml efarnlshedi--e)tea poecelela bathe end hot water all the time; rooms by the day, week oraioutJuiiritiotta oits. -rt popular prlcta. Phono 1885. $1 AND UP Nicely furnlahed rnorns. 108 12tb tt, bet Wssh. A Stsrk. Phons Parlfte 2830. 1S014 4TH, over Wells-Fsrgo, 8 Urge rooms for rent, clean and good; see them. t FURNISHED rooms for rent. 182 Sherama st THB STAR, 280H Larrsbne st Nice rlesa light housekeeping suites fz per week end up. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT 16 anfurnlahed rootns. single et -all I Feed location. -Inquire st 804 Sixth st FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL, ' Flanders and Seveata dtoomsborarktenlng ssd trsaslsBtl asa eealent: prices reesoashto. - LA BUB elesantly furnlahed hnueekeeplng roims: aranr. musing water. Ths Lowsa- aaie. txaiu, aioer at. $1.20 PER WEEK Large, clean, frarnlahed nnnsrseeping-ronnai; tannery aaa oats. 1st Sherman. South Portland. - $1 NO WEEK TP. clean, furnlahed ho nee keep. -reestt, alts perlee. raeeory. sets. ree nace beet tost SUatoa rt. U ear. THB JEFFERS0NIAN,.B14 Jefferson St. Nicety furnlahed auites of two or urea roottt wita sll convenience; cheap. , HOUSEKEEPING rootns. lowest fstee, electric lights, pbene Includta. goiik wstsr and Columbia. A FURNISHED housekeeplng-roome. 818 Spsnsst It., MonUvllls. ,1'boss Eeet 84T4. f 12. . TWO fomiabed housekeeping flats, t rooms each, v ssd gin. e-s neventn st. - ROOMS AND BOARD.' BOARD tsd room $2 50 week foe wnrklngjtlrla in t hriatisa noma: anting -room. naia. a sous Mir IbA Bsst Aukesy SU r FOR, RSNTi-CTOKrS-OFFICra. OFPICB reema. aafnrBiaaed aad eemele recms fur teat Geoeussagh aator. Aatk( aes FART at shop to rest, ealUhis fee palataf plumber. Bug Fosrth st. ' ----. 'R RBNT Nice little office. Third aad Mee- riena, suitable hope, reel saUla. Inquire room tamiiriags bldg. FOR RENT store snd Urine denertment rood ' locatloe -for grocery snd butcher. 700 flood si. mantra st 212 Jsffereoa st FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO., prompt sad re liable plane end fur nit ore-mover; else stof see. I boas Mala 1688. Office 110 M. Third. FOR BENT Smell t-room bouss. tares block . inn, cerune, v vi ueutenoeia svs. rO't RBNT 8-room cnttaee wltk hetk OB the Fulton car line, $10 per month. , loqulre 1M nurua ixia si. FOB R E NT A room cottage, nice tocatlaai, 16th khu aivprwt. . inquire si promisee ON a S snd one S-rnoa 'modern bouss; gaa. '" in M,tM ajuk ik FOR RENT By August l.'o-room cottage oa eeai aiiie. central, to reeponaibis parties wlta out rhlldres. Addrees V TS, care Journal. A SNAP A cosy I -room cottage, rhone Eaat OeA , FOR RENT Modern 8 room cottage. 8T0 Eaat I -I III v . te. TfyO B-rooa eottstes, one T mom house, close . . em sue., roc rent. M. JB. Lee. ss sixtn sr. rnons rsririe w. --. -- FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT Nicely fornlahrd holaie. B rooms, eonvenirntlr located, good neighborhood. I .k. umwm, nurioru, ac rsoDO rsrine ui, FOR RENT Neatly furnlahed eottags sr S or 4 rooms or same; very reasoasbls to desirable adulta. A DP It 888 Qllaau at., earaer lTth. or 1 ,ci. main sw. . . aaBBBaaaBBBBBSBBaaaansBBBsasaaBBSaBaai FOR RENT FLATS. FOR RENT New modern ' 8-rooa flat, - $18 per noma, rnons satt eix. MODERN 8-room fist, steel snd gss range. wmoow anaoee, large cement easement, zuv l Halaey, McMillan -addition. . NEW S-room lata. $11. 180 Market St. Mala ones. . HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. . Ft'RNITI'RB of t rooms for sale, $128. t Eaat Third st FOR SALE Fine aew furniture af S grooms) ii' wm i ' i. nmi mini.. n. I 111, mvwh. 224 Mill St. BUSINESS CHANCES. WRITE as snick about recent rat. port ant da ve lop moots or tlie Hurst Automatic awltca a Rlgusl Co. hay stock before big advaaee. J. F. Itorrt A Co.. 206 .McKay bM. THE hameseekers' excnrsloa to esstera Orsgra. overland, will leave a boat ftrat or July. Call 16 Fourth st. room 23, for information. $10,000. WILL- any 60x138. centrally located. income gz.iao per year: psys a per cent ea SM.OOO; this property should treble to veins In the next 10 yesrs. being better security than any bsnk, hsd three timet better thea loaning money ea real estate. Mrs. Rounds, 2081, Stanton, corner Commercial, Albloa. , IF yea are looking for a Srst-elsss suburhaa . . j ... mMwwmm w a., . , ,w.wi. FOR SALE General store la the richest part st vtitiameiie valley; lov I eet or oepoi oa main line of 8. P. R. R ", good business; ne competition: no drsysge or delivery; no elty tax. Whitney Bros., Irving, Oregoa. WHO.JA M fl. MORGAN A CO.- MEAT market foe aala cheapJSS Unloa are.. aortn; ooing goon ooainias, $175 REAL ESTATE bnalness; snap; owners ka.I.. Ok- 11b. A wHA. sell. Price ""$178. T'lf, care Joursat SMALL drugtlure la country town for sale; pa competition; eplendld location for a doctor. For rererencs apply to Rotermand. Orsatt Past. Oregoa. .. . CORNER saloon, old-establlabed. first class la r.rr wr, pnjuiit .' in cnw w. vriiiun. Address T IS, cars Journal. - - RPTAl'RANT snd lunch counter la good Inca- tJoa. with Moss, for sale. V so. care Joaraal. PAYING NEWSPAPER aad Job af flea 1w growing Oregoa Iowa at a bsrgsra. . lavestl gate, v 61, Journal. FOR SALE Fins tot ef snelvlag, all or part, cseep. rouse ,-aciric s-ui. ' i FOR SALE CHEAP Cigar and mfeetloaery store doing s good anaiBsss. isik Morrtana St. Owner leaving elty. Fidelity Land Cs. BURST SWITCH stock for ssls ehesp; I buy, sell -end-loan saoacy 'on -stocks of nertt ; gold daat snd preclotw stoas botixht; armtblr dividend-paying etorke a apodal ty. w. J. Curtis, 215 lommerrlel blk. - Mala--8384. FOR SALE Most excellent high-elate boalnees. suitsbie for man or woman, tz.nnn. part eaah; beet reasons. V 57, care JoarasL FOR SALB Several hundred shares of Hnrst Swltb snd Ametirsa DcForeet at tow prleee. L, Y. Kesdy A Co., room 58 Union blk.. 227 Star tt. WANTED-r-A good mining propneltloa to In . corporate and finance. J. B. Bailey A Ce ' 481 Lumber Excbsnge, - . WANTED Partner, willing to sdvsnce money . to secare pstents ea valuable laventirtnt end take in Interest la same. S 86. cars Journal, TOR SALB Laundry bnalness ta arte of the -beat towne In the Willamette valley. Ad drees Silver ton Btssm Lsundrp,- Sllvsrtoa. Or. FOR SALB Confectionery snd cigar store, cheap. No. 4514, Wast! Ins ton et. ...... ONE of ths beet greenhouses la elty, will sell very cheap; party will leave elty if they sell; a nap. 304 A flaky bldg. REAL ESTATE boalnees for ssls. $100) good boalnees, good turn 1 1 ore. . Address F 11. cart Journal. . . MAN with $8O0 can make hlg money; legitimate and sbsolntely ssfe. Address Q 14, JourosL AN . un-to-date ubm-hen grocery for sals" at Invoice; clean etock and good.bnalnctt. .Ad dress Q 17, care Journal. NEW. stock groceries. Invoice $1,400. together with fine horse, hsrness snd wsgon. fine kv cation, doing good Imeloeas; will eell cheap or trade for real eatate la elty. Q aa. Journal. A RARB opportunity for txperleaced mercantile eeleaman. In or out of Portland. Call this ' week 218 Oregon Ian hldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S-ACRS) tracts, near electric liner 10s fere. Inquire Benedict st.Gstea; Eetacada ear. NEW MODERN Aroma house, $8,000; $8O0, " bghrnca).$3A, monthly. Owner. Phone Esst 678. "7 .. A SNAP.. ' - Only $80 per sera for 00 scree -nf fttvs land tliat can be divided lato small tracts, near good atore and school; for a few days ealy; no trouble to anew property. t FRED C. K I NG. ' 806 Commercial blk.. Second and Waahlngtoo. WB have two fine bualneaa tote between Morrl ' son snd Rurnslde. rloes In, on tha esst tide; ' also 14 block residence property, on esrllno, . walking dlatanoa. Towns A Bray, 208 H Mor tt. rrioaa rsetrte- aon. SPECIAL BAROAINS. -v-r , $400 bays 50x100 oa Esst 2Ttk st ' " $800 hays a t plead Id corner lot oa Rich Biohd earjjns. i3t.-.- '' $1,100 bnys a fine corner Tot oa Bsst ITtk and Weldler tta j $3,880 buy a aew modem T-rooni hones sa earllne, Moerteon st. $.100 to $8B) rash, ha lanes amBthly paymsnta. Sea this before buying. $4,180 buys an A No. 1 7-room bouss oa Feat Madison; everything complete snd Jnt ' the piece for a boms. Investigate before buying. . , - JAMCS GIBSON, Phone PsdfK 1842. Boom 100 Ablngtee bldg. $2 1WO ROOM house and one acre, all la fruit, Mt. Tabor. 107 V. Third at. W'IRTII Ft. 000. tfflt offered for a limited tires for $2,800. Fins lot 80,100 snd 6 room cot tage, on good street, not far from end of Rest ' Burse Ids brldga. Call $02 Commercial blk. 4 ' e, 1 FOR SALE K2AL T2TAT2. FOR BALE A csolce piece 'bf OolumMa river front property, cloee la. good mill alts. Ildredge A hlerrlf lld,.lo4 Feurth St., Ysa euuTor. Wssh. ' yoK BALE A suburban home. 178100 feet, . - I . .knlM ka.,ln. , ril I , berrlee. Inquire 612H Alder. . WIU esfl cheap 11 SOIU ODOBl. vr w u. m w -' In - IT Mnnj eiuuvrw ww-w. - . ' - $1,780; very complete. See J. B. Hoamer, T bnioa see., norta. rsooe WILL boy 1 sere at Lsorelwood; this will make t Wte: water oa the block; $2U0 down, gio per awaia; mis wiu ngure en fi.BOO for you. - ... . . . . rinrt lTV LAND CO.. Phoae Main lot.. 817 Orsgoelsa bldg. BABOAfN 6-room hotiss, quarter block, water SBO gss; pries e.ow. , aeuwir eww ,wiie son aar.a rniit st s iu s.n,.ai era l oart esab. tro Garfield svs. Tsks Wsodlswa est. Phoae Rail 8841. FOR B ALB 8-room dwelling. ' bet 2Sd asd 24th. Addrest oe Irvine at 0 B. JoarasL HOt'SKS ui oa Inatsllments,- lots If dstrrsd. 012 commercial bldg,, Maia inn. ' .NORTH WEST LAND COMPANY.. zoa uoooaougn niog. -.' .!. w t,.cb . H. W. Miner. We traaaart a geasral real octets ' and nrossrsgs Buslnsss aaa solicit a asare m tew patronage. . SBIXWOOD LOTH, $8 down aad $8 a ematht . from $78 to $200. SeJIemod Towaslts Ce ' B. P. PsUeee. msaasee. Phoae Beat 4704. FINB 8-room house with big lot no, 100. 1 .block from carllee: very cheap at $2,200. J. E. Hoamer, 727 Unto are.. Berth. Phono . Esst 6100, ': '-..- - 1 ''- V ' '8129 Lots In " -V . GARDEN PARK TRACT. ...- $8 eaah snd $2.80 par moatb. ' ' 4 block from University Park B tattoa; . ju. High. Uvel and sightly. ... m Good aetghborheod. v . ' - Corrcepondeoce solicited. ' , BEAVEIt REALTY COMPANY, ' ---Phose Mala 8001. 424 Lumber Eicsaag. GOOD BARGAIN Heaea. and tot for saJst good plaetered honss, .a rooass ewwnstslrs .ana e nnetalrs. with or without furniture; price $1,800. laqulre 686 Umatilla srs., Sellwoad. LA RGB Hat of lovely await homes for sals by J. B. Hoamer. tzt LiDMs are., norin, come and ssst FOR SALE Big asrgsla for qnlck sale; 6-roeal - snhurhsa cottage, ground lOOslOO feet, trait ssd ahnibbery; by owner. O. W. P. Town aide Co., 218 Alder tt.U. O.; W. t. A Uy. ' waiting -roots. . WE have a flvs-reom cottsge oa Bavensclew drive. Portland Helghte canine, wtta a eusrrs 1ng. view. Including Mt. Hood, but not Ore 'gonlsa tower; modern Imprnvenventa; Bell Bun water: will he eold for 82.800 If taken at ptcnce: a eh, ere to eecure a cheep sad charm ing boms m tiis coming rssaionania sistrrci; 2o minutes from Flret st. , . AMERICA INVESTMENT CO, . ' DOS Bberlock hldg. ' WB will furnish lot snd build boose to suit yea oa monthly psymeats; insios properiyi all eeavealences. , MOCLTON A BCOBEY. , . ' v.: 601 Columbia bldg., 885 Waahlngtoa st ST. JOHNS PROPERTY " f,, S lots ea earlloe, close In. only $3i00& ' - .a ... .1 1 I I MA JF Ceiwu in. iui - . . Thta to a rars chases to get losa-nt prop erty cheep. .,' V HAOEMANN A BLANCHARD. tt fifth st 100x100. CLOSB IN. on eaat side, bringing In j over $100 per nmntn. lor f u.ouu. ljaos KintsU, Oommaeclal blk. FOR SALE 8-room bouetr matt sell, tttvlng mwn, lureiMini fie eiivioai , ; e . .m. Beech tt. . WHO WANTS A SNAPt . ' Only $830 for corner oa Grand are. ear line; elty wster. gas snd sewer. , FRED C. KINO. ' BOS Coaamorelal blk.. Second snd Waahlngtoa. . .. . SNAP. - . ; Fat-a-few deya-ww can -offer yon -choice lot. 80-foot front ' 10 blocks ' south af ths poatofflce. $4,800. ' Uenkle A Harrison, SIT AMngtoa bldg: t - FIFTH -ST. PROPERTY - .- , $.1,800 will buy sa Idesl home oa Sna tot. ta; no better buy oo the market. - HAOEMANN A DLAh'CHA RD, , 1 - ' -. - M Fifth St. r.-" - . FOR BALE A modem 6-room location; bur of owner tad 1 ' Phone Woodlawa 206. Is aoauntstloB, FAXON PARK- 1 r I bow oa tha martretr tots gr !$-pTIees, according to Improvements. Lots 50x2008118, $180. $180 . Lote 100x21108228. . S20A. 87T5 Lots 200x200 $160. $.iOt). SiiO i e w , y t,w. ewv Iota are meetly la cultivation, level and sightly, en a good graded etreet. eloat to good 10-reom school, et Lent,; t fare ta any pert of Portland: water free; taraat. - O. R. ADDITON. OWNER. Take Mount Scott car. Be. Lenta, Orefoa. LOT BOxlOO. oa earllae. st Ockley Oreea; tklt tot eaa be had et your own terms. .1 , ,. , OTTO A CROCKETT. , .. . 243 H Waahlngtoa St. - V. ' " - $2,780 ' BUYS" a"flrst-clssS brand-sew aomrl Cas snd electricity, porcelain bath. Afoot assment with lanndry tubs, large eloseta In each room, eupboerd and pentry: thle " home la la one ef the very dneot and heat nelgbborbonda of the east side sad I block from 2 earlloes; terma. $2,000 will hoy aa ap-to-dsts new Arooai , some, ever looking tha elty. oa East 2Sth at.; 1 to see either of the above Is to hay them; terms. . ' 'iQ fill B tlimm hsant and hit IflftlllT isr; nice grove, a eioexe irnm car. grnnnd aloee "naked. worta more tnaa tne price ' Haveboases aa raatsllmenta and lota ea ajoatbly payments. Pay rent to yourself. . .! STEISMETI A CO.. Ths Bomesellers, 183 Morrisoa st BARGAIN t -story 7-room bonee. South Port land; owner leaving city. Csll Msla 6453. Call too First st HOUSES FOB BALK, '.- I make a epeclalty of selling booses. If yon wins to bay a home, phone me sad I . ' will cslt snd show yon over 10O photo, graphs of well-located, homes at prices and terms to suit. C. C. SHAY. Phooe Main 2334. $100 CASH, tarsia to suit. on balance, will buy . good t-roora house oa earllne with A minute eervlce. -M. B. Lea. AS Slith it. $2.8M BUYS modern a room house, eaet side, near Hawthorne ave. ; sice lawn: fine plumb ing; terma to suit M. E. Lee, A3 sixth at $180 DOWN,- $10 nee month New cottage corner tot-thsde treee, Bear sties tear.-school snd stores; s gilt-edge buy I $375. Address 4) Ml, csrs Journal. Square Deal ' - $1,000 buys i lots In a body ft acre), tt Lsurelwoodi level, rich lend, aa rorks, 8 blocks of earllne etatlon. water and streets laid out i will bring yon $1,800 eaah within po days; so humbug : $280 down, balance $10 ' month at 6 per cent Cell up phone Esst 2ti20. Residence owner, 108 East 84th st. , BEST BARGAIN IN ACREAGB IN MULTNOMAH COUNTY. 10 acres near Montsvllla ear esa be hid for $3,000 tpot eaah. Call oa owner, L. B. McCoy. BO Fifth St., Bear Stark. IFOR. SALE FARMS. CALIFORNIA BARGAINS Nsar Ben Lomond, the popular summer resort: 820 arret weed lend, with never-f.lllng creek through it; Sne tnlpbur tprlng, 8.000 cords wood; good mad; 20 ml lee oat; $7.80 per acre If told wlthla 80 dsys; worth much more. 60 scree tn lend, H mils oat, a room form bouss, small bars, 200 bearing apple treee. fine wood land, spring water, piped, on sprinkled county road, ..excellent eoll foe - treee er - vtnet; $8,000; terma. Addreea J. A. Walker, Boa Lemoad. California. - . FOR SALE 40 seres, 10 clear, til esa be plowed when cleared, boaee snd bsra, run nlng water, 10 tool of bay; aU --fee - Aft). Call 7H ftrat st. L. B. Wlntere. 160 ACRES for $000 80 scree level bottom lend; 45 actee tlaahtd, T-roora hnuee t years old, frame for . bare, tnt euttlde rings for stork, rnnnlng water, near aew railroad; terms. J. E. Hoamer, T27 Union, eve., aorth. Phons Esst 6100. I 82 ACRES of fine Improved bottom land for Bile. Addreea Box 16. R. F. D. . No. . A, FOR SALE TIMBER. raaTiriRn scrlo. tar thai prices. W. G, Howell, 838 Cham bar bf Casf FOR SALS TIMBER. land scrip bought and bold. Alt kinds -of land tcrlp wanted and for aala. Including approved foreet reserve ead railroad"" land scrip, for surveyed, nnaurveyad, ttmj bered sud prairie la ad. approved Ualted Atatre military bounty . la so warrants; re certified addlera' additional homeetead scrip. H. M. UsmUtea. ths Fortlsad betel. Portlsad, Oregoa. WANTED Timber lends, must be good gtaff, ' tltber on railroad or at,em; ewBere oaly dealt with; dot t wtstt s postags stamp. Unless you can deliver deeds. Address Cap. -. ltsl, . V TT. Journal. CERTIFIED land scrip of sll klndsT tsksa timbered, Irrtgstsd and til klada of gov. ernment land, aurveyed and aneurveyed, . ' Moultoa A Scobey, but (Columbia bldg.. 80A Wsahlngtoa St. " HORSES AND CARRIAGES. FOR BALE Tears, 8 000 pounds: I tram. ASOt Kan,,.. 1 cue. p Bores, i.suv - isas Eeet 8S4A . 230 Russell st - WANTED To buy BMdlum-tlttd truck or tow -. dowa tragvo. - Crsne Bottle Co. Phone MaUf- . 2288. .- , - - - . . tOEXCHANCB.- BXCHANOE tO-ecre ranch st Hood River, . for residence ec room lug -boase; value 84,000, 1074 Third tt. - - . WILL eichanga $100 typewriter. ' la perfect "r. lor noreo ana ssouis. auo Mcaay atag. FOR BALE or earhanse. a grocery at ere) 1b. nte aim, ,4 lltf. ... 1 1 II .. I . . - . - . . ' - I " 1 1 i II ,v . I II. ,uv quick tele.' 1074 Third st . , . FOR - EXCHANGB A 62-reotn lodglng-boassf ,. will take city or term property to the velua of $2,000; owner golug north. Q I A Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. WB petal roar asm sa 80 railing sards, prsssg .: , ataa and atyla. 88e 2M bnalaese card. IU : A. W. Bckeaato Co.. 22 First Portland. Or. ' WESTERN OREGON MINING A MILLING CO. headquarters; stock for ssls and tutor ma tioa at 2o6 First st Phone Mela 1628. - . FOR SALB As slersat larva etrealse ease, st ea sxtremely low flcare. Apply to - Mr. O. B. Lswltt Ooldoa Eagle, Third sad Yamhill t. , -,, BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIO CURB Burs cure to rheasutism. told by all dnggtsto. - .. BOOKS bought, said and etehengsd at tha Old Bok store. t2A YemhIU at BILLAftD AND POOL tsblea for rest or tot sals on easy nev meets. THR BXUNSWICK-BALKB COIXENDEB CO. . , 4t Third St. Portlsad.. 4 ... ARTJSTVinaterisM, plctares snd framing,' BJ, WFI need rornltare and win pay full nlea. "we rncinc lies. .... wesunra aaivsga V8w 627 Wsshlngtoa tt. ' SHOWCASr.S AND FIXTURES BMds to erdsef eecad band goods for sale. Carlaoa A Kail. . stress, aaa Ooaoh St. Phoae Clay BTI. tHOWCASRS, count ere, fliturea bought, sold sd . ezmaegeo.. weetern nsivtgs CO.. asi wasa i Ingtoa st. Pacific TBA - White Sewlsg Machine Co..- H. D. Joaee. S80 Ta hill st Phoae Msla 6102. TYPEWRITER, good as aew, st less than ball wn. pvpew. louuire ao w aeemsoaB .1. ' FOR SALE Hay in Seld; 40 tots clover, 24 rimouty; all or nan. u eor re H. Woblera, teconil placd north lower reservoir, Wtat avt Mount Tabor. . C. R.-BLACK. Contractor and Builder I have) some fair-ground Inmber left: will eoatrsct, cheep bonaes snd aivs time aa part af may. terlal. Phana Woodlawa 206. - FOR SALE PI, no. very cheewt rjsrts Iter tng town. laqulrs 201 Commercial blk. THt) Unrub flexible eelf tharpenlng Made! rifted to any lawn mower; guaranteed; solid tors wsstsd. Cronk-I'nrnh Mfg. Ce 181 ' Union ave. Phone Kaet 80s... . .. f FOR SALE Anthony i0 stndlo outfit. erltH a one lensci; enssp for vtsaa. Moors, oia Msdlsoa st. ELECTRIC- PIANOS. $3no electrle-- bes)oe, alia; negrne rrrmnc nratea wnn ie Tecorde. $801 til with nickel tint attachments j good noney-mskeca In any public place; sll la . rat-class condition. . Continental Novelty Ctw Omaha, Nebraaka. "PERSONAL. . . FURS - . To the Ladles or Portland and YlciBlty-e T7. Tterner. prtctlctl furrier and dealgner Of" tse fur.- haa opened parlors la Lewis bldg, , ssd It now 'prepared to remodel, repair and ' rcdya Sne furs of all deserlptlna. In the moat artistic manner and Intent fsahtost tealakln . garmcnta a - epeclalty; expert Otter, SO yea re' experience: ladles are In ; sited to Inspect the latest deelgss: will eall at residence snd give estimate. If deelred. Phoae Pactnc 2497. . Lewis brrig., Morrisoa snd Park. Take elevstnr one Sight. Priced : tbe WeaUcfltitJitstliTritlito aunablp. " ANY mta er woman ran bo strsag sbA ha eve, ay asisg aexine nils, is gresi snaiai ansa $1 a boa. 6 botes $3. with fall jwaTsatea Addreea er call J. A. Clamsatna. drug (la, es. accoed sad Yawhll! sts. Portlaed. ,Or. DETECTl VB AGENCY CooSdeatlil Inveetl ra tion; reports furnlehed -en Individnaia. ueir ' character, reaponeiblllty, etc.! bad debts eel. l.otcn; niiaaiuf eeiativae loca troj cnsrgi reasonable; correeuoBdeaee solicited. Oregon Detective Service, office 203-204 ' Filed net hldg., loth and Waahlngtoa sta. Phone) -Mala ASIA. . , , ... .. ; LADIES Turhleh bath a. atttssge. hydrletrid parlors: strictly trit-elsss place for Udlea only. Flat A. 881 Waahlngtoa St. setwsea - ' 16th sad 17th ata. MARLY vigor rsatored by Dr. aoevto Nsrva . G lor lee. Oae oath's trestmeBt, $8i i , tJwaths. $8; eeat seeled by mall. Aa-eata, Wosdar A Clsrks sS Cex, Portlasd. Or BALM OF FIGB for sM feeasts dlaialll, Bast Bel nest Phoae Eaat 40B4. SUITS TS prisaed while yea wait, 60s. Ladleel trts pressed. ao. Gilbert. 108 H Sixth st at ta QueUe, rhoae lartfie JM. . - . Skirts "FORBIDPBN FBUIT." "A Otr Lotharto,' "Story af a Sieve, " "Fanny Bill." ''Agsjsa.' : "Worn,, of Fire.'' 80c eechi llatt free." Ae W. Schmsto Co.. 228 First st IBXINR PILIA eaVa all forms si servos et mnecalsr wsstnsas. Price $1 t box. 6 boxes $8. .flth full gasrs. -Aeareee ee- cH is .- gl.t Seeond asd Yamhill tta. Portlasd. Or, BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIO CURB Sore rseemsttem. hold by all draggtots. rrs. Palme Tablets, mats yea sleep perfeetlft tsey ewre aervousneas eaa mass yoe enmii arlee toe t box, 6 beiet 82 BOi nsrtamea. Ail dragguts, sr sanress aroeae uri ' Korth Tth-d at. Port teed. Oregon. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Par after yoa re ceive them i send a sample of your hair aad . ws will scad yoa eat of oar $1.50 twitches. 814 ot, 22 Inches evamlne It: if a big bar- fala remit If sot return. Addrees Udtsr lair BmaoTlaBX. S24 Dear bora at, Chlcaaa, . 11. . DR. O. KBTCHUM eorsa promntly art vats teeea. kidney, nervoas, akla ssd speelsl , dheai female trosblee. Call of V-" liSS' ""Third St.. eor. Yambll Pad fie TURKISH BATHA Sea twesnlsa bldg.l days, geetlemea sights. Msla ItaA. Repairing snd draeefng. 881 Tamhffl St, MOLES, wrtnklee, eoperfloooa hair removed. Let ma tell you bow. Ne chart. Mas. M. D. Hill. Snlte 1. Sclllng Hlrech bldg. Pacific 13A. DISEASES ' OF WOMEN Private maternity boanl tall qnlet Taxation ltd tpeetol tare. Dr. Atwood. 8ftnt4 Morrisoa at, room A Phono nnn, iim. - - BOLD ON There ta one thing thst wll cure rhenmatlitu. Aak your drugalat for bark tonic er sddress or eall J. O. CUmeseun. drag. fier. roviisnej. ir. ' YOUNG lady glvea eeleatlfic maaeage, menlcur-1 , Ing and pedicuring. 14 H tUth Bt, bet, I Umm .nA A Ma.. I YOI1NO ledy from Chicago- hat recently epentdi manicuring ptrlers. - 861 V4 Morrisoa st.. 14. I YOUNO MAN. sart yoa hair. We guaraatee to prevent year hair from falling out and tsve what hair yna bavs left, and euro ea Itching acelp In 3 treetmento: ecsami poaU lively cured. 188 Beveath tt. - I WIDOWER 40 with t children, poor hot a good chancier gnu ni.poouion, to acquaintance et a kind and true women , who bat tome capital to ttsrt bnalneaa; WCJWieTI WW. re .IN. - 'UI mr, mituil,. wh, attd answer, if is, tars jeurnai. . 1 . M ST r r $,80 ACREt yellow Sr In Oregon, convenient to (raid logging river led harbor: averages ,.$.000,0001 low price. I t, cart Jtataak . . .. .' ... -.,.'.. ' ... i: '' ' -it