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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
. . r t . 1. C . -I 15. Ta.U...T3AV L -I3t JULY 13. l-2. W- TO DAY'S 13CEfJTG0nTRACT Higher Flgurs Is . Reported In the Valley With Demand Bet- ter Than Ever. RUMORS OF DISASTER 7 r TO THE ENGLISH CROP Short Sellers Very Anxious to Buy -and Many Growera Sett Coming Crop at Advanced Values No ' Sales of Olds Are Reported, 'ir&i J$. yront Street, Jnr IB. Th pradpal teateres If th Portland whole aarksts today are; , Oml boom in hop contracts. - Haw wheat rani are guotd. Small aale of flour to Japan. . . , 1 -' Fu-et mi Walla Wall onion arfte. ' Car caataloape do (roai BakerafUld. ' Caataloup coma la new package- ' ' Twa car wateraeiona 1st prlca down. , " Fancy Oraeenetela apple aU at II. . Good aprtco hlpmnt fioca Th PaDse. ;: Tomato, plentiful and prtee kwa. , . Pepper npplis onlt liberal. . . .. - Fgg plentiful: oro ara low. .. Chickens remain In good Taqmati r--J- Prasad taaat market firm. . .-. , - Kew pot. toe firm bat unchanged.. ' . v Crawford peaches plentiful boa eoatk. f r reet Saoa a Hop Caatreete. . Condition In tta hop Co tract market war rr llTallcr thaa today, th xelteaent twa year ago a being aarpaaaad hy present pparatloDa. ' Altheaxh tb piio la Dot a hifb k then tsar la ana a better demand for ana klaa. I Terr dealer baa assy ssstsrn lnqnlrlee, . (ad aany of them hara ardara to boy ap t I8e a poand. 'J' ' Tfca la tba top rata offered at tba ssaaent. had aararal rumor at sale, at that flgar bar Usn elm la ted aad mbi to aooa frea good koopkt. It la Bderatood that HM aesteraer. has en Id abort a rear ar now bar effere la lor atocki at anllmltad price gat tb goods kni to be tb only tatmat at tka tla. rh trade ma la a rut, a on rnnkf to know )ut what la the raaaoa for th great paring powr at thla time. Tbara ar maora last the eyap in Koclaad baa, racarrad graat i m Mtnack, Dai eren trie cannot oe ounn la tlm. RDorta frem tbr ar aa eoejnei- that Uttla tree ca ba plaead apon any kf thera at thle tiro. Ia any aat Kacllak trdere for tb bw crop ar hitanln te arrrra Ea aready atraam, aaa inie maaa u liar tbeory pleaalbU. Is any t praeti lly aU tba contract aad thaa tar thla a- a bar be roc IM wnrni aa miort eaie. Is la Itself ahowlu that the bearlah la tenet ot Wok tor very low pnea taw eieeoa. pit lu many (Iterance to tb aoatrary. am af old cros bora bar ban reported Itbla tb. laat few day, far tba vary pood aeoa that na aappila ara araiWDW at ua 1c fnrily pffcd. ' . - w Wkaat U SaUlap. ' creral email aale f new wbaat bar beea krtcea abopt t a baebal aear th elnee qsotcd Yt th opealng f th aaaaoa a rear ta. In (arVlctra with th moet protnrocnt bayr ahaw km folwwtnt prlea ar (awrally offered today yraiot ' Tttf tffa - P9 KONWI trrrrrw POP ' IWf flmtmm a IV ' l ralsty A Ml of 10.000 knehel f saw red le r ttd atad la tba raiosaa aroaaa oaa a hel. ua kalap a boat ar OV f. . k. tlend. - Son email aM ar flkrerls ra ted fa' the Tlclnlty f PeadUtmi aad Walla 11a at price that would abool ararac tboa looted f. a. b. thte city. ' Th flaar mrkt remain rather qalat, al - fcea h aa eccealnoal eale a tevorted a th fapaaea around (S.IS. Tbat traaeartloo araa : be mora "111 to" erdere thaa any Daw ae aad. . ". .';.! - riret Car WaU Walla OalaM Arrrra. Th fir eer at Well Walla onion for tb meant aeoa cam te t tb W. - Olafke loapaay yMtarday. Btack war af mack kat i In .aaltty thaa tba Initial ahlpaaaU a year . by. Tb prlc atony th etreet raa be twee p M end ). BO a eack, Materiel, drop la kea yaloae ere cipected dortag th aaat few lay. California anmae ha ry rood anpply pith prlc rallap areaad II .50 for rda. Paacy Orarenetela apple from northern OdeV fcmla are selling at $1 a baa today, i, Twa rare af wetcrmekm war anloadad thte pornlng. Prkca a lower. ' Tbraa car af bananaa.. twa car af lcoeona ' ad o af Bind aaaU frnlta da daring tee Jtorntng. ,nd tb prka la a beat Sfta a boa lower Da- aiM heavy. aappilea at peppeca rraa canraraa pom re 10 IIOPLIKET re , Baa aoreae a jacal aaoaka. tic took lower. - Paacr Crawford: fjeb fraa CItftrnta . obila iooad good demand today aroood 1 a 'Good aprlcet htpmohi are ahowa fraa Th alle. Demand good tad prlea a kald ap. gome email ahlpment af canratoapa arrtnd tm aorning fraa Brawhty, Callfectila, ta kaikel aketa Two dollar waa the prtr. '. -- Cere ara plentlfal wltk oa eelllag at .a larlm af 1c. - 1 Oilrken merket remttn ia good ghapa with Iprelpt better. " ' . Tb trad pay Hi fnlmwtaf prlc to Prone treat.' Prtcea paid ablppara are . lee ragnlar aamattoaat v - wrakt, Jlwr and faed.-- ' BAGS alett, 10i10U.. WHK.T Old emh.-Tii red Raatan. T; eaMAatM ?jt valler. Tte. BARLXT Feed, $M.0O rolled. f.00M-00; irewlnc. t4.n0. hole. 4.eO iVacked. ia5.B0 par CORN W pyr Ji.(g per ewt. ' 1 V. " OATt Prodarer' pr'" Ma, 1 white, $20.00 toUO.OO: gry. M 00fl2B 00. PLOUR New Matern Oreaoa patent, 0 Van; freight. .408.M: eiport. .in; falley. M.On; graham, faa. 3.n0: whol wheat, kS.TB: rye. BOa 5 no; bale, aj.g. HUSTrrra Urea. 117.110 per teat aid tllnge, ISSjOO: hort. country, a0.00 lty, llB OOJThop. 1 001821. 80. HAT Prodaeer' price Timothy. Wlllemett .lloav-faaey U 0tl: ordinary 10. 00 J 10.00: Zmtmm Oregoa. ld.0OJlI.W: mired Io.OOi Vn.HO; rlneer.l I grata, 7.aoa8.Oi cheat, .ooci.oo. I . i Bntar, Sgg aad Peal try. BUTTER PAT P. 0. b. PortUnd--awt reem. 9"c: anar,. le. B UTTR R Ttty creamery tlHl ' aohrlda Vncy, W ordinary. lTHej atora, 12MJ ;VlflkZ.lfan fraen Oregon," cendled," I1iie. ' CHCBSB New full crea, flata, M01Hi tamt America. 14ai4H. POttTRX MUed chicken. UHOIkfl per lb) OCT hen, lie per 1 rmtrr. 10H eer R (Uga, llflllVie per lb; fryer. l41To; (relwr. lS3l7 per lb; old daeka, UVkQlke ki pr1ng ducka. lSmjlUHe lb; ree, Sijlftc i farkeya. lc? per lb dreeaed. SO Mr hi aquaba, X0O 00 per do; pigeons, $100 ' Sena. Weal aaat ildeaT" "" ROPi Contract. IPO crop, 10 par ft I 1900 Iregoa. 12iaic. " Thursday prices inu THE WHEAT MARNtl . lair .' Chleadro ..,...$ .77 MlnnaapoUa. .. 2 vl tuluth. . . ... ...T" Llrpool la 14 Kanaaa Cltr..." St. lula. .... Milwaukee .... 11 Now Tork .... Savm yraaolaa. .... Dae m bar btvUp. i ' " Spt .TTB .7I 1i .11 :. it - u H peeed444 iViAF.I JOURNAL'S DAILY " ; TIPS O.'J MARKETS Bp Erardlna' aV VaxralL d Th tig market la varp AulL 4 d 'FaopU do not aam to buy aa d d hi any gga in hot watnr aa on . d d would think tb,ay would. , Tb,ra d d ara a aood, many aaatorn agga d d har aad on' too Bound, and thla 4) d ta aJgo a factor la th rnatur, d Racelpta ar not ao vry lara,,. d d but . damand doa not mm to d take all that ax off arad. frieaa d e rang at from $1 to II oanta, d and. tha gooda ara not clanln a d ' up and prlc map docllno If ' d" reootpta ineraaao or '. kaap up.' 4 d :"W ar of th opinion, howeter, . a that In tha noar tuturo raoalpu d a wlU docraaaa. " Tha poultry markot baa baan wary, rary firm all waak for a chickaaa, turkaya, oto. Thla ta ( d d ' aapaelally trua aa to tha mattor ! d of largo apiinga and vood bang, ', s Duck ara not aalllng . vary wall. 4 ' and gaaa ara In rathar poor da-. damand at I to l oanta. Turkey d ' bana ara In good damand at If d d and 1$ eenta, and ,flna young' d 'lurkayg would aall at a -wary ' 4 d fanoy prloa $0o ta Slo. Dont d b crowd ooopa too muoh. and ba d aura' that'-thora la plenty of d wanuiauon. ' i nora naa Daaa . p d graat fatality la aoAo of tha d coopa that arrlvod In tha ' hot 4 apoll, and . thla may ba avoided . 4 ' by ualng ear In tha matter. 4) 'Country atorokaapara will do wall - to oneouraga thalr patrona to d 'ralaa mora poultry thla market 4 - neada mora thaaa daya than It ' can got. and la oonatantly grow - 4 tog. " , s,;.'- ,',v X WOOO looa clip Valley, eoaree ta aedlaa. PJci ana, ate; eaatera Oregoa. (OdlXl. , HUntiK ntw, nominal. BHKEPgKINa Shearing, ISQIOa eech; abort Jue; meoiaa woo, ouaio aacai long wool, Tftceil.OO each. TAIXOW Prim, per lb, tei Ma, S aad greece, 1U. - CMITT1M BARK lOOi toek, lHl Pr ; lofl. gas it per lb. ' , HIDES Pry, Ma. t, IS tba aad ap. tdHCJ ITHa per lb) dry ktp. Ho. 1. ta la. lb. le; dry calf. Na. 1. andar 5 lb, lie: alted iblde. tear, aeond, 00 lb nd over, lOQllcl eowe, (HOOHe; ataga and bulla, aoand. 0QTc kip, IS to 10 lb. cj calf, aoand, andar IB lb. 11c: green, aaaalted,' U least cull, lc per lb lew; horaebtdee, salted, each, $1 kefl l.TB; dry. ck, $lXI0ai4Wl colt kldea, SfitB&Oc; goat aklna. com moo. sack, lotjtlae; Angora, aaca, 4ac(S $1.04. . . (.;.-.!. Praia aad Tageiahlea. POTATO 18 N w, gl.OOejl.W par ack pra iwere' prlca for car lota. AO 1200c per cwt. ONIONS fobbing piie New Walla Wall. Il.tfai.fiO per ack; at California, red, fl.oO auTsr. lJXi aarue, aejsa per in, PRB8H rRUITS Hew epplee. tMOOXOO; rang.: Mediterranean. tlToC 60; ban. Be per lb; kemooe, choice. IT. 00 per boa; fancy. $7.00 per bos; lime. Mulcaa ll.M per 100; Ungerlnes, ; pineapple. M.TS00; Hawaiian. $8.B0 gooeeberrlce, c per lb: char Hee, t,CUH; plume, $101.60 ear crate; loganbarrlea, $l.0AI.a; canuktupee, $1TB; raapberrle. $1.0631.76; black fig. $1.60; grape. $1.3o01.6O; bUrkberrkM. $1 .fool-TB par crate; watermekone. 2(S24 par lb: aprleota, pee,-(OcVl u, TEOBTABUta Tiiralpa, new, $1.60 par eerk; aurora. $1 73 par aack; kaa,-$1.60 per aeck; paranlp. $1.60 per eerk; Oregon rerttabea, 10c per daa; eabbag. Oregon, I1.00O1XS; bU pep-g-111. P lb- tnmatoee, tl.h ea.00 par hoi; parent pa, OrC$1.00; trlng bean. Oregoa, T par lb; eaall- nowr,gt.oo per doa; -pee, eflae; I radian. aQTe par lb; arHcbakea. T2 par aaparaga. Oregon, 60 par do bancba; Walla Walla, $1.00 per boat oaah. lae; entnack, $0 par boa; green anions, Oregon. 11 per do buncbae; eacamber. aBOOOe par do; calary, otikOe per do; green corn, Ue par deal ram mer sqaaah, TScCll.OO per box I eggplant, 10c per lb . DRIED rRl'ITB Apple, eaporatod. It) 14 per lb) eprleote, 4a par lb; pcje. ia)llH per lb; aack a. per lb leea; pranee. 0 to 40,ac: Ha drop garb 1-lO.smaller aim; If. black, per lb; Callforala whit. ISIV par lb l date, goldra, Ta per lb; tarda. H.eoejl.60 per IB-lb boa. ' 8rearaa, Vana. St. STOAR Back beete Cnba. $6 80; powdered. SIS; frolt grannie red, $6.18; dry granoleted. 1.06; eoef. A. $6.06; w eater P. C. $48; awaltaa a C. $4.S; extra 0. MSB; golden C. tMi P yollew. $4,69 1 bba, 10c: H bbl. trie; ban. Sue adeaaca aa aack baa la, kea In per ewt for p,l ayamaplcl01 (Abor pricaa ' apply ale ef Ira ' tha ear lota. Car Ml at (pedal prlca (abject to flnrtnattoo.) . , HON BY MOO per erat. ' COPFEB Package braada. $1$ .tSdJld.Ta. SALT Oeree Half groaad, 100. $0.00 pet tna; 60. 6B.B0; Uble. dairy. 60a, $1100;- 100a, Ill.TB; Imported Ueorpoel. SO. $1T 00; ion. ild.pO; tUm, $10 00; extra dne. bbl, fa. Ba, 10a, a.0OS.0; bulk. IO0 lb. aa.0OJI.(Xl; each. aua, eaaaiei e.ieeeeeei leap reel ten: 60-lb rack. M.On: 100a. $8,00. RICB Imperial Japan, Na. 11 Be; Me. S4ei New Orleaaa bead, T AJax, agi Creole. Ble. " BBAlta aaTrwblt. $4.1B; large wbtra, 2. BO; pink. $S.T6 bayea, $4.7B Ida, $0.60) Mtcan red. 4V4. tiVTM Peennta. iaasbo. Re par fl Virgin, Hr per lb I roaeteo, nnH per ia; J a pa, neae, BffoUc; maeted, TOTHc per lb; cocoa nam.. 8SO00 per do; walante, 1BS18H per lb), plaeaat. ln1iH per lb; hickory na, in per lb cbeatnnt. eaetern. lBdJlOc pee lb) Breall anta I416c par lb; albert. HO 14 par lb; fancy pecan. 16ri Blmonda, ld017a. Falata. Oral 00, St. ' ROPK Pw Manila, ldc Undard, lUte; lea 1. lie. COAL OrL Pearl ar Aetral Caee IBM par gal; water white, Ira barrel I4e pa gal, weoden IT per gal; headUgbt, l?0dB, mm 1 tx. Mr mmf (JASOUNE a-deg, eaae S4H pay gaL bra bbla lie per pal. RENKINE aa-deg. eaae K peg. gal, tree bbla ISUcper gel. TURPENTINB 1 eaae BOO par gal. wodde bble per gal. WHITB LEAD Toa let, T4e per rM 600-lb at. B per lb; lea Iota.. BH per lb. , WIRE NAtlJI Preeant beela at $1PS. ' LINBEED OIL Pare raw, I B-bbl ka. Beet t-bbl let. Me; can. Me per gal; genoln kettle. boiled, eaeea, AO per gal; B-bbl lota, 64a, n,bl lot 66e par del; ground cake, car Veto, $10.00 pat to a; I than car lota. $60.00 par tan, . Meata, liak and PreTWIsn. partem UCATI Pront Btreat nM. fancy. BUCOr: ordinary, THCet peer. TcJTH pr lb; mill, igDv per is; iian. ipi nrdl nary, Tr pm1 Ibt poor. Sa lk mattes, fancy, 8CH f ,nJ b, lc. . HAM. BACON, ETC. Portland park (local) bam. 10 to 14 the. In per lb; 14 to la lbs, 16U pee lb; breakfast baeoa.- 10" per lb; picnic, lie perlb; anttag, IOV40 per Ibf regular abort clean, anemoked, 11 per lb; emoked. 11A per lb; clear back, anaawbed, ilU per lb) gmobed, ISM par lb; Dnloa batu 10 ta IB Re anemoked, ie ft Ibt aaaad, per Ibt clear bellle. anemoked. ISUe per lb; emoked, 1H per lb; haaldera. It par lb; pickled tongue. $6 00 rraarter bbl. LOCAL LARD Settle leaf. 10, lie per tb; Be, UV4e per lb: 60-lb tin. UHt par lb; team rendered. 10a, 11 par lb 6. 11H ser lb; compound. 10a, CANNED a A LMON OlamMa rlear, 1-tb tall, $1.80; 1-lb telle, 1XTR; fancy, Mb Bats. $1 Pot H-lb fancy ftaU. 1.IB; fancy 1-lb or. la, $3.T6j Aaak uUe.lnk, aJtiaOered, $lJOt aoaUnai rikH Rock 'andi Te par Ibt Boandera, Ba par tb; hall bat, Be per lb crab, $140 per doa; atrlped bee. 11H Pr lb; eetnak. Be par lb; almoa, Colaabla Hear Chinook, S per Ibt eteel kead. T par lb; blneback. I par Ibj. karrUg. Be per lb; anU. de per lb: nrlap. 10 per rh: perch. Be per lb; black end, T per lh; torn coo, Te par iei euer emeu, re per in; lobetera per lb: .freeh mackerel. Be per lb; rewftehao par do abaa. 6 par lb atmgeea, l0 tTt We-Verwtar bay. pay gal, $3.tS per eaoa. Ha CLAkl H ardebel I, par boa, g.00 clama, $104a. per bos. fAartlna; lnkaaajg 'latoa. ' New Tab, July 19. Greeting rata I Da aaad, aa.aiH 00 daya, 8ia7. Maw Tarh IkMaia, '"S ; Mew Tark. Jnly ley-Land and aoppay aa w Tark Oaak Oeffe. ' Mw Tork, tulf 1 Ceab af feat V. 1 Bio, I li-lBai Me, 4. leaks. $. Co Grsst U Coming Crcp Is Now Cins EARLY HOV MICE IS fJOT HELD - Wheat Prices Move Up a Cent a Bushel but Liquidation Sends Values Back to Start. ; ; SELLING IS CAUSE OF . " TODAY'S SMALL GAIN Jul and Sevtembtr Each Rlaa ' a V Quarter---Dacembar ' sad May an . ' Eighth Cant Up Llqiildation Sanda Oats Down. - ' 4 . ;:: SiLATITS WHEAT TALCEt. ."' Close July IB. Oloa CVaa . July IS, uoe. July ..,$ .7T Beptember.... '.78 A$ T.Jt 1 SM. DeoeoibarU . . t .SO buy .as Ohleaga, July 10. la wbeaT' ther strong opening, 'Itk pricaa pnhd ap 1 ad. ranee, followed by fre wiling en tb part of aoae af tha beet bay ere yesterday and tht forenoon, and the market had a henry toae te the cloee. Tb net gala for the day waa aaly a fractloa. Additional eaeea of black rest were reported from the eprlng wheat country today by rsUabl people. It looks Uke tb beaiimlng of tb epread ef black rest. Hlgk tempera ture and rainy eondltloa otilaliily aaiggeat trouble for tha crop. Ia earn tbara to aa absence af aouauy offer ag; light receipt and moderate local etocke. Eaitera ahlpment for tb dy ef 423.000 and a lower eetlmat f 1,400.000 bnhla for Ar gentina (applied all farered bnyr. Thar waa rather beery . oat railing again, and tb country acceptances by tha cash Inter est and tba eelltng order ta tb band Of nambar af broker looked, 11k llqaldattoa br a local trader. The Price Current claims that yield ara better than ipetd. bat tba fact amain that the oat yield will be nearly PS per cent leas than last year. urnciai gaeiauoaa ay omaa, rarr m company i - WHBAT. , ' ' ' Open. , High. ,.$ :fgu, ry.M RapC. Dee. ,, May.. B CORN yrily, . . Sept.... Dec..... Jniy....t: kept.... Dg., . , .61 :1 .18 Jary 10 IB Bept-... Jaa..... 14 .T 14 9 . LA BO. B.ST , a .06 a 48 Jnly.... npt,... a.... B.8T BOB 146 SHORT BIBB. a 4i . ass . a.48 . a is - J T.86 ' TJO Jnly....." am Bept B.41 Jan..... J,H. ixt-ebpool ssazs xarxxt. Lrrarpanl. Jaly lBwcalpricaai , , rr n r. a i . Open Close i .. Jnly IB, - Jnly IB. Jaly Bd 'g8d Sept..T. ."6 f kid s T4d Dec Be Tfcd Td CORN. Xnly d 84 , 4 BUd Bept...... 4 Td 4 TVkd Cloee Osla Jnly 18. Jaly IB. . eTAd tad Ba Td . 4a M da T4 ft SSDUST SEAiV !IOTITr3rT. Chicago, July lJr Primary receipts: .' Today Tear age . Buab. . Bnak. Wheat .....,i...,..........l, TS.ono Cora , 400,000 178.000 Bbtpaaaa) Wheat 410.000 , 400.000 Corn 660,000 184.000 Total clear nceel wnast, baebels; esra. 100,000 boebel; nata, aco I floor, 6. 000 barrtle. ' cncAso a raj cab, tors. . -Ctleae. July IJT-Grata. ear ta: ' ' ' Oar. Orad, Betr 1B0R. Wbaat 401 880 42T 08 Corn IPS ; . M SIT . Bl Oat 114 SO PT lit Wbeat ears today: Minneapolis 11T, Pnlntk U. Tear agal Minneapolis lis, Daiath 10. AGAIN TRY TO SHIP HOGS FROM EAST Nominal Arrivals Hers Will Fores Packers to Take Chance on : the Hot Weather., Portland TJnna Btaekyards. Jaly IB. Ltr- (tock raeelptai r. . - Bag. Cattle.- Bnaes. Today 7 1 .... tfm Week age 108 SIS n Montk age 60 1,000 Tear ago TS 110 Ml Considerable ftrmnee to dlepleyed by th bog market en aceonnt af tb nominal receipt. Wee ther cnadltkna ar atlll agabxt shipment, from the t, hat tba lighter arrlrala will force the paekara ta take a chance. Cattle dell andanallra. Today IB borer Official Mrsetock qaotatlon: ' . . Bog Beat eaatern Oregoa, ST.HfjT.SS; blocker and Chin fete, $0.60; stockar and fseder. $8 00t bulla $3.80. Cattle Beet eaetern Oregon steer, $S.B04 8.76: beet cow and helfere, 61. 00; etnekara and feeder. S1.T6 ball. $180. Bhesp Bkearllnga, Q4t laaba. Be. EASTERN MARKETS LOWER. Xoaa fire Off While BThssp Srcrp rire ' , So Tarn Oearka. ' Cbbag,' Jaly lBJdrestock rarelpU: Hog. Oattl.,8hp. Chicago 18.000 8.600 12.000 Ksnaas City B.Ono 4.000 lOoO Omaha .10,000 1.800 l.noo Hog are 6e lewer with 11,000 left erer. Beeetpto a year arn were 18,000. Today' price: Mixed, 88.4010 80: rmgh sd beau, MROdjaBim good, 64.J0.J8.4B; light. 84.400 C tta Strong la Ilk bigbar. Bheep to 10 fewer. . i . . ROTS AT TWaXTB OEBTS. (SJgaelal Dtopatah ta Tb Jo BaMm. or July There appear to a aa Impceeemeat la Ike bop merket. carj af the firms are saw offering IS rant a poand for tba year', bop. Bom local barer are re ported as of ferine 1 little mora tfcaa ll-eta. The hop con tr acta ef bat year 'which are bains filed la Ua eeanty recorder', affice are all 10 erata . . , BAH ysAjrciaoo tocAX srooxs. Baarrancaca, My la-OftVtal elcaat Ask. crwatra vcera Wtr...........M 60 Sort n a enll-r WT 14 Olaat Powder.... 80 Hawallaa toraaamai. ............ B7 Honoke Bagar IS Hoteblnaoa Bngaf...... 1414 M.kaerll Rngar.,.,......M. ...... $8 Onama Barer..................... 81 Pssnhse Bagar... 18T4 Akuka P.ckeee. ...... W Pacift But Telepboaa 61 - ' ' Vw Tsrb-Lsadaa BllTar,' ' - Saw Tark. Jaly laW Bar aUrar, B8ki eaa. av -!. . Oala ilr 10. .00 jooZ .00 waa a on tba Lew, ' Cloee. I .TTtt .774 .T8U . .78 A . jmi2 .BOUB .61TA .81 JIA .M .61 .81 U -40H .. A7 . M 0AT8. -, ' .17 :.U JL. ,MUB m Mi J atBM PORK. ' is to . i is - ta aa v 1T.T8, ' 1T.B0 IT 60 T . 14.60 . - 14.00 1 , atr. air Bar , B.rrs SU B.49 t B.SB B is r T.BO I Will ths Demand for Contracts for That as H.,h as Thlrtsen Cents Cffsrsd at C orris Valley Points. STOCK fJHRKEI IS UP AT CLOSE General Bullishness ' Is Fslt, In ' the Trading In New York .-Today.';' MAY ANNOUNCE CONTROL OF PACIFIC COAST LINE Directors of Amalgamated Meet and Decide Not to .Increase Dividend ' Orer Old Figure Crop, Earnings and Money Katea Continue Bullish. . KIT OAIItS. TT. B Btael. DM... Atchison- .,,..,. ioMltar .......... Uexleaa Caattal... Katy kUaaoori PaeUa.... Norfolk N. X. Central 1 Out. A Weatara... i Penney Iranla ..... People's Oas...... Preeaed Steel Oar. Reading , f Rap, Steal Bugr Brook Ira 1..... - . 1 i saiuawre Oole. mat ....... 1 Bt, Paul Canadian - ........ lcooeotlr Dearer wnrar ., rl C Ulaata Central... P. Br I llUacda Rock Island. Loulerine Southern Southern Railway. riortbara Paelflo, Pacific., . : Coal ... Union PadOc c. a. Texas a Padae... NaT LObSIUI. aiCbasapaake ....... H WsU Street, ' Kew Tork. July 10. Win bawlnjr bat k email rolurne of trade the New fork stock market acted better today. Th start wee Bra, da te aa expected good bank utemaat tomorrow, afonay rate ruled around S per sent end thla waa help.. The directors at Amalgamated . Copper,, met and decided na to Increase the dlrldend. Wkll thla action wa. anticipated by market leaders. It waa bearlah. Oa tha ether hand. It . topped tb sospan the trade has been working under (or aoae time. There to rumer that Bar. liana will today snnanane ntrol ef th Paris Coast eompany by the Union Padne. Official quotations by Orer beck. Start S Ceoke eorapaayi fTllT DB8CRJPT10M. ' ds Iflnlna Co pdi4j&31!23 AmaL Copper Co...... Atcklata, 00a. de Preferred......... Am. Car A Pound., eon, da preferred. ........ Am. Bagar, aoa. ...... An, BmelL, cam...... de pcef erred. SKI 'A 100 Baltlmare A Ohio, son. ao pranrrea Brook lrn Rapid Transit Canadian Pad lie, cam. Ckt 4k Ot, WeeC, 00 m. ChL, bill, -d) Bt. Paul.. Chi. a Nortbwaxt.. aoa dbesaoeeks A Ohio.... TH4 160 li Ooio, rael 4 Iron, eaa. una, Boatn., com... . da Sd preferred. . . ... da let preferred.... Delaware a Bndeon. 4T 8TW OTVt aw Dela., Lack, m Wkat.. 476 P. m- B. Q., com da preferred Brie, eoa da 2d preferred. ..... do 1st preferred..... minoln Central Lou la rill Naahrlll Metropolitan Btreat By Uexleaa Central By... Mlnsouri Padae , kL, kt. T., aa !i5 do preferred Kw- Tartf Osutial Onttoa Oil Aa. iMomatlTs Norfolk Wee tarn. ana. do preferred North Aaarlaka N. T., Ont. Wat.... ParasylTanla By P. ., LtO, Co. Steel Car, eoa. da preferred Padne Mall Steaav. 60. Bee ding, eoa - de Id preferred...... do Jt preferred Sea. Iron 4 Btael, eaa.. . do- preferred . m... Bock laland. ana....... do preferred Bouthera Rr., eoa do preferred Bouthera Pacific do preferred at. u a. tj 1st ptd. . at. L a a. w, aa..,. do preferred Tnsa 4 Pacific T.uuia.a. Coal A Iron. . 1 11 'I ttZ ' I. ... 1 1 ml llusmiint iiee)g w ovj aev SB Si TO14 ST 46 S8U Uk. ne TU OrVrZ 116 11T sou 1ST do preferred . union raciric, do nref erred Central Leather, ea,,,.( Uy, to prererraa.. . . . n. B. Rabbar. eoa., do preferred V. a Bteel Co., eoa do preferred, WW. A L. .. M de 9d preferred. . " do let prfrred. . Wlsooaeln Cantral. da preferred Western Union Tel. Wabesb, aoa 40 40 V. no 8444 88 101 103. 1 1THJ da prererraa Aa. woolen northern Psdfl. iwH'11 Call aoney elossd t (t 3 per cant, ' , .Hare.. - Total aale for day, 84: Northern Paetfl ax-dteldead 1 per cant. - tbttzs btatks ooTTBjrirarT sobros." VW Tork, Jaly IB.- floa.r iunnt boa da t Date. Bid. Art. Trrcvreglsterd loo 104 104U do ar4we..:?."";.I.lWloI04 104V4 Three, res la tared lpo. V1 108 do coupon 100B 108 106 Tw. small bonds .... 101 Poors, regltred 100T 108 108 A . oor toe. inaar w .u u uvn ................ . Vara, mistered l2ft 13SV4 120 do coupon. . 1U 130 ISO Dlerrlct of Colaabla.,.. . I1T .... Phillpplae as.... .... 110 .... ; soaTOS QOPTiR. msrsT. - Urmln. Jnle 10 Official enn close! ' ' . , T- - - hi. Bid. AdTntnre ....$ 6 60 "ottb Pott... $M ISO Old Dominion.. $7 00 Allan 81.80 Atlanta ..... 11.80 Can toon lal .... 80.60 Daly West.,.. 16.00 PrankUn ...... 16.80 iriniv United Cap. . trr .( 88.36 Winona .,. S.T6 WalTartne - .,..10 00 Green Copper. BO ftlUl TT. 8. M tiring .68 80- xranny iwio Mlrhlgaa 1160 oiaca ai.i..,, Cel. A Arls...J(TTO0 Seeada Ooa.... IT.lSmBostaa Coo.... 36.00 . BTW TOSK POTTOS XABJtXT. V ' New Tork. Jaly IP. Oottoa future closed a off to 1 notna an. Official coot a tlona by Orerbeek, Starr Cook aoapaayi r . Ooen. Rlgb. tow. Jaly 10. July 18. .10.M 10 M 10 (13 10 Bl 10 60 .10 68 10 M 10 M , 10 .88 10 ni .10 6$ 10 80 10.88 10 61 10.80 iaT0J0.7010.TO I0.70 ...1031 1023 10.16 ...10 38 10 81 10.11 10.16" 10 30 10JO 1068 loir 10 38 10 8) 10 66 1040 10.44 Beptamber ...10.88 10 40 10 80 October ......10 43 10 T 10.88 Neewnber ...10 48 10.4$ 10 48 booemker ....1018 10.66 10.40 10.41 10.4T tlrarpesl Oottoa Higher. Liverpool. Jaly IB Cotton forares t te S riot ap; spots 4 point np. A Kara XVoi. .. of tmublse to eontend with aprtna; from a torpid llwer and blockaded .bowels unless you) awaken them to their prop, or action with Dr. Klnfa New Life Pills; tha aad moat effactlr aura tor eonatlpatlon. They prevent appendicitis and tone , op tha ayatam. S&o at aV 0 Skldraore oompany'a drvs yanaary Pebmary March . Inly . Aaanet IIECLYEdGfiGEDTO DE HARRIED mmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmWmmmm Land Fraud Prosecutor to Wed Mrs. Rebecca McMullln Belvln..: .- CEREMONY TO OCCUR , DURING SEPTEMBER Bride-to-Be Beantifal Daagbtet' . ol Late John McMollin, a 'California - Pioneer, and Ia Pronunent in 80 f cial Cbclea. . ' . (Journal t pedal akgrrlea.) Ban ' Fraaclaoo. CaX, July Tha Dwa of tha anaaaemettt ot ' Mra. Rsbaoca HoJktulllii Beirtn and Traaota J. Heney, which they bare eonflded to a few .of. their mora intimate frlonda, cornea aa a aenulne but pleaaaat aur prlae to the Tory many friends aad ao qualntanooa they bare throughout Call fortUa, ' , Both Mra. Belrla aad lCr. Hertey ara out of town at the preeant time, aha harlaar left a week ago for WlUlama, Arl aona.. where aha will ba tha srueat of her slater, Mra. B. B. Pertin, for- a month, and' Mr. Honey being In Port land. They will return here next month, and their wedding la to ba cele brated In Beptamber. Mrs. Bel Tin waa ona of tha daughtere of the' lata Mr. and Mra. John Mo Mullln, who name to Caltfornlatn an early day from tha aouth. Ha owned a large tract of land In tha San Joaquin alley, aouth of Stockton. Thera were aeveral daughters, all Tory beautiful and eharmlna, and after Mr. MoMullln'a death their mother returned to Ken tucky with her family. The other ala tera are Betty, now Mra. Charlea Waller; Anna, now Mra. John Hays; Lllo, now Mra Edward Perrln, and Susie, who waa Mra. Thomas Williams, whose death oc curred aerertU yeara aeo- "- - Th family has born Tory prominent socially here, although of lata yeara they are been out of the city anaoh of the time. Mrs. Belvln haa Juet re turned from a trip to tha orient with Misses Ada end Alloa Sullivan. Franola I. Honey won a reputation for himself within tha peat few yeara aa proeeeutlne; attorney, and la an ex tremely brilliant lawyer. Ha la at proa ant assistant United States attorney general for the proseeutton of land frauds, and haa achieved noteworthy re sults. Ha la a popular man personally, and haa a host of friends bora. , SHOOTS WOMAN HE BELIEVES IS COUGAR (Bnaelal Plena ten ta The Joarnal.) Aberdeen, Waah., July IB. Tha aewa waa received late yesterday afternoon of thsr tragrtcat death or Mrarieouia-Xa Caaso, who waa mlrtaken by a hunter for a cougar. Mr. Le Caase, who waa tha 000k at Coats' camp, several mllea un the Wlshkah river, had . tone out blackberrylng;. Tha eamp flunkey, Fred Wren, had gone aut la search of a boo tree. Thera had bead talk at tha eamp of oougara in the vicinity and. haa ring a stir In tha bnahea and seeing; tha dtra outline of a head. Wren thought ha had found ona of them and ahot, hitting I If 1. Ta , -Cavase la tha back of tha bead, eaualnar Instant death. Coroner Campbell went at once to tha ecene, aa wall aa Sheriff Graham, who brtrog-ht Wren naiw and put titm in- tail. It la rumored that there la a mystery behind tba oocurranoe. KILLING OF LEADERS "V REOPENS OLD FEUD -(Jcaraal SpsekU Berrls.k Beaver Creek. Ky4 July 11 Dlok Rail and John Thorn berry, feud leadera. were aaaaaalnatad from ambush aa they rode along a mountain trail. They tried to return tha first volley, but the second killed both. The two men ware tha leadera ef rival famtliea which have beea In a fight for years. There baa been peace durinajtbjLJraatear, John Thornberrr married a member of tha Hall family and his followers de- lared thereby betrayed bis elan. "The kllUnff reaQltad tn both aidea equipping for strife. 1 Each wag the master of about 40 men. Entrenchment have been made in tha mountains fen Floyd and Knott countlea. COMBS IS READY FOR PEACE CONFERENCE . (Jaaraal Special Berrlc.) Washington. D. C, July H. UTrrhrtar Comba eabloa ha baa arrived at San Jrjae to ao aboard tha Marblahaad and be present at tha peace eonferanee, v aur ntASOTsoo kmmrq ncHATOs, Ban rraaetaee,' Jnly . 18. OfneUl losln -Bla- Bd Belmont S4-T8 Caah Boy .18 Ooldan Anchor.. .48 Jim Butler t.OS UacTfamara ... .08 0. Boll Prog... .18 Bttawy ...... .30 Con. CaL-Ta 68 Ophlr B.40 Mexican Tl Midway ....... 0TH Caledonia 81 xcheqner ....... .48 Oold Crown...., J8 Oraat ' Band .88 Rescue 18 Black Butt In. .08 Tramp 1-0OA Qoldea Belmont. eo Montgomery alt. .80 Sunset n Bceptre ........ .ST Manhattan ..... .Of BarlcavHnapray, .10 Dexter ......... .41 Or. nay ........ .It Oold Wedge 81 twe Bt.r ..... .0T" Ot. Bend x...' sm Montana ...... g in North Star..... .48 Ohio -J Torn. Ihrtea..... B.xo Kvrada 18.SS West End S.40 Adams .08 -Artanta ,v;.... .IT Bluebell ...... .11 Bmtb ......... .84 Colombia kit... .10 Coo. Quarry. ... .11 tMamoadlleld ... .81 Dixie ......... .OT OoMdeld .80 7nmbo . J.10" Jumbo Xx...... .18 rXendell 84A Lefnoa ........ .IT Mar Qooca .... .18 Mnciawk ...... 40 Bed Top ....... I.1B l.adetora .84A Mirer Pick..,.. .24 Bt. Ire JO Matlnnal Bank.. -80 bearer .1.484 Bcllpea 80 Oold Bag ...... 1-C0 Ot. Bend Anaea. .08 Creeceat ....... .10 OrrwboT IT Denrar Annex... .18 , Bull m Bear.. .TO . Black Butt 08 N. T. Ooaaol.. .W tittle Joe .04 Mr8ower .80 ' Bed Top Annex.'. 08 Bull PTog Mining .84 rstm op-op sxatt. (gpeclaT Dt.patck ta The loamai.) Batam. Or., July 18. While It a yet to early ta prophecy ta this yew's prune Crop. It la within bound so eay that It will be eaa of tba greateet er seen la Oregoa. Unless unforeseen ctrnm.aees arka tka prase eroa ta sef. aid it wilt be a large eaa. Tka recent pell of bat- weather ha o4 peeved tajurto to the crop, but It ba nad aoae ef the frnlt to fall coplnaaly and sooner than osual. This Is a good thing, as ths tree will be stile to glea better nourishment to the frnlt thet remains on the branrhee sad the eras and quel, ire of the fruit will be Increased thaeh. Though the prune peld k) tba vicinity ef Salem will be anoenatiy argi direr will be able to e, It a Mllerei tk.l th i kaadl the erop te good adnata. POSTUaTft SAsTat iimiinte " . fleering ., .............. 9878. 88 08 a... a aa.aiaa.a. BATOTAl OUR rrtAii'Ma with kk - u. ' Wa ear - Tarleaesla, . ;, Bydreasl. BpeclAe "' ' Large.! and kfnet BettebV Pace la tka Oty. alead Msaa. Strto- Boaeet. efddeat and aetautlne . tras taaat at eaafl ,, ture. Xldnay aad !e alsleedlng or deeepttre peaalsa Bail. Bladda aad Our aatkod ar a a data and are Indorsed by tka blgaast all OaafpllaaUd aaJ SMdleal eathorttlea of Knrop end America. Haas any aucceea Ch rente Diseases ef In tka traataent af aaa'a dkaaasa. Baa a bar. ear anaaUlty aUifOSlT. 1 V limited a Ua dieses at MAUI., and ktkUi OtLT. . BLOOD POiaOKIKO ht It primary, aaecadary aad tertiary stsgas, wklcfc eus raabas or bletcbes, every fora ef kU .djeeaae, naln, xp aaa.unt. yoaa, aura throat and pa trues oa caeeka, ' eoree en tk palro' the band aad sou of tb feet, falling eat af tea kalr. palatal .welling ue enlckly earn. trailed aad apaadUy eradicated fava Ue ayatea. . ' . Vicm recent or old. ara quickly healed br ear aclenaBe tree Unset MBB.VOOS DBBIL1TT, Impaired aaaa ry, mental rltallty, akaaaca af will powar, loat vitality. Impediment to mar riage, melancholy, lveotaataep vital kaae, weak back. ndllt tboraagkly aad paraa saatly eared. NOT A CUSJCD. sniAsr Tatrs TOU TOM BTmmTBOOT. LOST VITALITY RESTORED (According to age) II to 60 days -SPECIAL DISEASES (Recently Contracted) 10 to 14 days VARICOCELE (Without ao Operation (10 ta 60 days BLOOD POISON (NO Mercury or Potash) 30 to 90 days J KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE V"tb&r). 15 to 40 days ESTABLISHED 38 YEARS IIS PORTLAND Wa ask ao rbarg far a Mendly talk SUMtast eonaoenca. wa Dave seen escaaeaiy rreaung special a meases ox aea tor years, NoUlog sctsaca asa daea ar aeaey can buy a lacking la our afSce otrlpBent. W will as yoa bonatly,- treat yen skillfully aad rata yea to health in tka abartast Mae with tea far aywptoa klanka, ... KEEICAIAM) SDKGICA1 ooani ssooars vn tascxixi. Blood, Slain, Nervous and Special Diseases of Men JTf WE, DO NOT TREAT ALL DISEASES ; of ths ' humsn rsce, but mske . a Specislty ot trestin and curing NERVOUS DIS EASES, B L OOD v DIS EASES, SKIN DISEASES, KIDNETDIS EASE S, BLADDER DISEASES and sll affections of THE - GENITO-URI NARY OR GANS of men only. Men Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely ' - There abeolntaly no lnoonvenl anoe, loaa of time, hardahlp or ttncarv tatnty, while tha results ara direct, speedy and permanent Ww enra your alsease to etay ourad. Wa want to talk with rrarrmaa wtta am 8- fere from thoea afflletlona, due ta any causa whatever, we want to as---plain our methods of curing; dleaaaa aad all ailments of tha kid nays and bladder. Our office la equipped with everything ardapoe eaa devise-and money ean buy that wlU assist na la curing; dlaeases era treat. We arer true spec tall at a, and do not attempt to treat all (Usaaaaa, but mire aU wa treat. Our meUiods of ouxlng; are original, poaltdve, abeoluta. All Medicine Free Until Cured Should yon deatr tow may deposit the fee wttb any bank; or bustnaea h ontsg tn Portland, to be paid to ua after yon have been- twartored t health, er yeu auty pajr In monthly paymenta if you prefer. , CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE r Offloa hourw4 a. m. to p. m- Sondaya and holidays, it a. m. te IS, . Dr. W. Norton Davis c&Co. COOS BAY 4-atory hotel, rront street, Karahflald Fully equipped brewery, aaarenxieia Do wan wiah to know aomethlna will answer your Inquiries. Wa ara headquarters for real aetata, farm a, timber, dairy, eoa!. plattln landa. TTTIE GUAItJWTEE & ABSTRACT COuffiVlY v rH. SEMOSTACKEN. MANAGER. MAMHTIILD, OREOOK BsggaaaataJn Vocan S sahUlSIBal Sllll BllllBlli do at (at) wnasMTTu MaRYEL wairUea Sarav Ilka new VaraeJia-e. MJf W.a aad JrWWea. Bert Sat. at Mo. LonesnieDi, a Itflii.iM IsaasMJs Scott's Stntal-Pejsii C: ;su!:s A POSITIVE CURE ferfnflaaaatwaerOManhof tb eiasdern Diwaeea ate aer. aOOOaBBOPat. Cure iqaickly aad neraaaeatiy tha rant cases M ad aiaaa. sa aalter al aaUaJ"BoUVVriag.W 'Ho II. OS. r by aalL kaa pald, 818.1 seaea, Bt-lA Pa Bale ky Weedard. Clarke S Oa. DOUMA IS BECOMING MODERATE IN WAffTS ...t .t ............ -.-i i i i , . (Jcaraal Bpedal Berrt w ) , St. Petareburc. July IP; The eouava te baoomtnv moderate and proposed thla aft moon to Issue an appeal denytng the association ministry, but not ap pealing; fop revolution. . .. . ., PrareiTad Skoek ewas iOlaa 4k leewia A act LjaaaV Every aa rea twiwaa W i a a"" If he aanaotcarwly the V v.,J . alSsBJieil' 4 It a. tr. BKIDMOal I CO., 1T7KTBJ 8TSSR, - AMB WOO DAB P, CIAB1B OO. TI : II v v at Tr4 tvi:iv9tti F13E 012.GO Per Any TJaaaig Heated Caae BxanUnattea Pre. ' TO ASSTTIK TOTJ THAT TOW A nWAkTOIJT.LT BAPW vs. wx will givk tou a w s irrt t c- OT SMIAITlBItA OVSS OS XUVMO iVa-at sm.S TOff SAI SS . , '. - . . ... J ,- . .. " '.. ' UTAntJtuin 91 Ytilt TM VOotTtANTk . TAmiCOCftlJB naraanantly eared by SdTsncad r.ta of treataant. Dralna and kaeee that sap . th ...ey Ufa- reoa' roa-end leuiT to "oumpka ieaa of ill powr stopped at eace hp ear treetment. kUDNBT km BLADDIB OeanpUlat. Our sntentla treataant clean. aad be ate tka-kladdaa- aad Mdaeye aad aad raatoras kealtb and iiandnaai te eery part affected by Sinew la a abart time.' -- . PRITATB niSBAHEH cnrirkly en STHIOTVBB la ana af tn aaat diseases, which. If nsalscted. rl tattoo ot th prasUte aad bladder, sftan reealtlng - fatally. ' Our tre.rmeat It aulckly. palnleealy .ad wlUioat aaflntag the patient fraa bnglnssg. . . , . . , ,. . DOLLAR votpv sTmrsaLsxxoAXXT. XT Si aOS on oarreapendeace. Oobm t as ta the Isast dlssaaiart and xpne. . If you oaaaot gait, orrlu Disp8iisai7 rrmnTS, sKTieAaTs, oa. for Sftykst. SBH TbtrS M, Cog lljse, lrtsacsf, O. , BMGMRIS .flB.OOO ftStOOO about COOS BATT Write ua, We " ' C. GEE W Portland's . - widely-Knowa i . . .. and Successful Chinese) Medlclnsl,; -1 ..Root and T Herb Doctor na - ta. aarsdleaa " at whlok we Impart dlreet frea the OHeat k large aaaaUtlee aad prepare aad pot ap tor as la kl ap.kdaahatory. Wo SMreory, polwins or drags ef any klad asst. Pwialy Teg. table. The Dsetar trea uma ratty aad aearsaaes to car .11 atoaark troabka. eatarrk. . tang, threat. rkaat1a, sateoa., beaa, kidney ead Vat aenhasd. ygjLsXI novBire 4in AZX VSITAT8 . SISBABU. falsa a aaisadlng (Uteeasa es the Sfitcted. A af aad la.tlDg rare In te al- -est peaalhl tlm and at the Wwest eat Slbl tor haaeet treataaeat. , , If yea ean not all, writ fee eyaprua ktsaxt gad alraalar. tar lose d eaja ta areas. . . ooPBTiTdTion ran. . Zbs O. See W Calasea Mad'an da, 1 . i ifiet Bt., Oa. aerraea, slaaa, Cj plea SMselsa tle . CvdeWdp. - vam pxsreyv-v f - r. : s y f r4, - i ' a