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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
the orugoij dailV joueiiai; ' PORTLAND. thur:day z?rz::i::2, yjir: ix i mam is DOTTED HARD Csattle's Eccentric Twlrler Gets Knocked Far and Wide on 1 Hit" Home Field. GIANTS SCORE SIX RUNS I : . " IN FOURTH INNING ItPoctltndLby Winning, Becomes Tied! , for First. Place With the Seals VP EsslckTn Fine" Form -n4 Easily Wins fcis Came The Score. ' (RnarUI DIuatdi to Tk'e Joeraal.) ' - Seattle. July 10. The Giants became .ttad for first place honor yesterday by .virtue of their-victory over the locale and Ban Francisco's defeat at the hand , sof the Angela, , The, great and only . . Reuben Vickera assayed, to do the twirl. Ins for Ruse Hall's braree. but before the vlItore got through with hie offer- - lnea,- they had seven -rune to their ' credit, while old" Rube waa making tracks tor the clubhouse, where be aft- erwards gave out the following- state ment: --. s "I hereby rellnquleh all clalma to the title of pitcher which kind friend and r Rues Hall' had generoualy bestowed ' upon me. ' These Olanta are a lot of lobsters, and can't bit a thing unless you put it over the plate. . I alao with draw my challenge to McLean for a fin-' lsh fight. ' preferring to take chancee 1 with a man who won't fall apart after a few blow. Our team le on -the dink order, and' I- ean see no way to win i game with such herd-shelled players as Van Bursa,. Croll and, Blankenahlp. . I am going to quit the business." . . The cause of Rube's soliloquy was the terrlfla bombardment accorded him in the fourth inning by the Olanta. ;Mlke MltcheU opened up with 'a home i run, and before the inning came to a ' close six Portlanders bad registered their trilbies on the Seattle rubber. " ' , For Portland Essick pitched a careful gams, allowing but five hits. Mitchell. Mor re and McLean did the beet betting for tho Olanta. Welch, who succeeded I Vlckera, held the Olanta down to two bits. The score: . . . ' SEATTLE. ' - AajftH.po.JLB. Kane, th. S 11 8 1 Van Buren, cf., .... 4 e 1 i ' Blankenahlp, c ...... 4 0-0 14 1 Householder, rf. .v. .. 4 - 0 - 1 -1 -0 1 Croll. ss. 1 0.1 11- 4 Rtretb; to--.... 4 0 11 0 0 Mott, ib. ............. t est e Jones, it. ..j..'. o e 1 e 1 Vlckera, p. ............. 10.0 0 Welch, p. Totafl . .w... ...... 11 1 17 14 PORTLAND. - , ... , ' AB. R. R. PO. A. B. McHale, cf. ;...'.. :.'. 4' 0 I ' 00 a e Mitchell If. MeCredle. rt Rmlth, lb. - ' Moore. 2b. M : Lister, lb. ... . ESBlCk, p.: ". y f ' TotalU..v.V.....l t U 17 ;i 1 J : ' SCORE BT INNINGS. . Seattle . . ...... .0 0 1 0 0 4 0 9 0 1 Hits . .,..,....1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 Portland . .......0 0 0 ( 1 1 6 0 t Hits . ........,1.X 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 11 , . 8UMMART. " , -' Two-base hit Smith. Home run Mitchell. Double clay MoU to Blank ennip io ireiD. eimnre nit nmnn. Stolen basse Kane,- McHale. Mitchell, Essick. Struck nut By Essick, 4.-Bases on balla Off Vlckera. 1: off Welch. 1 off Kselck, 1. Hit by pitched ball Mott. Innings pitched -by Vlckera, 4 1-1; tilts, ; runs, 7. Innings pitched by Welch. 4 1-1: hits. 1: runs. 1. Left on baaes Seattle. 4; Portland, 0. Time of game Twe hours. Umpire Hodson, PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won. Lost PC : Portland . . -San Francisco Los Angeles . 60 40 41 IS 11 11 Heatue . . .....,. -Fresno,. m .aj. . ' rjoareal SpwsUl Srrrlc.) Los Angeles. July !. Toe Seals fell before- the-Angels yesterday. Score ' : R.H. B. Lost Angeles..;. .teiOOOOO 4 0 4 Ban' Francisco.. .000000001 1 'f - Batteries Burns, LeGuIn and Eser; Blmonds and -Wilson. - Umpire KnelL f r":r-: Tigers Viotorloms. Ti f Joarnal Bpeial Sti ilf .) Oakland, Cat, July 10. The Tigers gave the locals a decided beating yes terday. .. Score: " - . ' "' ' R. H.E. Oakland ........0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 T 1 Fresno 100 000 0 1 14 t 1 Batteries Woltere and Dasherood; Graham and Hackett. Umpires Periine and punleavy. .- - - . - - NORTHWEST LEAGUE. . At Bntte. ., Butte ...00001 000 11 t 1 Tacoma . .. . . . . .1 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 7 11 1 Batteries Hoon and Swindells; Phtn ney : and . Shea, Umpires Huston and Derrick. " Spekaaa, ' . ' 1 R. H. h ' Grays Harbor .T.S 1 101010 0 l it 1 Spokane ........I 041 01 14 17 10 Batteries Goodwin, Broke and Hur- ley; FrankJlnand f uesa .... ;-.;l --Bobby Kefe, who was bought by the New Tork Americans and farmed with Jimmy . Whalnn to Montreal.i is either getting a big salary or be haa had an .operation for appendicitis, and that Is an expensive luxury. Bobby, wss pitch Ing swell ball, leading his club to vlo- tory oftener than, any of the other Slahstnra. - whea his -appen1H"gaT io j? cutting up, snd he was put on the slab In the hospital. He is doing well now, end will soon be cutting up in the mid dle of the diamond again. BEST BY 23 YEARS TEST- For Seaemach snd IVoweJ troubles, Uv v end VJdneys. and all ducaeea due te Im pure blood or weak tervea Small tut (tablets) 2V.. Isrft alas. 11 ML At Drug gists' (is clack bmtrl d not ernd lor fLZ trial boa te nasseefe Native Herbs Company y iMMenuMir In rrMrlere, Cat r v M OI:iIS O SEALS ARE ... TIED FG.1 FIRST Portland's Victory Over Siwashes : and Seals' Loss to Angels Does the Trick. -The Giants .are for the first time thle year la the front ' for pennant honors, being tied with ' the frisky Seals for first place. - The. Seals are having a rather hard road to travel with the southern teams, while tho Port. landers are walking away with every game played these days. Were It not for the loss of five out of seven to Seattle two weeks ago. the Portland rJl would now be.aatslp"!ftJ.e4..1n first position. . The last eight games played with Seattle have been la favor of the Giants and Judging from the manner in which the Portlanders ere batting the chances for more victories ar vary bright. The Angels ers com ing along at a fairly good rate, being 14 points over the .600 mark, while. Port land and ' San Francisco sport e per centage of .44. .- Fresno and oexiana ere tied for tail-end honors wltn a standing "of .11. It Isn't likely that either of these clubs will be able to advance much In the race unless some thing unlooked for -nappena. ; BRIGHTON BEACH RACE TRACK SUMMARY : Iaraal Seeriel ftmhal" New Torn, July 1. Brighton Beach summary: Selling, five and one half furlongs Al Powell won. Jaunty -second, Anna Loretta Daly third: time. 1:0144. . Bteeplechasa, about two miles Hy- laas won. Pur Pepper second, Ike third; time, Mile and a- cuarter Red Friar won. Miss Rhlle second, Lancastrian third; time, l:0( -. ". .K The Venus etakee. five and one half furlongs Mentha won, Victoria B. seo ond. Yankee Oirl third; time, 1:0T Six furlongs First , Premium won, toe second,. Lady Ann third; time, 1:11 1-e. -' ' ' Mile and one sixteenth Ocean Spray won, Hera eecond, McKlttrldge third; time, 1:41 l-sV.-:: ; . : : V; f YESTERDAY'S RACING v AT4THE MEADOWS ' (Biieelal IHepatrh te Tse 'learaall Seattle July. 11 The Meadows re sults: . ; . . - , . Five and one half furlongs Katie Bell won. Dr. Rowell second, LI be rv ale third; time. 1:07 -: Five and one half furlong Seasick won, E. C. Runte second. Meringue third; time, 1:07. Five furlongs Tankee Jim won. MIl- aora second, Blanche C third; time, 1:01. Mile and one eighth Stlllcho won. Christine second, Florence Fonso htri; time,- i:ex. - Tlve furlongs Ruby won. Misty'e Pride second. The Mist third; Umel.100.. Mile and (0 . yarde The Huguenot won. Water Cure second, M. M. Bowdlsh third; Uroe, 1:41V. v . . : FOREST GROVE-MEN HOLD PIGEON SHOOT ' " (Special Pfepatea te The Jearaal.) v ' Forest Grove, Or, July 10. The For est Grove Gun club, with the assistance Cf three, traveling men, held an exciting clay pigeon shoot yesterday on the pro fessional ball grounds here. No halr splttlng records were made ln broaklng the clay birds, but the boys report a fine time. The results: - - - - v- Broke, r Shot at Robertson Fowler .. W. Ooff . e e ate e 11 ' e 60 10 eeeeeeee .. it 40 40 Stokes . Belknap Nichols H. Ooff 11 s 1( so IS AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost 10 . 10 19 PC. New Tork .40 .606 .005 .ett .661 .111 .100 .151 .111 Philadelphia Cleveland . . ...... 4 ...... .415 Chicago.. ...43 ihlcai Detroit Hi . 8U Lonia r-r . . . - Washington 17 Boston ....10 , At rhlladelphla. First game St. Louis. ................ R.H. E. ..I 11 I Philadelphia .1 4 Batteries Powell and . O'Connor; Plank and Powera Second game , St. Louis . Phlladalnhla. . . ... R.H. a tit io irv Batteries Smith, Jscobaen and Rick sy; Coombs. Bender and 8 h reck. - - ''a Washington. R.H. B. Washington . . ................ I 0 Chicago ..........100 Batteries Falkenberg Snd Hey don; Owen and Sullivan. ': :' ' : ' At Boston. -v- --7- - ... , ' . R.H. E. Boston .. .......... ...I 1. I Detroit . . 1 1-1 Batteries Dineen and Armbruster; Mulllns, Fubans and A. Hchmiat, . r : ' At Hew Tork. : R.H. E. Cleveland .'. ... i ............. .4 11 1 New York . ........(,.. s 10 I Itetteiies Bsrnhsrd and Clark: Be rn la and Buelow, arm and KJelnow. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago . New Tork . Pittsburg . . Philadelphia Cincinnati . St Louis . Brooklyn . . Boston .-. St. Louis Brooklyn Batteries Brown and Murray; Scan- rtr "trtckltanffBergen. Umpire T Emslle. -. At FirtsBurr. ' 'v' ' R.H. E. Pittsburgh ...............0 1 1 Philadelphia 110 Batteries Leaver ana J'neipe; L,sh. Roy end Donovan. , Umpires Carpenter and Klem. ' ' . - . At Ohloare. " Twelve innlnrs. , R. H. K Chicago I 4 o New York . il 1 Batterlee Lundgren. Taylor and KUng; Wilt as, me and Breenahan, At Olrioisaati. R. H W. Cincinnati.. .........I 0 1 Boston . . : 4 11 1 Hatteriea Ewlna. Fraser and fichl.l- Dnrner, Llndamin. O'Neill and Need- Umpire Em si la , ' A Toronto paper says that everything In the esatern lesgus Is upstds down. Then the Csnucks have no kick oomlnar. as It puts their team on top,- ' " Won. tioat .' P C .......... .6S 24 , .707 60 v; t .041 ...60 , 10 , .11 . . 41 40 - .604 .i.tiimll 47?.414 ,,..'. ...,,ll 61 , ,.681 10 40 ..,!,.,.. ..II ' .Ilf At St. bonis.,'.', . , - R.H. E. .. ........ ...6 T 6 i. . . . . a i . 4 WHSIIIilGTOO GETS CHUCK TRllOEd Conibear. Who Trained Chicago . 'Varsity Last Year, Win Be Assistants MEANS MUCH TO THE UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Pnget , Sound Athletes Are Pleased ' Over the SelwcUi ! New Man, a j .GreaUThlngs : Are . Expected This , Season on the Gridiron. -' ' ' (Special Dhpeteh te The Joenal.) .' 8eatU Wash., July 11. H. B. Conl- bear, trainer ef last year's championship football team- at the University of Chi cago, haa been elected asaletant phye- leal dlreotorat the University of Wash, ington, coach of track, rowing and base ball and general trainer of all athletic teams. The board of control at the State university, -the members of which aubmitted their vote on the proposition to the general manager by letter, were unanimous in their choice of Mr. Coal- bear, ae coach for the spring athletics. As a trainer he has had as extensive an experience as perhaps any other man In the businsss and nearly all the teams that have been under hie direction hare reflected honor upon him by their ex cellent competitive perlonnancea , For the peat eighty years he haa been ac tively engaged coaching and training, having served the universities of Chi cago, Illinois and Montana successively la that capacity.-.- What may be merely a coincidence, but what many Of hi admirers think the result of Mr. Con! bear's ' efficient training service, la the fact that he waa trainer both seasons that the University of Chicago won the western football championship. . In 11SI his training was a, feature of the ee eon that resulted tn Chicago's securing the football championship, and last year again when the laurel victory was placed on the beads of Chicago's eleven gladiators, be occupied the position or trainer and assistant to Coach Stag. Conlbear is not a college graduate. nor wee be ever a college man. He is Mther a professional trainer who baa spent many years In the company of college men.- - His education along the line of physical oulture waa received at the Chautauqua School pf Physical Edu cation, of which be Is a graduate, and on whose crew he rowed for four yeara, being both captain and ooaoh during that time. ' . , " ' ' - - He waa the trainer of the university of Chicago track team that went to Paris In 1100 and the rollowjng year at the State University of Illlnole he held a position similar to that to which he has been called by Washington. SPORTING GOSSIP. Nolan has declared himself on the Nslson-Qans- proposition. He flnea not draw the color Una aa against Gens, but would like to see the color, of some money. . That te the only figure color cuts In the proposition.' - . ' Umpire ' Flnneran . of the Eastern league, besides being an autoorat off the diamond, is alleged to have A mailed fist This leads us to suspect that he Is . also . equipped with overhanging brows, a steel gray eye end A s4 Jaw. Chaunoar Bishop, ooach of the ".Wil lamette football ; eleven, le visiting friends in the city today.' Jockey Benny Powell has been ruled off the turf for life by the stewards of The Meadows. Powell waa set down for 16 days for a eusphiioue rldo he put up on Ruby June 11, when Tha Judge won over over Ruby, the favorite. 1 An In vestigation followed, but no proof could be obtained as to whether or not Powell pulled Ruby, but the' boy made several conflicting statements afterwards, and the stewards decided to rule him off. .. .,- e e ' . The entries "for the Oregon -state tennle tournament are coming In with a' rush, while the number of out-of- town entrlee may not be so large this year, the number of locals who are anxious X orjMisconteetlllbegreate than ever. . . ,'"e - e : ' ' John J. Ryan is trying to get rein stated on the American Turf associa tion tracks. Ryan, who. It is eaid, still owes markers amounting to something like 11,600,-deserted Latonla Isst sum mer when Judge Trevelyaa disqualified a horse upon - which Ryan had bet a big wad. It was not the first time Ryan had suffered from tha disqualifi cation rule, and Ryan left In a huff, owing he would never look at the track again. Before he forgot to pay all his markers he was refused tha privilege of the' track. . ' .' . .... .. . ,. On her last voyage to - England the steamship Minneapolis carried 11 year lings , belonging to August ' Belmont They were consigned to Mr. Watson at Newmarket and are entered extensively In all Important English stakes of next year. EASTERN EXCURSION RATE Auras f, S, S, September S aad 10. On tha above dates tho Great North ern Railway will have oiveale tickets to Chicago, and return at rata of 171.60, 6k-Louis and return 107.60, St Paul, Minneapolis ana jjuiuin. (superior or Sioux City and return, 1(0. Tickets first-class, - good going via the Great Northern,, returlng same Or any direct route, stopovers allowed. . For tickets, sleeplngcar reservations or any addi tional information call on or address H. Dickson. C. P. T. A- 111 Third street Portland. . SPANISrTANARCHISTS - : ARE BEING EXILED CJoeraal SpeH.t Urn lm. Madrid, July 11. The king and queen of Spain went to San Sebastian to pass the summer today.- Their - route waa lined with gendarmes. Every suspected anarchist Is being exiled. A Tragic Finish. A watchman's neglect - oermltted a leak In the great North Sea dyke, which a child's finger could hsvs stopped, te iwomf a minou. pmi, aevasiating an entire province of Holland. In like manner Kenneth Mclver of Vance boro, Maine, permitted a little cold to go unnoticed until a tragic flntah waa only averted by Dr. King's Nsw Dis covery. He writes: "Three doctors gave ma up- to aie or lung Inflammation, caused by a neglected oold; but Dr. King's New Discovery saved my life." Guaranteed beat cough and cold cure, at S. O. Bkldmore 'company's drug store, 60o aad 11.00. Trial bottle free. RIVER EXCURSION TO ASTCHIA SUNDAY, - ' ' ' ' i BOAT TOW wrmm UWSUSaTFOUT sQvxrra - 4 omASMzva rzAstru tnuurr. Leaves Alder Street Dock, Port- ' land ........I a. nv Arrive at Astoria at......l..,..l p. m. Leave Astoria for home at...,. I p. m Arrive in Portland at. ........ .1. p. m. Msyrpei' -A delightful Sunday trip a charming ride on the greatest rlveT'of; western America the best steamboat on the Faclflo coast Polite atten tion to everyone. . '"-" ' ;7:; See the City by the Sea at Little G.ost Say k Butternut . - To Your Grocer -v And get good bread. , Those) who srs tired of ordinary bskefs' bresd will appredste tho ' kind we bake. We have studied the bread question thoroughly, and are satisfied that the ptoduct of the B otter-Not Bread Cos . bakery Is as near perfection as It's possible to make it A loaf will show you the dif ference. The bread's unusually good flavor will linger inf your memory, and you will , ' undoubtedly specify it again when ordering. . Remember that Cher are imitations ofy Butter-Nut Breadthat's because it's so , mruA an A tn tia aura ttt rmt thm s'eriulna article buy none without this label printed Y., . , " In blue : .', .- r-' ' -.v." , ; ry .VVr'-'- BUfJKOHOnESTEAD UllID SEEKERS imooth Game Is Worked - by Swindlers on Psopls Wishing NProperty on Coast. GOVERNMENT MAKES IT ': IMPOSSIBLE TO OBTAIN Because of Nature of Country Claims Cannot Be Cleared, Relinquishment - Follows . aad Another .Victim Is " forked by Sharks.' - (Special Dtopatek te- The lenreal.) Albany. Or, July ll."-Llnn oounty people, who have held homesteads In the Sllets and along the coast have, with tew exceptions, lost their olalms through a contest the conteetant alleging nonres Idence and failure to comply with the law as to lmprovementa, . Thle la true, not only of - those In Linn, but-ot eil wh- luw mm entries. The Umber belt of the Biiets and adjacent coaar-points ie among tha beat and most valuable In the state. Since It Is not obtainable nor eubjeot to entry under any other method than the homestead act hundreds have tiled and settled on these lands, hoping to be able to make final proof and eventually gain a patent v . ' These entrymen have complied with the law after a fashion, it being Impos sible to clear the land on account of its rugged character and the heavy timber standing thereon, on this account being absolutely unfit for homestead pur posee. Tha dpaxtnwnr"TeIWStftlsv- It being almost Impossible to survey and Investigate this land without coming to this conclusion. They approved tha survey, posted, notices In all the land Offices and other places subjsot to the public scrutiny . showing that they stood ready to accept filings on the lands contained tn the approved survsy, accepted the finings and filing fee, and now stand ready to cancel practically all the ontrles msde In those sections. It has been ascertained that certain Individuals, unscrupulous In their deal ings, are agitating these contests. They Induce parties to contest theee entries, then approach, the contestee with a view of obtaining a relinquishment, and as an Inducsment offer a cash considera tion. This generally eucceeds, and armed with this rellnquishmsnt -thsy sesk some unsuspecting inamaau, ex plain to him the ease with which he can obtain title to valuable timber landa, and of course locate mm tnereon. .... : The new ntryman, no more than the old, can make and complete residence thereon and perfect his right to said claim under ' "existing conditions, ho being Just as liable te face a contest aa tha Darty relinquishing to Mm. It baa been ascertained that out of 000 en tries made on lands In that section not a -dozen will go te peianvan aitara in grave danger of being cenceiea. Tnue the land-mad Individuals are being swindled and deceived by locators and those dealing in government ianas subject to entry. It Is those who can ill afford the lose that are made the vic tims of these operators, , basbbau pumi An root aaavaiMi Louis J. Kruger. ox-chsmplon long-dis tance foot raoer o( Germany and Hol land, writes, Oct t7. 1001: "During my training of eight weeks' foot races at Salt. Lake City. In April la at, I ueed Ballard's SnowXInlmsnt te my greatest eatlefactlon. Therefore, I highly recommend Snow Liniment to all who are troubled with enralna, bruises or rheumatism. 15c, too end 11.00. Bold by woooara. uaraa ce. c 3. JULY 22 ' vr ' .... DAM LLIL. Tew sVanob -Te4fcTMK-''.;. FORSAKES LAW TO . HERD WIS Seattle Society Wan art d Mem - ..ber of Bar Peddles Dalry v'' i ''''V;1 Products.' 1 iV- X,'-;,; DETERMINED HE WILL , LIVE THE SIMPLE LIFE fiTHoltorrjsjhes NwRises at Three o'Clock in tha Morning and Has as His Aim In Ufa the Dispensing of ' Pure MOk, Special rXeeetab Tee orwtl.f Seattle, Waah., July 1. Renouncing the allurements of the" - fashionable society of Seattle and forsaking the life of hie profession, ths law. B. Holton James, nephew of Henry Jamas, the eminent novelist and aclon of one of the oldest and richest families In this country, has chosen to Uve the simple """"uw ana . nispmiser , or milk. Mr. James, clad In yellow khaki over alls, llue flannel shirt and " gray cap, with -his pants tucked away in a pair of logger's boots, stumped his way into the Butler . hotel . at noon today and ordered lunoh. Me was greeted by a number of frlenda, and to these Mr. James exclaimed that he had quit city life for good and would henceforth de vote his time and energy to producing the purest milk obtainable, and especially uesiguva jot weaa oaoies ana infants. For more than a month past James, wno is a memoer or one of the fashion able society sets of . this city, haa been employed , on -FaulhamusV dairy ranch nsar Sumnar, as a simple cowhsrdsr. His tasks have compelled him to arise at o'clock every morning with the Swiss ana aerman milking hands.' ' :' .. Chautauqua Trains. ; curing tne Chautauqua see son at Gladstone Park the Southern Paclflo will operate special trains between Pi land and Gladstoni Park as folio . Lieave rortiana in the forenoon at 7:46, 1:40. 1:10, 11:10; in the eftsrnoon and evening at l!:z6, 1:16, 1:10, 1:10. 4:16. 4:16, 6:14, 0:16, 7:16. 1:66 and 1:40. . Leave Gladstone Park In the fori noon at 0:40, 1:10, 1:61, 10:10; In the arternoon ana evening 11:11, i.-ji, i:ii l.K. 4:11. 6:10. 6:44, 7:11, 7:61, 1:11, s:ei, ivtoi ana i:ie. Purchase round trip tickets at East Washington street office of the South ern Paclflo company, where trains con nect with streetcars for all parte of the' city. Trains do not arrive at or depart XTom union uepot. MOTHER TO SURPRISE DAUGHTER AT SCHOOL (Bperlel Dtopetrfe te The lesraelt Forest Grove, Or., July It. -.Mrs. X C. Walker of thle place has prepared to give her daughter Leva, who Is instruc tor, in botany at -Nebraska university, Lincoln, a very unique surprise. Miss Walker could not come home thle year on account of summer school and her mother Is on tho way-east now, but Leva knows nothing about it- Letters are being mailed here dally from Mrs. Walker, while the daughter la Lincoln, Nebraska. Is reading them. A later from the mother aad the mother herself will arrive at the same time, . CASHIER CLURE IS : - NOT AN EMBEZZLER (Special Mepeteli le Tt leoreaLl kane. Wash., July II. The c of embesslement of 13D0 from the de. funot State Bank of Washington against 40. avciure, former cashier of the beak. mmi m -a III ' it W s u X-V IIIS, V Ill I I I". I . -e- i- I . ..Mil ' I I I - 1 Sllll - r I ST W SK ..... Bill I IB) . I I 1 ' I I JL : - or-v-w ' " ' H : -. I I : I it? r. 1(111 Jlli ' ' ' ' m- mv: U : ; V SCARCELY more than one third of : the money of the United 'Sutes is : . deposited in banks. ' Where is that enormous two thirds? Are you one of the many who are riskdno; their accumula- , tions by hiding your savings in tin cans, old ' stockings or burying them in; the ground, while the Merchants Investment & Trust Company will not only care for them but pay you Interest wmile doing ! so? ths-r),-: .-.u--.-, '.. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits, current rates - on savings ac-. counts, take deposits subject to check and do a general .banking business. ; - ' .Those living anywhere in the nortli-7 west can have the advantages of a strong banking institution at their very doors by using the mails.; : ;':;VVvv ;., , .. .-y-:-;V-.. e We act as trustee iri, the transfer, hold- lng and care of estates: in the issue of municipal or corporate bonds j purchase and sell substantial bond issues; , lend V" money,' 'etc ' . ;-1 j ' .. . ; ;; ' l: ; ' Call or write for our free- pamphlet -setting forth the sebpe of our operations. . : Merchants i Investment C& Trust Company- sir Washington STREET Capital S150.0b0.00 'r -; -7 J. FRANK WATSON. .lesldentTT yV, H. FEAR .(, , . .... Secretary " ' R. L. DURHAM. . ,.;Vice-President J ; ' " S. C. (CATCHINQS..M;..Asst. Sec ; - ':-: J., i .... 4- 4rferT ifAfis!,,llreaJ I --i raj must jampomf IwO A27vvh. St Portland On&l VTV-j 'CAPITu STOCK l5Q,CrOOrPv5yT The BREAKERS HOTEt AMERICAN PLAN. 11.. inn iw'hwm'i..H,..i J.;'!y'J'';..,w'twwy'ai''j'wp.'." 1. mip. iiiijii i Y - ? ; ?i v -$. - - . -' ; ;. r 'V'.- UAsnro snsoa or Bleeuie Llfht, Steam, Rot sad Oetd Selt Water la Svery Tub. Boy Tickets to Breakers, Paclfle Ceaaty, Waah. PoetoCSee Addreea, Breakers, Wash. Cloud Cap Inn Oregon's famous' mountain, resort at . snow line on Mount Hood Away from tha heat of the city. " -The most ' delightful resting place in" tho northwesC' Full.' Information ' at ; tho ;': .'' ','' . ' o. r. n. ";,.:,(' TICKET OFFICE, Third & Washington SU. SEASIDE HOUSE SEASIDE. OREGON T. S. Baeerrr, Vaaater. sVwalda, 'Or. " Dnder new awaaaeiiMat. renndelea aad aewlv farelahed, elaeuie llchta. ttmk aad ealt water batblas. boatlna. fleblns. ttk milk end era. a from oar own dairy. Irrmk e(etb)s (nna ear tin aardee. BatMl 12.00 te 08 M per Oaf. Special raue y tae weea or nwatb. Free baa. PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS to. SA1AX OKAJmSLAn, leag Beaea, Wa. Good Meals ; Home Cooking baa been dismissed on motion of tha prosecaUng attorney and the complain, ing witness. " " ' " . Ths warrant was asked for the arrest Of Clure on the charge of embesale ment, but on further Investigation' It was found that Clure had acted aa he Aid after discussing the matter with aa laOmO aTOBTXWBST, HOTEL MOORE Oatsop Ccadu Sc&stit, Crejca cxrrp xovsa op obboost." birectly on -the beaoh, overlooking the ocean. Hot salt baths - and surf bath ing. "Recreation pier for fishing.-.. Sun parlors, eleotrlc lights, fireplace and lurniwi iihi. f 1110 mui urtTes, Bea xooas a specialty. . . . . Rstes $2.50 cad S3.C8 Per Dsy SnOZAJa MATUm Mm TH Will, ! PAN J. MOORB. Proprietor.' Hotel Eaton cos. Komaisea xxo wxit yAax its. .NEW',';. 'Headfesiely faralehed, elegeatty eetilpeed, flrsfiraot, Sve mlnatae' walk freai beeri e( bopflns aad boalatee eistrtet, ell larre. Irj, entalde roons, vt.ate bcatea, eleetrle llehla, t.lpboDe la eah apartoMtit, ate. lire efftrre, loomrln. anoklns. wrftlns. UdlM reeaptlne aarlors. Beeaia raeatveO br eiatl er t.lbone. ...... Private esialbme Meets tralas aad slaisisis. Hoomt $I.OO to $S.OO a Day gaeelal Batee te Oowmerelal . ktee, . MaS. MAS IAT0B-, . . (renerly ef Hetel ridpets. Spekaaaf " i - - - -) attorney. He misinterpreted the advice and' after discovering his mistake turned tne money, ores te we receiver. aad 11.00. TV' V